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Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi

A Seminar Report



Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree

Bachelor of Engineering
Submitted by

Under the guidance of
Assistant professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Maharaja Institute of Technology- Mysore

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT-Mysore Page 1

Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions


(Affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)

It is Certified that the Seminar entitled “WEAR RATE ANALYSIS OF
CONDITONS” is a bonafied work carried out by CHANDAN R,
4MH14ME021, in partial fulfillment of requirements for the award of Bachelor
of Engineering degree in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING by
during the academic year of 2017-2018. It is certified that all corrections and
suggestions indicated for the internal assessment have been incorporated in the
report deposited in the department library. This seminar report has been
approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of seminar work
prescribed for the set degree.

_______________________ _______________________

Signature of the Guide Signature of H.o.D

Prof. Abhilash M Dr. Mohammed Khaisar
Assistant Professor Professor and H.o.D

Signature of:
Examiner 1: …………………………………

Examiner 2: …………………………………

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT-Mysore Page 2

Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions


I express my deep gratitude to almighty, the supreme guide, for

bestowing his blessings upon me in my entire endeavor.

I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude to Dr. Mohammed Khaisar

Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering, Prof. Abhilash M Assistant
Professor of Mechanical Engineering who guided me throught the seminar. His
overall direction and guidance has been responsible for the successful
completion of the seminar.

Finally I would like to thank all the faculty members of the Department of
Mechanical Engineering and my friends for their constant support and


Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT-Mysore Page 3

Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions


I am CHANDAN R of 8th Semester Mechanical Engineering, Maharaja

Institute of Technology-Mysore hereby declare that the being presented in the
record of the work that has been carried out at the above mentioned institution
under the guidance of Prof. Abhilash M, Assistant Professor, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Maharaja Institute of Technology-Mysore.
The work contained in this seminar report has not been submitted in part
or full to any other university or institution or professional body for the award
of any degree or fellowship.

Date: 16/03/2018 Name with Signature

Place: Mysuru

Chandan R

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT-Mysore Page 4

Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions


Friction and wear always occur at machine parts which run together. This
affects the efficiency of machines negatively. Hydrodynamic journal bearings
are widely used in industry because of their simplicity, efficiency and low cost.
Wear due to relative motion between component surfaces is one of the primary
modes of failure for many engineered systems. Unfortunately, it is difficult to
accurately predict component life due to wear as reported wear rates generally
exhibit large scatter. An attempt has been made to study the influence of wear
parameters like load, speed, type of lubricant used, temperature, and viscosity of
lubricant. The main objective of the study is to evaluate the wear rate of
different journal bearing materials (brass and white metal) under similar
conditions. The materials are tested in dry and wet lubrication under similar
operating conditions. For this purpose we use Pin-on-disc apparatus. It was
found that the wear rate of both materials is more in dry conditions compared to
lubricated conditions (when tested under similar working conditions). We also
found that wear rate of white metal is more as compared to brass and higher
frictional force is observed in case of brass material.

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Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions


Sl. No CONTENTS Page no

1 Introduction
2 Objectives
3 Experimental Setup
4 Results and discussion
5 Conclusion
6 References


Variables in friction and wear testing load, velocity, contact area, surface
finish, sliding distance, environment, material of counter face, type of lubricant,

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Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions

hardness of counter face and temperature. Usually, wear is undesirable, because

it makes necessary frequent inspection and replacements of parts and also it will
lead to deterioration of accuracy of machine parts. It can induce vibrations,
fatigue, and consequently failure of parts [1]. Tribology is the art of applying
operational analysis to problems of great economic significance, namely,
reliability, maintenance, and wear of technical equipments, ranging from
spacecraft to household appliances. Surface interactions in a tribological
interface are highly complex, and their understanding requires knowledge of
various disciplines including physics, chemistry, applied mathematics, solid
mechanics, fluid
mechanics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, materials science, rheology,
lubrication, machine design, performance and reliability [2]. Tribology is
crucial to modern machinery which uses sliding and rolling surfaces. Examples
of productive friction are brakes, clutches, driving wheels on trains and
automobiles, bolts and nuts. Examples of productive wear are writing with a
pencil, machining, polishing and shaving. Examples of unproductive friction
and wear are internal combustion and aircraft engines, gears, cams, bearings and

In hydrodynamic lubrication, the load supporting high pressure fluid-film

is created due to shape and relative motion between the two surfaces. The
moving surface pulls the lubricant into a wedge shaped zone, at a
velocity sufficiently high to create the high pressure film necessary to separate
the two surface against the load [3].

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Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions

Fig 1: Hydrodynamic journal bearing

Figure shows the principle of working of hydrodynamic journal bearing.
Initially when the journal is at rest, it makes contact with the bearing at its
lowest point A, due to load „W‟. When the journal starts rotating in
anticlockwise direction, it will climb the bearing surface and contact is made at
point B. As the speed of the journal is further increased, the lubricant is pulled
into the wedge-shaped region and forces the journal to the other side. The
converging wedge-shaped film between points C and D supports the journal.
Thus in hydrodynamic bearings, it is not necessary to supply the lubricant under
pressure [4]. The only requirement is to ensure sufficient and continuous supply
of the lubricant.
Wenyi Yan et al [5] has explored that, A computational approach is
proposed to predict the sliding wear caused by a loaded spherical pin contacting
a rotating disc, a condition typical of the so-called pin-on-disc test widely used
in tribological studies. The proposed framework relies on the understanding
that, when the pin contacts and slides on the disc, a predominantly plane strain
region exists at the centre of the disc wear track. The wear rate in this plane
strain region can therefore be determined from a two dimensional idealization

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Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions

of the contact problem, reducing the need for computationally expensive three
dimensional contact analyses.
S. Das et al [6] deals with the micropolar lubrication theory to the
problem of the steady-state characteristics of hydrodynamic journal bearings
considering two types of misalignment, e.g. axial (vertical displacement) and
twisting (horizontal displacement). With the help of the steady-state film
pressures, the steady-state performance characteristics in terms of load-carrying
capacity, misalignment moment and friction parameter of a journal bearing are
obtained at various values of eccentricity ratio, degree of misalignment and
micropolar fluid characteristic parameters viz. coupling number and non-
dimensional characteristic length.
Klaus Friedrich et al [7] have observed during the wear test that , if the
particle sizes of the filler material used in PTFE are diminishing down to Nano-
scale, significant improvements of the wear resistance of polymers were
achieved at very low Nano-filler content (1–3 vol.%). A combinative effect of
nanoparticles with short carbon fibers exhibited a clear improvement of the
wear resistance of both thermosetting and thermoplastic composites. In
addition, this concept allowed the use of these materials under more extreme
wear conditions, i.e., higher normal pressures and higher sliding velocities.
H. Unal et al [8] has studied and explored the influence of test speed and
load values on the friction and wear behavior of pure Polytetrafluoroethylene
(PTFE), glass fiber reinforced (GFR) and bronze and carbon (C) filled PTFE
polymers. Friction and wear experiments were run under ambient conditions in
a pin-on-disc arrangement. Tests were carried out at sliding speed of 0.32 m/s,
0.64 m/s, 0.96 m/s and 1.28 m/s and under a nominal load of 5 N, 10 N, 20 N
and 30 N. From this study the have observed that, PTFE + 17% GFR exhibited
best wear performance and is a very good tribo-material between materials used
in this study.

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Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions

According to J. D. Bressana et al [9] the disc wear was more severe as

difference in hardness between pin and disc is increased. It can be observed that
decrease in pin hardness yields to lower pin wear resistance distance the trends
of pin wear rate curves with sliding distance is approximately constant and
linear. However, the final stage, some pins are presented the tendency to
decrease the wear rate. This is due to the decrease in real contact pressure with
increase in the pin contact area and/or increase in hardness of disc track.
Kim Thomsen et al [10] gives a numerical simulation presented for the
thermo-hydrodynamic selflubrication aspect analysis of porous circular journal
bearing of finite length with sealed ends. The results showed that the
temperature influence on the journal bearings performance is important in some
operating cases, and that a progressive reduction in the pressure distribution, in
the load capacity and attitude angle is a consequence of the increasing
Priyanka Tiwari and Veerendra Kumar [11] presents a survey of
important papers pertaining to analysis of various types of methods, equations
and theories used for the determination of load carrying capacity, minimum oil
film thickness, friction loss, and temperature distribution of hydrodynamic
journal bearing. Predictions of these parameters are the very important aspects
in the design of hydrodynamic journal bearings. The present study mainly
focuses on various types of factors which tremendously affect the performance
of hydrodynamic journal bearing.
Emiliano Mucchi et al [12] proposes an experimental methodology for
the analysis of the lubrication regime and wear that occur between vanes and
pressure ring in variable displacement vane pumps. The knowledge of the
lubrication regime is essential for the improvement of the performance of high
pressure vane pumps by reducing wear, increasing the volumetric efficiency and
decreasing maintenance costs. Tests using pressure rings of different materials

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Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions

were carried out in order to identify the best material in terms of wear and
Vijay Kumar Dwivedi et al [13] describes a theoretical study concerning
static performance of four pocket rectangular recess hybrid journal bearing.
Effect of recess length and width variation, number of recess variation on the
load bearing capacity and oil flow parameter for rectangular recess has been
carried out.


The nature and consequence of interactions that takes place at interface control
its friction, wear, and lubrication behavior. During these interactions, forces are
transmitted, mechanical energy is converted, physical and chemical natures
including surface topography of interacting materials are altered.
 To find out the behavior of the material from wear and friction point of
view and the effect of the various sliding speeds and loads.
 To study the phenomenon of failure of transfer film by making use of pin
on disc apparatus.

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Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions


In this paper, the hydrodynamic journal bearing materials brass and white
metal which are widely used in industry are taken. These materials are
investigated in order to find the possible consequences of wear and friction
under two conditions, i.e. dry and lubricated condition. The diameter and the
length of the pins are 10 mm and 30 mm respectively. The wear rate will be
relatively small in most of the machinery and engineering tool. For measuring
wear, we are using some apparatus and instruments which give results about the
wear rate in the tools
and machinery. Lubrication are subjected to avoid the excessive wear and
friction when there is metal to metal contact present during the relative motion
of moving parts in some engineering applications. In designing the wear and
friction are the most important factors. Using pin-on-disc tribometer (TR-20LE)
readings will be taken.

Fig 2: Pin-On-Disc machine

Specifications of the test rig are given in Table 1.

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Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions

Table 1: Specifications of pin-on-disk Tribometer (TR-20LE)

Pin size 3 to 12 mm diameter
Length of pin 30 mm
Disc size 165 mm diameter x 8 mm thick
Wear track diameter(mean) 50 mm to 100mm
Pitch circle diameter 155 mm
Disc rotation speed 100 – 2000 rpm
Normal load 0 – 200 N
Friction force output 0 – 200N digitally recorded
Wear measurement range 0 – 4 microns
Surface roughness 0.02 microns
Material of disc EN8
Hardness of disc material 58 – 62 HRC
Pin material brass, white metal, copper
Lubrication used 20W40(HP)

Brass and white metal are taken for this research work. Numbers of
Readings are recorded for the two given conditions. One is dry condition in
which no lubricant is used and second is lubricated condition in which a
lubricant is used for the given two materials. The materials are tested under two
set of speeds one is 800 RPM and other is 1200 RPM. Time span for each set up
was different for the two materials and for the two conditions. In this study,
frictional force and wear rate of bearing material samples are determined by
wearing on Pin on disc wear test rig.


The tests have been done on two different materials and its values are
given in Tables. With the help of software and arrangement made in the wear
equipment made by Win Ducom. It is possible to record readings at different
time spans and for the twoHours test duration 25 readings were recorded for the
rate of wear and frictional force.

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Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions

Different materials which are tested on the machine are given below

(1) Material: BRASS

(a) Condition: Lubricated
(i) Speed: 800 RPM

Testing conditions are given in the table

Table2: testing condition for brass material under lubricated condition

Speed 800rpm
Linear velocity 2.512 m/sec
Load 1.606 kN
Wear track radius 0.03 m
Pin diameter 10 mm
Testing hours 2 hours
Lubricant used 20W40(HP)

Observations for brass material under lubricated condition

Sr.No Displacement Frictional force Time
(μm) (N) (min)
1 -4 1 0
5 -4 1.2 20
10 -1 1.4 45
15 0 1.8 70
20 1 1.9 95
25 8 2.3 120

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Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions

The test result for wear rate for brass material is shown in fig 3

Fig 3: Wear vs Time of Brass 1 (Lubricated)

(ii) Speed: 1200 RPM

Testing conditions are given in the table
Table3: testing condition for brass material under lubricated condition
Speed 1200rpm
Linear velocity 2.512 m/sec
Load 2.606 kN
Wear track radius 0.02 m
Pin diameter 10 mm
Testing hours 2 hours
Lubricant used 20W40(HP)

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Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions

Observations for brass material under lubricated condition

Sr.No Displacement Frictional force Time
(μm) (N) (min)
1 -3 1.8 0
5 -4 2.2 20
10 0 2.4 45
15 -1 2.3 70
20 2 3.3 95
25 7 3.1 120

The test result for wear rate for brass material is shown in fig 4

Fig 4: Wear vs Time of Brass 2 (Lubricated)

(b)Condition: Non-Lubricated
(i) Speed: 800 RPM
Testing conditions are given in the table

Table 4: testing condition for brass material under non lubricated condition

Speed 800rpm

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Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions

Linear velocity 2.512 m/sec

Load 1.606 kN
Wear track radius 0.03 m
Pin diameter 10 mm
Testing hours 30 minutes

Observations for brass material under non-lubricated condition

Sr.No Displacement Frictional force Time
(μm) (N) (min)
1 0 2.8 0
5 0 3.8 8
9 0 4.4 16
12 0 4.6 22
16 2 5 30

The test result for wear rate for brass material is shown in fig 5

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Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions

Fig 5: Wear vs Time of Brass 1 (Non-Lubricated)

(ii) Speed: 1200 RPM

Testing conditions are given in the table

Table 5: testing condition for brass material under non lubricated condition
Speed 1200rpm
Linear velocity 2.512 m/sec
Load 2.606 kN
Wear track radius 0.02 m
Pin diameter 10 mm
Testing hours 30 minutes

Observations for brass material under lubricated condition

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Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions

Sr.No Displacement Frictional force Time

(μm) (N) (min)
1 0 1.6 0
5 0 1.8 8
9 0 1.8 16
12 0 2.0 22
16 1 2.2 30

The test result for wear rate for brass material is shown in fig 6

Fig 6: Wear vs Time of Brass 2 (Non-Lubricated)

(II) Material: White Metal

(a)Condition: Lubricated
(i) Speed: 400 RPM
Testing conditions are given in the table
Table 6: testing condition for white metal material under lubricated condition
Speed 400rpm
Linear velocity 2.512 m/sec
Load 2.606 kN
Wear track radius 0.06 m

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Pin diameter 10 mm
Testing hours 1 hours 30 minutes
Lubricant used 20W40(HP)

Observations for white metal material under lubricated condition

Sr.No Displacement Frictional force Time
(μm) (N) (min)
1 -3 1.4 0
5 -3 1.5 20
10 -1 1.6 40
15 0 2.2 65
20 1 2.3 80
25 3 2.3 90

The test result for wear rate for white metal material is shown in fig 7

Fig 7: Wear vs Time of White metal 1 (Lubricated)

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Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions

(ii) Speed: 686 RPM

Testing conditions are given in the table
Table 7: testing condition for white metal material under lubricated condition
Speed 686rpm
Linear velocity 2.512 m/sec
Load 1.606 kN
Wear track radius 0.035 m
Pin diameter 10 mm
Testing hours 1 hours 30 minutes
Lubricant used 20W40(HP)

Observations for brass material under lubricated condition

Sr.No Displacement Frictional force Time
(μm) (N) (min)
1 -4 1 0
2 -4 1.2 20
3 -1 0.8 40
4 0 0.4 60
5 1 0.2 90

The test result for wear rate for brass material is shown in fig 8

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Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions

Fig 8: Wear vs Time of White metal 2 (Lubricated)

(b)Condition: Non-Lubricated
(i) Speed: 400 RPM

Testing conditions are given in the table

Table 8: testing condition for white metal material under non lubricated
Speed 400rpm
Linear velocity 2.512 m/sec
Load 2.606 kN
Wear track radius 0.06 m
Pin diameter 10 mm
Testing hours 30 minutes

Observations for white metal material under non-lubricated condition

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Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions

Sr.No Displacement Frictional force Time

(μm) (N) (min)
1 0 1.8 0
5 0 2.4 8
9 0 2.5 16
13 0 2.7 24
16 2 2.8 30

The test result for wear rate for brass material is shown in fig 9

Fig 9: Wear vs Time of White metal 1 (Non-Lubricated)

(ii) Speed: 686 RPM

Testing conditions are given in the table

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Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions

Table 9: testing condition for white metal material under non lubricated
Speed 686rpm
Linear velocity 2.512 m/sec
Load 1.606 kN
Wear track radius 0.035 m
Pin diameter 10 mm
Testing hours 30 minutes

Observations for white metal material under non-lubricated condition

Sr.No Displacement Frictional force Time
(μm) (N) (min)
1 0 0.7 0
5 0 0.9 8
9 0 1.0 16
13 1 1.4 24
16 2 1.8 30

The test result for wear rate for brass material is shown in fig 10

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Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions

Fig 10: Wear vs Time of White metal 2 (Non-Lubricated)

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Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions


In this paper we study the wear rate of brass and white metal in two
different lubrication conditions i.e. lubrication and non-lubrication condition. In
this we found that in lubrication condition brass material have shown no wear
for first 80 minutes and after that some wear rate is found. In the white metal
material when tested in lubrication condition, it is found that abrasive wear
takes place between pin and disc and frictional force decreases between them.
Wear rate of both materials is more in dry conditions compared to lubricated
conditions (when tested under similar working conditions).Wear rate of white
metal is more as compared to
brass and higher frictional force is observed in case of brass.

The future scope is given below:

 A theoretical model should be developed for predicting minimum oil film
thickness in a dynamic system with radial clearance as a time variant.
Such a model would be helpful in developing an expert system for
condition monitoring of machines operating in dusty environments.
 A wider variety of antiwear additives should be tested to characterize for
the benefit of industrial users.
 The bearing operating parameters such as „K‟ ratios, bearing clearances,
temperature rise, types of contaminants and their concentration need to be
varied and their effect on bearing wear and tribological performance be
studied in more detail.
 A study of reduction in friction due to antiwear additives need to be
pursued, with regards to energy saving in dusty applications

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Wear Rate Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing In Different Conditions


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[10] S. Boubendir, S. Larbi, R. Bennacer; Numerical study of the thermo-

hydrodynamic lubrication phenomena in porous journal bearings;
Tribology International, Volume 44, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 1-8
[11] Priyanka Tiwari and Veerendra Kumar, Analysis of Hydrodynamic
Journal Bearing: A Review, International Journal of Engineering Research
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