Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic On Consumer Behaviour: Mukt Shabd Journal ISSN NO: 2347-3150

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Mukt Shabd Journal ISSN NO : 2347-3150


Bharat Patil1*, Nerita Patil2
Matoshri Bayabai Shripatrao Kadam, Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Kadegaon, Sangli, (MS), India
Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College and Hospital, Sangli, (MS), India
The study attempted to understand the effect of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-
19) on the consumers buying behaviour. In India at early stage of novel coronavirus disease
cases was more reported by international travellers. Domestic travellers by air, train and bus
caused to increase the positive test of patients of COVID-19 in India. Indian market seriously
affected by novel coronavirus disease. Consumer behaviour has suddenly changed in
lockdown situation. At early stage, consumers were not more serious about the situation
created by COVID-19. Government of India has taken preventative measures and news
media uplift the issue of awareness. At that time people are hesitated and confused and taking
care. When nationwide lockdown was declared the public went to the market to purchase the
essential goods. Sellers were black-marketing of essential goods, drugs, face masks, hand
gloves and sanitizers. After declaration of lockdown consumers experienced fear and felt
unsecured. The news from television channels and multimedia drastically effected to change
behaviour of people. Consumers predicted the shortage of essential goods and they rushed in
the market for purchase. Online marketing companies suspended their services to protect and
care the life of consumers and their staff during lockdown. In that period consumers were not
more conscious about specific brands of goods.
Key Words: Pandemic, COVID-19 disease, Social Distancing, Consumer behaviour
1. Introduction
Globalisation creates opportunities and threats in international business. World
economic growth depends on the level of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation. Apart
from this economic growth depends on optimum utilisation of natural resources, funds
invested, manpower, technology used in production and consumption level of peoples. Global
peace and cooperative approach of the different countries results to enhance international
trade. World Health Organisation officially declared COVID-19 to be a pandemic on 11th
March, 2020. A pandemic is a disease situation that has person-to-person spread over
different countries. It creates fear among the people. When first lockdown was declared rush
in market was suddenly increased. The stocks of essential goods in shops were remarkable at
lowest level. Face masks and sanitizers were out of stock in various medical shops during
early stage of lockdown. It resulted to black marketing of essential and medical goods. A

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Mukt Shabd Journal ISSN NO : 2347-3150

fight against coronavirus is started by government and public. It’s essential for everyone to
act as a soldier in the war against the disease. Minimum distance of one meter between two
persons must be required to maintain in breaking the chain of COVID-19. The role of
common man is to break the chain of spread of disease is important. Consumers are required
to obey the orders issued by the government to control of disease. Care taking instructions
against COVID-19 given by medical team which are essential and required to followed by all
consumers. During lockdown period, IPC section 144 was applied in some area to maintain
the discipline and control the crowd. More enthusiastic people are wandering on the roads
and police force is taking actions against such people. When lockdown was declared
consumers entered in the market to purchase and stock the essential goods. Novel coronavirus
has a global reference so every country has required aggressive action against it. Meat and
chicken market collapsed in India due to rumours. Legal action was required for such persons
who communicate fake information. COVID-19 disease affects buying approach of the
consumers and market situation.
2. Review of Literature
Kaveh Peighambari et al.1 (2016) they analysed 12 years of scholarly research on
consumer behaviour published in the five leading international journals in this field. The
results presented in this article suggest many implications for the consumer behaviour
research community, researchers, journal editors, and reviewers, as well as for the
practitioners. In this regard, this article not only serves to evaluate the structure and evolution
of the literature in consumer behaviour field but also presents some assumptions about further
developments in this literature.
T.Narayana Rao and K.Ratnamadhuri2 (2018) both concluded that small differences
exist in the income level that implies the different groups prefer or opinion differs on
consumer buying behaviour. It created a curiosity to find out which group really differing on
the opinions. Every person plays multiple roles in their daily life, professional role or social
role. Each of these roles has a certain effect on consumers buying behaviour. Each role has a
particular status in society and consumer behaviour is considerably depended on the status
factor. If marketers understand the factors that mainly influence in buying decision the sales
can be increased a lot.
Ankur Kumar Rastogi (2010)3 pointed that online shopping is having very bright
future in India. Perception towards online shopping is getting better in India. With the use of
internet, consumers can shop anywhere, anything and anytime with easy and safe payment
options. Consumers can do comparison shopping between products, as well as, online stores.

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Mukt Shabd Journal ISSN NO : 2347-3150

Manu Nanda et al. (2019)4 they revealed that apart from ‘income’, ‘friends’, ‘variety
of models/range’, ‘ease of returns’, ‘delivery services’, ‘shelf display factors’ and ‘in-store
advertisements’ were also found to be significant influential in changing the perspectives of
consumers’ in purchasing computer peripherals from brick & mortar stores. In a scenario
where product price, brand and specifications match, or are nearly the same, the Indian
consumers prefer to choose the product according to their income and affordability
Lia van der Hoek et al.5 (2004) they present a detailed description of a new human
coronavirus. Thus far, only three human coronaviruses have been characterized if they
include SARS-CoV; further characterization of HCoV-NL63 as the fourth member will
provide important insight into the variation among human coronaviruses.
Chaolin Huang (2020) et al.6 they observed that in 2 January, 2020, 41 admitted
hospital patients had been identified as having laboratory-confirmed 2019-nCoV (COVID-
19) infection. Most of the infected patients were men; less than half had underlying diseases,
including diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. Median age was 49·0 years. 27
of 41 patients had been exposed to Wuhan seafood market. All 41 patients had pneumonia
with abnormal findings on chest CT. Complication’s included acute respiratory distress
syndrome, acute cardiac injury and secondary infection.
3. Methodology
For understanding the consumer buying behaviour under COVID-19 disease the paper
writers used an explanatory research design. The present study is based on the behaviour of
the consumers in pandemic situation.
3.1 Sample Design
For the selection of sample, researchers used an empirical investigation conducted
through the Google Form by asking dichotomous questions to the selected samples. Non-
probability convenience sampling technique was used for the present study. The researchers
had selected 33 respondents for the present study.
3.2 Objectives of the Study
1. To understand the factors that are affecting consumer buying behaviour in pandemic
situation arisen due to COVID-19.
2. To identify the challenges faced by the consumers due to COVID -19.
3. To find the preventative measures taken by consumer at the time of purchasing of
essential goods when India declared lockdown for 21 days.

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Mukt Shabd Journal ISSN NO : 2347-3150

4. To suggest the remedial measures required to be taken in the market to fight against
COVID -19.
5. To analyze the influence of COVID-19 on the life style of the consumers in lockdown
3.3 Hypothesis of the study
H0 = Pandemic situation arises due to COVID-19 and major factors influenced consumers
behaviour during lockdown period is dependent.
H1 = Pandemic situation arises due to COVID-19 and major factors influenced consumers
behaviour during lockdown period is not dependent.
3.4 Research Design
3.4.1 Scope of the Study
The paper writers were focused on the consumer buying behaviour affected by
coronavirus (Covid-19). In this study attempt was made to understand the various factors that
effects on the buying behaviour of the consumer. Present study is only related to the
pandemic situation arisen due to COVID-19 and how the buying behaviour of the consumer
was changed. Mostly the research was carried in the period of situation of voluntary public
curfew on 22nd March, 2020, nationwide 21 days’ lockdown declared from 25th March 2020
to 15th April, 2020, second lockdown period (2.0) from 15th April, 2020 to 3rd May, 2020,
third extended period (3.0) from 4th April, 2020 to 17th April 2020 and further extension of
lockdown from 18th May 2020 to 31st May 2020.
Limitations of the Study
i. The study was limited to the lockdown phases 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 declared in India due to
COVID-19 disease.
ii. Extensive literature relationship on COVID-19 and consumer buying behaviour was not
available for in-depth reviews.
iii. Due to nationwide lockdown the paper writers are unable to visit the consumers
personally so they used telephonic communication to the respondents.
iv. The study concerned only COVID-19 disease and consumer buying behaviour in
lockdown period. If other aspects like market situation, demand and supply of goods,
transportation of goods, legal aspects of lockdown, socio economic impact of disease
could have been considered, the study would have had more comprehensive results.
v. The time is an important constraint and there may be a chance for sample error.

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Mukt Shabd Journal ISSN NO : 2347-3150

3.4.2 Source of Data

To observe the consumer buying behaviour in the period of nationwide lockdown due
to COVID-19 disease the following sources of data collection were used. Primary Data
The following techniques were used to collect primary data.
i. Discussions
A discussion was made with respondents on mobile devices to understand their buying
behavior and they were asked to fill up the questionnaire prepared in Google Form.
ii. Observation
Personal observation was carried out by the paper writers to understand the behavioural
approach of the consumers. Secondary Data
Secondary data was collected through the following sources which are most useful to
secondary data.
i. Government publications.
ii. Published reports and survey concerned to COVID-19 and buying behaviour of
iii. Published sources collected from research papers, periodicals and newspapers.
iv. Web sites related to COVID-19 and buying behaviour of consumers.
3.4.4 Expected contribution of the study
i. The study will reveal how to manage the consumer behaviour in pandemic situation
arisen due to COVID-19.
ii. The study will help for the policy formulation at the time of pandemic, epidemic and
4. Results and Discussion
On 25th March, 2020, lockdown for 21 days was declared by the Central government
and suddenly changes occurred in the consumer behaviour. After declaration of first
lockdown all shops of essential commodities were crowded with consumers. It becoming
difficult for the shopkeeper to manage huge crowed who came to purchase essential goods.
Rumours are widely spreading through the social media. Consumers were in confused state of
mind due to shortage of goods in the market. Population was highly susceptible. Consumers
were refocused for the application of preventative measures. Government arranged more
attention to fight against COVID-19. Instructions were given to the consumers to obey the
rules and regulations while entering for purchase of essential goods. Items such as face

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Mukt Shabd Journal ISSN NO : 2347-3150

masks, sanitizers and medicines were seen the large jump. In lockdown period financial, non-
financial, psychological, social & cultural and some other factors were affected on the
consumer buying behaviour. Financial items include family income, future earnings, credit
facility, saving attitude of the consumers and government policies to control the prices of
goods and services. Non-financial items include consumerism culture, family culture, and
profession, surroundings such as rural-urban, fashions, technology development,
advertisement and physical structure of the consumer. Psychological factors related to
motivation to buy, perception, learning and beliefs and attitude. Social and cultural factors
include culture, social class and reference groups of consumers. Apart from this other factors
which influence consumer behaviour included economic development of the country,
revolution in communication and transportation devices, import policy and development of
consumer movement in the country. Supply chain management was disrupted due to
nationwide lockdown. Central and State governments had taken appropriate decision at the
right time to lockdown which was essential to fight against COVID-19 and protection of
health of the public. Lockdown decision assists to restrict to spread of COVID-19 in the
country. Researchers had used appropriate statistical techniques for data analysis and
interpretation. The respondents were classified on the basis of factors influencing buying
behavior during lockdown period.
Table No. 1
Change in Buying Behaviour
Response No of respondents Percentage
Yes 28 84.80
No 05 15.20
Total 33 100
Source: Primary data
According to the discussion and observation of the respondents 84.80 percent
respondents were admitted due to their buying behaviour changed during the lockdown
period. During research it found that consumer buying behaviour was suddenly changed due
to countrywide lockdown.

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Mukt Shabd Journal ISSN NO : 2347-3150

Table No. 2
Unsecured and Fear
Response No of respondents Percentage
Yes 16 48.50
No 17 51.50
Total 33 100
Source: Primary data
The figures in the above table showed the percentage of respondents according to
unsecure and fear about the COVID-19 disease. 48.50 percent respondents had opined that
there is great impact of COVID-19 on buying behaviour. Therefore, it is concluded that there
is great impact of unsecure and fear about the COVID-19 disease.
Table No. 3
Effect of Lockdown
Response No of respondents Percentage
Yes 30 90.90
No 03 09.10
Total 33 100
Source: Primary data
The figures in the above table showed the effect of the lockdown on respondents.
90.90 percent the respondents agreed about the effects of lockdown due to COVID-19.
Respondents faced the financial, non-financial, psychological, social and cultural factures
that adversely influence on the buying behaviour of the respondents.
Table No. 4
Effect of COVID-19 News on Consumer Behaviour
Response No of respondents Percentage
Yes 24 72.70
No 09 27.30
Total 33 100
Source: Primary data
The above table number 4 showed the classification of the respondents according to
effects of new broadcasted data by channels. Out of 33 respondents 24 (72.70%) admitted the
influence of news on mind. 09 Respondents said that the news channels do not affect the

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Mukt Shabd Journal ISSN NO : 2347-3150

Table No. 5
Shortage of Essential Goods
Response No of respondents Percentage
Yes 22 67.67
No 11 33.33
Total 33 100
Source: Primary data
During the research it is found that 67.67 percent respondents took care to purchase
essential goods at the time of declaration of nationwide lockdown due to in future there may
be shortage of essential goods. 33.33 percent respondents were confident that there will be no
shortage of essential goods during lockdown period.
Table No. 6
Rush to Purchase of Goods within 24 Hours of Lockdown Declared
Response No of respondents Percentage
Yes 06 18.20
No 27 81.80
Total 33 100
Source: Primary data
According to the discussion and observation of the respondents, 18.20 percent rushed
to the market to purchase the essential goods within 24 hours of lockdown declared. 81.80
percent respondents did not rush to purchase of goods within 24 hours of lockdown.
Table No. 7
Online Marketing
Response No of respondents Percentage
Yes 09 27.30
No 24 73.70
Total 33 100
Source: Primary data
It reveals that almost all the respondents were not purchased online. The main basic
reason is that major online marketing companies suspended their service during lockdown
period for taking care of life of consumers and their staff. Restrictions on online marketing
companies in 2.0 lockdown and 3.0 periods were relaxed.

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Mukt Shabd Journal ISSN NO : 2347-3150

Table No. 8
Beliefs and attitude towards Brands
Response No of respondents Percentage
Yes 05 15.20
No 28 84.80
Total 33 100
Source: Primary data
It is concluded from the above table that only 05 (15.20%) respondents adhere to
purchase of branded essential goods and remaining 28 (84.80%) respondents accepted
alternative brands. It showed that during lockdown period beliefs and attitude of the
consumers were not strong. Consumers were easily accepting alternative brand of goods due
to shortage of reputed branded goods. In phase 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 of lockdown period
restrictions on transportation of non-essential goods hampered seriously on the trade of
branded goods in India.

Hypothesis testing
H0 = Pandemic situation arises due to COVID-19 and major factors influenced consumers
behaviour during lockdown period is dependent.

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Mukt Shabd Journal ISSN NO : 2347-3150

In the study, the researchers had used the chi square test for testing the hypothesis.
They used the 0.05 level of significant for testing of hypothesis. It means there is 5% risk of
rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true. In this study if the calculated ‘p ‘value is greater
than the level of significant (0.05) we accept the null hypothesis (P value > 0.05). While
testing the hypothesis researchers found that “p” value arrived 79.18 which is greater than
chi-square distribution table value which is 14.07.
 Calculated X2 = 79.18 > table X2 =14.07
 The Pandemic situation arises due to COVID-19 and major factors influenced consumers
behaviour during lockdown period is dependent so null hypothesis is accepted.
5. Findings, Suggestions and Conclusions
5.1 Findings
1. From the present research it was observed that social distancing is one of the
safeguard against the COVID-19. It helps to break the chain of spread of disease.
2. Researchers had found that during nationwide lockdown period, Flipkart, Amazon
and other online company’s temporary postponed services for keeping and
maintaining social distancing.
3. During the research it was found that in lockdown period consumer behaviour was
highly susceptible.
4. From the research it was found that sale of grocery items is gone up in the lockdown
period due to additional provisions of kitchen stock.
5. From the study it was found that different factors were affecting on the consumers
buying behaviour in lockdown situation.
6. It was also found that government has attempted to build wider communication
bridges to create awareness among the consumers.
5.2 Suggestions
1. From the researcher’s point of view, it is suggested that there should be promote
online transaction habits among the consumers to avoid the effect of COVID-19
2. From the research study it is suggested that appropriate measures should be taken by
the consumers while taking grocery items, vegetables, milk, medicine and LPG gas
cylinder. More alert about consuming services of banks, post offices and

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Mukt Shabd Journal ISSN NO : 2347-3150

3. Researchers give suggestions based on findings for improvement of market situation

due to COVID-19. To taking aggressive steps by the administration against black-
marketing, adulteration of food stuff, sale of forbidden goods, charging extra prices of
goods and fabrication of weights and measures for protection of rights of the
4. It is high time to give an attention towards proper diet taken by the consumers to
enhance the level of immunity power to maintain physical and mental health.
5. There should be required strong financial and food security schemes to the
unorganised employees in different sectors for safeguard poor consumers.
6. Government and public should take care of homeless people and beggars and provide
them shelter and food during nationwide lockdown.
7. In the COVID-19 disease situation every person should respect the doctors,
paramedical staff, police and sellers of essential goods. Act as an aware citizen and
develop the cooperative attitude by the consumers.
8. Consumers should not rely on rumours which creates hesitation in the market.
9. It is strongly recommended that consumers required keeping social distancing while
entering for purchase of goods in the market.
3.5 Conclusions
It is concluded that there were not taken enough precautions by the consumers in the
market. At the early stage of lockdown period, consumers were not keeping social distancing
in the market. When government impose restrictions on the movement of people and strictly
implementation of lockdown there after consumers were taking precautions in the market. It
is concluded that maintaining of law and order by the administration and police resulted to
develop the discipline among the consumers. 96.66 percent respondents were admitted that
their buying behaviour effected by lockdown. 28 respondents out of 30 agree with unrest and
fear of pandemic situation. All respondents suffered the effects of lockdown. 23 (76.67%)
respondents admitted the influence of news related to pandemic. The perception of 40% of
respondents was concern to shortage of essential goods. Only 30 percent respondents rushed
to purchase of essential goods within 24 hours of lockdown declared. All respondents were
not purchased online due to not accepting new orders by online companies. 93.33%
respondents accepted alternative brands during lockdown. From the study it is concluded that
the tendency of the consumers to store more essential goods during lockdown period is

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Mukt Shabd Journal ISSN NO : 2347-3150

1. Kaveh Peighambari (2016), “Consumer Behaviour Research: A Synthesis of the
Recent Literature”, Sage Publication, pp 1-9
2. T.Narayana Rao and K.Ratnamadhuri (2018), “Digital Marketing Communication and
Consumer Buying Decision Process: An Empirical Study in the Indian Passenger Bike
Market”, International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, Volume 8,
Issue XII, pp 3092-3107
3. Ankur Kumar Rastogi (2010), “A Study of Indian Online Consumers & their Buying
Behaviour’’, International Research Journal, Vol I, Issue 10, pp 80-82
4. Manu Nanda et al. (2019) “Consumer Buying Behaviour in Computer Peripherals Brick
& Mortar Stores in India”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering,
Volume-7, Issue-6S3, pp 1531-1542
5. Lia van der Hoek et al. (2004) “Identification of a novel human coronavirus”, Nature
Medicine, Vol. 10, Number 4, pp 368-373
6. Chaolin Huang (2020) et al. (2020) “Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel
coronavirus in Wuhan, China” Lancet, Published Online, pp 497–506,

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