Regional Standard For Canned Foul Medames: CODEX STAN 258-R - 2007 Page 1 of 3
Regional Standard For Canned Foul Medames: CODEX STAN 258-R - 2007 Page 1 of 3
Regional Standard For Canned Foul Medames: CODEX STAN 258-R - 2007 Page 1 of 3
This Standard applies to Canned Foul Medames as defined in Section 2 below and offered for direct
(a) prepared through several steps (soaking, heat treatment, canning …etc.) which make the dry pulses
of Vicia faba soft and easily crushed (squashable), with or without the addition of one or more of the
optional ingredients mentioned in Section 3.2;
(c) processed by heat in an appropriate manner, before or after being hermetically sealed in a container
so as to prevent spoilage.
2.1.1 Squashable
The state of dry pulses of Vicia faba cooked by heat to become ripe with the skin of some pulses, crack open
and part of the pulps melt in the liquid.
3.2.3 Tomato sauce, garlic and spices in a maximum limit of 2% single and of 4% when mixed.
3.2.4 Tehena
Section on Methods of Analysis would be considered by the Commission after their endorsement by the Committee on
Methods of Analysis and Sampling.
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3.3.1 All the ingredients, including food additives, shall comply with their own standards, and be safe for
human consumption.
3.3.2 The product shall be free from abnormal flavour, odour, colour and have the characteristics typical
of the final product.
3.3.3 Product shall be free from insects and any foreign matter.
The following requirements apply to the product when prepared ready- for consumption in accordance with
the instructions for use.
3.4.1 Drained weight shall be not less than 65% of the net weight, without the added optional ingredients.
3.4.2 Drained weight shall be not less than 67% of the net weight, with the added optional ingredients.
3.4.3 The product shall not contain any preservative (Subclause 4.2 excluded) or colouring substance.
3.4.4 Foul pulses shall match in colour, size and appearance. The texture of the product shall be
distinguishable and tender.
Only those food additives listed below may be used and only within the limits specified.
The product covered by this Standard shall comply with the maximum limits for contaminants and the
maximum residues limits for pesticides established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission.
6.1 It is recommended that the products covered by the provisions of this standard be prepared and
handled in accordance with the appropriate Sections of the Recommended International Code of Practice -
General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969), Recommended International Code of Hygienic
Practice for Low-Acid and Acidified Low-Acid Canned Foods (CAC/RCP 23-1979) and other relevant
Codex texts such as Codes of Hygienic Practice and Codes of Practice.
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6.2 The products should comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance with the
Principles for the Establishment and Application of Microbiological Criteria for Foods (CAC/GL 21-1997).
7.1 The product shall be packed in containers, which will safeguard the hygienic, nutritional and
technological quality of the end product.
7.2 The product shall be stored in a well-ventilated store, protected against direct heat, moisture and
7.3 The used metal container shall be coated with food grade lacquer, suitable for the product, with no
mechanical defect and rust free.
7.4 The end product container shall have no swelling, the inner pressure shall be less than atmospheric
pressure at 20° C.
The container shall be well filled with the product and the product shall occupy not less than 90% of the
water capacity. The water capacity of the container is the volume of distilled water at 20oC which the sealed
container will hold when completely filled.
The product shall be labelled in accordance with the Codex General Standard for the Labelling of
Prepackaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1-1985):
To be finalized