Office of Industrial Affairs At the Office of Industrial Affairs, we work together with our colleagues throughout
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) to support its overall mission: To
Cancer Center achieve the progressive control and cure of cancer through programs of patient care,
research, and education.
Mailing Address:
Office of Industrial Affairs As an academic technology transfer office, MSKCC’s Office of Industrial Affairs is com-
MSKCC mitted to promoting the application of the results of scientific research for the common
1275 York Avenue good. While striving to fulfill this paramount responsibility, the members of the Office of
New York, NY 10021 Industrial Affairs also work to achieve other important objectives, including: To support
the Institution’s efforts to recruit, reward, and retain faculty interested in seeing their
Street Address: technologies further developed; to provide opportunities for the exchange of informa-
Office of Industrial Affairs tion and materials with industry; to promote economic development; and to generate
460 East 63rd Street an income stream for reinvestment into research and teaching.
New York, NY 10065
Andrew Maslow, Esq. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center’s world-renowned researchers have produced
Director important new technologies in the fields of therapeutics, prognostics/diagnostics, medi-
T 212.639.6181 cal devices, research tools, and vaccines.
With a strong commitment to translational research, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer
Don’t miss our posters on “Com- Center and its Office of Industrial Affairs have been involved with the development of
mercialization of the Breast Q and eight FDA-approved drugs and, most recently, the first and only USDA-approved thera-
Face Q” and “Adjuvance Technologies: peutic canine vaccine for the treatment of cancer. These are unparalleled achievements
Breakthrough Adjuvant Design and for an institution of our size.
Our team of six licensing professionals, two contract managers, and other support staff
negotiate and supervise all licensing arrangements as well as other agreements relating
to consulting, materials transfer, and industrial sponsored research.
Working closely with life sciences corporations, venture capitalists, and angel investors,
OIA also serves as a resource for MSKCC researchers interested in exploring entrepre-
neurial opportunities relating to their technological developments.