National Center For Scientific Research: Demokritos
National Center For Scientific Research: Demokritos
National Center For Scientific Research: Demokritos
Organizational Structure
NCSR Demokritos consists of five (5) Research Institutes:
Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications
Institute of Biosciences & Applications
Institute of Nuclear & Radiological Sciences & Technology, Energy & Safety
Institute of Advanced Materials, Physicochemical Processes, Nanotechnology and Microsystems
Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics
Thematic Areas
the Directors of each of the five Institutes and two elected employee representatives.
The administration of the Center is carried out by the departments of:
Finance and Administration
Technological Applications and Research Support
Special Account for research support, financed by third parties.
Human Resources
The Centers personnel is composed of 700+ researchers, research support professionals and scientific associates. The Center is distinguished for
supporting a visionary and dynamic research community that is currently reorientating its efforts with emphasis on innovation exploitation, the fostering
of new businesses, and synergetic cooperation with the private sector.
Innovation Exploitation
and Entrepreneurship
The NCSR Demokritos has over 20 years of experience in international scientific collaborations with active participation in research
projects and network coordination activities funded by national authorities and the European Union.
High quality scientific services and development of innovative technologies are provided by the numerous Scientific and Technological
Laboratories of the Center.
Entrepreneurial initiatives and the creation of spin-offs for the exploitation of in-house developed know-how dates back to 1991 and the
establishment of the first National Science & Technology Park.
Today Lefkippos hosts more than 25 technology-intensive companies and spin-offs in the areas of biotechnology, biomedicine, nanotechnology, materials, microelectronics, informatics and telecommunications.
The Institute of Advanced Materials, Physicochemical Processes, Nanotechnology and Microsystems (IAMPPNM) was established in February 2012 with the merging of three NCSR Demokritos Institutes.
These were the Institute of Materials Science, the Institute of Physical
Chemistry, and the Institute of Microelectronics. For 25 years these
three institutes have produced ground-breaking research and applications. The merger created the largest research institute in Greece
spearheading research on Energy and the Environment, Magnetism,
Micro/Nanoelectronics and Spintronics Applications, Biomaterials
and Biosensors, and Functional Ceramics for Building Materials and
molecules, Photoredox conversion and storage of solar energy, Functional Materials for Energy and Environmental applications, Catalysis and Photocatalytic processes, Photoluminescence, Statistical Mechanics and Nonlinear Dynamics, Transport Phenomena in Polymers,
Membranes and Microporous materials for Separation, Molecular
Thermodynamics and Materials Modelling, and Electronic Spectroscopy.
The laboratory infrastructure sector was significantly upgraded recently with the installation of an 100keV electron beam lithography system
with writable dimensional nanostructures <10nm, currently the only
one of its kind in Greece.
Biotechnological research is related to green development solutions for pest control of financially important crops, the development of high
throughput methods for pharmaceutical lead compound identification, the
effect of varying conditions in optimal plant development, and the use of
Aspergillus nidulans and Bombyx mori as model organisms for studying
basic cell functions.
IB-A service providing laboratories: 1) Human Tissue Laboratory
founded by Greek legislature as the only specialized laboratory in Greece
which can expertly process various human tissues and mainly bone allografts for distribution to the market, i.e. hospitals and doctors. 2) Animal
Colony Laboratory breeding specialized strains of small animals as models
of various diseases; recently the collaborative development of a transgenic
animal model of Alzheimer disease has been achieved. 3) Confocal Microscopy Laboratory. For the study of cellular, biochemical and molecular
phenomena and mechanisms on cells and tissues using confocal microscopy imaging techniques. 4) Circular Dichroism Laboratory (CD) focusing
on conformational changes and interaction of biomolecules.
The Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications (IIT) conducts research in the areas of telecommunications, networking, technologies for
the World Wide Web (Web) and Intelligent Information Systems, aiming
at excellence in these areas, for the
benefit of the society and the development of the knowledge economy.
The Institute pursues both long-term
basic research as well as applied research by implementing well defined R&D projects. At the same time, it plays an
active role in training new research personnel providing scholarships at graduate and post-doctoral level and their employment in research projects. Particular emphasis is given to the exploitation of research results and its dissemination
to the public.
The activities and know-how of IIT are focused mainly in the following areas:
Telecommunications & Networking
Technologies for modern telecommunications networks, including aspects
relevant to Future Internet, Internet of Things and Green Networks
Performance evaluation, resource management and QoS aspects
Networks for the distribution of multimedia content and QoE considerations
Management of heterogeneous networks, efficient spectrum usage, mobility and handover management
Wireless links, propagation models, smart antennas and antenna-human
body interactions
Location-based systems and services
Intelligent Information Systems
Knowledge extraction, fusion and management from multiple modalities
(text, sound, image and video)
Document recognition
Social network and social Web analysis
Event recognition in multiple data streams
Cognitive systems for natural and personalized human-machine interaction
Applications of intelligent information systems to bioinformatics, health, culture, energy management, e-government, safe use of the internet
To succeed in its mission the Institute collaborates internationally with industry,
commercial companies, as well as Research Institutes and Universities. It participates in international standardization efforts and disseminates its research
results through publications in international scientific journals and conferences, as well as takes part in workshops, public initiatives and popular activities.
It also coordinates or participates in numerous collaborative research projects
and exploits its research results by filing patents and forming spin-off companies or pursuing cooperation with technological companies.
tors, and with the X-Ray Fluorescence lab for Cultural Heritage, Environment, Material studies, Biosciences and Industry.
Instrumentation technology and Applications.
Development of Micromegas gaseous detectors for the measurement of
X-ray energy/position and charged particle tracking. CdTe and silicon
pixel sensors for use in particle physics experiments but also in radiation
detection setups with applications in home security and medical imaging. Instrumentation for Food Quality/Safety Control. INPP is the base
of the Liaison office of Greek Industry and CERN.
Educational activities.
Postgraduate studies leading to masters degree in Physics and PhD in
Experimental, Theoretical Nuclear and Particle Physics in collaboration
with Universities in Greece and abroad. Practical training and diploma
thesis projects for University students. Novel educational methodologies
are also developed and outreach activities pursued.
GR 153 10 Agia Paraskevi, Athens
P.O. BOX 60228
Tel: +30 210 650 3000