National Center For Scientific Research: Demokritos

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Our mission is to further enhance Research
Excellence and to promote Technology and Innovation

he National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos

(NCSR Demokritos) is Greeces largest multidisciplinary research center, with critical mass in expertise and
infrastructure in the fields of Nanotechnology, Energy &
Environment, Biosciences, Particle and Nuclear Science,
Informatics and Telecommunications.

NCSR Demokritos is the first Research Center in the country with

proven excellence, according to assessments by international evaluation committees, peer-reviewed publications, citations, external
funding etc. The current financial crisis requires urgent measures
for developing catalysts of growth and development. Aiming to
this, Research Centers can and have to contribute to the effort of
reinforcing national economy through innovative scientific and technological research and by following an effective plan for translating
scientific excellence into internationally competitive technology and
innovative high-added value products. In this context, Demokritos
proposes an integrated plan for the establishment of a Technopolis, namely the Metropolitan Innovation Campus aiming at the costeffective commercialization of the highly-accredited research results
produced at Demokritos. The major asset for achieving this challenging task is the availability of highly competitive researchers of
Demokritos and other research Centers that in last fifteen years,
have achieved significant funding from European competitive programs three times the European average.
The major goals of the Metropolitan Innovation Campus at
Demokritos are: (a) to further enhance scientific excellence, and
(b) to propel breakthrough technologies from the lab to the market.
In this direction, NCSR Demokritos has integrated nine Institutes
into five internationally competitive Poles of Excellence in the research areas of: Nanotechnology, Energy & Environment, Biosciences, Particle and Nuclear Science and Technology and ICT. These
Poles of Excellence have a critical mass of scientific personnel and
infrastructure, while their objectives are in line with the National Strategic Research Priorities and in accordance with the smart specialization policy. The next step, within the line of aggregating the available
competitive resources, is to expand the aforementioned Poles of excellence via effective networking and joint R&D activities with Universities and other Research Institutions in Greece, thereby aiming
at the reinforcement of synergies and the reduction of overlapping
among similar or complementary research groups in Greece. The
reduction of overlapping is a crucial issue since, due to the lack of
national funding, most of the funding is obtained from the European
projects in which Greek research groups are currently competing
with each other for securing funding from the same European call. In
a second step the integration of the National Poles of Excellence with
corresponding European poles of Excellence. In addition, great emphasis is given to establishing an effective cooperation network with
labs of distinguished Greek scientists abroad, with several actions
including joint research and education programs, including joint
PhD programs (two-year at Demokritos and twoyear at the col-

laborating University, e.g. University of Texas at Arlington etc.). Our

aim is to establish Demokritos as a hub of the Greek scientists
of Diaspora with the organization of exchange programs, lectures
and other annual activities, such as the Hellenic Forum for Science,
Technology and Innovation.
Regarding the second objective of commercializing breakthrough
technologies and in order to follow the international trend of establishing autonomous Technopolis or silicon valleys, as seen
in Skolkovo, Russia or SISPARK, China, it is proposed to establish the Metropolitan Innovation Campus, which is considered as
an alternative cost-effective approach to the establishment of a
high cost Technopolis taking advantage of the ideal location of
Demokritos, since the Demokritos Research Center presents the
unique advantage of being in the geographical center of 60% of
the Greeces Industry and located at close proximity to the Attiki
Odos, the metro station and the airport. The proposed plan is leading to the establishment of a Virtual Technopolis of Attica based
on Research and Production capabilities, which should be enforced
by pursuing a pro-active technology transfer scheme. The main actions of Metropolitan Innovation Campus include the establishment
of a one-stop shop for services provision and innovation consulting
front desk, the operation of a proof-of-concept unit, the creation
of a permanent exhibition of the technological achievements. This
extravert action will provide tangible opportunities in facilitating the
increase of patents as well as spin-off and start-ups, create an active
business friendly ecosystem that will help to reverse the increasing
brain-drain trend and attract foreign investment, following the example of Israel.
In conclusion, the challenging question is whether we can establish a
cost-effective Technopolis in Greece, following the trend abroad of
establishing high cost silicon valleys. The answer is yes, we believe
that the Metropolitan Innovation Campus at Demokritos can meet
this challenge, since MIC is based on a coherent plan, which can
propel ideas from the lab to the market, establishing Greece as the
start-up nation of Southeastern Europe and becoming a growth
engine for the Greek economy by attracting foreign investment..
Dr. Nikolaos Kanellopoulos
Director & President of the Board
of NCSR Demokritos

Organizational Structure
NCSR Demokritos consists of five (5) Research Institutes:
Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications
Institute of Biosciences & Applications
Institute of Nuclear & Radiological Sciences & Technology, Energy & Safety
Institute of Advanced Materials, Physicochemical Processes, Nanotechnology and Microsystems
Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics

Thematic Areas

The Institutes of NCSR Demokritos perform high level scientific research,

technological development and educational activities covering the areas
of New Materials, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology, Nuclear Physics
and Particle Physics, Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection, Life Sciences, Biology and Biotechnology, Environment, Energy and Sustainable
Development, Informatics and Telecommunications as well as technologies for studying our Cultural Heritage.


The NCSR Demokritos is located in Agia Paraskevi in a campus covering

~600.000 m2 with built facilities covering ~55.000 m2.
NCSR Demokritos has large scale research infrastructures as well as
unique facilities and laboratories of national importance such as:
5 MW nuclear research reactor
5 MV Tandem accelerator
Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology fabrication and characterization
Facility (Including Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Advanced Sputtering, Pulsed
Laser Deposition, State-of-the-art Nanolithograpy, as well as a complete
network of Characterization Techniques such as TEM, single crystal and
powder XRD, Solid State NMR and EPR, micro-Raman, etc.)
Mass Spectrometry and Dioxin Analysis Laboratory
Helium Liquefaction Facility (32 lt per hour)
Radiopharmaceuticals Laboratory
Center for Radioisotope Transport & Distribution
Laboratory of Radio and Immunodiagnostic Products Laboratory
The Immunoassays and Immunosensors Laboratory
The Molecular Diagnostics & Cytogenetics Laboratory
Clean Room
Anechoic Chamber
Solar and other Energy Systems Laboratory
Environmental Research Laboratory
Health Physics & Environmental Health Laboratory
Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory
Thermal Hydraulics & Multiphase Flow Laboratory
System Reliability & Industrial Safety Laboratory
Silicon Detectors Instrumentation Laboratory
Micromegas Gas Detector Development and Data Acquisition Laboratory
Deep Sea Research Facility in Pylos
X-ray Fluorescence Laboratory
Archaeometry Laboratory
Human Tissue Laboratory
Animal Colony Facility
Laboratory for Structural Analysis of Molecules & Biomolecules (NMR, Xray diffractometer, CD)
Laboratory for Advanced Imaging (Epifluorescent, Inverted, and Confocal

Administration & Management

The NCSR Demokritos is governed by an eight members board of Directors, consisting of the Director of the Center and President of the Board,

the Directors of each of the five Institutes and two elected employee representatives.
The administration of the Center is carried out by the departments of:
Finance and Administration
Technological Applications and Research Support
Special Account for research support, financed by third parties.

Human Resources

The Centers personnel is composed of 700+ researchers, research support professionals and scientific associates. The Center is distinguished for
supporting a visionary and dynamic research community that is currently reorientating its efforts with emphasis on innovation exploitation, the fostering
of new businesses, and synergetic cooperation with the private sector.


Since its establishment Education is one of the major activities of NCSR

Demokritos. The basic mission of the educational program is to provide high level postgraduate studies and professional training, as well
as education for graduates, students of all levels, specialized groups,
and also the wider public. The program is based on the latest research
developments in key areas of natural sciences and technology, as well as
on its specialized and, in many cases, unique infrastructure. The Center
has agreements with foreign universities for joint research and education programs including joint PhD programs, where part is performed at
NCSR Demokritos and part at the collaborating University.

Innovation Exploitation
and Entrepreneurship
The NCSR Demokritos has over 20 years of experience in international scientific collaborations with active participation in research
projects and network coordination activities funded by national authorities and the European Union.
High quality scientific services and development of innovative technologies are provided by the numerous Scientific and Technological
Laboratories of the Center.
Entrepreneurial initiatives and the creation of spin-offs for the exploitation of in-house developed know-how dates back to 1991 and the
establishment of the first National Science & Technology Park.
Today Lefkippos hosts more than 25 technology-intensive companies and spin-offs in the areas of biotechnology, biomedicine, nanotechnology, materials, microelectronics, informatics and telecommunications.

Strategic Development Priorities

Research excellence.
Enhancing Research Excellence in cutting-edge scientific areas which
increase national competitiveness through technological innovation.
Postgraduate studies, professional training, continuing education services.
Unique technological services to the public and industry.
International partnerships, strategic synergies with Universities and
other Research Centers in Greece and abroad; participation in international Networks of Excellence.
Development of an effective Intellectual Property strategy for the propagation of ideas from the laboratory to the market, increasing the
number of spin-offs and industrial clusters as well as attracting foreign
Strengthening research and innovation while also building bridges for
collaboration between the research community in Greece and exceptional scientists living and working abroad with activities such as the
annual organization of the Hellenic Forum for Science, Technology
and Innovation.



The Institute of Advanced Materials, Physicochemical Processes, Nanotechnology and Microsystems (IAMPPNM) was established in February 2012 with the merging of three NCSR Demokritos Institutes.
These were the Institute of Materials Science, the Institute of Physical
Chemistry, and the Institute of Microelectronics. For 25 years these
three institutes have produced ground-breaking research and applications. The merger created the largest research institute in Greece
spearheading research on Energy and the Environment, Magnetism,
Micro/Nanoelectronics and Spintronics Applications, Biomaterials
and Biosensors, and Functional Ceramics for Building Materials and

molecules, Photoredox conversion and storage of solar energy, Functional Materials for Energy and Environmental applications, Catalysis and Photocatalytic processes, Photoluminescence, Statistical Mechanics and Nonlinear Dynamics, Transport Phenomena in Polymers,
Membranes and Microporous materials for Separation, Molecular
Thermodynamics and Materials Modelling, and Electronic Spectroscopy.

The IAMPPNM has grouped its research and development activities

into three main areas:
(1) Advanced Functional and Nanostructured Materials
(2) Physicochemical and Industrial Processes and Nanotechnology
(3) Micro/Nanoelectronics and Microsystems
Scientific activities in the field of Advanced Functional Materials and
Nanostructures focus on the synthesis of new materials in solid (bulk),
thin film and nanostructured forms, and on the systematic experimental
and theoretical study of structural and physical properties at the macro-,
meso- and nano-scale. The main objective is to control the synthesis of
these materials to create both pure and hybrid forms with new functional
properties. Research focuses on the following materials:
Innovative Superconducting and Magnetic Materials
Metallic and Semiconductor Materials
Advanced Ceramics, Construction and Porous Materials
Materials of Archaeological Interest

The Micro/Nanoelectronics and Microsystems sector focuses on two

main fields of research:
Micro/Nanotechnology and Nanoscience, Micro/nanolithography
and etching, nanostructured materials, lithography, micro- and nanoelectronic devices, theoretical studies and simulations.
Microsystems Design, manufacturing processes, developing of micromechanical silicon sensors and other substrates, design and
simulation, electronic reading and control, packaging, labeling and
control functions.

The Physicochemical and Industrial Processes and Nanotechnology

section conducts basic and applied research covering a wide range of
chemical science and technology including:
Molecular and Supramolecular Materials - Chemical Biology
Nanochemistry, Environmentally-friendly technology, Energy
Membranes and Advanced Nanostructured Materials of Industrial

The Micro/Nanoelectronics and Microsystems Sector is a founding

member of the European Institute of Nanoelectronics SiNANO (founded in January 2008 by 16 European organizations;
and also a member of the European Agency AENEAS technological
platform ENIAC. It provides high-tech services to universities, research
centers and SMEs at national and European levels through European
funding (program ICT I3-ANNA, The sector has
fully equipped laboratories in 300 m2 clean rooms for the fabrication
of silicon integrated circuits, nano-devices, sensors and micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS / NEMS). The operation of the laboratory
is certified to ISO 9001 (Si processing and electrical characterization)
and ISO 17025 (electrical measurements).

Research focuses on the following methods and materials: Structural

and Supramolecular Chemistry, Supramolecular Nano-materials,
Computational Chemistry, Synthesis of Natural Products and Bioorganic Chemistry, Chemical Biology of natural products and designed

The laboratory infrastructure sector was significantly upgraded recently with the installation of an 100keV electron beam lithography system
with writable dimensional nanostructures <10nm, currently the only
one of its kind in Greece.



Interdisciplinary Institute pursuing basic, translational and applied research to

address challenges of great scientific and socioeconomic impact in a broad
spectrum of scientific fields:
I. Nuclear Technology
Operation of the sole 5MW nuclear research reactor in Greece, development and transfer of nuclear expertise, and research in nuclear techonology
and other scientific fields, exploiting its irradiation capabilities and experimental neutron beams.
Methods of Computational Nuclear Technology in the fields of reactor safety,
dynamic analysis (stochastic and deterministic) of conventional and newgeneration reactors and optimization of research reactor performance.
New methods of nuclear analytical techniques with applications in modern
scientific fields of interest such as materials studies, health, environment and
cultural heritage.
Neutron scattering and X-ray techniques for the determination of properties
and the effect of radiation on fusion reactor materials.
Development and transfer of know-how in fusion technology and coordination of the Greek Fusion Technology Program.
Assessment and decision making actions in case of nuclear or radiological

hydrogen storage and safety,

including characterization of
nanoporous materials and underground reservoirs.
Integrated methodologies and
computational tools for the
assessment and management
of risks related to technological systems, extreme weather
phenomena, as well as new
emerging technologies such as nanotechnology. Methodologies for
quantitative occupational risk assessment and methods for the optimum selection of mitigation measures in any working environment.
Risk assessment and consumer protection from dioxins and new persistent organic pollutants such as flame retardants and perfluorinated
Simulation models of atmospheric dispersion of hazardous pollutants
and methodologies for the determination of optimal response to emergencies. Software on an operational basis for weather and air quality
prognosis and for studies on climate change and its local impact.
Methods for the determination of air pollution from airborne particulate
matter (PM) including a research station for the measurement of PM
parameters, integrated into the global database for atmospheric and
climatic parameters (GAWEBAS).

IV. Biodiagnostic Sciences and Technologies

Biochemical, biophysical, physicochemical and immunochemical studies of proteins and other biomolecules, which are disease biomarkers,
as well as development of immunosensors for the determination of protein or other biomolecular markers.
Cytogenetics and molecular genetics of hematopoietic malignancies,
and assessment of genotoxic effects of physical and chemical agents.
Investigation of nanoparticle and bioliquids interactions.
Molecular analysis of disease-predisposing genes.
Genetic control and development of nanobiosensors for detecting mutations.
The Institute also focuses on the commercial exploitation of research
products. In recent years, two spin-offs have been established on Genetic
Testing and Development & Production of Radiopharmaceuticals.

II. Radiological and Radiopharmaceutical Sciences and

Molecular radiopharmacy: development of novel radiopharmaceuticals for medical imaging and radiotherapy.
Radioprotection and Biodosimetry: Absorbed dose and risk estimation
following exposure to ionizing radiation.
Radiobiology and Radiocytogenetics: evaluation of individual radiosensitivity and of the effect of drugs related to radiotherapy.
Environmental Radioactivity: assessment of environmental radioactivity
and radiological impact on ecosystems.
Radioactive waste management.
III. Energy, Safety and Environmental Technologies
Solar-energy systems and techniques for the exploitation and storage of
solar thermal energy at high and low temperatures, as well as methods
for the characterization and certification of energy products. R&D on

Laboratories offering specialized scientific services:

Nuclear Research Reactor Laboratory
Radioisotopes/Radiopharmaceuticals - Quality Control
Health Physics, Radiobiology and Cytogenetics
Environmental Radioactivity
Center for Transportation and Distribution of Radioactive Isotopes
Solar and Other Energy Systems
Mass Spectrometry and Dioxin Analysis
Environmental Research
Systems Reliability and Industrial Safety
Thermohydraulic Analysis and Multiphase Flow
Immunodiagnostics Laboratory
Molecular Diagnostics
The Institutes personnel amounts to approximately 135 members of
which 110 are research staff.
External funding comes from competitive and structural programs of the European Union, the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology,
the International Atomic Energy Agency and specialized scientific services.
The relevant amount reached a total of more than 10 million Euros in the
period 2009-2011.


Relying on a strongly multidisciplinary character, the research activities of IB-A

comprises three programmes: (1) Regulation of cell function / age-related
diseases; (2) Model systems for the study of cell function; (3) Structural and
Computational Biology.
The primary developmental targets may be summarized in four fundamental
To produce cutting-edge research ruled by scientific excellence and to extend the networking with industrial partners in the areas of Health and Environmental / Green Development.
To promote and enhance collaborations with other institutes and research
centers at a national or global level, for the collaborative implementation
of multidisciplinary translational research, among other activities, aiming at
establishing IB-A as a powerful center of excellence and innovation actively
tackling complex, multifactorial and interdisciplinary challenges.
To train and educate young enthusiastic scientists in a substantial and inspiring manner, along with the production and development of novel ideas and
know-how into innovative products and applications.
Finally, to strongly bond to the society as an end-user / receiver of the novel
products/applications fulfilling a fruitfully rewarding relationship with the
public and financial sustainability.
IB-A, with 23 researchers and an approximated total of 100 members of staff,
focuses their efforts in two frontier research areas:
Biomedical research investigates various mechanisms involved in the development of common diseases widely affecting the Greek and international
population, such as cancer, diabetes, senescence, neurodegenerative conditions including Alzheimer, atherosclerotic or myoskeletal diseases, malaria,
chronic pain & drug addiction to narcotics, etc., as well as the development of
innovative diagnostics and therapeutics using molecular/chemical and computational approaches.

Biotechnological research is related to green development solutions for pest control of financially important crops, the development of high
throughput methods for pharmaceutical lead compound identification, the
effect of varying conditions in optimal plant development, and the use of
Aspergillus nidulans and Bombyx mori as model organisms for studying
basic cell functions.
IB-A service providing laboratories: 1) Human Tissue Laboratory
founded by Greek legislature as the only specialized laboratory in Greece
which can expertly process various human tissues and mainly bone allografts for distribution to the market, i.e. hospitals and doctors. 2) Animal
Colony Laboratory breeding specialized strains of small animals as models
of various diseases; recently the collaborative development of a transgenic
animal model of Alzheimer disease has been achieved. 3) Confocal Microscopy Laboratory. For the study of cellular, biochemical and molecular
phenomena and mechanisms on cells and tissues using confocal microscopy imaging techniques. 4) Circular Dichroism Laboratory (CD) focusing
on conformational changes and interaction of biomolecules.


The Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications (IIT) conducts research in the areas of telecommunications, networking, technologies for
the World Wide Web (Web) and Intelligent Information Systems, aiming
at excellence in these areas, for the
benefit of the society and the development of the knowledge economy.
The Institute pursues both long-term
basic research as well as applied research by implementing well defined R&D projects. At the same time, it plays an
active role in training new research personnel providing scholarships at graduate and post-doctoral level and their employment in research projects. Particular emphasis is given to the exploitation of research results and its dissemination
to the public.
The activities and know-how of IIT are focused mainly in the following areas:
Telecommunications & Networking
Technologies for modern telecommunications networks, including aspects
relevant to Future Internet, Internet of Things and Green Networks
Performance evaluation, resource management and QoS aspects
Networks for the distribution of multimedia content and QoE considerations

Management of heterogeneous networks, efficient spectrum usage, mobility and handover management
Wireless links, propagation models, smart antennas and antenna-human
body interactions
Location-based systems and services
Intelligent Information Systems
Knowledge extraction, fusion and management from multiple modalities
(text, sound, image and video)
Document recognition
Social network and social Web analysis
Event recognition in multiple data streams
Cognitive systems for natural and personalized human-machine interaction
Applications of intelligent information systems to bioinformatics, health, culture, energy management, e-government, safe use of the internet
To succeed in its mission the Institute collaborates internationally with industry,
commercial companies, as well as Research Institutes and Universities. It participates in international standardization efforts and disseminates its research
results through publications in international scientific journals and conferences, as well as takes part in workshops, public initiatives and popular activities.
It also coordinates or participates in numerous collaborative research projects
and exploits its research results by filing patents and forming spin-off companies or pursuing cooperation with technological companies.


The Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics (INPP) is dedicated to basic

research in Nuclear, Particle and Astroparticle Physics and their Applications.
The fundamental laws of Nature are studied from the low energies of
nuclear reactions, in the TANDEM accelerator complex of INPP and in
accelerators abroad, to the controlled environment of very high energy
proton-proton collisions in the experiments of LHC at CERN, up to the
ultra high energy of cosmic neutrinos. Valuable expertise exists in the
formulation of theoretical models, in advanced calculations, in data
analysis and in the development of novel instrumentation, to be used
in the experiments, with the inherent capability to be exploited by other
sciences and industry.
The activities of INPP include:
Experimental Particle and Astroparticle Physics.
Participation in the CERN experiments: CMS, investigating the Standard
Model and beyond, and CAST, searching for dark matter solar axions.
INPP participates in KM3NeT, the European project to design and construct a deep sea neutrino telescope.
Theoretical Particle, Astroparticle and Nuclear Physics.
Generalization of the Poincare Group and Yang-Mills theory, Phenomenology of the Standard Model, Supersymmetry, Higher order diagrams
calculations, Cosmology and non linear systems, Phase/shape transitions and critical point symmetries in nuclei, and Nuclear reactions
Experimental Nuclear Physics and Applications. Research
in Nuclear Astrophysics, Nuclear Reactions and Nuclear
Interdisciplinary applications with Ion Beams, from the INPP accelera-

tors, and with the X-Ray Fluorescence lab for Cultural Heritage, Environment, Material studies, Biosciences and Industry.
Instrumentation technology and Applications.
Development of Micromegas gaseous detectors for the measurement of
X-ray energy/position and charged particle tracking. CdTe and silicon
pixel sensors for use in particle physics experiments but also in radiation
detection setups with applications in home security and medical imaging. Instrumentation for Food Quality/Safety Control. INPP is the base
of the Liaison office of Greek Industry and CERN.
Educational activities.
Postgraduate studies leading to masters degree in Physics and PhD in
Experimental, Theoretical Nuclear and Particle Physics in collaboration
with Universities in Greece and abroad. Practical training and diploma
thesis projects for University students. Novel educational methodologies
are also developed and outreach activities pursued.


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GR 153 10 Agia Paraskevi, Athens
P.O. BOX 60228
Tel: +30 210 650 3000

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