Development of Accelerated Stability Protocol For Sildenafil Tablets - A European Perspective Review and Jasbir Singh
Development of Accelerated Stability Protocol For Sildenafil Tablets - A European Perspective Review and Jasbir Singh
Development of Accelerated Stability Protocol For Sildenafil Tablets - A European Perspective Review and Jasbir Singh
Frequently, the goal of a pharmaceutical company is to develop a globally acceptable registration
stability protocol. A sound stability protocol not only eliminates unnecessary testing but also
reduces manufacturing needs, cost and time. In this article considerable issues related to
development of stability protocol such as type, size and number of batches, type, size and sources
of containers and closures, container closures orientation, sampling plan, storage conditions, test
time points, test parameters, test methods, acceptance criteria and the applicability of statistical
methods for the analysis of stability data is discussed. The aim of this paper is to develop and
outline accelerated stability protocol for Sildenafil tablets acceptable for registration in Europe and
highlight some of the considerations that must be made before the execution of actual stability
Stability protocol; Sildenafil tablets; European Guidelines.
protocol not only eliminates unnecessary
The stability of pharmaceutical ingredients and testing but also reduces manufacturing
the products containing them depends on two needs, cost and time. This is especially
major factors: important in current scenario due to increase
The chemical and physical properties of the in the number of possible storage conditions
materials concerned (including the and checkpoints because of stringent
excipients and container closure systems regional requirements2.
used for packaging of formulated products). The aim of this paper is to develop and
Environmental factors, such as temperature, outline important characteristics of a stability
humidity and light and their effect on the protocol acceptable for registration in Europe
drug products1. and highlight some of the considerations that
Frequently, the goal of a pharmaceutical must be made before the execution of actual
company is to develop a globally acceptable stability study. Here the general requirements
registration stability protocol. A sound stability for development of stability protocol and
stability testing of pharmaceuticals for Pharmaceutics
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registration in the European Community For conventional dosage form, and when
(European Union) are discussed with respect to the active substance is known to be
the sources of information on requirements and stable, stability study should be carried
design of stability protocol for finished drug out on at least two pilot scale batches.
product3. For critical dosage form, and when the
The protocol contains an outline of the active substance is known to be unstable,
proposed plan to be used in generating stability stability study should be carried on at
data. The protocol describes the type of product least three primary batches9.
being tested, sampling process, duration and For containers and closures ICH & European
frequency of testing, number of samples and guidelines refer stability study to be carried
replicates per time interval, storage conditions out on at least one container of each
(length of storage, type of storage, packaging material for testing where as US
temperatures and packaging), methods of refers sampling of at least two containers of
analysis with associated supportive data, if each packaging material for testing. FDA
available, and other tests4. draft guidelines set the frequency as 0, 2, 4
and 6 months for 6 months accelerated
The test protocol contains the following stability data to be submitted along with the
information application. WHO & EU guidelines, however,
1. Type, size and number of batches. suggest sampling at 0, 1, 2, 3 and 6 months
2. Type of containers and closures, Pack detail under accelerated conditions. For the
and pack size countries in zone I and II the storage
3. Sampling plan. conditions prescribed for long term testing are
4. Test storage conditions. 25 ± 2ºC and 60 ± 5% RH (ICH and FDA)
5. Test time points. whereas WHO guidelines suggest that
6. Test parameters conditions for long term studies should be as
7. Test methods close as to the derived conditions of 30 ± 2ºC
8. Acceptance criteria5. and 35 ± 5% RH for zone III countries and 30
± 2ºC and 70 ± 5% RH for zone IV
Although, all stability protocols contain a countries10. Consideration of all these
schedule for testing samples stored at one or stringent requirements pointed out only one
more controlled storage conditions, the protocol thing that it is utmost important to consider
can differ significantly from one product to regional requirements while developing
another and from country to country. If a drug stability protocol. Hence, when we developed
product is to be marketed solely in one country, the accelerated stability protocol for sildenafil
then it is necessary to design a straightforward tablets for European market, we considered
stability protocol on the basis of local following parameters:
regulations6. Although pharmaceutical
companies follow the ICH guidelines for the 1. Type, size and number of batches
stability testing but still there are some specific The guidelines emphasized the establishment
regional requirements of different countries of an expiration period that is based on
which must be considered for stability studies limited number of batches. The testing of
and hence for getting approval of drug product. three batches provides a reliable estimate
For example, for selection of batches ICH while testing fewer than three batches does
refers stability study to be carried out on at not permit a reliable statistical estimate of
least three primary batches of the drug product, batch to batch variability. Practical
two of the three batches should be at least pilot considerations prevent collection of broad
scale batches and the third one can be smaller amount of data because more data cause
, however US recommends at least 3 lots of more stress on analytical facilities and
product of a typical batch size should be tested increases the chances of errors. Testing
for stability8 whereas according to European fewer than three batches is allowed for stable
guidelines there are two options for selection of and well established products. In European
batches: Pharmaceutics
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Table 3.3 Test parameters for sildenafil tablets with Acceptance limits
Related substances
5. -unknown impurity NMT 0.2%w/w 0, 1, 2, 3, 6
-Total impurity NMT 0.4%w/w
0, 1, 2, 3, 6
9. Moisture content NMT 6.0
Microbial limits
NMT 1000cfu/g
10. (TAMC)
NMT100cfu/g 0, 6 months
Must be absent
E.coli (per 1.0g)
NLT = Not Less Than
NMT = Not More Than
TAMC = Total Aerobic Microbial Count.
TYMC = Total Yeast Mould Count.
cfu = colony forming unit Pharmaceutics
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