IT - The Internet
IT - The Internet
IT - The Internet
Domain name
How do data and information travel the internet?
- Computers connected to the Internet work together to - the text version of an IP address.
transfer data and information around the world using various - The text in the domain name up to the first period identifies
wired and wireless transmission media. the type of Internet server. For example, the www indicates
- Several main transmission media carry the heaviest amount a Web server. The Internet server portion of a domain name
often is not required.
of traffic on the Internet. These major carriers of network
traffic are known collectively as the Internet backbone. - Every domain name contains a top-level domain (TLD),
- In the United States, the transmission media that make up which is the last section of the domain name. A generic TLD
the Internet backbone exchange data and information at (gTLD), such as the com identifies the type of organization
several different major cities across the country. associated with the domain
- That is, they transfer data and information from one network
to another until reaching the final destination
- For international Web sites outside the United States, the
domain name also includes a country code TLD (ccTLD),
which is a two-letter country code.
- When you specify a domain name, a server translates the
domain name to its associated IP address so that data and
information can be routed to the correct computer. This
server is an Internet server that usually is associated with an
Internet access provider.