FEMA P-2139-3 Masonry 508

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Short-Period Building

Collapse Performance and

Recommendations for
Improving Seismic Design
Volume 3 – Study of One-to-Four Story Special Reinforced
Masonry Shear Wall Buildings
FEMA P-2139-3 / October 2020
FEMA P-2139-3 / October 2020

Short-Period Building Collapse Performance and

Recommendations for Improving Seismic Design
Volume 3 – Study of One-to-Four Story Special
Reinforced Masonry Shear Wall Buildings

Prepared by
201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240
Redwood City, California 94065

Prepared for
Mai (Mike) Tong, Project Officer
Robert D. Hanson, Technical Advisor
Washington, D.C.


Jon A. Heintz, Project Executive
Justin Moresco, Project Manager
Scott D. Schiff, Associate Project Manager


Charles A. Kircher (Project Tech. Director) Anthony Court*
Jeffrey W. Berman William T. Holmes
Kelly Cobeen Onder Kustu
J. Daniel Dolan James O. Malley
Andre Filiatrault Steve Pryor
James R. Harris Jason Thompson
Gregory Kingsley
Weichiang Pang Jianyu Cheng
P. Benson Shing Jeff Corson
Andreas A. Koutras
Lisa Star
Jonathan P. Stewart *ATC Board Representative
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication do not necessarily
reflect the views of the Applied Technology Council (ATC), the Department of Homeland Security
(DHS), or the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Additionally, neither ATC, DHS,
FEMA, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, nor assumes any legal
liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, product, or
process included in this publication. Users of information from this publication assume all liability
arising from such use.

Cover photograph – Two-story special reinforced masonry shear wall building (credit: T. Escobar, Masonry Institute
of America).
Most buildings in the United States are less than five stories tall. These low-rise
buildings typically possess fundamental periods less than one-half second and
thus are referred to as short-period buildings. Many commonly used analytical
models have predicted that short-period buildings designed to current building
codes are likely to suffer severe damage or collapse during design-level
earthquakes. However, post-earthquake field investigations have not confirmed
these predictions. Since this uncertainty is found across all types of building
structures and construction materials permitted by current building codes and
standards, it decreases confidence in the earthquake resilience of such code-
compliant buildings. This technical resource series provides the findings and
conclusions related to this issue and recommendations for improving seismic
design of short-period buildings.

The National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) at the Federal

Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has a responsibility to help translate
and implement new knowledge and research results to increase earthquake
resilience nationwide. This FEMA-supported multi-year project series has
successfully applied new analytical modeling techniques to investigate the long-
standing problem of short-period building seismic collapse performance. This
report is the third volume of the series, and it summarizes a study on one-to-four
story special reinforced masonry shear wall buildings designed in accordance
with the ASCE/SEI 7-10 standard for high-seismic regions. The study has
examined various contributing factors to the uncertainty. Through advanced
modeling and parametric evaluation, the study has shown that the uncertainty can
be resolved and further improvements to seismic design of special reinforced
masonry shear wall buildings can be achieved.

FEMA is grateful to the Applied Technology Council (ATC) for managing this
sophisticated multi-year project series to a successful completion, to the Project
Technical Committee and the Project Review Panel for their dedicated effort
leading to invaluable technical findings and recommendations. FEMA is also
thankful to the project workshop participants for their scrutiny and valuable
comments. Resolving the uncertainty in short-period building seismic collapse
performance will strengthen confidence in seismic building codes. This project
series will also contribute to improving seismic design and predicting collapse
potential of short-period buildings in high-seismic communities in the nation.

Federal Emergency Management Agency

FEMA P-2139-3 Foreword iii


Recent analytical studies investigating a wide range of modern seismic-force-

resisting systems have predicted collapse rates for short-period buildings that
are significantly larger than those observed in earthquakes during the past 50
years. This gap between analytically predicted and historically observed
collapse rates is known as the short-period building seismic performance
paradox. Analytically predicted collapse rates for short-period buildings are
also generally larger than maximum collapse rates used in national model
codes and standards to establish seismic design requirements. If these
analytical predictions are accurate, it means that the goal of acceptable
collapse performance for all seismic-force-resisting systems at all building
periods is not being achieved.

In 2013, the Applied Technology Council (ATC) was awarded the first in a
series of task orders under contracts HSFE60-12-D-0242 and HSFE60-17-D-
0002 with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to
investigate “Solutions to the Issue of Short Period Building Performance,”
designated the ATC-116 Project series. The purpose of this series of projects
was to investigate the response behavior and collapse performance of
different structural systems and to identify causes and develop solutions for
the short-period building seismic performance paradox. Studies investigated
three structural systems: wood light-frame, special reinforced masonry shear
wall, and steel special concentrically braced frame (SCBF) systems.

This report, which focuses on the investigation of special reinforced masonry

shear wall systems, is one of four principal products of the ATC-116 series
of projects:
• FEMA P-2139-1, Short-Period Building Collapse Performance and
Recommendations for Improving Seismic Design, Volume 1 –
Overarching Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations
• FEMA P-2139-2, Short-Period Building Collapse Performance and
Recommendations for Improving Seismic Design, Volume 2 – Study of
One-to-Four Story Wood Light-Frame Buildings
• FEMA P-2139-3, Short-Period Building Collapse Performance and
Recommendations for Improving Seismic Design, Volume 3 – Study of
One-to-Four Story Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Wall Buildings

FEMA P-2139-3 Preface v

• FEMA P-2139-4, Short-Period Building Collapse Performance and
Recommendations for Improving Seismic Design, Volume 4 – Study of
One-to-Four Story Steel Special Concentrically Braced Frame Buildings

These reports are the result of a collaborative effort of more than 30

individuals tasked with the design of archetypes, development of numerical
models, and interpretation of results across all three structural systems, in
addition to the many others who participated in review workshops where
draft versions of the reports were presented and discussed. ATC is indebted
to the leadership of Charlie Kircher, Project Technical Director, and to the
other members of the ATC-116 project team for their efforts in developing
these reports. The Project Technical Committee, consisting of Jeff Berman,
Kelly Cobeen, Dan Dolan, Andre Filiatrault, Jim Harris, Greg Kingsley,
Dawn Lehman, Weichiang Pang, and Benson Shing, managed and performed
the technical development effort.

Jeff Corson and Linda Peters assisted in the development of the design of the
reinforced masonry archetypes, and Jianyu Cheng and Andreas Koutras
assisted in the reinforced masonry numerical modeling. Lisa Star provided
technical guidance on the development of the reinforced masonry soil-
structure interaction and foundation flexibility parametric study. The Project
Review Panel, consisting of Tony Court, Bill Holmes, Onder Kustu, Jim
Malley, Steve Pryor, and Jason Thompson, provided technical review and
advice at key stages of the work.

ATC also gratefully acknowledges Mike Tong (FEMA Project Officer) and
Bob Hanson (FEMA Technical Advisor) for their input and guidance in the
preparation of this report, Scott Schiff who assisted in ATC project
management, and Carrie J. Perna who provided ATC report production
services. The names and affiliations of all who contributed to this report,
including those who participated in the review workshop focused on
reinforced masonry systems, are provided in the list of Project Participants at
the end of this report.

Justin Moresco Jon A. Heintz

ATC Director of Projects ATC Executive Director

vi Preface FEMA P-2139-3

Table of Contents

Foreword....................................................................................................... iii


List of Figures............................................................................................... xi

List of Tables ..............................................................................................xxv

1. Introduction ...................................................................................... 1-1

1.1 Background and Purpose .......................................................... 1-2
1.2 Approach and Scope................................................................. 1-5
1.3 Organization and Content ....................................................... 1-10

2. Observed Response and Performance Benchmarks ..................... 2-1

2.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Observed Damage and Collapse of Modern Short-Period
Reinforced Masonry Buildings in Past Earthquakes ................ 2-1
2.2.1 Reinforced Masonry Building Damage in the 1987
Whittier Earthquake .................................................... 2-2
2.2.2 Reinforced Masonry Building Damage in the 1994
Northridge Earthquake ................................................ 2-2
2.2.3 Reinforced Masonry Building Damage in the 2011
Christchurch Earthquake ............................................. 2-5
2.3 Observed Performance in Shake-Table Tests........................... 2-5
2.4 Collapse Failure Modes and Target Collapse Rates of
Reinforced Masonry Buildings................................................. 2-6

3. Development of Building Archetype Configurations and

Designs .............................................................................................. 3-1
3.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 3-1
3.2 Factors Influencing Building Performance .............................. 3-2
3.2.1 Seismic Design Level .................................................. 3-2
3.2.2 Occupancy and Architectural Influence on Structure
Configuration .............................................................. 3-2
3.2.3 Reinforced Masonry Design and Construction
Practice ........................................................................ 3-3
3.2.4 Site Class and Foundation Systems ............................. 3-5
3.2.5 Architectural and Nonstructural Components ............. 3-5
3.2.6 Behavior of Reinforced Masonry Walls under
Seismic Loads ............................................................. 3-6
3.3 Building Type Considerations for Development of
Archetypes ................................................................................ 3-6
3.3.1 FEMA Model Building Types..................................... 3-6
3.3.2 Building Occupancy .................................................... 3-9
3.3.3 Commercial Buildings (COM) .................................. 3-11

FEMA P-2139-3 Table of Contents vii

3.3.4 Multi-Family Residential and Hotel Buildings
(RES) ......................................................................... 3-11
3.3.5 Retail, Industrial, and Warehouse Buildings
(BOX) ........................................................................ 3-12
3.4 Archetype Design Criteria and Configurations....................... 3-13
3.4.1 Applicable Codes and Standards ............................... 3-13
3.4.2 Gravity Loads ............................................................ 3-13
3.4.3 Seismic Loads and Design Criteria............................ 3-13
3.4.4 Foundation Design Criteria........................................ 3-15
3.4.5 Archetype Height ....................................................... 3-15
3.5 Commercial Building Archetypes (COM) .............................. 3-15
3.5.1 Commercial Building Parametric Designs ................ 3-17
3.6 Multi-Family Residential Archetypes (RES) .......................... 3-17
3.7 Retail, Industrial, and Warehouse Archetypes (BOX)............ 3-18

4. Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies ................................. 4-1

4.1 Introduction............................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Background and Modeling Methods......................................... 4-1
4.2.1 Behavior of Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls ............ 4-1
4.2.2 Overview of Modeling Methods .................................. 4-4
4.2.3 Adopted Modeling Approach ...................................... 4-5
4.3 Refined Finite-Element Modeling ............................................ 4-6
4.3.1 Overview of Modeling Approach ................................ 4-6
4.3.2 Detailed Modeling of Reinforced Masonry Walls ....... 4-7
4.3.3 Smeared-Crack Shell Elements ................................... 4-8
4.3.4 Cohesive-Crack Interface Elements........................... 4-10
4.3.5 Beam Elements for Steel Reinforcement ................... 4-11
4.3.6 Bond-Slip and Dowel-Action Interface Elements ..... 4-11
4.3.7 Element Removal Scheme ......................................... 4-14
4.3.8 Calibration and Validation with Experimental
Data............................................................................ 4-14
4.4 Overview of Archetypes Considered for Parametric
Studies .................................................................................... 4-20
4.5 Refined Finite-Element Models for the Archetypes ............... 4-21
4.5.1 Modeling of Horizontal Diaphragms ......................... 4-23
4.5.2 Calibration of Material Models ................................. 4-26
4.5.3 Pushover Analyses of Archetype Models .................. 4-27
4.5.4 Eigenvalue Analyses of Archetype Models ............... 4-27
4.5.5 Response-History Analyses of Archetype Models .... 4-29
4.6 Simplified Frame Models used for Parametric Studies .......... 4-31
4.6.1 Model Description ..................................................... 4-31
4.6.2 Model Calibration ...................................................... 4-33
4.6.3 Pushover Analyses of Baseline Models ..................... 4-35
4.6.4 Eigenvalue Analyses of Baseline Models.................. 4-36
4.7 Overview of Parametric Studies ............................................. 4-37
4.7.1 Baseline Configuration Parametric Study.................. 4-38
4.7.2 Displacement Capacity Parametric Study.................. 4-38
4.7.3 Soil-Structure Interaction and Foundation
Flexibility Parametric Study ...................................... 4-39
4.8 Incremental Dynamic Analyses and Peak Response
Values ..................................................................................... 4-41

viii Table of Contents FEMA P-2139-3

5. Numerical Results of Parametric Studies ...................................... 5-1
5.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 5-1
5.2 Baseline Configuration Parametric Study ................................ 5-1
5.2.1 Pushover and Incremental Dynamic Analyses ............ 5-1
5.2.2 Factors Influencing Probability of Collapse ................ 5-7
5.3 Displacement Capacity Parametric Study .............................. 5-10
5.4 Soil-Structure Interaction and Foundation Flexibility
Parametric Study .................................................................... 5-15

6. Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations ............................. 6-1

6.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 6-1
6.2 Key Findings of the Parametric Studies ................................... 6-1
6.2.1 Baseline Configuration Parametric Study ................... 6-2
6.2.2 Displacement Capacity Parametric Study ................... 6-5
6.2.3 Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) and Foundation
Flexibility Parametric Study........................................ 6-8
6.3 Conclusions and Recommendations ....................................... 6-10
6.3.1 Comparison with Prior FEMA P-695 Collapse
Probability Studies .................................................... 6-11
6.3.2 Recommendations for Improved Seismic Design
Codes and Standards ................................................. 6-14
6.3.3 Recommendations for Advanced Seismic Design
and Analysis Practices ............................................... 6-16
6.3.4 Recommendations for Enhanced Modeling and
Testing ...................................................................... 6-19

Appendix A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details............................ A-1

A.1 Introduction ............................................................................. A-1
A.2 Design Criteria ........................................................................ A-1
A.2.1 Codes .......................................................................... A-1
A.2.2 Materials ..................................................................... A-1
A.2.3 Site-Specific Design Criteria ...................................... A-2
A.2.4 Gravity Loads ............................................................. A-2
A.2.5 Design Periods of Vibration ....................................... A-3
A.2.6 Seismic Design Criteria .............................................. A-4
A.2.7 Archetype Configurations .......................................... A-5
A.3 Commercial Buildings (COM) ................................................ A-6
A.3.1 Structural Plans: Commercial Buildings .................... A-6
A.3.2 Structural Elevations: Commercial Buildings .......... A-15
A.3.3 Structural Details: Commercial Buildings................ A-20
A.4 Multi-Family Residential and Hotel Buildings (RES) .......... A-25
A.4.1 Structural Plans: Residential Buildings .................... A-25
A.4.2 Structural Elevations: Residential Buildings ............ A-27
A.4.3 Structural Details: Residential Buildings ................. A-29
A.5 Retail, Industrial, and Warehouse Buildings (BOX) ............. A-32
A.5.1 Structural Plans: Box Buildings ............................... A-32
A.5.2 Structural Elevations: Box Buildings ....................... A-33
A.5.3 Structural Details: Box Buildings............................. A-36

Appendix B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained with

Refined and Simplified Numerical Models ....................................B-1
B.1 Archetype COM1 .....................................................................B-2
B.2 Archetype COM2 .....................................................................B-6

FEMA P-2139-3 Table of Contents ix

B.3 Archetype COM3................................................................... B-12
B.4 Archetype COM4................................................................... B-18
B.5 Archetype COM6................................................................... B-22
B.6 Archetype COM6................................................................... B-28

Appendix C: Development of Soil Springs, Soil Dampers, and

Frequency-Modified Ground Motion Records for the SSI
Parametric Study............................................................................. C-1
C.1 Introduction.............................................................................. C-1
C.2 Background and Theory .......................................................... C-1
C.2.1 Inertial-Interaction Effects .......................................... C-1
C.2.2 Kinematic-Interaction Effects ..................................... C-2
C.3 Representative Field Sites........................................................ C-3
C.3.1 Soft Site ...................................................................... C-3
C.3.2 Stiff Site ...................................................................... C-3
C.4 Foundation Springs and Dampers ............................................ C-4
C.4.1 Development of the Foundation Impedances ............. C-4
C.4.2 Spring and Damper Example Calculations ................. C-9
C.5 Frequency-Modified Ground Motion Records ...................... C-13

Appendix D: Archive of Peak Response Calculations........................... D-1

D.1 Peak Response Parameters Archived for Each Model............. D-1

References .................................................................................................. E-1

Project Participants................................................................................... F-1

x Table of Contents FEMA P-2139-3

List of Figures

Figure 1-1 Trends in the probability of collapse of selected systems

as a function of design period ............................................ 1-3

Figure 2-1 Percentage of wood and non-wood buildings assigned a

red tag as a function of 0.3-second response spectral
acceleration for five MMI regions (V–IX)
based on post-earthquake safety inspections following
the 1994 Northridge earthquake......................................... 2-4

Figure 3-1 Reinforced masonry retail occupancy building from

NIST GCR 10-917-8—plan view ...................................... 3-8

Figure 3-2 Reinforced masonry residential occupancy building

from NIST GCR 10-917-8—plan view ............................. 3-8

Figure 3-3 Reinforced masonry residential occupancy building

from NIST GCR 10-917-8—elevation view...................... 3-9

Figure 3-4 Typical reinforced masonry commercial office

building ............................................................................ 3-11

Figure 3-5 Typical reinforced masonry multi-family residential

building ............................................................................ 3-12

Figure 3-6 Typical “big box” retail construction ............................... 3-12

Figure 3-7 Isometric view of the two-story commercial archetype

(COM2)............................................................................ 3-16

Figure 3-8 Isometric view of the four-story residentail archetype

(RES1) ............................................................................. 3-17

Figure 3-9 Isometric view of the BOX archetype (BOX1) ............... 3-19

Figure 4-1 Crushing and bar buckling in a flexure-dominated

wall .................................................................................... 4-3

Figure 4-2 Failure of a shear-dominated wall...................................... 4-3

Figure 4-3 Frame models for masonry wall systems ........................... 4-5

Figure 4-4 Refined finite-element model for a two-story reinforced

masonry commercial building archetype ........................... 4-7

FEMA P-2139-3 List of Figures xi

Figure 4-5 Detailed modeling of reinforced masonry walls with
finite elements .................................................................... 4-8

Figure 4-6 Axes of orthotropy of the smeared model before and

after cracking ...................................................................... 4-9

Figure 4-7 Uniaxial stress-strain relation for the orthotropic model

for masonry and concrete; the relation shown is for a
material first loaded in tension ......................................... 4-10

Figure 4-8 Cohesive-crack interface element .................................... 4-10

Figure 4-9 Steel material model for reinforcing bars ......................... 4-11

Figure 4-10 Bond-slip and dowel-action interface elements

connecting bars to masonry .............................................. 4-12

Figure 4-11 Monotonic and cyclic behaviors of bond-slip model ....... 4-13

Figure 4-12 Monotonic and cyclic behaviors of dowel-action

model ................................................................................ 4-13

Figure 4-13 Degradation of bond and dowel strengths caused by

masonry crushing ............................................................. 4-14

Figure 4-14 Flexure-dominated wall tested by Kapoi (2012) .............. 4-16

Figure 4-15 Flexure-dominated wall tested by Sherman (2011) ......... 4-17

Figure 4-16 Shear-dominated wall tested by Voon and Ingham

(2006) ............................................................................... 4-17

Figure 4-17 Shear-dominated wall (UT-PBS-02) tested by Ahmadi

(2012) ............................................................................... 4-18

Figure 4-18 Two-story reinforced masonry wall structure tested by

Mavros et al. (2016) ......................................................... 4-19

Figure 4-19 Reinforced masonry wall system tested to near collapse

on a shake table (Cheng et al., 2020) ............................... 4-20

Figure 4-20 Finite-element models for commercial building

archetypes ......................................................................... 4-21

Figure 4-21 Modeling of floor diaphragms.......................................... 4-24

Figure 4-22 Modeling of roof diaphragm ............................................ 4-24

Figure 4-23 Base shear-vs.-story-drift ratio curves for high-seismic

archetypes ......................................................................... 4-28

Figure 4-24 Base shear-vs.-story-drift ratio curves for very high-

seismic archetypes ............................................................ 4-28

xii List of Figures FEMA P-2139-3

Figure 4-25 Deformed finite-element mesh for COM3 from
pushover analysis ............................................................. 4-29

Figure 4-26 Mode shapes for the first three modes of the refined
finite-element model of COM2 ........................................ 4-30

Figure 4-27 Earthquake ground-motion records used for response-

history analyses (records shown are unscaled; MCER
spectrum is the black solid line)....................................... 4-31

Figure 4-28 Frame model with OpenSees for COM2 and COM5 ....... 4-32

Figure 4-29 Modeling of a first-story wall for COM2 and COM5 ...... 4-33

Figure 4-30 Plan view of wall layouts for commercial building

archetypes ........................................................................ 4-34

Figure 4-31 Comparison of pushover analysis results from

simplified (OpenSees) and refined finite-element
(LS-DYNA) models for COM2B .................................... 4-35

Figure 4-32 Idealized nonlinear static pushover curve ........................ 4-36

Figure 4-33 Mode shapes for the simplified model of COM2B .......... 4-37

Figure 4-34 Foundation model for the soft site for SSI analyses ........ 4-40

Figure 4-35 Soil springs and dampers for SSI analyses ...................... 4-40

Figure 4-36 Foundation model for the stiff site for SSI analyses ........ 4-41

Figure 4-37 Acceleration response spectra for the 44 far-field

ground motion records in FEMA P-695 database ............ 4-42

Figure 4-38 Incremental dynamic analysis results for COM2B.

Red markers represent the incipient collapse points of
individual ground motions. Vertical and horizontal red
dashed lines show the lognormal fitted median
incipient collapse drift ratio and SCT,raw, respectively....... 4-43

Figure 4-39 Collapse rates from IDA and derived collapse fragility
curve for COM2B. ST for the collapse fraction data has
been scaled only by the factor of 1.2 for 3D analyses ..... 4-44

Figure 5-1 Pushover curves for high-seismic baseline models

(COM1B, COM2B, and COM3B) ..................................... 5-2

Figure 5-2 Pushover curves for very high-seismic baseline

models (COM4B, COM5B, and COM6B) ........................ 5-3

Figure 5-3 Zoomed-in pushover curves for all archetypes .................. 5-3

FEMA P-2139-3 List of Figures xiii

Figure 5-4 Collapse rates from IDA data and collapse fragility
curves derived for high-seismic baseline models. ST for
the collapse fraction data has been scaled by 1.2,
whereas that for the collapse probability curve has been
scaled by 1.2×SSF .............................................................. 5-6

Figure 5-5 Collapse rates from IDA data and collapse fragility
curves derived for very high-seismic baseline models.
ST for the collapse fraction data has been scaled by 1.2,
whereas that for the collapse probability curve has been
scaled by 1.2×SSF .............................................................. 5-6

Figure 5-6 MCER collapse probability versus Vmax,av/W for the

baseline models .................................................................. 5-8

Figure 5-7 MCER collapse probability versus Ω for the baseline

models ................................................................................ 5-9

Figure 5-8 MCER collapse probability versus averaged

fundamental period for the baseline models....................... 5-9

Figure 5-9 Collapse rates from IDA data and collapse fragility
curves derived for COM2B, COM2B-DC1, and
COM2B-DC2. ST for the collapse fraction data has
been scaled by 1.2, whereas that for the collapse
probability curve has been scaled by 1.2×SSF ................. 5-10

Figure 5-10 Collapse fragility curves for the displacement capacity

parametric study for high-seismic archetypes .................. 5-11

Figure 5-11 Collapse fragility curves for the displacement capacity

parametric study for very high-seismic archetypes .......... 5-11

Figure 5-12 Pushover curves for COM2B with and without soil
springs and dampers ......................................................... 5-16

Figure 5-13 Vertical displacements of the foundations for the stiff

and soft sites at the respective maximum base shear ....... 5-17

Figure 5-14 Forces in vertical soil springs for the stiff and soft sites
at the respective maximum base shear ............................. 5-17

Figure 5-15 Moments in foundation slabs and grade beams for the
stiff and soft sites at the respective maximum base
shear ................................................................................. 5-18

Figure 5-16 Resistance of foundation slabs to overturning moments

of Wall 1 and Wall 4 for the stiff and soft sites at the
respective maximum base shear ....................................... 5-18

Figure 5-17 Median spectral intensity versus median maximum

first-story drift .................................................................. 5-20

xiv List of Figures FEMA P-2139-3

Figure 5-18 Collapse rates from IDA data and collapse fragility
curves derived for COM2B and COM2B2-SS2. ST for
the collapse fraction data has been scaled by 1.2,
whereas that for the collapse probability curve has
been scaled by 1.2×SSF ................................................... 5-21

Figure 6-1 MCER collapse probability of baseline archetype

models plotted as a function of archetype model period
(T1), and benchmark (BM) values of high-seismic MCER
collapse probability and the MCER collapse-safety
objective of ASCE/SEI 7-10 .............................................. 6-4

Figure 6-2 MCER collapse probabilities of baseline archetype

models plotted as a function of average archetype
model overstrength (Ω ), and benchmark (BM) values
of MCER collapse probability and the MCER collapse-
safety objective of ASCE/SEI 7-10 ................................... 6-5

Figure 6-3 MCER collapse probability as a function of first-story

drift ratio at incipient collapse of archetype models with
varying amounts of post-capping displacement capacity,
and benchmark (BM) values of MCER collapse
probability and the MCER collapse-safety objective of
ASCE/SEI 7-10. Archetype model overstrength (Ω) is
shown in the legend ........................................................... 6-7

Figure 6-4 Collapse margin ratio (CMR3D) as a function of first-

story drift ratio at incipient collapse of archetype models
with varying amounts of post-capping displacement
capacity, and benchmark (BM) values of MCER collapse
probability and the MCER collapse-safety objective of
ASCE/SEI 7-10. Archetype model overstrength (Ω) is
shown in the legend ........................................................... 6-8

Figure A-1 Single-story commercial building foundation plan:

COM1, COM4, COM7 ..................................................... A-9

Figure A-2 Single-story commercial building roof framing plan:

COM1, COM4, COM7 ..................................................... A-9

Figure A-3 Two-story commercial building foundation plan:

COM2, COM5, COM8 ................................................... A-10

Figure A-4 Two-story commercial building foundation plan:

COM2 archetype on soft soil .......................................... A-10

Figure A-5 Two-story commercial building typical framing plan:

COM2, COM5, COM8 ................................................... A-11

Figure A-6 Two-story commercial building roof framing plan:

COM2, COM5, COM8 ................................................... A-11

FEMA P-2139-3 List of Figures xv

Figure A-7 Four-story commercial building foundation plan:
COM3.............................................................................. A-12

Figure A-8 Four-story commercial building typical framing plan:

COM3.............................................................................. A-12

Figure A-9 Four-story commercial building roof framing plan:

COM3.............................................................................. A-13

Figure A-10 Four-story commercial building foundation plan:

COM6.............................................................................. A-13

Figure A-11 Four-story commercial building typical framing plan:

COM6.............................................................................. A-14

Figure A-12 Four-story commercial building roof framing plan:

COM 6 ............................................................................. A-14

Figure A-13 Single-story commercial building North elevation:

COM1, COM4, COM7 ................................................... A-15

Figure A-14 Single-story commercial building East elevation:

COM1, COM4, COM7 ................................................... A-15

Figure A-15 Two-story commercial building North elevation:

COM2.............................................................................. A-15

Figure A-16 Two-story commercial building East elevation:

COM2.............................................................................. A-16

Figure A-17 Two-story commercial building North elevation:

COM5.............................................................................. A-16

Figure A-18 Two-story commercial building East elevation:

COM5.............................................................................. A-16

Figure A-19 Two-story commercial building North elevation:

COM8.............................................................................. A-17

Figure A-20 Two-story commercial building East elevation:

COM8.............................................................................. A-17

Figure A-21 Four-story commercial building North elevation:

COM3.............................................................................. A-17

Figure A-22 Four-story commercial building East elevation:

COM 3 ............................................................................. A-18

Figure A-23 Four-story commercial building North elevation:

COM6.............................................................................. A-18

Figure A-24 Four-story commercial building East elevation:

COM6.............................................................................. A-19

xvi List of Figures FEMA P-2139-3

Figure A-25 Four-story commercial building North elevation:
COM9 ............................................................................. A-19

Figure A-26 Four-story commercial building East elevation:

COM9 ............................................................................. A-20

Figure A-27 Commercial building foundation detail .......................... A-20

Figure A-28 Commercial building foundation detail for COM2

archetype on soft soil ...................................................... A-21

Figure A-29 Commercial building foundation detail .......................... A-21

Figure A-30 Commercial building foundation detail at grade

beam ................................................................................ A-21

Figure A-31 Commercial building framing detail ............................... A-22

Figure A-32 Commercial building framing detail ............................... A-22

Figure A-33 Commercial building framing detail ............................... A-23

Figure A-34 Commercial building framing detail ............................... A-23

Figure A-35 Commercial building framing detail ............................... A-24

Figure A-36 Commercial building framing detail ............................... A-24

Figure A-37 Commercial building framing detail ............................... A-25

Figure A-38 Four-story residential building foundation

configuration: RES1, RES2, RES3 ................................. A-25

Figure A-39 Four-story residential building framing configuration:

RES1, RES2, RES3 ........................................................ A-26

Figure A-40 Four-story residential building roof configuration:

RES1, RES2, RES3 ........................................................ A-26

Figure A-41 Four-story residential building corridor elevation:

RES1, RES3 .................................................................... A-27

Figure A-42 Four-story residential building East elevation: RES1,

RES3 ............................................................................... A-27

Figure A-43 Four-story residential building East elevation: RES2 ..... A-28

Figure A-44 Four-story residential building corridor elevation:

RES2 ............................................................................... A-28

Figure A-45 Residential building foundation detail ............................ A-29

Figure A-46 Residential building foundation detail ............................ A-29

FEMA P-2139-3 List of Figures xvii

Figure A-47 Residential building framing detail ................................. A-30

Figure A-48 Residential building framing detail ................................. A-30

Figure A-49 Residential building framing detail ................................. A-31

Figure A-50 Residential building framing detail ................................. A-31

Figure A-51 Residential building framing detail ................................. A-31

Figure A-52 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building

foundation configuration: BOX1, BOX2, BOX3 ............ A-32

Figure A-53 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building

foundation configuration: BOX1, BOX2, BOX3 ............ A-33

Figure A-54 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building East

elevation: BOX1.............................................................. A-33

Figure A-55 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building North

elevation: BOX1.............................................................. A-34

Figure A-56 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building East

elevation: BOX 2............................................................. A-34

Figure A-57 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building North

elevation: BOX2.............................................................. A-35

Figure A-58 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building East

elevation: BOX3.............................................................. A-35

Figure A-59 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building North

elevation: BOX3.............................................................. A-36

Figure A-60 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building

foundation detail.............................................................. A-36

Figure A-61 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building

foundation detail.............................................................. A-37

Figure A-62 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building

framing detail .................................................................. A-37

Figure A-63 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building

framing detail .................................................................. A-38

Figure A-64 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building

framing detail .................................................................. A-38

Figure B-1 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM1

(LS-DYNA) – Motion 1 (3×MCER) .................................. B-2

xviii List of Figures FEMA P-2139-3

Figure B-2 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM1
(LS-DYNA) – Motion 2 (2.7×MCER) ...............................B-2

Figure B-3 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM1

(LS-DYNA) – Motion 17 (3×MCER) ................................B-2

Figure B-4 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM1 – Motion 1 (1.5×MCER) ........................................B-3

Figure B-5 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM1 – Motion 1 (3.0×MCER) ........................................B-3

Figure B-6 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM1 – Motion 2 (1.5×MCER) ........................................B-4

Figure B-7 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM1 – Motion 2 (2.7×MCER) ........................................B-4

Figure B-8 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM1 – Motion 17 (1.5×MCER) ......................................B-5

Figure B-9 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM1 – Motion 17 (3×MCER) .........................................B-5

Figure B-10 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM2

(LS-DYNA) – Motion 1 (2×MCER) ..................................B-6

Figure B-11 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM2

(LS-DYNA) – Motion 2 (2×MCER) ..................................B-6

Figure B-12 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM2

(LS-DYNA) – Motion 17 (2×MCER) ................................B-6

Figure B-13 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM2 –- Motion 1 (MCER) ..............................................B-7

Figure B-14 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM2 – Motion 1 (2×MCER) ...........................................B-7

Figure B-15 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM2 – Motion 2 (MCER)................................................B-8

Figure B-16 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM2 – Motion 2 (2×MCER) ...........................................B-8

Figure B-17 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM2 – Motion 17 (MCER)..............................................B-9

Figure B-18 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM2 – Motion 17 (2×MCER) .........................................B-9

Figure B-19 Comparison of story-drift histories for the second

story: COM2 – Motion 2 (MCER) ...................................B-10

FEMA P-2139-3 List of Figures xix

Figure B-20 Comparison of story-drift histories for the second
story: COM2 – Motion 2 (2×MCER)............................... B-10

Figure B-21 Comparison of base-shear histories: COM2 – Motion 2

(MCER) ............................................................................ B-11

Figure B-22 Comparison of base-shear histories: COM2 – Motion 2

(2×MCER) ....................................................................... B-11

Figure B-23 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM3

(LS-DYNA) – Motion 1 (2×MCER) ................................ B-12

Figure B-24 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM3

(LS-DYNA) – Motion 2 (1.8×MCER) ............................. B-12

Figure B-25 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM3

(LS-DYNA) – Motion 17 (2×MCER) .............................. B-12

Figure B-26 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM3 – Motion 1 (MCER) ............................................. B-13

Figure B-27 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM3 – Motion 1 (2×MCER) ......................................... B-13

Figure B-28 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM3 – Motion 2 (MCER) ............................................. B-14

Figure B-29 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM3 –Motion 2 (1.8×MCER) ....................................... B-14

Figure B-30 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM3 – Motion 17 (MCER) ........................................... B-15

Figure B-31 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM3 – Motion 17 (2×MCER) ....................................... B-15

Figure B-32 Comparison of story-drift histories for the upper

stories: COM3 – Motion 1 (MCER) ................................ B-16

Figure B-33 Comparison of story-drift histories for the upper

stories: COM3 – Motion 1 (2×MCER) ............................ B-17

Figure B-34 Comparison of base-shear histories: COM3 –

Motion 1 (MCER) ............................................................ B-17

Figure B-35 Comparison of base-shear histories: COM3B –

Motion 1 (2×MCER) ........................................................ B-18

Figure B-36 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM4

(LS-DYNA) – Motion 1 (2×MCER) ................................ B-18

Figure B-37 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM4

(LS-DYNA) – Motion 2 (1.8×MCER) ............................. B-19

xx List of Figures FEMA P-2139-3

Figure B-38 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM4
(LS-DYNA) – Motion 17 (2×MCER) ..............................B-19

Figure B-39 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM4 – Motion 1 (MCER)..............................................B-19

Figure B-40 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM4 – Motion 1 (2×MCER) .........................................B-20

Figure B-41 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM4 – Motion 2 (MCER)..............................................B-20

Figure B-42 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM4 – Motion 2 (1.8×MCER) ......................................B-21

Figure B-43 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM4 – Motion 17 (MCER)............................................B-21

Figure B-44 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM4 – Motion 17 (2×MCER) .......................................B-22

Figure B-45 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM5

(LS-DYNA) – Motion 1 (MCER).....................................B-22

Figure B-46 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM5

(LS-DYNA) –Motion 2 (1.9×MCER) ..............................B-22

Figure B-47 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM5

(LS-DYNA) – Motion 17 (2×MCER) ..............................B-23

Figure B-48 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM5 – Motion 1 (MCER)..............................................B-23

Figure B-49 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM5 – Motion 1 (2×MCER) .........................................B-23

Figure B-50 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM5 – Motion 2 (MCER)..............................................B-24

Figure B-51 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM5 – Motion 2 (1.9×MCER) ......................................B-24

Figure B-52 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM5 – Motion 17 (MCER)............................................B-25

Figure B-53 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM5 – Motion 17 (2×MCER) .......................................B-25

Figure B-54 Comparison of story-drift histories for the second

story: COM5 – Motion 1 (MCER) ...................................B-26

Figure B-55 Comparison of story-drift histories for the second

story: COM5 – Motion 1 (2×MCER) ...............................B-26

FEMA P-2139-3 List of Figures xxi

Figure B-56 Comparison of base-shear histories: COM5 –
Motion 1 (MCER) ............................................................ B-27

Figure B-57 Comparison of base-shear histories: COM5 –

Motion 1 (2×MCER) ........................................................ B-27

Figure B-58 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM6

(LS-DYNA) – Motion 1 (2×MCER) ................................ B-28

Figure B-59 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM6

(LS-DYNA) – Motion 2 (2×MCER) ................................ B-28

Figure B-60 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM6

(LS-DYNA) – Motion 17 (2×MCER) .............................. B-28

Figure B-61 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM6 – Motion 1 (MCER) ............................................. B-29

Figure B-62 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM6 – Motion 1 (2×MCER) ......................................... B-29

Figure B-63 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM6 – Motion 2 (MCER) ............................................. B-30

Figure B-64 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM6 – Motion 2 (2×MCER) ......................................... B-30

Figure B-65 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM6 –Motion 17 (MCER) ............................................ B-31

Figure B-66 Comparison of response histories for the first story:

COM6 – Motion 17 (2×MCER) ....................................... B-31

Figure B-67 Comparison of story-drift histories for the upper

stories: COM6 – Motion 1 (MCER) ................................ B-32

Figure B-68 Comparison of story-drift histories for the upper

stories: COM6 – Motion 1 (2×MCER) ............................ B-33

Figure B-69 Comparison of base-shear histories: COM6 –

Motion 1 (MCER) ............................................................ B-33

Figure B-70 Comparison of base-shear histories: COM6 –

Motion 1 (2×MCER) ........................................................ B-34

Figure C-1 Layout of COM2B modeled footings for SSI study:

(a) soft site and (b) stiff site .............................................. C-5

Figure C-2 Translational and rotational springs and dampers ............. C-6

Figure C-3 Equilibrium estimation of rotational capacity of

foundation ......................................................................... C-8

xxii List of Figures FEMA P-2139-3

Figure C-4 Transfer function for soft and stiff sites ...........................C-14

Figure C-5 Sample ground motion before (blue) and after

(orange) application of frequency-dependent transfer
function ............................................................................ C-14

FEMA P-2139-3 List of Figures xxiii

List of Tables

Table 1-1 Key Configuration and Seismic Design Criteria for

Reinforced Masonry Archetypes ....................................... 1-7

Table 1-2 Reinforced Masonry Building Archetypes Developed

for the Parametric Studies ................................................ 1-10

Table 3-1 FEMA Model Building Types ........................................... 3-7

Table 3-2 Gravity Loads used for Design of Reinforced Masonry

Building Archetypes ........................................................ 3-13

Table 3-3 Seismic Loads Used for Design of Reinforced Masonry

Archetypes ....................................................................... 3-14

Table 3-4 Seismic Design Criteria used for Design of Reinforced

Masonry Archetypes ........................................................ 3-14

Table 3-5 Foundation Criteria used for Design of Reinforced

Masonry Building Archetypes ......................................... 3-15

Table 4-1 Commercial Reinforced Masonry Building Archetypes

and Seismic Design Criteria............................................. 4-21

Table 4-2 Natural Periods for the First Three Modes of the
Building Archetypes from Refined Finite-Element
Models ............................................................................. 4-29

Table 4-3 Natural Periods for the First Three Modes of the
Baseline Building Archetypes from Simplified
Models ............................................................................. 4-37

Table 4-4 Baseline and Variant Numerical Models for the

Parametric Studies ........................................................... 4-38

Table 4-5 Stripe Statistics Archived for Each Orthogonal

Direction (Transverse and Longitudinal) of the
Archetype Models ............................................................ 4-45

Table 5-1 Modal and Pushover Analysis Results of Baseline

Archetype Models .............................................................. 5-4

Table 5-2 Pushover and Collapse Analysis Results of Baseline

Archetype Models .............................................................. 5-5

FEMA P-2139-3 List of Tables xxv

Table 5-3 Median and Lognormal Standard Deviation (β )
Values of Peak Drift Ratio, First-Story Drift, and
Response Spectral Acceleration at Incipient Collapse of
Baseline Archetype Models ............................................... 5-7

Table 5-4 Collapse Rates of Baseline Archetype Models and

Mean Peak First-Story Drift Ratios of Survivors at 50
Percent-of-MCER and MCER Ground-Motion
Intensities ........................................................................... 5-8

Table 5-5 Modal and Pushover Analysis Results of Displacement

Capacity Parametric Study Archetype Models ................ 5-12

Table 5-6 Pushover and Collapse Analysis Results of

Displacement Capacity Parametric Study Archetype
Models .............................................................................. 5-13

Table 5-7 Mean, Lognormal Standard Deviation (β), and median

values of Peak Roof Drift, Peak First-Story Drift, and
Response Spectral Acceleration at Incipient Collapse
of Displacement Capacity Parametric Study Archetype
Models .............................................................................. 5-14

Table 5-8 Collapse Rates and Mean Peak First-Story Drift Ratios
of Survivors at 50 Percent-of-MCER and MCER
Ground-Motion Intensities of the Displacement
Capacity Parametric Study Archetype Models ................ 5-15

Table 5-9 Modal and Pushover Analysis Results of the SSI and
Foundation Flexibility Parametric Study Archetype
Models .............................................................................. 5-19

Table 5-10 Pushover and Collapse Analysis Results of SSI and

Foundation Flexibility Parametric Study Archetype
Models .............................................................................. 5-19

Table 5-11 Median and Lognormal Standard Deviation (β) Values

of Peak Drift Ratio, First-Story Drift, and Response
Spectral Acceleration at Incipient Collapse of the SSI
and Foundation Flexibility Archetype Models................. 5-21

Table 5-12 Collapse Rates and Mean Peak First-Story Drift Ratios
of Survivors at 50 Percent-of-MCER and MCER
Ground-Motion Intensities of the SSI and Foundation
Flexibility Parametric Study Archetype Models .............. 5-22

Table 6-1 Summary of Key Model Properties and Collapse

Results of Baseline Archetype Models .............................. 6-2

Table 6-2 Summary of Key Model Properties and Collapse

Results of Displacement Capacity Parametric Study

xxvi List of Tables FEMA P-2139-3

Archetype Models with Baseline, Enhanced (DC1) and
Reduced (DC2) Post-Capping Strength ............................. 6-6

Table 6-3 Summary of Key Properties and Collapse Results of SSI

and Foundation Flexibility Archetype Models with a
Fixed Base and with Flexible Foundations that
Incorporate SSI Effects ...................................................... 6-9

Table 6-4 Summary of Key Model Properties and Collapse

Results of Archetype Models of Prior Studies of
Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Wall Buildings
Designed for High-Seismic Loads ................................... 6-11

Table A-1 Material Properties used for Design of Reinforced

Masonry Building Archetypes .......................................... A-1

Table A-2 Site-Specific Design Criteria used for Design of

Reinforced Masonry Building Archetypes ....................... A-2

Table A-3 Gravity Loads used for Design of Reinforced Masonry

Building Archetypes ......................................................... A-2

Table A-4 Design Periods of Vibration for Reinforced Masonry

Archetypes ........................................................................ A-3

Table A-5 Seismic Criteria used for Design of Reinforced Masonry

Archetypes ........................................................................ A-4

Table A-6 Summary of Short-Period Reinforced Masonry Building

and Key Configuration and Design Criteria ..................... A-5

Table A-7 Design Results for COM1, COM2, and COM3

Archetypes ........................................................................ A-7

Table A-8 Design Results for COM4, COM5, and COM6

Archetypes ........................................................................ A-8

Table C-1 X and Z Dimensions for Calculation of Foundation

Springs and Dampers for COM2B Soft Site ......................C-6

Table C-2 X and Z Dimensions for Calculation of Foundation

Springs and Dampers for COM2B Stiff Site .....................C-6

Table C-3 Spring and Damper Properties Per Node for COM2B
Soft Site..............................................................................C-8

Table C-4 Spring and Damper Properties Per Node for COM2B
Stiff Site .............................................................................C-9

Table D-1 Peak Response Archive Files for Short-Period

Reinforced Masonry Commercial Building
Archetypes ........................................................................ D-1

FEMA P-2139-3 List of Tables xxvii

Chapter 1

This report describes the approach, analyses, findings, conclusions, and

recommendations for one in a series of studies on the gap between
analytically predicted and historically observed earthquake-induced collapse
rates of short-period buildings. It presents work focused on special
reinforced masonry shear wall buildings (herein referred to as “reinforced
masonry” systems). The Applied Technology Council (ATC) was
commissioned by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to
conduct these studies as part of the ATC-116 Project series, “Solutions to the
Issue of Short Period Building Performance.”

Short-period buildings, such as low-rise residential and commercial

buildings, comprise a major portion of the building stock in U.S.
communities with high-seismic hazard. The gap between analytically
predicted and historically observed collapse rates for short-period buildings
exists across many seismic-force-resisting systems and construction
materials. As a result, it is believed that the seismic collapse performance for
short-period buildings is not accurately predicted by current analytical
models. Based on a review of previous studies and available research and
data, three seismic-force-resisting systems were selected for investigation:
wood light-frame, reinforced masonry, and steel special concentrically
braced frame (SCBF) systems.

The subject of this report is buildings constructed using reinforced masonry

systems. Studies on buildings constructed using wood light-frame or steel
SCBF systems are described in separate reports. An additional report
compares results from all three studies to identify commonalities for the
possible extension of the findings, conclusions, and recommendations to
other seismic-force-resisting systems and construction materials. The FEMA
P-2139 series of reports include the following:
• FEMA P-2139-1, Short-Period Building Collapse Performance and
Recommendations for Improving Seismic Design, Volume 1 –
Overarching Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations
• FEMA P-2139-2, Short-Period Building Collapse Performance and
Recommendations for Improving Seismic Design, Volume 2 – Study of
One-to-Four Story Wood Light-Frame Buildings

FEMA P-2139-3 1: Introduction 1-1

• FEMA P-2139-3, Short-Period Building Collapse Performance and
Recommendations for Improving Seismic Design, Volume 3 – Study of
One-to-Four Story Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Wall Buildings
• FEMA P-2139-4, Short-Period Building Collapse Performance and
Recommendations for Improving Seismic Design, Volume 4 – Study of
One-to-Four Story Steel Special Concentrically Braced Frame Buildings

1.1 Background and Purpose

At the time this study began, commercial buildings were designed in

accordance with ASCE/SEI 7-10, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and
Other Structures (ASCE, 2010), which was adopted by reference in the 2015
edition of the International Building Code (IBC) (ICC, 2015). Design
seismic loads in ASCE/SEI 7-10 are based on the risk-targeted maximum
considered earthquake (MCER) ground motions, which were introduced in
FEMA P-750, NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions for New Buildings
and Other Structures (FEMA, 2009a). Buildings designed and constructed
in accordance with national model codes and seismic design standards (e.g.,
ASCE/SEI 7-10) are expected to meet general seismic performance targets,
which are described in terms of not exceeding a specified percent probability
of collapse given MCER ground motions. For reference, a collapse
probability of no more than 10 percent, given MCER ground motions, is the
anticipated “reliability” in ASCE/SEI 7-10 (Table C1.3.1b) for Risk
Category II buildings, which constitute the vast majority of all buildings.
Further, the use of MCER ground motions in building design is intended to
provide a reasonable assurance of seismic performance for all buildings—
regardless of building period, seismic-force-resisting system, or other
characteristic—designed in accordance with the governing building code.

Studies conducted before the start of the ATC-116 Project series have used
the methodology described in FEMA P-695, Quantification of Building
Seismic Performance Factors (FEMA, 2009b), to evaluate the collapse
performance of common code-permitted seismic-force-resisting systems.
For example, one widely cited previous collapse performance study is
described in NIST GCR 12-917-20, Tentative Framework for Development
of Advanced Seismic Design Criteria for New Buildings (NIST, 2012a). This
and other similar studies have shown that many seismic-force-resisting
systems achieve the collapse performance target (i.e., less than a 10 percent
probability of collapse given MCER ground motions). However, these
studies have also found that shorter-period buildings have calculated
probabilities of collapse that exceed those of longer-period buildings, and
generally exceed the 10 percent target for acceptable collapse performance.

1-2 1: Introduction FEMA P-2139-3

This can be observed in Figure 1-1, taken from NIST GCR 12-917-20. The
figure plots the calculated collapse probabilities for groups of structural
systems, as identified in Table 12.2-1 of ASCE/SEI 7-10, over a range of
periods. Bearing wall systems (diamonds) include special reinforced
masonry shear walls (A.7), which are the focus of this report, ordinary
reinforced masonry shear walls (A.9), and light-frame (wood) walls with
wood structural panel sheathing (A.15). Building frame systems (squares)
include steel special concentrically braced frames (B.2), special reinforced
concrete shear walls (B.4), ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls (B.5),
and steel buckling-restrained braced frames (B.25). Moment frame systems
(triangles) include steel special moment frames (C.1), special reinforced
concrete moment frames (C.5), and ordinary reinforced concrete moment
frames (C.7)

In the figure, FEMA P-695 collapse performance studies on a variety of

structural systems over a range of periods suggest that, for systems with
design periods less than about 0.5 seconds, the probability of collapse given
MCER ground motions increases significantly as the design period decreases.
If these analytical predictions are accurate, then the goal of acceptable
collapse performance for all seismic-force-resisting systems at all building
periods is not being achieved, and short-period buildings are exceeding the
10 percent collapse performance target of ASCE/SEI 7.

Figure 1-1 Trends in the probability of collapse of selected systems as a

function of design period (adapted from NIST, 2012a).

FEMA P-2139-3 1: Introduction 1-3

The importance of building period on the calculation of peak response of
inelastic systems dates back to studies of response and design spectra in the
1960s and 1970s by Veletsos, Newmark, and others (e.g., Veletsos and
Newmark, 1960). These studies found that the ratio of inelastic displacement
to elastic displacement of simple single-degree-of-freedom numerical models
was period dependent and increased as the periods of the numerical models
decreased, implying worse collapse performance for shorter-period buildings.

Findings from other numerical studies of earthquake response and collapse

performance are consistent and suggest that seismic design coefficients (e.g.,
R) could be period dependent or more stringent for shorter-period buildings
(e.g., Miranda and Bertero, 1994). Although ASCE/SEI 7 does not include
period-dependent seismic modification factors, the underlying concepts can be
found in other seismic codes. For example, Section 5.2.3 of Eurocode 8 (CEN,
2004) increases inelastic seismic demands as a function of period for detailing
of reinforced-concrete elements in areas of plastic hinging when the building
period is relatively short (i.e., T less than Ts, where Ts is the code-defined
transition period between spectral response domains of constant acceleration
and constant velocity). Explicit incorporation of period-dependent properties
can also be found in the “coefficient method” of ASCE/SEI 41-17, Seismic
Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings (ASCE, 2017).

Trends in observed earthquake damage of short-period buildings, however,

do not support the high collapse probabilities shown in Figure 1-1. Analysis
of available historical data on short-period building performance is described
in Chapter 2. For example, reconnaissance following the 1994 Northridge
earthquake found that modern reinforced masonry buildings experienced
little damage, and studies of reinforced masonry buildings within the Central
Business District after the 2011 Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake
documented only 5 percent having severe damage. These observations are
contrary to the results of analytical studies used to predict collapse
probabilities. Because observed damage in short-period buildings is less than
what is implied by the body of analytical results available in the literature,
the opinion of many structural engineers suggests that numerical models
overestimate the actual collapse risk of short-period buildings.

The apparent discrepancy between analytical prediction of collapse

performance and the opinions and observations of structural engineers has
been designated the short-period building seismic performance paradox.
With the standardized collapse evaluation methodology of FEMA P-695,
additional testing of structural elements and assemblies, and the evolution of
high-speed computer processing, we now have the capability to effectively
investigate and resolve this paradox.

1-4 1: Introduction FEMA P-2139-3

Given this context, the purpose of the ATC-116 Project series was to
investigate the response behavior and collapse performance of different
structural systems. The results of this work are intended to:
• Identify the causes of the short-period building seismic performance
paradox, quantify factors contributing to short-period building
performance, and develop solution concepts.
• Improve and validate numerical modeling methods for short-period
buildings to more accurately capture response behavior and collapse
performance characteristics.
• Improve code seismic design methods and engineering practices for
short-period buildings so that seismic performance targets are achieved
across all seismic-force-resisting systems and all design periods.
• Inform future research so that better data and improved numerical
modeling can be used in the development of more efficient and effective
structural systems, seismic assessment methodologies, and engineering
design procedures.

1.2 Approach and Scope

A phased approach for investigation was developed and presented in the

ATC-116 report, Roadmap for Solutions to the Issue of Short Period
Building Performance (ATC, 2015). Many factors are thought to contribute
to the apparent discrepancy between analyzed and observed seismic
performance of short-period buildings. Reasons for the paradox could
include an underestimation of the peak strength and post-peak capacity of
short-period buildings, an overestimation of the demands on short-period
buildings, or a combination of both. Possible causes include building
configuration issues (e.g., incorporation of all structural and nonstructural
components, including interior and exterior wall finishes, that contribute to
building strength and stiffness), hysteretic response backbone curve issues
(e.g., realistic characterization of peak strength and collapse displacement
capacity), and other factors (e.g., soil-structure interaction and foundation
flexibility) that affect building response behavior and collapse performance.

Overall, the approach was to: (1) establish benchmarks for the historically
observed performance of short-period buildings; (2) conduct parametric
analytical studies on archetypical short-period buildings using advanced
numerical models and the latest available research and test data; and
(3) identify modeling parameters or building characteristics that provide the
best match between the simulated and benchmark performance.

FEMA P-2139-3 1: Introduction 1-5

Although there are a number of parameters by which seismic performance
can be measured, these studies were primarily interested in collapse
performance as measured by the conditional probability of collapse given a
ground motion intensity (e.g., MCER ground motions), based on observations
from historical earthquake data, as described in Chapter 2, or collapse
statistics obtained from Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA), as described
in Chapter 5.

For the purpose of these studies, short-period buildings were defined as

buildings with first-mode periods less than about 0.5 seconds. Studies
investigated different systems, configurations, and materials commonly used
in the United States for design and construction of new short-period
buildings in regions of moderate, high, and very high seismicity.

To study reinforced masonry shear wall systems, a suite of archetypes, with

variations in occupancy, height, and seismic-design level, were selected.
Archetypes were intended to represent code-compliant modern construction
for common occupancies classified under Risk Category II that routinely
adopt a reinforced masonry structural system.

Three occupancies were selected for study: commercial buildings (COM);

multi-family residential and hotel buildings (RES); and retail, industrial and
warehouse buildings (BOX). Archetypes included one-story, two-story, and
four-story buildings, all with fundamental periods below (or slightly greater
than) 0.5 seconds. The key configuration and seismic-design criteria for the
reinforced masonry archetypes are provided in Table 1-1, where the design
period (T = CuTa) and the seismic response coefficient (Cs) were calculated in
accordance with Section 12.8.2 and Section of ASCE/SEI 7-10,
respectively. The development of the reinforced masonry archetypes is
described in detail in Chapter 3.

The archetype design methods and details represented typical modern

practice exercised in areas of significant seismicity using the normal standard
of care. In contrast with prior FEMA P-695 collapse studies, archetype
configurations for each occupancy were selected to be realistic and
representative of actual buildings in terms of size and proportion. They were
designed to meet code-minimum base shear strength requirements, but were
not biased with overstrength through deliberate conservatism in the design or
understrength caused by the use of member sizes that would be considered
unrealistic based on gravity load or architectural considerations.

1-6 1: Introduction FEMA P-2139-3

Table 1-1 Key Configuration and Seismic Design Criteria for Reinforced
Masonry Archetypes
Seismic Design Criteria
Design Seismic MCER Response Seismic
Period* Design Design Modification Response
Archetype No. of T = CuTa Category Parameter, Coefficient Coefficient,
ID Stories (sec) (SDC) SMS (g) (R) Cs (g)
Commercial Buildings: High Seismic
COM1 1 0.25 D 1.5 5 0.20
COM2 2 0.30 D 1.5 5 0.20
COM3 4 0.51 D 1.5 5 0.20
Commercial Buildings: Very High Seismic
COM4 1 0.25 E 2.25 5 0.30
COM5 2 0.30 E 2.25 5 0.30
COM6 4 0.51 E 2.25 5 0.30
Commercial Buildings: Moderate Seismic
COM7 1 0.25 C 0.75 5 0.10
COM8 2 0.33 C 0.75 5 0.10
COM9 4 0.55 C 0.75 5 0.10
Multi-Family Residential/Hotel Buildings: High Seismic
RES1 4 0.51 D 1.5 5 0.20
Multi-Family Residential/Hotel Buildings: Very High Seismic
RES2 4 0.51 E 2.25 5 0.30
Multi-Family Residential/Hotel Buildings: Moderate Seismic
RES3 4 0.55 C 0.75 5 0.10
Retail/Industrial/Warehouse Buildings: High Seismic
BOX1 1 0.30 D 1.5 5 0.20
Retail/Industrial/Warehouse Buildings: Very High Seismic
BOX2 1 0.30 E 2.25 5 0.30
Retail/Industrial/Warehouse Buildings: Moderate Seismic
BOX3 1 0.33 C 0.75 5 0.10
* T = CuTa ≥ 0.25 seconds, in accordance with the analysis requirements of FEMA P-695,
where the values of the parameters Cu and Ta are specified by ASCE/SEI 7-10.
However, as is described in Section A.2.5, the archetypes were designed using Ta.

Archetypes were designed to capture a range of seismic ground-motion

levels. “Moderate-seismic” archetypes were designed for a value of short-
period MCER spectral response acceleration adjusted for site class effects
(SMS) of 0.75g. “High-seismic” archetypes were designed for an SMS of 1.5g,
and “very high-seismic” archetypes were designed for an SMS of 2.25g. This
highest value of SMS is not required by FEMA P-695 (e.g., for evaluation of a

FEMA P-2139-3 1: Introduction 1-7

new seismic-force-resisting system proposed for ASCE/SEI 7) but was used
in this study to investigate the collapse performance of short-period buildings
for MCER ground motions that are unlikely but could occur in areas of very
high seismicity (e.g., at sites located relatively close to fault rupture).

Archetype designs provided the basis for advanced numerical models. First,
for each building archetype, a refined finite-element model was developed and
subjected to pushover and time-history analyses. Second, the results obtained
were then used to calibrate computationally efficient frame models for
incremental dynamic analysis (IDA). Following FEMA P-695 procedures, the
IDA results provided collapse performance metrics in terms of the conditional
probability of collapse given the MCER ground-motion level.

To investigate the apparent discrepancy between analyzed and observed

seismic performance of reinforced masonry systems, five parametric studies
were performed. These included: (1) baseline configuration; (2) displacement
capacity; (3) soil-structure interaction and foundation flexibility; (4) slab-
induced wall coupling; and (5) coupling of flanged walls. Parametric studies
are described in detail in Chapter 4 and summarized below:

Baseline Configuration Parametric Study: investigated variation in the

response behavior and collapse performance of short-period reinforced
masonry buildings. The study considered differences in archetype
configurations compared with those of previous FEMA P-695 collapse
evaluations and compared modeled “baseline” collapse performance to
observed earthquake data. Baseline models considered the results of other
parametric studies and incorporated a best estimate for each parameter to
provide an overall best estimate of the simulated response of short-period
reinforced masonry buildings.

Displacement Capacity Parametric Study: investigated the effects of

collapse displacement capacity in a system on response behavior and
collapse performance. Variations in the collapse displacement capacity in a
system were represented by different modeling assumptions of post-capping
residual strength. Comparison of response and collapse results of the
archetype models with different collapse displacement capacities to results of
corresponding baseline configuration archetype models provided the basis
for evaluating the effects of displacement capacity.

Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) and Foundation Flexibility Parametric

Study: investigated SSI inertial and kinematic effects and foundation
flexibility on response behavior and collapse performance. SSI inertial
effects were modeled with a distributed set of discrete nonlinear soil springs

1-8 1: Introduction FEMA P-2139-3

and dashpots below flexible foundation elements. SSI kinematic effects were
evaluated by modifying the frequency content of ground-motion records
(filtered records) used for response history analysis. Comparison of response
and collapse results of archetype models with nonlinear soil springs,
dashpots, and flexible foundation elements analyzed using filtered records to
the results of corresponding baseline configuration archetype models on
fixed bases (i.e., rigid foundations) analyzed using unfiltered records
provided the basis for evaluating the effects of SSI and foundation flexibility.

Slab-Induced Wall Coupling Parametric Study: investigated the effects of

slab-induced coupling of walls on response behavior and collapse
performance. Typical design practice assumes that floor systems are
effectively pin connected to walls, meaning that the floor system provides
kinematic compatibility between the shear walls without inducing flexural
coupling action. However, in reality, floor slabs and beams provide some
additional lateral capacity to shear walls through flexural coupling.
Comparison of response and collapse results of archetype models with pin-
connected shear walls to results of corresponding baseline configuration
archetype models with flexural-coupled shear walls provided the basis for
evaluating the effects of slab-induced wall coupling.

Coupling of Flanged Walls Parametric Study: investigated the effects of

coupling of flanged walls on response behavior and collapse performance.
Although reinforced masonry design standards provide guidance to account
for the behavior of flanged walls, in practice, designers prefer to ignore the
intersecting wall effects and, instead, design the in-plane walls in each
direction independently. Comparison of response and collapse results of
archetype models designed without coupling of flanged walls (and modeled
as acting independently) to results of corresponding baseline configuration
archetype models designed with flanged walls that acted together provided
the basis for evaluating the effects of coupling of flanged walls.

Due to budget and time constraints, not all reinforced masonry archetype
buildings were designed, modeled, and analyzed. Table 1-2 lists the names
of the archetype models for which parametric studies were completed. A
total of 20 computationally efficient frame models were developed for three
parametric studies (each archetype analyzed for the displacement capacity
parametric study and the SSI and foundation flexibility parametric study had
two variations). Although they were not all analyzed, the designs for all the
baseline configuration archetype buildings were completed, and details for
these designs are provided in the report. The COM occupancy was
prioritized over the RES occupancy because it was anticipated that the latter
typically have so much masonry wall that archetypes would need to have

FEMA P-2139-3 1: Introduction 1-9

heights outside the short-period range before they would experience
significant cracking and yielding for study. The COM occupancy was
prioritized over the BOX occupancy because the large diaphragms of the
latter might put the buildings outside the short-period range. The high-
seismic ground-motion level was prioritized over the moderate ground-
motion level because previous FEMA P-695 studies have shown that high-
seismic collapse probabilities tend to be larger, all else equal, and because
high-seismic ground motion best represents strong ground motions of major
earthquakes at sites not close to fault rupture. The very high-seismic ground-
motion level was prioritized over the moderate ground-motion level in order
to investigate the effects of unlikely but possible very strong ground motions,
such as those near a fault rupture.

Table 1-2 Reinforced Masonry Building Archetypes Developed for the Parametric Studies
(1) (2) Interaction and (4) (5)
No. of Baseline Displ. Foundation Slab-Induced Coupling of
Archetype ID Stories Configuration Capacity Flexibility Wall Coupling Flanged Walls
Commercial Buildings: High Seismic
COM1 1 COM1B COM1B-DC - - -
COM3 4 COM3B COM3B-DC - - -
Commercial Buildings: Very High Seismic
COM4 1 COM4B COM4B-DC - - -
COM5 2 COM5B COM5B-DC - - -
COM6 4 COM6B COMB6B-DC - - -

1.3 Organization and Content

This report describes an investigation of the response behavior and collapse

performance of short-period reinforced masonry buildings. It presents
historical data on earthquake performance, typical configurations of
reinforced masonry construction, development of archetype designs and
numerical models, results from parametric analytical studies, solutions to the
short-period building seismic performance paradox, and recommendations
for seismic design, engineering practice, and future research.

Chapter 2 identifies potential sources of earthquake data, describes methods

for evaluation of response behavior and collapse performance using these
data, presents observations of short-period reinforced masonry building
performance in past earthquakes, and establishes benchmarks of collapse
performance for comparison with parametric study results.

1-10 1: Introduction FEMA P-2139-3

Chapter 3 discusses factors influencing the performance of short-period
reinforced masonry buildings, identifies common building types in terms of
use (occupancy) and structural configuration, defines representative building
archetypes and their associated design criteria, and describes the design of
these archetypes.

Chapter 4 describes the methods used to develop numerical models of short-

period reinforced masonry archetypes, including their calibration and
validation with experimental data, and provides a detailed description of the
parametric studies.

Chapter 5 summarizes the analytical results for each of the parametric studies
on short-period reinforced masonry buildings.

Chapter 6 presents key findings, conclusions, and recommendations related

to short-period reinforced masonry buildings.

Appendix A provides additional archetype design details that are not

included in Chapter 3, including the designs of all baseline models (even
those that were not analyzed).

Appendix B presents detailed information about the calibration process for

the numerical models of short-period reinforced masonry archetypes.

Appendix C presents a brief introduction of SSI theory followed by a

detailed description of the means and methods used in modeling the effects
of SSI and foundation flexibility for this study.

Appendix D describes the organization and content of peak response

quantities from each archetype that have been archived for further study and
future use.

References and a list of project participants are provided at the end of this

FEMA P-2139-3 1: Introduction 1-11

Chapter 2
Observed Response and
Performance Benchmarks

2.1 Introduction

This chapter summarizes the observed damage and collapse of modern short-
period reinforced masonry buildings in past earthquakes, presents key results
from shake-table tests, and describes the performance benchmarks used in
this study for comparison with baseline archetype model results.

2.2 Observed Damage and Collapse of Modern Short-

Period Reinforced Masonry Buildings in Past

The literature on the performance of short-period reinforced masonry

buildings in earthquakes is limited and not sufficient to develop a
quantitative measure of collapse failure rates. This is due, in part, to the
relatively small population of all short-period buildings that are constructed
of reinforced masonry and the relatively good performance of modern
reinforced masonry buildings in past earthquakes. Still, only a small number
of modern reinforced masonry buildings have been “tested” by very strong
(e.g., MCER or greater) ground motions.

The development of shear cracks in reinforced masonry walls due to strong

earthquake ground shaking has been widely observed, and in some cases,
walls have “failed,” but there are no reported collapses of modern reinforced
masonry buildings in the United States due to in-plane failure of shear walls,
and there are no reported instances of out-of-plane failure of reinforced
masonry walls without diaphragm connection failure. This contrasts with the
common observation of the failure of unreinforced masonry building walls,
which tend to collapse out-of-plane after sustaining in-plane damage.

A summary of reinforced masonry damage patterns and statistics from the

1987 Whittier earthquake, the 1994 Northridge earthquake, and the 2011
Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake follows.

FEMA P-2139-3 2: Observed Response and Performance Benchmarks 2-1

2.2.1 Reinforced Masonry Building Damage in the 1987 Whittier

After the 1987 Whittier earthquake, a comprehensive survey of 50 reinforced

masonry buildings and 38 unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings was made
in downtown Whittier (Table 2, Hart et al., 1988), the area of strongest
ground motion intensity (MMI VIII). Damage data were never published,
but anecdotal information suggests that few, if any, of the 50 reinforced
masonry buildings had significant structural damage.

A strong-motion instrument located in the basement of a 10-story building in

downtown Whittier (Bright Avenue) close to the masonry building survey
area recorded a peak ground acceleration of 0.63g (Figure 4, Brady et al.,
1988) and a peak response spectral acceleration of about 1.8g at short periods
(Figure 10, Wald, et al., 1988), which are approximately the same as the
MCER ground motions required by ASCE/SEI 7-10 for this site. However,
the 1987 Whittier earthquake was only a magnitude 5.9 event, the duration of
strong shaking was short (i.e., only about 10–15 seconds), and the frequency
content of ground motions at periods of one second and longer was very low
(e.g., response spectral acceleration of the Bright Avenue records was less
than 0.2g at a period of one second). The low level of ground motions at
periods of one second and longer implies a peak displacement response of
short-period buildings of not more than about 2 inches, which could not
cause collapse even if the spectral accelerations at short periods were strong
enough to have caused damage (e.g., cracking of reinforced masonry walls).

2.2.2 Reinforced Masonry Building Damage in the 1994

Northridge Earthquake

After the 1994 Northridge earthquake, a reconnaissance team surveyed

approximately 140 masonry buildings in the greater Los Angeles area (TMS,
1994). The executive summary of the TMS reconnaissance report provides
the following general description of reinforced masonry building

“Throughout Los Angeles there are many reinforced masonry

schools, post offices, fire stations, and police stations. Most of these
buildings showed little apparent structural damage and continued
operating after the earthquake. In the greater Los Angeles area, and
particularly in the epicentral region, very little distress was shown by
modern one-story reinforced masonry or by multistory reinforced
bearing-wall buildings. In contrast, un-retrofitted URM buildings
generally had more extensive wall damage. In general, masonry
structures, built since the 1950s, that were engineered, grouted,

2-2 2: Observed Response and Performance Benchmarks FEMA P-2139-3

reinforced, and inspected in accordance with then-current building
codes, experienced little damage in the earthquake.”

Many post-earthquake safety assessments use the guidelines provided in

ATC-20, Procedures for Postearthquake Safety Evaluation of Buildings
(ATC, 1989; 2005). The ATC-20 safety assessment procedure is a rapid
evaluation tool that focuses on the integrity of the structural system.
Inspectors are instructed to affix a placard (colored tag) on an inspected
structure, according to the following guidelines:
• Inspected Placard (green tag). No apparent hazard found, although
repairs may be required. Original lateral load capacity not significantly
decreased. No restriction on use or occupancy.
• Restricted Use Placard (yellow tag). Dangerous condition believed to
be present. Entry by owner permitted only for emergency purposes and
only at own risk. No usage on a continuous basis. Entry by public not
permitted. Possible major aftershock hazard.
• Unsafe Placard (red tag). Extreme hazard, may collapse. Imminent
danger of collapse from aftershock. Unsafe for occupancy or entry,
except by authorities.

The 140 reinforced masonry buildings surveyed after the 1994 Northridge
earthquake represent only a fraction of all reinforced masonry buildings in
the area of strongest ground motions, although the total number of reinforced
masonry buildings is not known. For reference, post-earthquake safety
evaluations of 114,039 potentially damaged buildings included 10,393
commercial and industrial buildings, of which 637 (6.1 percent) were
deemed unsafe and assigned a red tag (Table 4-2, OES, 1995). Those safety
inspections included 3,068 “Class C” structures having exterior walls of
brick, concrete block, or poured-in-place concrete (e.g., tilt-up buildings), of
which 277 (9 percent) were assigned a red tag (Table 4-3, OES, 1995). Here,
“Class C” structures included unreinforced masonry buildings that were
much more vulnerable to earthquake damage than reinforced masonry
buildings. Only a fraction of all buildings was safety inspected, and red tag
percentages based on the number of inspected buildings, rather than the total
number of buildings in the affected area, represent an upper bound on
observed damage.

More meaningful estimates of red tag percentages are shown in Figure 2-1
for wood buildings and for other (non-wood) buildings for each of five MMI
regions (V–IX). Here, the red tag percentage is the ratio of the number of
buildings assigned a red tag (Table 4-3, OES, 1995) to the number of

FEMA P-2139-3 2: Observed Response and Performance Benchmarks 2-3

buildings in the MMI region of interest (Table 6, Kircher et al., 2006). Red
tag percentages are plotted as a function of the average value of 0.3-second
response spectral acceleration of the MMI region of interest (Table 6,
Kircher et al., 2006). Non-wood buildings include three primary
construction classes: (1) steel frame; (2) concrete frame; and (3) brick, block,
or poured-in-place concrete. Non-wood construction classes are grouped
together since the red tag percentages could not be reliably estimated for
individual construction classes (other than wood). For example, although
brick, block, and poured-in-place concrete (Class C) buildings are the most
common non-wood building type, they represent only about 3.5 percent of all
buildings in Los Angeles County (Table 4-2, OES, 1995). The red tag
percentages shown in Figure 2-1 should be considered an upper bound on red
tag rates for reinforced masonry buildings since brick, concrete block, and
poured-in-place concrete (Class C) buildings also include unreinforced
masonry and tilt-up buildings, which were much more vulnerable to damage
in the 1994 Northridge earthquake.

Red Tag - Wood (1,614 Buildings)
Red Tag - Non-Wood (313 Buildings)
Percentage of Red Tags by MMI Group

0.8% 230
0.6% 165
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

0.3-Second Response Spectral Acceleration (g)

Figure 2-1 Percentage of wood and non-wood buildings assigned a red tag
as a function of 0.3-second response spectral acceleration for
five MMI regions (V–IX) based on post-earthquake safety
inspections following the 1994 Northridge earthquake.

As shown in Figure 2-1, red tag percentages are quite low, less than 1
percent, even for the MMI IX region (e.g., average 0.3-second response
spectral acceleration of 1.35g). The number of buildings assigned a red tag is
shown in the figure for MMI regions VII, VIII, and IX. For example, only
25 of the 313 non-wood buildings assigned a red tag are in the MMI IX

2-4 2: Observed Response and Performance Benchmarks FEMA P-2139-3

region, most of which were either unreinforced masonry or tilt-up buildings
that sustained out-of-plane wall failures. Qualitatively, non-wood buildings
have similar trends and values of red tag percentages as wood buildings (e.g.,
about 1 percent for the MMI IX region), and reinforced masonry buildings
appear to have performed somewhat better, on average, than wood and other
construction classes (although the paucity of data precludes reliable
quantification of this observation).

2.2.3 Reinforced Masonry Building Damage in the 2011

Christchurch Earthquake

After the February 22, 2011, Christchurch earthquake, an international team

of researchers was deployed to document the observed earthquake damage to
masonry buildings and to churches (Dizhur, 2011). The study focused on
investigating commonly encountered failure patterns and collapse
mechanisms. External evaluations of 342 reinforced concrete masonry
buildings with solid-wall construction located within the Central Business
District of Christchurch found the majority of these buildings (83 percent)
had little or no damage, 15 percent had moderate damage, and only 5 percent
had severe damage. Diagonal in-plane shear cracking was the most common
failure mode (64 percent), including both step-pattern cracking along the
head and bed mortar joints and diagonal cracking through masonry blocks.
Vertical cracking of the block was also commonly observed (20 percent),
followed less frequently by horizontal cracking along bed joints and spalling
of the block. In contrast to the relatively good performance of reinforced
masonry buildings, almost 200 unreinforced masonry buildings were
demolished in the first five months following the earthquake (approximately
85 percent of all buildings demolished during this time), and of those that
remained, few were in a usable condition (Dizhur, 2011).

2.3 Observed Performance in Shake-Table Tests

Although the number of reinforced masonry shake-table tests is limited,

those that have been performed provide valuable insights into their response
behavior and failure modes. The test results provide a basis to validate the
numerical modeling of nonlinear dynamic response described in Chapter 4.

Full-scale shake-table tests of two-story and three-story reinforced masonry

buildings at the University of California, San Diego, suggest that shear
failure of first-story walls is the likely collapse failure mode of reinforced
masonry buildings (Ahmadi et al., 2015; Mavros et al., 2016; Stavridis et al.,
2016). The structures tested did not collapse; however, damage to first-story
shear walls was more severe and extensive than the damage to shear walls at
upper floors.

FEMA P-2139-3 2: Observed Response and Performance Benchmarks 2-5

More recent shake-table tests of two single-story reinforced masonry coupled
T-wall structures, also at the University of California, San Diego, show the
test structures withstanding very large story drifts without collapse (Cheng et
al., 2020). After being subjected to a series of earthquake ground motions of
increasing intensities, the first test structure developed severe shear cracks in
the webs of the walls. The maximum story drift reached during the shaking
was 2.5 percent. Afterwards, the structure was subjected to a static-pull test
to a maximum story drift ratio of 16 percent, at which point the lateral
resistance dropped to 5 percent of the peak value, but the test structure
remained standing. The second structure was tested with earthquake ground
motions to the verge of collapse with the maximum story drift reaching 13
percent, at which the structure was still able to carry the gravity load without
collapse (see Figure 4-19). Again, the T-walls developed diagonal cracks
with severe masonry spalling.

2.4 Collapse Failure Modes and Target Collapse Rates of

Reinforced Masonry Buildings

Observations of reinforced masonry building performance in past

earthquakes is limited and not sufficient to develop a quantitative measure of
collapse failure rates. Qualitatively, however, collapse performance of
modern short-period reinforced masonry buildings appears to be similar to
that of wood buildings.

As shown in Figure 2-1, non-wood building red tag damage data are sparse
but suggest that reinforced masonry buildings have collapse rates that are no
larger than that of wood buildings, for which data are more reliable for
generating collapse statistics. Hence, for the purposes of this study,
benchmark target collapse rates for modeled performance of reinforced
masonry buildings are assumed to be the following:
• One-Story Buildings. 1 percent (0 percent to 2 percent) probability of
collapse given MCER ground motions of SMS = 1.5g; and
• Two-or-More-Story Buildings. 2.5 percent (0 percent to 5 percent)
probability of collapse given MCER ground motions of SMS = 1.5g.

Benchmark MCER collapse probabilities represent building collapse that

includes both partial collapse and full collapse of the building structure,
consistent with the ASCE/SEI 7-10 and FEMA P-695 definition of collapse.
The higher benchmark MCER collapse probabilities for buildings two stories
or more in height are based on an observed first-story failure mechanism of
wood light-frame buildings and may not be applicable to other collapse
failure modes (e.g., foundation rocking) of reinforced masonry buildings,
which have not been observed.

2-6 2: Observed Response and Performance Benchmarks FEMA P-2139-3

Chapter 3
Development of Building
Archetype Configurations and

3.1 Introduction

This chapter describes the rationale for selecting the occupancy, height, and
seismic design criteria for the reinforced masonry archetypes used for this
study. It presents reinforced masonry building characteristics used in other
relevant studies and highlights key aspects of this study’s archetype
configurations and detailed designs.

An important consideration in the design of archetype structures is to

establish the age and historic design approach that is appropriate to represent
the population of buildings that are the focus of the study. The variation in
masonry building designs among the stock of existing reinforced masonry
buildings is very broad. It was determined that the geometric configuration
of the archetypes was the critical factor that would most directly affect the
behavior and probability of collapse and that the use of current codes and
materials would lead to archetype designs that would adequately represent
that behavior. Similarly, the existing reinforced masonry building stock
includes a broad variety of walls perforated by windows and doors, creating
numerous configurations of pier shapes and sizes with both shear-dominated
and flexure-dominated behavior. In this study, all walls were solid and
unperforated with geometries that were intended to produce a range of shear-
dominated and flexure-dominated behavior. Finally, the archetypes were
expected to exhibit failure modes indicative of the primary structural system
response and not of secondary load paths, such as the out-of-plane
connection of diaphragms to walls.

The information presented in this chapter provides the basis for the numerical
models described in Chapter 4 and used to predict the seismic collapse
performance of the archetypes. Additional design details are provided in
Appendix A.

FEMA P-2139-3 3: Development of Building Archetype 3-1

Configurations and Designs
3.2 Factors Influencing Building Performance

This section presents factors that were expected to influence the seismic
response and performance of reinforced masonry buildings and thus were
considered in the design of the archetypes.

3.2.1 Seismic Design Level

This study focused on the performance of short-period reinforced masonry

buildings in locations of high seismicity. This study defined “high-seismic”
demand to be a location where the MCER ground motion is characterized by
a mapped short-period spectral response acceleration (SS) of 1.5g. For
ordinary soil profiles, this corresponded to a short-period MCER spectral
response acceleration adjusted for site class effects (SMS) of 1.5g. This level
of seismicity placed ordinary occupancy buildings in Seismic Design
Category (SDC) D in the 2015 IBC and ASCE/SEI 7-10.

To capture a range of seismic hazard levels, archetype designs were also

prepared for 50 percent of the basic value (termed “moderate seismic” in this
study) and 150 percent of the basic value (termed “very high seismic” in this
study). SMS = 0.75g is the threshold between SDC C and SDC D, so the
design rules for SDC C were applied in the moderate-seismic designs in this
study. SMS = 2.25g is high enough that the mapped one-second MCER
spectral response acceleration, S1, will often place the building into SDC E,
so the rules for SDC E were applied to the very high-seismic designs in this

3.2.2 Occupancy and Architectural Influence on Structure


Masonry buildings have the important characteristic that the structural

configuration is often established by nonstructural criteria set by the building
architect, not the engineer. These criteria include the building envelope
shape, the fire-rating or fire-separation requirements, the acoustic rating,
material durability, aesthetics, building occupancy, and building program.
The structural configuration of the building—and thus the primary seismic-
force-resisting system—may be beyond the control of the structural engineer.

Section 7.3 of TMS 402/602, Building Code Requirements and Specification

for Masonry Structures (TMS, 2013), defines “participating” and
“nonparticipating” elements of the seismic-force-resisting system.
Nonparticipating walls must be explicitly isolated in their own plane from the
seismic-force-resisting system; if not, they must be treated as participating.
It is generally simpler and more cost-effective to detail most walls as
participating. This characteristic often results in buildings that have stiffness

FEMA P-2139-3 3: Development of Building Archetype 3-2

Configurations and Designs
and strength that exceed the demand, often at the expense of ductility. In
other words, many masonry buildings can be expected to exhibit only minor
nonlinear behavior under design-level ground motions. For the same
reasons, some buildings may exhibit nonlinear behavior, but with a shear-
dominated response rather than the code-intended flexure-dominated ductile
response. This situation is represented in the chosen archetypes, especially in
the residential and retail (i.e., “big box”) archetypes, which have more walls
(length and number) participating in the seismic-force-resisting system than
would be necessary to meet structural design demands.

3.2.3 Reinforced Masonry Design and Construction Practice

Masonry design and construction practice varies widely across the United
States and evolved significantly during the twentieth century. The practice
of reinforcing masonry began with early innovators in the 1920s, ultimately
leading to the introduction of reinforced masonry to the building codes in the
1950s. Ongoing research and code development, particularly since the mid-
1970s, has contributed to the steady evolution of design practice. The use of
reinforcement in masonry, which started in the West and progressed
eastward, is now widespread in the country. When modern reinforced
masonry was first developed in the United States, multi-wythe systems—in
which two wythes of solid-unit clay-brick masonry were connected by a
reinforced and grouted space between them—were common. Over time, this
system has been almost entirely replaced in common practice by hollow-unit
masonry with reinforcement placed in the grout-filled cores of the units.
Clay brick masonry is often used as a nonstructural veneer rather than as a
structural material.

Geographic location strongly influences construction practices. The use of

reinforced masonry evolved more quickly in the western United States than
in the East. Even today, there are differences around the country as local
craftsmen set the standards of practice. For example, fully grouted
reinforced masonry is relatively common on the West Coast but less common
in the Midwest and East Coast, where partial grouting is the preferred
practice. Archetypes in this study are all fully grouted both to represent
common practice in areas of high-seismic hazard and to allow the use of past
experimental and numerical studies, which are more numerous for fully
grouted than partially grouted systems, in the development of this study’s
numerical models.

Variation in design practice is another variable. Even within the context of

current design practice, the building code for masonry, TMS 402/602,
accommodates a wide range of design and construction practice across the

FEMA P-2139-3 3: Development of Building Archetype 3-3

Configurations and Designs
United States, including allowable stress design and strength design for both
reinforced and unreinforced masonry. TMS 402/602 also allows empirical
design rules with limited application and recently introduced limit design

Because of this variability, the same building design problem may result in
very different solutions depending on the designer’s location and choice
among several code-sanctioned design methods. This study focused on
seismic-force-resisting systems common in high-seismic areas in the western
United States, specifically: loadbearing, fully grouted, reinforced hollow-unit
concrete masonry with cantilevered shear walls. Masonry walls are generally
identified either as perforated, with regular or irregular openings, or as
cantilevered. All the walls in this study were the cantilever type. Nominal
8-inch thick walls were used in all archetypes wherever possible, although
12-inch walls were required in one case. The chosen design process for the
archetypes was intended to represent typical practice exercised in areas of
significant seismicity using the normal standard of care for the referenced
codes and, inherently, the associated time of practice. The strength design
provisions of the 2013 version of TMS 402/602 were used. Regardless of
Seismic Design Category, all walls were designed as “special reinforced
masonry shear walls” per ASCE/SEI 7-10 with a response modification
coefficient (R) equal to 5.

As special reinforced masonry shear wall buildings, the archetypes lent

themselves to the application of the design principles and procedures
described in NIST GCR 14-917-31, Seismic Design of Special Reinforced
Masonry Shear Walls: A Guide for Practicing Engineers (NIST, 2014). That
document discusses, among other things, the restrictions on vertical
reinforcement, requirements for boundary elements, and the influence of
flanged walls on design. The archetype configurations in this study were
chosen to ensure that special boundary elements per the provisions of TMS
402/602 were not required.

The type of structural diaphragm used in short-period reinforced masonry

buildings is similarly dependent on local practice, occupancy, fire rating
requirements, and cost. Their influence on collapse performance is primarily
seen in how forces are distributed to vertical elements, and in the out-of-
plane forces imposed on masonry walls by the diaphragms, especially for
flexible diaphragms. The archetypes in this study are all biaxially symmetric
(or very nearly so), so the distribution of seismic forces to each line of
resistance is relatively insensitive to diaphragm type. As described below,
archetype floor diaphragms were rigid, and roof diaphragms were relatively

FEMA P-2139-3 3: Development of Building Archetype 3-4

Configurations and Designs
Residential and retail archetypes in this study were expected to exhibit
behavior driven entirely by the geometry imposed on the design by
architectural constraints. The commercial archetypes were expected to have
a reasonable amount of wall necessary to meet an architectural demand for
openness, while meeting all structural code requirements. As such, the
residential and retail archetypes were expected to represent buildings with
significant overstrength, and the commercial archetypes less so.

3.2.4 Site Class and Foundation Systems

The foundation system and its connectivity and interaction with the ground
have long been identified as a possible source for explaining performance
under seismic loads that is different than would be predicted by numerical
models that ignore any such flexibility or energy dissipation. Accordingly,
this study included a parametric study regarding the effects of soil-structure
interaction (SSI) and foundation flexibility, comparing building response on
sites with stiff soil and soft soil. Unique designs were prepared for each site
using different allowable soil bearing pressures and moduli of subgrade
reaction. Both sites were characterized as Site Class D.

There is also often an association between site characteristics and foundation

type. Typically, piles or caissons are used with soft soil, and shallow spread
footings are used with firmer sites. Exceptions include “poor” sites with soft
soils, liquefaction potential, or expansive soil. For the purposes of this study,
a shallow spread-footing foundation with a slab-on-grade was selected for
both stiff and soft soil sites. Interior columns bear on isolated spread
footings, and exterior walls bear on continuous stem walls supported on
continuous strip footings around the building perimeter. A slab-on-grade
bears on the interior isolated footings and was bound by the stem walls. The
selected foundation system was representative of typical systems and
appropriate for studying the inclusion or exclusion of foundation flexibility
in response prediction.

Details of the soil properties and designs are documented in Section 3.4.4
and Appendix A.

3.2.5 Architectural and Nonstructural Components

The effects of architectural and nonstructural components on the behavior of

reinforced masonry buildings is generally assumed to be small, because the
mass and stiffness of these components are usually small relative to the
properties of the structural masonry itself. As discussed previously, masonry
walls often serve both an architectural and structural purpose; in this context,
“architectural and nonstructural components” are intended to include non-

FEMA P-2139-3 3: Development of Building Archetype 3-5

Configurations and Designs
masonry partition walls or building envelope systems, drywall, stucco, or
similar lightweight finishes. Such architectural and nonstructural
components were not included in this study.

3.2.6 Behavior of Reinforced Masonry Walls under Seismic


At the most basic level, the behavior of reinforced masonry shear walls under
seismic loads can be characterized in one of two fundamental categories
(NIST, 2014):
• Flexure-dominated walls are walls whose behavior is dominated by
flexure, with reliable ductility and inelastic displacement capacity.
• Shear-dominated walls are walls whose behavior, often for reasons
beyond the control of the structural designer, is dominated by shear, with
limited ductility capacity.

It is the intent of the building code to encourage flexure-dominated behavior,

but it is unrealistic to assume that all masonry elements will do so. Different
structural elements in the archetypes were expected to exhibit both behaviors.

3.3 Building Type Considerations for Development of


This section describes considerations in the selection of occupancies, heights,

and configurations for the archetypes, which were meant to broadly represent
common reinforced masonry shear wall building types and expected structural
behaviors routinely encountered in practice. The section begins with a summary
of reinforced masonry building characteristics used in other relevant studies.

3.3.1 FEMA Model Building Types

In selecting the archetypes, previous studies using masonry structures were

considered. One possibility for this study would have been to simply reuse
the archetypes chosen for previous studies; ultimately, it was determined that
the previous archetypes would not capture the behavior relevant to the short-
period building seismic performance paradox. The previous studies and their
relevance to this study are briefly described here.

FEMA Model Building Types (MBTs) define different types of structural

systems in terms that are believed useful for characterizing seismic
performance. These designations have been used extensively in FEMA
publications, such as FEMA 547, Techniques for the Seismic Rehabilitation of
Existing Buildings (FEMA, 2006), and FEMA P-154, Rapid Visual Screening
of Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazards: A Handbook (FEMA, 2015a).

FEMA P-2139-3 3: Development of Building Archetype 3-6

Configurations and Designs
A list of FEMA MBTs from FEMA P-154 is shown in Table 3-1. The
FEMA MBTs included two reinforced masonry building types: RM1
(reinforced masonry buildings with flexible diaphragms), and RM2
(reinforced masonry buildings with stiff diaphragms). Both FEMA
reinforced masonry MBTs were represented in the archetypes for this study,
but the characterization of the two categories was not sufficient to describe
the variations in occupancy, building height, and configuration that are
important to this study. Instead, archetypes were developed for three
common occupancies, with varying heights appropriate to those occupancies.

Table 3-1 FEMA Model Building Types

Designation Description
W1 Light wood frame single- or multiple-family dwellings of one or more
stories in height
W1A Light wood frame multi-unit, multi-story residential buildings with plan
areas on each floor of greater than 3,000 square feet
W2 Wood frame commercial and industrial buildings with a floor area
larger than 5,000 square feet
S1 Steel moment-resisting frame
S2 Braced steel frame
S3 Light metal frame
S4 Steel frame with cast-in-place concrete shear walls
S5 Steel frame with unreinforced masonry infill walls
C1 Concrete moment-resisting frame
C2 Concrete shear wall
C3 Concrete frame with unreinforced masonry infill walls
PC1 Tilt-up construction
PC2 Precast concrete frames
RM1 Reinforced masonry with flexible floor and roof diaphragms
RM2 Reinforced masonry with rigid floor and roof diaphragms
URM Unreinforced masonry bearing-wall buildings
MH Manufactured housing

NIST GCR 10-917-8, Evaluation of the FEMA P-695 Methodology for

Quantification of Building Seismic Performance Factors (NIST, 2010), selected
40 representative masonry archetypes to evaluate the FEMA P-695 methodology.
The archetypes had two plan configurations based on two common occupancies:
• retail occupancy: one-story with 12-foot roof height (see Figure 3-1), and
• residential occupancy: multi-story with 10-foot floor-to-floor height,
with archetypes for two, four, eight, and twelve stories (see Figure 3-2
and Figure 3-3).

FEMA P-2139-3 3: Development of Building Archetype 3-7

Configurations and Designs
Figure 3-1 Reinforced masonry retail occupancy building from
NIST GCR 10-917-8—plan view.

Figure 3-2 Reinforced masonry residential occupancy building

from NIST GCR 10-917-8—plan view.

FEMA P-2139-3 3: Development of Building Archetype 3-8

Configurations and Designs
Figure 3-3 Reinforced masonry residential occupancy building from NIST
GCR 10-917-8—elevation view.

3.3.2 Building Occupancy

The following limitations were imposed to bound the variables in the NIST
• all walls were cantilevered (not perforated) with rectangular cross
• flanged-wall behavior was not considered, and
• coupling between walls was not considered.

Within these limitations, the following variables were explicitly considered

by the NIST study:
• special versus ordinary detailing,
• fully grouted versus partially grouted construction,
• seismic design category,
• level of seismic design loading,
• level of gravity load,
• number of stories,
• building period (short and long), and
• wall aspect ratio.

The archetypes from the NIST study were an important reference, but there
are several differences in the chosen archetypes for this study. For example,

FEMA P-2139-3 3: Development of Building Archetype 3-9

Configurations and Designs
the scope of this study was explicitly limited to short-period structures, and
this study did not include partially grouted structures or ordinary shear wall

In the NIST study, the retail occupancy building (Figure 3-1) was 204 feet
square. However, only one 24-foot segment of exterior wall centered on
each elevation was considered as a participating structural element and was
optimized for strength relative to the seismic design load. Structural walls
had aspect ratios ranging between 0.5 and 1. Because it was a goal of this
study to consider elements of short-period building construction that may
participate in the seismic-force-resisting system, even if they are not
explicitly necessary, all exterior masonry walls were assumed to be
participating elements as defined by TMS 402/602.

The residential archetype in the NIST study was nearly duplicated in this
study, with an identical plan layout but the exclusion of exterior longitudinal
walls, which were considered unrealistic elements for a residential
occupancy. However, in this study, the design considered flanged walls in
accordance with the recommendations in TMS 402/602, rather than
considering each wall as an independent rectangular cantilever wall in the
design. Coupling between shear walls due to beam or slab bending was not
explicitly included in the design for either study.

The NIST study did not include a structure like the commercial archetype
chosen for this study, with flanged walls on the building perimeter.

Finally, while the NIST archetypes included two-, four-, eight-, and twelve-
story versions, this study was limited to one-, two-, and four-story versions
because of the focus on short-period structures.

Short-period reinforced masonry building archetypes were developed for

three common occupancies:
• commercial office buildings (COM),
• multi-family residential and hotel buildings (RES), and
• retail, industrial, and warehouse buildings (BOX).

These are described in the following sections.

Another common occupancy for masonry buildings is schools, which are

often characterized by long exterior walls perforated by windows and doors
and relatively solid interior separation walls. This occupancy was not
included in the study because its behavior was expected to be captured by the
other three building types.

FEMA P-2139-3 3: Development of Building Archetype 3-10

Configurations and Designs
3.3.3 Commercial Buildings (COM)

The use of reinforced masonry in commercial buildings is common in a

variety of building configurations (Figure 3-4). For the purposes of this
study, the commercial building archetype was assumed to support an
architectural program with an open interior for maximum occupant flexibility
and with all structural walls on the building exterior. Because windows are
also valuable for prime office space, the exterior walls were optimized to be
the minimum length necessary to meet code requirements for the seismic-
force-resisting system.

Figure 3-4 Typical reinforced masonry commercial office building

(photo credit: FEMA P-749, Chapter 4, Figure 23).

3.3.4 Multi-Family Residential and Hotel Buildings (RES)

The use of reinforced masonry as the primary structural system for single-
family homes is rare, and the occupancy is not included in this study. In
contrast, reinforced masonry is common in multi-family residential
construction, because, in addition to its structural role, the masonry walls can
provide fire and acoustic separation between units and egress corridors
(Figure 3-5). Low- to mid-rise hotel structures using reinforced masonry
party and corridor walls with precast hollow-core concrete diaphragms are
common. Although designs were prepared for this archetype, numerical
analyses were not ultimately conducted as part of this study.

FEMA P-2139-3 3: Development of Building Archetype 3-11

Configurations and Designs
Figure 3-5 Typical reinforced masonry multi-family residential
building (photo credit: G. Kingsley).

3.3.5 Retail, Industrial, and Warehouse Buildings (BOX)

Among the most common reinforced masonry building types in the United
States is the single-story retail or warehouse structure, often referred to as
“big box” retail (Figure 3-6). These structures are characterized by large
plan dimensions with reinforced masonry walls defining the entire exterior
envelope and seismic-force-resisting system. The interior structure is often
composed of steel columns with open-webbed steel joists and joist girders,
with a corrugated metal deck or panelized wood diaphragm. The diaphragm
is flexible relative to the masonry walls. Although designs were prepared for
this archetype, numerical analyses were not ultimately conducted as part of
this study.

Figure 3-6 Typical “big box” retail construction (photo credit: G.


FEMA P-2139-3 3: Development of Building Archetype 3-12

Configurations and Designs
3.4 Archetype Design Criteria and Configurations

This section documents the criteria for designing the archetype reinforced
masonry buildings and the basic configurations that were used for this study.
Detailed documentation of the designs for each archetype are provided in
Appendix A.

3.4.1 Applicable Codes and Standards

Design loads were based on design requirements of ASCE/SEI 7-10. Design

strength, performance, and detailing were established in accordance with
masonry design standards in TMS 402 and construction specifications in
TMS 602. As stated previously, the archetypes were designed in accordance
with the strength design method, as opposed to the allowable-stress,
empirical, or limit-design methods, all of which are allowed by the code.

3.4.2 Gravity Loads

Archetype design dead and live loads are summarized in Table 3-2. The
weight of all walls, except those of the exterior, was averaged across the
floor plate, and a portion was assigned to the roof for the determination of
seismic loads. The interior wall dead load value used was 15 pounds per
square foot (psf) distributed uniformly over each story.

Table 3-2 Gravity Loads used for Design of Reinforced Masonry

Building Archetypes
Floor Live Partition Floor Dead Dead Exterior Wall
Building Load Load Load Load Dead Load
Type (psf) (psf) (psf) (psf) (psf)
COM 50 15 80 20 20
RES 40 15 100 90 10
BOX 100 - n/a 20 34

3.4.3 Seismic Loads and Design Criteria

Archetype designs were developed for three different seismic criteria

summarized in Table 3-3. The mapped MCER spectral response acceleration
at a period of 1 second (S1), the short-period site coefficient (Fa), the short-
period design spectral response acceleration (SDS), and the other listed
parameters, all previously defined, were calculated in accordance with
ASCE/SEI 7-10 requirements for the equivalent-lateral-force (ELF) method.
All designs were based on Risk Category II and a response modification
factor (R) of 5 for Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls. Table 3-4
summarizes the basic seismic design criteria for the archetypes.

FEMA P-2139-3 3: Development of Building Archetype 3-13

Configurations and Designs
Table 3-3 Seismic Loads Used for Design of Reinforced Masonry Archetypes
MCER Ground Motion Definition
Building Seismic Seismic Design S1 SS SMS SDS
Type Design Level Category (SDC) (g) (g) Fa (g) (g)
Very High E 0.90 2.25 1.0 2.25 1.5
High D 0.60 1.50 1.0 1.50 1.0
and BOX
Moderate C 0.132 0.55 1.36 0.75 0.5

Table 3-4 Seismic Design Criteria used for Design of Reinforced

Masonry Archetypes
Seismic Design Criteria
Archetype No. of SMS T* Cs
ID Stories SDC (g) (sec) (g)
Commercial Buildings: High Seismic
COM1 1 D 1.5 0.25 0.20
COM2 2 D 1.5 0.30 0.20
COM3 4 D 1.5 0.51 0.20
Commercial Buildings: Very High Seismic
COM4 1 E 2.25 0.25 0.30
COM5 2 E 2.25 0.30 0.30
COM6 4 E 2.25 0.51 0.30
Commercial Buildings: Moderate Seismic
COM7 1 C 0.75 0.25 0.10
COM8 2 C 0.75 0.33 0.10
COM9 4 C 0.75 0.55 0.10
Multi-Family Residential/Hotel Buildings: High Seismic
RES1 4 D 1.5 0.51 0.20
Multi-Family Residential/Hotel Buildings: Very High Seismic
RES2 4 E 2.25 0.51 0.30
Multi-Family Residential/Hotel Buildings: Moderate Seismic
RES3 4 C 0.75 0.55 0.10
Retail/Industrial/Warehouse Buildings: High Seismic
BOX1 1 D 1.5 0.30 0.20
Retail/Industrial/Warehouse Buildings: Very High Seismic
BOX2 1 E 2.25 0.30 0.30
Retail/Industrial/Warehouse Buildings: Moderate Seismic
BOX3 1 C 0.75 0.33 0.10
* T = CuTa ≥ 0.25 seconds, in accordance with the analysis requirements of FEMA P-695,
where the values of the parameters Cu and Ta are specified by ASCE/SEI 7-10.
However, as is described in Section A.2.5, the archetypes were designed using Ta.

FEMA P-2139-3 3: Development of Building Archetype 3-14

Configurations and Designs
3.4.4 Foundation Design Criteria

Soil properties were assumed to represent typical West Coast sites, which are
described in detail in Appendix C. Assumed site-specific properties of soils
are summarized in Table 3-5. For the SSI and foundation flexibility study
only, a soft soil profile was assumed, with a lower bearing pressure. Both
stiff and soft soil sites were characterized as Site Class D.

Table 3-5 Foundation Criteria used for Design of Reinforced Masonry

Building Archetypes
Material Properties
Assumed Site Class D
Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure (stiff soil) 3000 psf
Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure (soft soil) 1500 psf
Modulus of subgrade reaction (stiff soil) 129 kip / cu ft
Modulus of subgrade reaction (soft soil) 60 kip / cu ft
Minimum Footing Depth 12 in

3.4.5 Archetype Height

Commercial buildings with heights of one story, two stories, and four stories
are common, so the selected reinforced masonry commercial building
archetypes included all three.

Historically, and in current practice, buildings with residential occupancies

shorter than four or five stories would typically be wood light-framed where
permitted by code. Accordingly, only one height—four stories—was
designed for the reinforced masonry residential archetypes.

The retail archetype, representing a typical “big box” store, was also self-
limiting in that reinforced masonry structures of that type rarely exceed one
story. Therefore, only one height—one story—was designed for the
reinforced masonry retail archetypes.

3.5 Commercial Building Archetypes (COM)

Plan dimensions of 48 feet × 96 feet were selected for the commercial

building archetypes. One-story, two-story, and four-story archetypes were
designed. In each, the ground floor was a slab-on-grade, and elevated floors,
if any, were composite steel framing with concrete on metal deck spanning
between beams, which in turn were supported on girders and columns or
walls. This floor system provided a relatively stiff diaphragm. In
accordance with common practice, the roof was un-topped steel deck
supported by open-web steel joists and wide-flange perimeter beams. This

FEMA P-2139-3 3: Development of Building Archetype 3-15

Configurations and Designs
roof system provided a relatively flexible diaphragm. Figure 3-7 shows an
isometric view of the two-story commercial archetype.

The selection of this configuration was motivated in part by the desire to

represent structural walls that, based on their aspect ratios and relatively light
gravity loads, were expected to be flexure dominated and well aligned with
the code intent for special reinforced masonry shear walls.

Figure 3-7 Isometric view of the two-story commercial archetype (COM2).

In this archetype, as with the others, the reinforced masonry walls served as
gravity-load-carrying elements, as well as elements of the seismic-force-
resisting system. Floor beams and girders transferred gravity loads through
bearing plates on masonry pilasters built into the walls. For the purposes of
design, it was assumed, as is common practice, that the floor system was
effectively pin-connected to the walls, meaning that it provided kinematic
compatibility between the shear walls without inducing flexural-coupling

The archetypes also included flanged walls, which are common in practice.
TMS 402/602 provides guidance to account for the behavior of flanged
walls, and this guidance was followed explicitly in the design of the
archetypes. In practice, anecdotal experience suggests that many designers
prefer to ignore the intersecting-wall effects and design the in-plane walls in
each direction independently. Designs that incorporate flanged-wall
behavior can be challenging, considering the need to adhere to maximum
reinforcement limits and competing demands for a single flanged wall
element that must meet code requirements for design forces in two
orthogonal directions. In some cases, provisions of the TMS 402 code that
allow maximum reinforcement requirements to be bypassed under certain
conditions were invoked (NIST, 2014). These conditions are specifically
identified for the commercial archetypes in Appendix A.

FEMA P-2139-3 3: Development of Building Archetype 3-16

Configurations and Designs
The building envelope was assumed to be a combination of glazing and cold-
formed steel framing with a relatively light exterior skin (e.g., stucco, cement
board, or metal panel) applied to the exterior of the masonry walls.
Buildings of this type may also have a heavier brick masonry veneer, but
lighter materials are generally less expensive, and more common, and so
were chosen for the archetype.

3.5.1 Commercial Building Parametric Designs

Several parametric studies were considered to study the influence of design

and analysis choices on the modeled numerical results; ultimately, two were
executed: displacement capacity and SSI and foundation flexibility.

The displacement capacity study investigated the effects on response

behavior and collapse performance of collapse displacement capacity in a
system. It was not necessary to alter the archetype designs for this study.

The SSI and foundation flexibility study investigated SSI inertial and
kinematic effects and foundation flexibility on response behavior and
collapse performance. The archetypes for the SSI and foundation flexibility
parametric study were based on two designs, one for sites with relatively stiff
soils (allowable bearing pressure = 3,000 psf) and one for sites with soft soils
(allowable bearing pressure = 1,500 psf). The ELF seismic-design forces
were not altered, only the allowable soil bearing pressure, so the resulting
design changed only the footing dimensions and reinforcing.

3.6 Multi-Family Residential Archetypes (RES)

The multi-family residential masonry archetype (Figure 3-8) was 74 feet ×

180 feet in plan, with structural party walls and corridor walls. Shear-
dominated behavior was expected based on the aspect ratios, axial loading,
and large flanges of these walls.

Figure 3-8 Isometric view of the four-story residentail archetype (RES1).

FEMA P-2139-3 3: Development of Building Archetype 3-17

Configurations and Designs
The floor system chosen for the archetype consisted of 8-inch precast
hollow-core planks with a 2-inch minimum normal-weight concrete topping.
This system was chosen based on its appropriateness for residential
applications (e.g., acoustic properties, vibration, thin cross-section), based on
its use in previous numerical modeling studies (NIST, 2010) and on its use in
previous experimental studies available for calibration of numerical models
(Mavros et al., 2016). The planks were single span, bearing on the party
walls and exterior walls. At corridor walls, the planks were designed not to
bear directly on the walls, but the concrete topping slabs and reinforcement
provided shear connection from floors to walls. The topped precast system
provided rigid floor diaphragms. Structural designers would generally
assume that this floor system provides little or no flexural coupling between
the shear walls. This was assumed in the design, despite experimental tests
showing that coupling effects can be significant (Seible et al., 1991).

The significant flanges were considered in the design of the masonry

structural walls. Each L-shaped wall was designed for ground motions in the
two directions and balanced to work in both. Designs for the baseline
archetypes were developed, and no additional designs were developed to
support parametric studies for the multi-family residential archetypes. Only
commercial building archetypes were designed, modeled, and analyzed.

3.7 Retail, Industrial, and Warehouse Archetypes (BOX)

The plan dimensions were chosen to be double the plan dimensions of the
commercial archetypes, or 96 feet × 182 feet. The building was single story
with a height of 24 feet to the roof plane. In accordance with common
practice for structures of this type in the western United States, the roof was
designed as a panelized wood system with prefabricated panels of plywood
on wood joists supported on bar joists and joist girders supported on columns
and walls (Lawson, 2013). The roof was a low-slope gable form.

The walls were tall and slender, with few openings that were expected to
have little or no influence on the behavior. Control-joint spacing was
approximately 24 feet on center, resulting in shear-wall segments with a
shear span-to-depth ratio of approximately 1.

This building type and occupancy are so common that it was considered
relevant to the study; however, it is recognized that the size and flexibility of
the wood diaphragm would result in a structure that would not fit the
description of a short-period structure, as defined in this study.

Designs for the baseline archetypes were developed, and no additional

designs were developed to support parametric studies for the retail,

FEMA P-2139-3 3: Development of Building Archetype 3-18

Configurations and Designs
industrial, and warehouse archetypes. Only commercial building archetypes
were designed, modeled, and analyzed.

Figure 3-9 Isometric view of the BOX archetype (BOX1).

FEMA P-2139-3 3: Development of Building Archetype 3-19

Configurations and Designs
Chapter 4
Numerical Modeling for
Parametric Studies

4.1 Introduction

Numerical parametric studies were conducted to evaluate the collapse

probabilities for the commercial building archetypes whose design details are
presented in Chapter 3 and Appendix A. They include one-story, two-story,
and four-story archetypes designed for high-seismic (COM1, COM2, and
COM3) and very high-seismic (COM4, COM5, and COM6) regions. The
numerical studies also included investigations into the effects of varied
assumptions for displacement capacity and soil-structure interaction (SSI)
and foundation flexibility.

To assess collapse probabilities, incremental dynamic analyses (IDAs) were

performed following the FEMA P-695 procedure. The IDAs were conducted
with simplified frame models, which were calibrated with numerical results
from detailed finite-element analyses. The detailed finite-element models
used could capture different failure mechanisms of reinforced masonry wall
systems, as well as the associated strength degradation. This chapter presents
the modeling approach and assumptions, including key features of the
models, as well as the calibration and validation of the refined and simplified
models with experimental and numerical data.

4.2 Background and Modeling Methods

4.2.1 Behavior of Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls

The modeling of the inelastic response of reinforced masonry wall systems to

static and dynamic loading is a challenging endeavor. Wall components in a
reinforced masonry wall system can exhibit different failure mechanisms,
depending on the axial load exerted on the wall, the reinforcement details, and
the wall aspect ratio. Slender cantilever walls are expected to have relatively
ductile flexure-dominated behavior, whereas wall components with a low
shear-span ratio tend to exhibit brittle shear-dominated behavior characterized
by diagonal cracking. Walls with very low shear-span ratios can develop base
sliding in lieu of diagonal cracking. Although special reinforced masonry
walls complying to ASCE/SEI 7 and TMS 402/602 are expected to have

FEMA P-2139-3 4: Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies 4-1

ductile behavior dominated by flexure, this is not always guaranteed either by
codes and standards or by design practice (NIST, 2014). This is especially
true for short-period masonry buildings, which may have walls with low
shear-span ratios. Moreover, a wall system can behave very differently from
what was assumed in the design process because the design might not have
fully accounted for the interaction of the wall components with other elements
in the structural system. For example, the designer may underestimate the
coupling moments exerted by horizontal diaphragms on structural walls, and
thereby overestimate the shear-span ratio of the walls. This could result in
walls whose behavior would be dominated by shear rather than flexure, as
shown in a study by Stavridis et al. (2016). Furthermore, the coupling forces
exerted by horizontal diaphragms or beams and the axial restraints exerted by
walls whose webs are perpendicular to the direction of the seismic action can
influence the axial forces developed in the walls parallel to the seismic action,
thereby changing their strength and behavior.

The flexural behavior of a reinforced masonry wall depends on several factors.

Because most reinforced masonry walls do not have confined boundary
elements, a flexure-dominated wall can exhibit severe toe crushing, followed
by the buckling of the exposed vertical reinforcing bars, as shown in Figure
4-1. Toe crushing may jeopardize the effectiveness of the vertical bars if they
are lap-spliced to dowel bars at the wall base. After a buckled bar has been
subjected to a few cycles of straightening and bending as the wall is displaced
back and forth, bar fracture may soon follow due to low-cycle fatigue. This
will lead to severe strength degradation in the wall. For a given displacement
level, the extent of toe crushing depends on the axial compressive load, the
amount of vertical reinforcement, and the shear-span ratio.

The strength and behavior of a wall dominated by diagonal shear cracks, as

shown in Figure 4-2, depend on the shear-span ratio, the strength of the
masonry, the aggregate-interlock action along the cracks, the amount of the
shear reinforcement, and the applied axial load. The vertical reinforcement
may also contribute to the shear resistance through dowel action. However,
this contribution is normally small compared to that provided by the
horizontal reinforcement, unless the top of the wall is so restrained in the
vertical direction that diagonal tension can develop in the vertical
reinforcement crossing the diagonal cracks as the cracks open.

A wall may also develop base sliding. In that case, the resistance is provided
by shear friction, as well as the dowel action of the vertical reinforcement,
depending on the magnitude of the axial compressive load on the wall and
the amount of clamping force developed by the vertical reinforcement.

4-2 Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

Figure 4-1 Crushing and bar buckling in a flexure-dominated wall
(Wall WSU-W-1A tested by Sherman, 2011).

Figure 4-2 Failure of a shear-dominated wall (Wall UT-PBS-02

tested by Ahmadi, 2012).

Ideally, a numerical model used to simulate the inelastic behavior and assess
the collapse potential of a reinforced masonry building must be capable of
capturing the aforementioned failure mechanisms and the system effects that
may influence the strength and ultimate behavior of the wall system. In
particular, the model should have sufficient sophistication to accurately
describe the physical mechanisms that govern the inelastic behavior,

FEMA P-2139-3 4: Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies 4-3

accounting for the influence of the wall geometry, reinforcement details, and
boundary conditions on the failure mechanisms, which determine the
strength and displacement capacity of a wall.

4.2.2 Overview of Modeling Methods

Different modeling approaches, ranging from simplified macro-element

models to refined finite-element models, have been used to analyze the
behavior of reinforced masonry buildings. Macro-element models cannot
predict the physical mechanisms that develop in a masonry wall system, but
rather they describe the load-displacement relations of the wall components
or system with phenomenological hysteresis laws that have to be calibrated
with experimental data or numerical results from refined finite-element
models. To select appropriate experimental data for model calibration, the
failure mechanisms of the walls have to be known a priori.

Depending on the level of sophistication, refined finite-element models can

describe various physical mechanisms that govern the inelastic behavior of a
wall. For refined finite-element analysis of 3D reinforced masonry
structures, Mavros (2015) used shell elements with smeared-crack material
models and cohesive-crack interface elements to simulate the crushing and
cracking behavior of masonry. These models also incorporated additional
elements to simulate the bond-slip behavior and dowel actions of reinforcing
bars, which can have a significant influence on the inelastic behavior of a
wall whether it is dominated by flexure, shear, or base sliding. The models,
however, did not account for bar buckling and fracture. Because of this, the
models tended to overestimate the residual strength of a wall after severe
damage. The models also did not account for the geometric nonlinearity,
which could be important for modeling behavior of a structure near collapse.
Other than that, the models were able to adequately predict the failure
mechanisms and inelastic behavior of masonry walls. Nevertheless, in spite
of their predictive capability, one main drawback of refined finite-element
models is that they demand significant computational resources, and
therefore they are not practical for high-volume numerical simulations like
incremental dynamic analysis.

To attain computational efficiency, while not completely forgoing the

physics of the problem, frame models have been used to represent masonry
wall systems. In these models, beam-column line elements are used to model
the vertical and horizontal wall components, and the panel zones connecting
the wall components and the cross-sectional lengths of the walls are idealized
as rigid end zones in the beam elements, as shown by the examples presented
in Figure 4-3.

4-4 Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

Figure 4-3 Frame models for masonry wall systems.

Beam-column elements with a fiber-section discretization can accurately

capture the inelastic flexural behavior of a reinforced masonry wall,
including the axial load-moment interaction, as long as appropriate material
models are used to describe the behavior of masonry and steel reinforcement,
accounting for bar buckling and fracture, and an accurate estimation is made
for the effective plastic-hinge length of the wall (NIST, 2017). Such models
have been extended to simulate the inelastic shear behavior of reinforced
concrete or masonry members (e.g., Petrangeli et al., 1999; Rose, 2001;
Marini and Spacone, 2006; Jiang and Kurama, 2010; Massone et al., 2009;
Kolozvari et al., 2014; Peruch et al., 2019). However, the shear stress-shear
deformation laws used in these models are either empirical without
predictive capabilities or not sufficiently reliable and robust for the analysis
of a wall system.

Beam-truss models have also been used to analyze reinforced masonry and
concrete shear walls (Moharrami et al., 2015; Lu et al., 2016; Lu and
Panagiotou, 2013; 2016). These models can capture the flexural and shear
behavior of walls. Although they are computationally more efficient than
refined finite-element models, they require more simplifying assumptions
and, therefore, may not be as realistic as finite-element models.

4.2.3 Adopted Modeling Approach

Considering the pros and cons of various modeling methods and the need for
a computationally efficient, yet-accurate method for incremental dynamic
analysis, a two-pronged approach was adopted to assess the collapse
potential of the reinforced masonry building archetypes. First, for each
building archetype, a refined finite-element model was developed. The
model was able to capture both the flexural and the shear behavior of the
walls. Dynamic response-history analyses were performed with the model
using three sets of bi-directional ground motion records that had different

FEMA P-2139-3 4: Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies 4-5

response spectrum characteristics and time-history profiles. The numerical
results obtained were used to calibrate a computationally efficient frame
model suitable for incremental dynamic analysis. Because the refined
models showed that diagonal shear cracking played a significant role in the
inelastic behavior of the bottom-story walls, a macro-element model was
used to represent the behavior of each of these walls in the simplified frame
models. Each macro-element consisted of a rigid bar with rotational springs
at one or both ends. The nonlinear behavior of the rotational springs was
described by a phenomenological hysteretic law, which was calibrated with
the results of the refined finite-element analyses. Walls in the upper stories
of the archetypes suffered light or no damage. They were, therefore,
modeled with linearly elastic beam-column elements.

The refined finite-element modeling method used was an extension of the

scheme used by Mavros (2015). It was able to capture the response of a
reinforced masonry building in the large-displacement regime up to the point
of collapse. The modeling method also was able to capture the local damage
behavior and failure mechanisms of a wall in a detailed manner, including
the degradation of the bond and dowel resistance developed by the
reinforcing bars and bar buckling and fracture. A detailed description of the
modeling scheme and material models is presented in Koutras (2019). The
refined models were built with shell and beam elements with geometric
nonlinearity to account for P-delta effects. An element removal strategy (for
crushed masonry and fractured bars) was introduced to enhance the
robustness of the numerical computation and the accuracy of the model when
the structure approached collapse. The modeling scheme was validated by
experimental data. Details of the refined and simplified models follow.

4.3 Refined Finite-Element Modeling

4.3.1 Overview of Modeling Approach

Figure 4-4 shows the refined finite-element model developed in this study for
a two-story commercial building archetype. It is representative of the refined
models developed for all the archetypes. The analyses were conducted with
the commercial software LS-DYNA (LSTC, 2018). Custom material models
were implemented in the software to meet the special modeling needs to
capture the various failure mechanisms. A smeared-crack material law was
implemented in the shell elements to describe the crushing and cracking
behavior of the masonry walls and horizontal concrete diaphragms. For
masonry walls in the bottom story, where significant diagonal shear cracks
might develop, cohesive crack interface elements were introduced to represent
cracks in a discrete fashion, and to model sliding along crack surfaces and

4-6 Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

joints. The reinforcement in these walls was modeled with beam elements to
allow the simulation of bar buckling. The bars were connected to the shell
elements with interface elements to simulate bond slip and dowel actions. For
walls in the upper stories, where no significant damage was expected, the
nonlinear behavior was modeled in a coarser manner, in which only smeared-
crack shell elements were used and the reinforcement was modeled in a
smeared fashion with a bi-linear material law.

Figure 4-4 Refined finite-element model for a two-story

reinforced masonry commercial building

The steel beams in the floor and roof systems and the steel columns in the
gravity frames were represented by beam-column elements with fiber
sections and a bi-linear material law. Zero-length springs were used to
connect the steel beams to the columns and masonry walls.

4.3.2 Detailed Modeling of Reinforced Masonry Walls

For modeling the bottom-story walls, which might develop significant

diagonal cracking, four types of elements were used. Smeared-crack shell
elements and cohesive-crack zero-thickness interface elements were used for
modeling the behavior of masonry, beam elements for modeling the
horizontal and vertical reinforcing bars, and additional interface elements for
modeling the bond-slip and dowel-action behaviors of reinforcing bars. The
discretization scheme for a typical wall is shown in Figure 4-5. The
placement of cohesive-crack interface elements at a 45-degree angle was
used to represent diagonal shear cracks in a discrete fashion, preventing
possible stress locking that could be introduced by smeared-crack elements
(Rots, 1988; Lotfi and Shing, 1991). The horizontal cohesive-crack interface
elements were to allow an accurate simulation of sliding along a crack
surface or joint. The beam elements representing the reinforcing bars were
connected to the shell elements through interface elements to allow the

FEMA P-2139-3 4: Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies 4-7

simulation of bond slip and dowel actions. The beam elements had a steel
material law that accounted for low-cycle fatigue and bar fracture. The
material models adopted for these elements are described in the next section.

Figure 4-5 Detailed modeling of reinforced masonry walls with

finite elements.

4.3.3 Smeared-Crack Shell Elements

The cross section of each shell element was discretized into three layers of
masonry or concrete to simulate the out-of-plane bending behavior of a wall
or that of a horizontal diaphragm. A smeared-crack material model was used
to simulate the compressive behavior, as well as tensile cracking of the
material in an efficient fashion. The smeared-crack model adopted a simple
and robust orthotropic material law. As shown in Figure 4-6, before
cracking, the axes of orthotropy were aligned with the directions of the
principal strains. Cracking initiated when the maximum principal stress
reached the tensile strength of the material. Beyond that point, the axes of
orthotropy remained fixed, with directions parallel and perpendicular to the
direction of the first crack, as illustrated in Figure 4-6. Shear strain and shear
stress could develop along the crack since the axes of orthotropy would not
necessarily coincide with the directions of the principal strains after the
development of the crack. After this point, the shear stress was related to the
shear strain with an elastic-perfectly plastic material law, with the initial
yield strength assumed to be 50 percent of the tensile strength, ft. Another
crack could develop in the direction perpendicular to the first crack when the
tensile stress parallel to the first crack exceeded the tensile strength.

4-8 Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

(a) Before cracking (b) After cracking
Figure 4-6 Axes of orthotropy of the smeared
model before and after cracking.

The uniaxial stress-strain law for tension and compression in each of the
orthotropic directions is shown in Figure 4-7. After crack initiation, the
stress-strain relation for the tension regime assumed an exponential function
to represent strain softening and a reduced elastic stiffness for unloading and
reloading. The reduced stiffness allowed complete crack closure upon
unloading. In the first compressive loading cycle, the material response was
linearly elastic until it reached the stress level, fo; after that, it was described
by a parabolic function to represent strain hardening and a linear function
with a negative slope to represent post-peak strain softening. Unloading in
compression followed the initial stiffness until reaching zero stress. The
stress remained zero upon the further decrement of the compressive strain
until the strain reached zero. After that point, tensile stress might develop.

The residual plastic strain in compression was denoted by εpl, which was
calculated during each unloading in the compression regime. Reloading in
compression followed the same path, and compressive stress developed when
the compressive strain exceeded εpl. Interaction of the compressive responses
in the two orthotropic directions was modeled in a simple and efficient
manner by assuming that the residual plastic strain, εpl, was isotropic and
equal to the larger of the two developed in these directions. When the
compressive strain exceeded ε0, the tensile strength and shear strength were
reduced in the same proportion as the decrement of the compressive resistance
with respect to the peak. The material was considered completely crushed
when the compressive strain in any of the two directions reached εu. The shell
element was removed when this condition occurred at all sampling points.
This material model was implemented as a user-defined material in LS-
DYNA. Although similar material laws were available in LS-DYNA, they
did not allow the element removal strategy used in this study, which required
the material law to pass information to the adjacent interface elements.

FEMA P-2139-3 4: Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies 4-9

Figure 4-7 Uniaxial stress-strain relation for the orthotropic
model for masonry and concrete; the relation
shown is for a material first loaded in tension.

4.3.4 Cohesive-Crack Interface Elements

Figure 4-8 shows the cohesive-crack interface model used to simulate shear
and flexural cracks in a wall in a discrete fashion. The interface elements had
zero-thickness and were compatible with the shell elements in that the
interface could have a distributed normal stress developed over the area to
resist the out-of-plane bending moment developed by a shell element. A 3D
plasticity model was used to simulate mixed-mode (mode I, II, and III)
fracture, crack opening and closing, and relative shear sliding in the interface.
Failure was governed by a yield surface that had the shape of a hyperboloid,
as shown in Figure 4-8(b), and damage in shear and tension was modeled with
a set of softening rules that governed the evolution of the yield surface. The
model could simulate reversible joint dilatation due to the wedging action of
the asperities, and irreversible joint compaction due to damage induced by
cyclic shear reversals under compression. The cohesive-crack material law
was based on the work of Kottari (2016), which is an extension of the two-
dimensional cohesive crack law of Koutromanos and Shing (2012). The
material model was implemented as a user-defined material in LS-DYNA.
Each interface element had four Gauss integration points.

(a) Interface element configuration (b) Yield surface for

mixed-mode fracture
Figure 4-8 Cohesive-crack interface element.

4-10 Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

4.3.5 Beam Elements for Steel Reinforcement

The beam elements used to model reinforcing bars had the Hughes-Liu
beam-element formulation (LSTC, 2018). It accounted for geometric
nonlinearity. Although beam elements were computationally more
demanding than truss elements, they could describe bar buckling and dowel
actions. The uniaxial material law of Kim and Koutromanos (2016) was
implemented to model the cyclic behavior of steel. The responses of the
model under a monotonically increasing displacement and cyclic loading are
shown in Figure 4-9. The material model also accounted for bar fracture due
to low-cyclic fatigue. Fracture was triggered when a scalar damage
parameter, which was based on the cumulative plastic work related to the
tensile stress, exceeded a critical value. The model had been calibrated and
used by Moharrami and Koutromanos (2017) for structural collapse
simulations. The beam element was removed as soon as fracture was
detected at any point at a beam cross section.

Figure 4-9 Steel material model for reinforcing bars (Kim and
Koutromanos, 2016).

4.3.6 Bond-Slip and Dowel-Action Interface Elements

The beam elements representing the reinforcement were attached to the

masonry shell elements through interface elements that simulated bond slip
and dowel actions, as shown in Figure 4-10. The relative displacement of the
interface consisted of three components: (1) the relative shear displacement
(slip), ũ, between the bar and the masonry along the axial direction of the
bar; (2) the relative displacements ṽ and w̃ that were normal to the slip,
representing the deformation of the masonry adjacent to the bar and any gap
created by the dowel action of the bar; and (3) the relative twist between the
masonry and the bar, as depicted in Figure 4-10. This third component was
restrained by a torsional stiffness as discussed later. To account for large
rigid-body rotations, the local coordinate system of the element was
constantly updated so that the x axis always remained parallel to the masonry
side, and the y and z axes were determined from the averaged respective
rotations of the nodes on the masonry side (Crisfield, 1990).

FEMA P-2139-3 4: Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies 4-11

(a) Connectivity (b) Deformation components
Figure 4-10 Bond-slip and dowel-action interface elements
connecting bars to masonry.

Bar slip was modeled with the bond-slip law developed by Murcia-Delso and
Shing (2014) for reinforced concrete. The monotonic and cyclic behaviors of
the bond-slip model are shown in Figure 4-11. The bond strength was
specified as a function of the compressive strength of the grout, and the
model accounted for the degradation of bond resistance as the gap between
the bar and the surrounding grout or concrete increased. The masonry
behavior in dowel actions along each of the local coordinates y and z was
represented by a simple uniaxial material law, which is shown in Figure
4-12. The behavior along each direction was assumed to be independent of
the other. Under monotonic loading, the material behavior was initially
elastic-perfectly plastic. Beyond a certain deformation, the model showed a
post-peak softening behavior described by a linear function until a specified
residual strength was reached, as shown in Figure 4-12(a). Unloading
occurred with a stiffness higher than the initial stiffness. After the stress
reached zero, it remained zero upon further decrement in deformation. The
deformation at which the stress reached zero represented a gap. The gap
generated this way could only increase in each loading direction and could be
different in the positive and negative directions. Reloading followed the
initial stiffness once the gap was closed. The initial stiffness and yield
strength were determined with the dowel law proposed by Dulacska (1972)
for reinforced concrete. The calibration was performed with a simple model
consisting of a dowel bar embedded in masonry, which was subjected to
increasing shear displacement along a frictionless joint, as shown in Figure
4-12(b). The slope of the linear softening branch was determined in an ad
hoc manner by matching results of reinforced masonry wall analyses to
quasi-static wall test data, as presented in a following section. Using
Dulacska’s formula, the dowel strength, Pmax, was calculated as a function of

4-12 Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

the compressive strength of the grout, the diameter of the bar, the yield
strength of the bar, and the angle of the crack plane with respect to the
direction of the bar. The crack angle was assumed to be 45 degrees to model
the dowel resistance of the bars at locations adjacent to diagonal cracks.

(a) Monotonic response (b) Cyclic response

Figure 4-11 Monotonic and cyclic behaviors of bond-slip model (Murcia-
Delso and Shing, 2014).

(a) Stress-deformation relation (b) Calibration of model

Figure 4-12 Monotonic and cyclic behaviors of dowel-action model.

The reduction of the bond and dowel resistances due to the compressive
crushing of the surrounding masonry was modeled with a strength-reduction
factor, k. The factor was equal to one before the onset of crushing of
masonry (i.e., when the maximum compressive strain had not exceeded εo)
and was reduced to a residual value kres when the maximum masonry
compressive strain reached εu, as shown in Figure 4-13. The compressive
strain developed in the surrounding masonry was estimated by assuming that
it was equal to the axial compressive strain developed at the masonry side of
the interface element.

A bi-linear material law was introduced to restrain the spinning of the bar
with respect to the masonry. The interface element was implemented as a
user-defined element in LS-DYNA using the formulation proposed by
Kottari et al. (2017), which allowed the connection of beam elements to
larger shell elements.

FEMA P-2139-3 4: Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies 4-13

(a) Masonry (b) Degradation of (c) Degradation of
crushing bond strength dowel strength
τc = k(εc)τ0 (5-1)
Fd,c = k(εc)Fd,0 (5-2)
 ε −ε 
k(εc) = 1 + c 0 ( kres − 1)  (5-3)
 εu − ε0 
Figure 4-13 Degradation of bond and dowel strengths caused by masonry

4.3.7 Element Removal Scheme

An element removal scheme was introduced to remove elements whose

material reached the failure point. The process was triggered by either
masonry crushing or bar fracture. When a masonry shell element reached the
crushing condition, the shell element was removed, all the adjacent cohesive
interface elements were removed, and all the bond-slip/dowel-action
interface elements connected to the shell element were removed. When a
beam element reached fracture, the beam element was removed, and the
adjacent bond-slip/dowel-action interface element was removed. To do this,
a non-local scheme was implemented to inform neighboring elements when
an element reached the failure point.

This scheme helped to prevent numerical problems that could be introduced

by severe element distortion and unrestrained degrees of freedom when a
shell or beam element reached the failure point. This scheme also eliminated
undesired spurious resistance introduced by the remaining cohesive-crack or
bond-slip/dowel-action interface elements after the shell or beam element
was removed.

4.3.8 Calibration and Validation with Experimental Data

The finite-element modeling scheme was validated with experimental data

from quasi-static tests of reinforced masonry wall segments and shake-table
tests of two masonry wall structures. The material models for the smeared-
crack shell elements, cohesive crack interface elements, and bond-slip and
dowel-action interface elements had a number of parameters to be calibrated.
However, the values of many of these parameters were not available from the
experimental studies, which typically provided only the compressive

4-14 Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

strengths of the masonry materials and the yield and tensile strengths of the
steel reinforcement. Hence, material parameters, such as the compressive
and tensile fracture energies of the masonry, the parameters governing the
stiffness and strength of the dowel-action interface, and the bond strength
and bond deterioration for the bond-slip law, had to be calibrated based on
information provided in the literature, as well as the observed response of the
wall specimens in the experiments.

The calibrated models were used for the analyses of the building archetypes,
as will be discussed later. For the analyses of the wall tests and the building
archetypes, the values of the material parameters were either kept constant or
specified as functions of the material strengths in a consistent fashion.

For the smeared-crack model, the modulus of elasticity of masonry was

assumed to be 667 times the masonry compressive strength, f m′ . It was found
to provide a better correlation with the wall test data than the value of 900f m′ ,
as recommend in TMS 402. The masonry strain at the peak compressive
strength was set to -0.003 based on the prism test data of Atkinson and
Kingsley (1985). The fracture energy dissipation in compression was
controlled by the ultimate strain, εu, at which the compressive resistance of
masonry was completely exhausted (see Figure 4-7). The fracture energy that
could be dissipated in each shell element must be a function of the element
size with respect to the expected plastic-hinge height of the wall to ensure the
objectivity of the numerical results. This is due to the artificial plastic strain
localization phenomenon that can be exhibited by a finite-element model
(Bažant and Oh, 1983). In this study, the value of εu was specified to
be -0.035, which was found to be satisfactory for all the cases considered.

Quasi-Static Wall Segment Tests

To demonstrate the capability of the refined modeling scheme to capture the

inelastic response and associated failure mechanisms of reinforced masonry
shear walls, four quasi-static tests conducted on wall segments were
considered. Two of them had flexure-dominated walls, and the other two
had shear-dominated walls. The material parameters were determined with
the approach described above. The material strengths are based on the data
provided in the test reports.

Figure 4-14 and Figure 4-15 compare the experimental and numerical results
for flexure-dominated walls tested by Kapoi (2012) and Sherman (2011),
respectively. Both walls had the same dimensions and similar reinforcement
details. The wall in Figure 4-14 had five #4 vertical bars and nine #4
horizontal bars, whereas the wall in Figure 4-15 had five #6 vertical bars and

FEMA P-2139-3 4: Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies 4-15

the same horizontal reinforcement. Both walls were subjected to a constant
axial compressive load of 48 kips. The failure behavior of the wall in Figure
4-15 is shown in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-14 and Figure 4-15 show that the finite-element models were able to
adequately capture the lateral strengths, hysteretic responses, and failure
mechanism of the walls. However, the extent of toe crushing along the
height of the walls was underestimated by the models, as shown by the extent
of element removals in the figures. In the analyses, compressive softening
was localized in a single row of shell elements, leading to unloading in the
elements above, whereas crushing was more spread into the upper courses in
the actual tests. This strain localization was a numerical artifact, as discussed

Figure 4-14 Flexure-dominated wall tested by Kapoi (2012).

4-16 Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

Figure 4-15 Flexure-dominated wall tested by Sherman (2011).

The two shear-dominated walls modeled here were tested by Voon and
Ingham (2006) and Ahmadi (2012), respectively. One had horizontal
reinforcement and the other did not. As shown in Figure 4-16 and Figure
4-17, the finite-element models were able to reproduce the hysteretic
responses and failure mechanism well.

Figure 4-16 Shear-dominated wall tested by Voon and Ingham (2006).

FEMA P-2139-3 4: Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies 4-17

Figure 4-17 Shear-dominated wall (UT-PBS-02) tested by Ahmadi (2012).

Shake-Table Test of a Two-Story Building

To validate the ability of the modeling scheme to simulate the dynamic

response of a masonry building, a two-story reinforced masonry wall
structure tested by Mavros et al. (2016) on a shake table, as shown in Figure
4-18, was analyzed. Uni-directional ground motions were applied in the test
series. The structure had two short masonry piers in the bottom story
developing diagonal shear cracks during the test, whereas the slender pier
had flexure-dominated behavior. The model was subjected to a sequence of
ground motions from the tests. The numerical results are compared to the
test results in Figure 4-18 for the last ground motion in the experiment,
which was at the level of the maximum considered earthquake.

Shake-Table Test of a Wall Structure to Near Collapse

The ability of the refined modeling scheme to capture the behavior of a

masonry wall system at the verge of collapse was validated with the shake-
table tests of two single-story masonry structures (Cheng et al., 2020). Each
structure had two coupled T-walls as the seismic-force-resisting system, and
the second structure had six rectangular walls perpendicular to the direction

4-18 Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

of shaking. Each was subjected to a sequence of uni-directional ground
motions. As shown in Figure 4-19, the second structure sustained a story
drift of 13 percent without collapse, and the failure of the two T-walls was
governed by diagonal shear cracks. The severely damaged structure was still
able to carry the gravity load after the test. The other structure exhibited
similar performance. A refined finite-element model was developed to
simulate the shake-table tests. Figure 4-19 compares the base shear-vs.-the
story-drift hysteresis curves obtained from the last test and the model. It also
shows the numerically obtained failure pattern. The model was able to
predict the lateral resistance, load degradation, and failure mechanism of the
structure well.

Figure 4-18 Two-story reinforced masonry wall structure tested by

Mavros et al. (2016).

FEMA P-2139-3 4: Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies 4-19

Figure 4-19 Reinforced masonry wall system tested to near collapse on
a shake table (Cheng et al., 2020).

4.4 Overview of Archetypes Considered for Parametric


Six commercial building archetypes, COM1 through COM6, whose designs

are discussed and presented in Chapter 3 and Appendix A, were selected for
parametric studies. Their configurations and seismic-design criteria are
summarized in Table 4-1.

Archetypes COM1, COM2, and COM3 have one, two, and four stories,
respectively, and were designed for a high-seismic intensity (SMS = 1.5g).
COM4, COM5, and COM6 have the same number of stories as COM1, COM2,
and COM3, respectively, but were designed for a very high-seismic intensity
(SMS = 2.25g). Except for COM4, the latter group had more reinforcement in the
walls, and COM6 had a larger total wall cross-sectional area than COM3. The
walls in COM1 and COM4 had identical designs with the reinforcement
governed by the minimum prescriptive requirements of the code, but COM4 had
a stronger roof diaphragm. The roof system of the archetypes consisted of a
corrugated steel deck on steel joists, and the floor diaphragms were constructed
of concrete slabs cast on corrugated steel pans supported on steel beams and
joists. The gravity loads were carried by the walls and steel columns.

A refined finite-element model was developed for each archetype. Each

refined model was then used to calibrate a simplified frame model, which in
turn was used for incremental dynamic analysis to calculate a collapse
fragility curve.

4-20 Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

Table 4-1 Commercial Reinforced Masonry Building Archetypes and
Seismic-Design Criteria
Configuration Seismic-Design Criteria
Archetype No. of hr W SMS Ta(1) T=CuTa ≥ Cs
ID Stories (feet) (kips) (g) (sec) 0.25 sec(2) (g)
Commercial Buildings: High Seismic
COM1 1 12 258 1.5 0.13 0.25 0.20
COM2 2 24 762 1.5 0.22 0.30 0.20
COM3 4 48 1899 1.5 0.37 0.51 0.20
Commercial Buildings: Very High Seismic
COM4 1 12 258 2.25 0.13 0.25 0.30
COM5 2 24 762 2.25 0.22 0.30 0.30
COM6 4 48 2419 2.25 0.37 0.51 0.30
Building period calculated with ASCE/SEI 7-10 Equation 12.8-7, which was used in
archetype design.
Building period used in incremental dynamic analyses to determine collapse
performance. T = CuTa ≥ 0.25 seconds, in accordance with the requirements of FEMA
P-695, where the values of the parameters Cu and Ta are specified by ASCE/SEI 7-10.

4.5 Refined Finite-Element Models for the Archetypes

The configurations of the refined finite-element models developed for the six
archetypes are shown in Figure 4-20 (where the wall reinforcement shown
for the two-story case represents that of COM5).

x (Longitudinal)

z (Transverse)
COM1 and COM4 COM2 and COM5

Figure 4-20 Finite-element models for commercial building archetypes.

FEMA P-2139-3 4: Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies 4-21

In the refined finite-element models, the footings underneath the walls were
modeled with vertically oriented elastic shell elements, whose bottom nodes
were prevented from translations and out-of-plane rotations. In developing
the refined models, different modeling schemes were tried. For all the
archetypes, it was found that damage was localized in the bottom-story walls
of the buildings. The upper-story walls experienced only mild cracking and
yielding, if any, of the reinforcement. The collapse of the buildings was
eventually governed by wall failures occurring in the bottom stories. For this
reason, only the bottom-story walls were modeled with the detailed scheme
described in Section 4.3.2. The upper-story walls were modeled in a less-
refined fashion for the sake of computational efficiency, with only smeared-
crack shell elements and smeared reinforcement, which was described by a
bi-linear material law. This was deemed sufficient to capture the mild
damage developed in the upper stories without affecting the failure
mechanisms of the building archetypes. The lap splices for the vertical
reinforcement in the walls were not modeled.

The steel columns and beams in the gravity-frame systems were modeled
with displacement-based beam-column elements having a fiber-section
discretization and a bi-linear material law. Each column had eight elements
per story. Similar discretization was used for the beams. The columns were
assumed to be hinge-connected at their bases. The beams at each floor were
connected with clip angles to the columns and to the webs of the other beams
running in the orthogonal direction. These connections did not provide much
moment or axial-force restraint to the ends of the connected beams. This did
not allow the development of strong composite action between the beams and
the floor slabs at the locations of the connections. To represent this situation,
the beams under the floor slabs in the two- and four-story archetypes were
connected to the supporting beams and the columns with zero-length springs
that did not transmit moments or axial forces but exerted strong translational
restraint in the vertical and lateral directions. Beams were connected to the
walls in the same way. The beams for the roof decks had regular hinge
connections, except for the beam elements representing the joists, which
were connected to the supporting beams without the axial restraint. The
modeling of the horizontal diaphragms and the aforementioned connection
details are further described in the following section.

For the analysis, the weight of each archetype was based on the following
load combination: 1.05D + 0.25L (with D and L being the dead and live
loads, respectively), according to the FEMA P-695 procedure. This resulted
in a total building (excluding the foundation) weight of 274 kips for COM1
and COM4, 870 kips for COM2 and COM5, 2,200 kips for COM3, and

4-22 Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

2,720 kips for COM6. The mass was distributed among the nodes according
to the mass density of the elements.

4.5.1 Modeling of Horizontal Diaphragms

The floor and roof diaphragms were modeled with nonlinear shell and beam
elements. Each floor diaphragm had a concrete slab cast on a corrugated
steel pan with 2-inch ribs running along the transverse direction (z direction)
of the buildings (see Figure 4-20 for the coordinate system). The distance
from the top surface of the concrete slab to the top of the ribs was 3 inches,
and the slab contained temperature and shrinkage steel running perpendicular
to the ribs. To simplify modeling, the ribs were not explicitly represented.
The slab was assumed to have a uniform thickness of 4 inches, including the
concrete topping, and a 0.0474-inch-thick bottom layer representing the steel
pan. The steel layer was set to act only along the direction of the ribs. The
steel beams supporting the slabs were modeled with fiber-section beam
elements with a bi-linear material law. The centroids of the beam and shell
elements were offset vertically to represent the bending stiffness and capacity
of the composite section correctly.

The finite-element discretization of a floor diaphragm is shown in Figure

4-21. As shown in the figure, at each beam-to-column connection beneath
the slab, stiff beam elements were used to represent the offset between the
centerline of the column and the end of the beam for a clip-angle connection.
The offset was assumed to be 6 inches. Since the clip-angle connections
were not able to transmit axial forces or moments, the bending resistance of
the floor system in this region was provided by the slab only. Hence, the
beams were connected to the columns with zero-length springs that did not
transmit moments or axial forces but provided strong translational restraints
in the vertical and lateral directions. Furthermore, the shell elements were
not connected to the beam elements within this region. To capture the
bending behavior of the slab in this region accurately, a fine discretization
with 2-inch-wide shell elements was used. The same scheme was used to
model the connections between the beams along the longitudinal direction of
the building and the webs of the beams along the transverse direction. Away
from these connections, a coarser mesh with the element dimension of 36
inches was used.

For all the archetypes, the roof diaphragm was a light-corrugated steel deck
with 1.5-inch ribs, as shown in Figure 4-22, running along the transverse
direction (z direction) of the buildings. The deck panels were stitched
together with fasteners and are supported on steel joists. Experimental
studies by Tremblay et al. (2004) showed that the in-plane shear stiffness and

FEMA P-2139-3 4: Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies 4-23

strength of metal decks greatly depends on the stiffness and strength of the
panel-to-panel side-lap connections and deck-to-frame connections. The
same pattern of deck-to-frame welds was used for all the archetypes, but two
types of side-lap connections were specified. Archetypes COM1 and COM2
have screws spaced at 12-inches on center along the side laps, whereas the
rest have spot welds spaced at 9-inches on center.

Figure 4-21 Modeling of floor diaphragms.

Figure 4-22 Modeling of roof diaphragm.

4-24 Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

As shown in Figure 4-22, for the corrugated panels, beam elements with a
fiber-section discretization were used to simulate the bending stiffness of the
ribs, and shell elements were used to provide the in-plane resistance. Both
had nonlinear material laws. The beam elements were oriented along the
transverse direction of the building with a spacing of 36 inches. Each beam
had an I-shaped cross section that represented the bending stiffness of the
ribs over a 36-inch-wide panel. The beam elements were 36-inches long. To
ensure that no additional in-plane shear resistance was introduced by the
bending of the beams, the moments at the ends of each beam element about
the axis perpendicular to the deck were released. The shell elements had
dimensions of 36 inches × 36 inches and had common nodes with the beam

The nonlinear in-plane shear response of the shell elements representing the
roof deck was calibrated with experimental data. The calibration accounted
for both the behavior of the panel and that of the side-lap connectors. The
material law for shear assumed that the panel was elastic up to 40 percent of
the peak strength, had linear hardening afterwards until the peak strength was
reached, and had linear softening after the peak until a constant residual
strength equal to 20 percent of the peak was reached. The initial stiffness
and peak strength were estimated based on the guidelines of the Steel Deck
Institute Diaphragm Design Manual (Luttrell, 1995). The rest of the
parameters were determined with the test data of Tremblay et al. (2004) and
Essa et al. (2003) on roof-deck diaphragms with fasteners similar to those
used for the building archetypes. It was assumed that the peak strength
occurred at a shear angle of 0.008 radians, and the residual strength was
reached at a shear angle of 0.20 radians. The same deformation limits were
used for both diaphragm types based on the data of Essa et al. (2003). Figure
4-22 shows the shear responses of the decks tested by Essa et al. (2003)
under monotonic and cyclic loads with screw fasteners. The roof diaphragms
of the archetypes with screw fasteners were modeled as stronger than the
diaphragms tested by Essa et al. (2003) because the former have a thicker
steel panel (0.0474 inches versus 0.0295 inches) and have panel-to-frame
welds located in every flute rather than every other flute. Figure 4-22 also
shows the response of the model under monotonic and cyclic loading for a
deck panel that had the same configuration as that tested by Essa et al. (2003)
but had the side laps connected with the screw or weld fasteners specified for
the archetypes.

The shell elements representing the roof and floor diaphragms were directly
connected to the shell elements representing the walls. Due to the large
variation in the type and detailing of connectors in practice, the flexibility

FEMA P-2139-3 4: Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies 4-25

and possible failure of the diaphragm-to-wall connections were not
considered in the model. For the roof diaphragms, which were connected to
the walls with welds, the failure of the deck panels was expected to precede
that of the connectors. Therefore, modeling the nonlinear behavior of the
roof diaphragm-to-wall connectors would have been redundant and was
omitted. Within a 6-inch wide region next to each wall, the diaphragms were
modeled with elastic shell elements to account for the wall thickness and the
strengthening provided by the steel angle along the edge of the slab.

4.5.2 Calibration of Material Models

The values of the material parameters for the archetype models were
determined with the guidelines developed in the validation studies as
discussed in Section 4.3.8. Expected strengths were used for the masonry
and reinforcing steel. The compressive strength of masonry, f m′ , was
assumed to be 3,125 psi for COM6 and 2,500 psi for the other archetypes.
These values were 1.25 times the respective nominal strengths specified for
the design, as recommended in a prior study (NIST, 2010). The compressive
behavior of masonry was determined in the way consistent with the
validation studies. The ultimate compressive strain, εu, (see Figure 4-7) was
assumed to be -0.047 for the one- and two-story archetypes, and -0.035 for
the four-story archetypes, because the latter had a larger element size (8
inches versus 6 inches). The values of εu were determined according to the
size of the shell elements used in the respective archetype models in order to
have consistent fracture energy dissipation in the expected plastic-hinge
zone, whose height was assumed to be 20 percent of the wall height in the
bottom story. The tensile strength of masonry was assumed to be 10 percent
of f m′ .

For the steel reinforcement, the expected yield and tensile strengths were
taken to be 1.13 times the nominal strengths, based on the data provided by
Nowak et al. (2008), resulting in an expected yield strength of 68 ksi and an
expected tensile strength of 102 ksi. The values of the material parameters
for the cohesive crack interface elements were determined with the
guidelines from the validation studies. For the calculation of the bond and
dowel strengths for the bond-slip/dowel-action interface elements, the
compressive strength of the grout was used. The grout strength was assumed
to be 4,375 psi for COM6 and 3,500 psi for the other archetypes. These
values were based on the data reported by Mavros et al. (2016) and Stavridis
et al. (2016) for masonry with comparable compressive strengths.

4-26 Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

4.5.3 Pushover Analyses of Archetype Models

Pushover analyses were performed for each refined finite-element archetype

model. In these analyses, a lateral load was applied at each level of the
archetype in proportion to the product of the mass lumped at that level,
including the tributary mass of the walls, and the fundamental modal
displacement, as recommended in ASCE/SEI 41-13, Seismic Evaluation and
Retrofit of Existing Buildings (ASCE, 2014). The fundamental mode shape
was assumed to be linear, close to that obtained from the eigenvalue analysis.
Analyses were conducted for both the longitudinal and transverse directions
of each archetype.

Results of the pushover analyses performed on the archetypes are shown in

Figure 4-23 and Figure 4-24. They are presented as the base shear plotted
against the first-story and roof drift ratios, respectively. The roof drift ratio is
the roof displacement divided by the building height. As expected, the base-
shear capacity increases with the number of stories. The pushover curves
show that the lateral deformations of the multi-story archetypes tended to
concentrate at the bottom stories after the peak base shears had been reached,
forming weak-story mechanisms. The four-story archetypes appeared to have
less story-drift capacities than the two-story archetypes, and the one-story
archetypes had the highest story-drift capacities. For the four-story
archetypes, COM6 showed a more ductile behavior than COM3 up to a drift
ratio of 9 percent. This was likely due to its having a larger total wall cross-
sectional area. The failure mode for COM3 is illustrated in the deformed
finite-element mesh in Figure 4-25. Failure was dominated by diagonal shear
cracks developed in the bottom-story walls. On the other hand, COM6
showed a more flexure-dominated behavior in the pushover analyses.

4.5.4 Eigenvalue Analyses of Archetype Models

Eigenvalue analyses were performed with the refined finite-element models

to identify the natural periods and mode shapes. Vibration modes that
mainly engaged the vertical deflection of the roof diaphragm and only
minimally engaged the lateral deformation of the walls were ignored. The
natural periods for the first three modes of the archetypes are presented in
Table 4-2. The corresponding mode shapes for COM2 are presented in
Figure 4-26. The first and second modes of COM2 and COM5 corresponded
to the response in the transverse direction (z direction), and the third mode
corresponded to that in the longitudinal direction (x direction). The second
mode in the transverse direction was dominated by the in-plane bending of
the roof diaphragm, as shown in Figure 4-26. For COM3 and COM6, the
first mode corresponded to the response in the longitudinal direction, and the
third mode was dominated by torsion.

FEMA P-2139-3 4: Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies 4-27

Longitudinal direction

Transverse direction
Figure 4-23 Base shear-vs.-story-drift ratio curves for high-seismic

Longitudinal direction

Transverse direction
Figure 4-24 Base shear-vs.-story-drift ratio curves for very high-seismic

4-28 Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

Figure 4-25 Deformed finite-element mesh for COM3 from
pushover analysis.

Table 4-2 Natural Periods for the First Three Modes of the Building
Archetypes from Refined Finite-Element Models
Natural Period (sec)*
Archetype ID No. of Stories 1st mode 2nd mode 3rd mode
Commercial Buildings: High Seismic
COM1 1 0.164 (T) 0.096 (L) 0.081 (TO)
COM2 2 0.206 (T) 0.190 (T) 0.180 (L)
COM3 4 0.333 (L) 0.294 (T) 0.168 (TO)
Commercial Buildings: Very High Seismic
COM4 1 0.149 (T) 0.091 (L) 0.074 (TO)
COM5 2 0.197 (T) 0.187 (T) 0.177 (L)
COM6 4 0.282 (L) 0.259 (T) 0.166 (TO)
* T: transverse direction; L: longitudinal direction; TO: torsional

4.5.5 Response-History Analyses of Archetype Models

Nonlinear response-history analyses were performed with the refined models

using three sets of ground motion records selected from the FEMA P-695
database. Each record has two components of horizontal ground
acceleration. The three records have different characteristics in terms of
spectral shapes and durations of strong motion. Figure 4-27 shows the
ground-acceleration time histories and acceleration response spectra for these
records, as well as the MCER spectrum for the high-seismic site. Each record
was scaled to two intensity levels to cover a range of response amplitudes.

FEMA P-2139-3 4: Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies 4-29

1st Mode 2nd Mode

3rd Mode
Figure 4-26 Mode shapes for the first three modes of the refined finite-
element model of COM2.

Rayleigh damping was used in the response-history analyses, with damping

equal to 0.1 percent of the critical for the first and fifth significant modes that
engaged the lateral deformation of the archetypes. The initial stiffness of the
elements was used to calculate the damping matrix. However, for the
cohesive crack interface elements, the coefficient for the stiffness
proportional damping component was two orders of magnitude smaller
compared to that for the shell elements. The damping was activated only
after cracking occurred to suppress the high-frequency response triggered by
cracking but not to interfere with crack initiation.

Results of the response-history analyses—including the story-drift histories,

base-shear histories, base shear-vs.-first-story drift hysteresis curves, and the
deformed meshes showing the failure mechanisms of the archetypes—are
presented in Appendix B. For the one-story archetypes, the corner walls
developed significant toe crushing and base sliding, whereas the behavior of
the two middle walls was dominated by flexure. For the multiple-story
archetypes, wall failure concentrated in the bottom stories, with only mild
cracking and yielding of the vertical reinforcement occurring in the second
stories. The bottom-story walls first developed flexural yielding, and many
of the walls subsequently developed severe diagonal cracks, as well as
crushing at the bases. This was due to the influence of the horizontal
diaphragms at the second floors, which restrained the rotation at the tops of
the bottom-story walls, thereby reducing the effective shear-span ratios of the
walls. Despite the shear-dominated behavior, the drift ratios reached in the
first stories at which the base shears dropped to zero were 10 percent or more

4-30 Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

for all cases. However, for the same archetype model, the failure mechanism
of the walls varied depending on the ground motion and, in some cases,
differed from that in the pushover analysis.
Motion 1 (NORTHR/MUL) Motion 2 (NORTHR/LOS)

Motion 17 (SUPERST/B-POE)

Figure 4-27 Earthquake ground-motion records used for response-history

analyses (records shown are unscaled; MCER spectrum is the
black solid line).

4.6 Simplified Frame Models used for Parametric Studies

4.6.1 Model Description

Computationally efficient, simplified frame models were used for

incremental dynamic analyses (IDAs) based on the FEMA P-695 procedures,
as is described in more detail in Section 4.8. The models were calibrated
with the results of the nonlinear response-history analyses conducted with the
refined finite-element models. The IDAs were performed with the software
platform OpenSees (Mazzoni et al., 2006).

Figure 4-28 shows the frame model developed for the two-story archetypes
(COM2 and COM5). It is representative of the simplified models developed
for all the building archetypes. The refined finite-element analyses showed
that major damage always concentrated in the first-story walls. For COM2
and COM5, these walls deformed in double curvature with a mixed flexural-
shear behavior that was eventually dominated by shear. Hence, in the
simplified models, the walls in the second stories were modeled with elastic

FEMA P-2139-3 4: Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies 4-31

beam-column elements for the sake of computational efficiency. They were
rigidly connected to the perimeter beams of the horizonal diaphragms. To
model the inelastic response of the L-shaped walls in the first stories, each
wall was represented by a rigid bar with two rotational springs at each end.
One pair of top and bottom springs were used to model the wall behavior
along each direction of the archetype. Figure 4-29 shows the macro-element
model with one pair of rotational springs. The moment-vs.-rotation relation
for each spring was represented by a phenomenological hysteretic law. The
hysteretic law was calibrated to reproduce the lateral load-vs.-lateral
displacement response of each wall, as well as the maximum moment
developed at the wall base in the refined finite-element analyses. An
accurate representation of the base moment was important for modeling the
soil-structure interaction phenomenon, which was investigated as part of one
parametric study. For the rectangular walls, the out-of-plane bending
resistance was ignored. For the one-story and four-story archetypes, the
macro-element model for each of the first-story walls had a hinge at the top.
This was done because these walls tended to deform with a single curvature,
and the introduction of a top spring would have created difficulties in the
calibration process. For these models, the perimeter beams at the first floors
were stiffened to reduce the rigid-body rotations of the second-story walls
and to represent the initial stiffnesses of the second stories correctly.

Force-based beam-column elements with a fiber-section discretization and a

bi-linear material law were used to model the steel columns in the first story.
Each column was represented by one force-based element with a hinge at the
base. Since the refined finite-element analyses showed that the steel columns
in the second story and above remained practically elastic all the time, these
columns were modeled with elastic beam-column elements.

Figure 4-28 Frame model with OpenSees for COM2 and COM5.

4-32 Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

Figure 4-29 Modeling of a first-story wall for COM2 and COM5.

As shown in Figure 4-28, the horizontal diaphragms were represented by a

grillage model using linearly elastic beam elements and diagonal truss bars.
The stiffnesses of the beam elements and truss bars were assigned to match
the elastic in-plane stiffness of the diaphragms of the refined finite-element
models as closely as possible. Rigid end zones were introduced in the
perimeter beams to represent the horizontal dimensions of the walls. The
beams were connected to the columns with hinges. The nonlinear behavior
of the horizontal diaphragms was ignored in the simplified models. This was
based on the observation that the in-plane response of the diaphragms
remained essentially linear in the refined finite-element models.
Nevertheless, when the walls in the first story of the refined models
experienced significant side-sway or vertical deformation, the diaphragms
could exhibit significant nonlinear out-of-plane bending. The influence of
this nonlinearity on the wall behavior and the building response was
indirectly accounted for in the calibration of the macro-element models of the
first-story walls.

4.6.2 Model Calibration

For the calibration of each simplified frame model, two sets of ground
motion records (Motion 1 and Motion 2 shown in Figure 4-27) were used to
determine the parameters of the hysteretic models, and the third set (Motion
17) was used to check the general validity of the calibration. For each set of
records, the ground motions were scaled to two levels, the MCER level and a
higher level. The simplified models calibrated in this way are referred to as
the baseline models in the parametric studies. From here on, they are
identified with a letter B after the respective archetype number. Their
variants considered in the parametric studies are discussed in Section 4.7.

FEMA P-2139-3 4: Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies 4-33

Figure 4-30 shows the plan view of the wall layouts for the archetypes. The
L-shaped corner walls exhibited an asymmetric hysteretic response along
each of the x and z directions, with the strong and weak directions depending
on whether the flange was subjected to tension or compression. For the
rectangular walls, the bending resistance to the out-of-plane deflection was
ignored. A general hysteretic model in OpenSees was used to describe the
behavior of the rotational springs representing the first-story walls. The
hysteresis law was governed by five parameters, with two controlling the
pinching of the hysteresis curves, one controlling the unloading stiffness, and
the remaining two accounting for damage that was dependent on both the
deformation amplitude and the cumulative plastic work. The values of these
parameters were determined by matching the lateral load-vs.-lateral
displacement hysteresis curves as closely as possible for the respective walls
from the refined finite-element analyses. They were then further adjusted to
improve the matching of the first-story drift histories and base shear-vs.-first-
story drift hysteresis curves for the entire archetype. The rotational springs
representing the walls that had the same dimensions and reinforcement
details in the archetype had the same calibration, representing the average
behavior of the wall group rather than that of a particular wall.


Figure 4-30 Plan view of wall layouts for commercial building archetypes.

The floor and roof mass was distributed among the nodes of the grillage
model, and the wall mass was lumped at each end of the walls. The mass for
the vertical and horizontal directions was the same. For the response-history
analyses, Rayleigh damping was used with the damping ratio equal to one
percent of the critical for the first and second modes. The initial stiffness of
the model was used to calculate the damping matrix. Even though the
damping ratio was different from that assumed for the refined finite-element
models, it was found to provide a better match of the response histories. In
Appendix B, the response histories and hysteresis curves from the simplified
models are compared to those from the refined models for the three sets of
ground-motion records.

4-34 Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

4.6.3 Pushover Analyses of Baseline Models

Pushover analyses were performed with the simplified models using the
same load distributions as those used in the refined finite-element analyses.
For these analyses, the grillage model representing the horizontal diaphragms
was assigned a very high in-plane stiffness so that the horizontal
displacement at each floor was uniform. For each building archetype, two
pushover analyses were conducted, one for each direction. In Figure 4-31,
results of the pushover analyses for COM2B are compared to the pushover
curves obtained with the refined finite-element model. The slopes of the
rising branch of the pushover curves were well captured by the simplified
model, but the refined model showed a substantially more gentle post-peak
load degradation. This can be attributed to the fact that the simplified models
were calibrated with the hysteresis curves from the response-history analyses
of the refined models. The hysteretic response included the effects of cyclic
displacement reversals, as well as the bi-axial deformations of the L-shaped
walls, which caused more severe damage and load degradation than the uni-
axial lateral loading in a pushover analysis. As shown in Figure 4-31, in an
average sense, the slopes of the post-peak regime of the pushover curves
from the simplified models match the envelopes of the hysteresis curves from
the response-history analyses of the refined models.
600 600
LS-DYNA - M2 1.8xMCE LS-DYNA - M2 1.8xMCE
400 LS-DYNA - M17 2xMCE 400 LS-DYNA - M17 2xMCE
LS-DYNA - Pushover LS-DYNA - Pushover
OpenSEES - Pushover OpenSEES - Pushover

200 200
Force - X (kips)
Force - X (kips)

0 0

-200 -200

-400 -400

-600 -600
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30

st Roof Drift Ratio - X (%)
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

Longitudinal direction
800 800
LS-DYNA - M2 1.8xMCE LS-DYNA - M2 1.8xMCE
600 600
LS-DYNA - Pushover LS-DYNA - Pushover
400 OpenSEES - Pushover 400 OpenSEES - Pushover

200 200
Force - Z (kips)

Force - Z (kips)

0 0

-200 -200

-400 -400

-600 -600

-800 -800
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30

st Roof Drift Ratio - Z (%)
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Transverse direction
Figure 4-31 Comparison of pushover analysis results from simplified
(OpenSees) and refined finite-element (LS-DYNA) models
for COM2B.

FEMA P-2139-3 4: Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies 4-35

The data obtained from the pushover analyses were the maximum base shear
strength (which is used to calculate the overstrength) and the ductility, which is
needed in the FEMA P-695 methodology to calculate the spectral shape factor
(SSF). Figure 4-32 illustrates how the maximum base shear strength, Vmax,
effective yield displacement, Δy,eff (δy,eff in Figure 4-32), and the displacement
after 20 percent degradation from peak strength, Δu,80 (δu in Figure 4-32), are
calculated from the pushover curve (the displacements are typically expressed
as drift ratios throughout this report). The overstrength factor, Ω, is then
Vmax/Vdesign, where Vdesign is the design base shear for the archetype, and the
period-based ductility, µT, is Δu,80/Δy,eff.

Figure 4-32 Idealized nonlinear static pushover curve (FEMA,


4.6.4 Eigenvalue Analyses of Baseline Models

Eigenvalue analyses were conducted with the simplified frame models. The
natural periods calculated for the first three modes of each archetype are
shown in Table 4-3. Vibration modes dominated by the vertical deflection of
the horizontal diaphragms are ignored. The fundamental periods of the
simplified models matched those of the refined finite element models well.
The mode shapes for the first three modes of COM2B are shown in Figure
4-33. For the one-story and four-story archetypes, the first three modes of
the two models match well. However, for the two-story archetypes, the
second and third mode shapes of the two models do not match.

4-36 Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

Table 4-3 Natural Periods for the First Three Modes of the Baseline
Building Archetypes from Simplified Models
Natural Period (sec)*
Archetype ID No. of Stories 1st mode 2nd mode 3rd mode
Commercial Buildings: High Seismic
COM1B 1 0.148 (T) 0.130 (L) 0.078 (TO)
COM2B 2 0.202 (T) 0.177 (L) 0.108 (TO)
COM3B 4 0.378 (L) 0.235 (T) 0.165 (TO)
Commercial Buildings: Very High Seismic
COM4B 1 0.152 (T) 0.136 (L) 0.082 (TO)
COM5B 2 0.194 (T) 0.172 (L) 0.108 (TO)
COM6B 4 0.255 (L) 0.249 (T) 0.166 (TO)
* T: transverse direction; L: longitudinal direction; TO: torsional

1st Mode 2nd Mode

3rd Mode
Figure 4-33 Mode shapes for the simplified model of COM2B.

4.7 Overview of Parametric Studies

This study investigated the collapse performance of short-period reinforced

masonry archetypes, including a range of variations in building design and
analysis that may affect collapse probability. Three parametric studies using
the simplified frame models were investigated. These parametric studies
included: (1) baseline configuration; (2) displacement capacity; and (3) soil-
structure interaction (SSI) and foundation flexibility. These parametric
studies are briefly described below, and Table 4-4 lists the names of the
archetype models.

FEMA P-2139-3 4: Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies 4-37

Table 4-4 Baseline and Variant Numerical Models for the Parametric
Archetype ID
No. of (1) (2) Interaction and
Modeled No. of Baseline Displacement Foundation
Archetypes Stories Configuration Capacity Flexibility
Commercial Buildings: High Seismic
3 1 COM1B COM1B-DC(1,2) -
5 2 COM2B COM2B-DC(1,2) COM2B-SS(1,2)
3 4 COM3B COM3B-DC(1,2) -
Commercial Buildings: Very High Seismic
3 1 COM4B COM4B-DC(1,2) -
3 2 COM5B COM5B-DC(1,2) -
3 4 COM6B COM6B-DC(1,2) -

4.7.1 Baseline Configuration Parametric Study

Baseline archetypes of one, two, and four stories designed for high-seismic
and very high-seismic ground motions were modeled to investigate response
behavior and collapse performance. The baseline models were calibrated
with results of response-history analyses performed on refined finite-element
models without any modifications. The influence of fundamental period (or
the number of stories), the ratio of the maximum base shear (Vmax) to the
seismic weight (W), and the ratio of Vmax to the design base shear (i.e., the
overstrength factor Ω) on collapse probability were investigated.

4.7.2 Displacement Capacity Parametric Study

The design of a masonry building, such as the number of walls, the geometric
configuration of the walls, and the amount and spacing of the reinforcement,
varies from one building to another depending on the architectural design and
the preference of the engineer. Variations in the design may result in
buildings with different displacement capacities, even though they have the
same number of stories and functional characteristics. To investigate the
influence of these variations on the collapse probability of a building, a
parametric study focusing on displacement capacity was conducted. The
displacement capacity was varied by changing the post-peak slope of the
base shear-vs.-first-story drift curves for each baseline model. In general,
increasing the steepness of the post-peak slope results in a smaller collapse
displacement as determined by incremental dynamic analysis. Two variants
were considered for each baseline archetype model. Variant COMXB-DC1

4-38 Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

had the post-peak negative slope decreased by 30 percent with respect to the
baseline model (less brittle), and COMXB-DC2 had the negative slope
increased by 30 percent (more brittle). This range of variation was deemed
reasonable by comparing the variations in the pushover analysis curves
across the baseline models.

4.7.3 Soil-Structure Interaction and Foundation Flexibility

Parametric Study

The influence of SSI and foundation flexibility on the collapse probability of

the COM2B archetype was investigated. Two different sites were
considered. One was a soft site with soil properties representative of those at
the site class D/E boundary, and the other was a stiff site with soil properties
representative of those at the site class C/D boundary. The design of the
reinforced concrete foundations for the two sites is discussed in Chapter 3
and Appendix A. The stiff site variant model is designated as COM2B-SS1,
and the soft site variant model is designated as COM2B-SS2. Additional
modeling considerations for including SSI and foundation flexibility follow.

Special Modeling for SSI and Foundation Flexibility Analyses

Different foundation models were developed for the stiff and soft sites, with
the plan view of the foundation model for the soft site shown in Figure 4-34.
The foundation around the perimeter of the building was modeled with
1-foot-long displacement-based beam elements, which had fiber sections that
accounted for material nonlinearity. The foundation underneath each wall
was assumed to be rigid to compensate for the omission of the horizontal
wall dimension, since each wall was represented by a line element. The mass
of the foundation slab and grade beams was included. To capture inertial
interaction, the properties of the soil were modeled with springs and
dampers, which were placed at each node of the foundation model with a
nodal spacing of 1 foot, as shown in Figure 4-35. There were three pairs of
springs and dampers at each node aligned in the x, y, and z directions. The
spring and the damper in each pair were parallel to one another and the
spring had a bi-linear material law with a strain hardening ratio of 15 percent
to account for passive soil pressure. Damping was assumed to be viscous,
and the value of the damping coefficient was calculated from the damping
ratio determined for the site using the formula recommended in NIST GCR
12-917-21, Soil-Structure Interaction for Building Structures (NIST, 2012b).

The vertical springs and dampers did not exert tension by using the model
shown in Figure 4-35. In addition, a rotational spring was introduced at each
node of the exterior foundation to account for the rotational resistance of the
foundation strip about its long axis. This spring had an elastic-perfectly

FEMA P-2139-3 4: Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies 4-39

plastic material law. The foundation of each interior column was assumed to
have a zero dimension, and the soil resistance was modeled by five pairs of
springs and dampers, all concentrated at the base of the column. Three of
them were aligned along the x, y, and z directions, and two were rotational
springs about the x and z axes. The properties of the soil strings and dampers
and their derivations are presented in Appendix C. The capacities of the
rotational springs for the exterior strip foundations in the model were equal
to one-half of the values provided in Appendix C. This decision was based
on the observation from the pushover analyses that the foundation slab
exhibited significant uplift, causing it to lose contact with the soil springs at
the corners of the building.

Figure 4-34 Foundation model for the soft site for SSI analyses.

Modeling Scheme and Force-Displacement Relation for Vertical Soil Springs

Figure 4-35 Soil springs and dampers for SSI analyses.

4-40 Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

The interior foundation slabs were connected to each other and to the exterior
foundation with rigid links. The rigid links represented the slab-on-grade,
which was not physically connected to the exterior or interior foundation.
The links transmitted only axial compression, not tension or moment.

For the stiff site, the foundation was modeled in a similar way. However,
since failure was expected to occur in the grade beams only, the foundation
slabs underneath the walls and the exterior columns were assumed to be
rigid, and the grade beams were modeled with displacement-based fiber-
section beam elements, as shown in Figure 4-36. The soil springs and
dampers were distributed along the exterior foundation slabs and grade
beams with a 1-foot spacing. The properties of all the soil springs and
dampers are given in Appendix C.

As discussed in Appendix C, to account for kinematic interaction, which

includes the effects of base-slab averaging, the free-field ground motion
records were filtered with a transfer function that was determined based on
the site properties.

Figure 4-36 Foundation model for the stiff site for SSI analyses.

4.8 Incremental Dynamic Analyses and Peak Response


IDAs were conducted on all archetypes using the 22 sets of far-field ground-
motion records from the FEMA P-695 database. Each set has two orthogonal
horizontal ground-motion components. Each record set was applied to an
archetype model twice, with the orientation of the two components rotated by
90 degrees in the second application. Hence, each archetype model was
analyzed with 2 × 22 record sets. The acceleration response spectra for the
44 records (with 5 percent damping) are shown in Figure 4-37. The spectral
curves shown have been scaled so that the median spectral intensity at the

FEMA P-2139-3 4: Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies 4-41

period of 0.25 seconds corresponds to the MCER spectra level for high-
seismic archetypes.
Median Spectrum
S (0.25 sec) = 1.5g

S (g)

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period T (sec)

Figure 4-37 Acceleration response spectra for the 44 far-field

ground motion records in FEMA P-695 database.

The records sets were scaled up simultaneously and gradually from a low-
intensity level, with the median spectral intensity at the code-based period (T
in Table 4-1) of the archetype increased in increments of 0.1g until all the
records resulted in collapse. At each increment, the median spectral intensity
(ST) at period T (calculated with 5 percent damping) was plotted against the
maximum first-story drift ratio (taken as the larger of the two orthogonal
directions) induced by each set of ground-motion records. Since the
response of all the archetypes was dominated by the weak first story, the
first-story drift ratio was used for the IDA plots. Each curve represents the
response to one ground-motion record set.

Figure 4-38 shows the IDA curves obtained for COM2B, the MCER spectral
intensity, SMT, for the design earthquake at period T, the median collapse
spectral intensity, SCT,raw, based on the raw data from the IDAs, and the
adjusted median collapse intensity, SCT,factored , which is equal to 1.2 × SSF ×
SCT,raw. The median collapse intensity (SCT,raw) is defined as the median
spectral intensity at which 50 percent of the 44 earthquake record sets results
in collapse. The factor of 1.2 applied to the adjusted collapse intensity is
recommended in the FEMA P-695 methodology if the value of SCT,raw is
obtained from 3D nonlinear analyses using bi-axial ground-motions rather
than 2D analyses. Previous studies have shown that the median collapse
intensity resulting from 3D analyses is on average 20 percent less than that

4-42 Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

from 2D analyses. Since the acceptance criteria in FEMA P-695 are largely
calibrated with 2D analysis results, the factor of 1.2 is applied to 3D-analysis
results to make the evaluation consistent. The spectral shape factor, SSF, is
based on the observation that the shape of the response spectra of rare ground
motions in California, such as the MCER-level ground motions, is more
favorable (i.e., less damageable) to ductile structures, which is not
necessarily reflected in the record sets. As described in FEMA P-695, the
value of SSF is a function of the code-based fundamental period (T) and the
period-based ductility (µT). For the baseline models, the values of SSF
obtained varied from 1.18 to 1.33. However, the simplified models used in
the pushover analyses underpredicted the roof drift capacity (but not δy,eff),
resulting in an under-prediction of values for the period-based ductility, µT,
for the multi-story archetypes. For this reason, the value of SSF was taken to
be 1.33, the upper-bound value recommended in FEMA P-695 for T ≤ 0.5
sec, for all the archetype models.

6.43% S = 3.77g
CT, factorized

4 S = 2.37g
CT, raw


S = 1.50g

0 5 10 15 20 25
1 Story Drift Ratio (%)

Figure 4-38 Incremental dynamic analysis results for COM2B. Red markers
represent the incipient collapse points of individual ground
motions. Vertical and horizontal red dashed lines show the
lognormal fitted median incipient collapse drift ratio and SCT,raw,

Incipient collapse was identified as the point (shown as red markers in Figure
4-38) on an IDA curve after which the story drift increased indefinitely with
no further increase in ST (i.e., the point after which the IDA curve goes flat)
or when the first-story drift ratio reached 10 percent, whichever came first.
The latter criterion took into account the rotational limit of the beam-to-

FEMA P-2139-3 4: Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies 4-43

column connections of the steel gravity frame. This was determined from the
data of Liu and Astaneh-Asl (2000; 2004) on tests of beam-to-column
connections. However, the second criterion had no noticeable impact on the
collapse probability because the first criterion was typically triggered. Figure
4-37 also shows the lognormal distributions for the incipient collapse drift
ratios and incipient collapse spectral intensities. The median incipient
collapse drift ratio for COM2B is 6.43 percent, as indicated by the vertical
dashed line.

Figure 4-39 shows the collapse rates (collapse fraction) determined from the
IDAs. For the IDA data shown, the spectral intensity was scaled by the
factor of 1.2 to account for the 3D analyses. The collapse fragility curve
shown in the figure is based on a lognormal distribution with the median
collapse intensity equal to SCT,factored and the lognormal standard deviation, β,
assumed to be 0.5. The β value accounts for the dispersion introduced by
uncertainties in the record-to-record variability of the ground motions, design
requirements, test data, and modeling. Prior studies (NIST, 2010) on similar
building archetypes have indicated that 0.5 is a good estimate for the β value.
The difference between the collapse fraction data points and the collapse
fragility curve shown in the Figure 4-39 is largely due to the spectral shape
factor (SSF), which was applied to the modified median spectral intensity
SCT,factored to produce the fragility curve, but not to the collapse fraction data.
The probability of collapse at the MCER ground-motion intensity P[C|MCER]
was determined directly from the collapse fragility curves.

Collapse Fraction or Probability


(S , 0.5)



Collapse Probability
Collapse Fraction
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
S (g)

Figure 4-39 Collapse rates from IDA and derived collapse fragility
curve for COM2B. ST for the collapse fraction data has
been scaled only by the factor of 1.2 for 3D analyses.

4-44 Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

Per the FEMA P-695 methodology, when 3D analyses are performed, the
collapse margin ratio (CMR3D) is defined as 1.2 × SCT,raw /SMT, where SMT is
the MCER spectral intensity at the building period T. The adjusted collapse
margin ratio (ACMR) is defined as SSF × CMR3D (i.e., SCT,factorized /SMT).
These values were computed for the building archetypes in this study.

Select response quantities obtained for each intensity stripe (at increments of
0.1g) were archived in a spreadsheet file. Table 4-5 summarizes the archived
response quantities, which include the peak response quantities for each
record set and for each response direction of an archetype model, the
response statistics for the 2 × 22 ground motion record sets, and the collapse
statistics. The file names are catalogued in Appendix D.

Table 4-5 Stripe Statistics Archived for Each Orthogonal Direction

(Transverse and Longitudinal) of the Archetype Models
Statistic Type Response Parameters Statistic Values
Peak Roof Relative
Peak Relative Displacement
Displacement Peak Roof Drift Ratio
Peak 1st-Story Drift Ratio(5)
Peak Relative Peak Roof Relative Velocity Mean of Survivors(2)
Velocity Peak Floor Relative Velocity Overall Mean(3)
Overall Beta(4)
Peak Total Peak Roof Total Acceleration Minimum
Acceleration Peak Floor Total Acceleration Maximum
Residual Residual Roof Displacement
Relative Residual Roof Drift Ratio
Displacement Residual 1st-Story Drift Ratio(5)
Collapse Cases for 2 × 22 Number
Record Sets Percentage
Collapse (Yes/No)
Collapse If No, Peak Roof Displacement
Individual Record Collapse If Yes, Peak Roof Displacement at
Cases Last Surviving Intensity; Floor
Level Initiating Collapse and
Collapse Direction.
Median based on all 2 × 22 earthquake record sets; for non-surviving records (i.e.,
records causing collapse), they are calculated with the last values.
Mean value for surviving earthquake records (i.e., records not causing collapse).
Mean value for all 2 × 22 earthquake record sets; calculated with the last values for
non-surviving records.
The lognormal standard deviation for all 2 × 22 earthquake record sets; calculated with
the last values for non-surviving records.
Upper stories of the multi-story archetypes remain practically elastic and their drift ratios
are mainly contributed by the rigid-body rotation of the walls above the bottom story.
The rigid-body wall rotations are not accurately calculated with the simplified models,
and the upper-story drift ratios are therefore not archived.

FEMA P-2139-3 4: Numerical Modeling for Parametric Studies 4-45

Chapter 5
Numerical Results of
Parametric Studies

5.1 Introduction

This chapter presents results of three parametric studies performed for the
commercial reinforced masonry building archetypes, whose baseline models
are denoted as COM1B through COM6B. The probability of collapse was
calculated for each baseline model and its variants considered in the
parametric studies using the FEMA P-695 methodology, which consisted of
pushover analyses and incremental dynamic analyses (IDAs). The analyses
were conducted with the simplified frame models that were calibrated with
refined finite-element models, as discussed in Chapter 4.

5.2 Baseline Configuration Parametric Study

This parametric study compares the performance of the baseline models by

examining the pushover analysis curves, and the influence of several design
variables and building characteristics on seismic performance. The variables
considered include the period (or the number of stories) of the building, the
maximum base shear strength of the pushover curve divided by the seismic
weight of the building (Vmax/W, referred to herein as the “normalized
pushover strength”), the maximum base shear strength divided by the design
base shear (Ω), and the level of the design earthquake.

5.2.1 Pushover and Incremental Dynamic Analyses

Pushover and incremental dynamic analyses were performed on the baseline

models to provide the information required for calculating the collapse
fragilities per the FEMA P-695 methodology. Figure 5-1 and Figure 5-2
show the base shear-vs.-drift ratio curves obtained from the pushover
analyses of the baseline models designed for the high-seismic and very high-
seismic sites, respectively, and Figure 5-3 shows the zoomed-in pushover
curves for all the archetypes. The roof drift ratio is defined as the roof
displacement divided by the building height, and the first-story drift ratio is
the displacement of the first level divided by the story height. These curves
represent the envelopes of the hysteretic response curves of the archetypes
under bi-directional ground motions, rather than the true response under

FEMA P-2139-3 5: Numerical Results of Parametric Studies 5-1

monotonic loading, due to the way the simplified models were calibrated, as
explained in Section 4.6. The figures show that the post-peak slopes of the
pushover curves become steeper as the number of stories increases. This can
be attributed to the higher axial compressive force and the higher amount of
vertical reinforcement in the first-story walls of the taller buildings, which
led to more severe masonry crushing in the first-story walls. The higher
axial load also resulted in a more severe P-delta effect. Furthermore, because
damage was localized in the first story for the multi-story archetypes, the
base shear-vs.-roof drift ratio curves show much steeper post-peak slopes
than the base shear-vs.-first-story drift ratio curves. However, the roof drift
capacity of the multi-story archetypes was underpredicted by the simplified
models, compared to that predicted by the refined models, due to the
underestimation of the rigid-body rotation of the upper-story walls when
damage developed in the bottom story. This, however, did not affect the
reliability of the results because the nonlinear response of the bottom stories
was well captured by the simplified models, as shown in Appendix B.
1200 1200
1000 1000

800 800
Force - X (kips)

Force - X (kips)

600 600

400 400

200 200

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%) Roof Drift Ratio - X (%)

Longitudinal direction
1200 1200
1000 1000

800 800
Force - Z (kips)

Force - Z (kips)

600 600

400 400

200 200

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%) Roof Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Transverse direction
Figure 5-1 Pushover curves for high-seismic baseline models (COM1B,
COM2B, and COM3B).

5-2 Numerical Results of Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

1800 1800
1500 1500

1200 1200
Force - X (kips)

Force - X (kips)
900 900

600 600

300 300

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%) Roof Drift Ratio - X (%)

Longitudinal direction
1800 1800
1500 1500

1200 1200
Force - Z (kips)

Force - Z (kips)

900 900

600 600

300 300

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%) Roof Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Transverse direction
Figure 5-2 Pushover curves for very high-seismic baseline models (COM4B,
COM5B, and COM6B).
1800 1800
1500 1500
1200 COM5B 1200 COM5B
Force - X (kips)

Force - Z (kips)

900 900

600 600

300 300

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Roof Drift Ratio - X (%) Roof Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure 5-3 Zoomed-in pushover curves for all archetypes.

Figure 5-1 and Figure 5-2 show that COM5B (two-story, very high-seismic
site) has a higher displacement capacity than COM2B (two-story, high-
seismic site) even though the former has more vertical reinforcement.
However, this difference in displacement capacity is less significant in the
pushover analysis results from the refined finite-element models (as shown in
Figure 4-23 and Figure 4-24) probably because the simplified models are
calibrated with the hysteresis curves generated with bi-directional earthquake
loading. If the behavior of a wall is governed by flexure, a higher amount of
vertical reinforcement will lead to a smaller displacement capacity because it
will cause more severe masonry toe crushing. However, this is not
necessarily true for wall behavior dominated by diagonal shear or base
sliding. For these cases, the higher amount of vertical reinforcement

FEMA P-2139-3 5: Numerical Results of Parametric Studies 5-3

provides more dowel resistance across diagonal shear cracks and horizontal
base cracks. This could be the explanation for the higher displacement
capacity of COM5B.

Figure 5-1 and Figure 5-2 also show that COM6B (four-story, very high-
seismic site) has a higher displacement capacity than COM3B (four-story,
high-seismic site). This can be largely attributed to the fact that COM6B has
more wall cross-sectional area than COM3B.

Values of key parameters characterizing the pushover curves for each

baseline model are presented in Table 5-1. In the table, the fundamental
periods, T1, were calculated from the eigenvalues analyses of the simplified
models, Δu,80 is the roof drift ratio at which the lateral resistance drops to 80
percent of the peak value, and Δu,max is the roof drift ratio at which the lateral
resistance drops to zero. As mentioned previously, these roof drift values
were under-predicted by the simplified models.

Table 5-1 Modal and Pushover Analysis Results of Baseline Archetype

Transverse Direction Longitudinal Direction
Archetype T1 ∆U,80 ∆U,max T1 ∆U,80 ∆U,max
ID (sec) Vmax/W (in/in) (in/in) (sec) Vmax/W (in/in) (in/in)
Commercial Buildings: High Seismic
COM1B 0.148 1.27 0.043 0.146 0.130 0.95 0.038 0.166
COM2B 0.202 0.68 0.017 0.051 0.177 0.64 0.027 0.056
COM3B 0.235 0.52 0.010 0.032 0.378 0.43 0.007 0.026
Commercial Buildings: Very High Seismic
COM4B 0.152 1.27 0.049 0. 175 0.136 1.11 0.044 0. 179
COM5B 0.194 0.81 0.025 0.081 0.172 0.73 0.037 0.081
COM6B 0.249 0.67 0.011 0.037 0.255 0.69 0.012 0.043

Table 5-1 shows that the ratio of Vmax to W decreases with increasing number
of stories, indicating that lower-rise archetypes have more reserve strength.
The one-story archetypes have by far the largest Vmax/W values because, as a
result of the archetypes having configurations representative of actual
buildings, they have a lot more walls than what is needed to resist code-
specified seismic demands.

Table 5-2 shows the values of other parameters obtained from the pushover
analyses. In this table, Vmax,av is the average of the maximum base shear
strengths obtained for the two orthogonal directions of the archetype model,
Ω is the overstrength factor based on Vmax,av, and µT is the average of the
period-based ductility values calculated for the two orthogonal directions.

5-4 Numerical Results of Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

The overstrength factor decreases as the number of stories increases, and the
archetypes for the very high-seismic site have lower overstrength. As
explained in Section 4.8, the simplified models underpredicted the value of
µT and thereby the value of SSF for the multi-story archetypes. For this
reason, SSF is taken to be 1.33, which is the upper-bound value according to
FEMA P-695.

Table 5-2 Pushover and Collapse Analysis Results of Baseline

Archetype Models
Pushover Analysis Collapse Analysis
Archetype Vmax,av/ SCT* 0.5MCER] MCER]
ID W Ω µT (g) CMR3D SSF ACMR (%) (%)
Commercial Buildings: High Seismic
COM1B 1.11 5.57 17.9 4.19 3.35 1.33 4.46 0.00 0.14
COM2B 0.66 3.29 8.52 2.37 1.90 1.33 2.52 0.07 3.22
COM3B 0.47 2.37 2.99 1.79 1.43 1.33 1.90 0.40 9.88
Commercial Buildings: Very High Seismic
COM4B 1.19 3.98 18.9 4.54 2.42 1.33 1.90 0.01 0.97
COM5B 0.77 2.57 12.04 2.93 1.56 1.33 2.08 0.22 7.18
COM6B 0.68 2.26 4.25 2.73 1.46 1.33 1.94 0.35 9.36
* Without correction for 3D analysis (raw data)

Table 5-2 also shows the values of the median collapse intensity SCT
determined from the raw IDA data (equal to SCT,raw defined in Section 4.8)
and the calculated collapse margin ratios. The collapse margin ratio
(CMR3D) is calculated as 1.2 × SCT /SMT, where SMT is the MCER spectral
intensity at the design period of the archetype. The adjusted collapse margin
ratio (ACMR) is calculated as SSF × CMR3D.

The collapse fraction data obtained from the IDAs and the lognormal
collapse fragility curves derived from the IDA data for the high-seismic and
very high-seismic archetypes are presented in Figure 5-4 and Figure 5-5,
respectively. The dispersion factor, β, for these curves is assumed to be 0.5.

The collapse probabilities for the 0.5 × MCER- and MCER-level ground
motions are determined from the collapse fragility curve for each baseline
model. As shown in Table 5-2, all the baseline models have collapse
probabilities less than 10 percent for the MCER-level motion. The one-story
archetypes have significantly lower probabilities of collapse. This applies to
the entire spectral intensity range, as shown by the fragility curves in Figure
5-4 and Figure 5-5.

FEMA P-2139-3 5: Numerical Results of Parametric Studies 5-5

Figure 5-4 Collapse rates from IDA data and collapse fragility
curves derived for high-seismic baseline models. ST for
the collapse fraction data has been scaled by 1.2,
whereas that for the collapse probability curve has
been scaled by 1.2×SSF.

Figure 5-5 Collapse rates from IDA data and collapse fragility
curves derived for very high-seismic baseline models.
ST for the collapse fraction data has been scaled by 1.2,
whereas that for the collapse probability curve has
been scaled by 1.2×SSF.

5-6 Numerical Results of Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

Table 5-3 shows the median values of the peak roof drift, peak first-story
drift, and response spectral intensity at incipient collapse, as well as the
values of the lognormal standard deviation of these quantities. Consistent
with the trend of the pushover curves shown in Figure 5-1 and Figure 5-2 and
of the values of Δu,max shown in Table 5-1, the drift ratio at incipient collapse
decreases as the number of stories increases. However, this trend is not as
obvious for the very high-seismic cases. Furthermore, Table 5-3 shows that
the spectral acceleration at incipient collapse decreases as the number of
stories increases.

Table 5-3 Median and Lognormal Standard Deviation (β ) Values of

Peak Drift Ratio, First-Story Drift, and Response Spectral
Acceleration at Incipient Collapse of Baseline Archetype
Peak Drift Ratio Response Spectral
at Incipient Collapse Acceleration at
Incipient Collapse ST
Roof First Story (g)
ID Median β Median β Median β
Commercial Buildings: High Seismic
COM1B 0.088 0.11 0.088 0.11 4.19 0.32
COM2B 0.035 0.16 0.064 0.16 2.37 0.30
COM3B 0.015 0.22 0.058 0.24 1.79 0.30
Commercial Buildings: Very High Seismic
COM4B 0.092 0.07 0.092 0.07 4.54 0.32
COM5B 0.048 0.12 0.088 0.11 2.93 0.28
COM6B 0.021 0.11 0.084 0.12 2.73 0.27

5.2.2 Factors Influencing Probability of Collapse

Table 5-4 shows the collapse rates and the mean peak first-story drift ratios
of the survivors for the 0.5 × MCER- and MCER-level ground motions based
on the raw IDA data without applying the SSF or the 3D-analysis factor.

In Figure 5-6 through Figure 5-8, the probability of collapse for the MCER-
level ground motions is plotted against the normalized pushover strength
(Vmax,av/W), the overstrength factor (Ω), and the calculated fundamental
period (T1), respectively. These figures show that the probability of collapse
increases when the normalized pushover strength decreases or when the
period increases (due to the increase of the number of stories). The clearest
trend is the influence of the overstrength factor, as shown in Figure 5-7. The
collapse probability increases as the value of Ω decreases. However, the
relation between the collapse probability and Ω is not linear. There is a rapid
increase in collapse probability when Ω drops below 2.5.

FEMA P-2139-3 5: Numerical Results of Parametric Studies 5-7

Table 5-4 Collapse Rates of Baseline Archetype Models and Mean Peak
First-Story Drift Ratios of Survivors at 50 Percent-of-MCER
and MCER Ground-Motion Intensities
Mean Peak First-Story
Drift Ratio of Survivors (%)
Collapse Collapse 0.5 × MCER MCER
Rate at Rate at
Archetype 0.5MCER MCER Trans. Long. Trans. Long.
ID (out of 44)* (out of 44)* Direction Direction Direction Direction
Commercial Buildings: High Seismic
COM1B 0 0 0.09 0.13 0.30 0.58
COM2B 0 2 0.29 0.46 1.74 2.04
COM3B 0 6 0.50 1.05 2.17 2.71
Commercial Buildings: Very High Seismic
COM4B 0 0 0.13 0.15 1.15 1.49
COM5B 0 2 0.70 0.94 3.30 3.85
COM6B 0 2 0.86 0.98 3.50 3.90
* The collapse rate is determined with the 1.2 factor applied to the MCER intensity to
account for 3D analyses; however, this does not apply to other data in table.


0.1 COM6B





0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
V /W

Figure 5-6 MCER collapse probability versus Vmax,av/W for the

baseline models.

5-8 Numerical Results of Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3









0 2 4 6 8

Figure 5-7 MCER collapse probability versus Ω for the baseline








0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
T (sec)

Figure 5-8 MCER collapse probability versus averaged

fundamental period for the baseline models.

FEMA P-2139-3 5: Numerical Results of Parametric Studies 5-9

5.3 Displacement Capacity Parametric Study

This parametric study examines the influence of displacement capacity on

collapse probability. In this study, the post-peak slopes of the base shear-vs.-
first-story drift curves are varied. Two variants are considered for each
baseline model COMXB. Model COMXB-DC1 has the post-peak negative
slope decreased by 30 percent (more ductile), and COMXB-DC2 has the
negative slope increased by 30 percent (less ductile).

The collapse fraction data and the collapse fragility curves derived for
COM2B, COM2B-DC1, and COM2B-DC-2 are shown in Figure 5-9, and the
collapse fragility curves for all the baseline models and their variants are
shown collectively for the high-seismic and very high-seismic cases in
Figure 5-10 and Figure 5-11, respectively.

Collapse Fraction or Probability


Collapse Probability (COM2B)
Collapse Fraction (COM2B)
Collapse Probability (COM2B-DC1)
Collapse Fraction (COM2B-DC1)
Collapse Probability (COM2B-DC2)
Collapse Fraction (COM2B-DC2)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
S (g)

Figure 5-9 Collapse rates from IDA data and collapse fragility curves
derived for COM2B, COM2B-DC1, and COM2B-DC2.
ST for the collapse fraction data has been scaled by 1.2,
whereas that for the collapse probability curve has been
scaled by 1.2×SSF.

5-10 Numerical Results of Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3





Collapse Probability


0.2 COM2B-DC2
0.1 COM3B-DC1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Figure 5-10 Collapse fragility curves for the displacement capacity

parametric study for high-seismic archetypes.




Collapse Probability


0.2 COM5B-DC2
0.1 COM6B-DC1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Figure 5-11 Collapse fragility curves for the displacement capacity

parametric study for very high-seismic archetypes.

Table 5-5 summarizes the pushover analysis results obtained for the
displacement capacity parametric study, and Table 5-6 shows the calculated
collapse probabilities. The collapse probabilities vary in an expected
manner, and the variation with respect to the change in displacement capacity

FEMA P-2139-3 5: Numerical Results of Parametric Studies 5-11

is not significant for any of the archetype models. Table 5-7 compares the
mean and median values of the peak roof and first-story drift ratios, as well
as the spectral intensities at incipient collapse. The mean and the median
values are very close, and the mean and median peak first-story drift ratios at
incipient collapse are all less than 10 percent. Incipient collapse is identified
as the point on an IDA curve after which the curve goes flat or when the
first-story drift ratio reaches 10 percent, whichever comes first. Hence, the
archetypes that have the mean or median first-story incipient collapse drift
ratios between 8 percent and 10 percent are more likely to have collapses
triggered by the 10 percent drift limit. This occurs to archetypes that exhibit
a more ductile behavior in the pushover analyses. For the high-seismic site,
there is a clear trend that the drift ratio at incipient collapse decreases as the
number of stories increases.

Table 5-5 Modal and Pushover Analysis Results of Displacement

Capacity Parametric Study Archetype Models
Transverse Direction Longitudinal Direction
Archetype T1 ∆U,80 ∆U,max T1 ∆U,80 ∆U,max
ID (sec) Vmax/W (in/in) (in/in) (sec) Vmax/W (in/in) (in/in)
Commercial Buildings: High Seismic
COM1B 0.148 1.27 0.043 0.146 0.130 0.95 0.038 0.166
COM1B-DC1 0.148 1.27 0.051 0.183 0.130 0.95 0.045 0.205
COM1B-DC2 0.148 1.27 0.034 0.107 0.130 0.95 0.028 0.123
COM2B 0.202 0.68 0.017 0.051 0.177 0.64 0.027 0.056
COM2B-DC1 0.202 0.68 0.020 0.064 0.177 0.64 0.031 0.067
COM2B-DC2 0.202 0.68 0.013 0.040 0.177 0.64 0.023 0.042
COM3B 0.235 0.52 0.010 0.032 0.378 0.43 0.007 0.026
COM3B-DC1 0.235 0.52 0.012 0.038 0.378 0.43 0.012 0.038
COM3B-DC2 0.235 0.52 0.008 0.024 0.378 0.43 0.006 0.020
Commercial Buildings: Very High Seismic
COM4B 0.152 1.27 0.049 0. 175 0.136 1.11 0.044 0. 179
COM4B-DC1 0.152 1.27 0.058 0.217 0.136 1.11 0.052 0.223
COM4B-DC2 0.152 1.27 0.039 0.129 0.136 1.11 0.032 0.132
COM5B 0.194 0.81 0.025 0.081 0.172 0.73 0.037 0.081
COM5B-DC1 0.194 0.81 0.030 0.099 0.172 0.73 0.043 0.099
COM5B-DC2 0.194 0.81 0.019 0.059 0.172 0.73 0.031 0.061
COM6B 0.249 0.67 0.011 0.037 0.255 0.69 0.012 0.043
COM6B-DC1 0.249 0.67 0.013 0.045 0.255 0.69 0.014 0.052
COM6B-DC2 0.249 0.67 0.009 0.028 0.255 0.69 0.010 0.033

5-12 Numerical Results of Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

Table 5-6 Pushover and Collapse Analysis Results of Displacement Capacity Parametric Study Archetype
Pushover Analysis Collapse Analysis
Archetype SCT* 0.5MCER] MCER]
ID Vmax,av/W Ω µT (g) CMR3D SSF ACMR (%) (%)
Commercial Buildings: High Seismic
COM1B 1.113 5.57 17.9 4.19 3.35 1.33 4.46 0.00 0.14
COM1B-DC1 1.113 5.57 21.2 4.43 3.54 1.33 4.71 0.00 0.10
COM1B-DC2 1.113 5.57 13.6 3.74 2.99 1.33 3.98 0.00 0.29
COM2B 0.659 3.29 8.516 2.37 1.90 1.33 2.52 0.07 3.22
COM2B-DC1 0.659 3.29 9.939 2.55 2.04 1.33 2.71 0.03 2.30
COM2B-DC2 0.659 3.29 7.072 2.13 1.70 1.33 2.27 0.14 5.09
COM3B 0.473 2.37 2.989 1.79 1.43 1.33 1.90 0.40 9.88
COM3B-DC1 0.473 2.37 4.050 1.95 1.56 1.33 2.07 0.24 7.22
COM3B-DC2 0.473 2.37 2.440 1.59 1.27 1.33 1.69 0.79 14.7
Commercial Buildings: Very High Seismic
COM4B 1.193 3.98 18.9 4.54 2.42 1.33 1.90 0.01 0.97
COM4B-DC1 1.193 3.98 22.3 4.71 2.51 1.33 3.34 0.01 0.79
COM4B-DC2 1.193 3.98 14.4 4.13 2.20 1.33 2.93 0.02 1.58
COM5B 0.772 2.57 12.04 2.93 1.56 1.33 2.08 0.22 7.18
COM5B-DC1 0.772 2.57 14.09 3.10 1.65 1.33 2.20 0.15 5.75
COM5B-DC2 0.772 2.57 9.747 2.66 1.42 1.33 1.89 0.43 10.4
COM6B 0.679 2.26 4.246 2.73 1.46 1.33 1.94 0.35 9.36
COM6B-DC1 0.679 2.26 5.169 2.87 1.53 1.33 2.04 0.25 7.74
COM6B-DC2 0.679 2.26 3.692 2.49 1.33 1.33 1.77 0.58 12.7
* Without correction for 3D analysis (raw data)

FEMA P-2139-3 5: Numerical Results of Parametric Studies 5-13

Table 5-7 Mean, Lognormal Standard Deviation (β), and median values of Peak Roof Drift, Peak First-
Story Drift, and Response Spectral Acceleration at Incipient Collapse of Displacement
Capacity Parametric Study Archetype Models

Peak Roof Drift at Incipient Peak First-Story Drift at Incipient

Collapse (%) Collapse (%) Incipient Collapse ST (g)(3)
ID Mean(1) β Median(2) Mean(1) β Median(2) Mean(1) β Median(2)
Commercial Buildings: High Seismic
COM1B 8.87 0.11 8.82 8.87 0.11 8.82 4.41 0.32 4.19
COM1B-DC1 9.34 0.06 9.93 9.34 0.06 9.32 4.66 0.32 4.43
COM1B-DC2 7.34 0.19 7.22 7.34 0.19 7.22 3.96 0.34 3.73
COM2B 3.56 0.16 3.52 6.52 0.16 6.43 2.47 0.30 2.37
COM2B-DC1 4.21 0.16 4.16 7.86 0.17 7.76 2.65 0.28 2.55
COM2B-DC2 2.75 0.18 2.71 4.87 0.20 4.78 2.25 0.32 2.13
COM3B 1.56 0.22 1.52 6.00 0.24 5.83 1.87 0.30 1.79
COM3B-DC1 1.90 0.15 1.88 7.36 0.16 7.26 2.03 0.29 1.95
COM3B-DC2 1.17 0.21 1.14 4.39 0.24 4.28 1.67 0.31 1.59
Commercial Buildings: Very High Seismic
COM4B 9.19 0.07 9.17 9.19 0.07 9.17 4.78 0.32 4.54
COM4B-DC1 9.43 0.07 9.40 9.43 0.07 9.40 4.96 0.32 4.71
COM4B-DC2 8.05 0.14 7.97 8.05 0.14 7.97 4.36 0.32 4.13
COM5B 4.78 0.12 4.75 8.87 0.11 8.82 3.06 0.28 2.93
COM5B-DC1 4.99 0.10 4.97 9.20 0.07 9.18 3.20 0.29 3.07
COM5B-DC2 4.04 0.18 3.98 7.45 0.18 7.34 2.78 0.30 2.66
COM6B 2.14 0.11 2.13 8.41 0.12 8.35 2.82 0.27 2.73
COM6B-DC1 2.29 0.11 2.28 8.98 0.11 8.93 2.97 0.26 2.87
COM6B-DC2 1.80 0.16 1.78 7.05 0.17 6.96 2.59 0.28 2.49
Mean from raw data.
Median from best-fit lognormal distribution curve.
Without correction for 3D analyses (raw data).

Table 5-8 shows the collapse rates and the mean peak first-story drift ratios
of the survivors for the 0.5 × MCER- and MCER-level ground motions based
on the raw IDA data without applying the SSF or the 3D-analysis factor. In
general, the collapse rate at MCER increases significantly as the displacement
capacity is decreased by 30 percent (as shown by COMXB-DC2).
Furthermore, the mean peak first-story drift ratio of survivors at MCER
increases slightly as the displacement capacity increases.

5-14 Numerical Results of Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

Table 5-8 Collapse Rates and Mean Peak First-Story Drift Ratios of Survivors at 50 Percent-of-MCER and
MCER Ground-Motion Intensities of the Displacement Capacity Parametric Study Archetype
Mean Peak First-Story
Drift Ratio of Survivors (%)
Collapse Collapse
Archetype Rate at 0.5MCER Rate at MCER Trans. Long. Trans. Long.
ID (out of 44)* (out of 44)* Direction Direction Direction Direction
Commercial Buildings: High Seismic
COM1B 0 0 0.09 0.13 0.30 0.58
COM1B-DC1 0 0 0.09 0.13 0.30 0.58
COM1B-DC2 0 0 0.09 0.13 0.30 0.59
COM2B 0 2 0.29 0.46 1.74 2.04
COM2B-DC1 0 0 0.29 0.46 1.68 2.09
COM2B-DC2 0 2 0.29 0.46 1.66 1.75
COM3B 0 6 0.50 1.05 2.17 2.71
COM3B-DC1 0 4 0.50 1.03 2.33 2.86
COM3B-DC2 0 13 0.50 1.02 1.95 2.34
Commercial Buildings: Very High Seismic
COM4B 0 0 0.13 0.15 1.15 1.49
COM4B-DC1 0 0 0.13 0.15 1.15 1.50
COM4B-DC2 0 0 0.13 0.15 1.17 1.51
COM5B 0 2 0.70 0.94 3.12 3.64
COM5B-DC1 0 2 0.70 0.94 3.19 3.67
COM5B-DC2 0 5 0.71 0.95 2.98 3.25
COM6B 0 2 0.86 0.98 3.36 3.67
COM6B-DC1 0 0 0.86 0.97 3.33 3.67
COM6B-DC2 0 7 0.87 0.99 3.07 3.28
* The collapse rate is determined with the 1.2 factor applied to the MCER intensity to account for 3D analyses; however, this
does not apply to other data in table.

5.4 Soil-Structure Interaction and Foundation Flexibility

Parametric Study

This parametric study examines the influence of soil-structure interaction

(SSI) and foundation flexibility on the seismic performance of COM2B.
Two site properties are considered. One is a stiff site that is at the site class
C/D boundary (COM2B-SS1). The other is a soft site at the site class D/E
boundary (COM2B-SS2). The modeling of the foundation and soil
properties is discussed in Section 4.7.3, and the determination of the soil
spring and damper properties is described in Appendix C. To account for

FEMA P-2139-3 5: Numerical Results of Parametric Studies 5-15

kinematic interaction (which includes the effects of base-slab averaging), the
free-field ground-motion records were filtered with a transfer function
determined for the respective site to obtain the input motions for the
analyses. Incremental dynamic analyses were conducted for COM2B-SS2
with the original free-field motions and filtered motions to examine the
influence of kinematic interaction.

In Figure 5-12, the pushover analysis curves obtained for the stiff and soft
sites are compared to those for the baseline model. For the stiff site, the
influence of the soil and foundation flexibility on the ascending branch of the
pushover curves is negligible. Nevertheless, the post-peak slope of the
pushover curve for the x direction for the stiff site is significantly more gentle
than that for the baseline model. This is largely attributed to the rotation and
flexural yielding of the foundation slab below the end walls (Wall 1 and
Wall 3 as numbered in Figure 4-36), which resulted in a reduction of the
plastic rotation demand on the bottom spring of the wall elements and thus
delayed the inelastic softening behavior of the walls. The change of the
rotation demand also slightly reduced the peak shear resistance of the walls,
which depended on the moments developed in the top and bottom springs of
each wall element.
600 600
w/o SSI w/o SSI
w/ SSI - Stiff Site w/ SSI - Stiff Site
500 w/ SSI - Soft Site 500 w/ SSI - Soft Site

400 400
Force - X (kips)

Force - Z (kips)

300 300

200 200

100 100

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Roof Displacement - X (in) Roof Displacement - Z (in)

Figure 5-12 Pushover curves for COM2B with and without soil springs and

Figure 5-13 shows the vertical displacements of the foundations for the stiff
and soft sites at the respective peak base shear. Because the stiff site had a
smaller and weaker foundation, it had more significant foundation rotation
and uplift. The stiffer soil also resulted in a more severe foundation edge
uplift. For the soft site, the foundation rotation and uplift were significantly
smaller because the foundation was larger and stronger. This resulted in only
a small change in the post-peak slopes of the pushover curves.

5-16 Numerical Results of Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3


X Soft Site
1.5 Push Dir. Stiff Site
Displacement - Vert. (in)


Wall 1 Ext Column Wall 2 Ext Column Wall 3

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Long Strip (ft)

Figure 5-13 Vertical displacements of the foundations for the stiff and soft
sites at the respective maximum base shear.

These results indicate that the pushover response was significantly affected
by the flexural deformation and rotation of the foundation slab and less by
the soil deformation. Figure 5-14 shows the forces developed in the vertical
soil springs (which have a spacing of 1 foot) along the foundation strip in the
longitudinal (x) direction of the building at the respective maximum base
shear for both sites. The stiff site has zero force in the soil springs along a
significant portion of the foundation due to the foundation uplift. For both
the soft and stiff sites, the compressive forces developed in the soil springs
are far below the bearing capacities. Because of the significant loss of soil
contact for the stiff site, the foundation could slide under lateral earthquake
forces. However, the influence of the soil-foundation contact condition on
the horizontal (bearing or friction) resistance of the soil was not accounted
for in the model.
Push Dir.

Spring Force - Vert. (kip)



-20 Soft Site

Stiff Site
Wall 1 Ext Column Wall 2 Ext Column Wall 3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Long Strip (ft)

Figure 5-14 Forces in vertical soil springs for the stiff and soft sites at the
respective maximum base shear.

The moments developed in the foundation slabs and grade beams at the
respective maximum base shear are shown in Figure 5-15. Flexural yielding
occurs in the foundation slabs or grade beams for both sites. To understand
the interaction of the walls with the foundation slab and the underlying soil,
and the resulting lateral load resisting mechanisms of the system, a U-shaped
end segment of the foundation slab underneath Wall 1 and Wall 4 (the end
walls on the windward side) for each site was isolated as a free body, as

FEMA P-2139-3 5: Numerical Results of Parametric Studies 5-17

depicted in Figure 5-16. The forces and moments shown in the figure are
extracted from the pushover analyses at the respective maximum base shear.
The moments and shear forces developed in the foundation slab, as well as
the axial force exerted by the walls and the column on the foundation,
counteracted the overturning moments exerted by the walls. Figure 5-15 also
shows that the shear demand on the grade beam for the stiff site could be
well beyond the shear strength of the beam (which has a cross-sectional
dimension of 1 foot × 1 foot).
1000 X Soft Site
Push Dir.
Stiff Site
Footing Moment - ZZ. (kip-ft)


Wall 1 Ext Column Wall 2 Ext Column Wall 3

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Long Strip (ft)

Figure 5-15 Moments in foundation slabs and grade beams for the stiff and
soft sites at the respective maximum base shear.

Figure 5-16 Resistance of foundation slabs to overturning moments of Wall

1 and Wall 4 for the stiff and soft sites at the respective
maximum base shear.

5-18 Numerical Results of Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

The behavior of COM2B-SS1 (stiff site) was significantly influenced by the
deformation of the foundation slab. Hence, it is uncertain if the simplified
model calibrated with the refined finite-element model of a fixed-base
building realistically represents the behavior of the walls sitting on a
relatively flexible and weak foundation slab. In addition, the simplified
foundation model does not capture the shear failure of the foundation slab or
the shear resistance at the slab-soil interface when significant uplift occurs.
The development of a detailed model to simulate these phenomena was
outside the scope of this parametric study. For this reason, only COM2B-
SS2, which has a stronger and stiffer foundation slab, is further considered
for the collapse probability study.

Table 5-10 compares the fundamental periods and the key parameters of the
pushover curves obtained for COM2B, COM2B-SS1, and COM2B-SS2.
Model COM2B-SS2 has a significantly longer period than COM2B due to
the soft soil.

Table 5-9 Modal and Pushover Analysis Results of the SSI and Foundation
Flexibility Parametric Study Archetype Models
Transverse Direction Longitudinal Direction
Archetype T1 ∆U,80 ∆U,max T1 ∆U,80 ∆U,max
ID (sec) Vmax/W (in/in) (in/in) (sec) Vmax/W (in/in) (in/in)
Commercial Buildings: High Seismic
COM2B 0.20 0.68 0.017 0.051 0.18 0.64 0.027 0.056
COM2B-SS1 0.24 0.67 0.022 - 0.27 0.62 0.041 -
COM2B-SS2 0.35 0.68 0.018 0.053 0.42 0.65 0.029 0.056

Table 5-10 Pushover and Collapse Analysis Results of SSI and Foundation Flexibility Parametric Study
Archetype Models
Pushover Analysis Collapse Analysis
Archetype SCT(1) 0.5MCER] MCER]
ID Vmax,av/W Ω µT (g) CMR3D SSF ACMR (%) (%)
Commercial Buildings: High Seismic
COM2B 0.66 3.29 8.516 2.37 1.90 1.33 2.52 0.07 3.22
COM2B-SS1 (2)
0.64 3.22 9.469 - - - - - -
0.67 3.33 9.172 2.35 1.88 1.33 2.50 0.07 3.34
0.67 3.33 9.172 2.36 1.89 1.33 2.51 0.07 3.28
Without correction for 3D analysis (raw data).
No incremental dynamic analysis performed.

FEMA P-2139-3 5: Numerical Results of Parametric Studies 5-19

Incremental dynamic analyses were performed on COM2B-SS2 with filtered
and unfiltered ground-motion records. The filtered records account for
kinematic interaction. Table 5-10 compares the numerical results obtained
for COM2B and COM2B2-SS2. The influence of SSI and foundation
flexibility on collapse probability is negligible; although it slightly increases
the collapse probability. This can be explained by the shape of the median
acceleration spectrum of the ground-motion records, as shown in Figure
4-37. The spectral curve has a plateau for the period range between 0.20
seconds and 0.35 seconds. Hence, the increase of the structural period from
0.20 seconds (for the fixed-based archetype) to 0.35 seconds (for the
archetype on soft soil) does not change the spectral acceleration but may
increase the spectral displacement. However, the influence may be
diminished by the nonlinear response of the system. Figure 5-17 shows the
plots of the median spectral intensity (ST) against the resulting median
maximum first-story drift ratio for COM2B and COM2B-SS2. The curves
show a trend that is consistent with the above observation and suggest that
the use of the filtered motions slightly increases the collapse spectral
intensity compared to the unfiltered records. Figure 5-18 compares the
collapse rates from the IDAs and the collapse fragility curves for COM2B
and COM2B-SS2 (with and without filtered ground motions). The collapse
fragility curves are indistinguishable.



T, Median


0 5 10 15
Median Max 1 Story Drift Ratio (%)

Figure 5-17 Median spectral intensity versus median maximum

first-story drift.

5-20 Numerical Results of Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3


Collapse Fraction or Probability


Collapse Probability (COM2B)
Collapse Fraction (COM2B)
Collapse Probability (COM2B-SS2-Unfiltered)
Collapse Fraction (COM2B-SS2-Unfiltered)
Collapse Probability (COM2B-SS2-Filtered)
Collapse Fraction (COM2B-SS2-Filtered)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
S (g)

Figure 5-18 Collapse rates from IDA data and collapse fragility
curves derived for COM2B and COM2B2-SS2. ST
for the collapse fraction data has been scaled by
1.2, whereas that for the collapse probability curve
has been scaled by 1.2×SSF.

Table 5-11 shows the median values of the peak roof drift, peak first-story
drift, and response spectral intensity at incipient collapse, as well as the
values of the lognormal standard deviation of these quantities, for the SSI
and foundation flexibility parametric study. As shown, the inclusion of SSI
and foundation flexibility in the analysis results in very small changes.

Table 5-11 Median and Lognormal Standard Deviation (β) Values of

Peak Drift Ratio, First-Story Drift, and Response Spectral
Acceleration at Incipient Collapse of the SSI and Foundation
Flexibility Archetype Models
Peak Drift Ratio Response Spectral
at Incipient Collapse Acceleration at
Incipient Collapse ST
Archetype Roof First Story (g)
ID Median β Median β Median β
COM2B 0.035 0.16 0.064 0.16 2.37 0.30
0.037 0.14 0.067 0.15 2.35 0.29
0.036 0.16 0.066 0.18 2.36 0.29

FEMA P-2139-3 5: Numerical Results of Parametric Studies 5-21

Table 5-12 shows the collapse rates and the mean peak first-story drift ratios
of the survivors for the 0.5 × MCER- and MCER-level ground motions based
on the raw IDA data without applying the SSF or the 3D-analysis factor. The
inclusion of SSI and foundation flexibility reduces the collapse rate at MCER
from two to one out of the suite of ground motions. However, the median
collapse spectral intensities for COM2B and COM2B-SS2 are very close to
each other, and because they use the same dispersion factor, β, their collapse
fragility curves are nearly identical, as shown in Figure 5-18.

Table 5-12 Collapse Rates and Mean Peak First-Story Drift Ratios of Survivors at 50 Percent-of-MCER and
MCER Ground-Motion Intensities of the SSI and Foundation Flexibility Parametric Study
Archetype Models

Mean Peak First-Story

Drift Ratio of Survivors (%)
Collapse 0.5 × MCER MCER
Rate at Collapse
Archetype 0.5MCER Rate at MCER Trans. Long. Trans. Long.
ID (out of 44)* (out of 44)* Direction Direction Direction Direction
Commercial Buildings: High Seismic
COM2B 0 2 0.29 0.46 1.74 2.04
0 1 0.67 0.84 2.17 2.33
0 1 0.63 0.82 2.10 2.28
* The collapse rate is determined with the 1.2 factor applied to the MCER intensity to account for 3D analyses; however, this
does not apply to other data in table.

5-22 Numerical Results of Parametric Studies FEMA P-2139-3

Chapter 6

Findings, Conclusions, and


6.1 Introduction

This chapter summarizes key findings, conclusions, and recommendations

arising from the parametric studies conducted on reinforced masonry
building archetypes. In preceding chapters, the following topics were
• establishing target collapse performance benchmarks for the numerical
models of reinforced masonry buildings based on observations of
collapse performance in past earthquakes and shake-table tests
(Chapter 2);
• identifying representative building archetypes and developing detailed
designs of these building archetypes according to current seismic-code
requirements (Chapter 3);
• transforming the archetype designs into nonlinear numerical models,
including variations on selected parameters in the models (Chapter 4);
• conducting nonlinear pushover and incremental dynamic analyses with
these numerical models to evaluate the relative importance of the
modeling assumptions and parametric variations on the reliable
calculation of response behavior and collapse performance (Chapter 5).

6.2 Key Findings of the Parametric Studies

Key findings of the parametric studies are summarized and discussed in the
following sections. A table is provided with each parametric study,
summarizing key archetype model properties (e.g., number of stories, first-
mode period, T1, overstrength, Ω, and normalized pushover strength, Vmax/W)
and key collapse results (e.g., roof and first-story drift ratios at the point of
incipient collapse, the collapse margin ratio, CMR3D, and the probability of
collapse given MCER ground motions). The target range of benchmark
collapse probabilities are also provided for comparison with the collapse
probabilities of archetype models designed for high-seismic loads (SMS =

FEMA P-2139-3 6: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations 6-1

1.5g). Values of first-mode period, overstrength, and normalized pushover
strength in these tables represent the average value of these parameters in the
two horizontal directions of response.

6.2.1 Baseline Configuration Parametric Study

This parametric study investigated the response behavior and collapse

performance of the baseline archetype configurations. The baseline
archetype configurations included variations in occupancy (COM, RES,
BOX), height (one story, two stories, and four stories for COM and RES; one
story for BOX), and seismic-design levels (moderate, high, and very high
seismic). However, the parametric study was only completed for a subset of
one-story, two-story and four-story COM archetype building configurations,
and thus the conclusions presented in this section reflect this limited scope.

Baseline configuration models considered the results of other parametric

studies and incorporated a best estimate for each parameter to provide an
overall best estimate of the simulated response of short-period reinforced
masonry buildings. Table 6-1 summarizes key model properties and collapse
results for each of the six baseline archetypes.

Table 6-1 Summary of Key Model Properties and Collapse Results of Baseline Archetype Models
Model Properties Collapse Results
Period Strength Drift Ratio* P[COL| Collapse
Archetype No. of T1 MCER] Probability
ID Stories (sec) Ω Vmax/W Roof First Story CMR3D (%) (%)
High-Seismic (SMS = 1.5g) Baseline Archetype Models
COM1B 1 0.14 5.6 1.11 0.088 0.088 3.35 0.14 0 to 2
COM2B 2 0.19 3.3 0.66 0.035 0.064 1.90 3.2 0 to 5
COM3B 4 0.31 2.4 0.47 0.015 0.058 1.43 9.9 0 to 5
Very High-Seismic (SMS = 2.25g) Baseline Archetype Models
COM4B 1 0.14 4.0 1.19 0.092 0.092 2.42 1.0 NA
COM5B 2 0.18 2.6 0.77 0.048 0.088 1.56 7.2 NA
COM6B 4 0.25 2.3 0.68 0.021 0.084 1.46 9.4 NA
* Median drift ratio at incipient collapse.

6-2 6: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations FEMA P-2139-3

The overall findings of the baseline parametric study include the following:
1. Collapse Failure Mode. Sidesway collapse of all baseline building
archetype models was due to the formation of a weak-story mechanism
in the first story, which is consistent with observed failure of reinforced
masonry buildings tested on shake tables (Ahmadi et al., 2015; Mavros et
al., 2016; Stavridis et al., 2016).
2. Collapse Probabilities. MCER collapse probabilities calculated for high-
seismic one-story and two-story COM baseline archetype models
(COM1B, COM2B) are consistent with benchmark collapse rates as
shown in Table 6-1. The collapse probability of the high-seismic four-
story COM baseline archetype model (COM3B) is approximately twice
that of the benchmark (and about three times that of the two-story
archetype model). The larger collapse probability of the four-story
archetype model is consistent with the lower normalized pushover
strength (Vmax/W) and displacement capacity of this model (e.g.,
normalized pushover strength of the four-story archetype model is about
70 percent of that of the two-story archetype model).
None of the MCER collapse probabilities of the very high-seismic COM
baseline archetype models exceed the ASCE/SEI 7-10 collapse-safety
objective of no-more-than 10 percent probability of collapse given MCER
ground motions.
3. Collapse Trend with Building Period. The MCER probability of
collapse of the baseline archetype models increases with archetype
model period, T1, all else being equal, as illustrated in Figure 6-1. This
trend is most likely due to differences in building archetype model
normalized pushover strength (Vmax/W), which tends to decrease with
period, and the P-delta effect, which becomes more critical with height
(number of stories).
For comparison purposes, horizontal lines are included in Figure 6-1 (and
subsequent figures of this chapter that show the probability of collapse as a
function of an archetype model parameter) to indicate: (1) the 2 percent
benchmark collapse probability for one-story high-seismic archetype
models; (2) the 5 percent benchmark collapse probability for two-story-
and-taller high-seismic archetype models; and (3) the 10 percent collapse-
safety objective of ASCE/SEI 7-10.

FEMA P-2139-3 6: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations 6-3

COM Archetypes - High Seismic
COM Archetypes - Very High Seismic

MCER Collapse Probability

10% 4s 4s
4% 2s
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40
Period, T1 (seconds)

Figure 6-1 MCER collapse probability of baseline archetype models

plotted as a function of archetype model period (T1), and
benchmark (BM) values of high-seismic MCER collapse
probability and the MCER collapse-safety objective of
ASCE/SEI 7-10.

4. Strength. In general, collapse probability is strongly influenced by the

archetype normalized pushover strength (Vmax/W)—the stronger the
archetype model, the better the collapse performance, all else being
equal. The same trend is seen where collapse probability is expressed as
a function of archetype model overstrength (Ω), which is the maximum
base shear strength (Vmax) of the model relative to the design seismic
demand (Vdesign). Figure 6-2 shows MCER collapse probabilities of the
six COM baseline archetypes plotted as a function of average building
archetype model overstrength (Ω), indicating the general trend of lower
MCER collapse probability with increased archetype model overstrength.
As shown in Figure 6-2, high-seismic archetype models and very high-
seismic archetype models have similar trends in collapse performance as
a function of archetype model overstrength, such that where values of
overstrength are about the same, values of probability of collapse are
likewise about the same. For example, the four-story high-seismic
archetype model and the four-story very high-seismic archetype model
have about the same overstrength (Ω = 2.0) and about the same MCER
probability of collapse of 10 percent).

6-4 6: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations FEMA P-2139-3

COM Archetypes - High Seismic
COM Archetypes - Very High Seismic
MCER Collapse Probability

10% 4s 4s
6% ≥ 2-story BM
2s 1-story BM
1s 1s
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
Overstrength, Ω
Figure 6-2 MCER collapse probabilities of baseline archetype models
plotted as a function of average archetype model
overstrength (Ω ), and benchmark (BM) values of MCER
collapse probability and the MCER collapse-safety objective
of ASCE/SEI 7-10.

5. Very High-Seismic Collapse Performance. The probability of collapse

of the one-story and two-story very high-seismic archetype models are
larger than those of the corresponding high-seismic archetype models.
This is consistent with the lower overstrength values of the former.
Notably, all three very high-seismic archetypes have collapse
probabilities less than the 10 percent collapse-safety objective of
ASCE/SEI 7-10. The four-story very high-seismic archetype has a lot
more wall cross-sectional area than the four-story high-seismic
archetype, resulting in similar overstrength and collapse performance
values for both archetypes.
Collapse performance of very high-seismic designs was evaluated for
MCER ground motions (SMS = 2.25g) that represent a ground motion
intensity typical of sites relatively close to active faults (an intensity 50
percent greater than that of high-seismic ground motions). The analysis
was performed with ground motions recorded at far-field sites, but the
amplitudes were scaled up based upon design as SMS = 2.25g.

6.2.2 Displacement Capacity Parametric Study

The displacement capacity parametric study investigated the effects of varying

the lateral displacement at which the archetype model lost its entire lateral
resistance. As noted in the findings of the previous section, collapse was due

FEMA P-2139-3 6: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations 6-5

to the formation of a weak story at the first story in all cases. Therefore, the
metric of interest is the displacement or drift ratio of the first story at the point
of incipient collapse, after which the drift increased indefinitely in the IDA
analysis per the FEMA P-695 collapse evaluation procedure. Collapse
displacement capacity was investigated by varying the slope of the post-
capping strength of COM building archetype models. Baseline building
archetype models of one-story, two-story and four-story high-seismic COM
buildings and one-story, two-story and four-story very high-seismic COM
buildings were each modified to have two variants of post-capping strength
slope (i.e., plus and minus 30 percent change in the slope). Key archetype
model properties and collapse results are summarized in Table 6-2.

Table 6-2 Summary of Key Model Properties and Collapse Results of Displacement Capacity Parametric
Study Archetype Models with Baseline, Enhanced (DC1) and Reduced (DC2) Post-Capping
Model Properties Collapse Results
Reinforced- Benchmark
Masonry Building Period Strength Drift Ratio* P[COL| Collapse
Archetype Model No. of T1 MCER] Probability
ID Stories (sec) Ω Vmax/W Roof First Story CMR3D (%) (%)
High-Seismic (SMS = 1.5g) Baseline Archetype Models
COM1B-DC1 1 0.14 5.6 1.11 0.093 0.093 3.54 0.10 0 to 2
COM1B 1 0.14 5.6 1.11 0.088 0.088 3.35 0.14 0 to 2
COM1B-DC2 1 0.14 5.6 1.11 0.072 0.072 2.99 0.29 0 to 2
COM2B-DC1 2 0.19 3.3 0.66 0.042 0.078 2.04 2.3 0 to 5
COM2B 2 0.19 3.3 0.66 0.035 0.064 1.90 3.2 0 to 5
COM2B-DC2 2 0.19 3.3 0.66 0.027 0.048 1.70 5.1 0 to 5
COM3B-DC1 4 0.31 2.4 0.47 0.019 0.073 1.56 7.2 0 to 5
COM3B 4 0.31 2.4 0.47 0.015 0.058 1.43 9.9 0 to 5
COM3B-DC2 4 0.31 2.4 0.47 0.011 0.043 1.27 14.7 0 to 5
Very High-Seismic (SMS = 2.25g) Baseline Archetype Models
COM4B-DC1 1 0.14 4.0 1.19 0.094 0.094 2.51 0.8 NA
COM4B 1 0.14 4.0 1.19 0.092 0.092 2.42 1.0 NA
COM4B-DC2 1 0.14 4.0 1.19 0.080 0.080 2.20 1.6 NA
COM5B-DC1 2 0.18 2.6 0.77 0.050 0.092 1.65 5.8 NA
COM5B 2 0.18 2.6 0.77 0.048 0.088 1.56 7.2 NA
COM5B-DC2 2 0.18 2.6 0.77 0.040 0.073 1.42 10.4 NA
COM6B-DC1 4 0.25 2.3 0.68 0.023 0.089 1.53 7.7 NA
COM6B 4 0.25 2.3 0.68 0.021 0.084 1.46 9.4 NA
COM6B-DC2 4 0.25 2.3 0.68 0.018 0.070 1.33 12.7 NA
* Median drift ratio at incipient collapse.

6-6 6: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations FEMA P-2139-3

In Table 6-2, archetype models labeled “DC1” have enhanced displacement
capacity (flatter post-capping slope) and archetype models labeled “DC2” have
reduced displacement capacity (steeper post-capping slope). In general, the
flatter the slope of post-capping strength, the greater the incipient collapse drift
ratio (and the lower the probability of collapse given MCER ground motions).

The overall findings of the parametric study of displacement capacity include

the following:
1. Collapse Probabilities. In general, for a given archetype design, the
probability of collapse decreases with the increase of post-capping
displacement capacity. MCER collapse probabilities calculated for high-
seismic one-story and two-story archetype models (COM1B and
COM2B) are all consistent with benchmark collapse rates with only
COM2B-DC2 slightly above the upper-bound value of 5 percent (Table
6-2), as illustrated in Figure 6-3.
COM1B - (Ω = 5.6)
18% COM2B - (Ω = 3.3)
16% COM3B - (Ω = 2.4)
COM4B - (Ω = 4.0)
MCER Collapse Probability

14% DC2 COM5B - (Ω = 2.6)

12% COM6B - (Ω = 2.3)

8% DC1
6% DC2 DC1
4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0
1st-Story Drift Ratio at Incipient Collapse (%)

Figure 6-3 MCER collapse probability as a function of first-story drift

ratio at incipient collapse of archetype models with varying
amounts of post-capping displacement capacity, and
benchmark (BM) values of MCER collapse probability and
the MCER collapse-safety objective of ASCE/SEI 7-10.
Archetype model overstrength (Ω) is shown in the legend.
2. Correlation of the Collapse Margin Ratio with Post-Capping
Displacement Capacity. The collapse margin ratio (CMR3D) is strongly
correlated with the post-capping displacement capacity, as illustrated in
Figure 6-4 by the plots of the CMR3D parameter as a function of first-
story drift ratio at incipient collapse. For a given archetype design, the
greater the first-story drift ratio at incipient collapse, the larger the
collapse margin ratio.

FEMA P-2139-3 6: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations 6-7

COM1B - (Ω = 5.6) DC1
COM2B - (Ω = 3.3)
COM3B - (Ω = 2.4)

Collapse Margin Ratio (CMR3D)

3.0 COM4B - (Ω = 4.0) DC2
2.8 COM5B - (Ω = 2.6)
2.6 COM6B - (Ω = 2.3)
1.8 DC2
1.4 DC2 DC2
4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0
1st-Story Drift Ratio at Incipient Collapse (%)

Figure 6-4 Collapse margin ratio (CMR3D) as a function of first-story

drift ratio at incipient collapse of archetype models with
varying amounts of post-capping displacement capacity,
and benchmark (BM) values of MCER collapse probability
and the MCER collapse-safety objective of ASCE/SEI 7-10.
Archetype model overstrength (Ω) is shown in the legend.

The related and more significant influence of archetype model strength

(i.e., overstrength) on the collapse margin ratio is illustrated in Figure
6-4. The curves in Figure 6-4 show that for a given value of first-story
drift ratio at incipient collapse, the collapse margin ratio varies roughly
in proportion to archetype overstrength. For example, at a first-story
drift ratio at incipient collapse of 9 percent, the collapse margin ratio of
the COM4B archetype is about 50 percent greater than that of the
COM5B archetype and, likewise, the overstrength of the COM4B
archetype is about 50 percent greater than that of the COM5B archetype.
The curves in Figure 6-4 also show a proportionally more modest
increase in the collapse margin ratio with an increase in the first-story
drift ratio at incipient collapse

6.2.3 Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) and Foundation Flexibility

Parametric Study

The soil-structure interaction (SSI) and foundation flexibility parametric

study investigated the effects of SSI and foundation flexibility by:
(1) modeling a distributed set of discrete nonlinear soil springs and dampers
below flexible foundation elements; and (2) performing dynamic analysis
with FEMA P-695 records filtered to reduce response at very short periods
(i.e., due to kinematic interaction effects).

6-8 6: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations FEMA P-2139-3

For this study, the two-story, high-seismic COM archetype was modeled
with two variants of nonlinear soil springs and dampers representing: (1) stiff
soil site conditions, i.e., vs30 = 360 m/s (COM2B-SS1); and (2) soft soil site
conditions, i.e., vs30 = 180 m/s (COM2B-SS2). Pushover analyses were
performed for both site conditions, although collapse evaluations were only
performed for soft site conditions.

For the archetype model with nonlinear springs and dampers representing
soft soil site conditions, collapse analyses were performed using earthquake
records modified for kinematic interaction effects (i.e., filtered records), as
well as the standard set of (unmodified) FEMA P-695 earthquake records.

Table 6-3 summarizes key model properties and collapse results for the two-
story baseline archetype model (COMB2B) with a fixed base and variant
archetype models with flexible foundations that incorporate SSI effects.

Table 6-3 Summary of Key Properties and Collapse Results of SSI and Foundation Flexibility Archetype
Models with a Fixed Base and with Flexible Foundations that Incorporate SSI Effects
Model Properties Collapse Results
Reinforced- Benchmark
Masonry Building Period Strength Drift Ratio* P[COL| Collapse
Archetype Model No. of T1 MCER] Probability
ID Stories (sec) Ω Vmax/W Roof First Story CMR3D (%) (%)
High-Seismic (SMS = 1.5g) Archetype Models
COM2B 2 0.19 3.3 0.66 0.035 0.064 1.90 3.2 0 to 5
COM2B-SS1 2 0.26 3.2 0.65
2 0.39 3.3 0.67 0.037 0.067 1.88 3.3 0 to 5
2 0.39 3.3 0.67 0.036 0.066 1.89 3.3 0 to 5
* Median drift ratio at incipient collapse.

The overall findings of the SSI and foundation flexibility parametric study
include the following:
1. Nonlinear Static (Pushover) Response. The nonlinear static (pushover)
curves of variant building archetype models representing stiff (SS1) and
soft (SS2) site conditions were found to be qualitatively similar to the
pushover curve of the baseline building archetype model with rigid,
fixed-base foundations (e.g., see Figure 5-12). However, these two
variant models were moderately to significantly more flexible at
pushover displacements up to peak strength, and the soft site model
showed a gentler post-capping slope compared to the fixed-based case.
For the archetype models evaluated in this parametric study, the
foundations had sufficient strength to develop yielding mechanisms and

FEMA P-2139-3 6: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations 6-9

induce failure of the reinforced masonry walls above. Other
configurations of reinforced masonry buildings could conceivably have
the opposite sequence of failure (i.e., failure of the foundation prior to
the reinforced masonry wall above).
2. Collapse Probabilities. For the soft soil collapse analyses using FEMA
P-695 records (1) without kinematic modification (SS2 unfiltered); and
(2) with kinematic modification (SS2 filtered), the MCER collapse
probabilities calculated for the variant building archetype models were
found to be essentially the same as that of the baseline building archetype
model with rigid, fixed-base foundations, as shown in Table 6-3.
Although the analyses show no significant difference in collapse
performance due to kinematic interaction effects (which includes the
effects of base-slab averaging), the collapse probabilities could be
appreciably different if foundation failure had occurred prior to failure of
the reinforced masonry walls above.

6.3 Conclusions and Recommendations

Prior FEMA P-695 collapse performance studies on a variety of structural

systems over a range of periods have suggested that, for systems with design
periods less than about 0.5 seconds, the probability of collapse given MCER
ground motions increases significantly as the design period decreases.
Trends in observed earthquake damage of short-period buildings, however,
do not support the high collapse probabilities predicted by numerical
analysis. The apparent discrepancy between analytical prediction of collapse
performance and the opinions and observations of structural engineers has
been designated the short-period building seismic performance paradox.

With improved numerical modeling and representative reinforced masonry

building archetypes, this study has shown that MCER collapse probabilities
decrease as the design period decreases, which is a reversal of the trend
observed in prior FEMA P-695 studies. Further, numerical analyses of short-
period reinforced masonry buildings designed and evaluated for high-seismic
loads (SMS = 1.5g) resulted in low collapse probabilities for MCER ground
motions, consistent with the collapse rates inferred by the observed
performance of low-rise buildings in past earthquakes (e.g., red tag data from
the 1994 Northridge earthquake). As a result, this study has solved the short-
period building seismic performance paradox for reinforced masonry

Numerical investigations conducted in this study provide valuable insights into

the collapse performance of reinforced masonry buildings that should be of
importance to seismic-code-development committees, engineering

6-10 6: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations FEMA P-2139-3

practitioners, and researchers. In the sections that follow, results from this
study are compared to prior FEMA P-695 studies on reinforced masonry
building archetypes, and recommendations are provided in the following areas:
• Improved Seismic Design Codes and Standards
• Advanced Seismic Design and Analysis Practice
• Enhanced Modeling and Testing

6.3.1 Comparison with Prior FEMA P-695 Collapse Probability


Key model properties and collapse results of prior studies of archetype

models of reinforced masonry buildings, as reported in NIST GCR 10-917-8
and NIST GCR 12-917-20, are summarized in Table 6-4.

Table 6-4 Summary of Key Model Properties and Collapse Results of Archetype Models of Prior Studies
of Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Wall Buildings Designed for High-Seismic Loads
Model Properties Collapse Results

Period Period Strength Drift Ratio* P[COL|

Archetype No. of T T1 MCER]
ID Stories (sec) (sec) Ω Vmax/W Roof First Story CMR (%)
NIST GCR 10-917-8: High-Gravity/High-Seismic (SMS = 1.5 g) Archetype Models
S1 1 0.25 0.10 1.84 0.37 - - 0.52 79
S2 2 0.26 0.13 2.28 0.46 0.015 - 1.14 21
S3 4 0.45 0.21 1.87 0.37 - - 1.55 8.4
PG-1S All 0.32 0.15 2.00 0.35 - - 1.07 26
NIST GCR 10-917-8: Low-Gravity/High-Seismic (SMS = 1.5 g) Archetype Models
S11 1 0.25 0.10 1.84 0.37 - - 0.52 79
S12 2 0.26 0.13 1.82 0.36 - - 1.71 5.9
S13 4 0.45 0.26 1.73 0.35 - - 1.65 6.8
PG-5S All 0.32 0.16 1.80 0.36 - - 1.29 15.3
NIST GCR 12-917-20: R = 4/High-Seismic (SMS = 1.5g) Archetype Models
1 0.25 0.11 2.04 0.51 0.014 0.014 1.00 35
2 0.26 0.10 1.72 0.43 0.013 - 1.40 11.9
4 0.45 0.16 1.82 0.46 0.028 - 2.40 1.4
PG-1s/2s 1&2 0.26 0.11 1.86 0.47 0.014 - 1.20 21
NIST GCR 12-917-20: R = 6/High-Seismic (SMS = 1.5g) Archetype Models
1 0.25 0.11 1.93 0.32 0.014 0.014 0.80 48
2 0.26 0.10 2.59 0.43 0.013 - 1.40 11.9
4 0.45 0.16 2.27 0.38 0.028 - 2.40 1.4
PG-1s/2s 1&2 0.26 0.11 2.26 0.38 0.014 - 1.10 24
* Drift ratios of non-simulated failure modes (only reported by prior studies for certain archetype models).

FEMA P-2139-3 6: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations 6-11

Similar information in Table 6-1 through Table 6-3 of this chapter are
reported in Table 6-4, noting the following differences:
• The design period, T, (as well as the model period, T1) is reported (for
comparison with collapse probabilities plotted in Figure 1-1 of this report).
• Collapse roof-drift ratios are based on non-simulated collapse failure
modes (e.g., rupture or buckling of 30 percent or more of the flexural
reinforcement), rather than on the results of incremental dynamic
analysis (i.e., at the point of incipient collapse). Collapse roof-drift ratios
were reported in the prior studies for only a few models.
• The collapse margin ratio, CMR, is based on incremental dynamic
analysis of 2D analytical models. 2D (planar) models of walls were used
in all prior studies of reinforced masonry building archetypes.

The NIST GCR 10-917-8 study evaluated collapse performance for one-story,
two-story, four-story, eight-story and twelve-story heights of special and
ordinary reinforced masonry building archetypes designed for two FEMA
P-695 seismic levels, SDC Dmax (SMS = 1.5g) and SDC Dmin (SMS = 0.75g); only
model properties and collapse results for one-story, two-story and four-story
special reinforced masonry archetypes designed and evaluated for SMS = 1.5g
(i.e., high-seismic design level) are reported in Table 6-4. To determine how
collapse margin ratios vary with design R values, the NIST GCR 12-917-20
study redesigned the one-story, two-story and four-story high-gravity load
archetypes of the NIST GCR 10-917-8 study using R values of 1, 2, 4, and 8.
Model properties and collapse results are reported in Table 6-4 for R = 4 and R
= 6 designs of the NIST GCR 12-917-20 study, which bound the value of R = 5
used for design of the archetypes of this study (as described in Chapter 3).

Two collapse results plotted in Figure 1-1 of this report for short-period
masonry archetypes represent the average values of the collapse probabilities
of performance groups PG-1S and PG-5S of the NIST GCR 10-917-8 study
(i.e., collapse probabilities of 15 percent and 26 percent, respectively, for an
average design period of T = 0.32 seconds). The individual collapse
probabilities for one-story, two-story and four-story archetype models that
range from 6.8 percent and 8.4 percent for four-story archetype models to 79
percent for one-story archetype models are reported in Table 6-4.

The results of the NIST GCR 12-917-20 study show similar trends (although
different values) of collapse probabilities for one-story and two-story
archetype models, but significantly different and much lower collapse
probabilities for the four-story archetype models (i.e., only 1.4 percent) than
those of the NIST GCR 10-917-8 study. The explanation for differences in
collapse probabilities of the two NIST studies and those of this study is

6-12 6: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations FEMA P-2139-3

rooted in the differences in the strength and collapse displacement capacity
of the archetype models, as discussed below for one-story, two-story and
four-story archetype models.

Comparison of One-Story Archetype Model Properties and Collapse

Performance. The probability of collapse of the COM1B archetype model
of this study is less than 1 percent; whereas the collapse probabilities of one-
story archetype models of prior studies is 35 percent to 79 percent. The
strength of the COM1B model is about three times stronger than the strength
of the models of prior studies (e.g., Ω = 5.6 as compared to Ω = 1.84 of
Model S1 of the NIST GCR 10-917-8 study), and the collapse displacement
capacity is about six times greater than collapse displacement capacity of the
models of prior studies (e.g., 8.6 percent roof-drift ratio as compared to 1.4
percent roof-drift ratio of the NIST GCR 12-917-20 study).

Comparison of Two-Story Archetype Model Properties and Collapse

Performance. The probability of collapse of the COM2B archetype model
of this study is about 3 percent; whereas the collapse probabilities of two-
story archetype models of prior studies is about 6 percent to 21 percent. The
strength of the COM2B model of this study is about 1.5 times stronger than
those of the prior studies (e.g., Ω = 3.3 as compared to Ω = 2.28 of Model S2
of the NIST GCR 10-917-8 study), and the collapse displacement capacity of
the COM2B model is more than two times greater than those of prior studies
(e.g., 3.5 percent roof-drift ratio as compared to 1.5 percent roof-drift ratio of
Model S2 of the NIST GCR 10-917-8 study).

Comparison of Four-Story Archetype Model Properties and Collapse

Performance. The probability of collapse of the COM3B archetype model
of this study is about 10 percent; whereas the collapse probability of the four-
story archetype model (S3) of the NIST CGR 10-917-8 study is similar but
somewhat less, about 8 percent, and the collapse probabilities of the four-
story archetype models of the NIST CGR 12-917-20 study are less than 2
percent. The COM3B archetype model has about the same strength as that of
the S3 model of the NIST GCR 10-917-8 study (e.g., Ω = 2.4 as compared to
Ω = 1.87). The COM3B archetype model has about the same strength as that
of the four-story models of the NIST GCR 12-917-20 study (e.g., Ω = 2.4 as
compared to Ω = 1.82 and Ω = 2.27 of the R = 4 and R = 6 models,
respectively) but only about one-half the collapse displacement capacity
(e.g., 1.5 percent roof-drift ratio as compared to 2.8 percent roof-drift ratio of
the prior models), which is consistent with the lower collapse probabilities of
the four-story models of the NIST GCR 12-917-20 study.

FEMA P-2139-3 6: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations 6-13

The source of the strength discrepancies between the studies can be attributed
primarily to different project objectives. In previous studies, archetypes were
configured and optimized to provide the minimum seismic-force-resisting
system necessary to meet the design seismic load demand (see Figure 3-1 of
this study). In this study, archetypes were intended to represent typical
building configurations. As a result, some archetypes exhibited significantly
greater overstrength than previous studies, as described above. This result
might reasonably be expected for:
• buildings with more wall than is structurally necessary as a result of
architectural constraints,
• walls for which the minimum reinforcement requirement is greater than
required to meet demand, and
• walls with relatively low seismic demand, such that small incremental
changes in reinforcement size or spacing result in large relative changes
in capacity.

All of these are common characteristics of short-period reinforced masonry


6.3.2 Recommendations for Improved Seismic Design Codes

and Standards

This section describes topics and provides recommendations considered

particularly relevant to seismic-code-development committees, including the
Provisions Update Committee of the Building Seismic Safety Council, the
ASCE/SEI 7 Seismic Subcommittee, the ASCE/SEI 41 Standards
Committee, and the TMS 402/602 Standards Committee responsible for the
development of TMS 402. Seismic-code committees have limited resources
and any studies would, in most cases, require a funded project to develop the
requisite technical basis of any proposals to improve existing codes or

Deformation Compatibility of Components Not Part of the Seismic-

Force-Resisting System. Consistent with shake-table and pull tests of full-
scale test buildings described in Section 2.3, the nonlinear models of
reinforced masonry building archetypes of this study have large drift
displacement capacities (e.g., median first-story drift ratios as large as 10
percent at incipient collapse) that are significantly larger than those currently
used for ASCE/SEI 7 to check deformation compatibility of components not
part of the seismic-force-resisting system. This is of possible concern
because the collapse probabilities determined by this project tacitly assume

6-14 6: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations FEMA P-2139-3

that the gravity system can support gravity loads out to the drift at incipient

A study is recommended to determine whether current ASCE/SEI 7

provisions for deformation compatibility checks are adequate given the new
drift information available from this project.

Seismic Retrofit of Existing Reinforced Masonry Buildings. Consistent

with shake-table and pull tests of full-scale test buildings described in
Section 2.3, the nonlinear models of reinforced masonry building archetypes
of this study have large drift displacement capacities (e.g., median first-story
drift ratios as large as 10 percent at incipient collapse). In contrast, the
backbone curves of the nonlinear procedures of ASCE/SEI 41-17 (ASCE,
2017) have much more limited values of collapse drift displacements. For
example, for walls controlled by shear, collapse is defined by drift ratios
beyond 0.75 percent for evaluation of primary components and beyond 2.0
percent for evaluation of secondary components (Table 11-7).

It is recommended that the ASCE/SEI 41 Standards Committee update

existing modeling parameters and acceptance criteria based on recent test

FEMA P-695 Seismic Criteria Update. The seismic criteria of FEMA

P-695 are based on the “Zone 4” seismic criteria of the 1994 version of the
Uniform Building Code (ICBO, 1994), as embodied in the deterministic-
lower-limit seismic criteria of Section 21.2.2 of ASCE/SEI 7-05 (ASCE,
2005). The seismic criteria of FEMA P-695 are out-of-date with respect to
the current seismic criteria of ASCE/SEI 7-16 (ASCE, 2016) and ASCE/SEI
7-22, as proposed. At short periods (i.e., the acceleration domain), the
seismic criteria of FEMA P-695 are either the same as the deterministic
lower limit of ASCE/SEI 7-16 or only about 10 percent less than those
proposed for ASCE/SEI 7-22. In the velocity domain (i.e., periods greater
than 1.0 seconds for Site Class D site conditions), the seismic criteria of
FEMA P-695 are only about 60 percent of those of ASCE/SEI 7-16 (and
somewhat less for ASCE/SEI 7-22, as proposed). Updating the seismic
criteria of P-695 would not significantly affect the collapse evaluation of
short-period building archetypes (and the findings of this study of reinforced
masonry buildings) but could be of importance to the collapse evaluation of
taller building archetypes with longer periods.

As per the original “Zone 4” approach of FEMA P-695, all of the ground
motions represent “far-field” sites and purposely ignore higher levels of
ground shaking typical of sites closer to the fault(s) governing site seismic

FEMA P-2139-3 6: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations 6-15

hazard. Accordingly, FEMA P-695 implicitly permits MCER collapse
probabilities greater than 10 percent for structures at sites where ground
motions are greater than those of the “far-field” SDC Dmax seismic criteria;
whereas, the 10 percent collapse objective of Section (Performance-
Based Procedures) and Section (Alternate Structural Systems) of
ASCE/SEI 7-16 applies to all sites, regardless of their proximity to fault
rupture, noting that the commentary to Section identifies FEMA
P-695 as the preferred methodology for verifying compliance with the 10
percent collapse objective. As shown by comparison of the collapse
performance of high-seismic and very high-seismic baseline archetype
models of this study, very different conclusions could be reached if the
MCER ground motions greater than those of the “far-field” SDC Dmax of
FEMA P-695 were required for collapse evaluation. The fundamental
question is simply: does the 10 percent collapse-safety objective of
ASCE/SEI 7-16 apply to buildings at all possible sites or only to those sites
that are not “near-source”?

A study is recommended to determine what if any updates to FEMA P-695

should be made to: (1) incorporate current ASCE/SEI 7-16 and forthcoming
ASCE/SEI 7-22 ground-motion criteria, and (2) address the apparent
discrepancy between the acceptance criteria of FEMA P-695 and those of
Section of ASCE/SEI 7-16.

Effect of Overstrength. The conditions that result in overstrength for the

walls of reinforced masonry buildings may also increase demand on adjacent
elements, such as diaphragms or collectors. It may be relevant to code-writing
committees that this common condition is not entirely consistent with the code
intent for encouraging flexure-dominated behavior and capacity-based design.

6.3.3 Recommendations for Advanced Seismic Design and

Analysis Practices

This section describes topics and provides recommendations considered

particularly relevant to engineering practitioners, especially those who are
interested in performance-based design of new reinforced masonry buildings
or seismic retrofit of existing reinforced masonry buildings. The
performance-based-design recommendations may not be practical for
implementation by most practitioners and would likely require funded
projects to fully develop the requisite methods.

Performance-Based Design Based on Pushover Strength. The archetype

models, methods, and results of this study that better represent observed
collapse performance may be of interest to practitioners for performance-
based design of reinforced masonry buildings. The collapse analyses of

6-16 6: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations FEMA P-2139-3

reinforced masonry building archetypes show a strong correlation between
collapse performance and the strength of the archetype model, as determined
by nonlinear (static) pushover analysis.

Additional study would be required to develop a complete performance-

based design methodology for new buildings, or to augment the current
performance-based methods of ASCE/SEI 41 for seismic retrofit of existing

Performance-Based-Design Criteria. The collapse results of baseline

archetype models show strong trends of the combined influence of strength
and displacement capacity on collapse performance. Such trends could be
used to establish performance-based-design criteria for reinforced masonry

Additional study would be required to develop the relationship between the

strength, displacement capacity, and collapse performance of reinforced
masonry buildings considering differences in archetype configuration (e.g.,
multi-family dwellings), wall design (e.g., un-coupled flanged walls), and
potential for uplift/rocking of foundations below tall walls, among other

Damage and Loss Estimation. The archetype models, methods, and results
of this study that better represent observed collapse performance of
reinforced masonry buildings may be of interest to practitioners developing
estimates of earthquake damage and loss using, for example, the FEMA P-58
technology (FEMA, 2018), or other methods, such as those of the insurance
industry. The probability of collapse is an important element of building
damage and loss estimation and the improved models and methods of this
study would provide a more reliable characterization of the earthquake
collapse risk of reinforced masonry buildings.

Best-Practice Design Recommendations. The results of this study show

that the following design considerations are relevant to MCER collapse
• The building archetypes analyzed in this study, designed in accordance
with TMS 402, resulted in good performance for both high-seismic and
very high-seismic loads, achieving the target probability of collapse of
10 percent or less.
• Although collapse performance was good, behavior was not always
consistent with code intent: shear-dominated behavior was common and
damage was significant. Designers with performance objectives

FEMA P-2139-3 6: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations 6-17

requiring limited, repairable damage should consider additional measures
to encourage flexure-dominate behavior.
• Shear Wall Design. The models in this study showed that significant
nonlinear behavior was concentrated in the first story. It may therefore
be appropriate to increase attention to the ductility of elements at the
base of cantilever walls and perhaps relax requirements for upper levels
with appropriate capacity-based design principals.
• Drift Capacity of the Gravity System Connections. Because this study
showed that story drifts may be larger than expected, steel beam-column
connections of the gravity system should have special detailing to avoid
premature failure during large lateral displacements of reinforced
masonry buildings (i.e., story drift ratios of up to 10 percent). Such
detailing should include a minimum gap between the beam flange and
column to avoid prying action on these connections.
• Minimum reinforcement requirements or architecturally stipulated wall
configurations may result in unintended overstrength of reinforced
masonry shear walls; as a result, foundations may uplift before walls can
yield. In this case, foundations may require special design and detailing
to accommodate rocking response of the walls above.
• Designers should understand the limitations of simplified analysis
methods to represent complex behavior. For example, horizontal
diaphragms may need to be modeled as both flexible and stiff to
envelope the forces delivered to walls.

Best-Practice Analysis Recommendations. The results of this study show

that where nonlinear models are used to evaluate the collapse potential of
reinforced masonry buildings, to reliably calculate the behavior of structures
and the probability of collapse, they should:
• incorporate 3D flange-web interaction (e.g., coupling of shear walls and
floor slabs and beams),
• incorporate realistic collapse displacement capacity of the seismic-force-
resisting system (i.e., backbone curves of ASCE/SEI 41 are too
conservative), and
• explicitly model P-delta effects.

6.3.4 Recommendations for Enhanced Modeling and Testing

This section describes topics and provides recommendations considered

particularly relevant to engineers and academics interested in research of
reinforced masonry buildings. In this context, modeling recommendations

6-18 6: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations FEMA P-2139-3

include the use of sophisticated nonlinear finite-element models, as well as
simplified models, such as those described in Chapter 4 of this report, and
testing recommendations include new experimental data that should be
acquired through quasi-static and shake-table tests to fill the current
knowledge gap and to further validate numerical models that can be used in
research and practice. Recommendations for Modeling

For performance-based design of reinforced masonry buildings, the ability to

assess the damage states of a building subjected to different seismic-intensity
levels and its vulnerability to collapse under an extreme seismic event is of
critical importance. However, the analysis methods commonly used to study
the behavior of and to design reinforced masonry buildings suffer from a
number of shortcomings:
• Structural models used in design are often overly simplified, such as
ignoring the coupling forces from horizontal diaphragms. This could
result in modeled building behavior that is different from actual
performance in an earthquake. For example, such models may predict
wall behavior dominated by flexure, but diagonal shear may be the actual
failure mechanism when the coupling forces come into play, as
demonstrated by the behavior of the building archetypes considered in
this study. Therefore, overly simplified models will not provide a
reliable assessment of the strength and displacement capacity of a
building, or good guidance for design.
• In spite of the shear-capacity design provisions in TMS 402, special
reinforced masonry wall systems could still develop shear-dominated
behavior when the shear-span ratios of the wall components are low.
This could happen in buildings that have relatively strong horizontal
diaphragms, perforated walls, or both. There is a lack of simple
numerical tools to assess the seismic response of shear-dominated wall
systems in a reliable manner.
• Phenomenological hysteretic models are sometimes used to predict the
response of reinforced masonry wall systems dominated by shear. They
are often calibrated with quasi-static test data obtained from planar wall
specimens, ignoring wall flanges and other structural elements that are
frequently present in a real building. Both the experimental data and
refined finite-element analyses presented in Chapter 4 show that the
displacement capacity of a reinforced masonry building with shear-
dominated flanged walls can be far higher than that exhibited in planar
wall-panel tests.

FEMA P-2139-3 6: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations 6-19

• In a seismic event, buildings are subjected to multi-axial ground motions.
This study found that the response of a reinforced masonry flanged wall
system subjected to bi-axial horizontal ground motions can be different
from that developed in a uni-axial pushover analysis. Bi-axial
earthquake ground motions will induce a more rapid post-peak load
degradation. Hence, pushover analyses or cyclic analyses with uni-axial
loading, as permitted by ASCE/SEI 41, may not adequately capture the
behavior of a flanged-wall system under real earthquake conditions.

The following recommendations are provided to improve modeling methods.

Refined Finite-Element Modeling. Currently, refined finite-element

modeling methods provide the most reliable and accurate means to evaluate
and understand the seismic performance of reinforced masonry buildings up
to large drift levels. These numerical models are able to capture both the
flexure- and shear-dominated behaviors of walls. They are not only
applicable to modeling reinforced masonry but also reinforced concrete shear
wall systems. To capture detailed failure mechanisms and thereby the global
behavior in a realistic manner, numerical models should account for masonry
cracking and crushing, reinforcing bar buckling and fracture, and the bond
slip and dowel action of the reinforcing bars. These mechanisms are
responsible for the load degradation in the walls, as well as the residual
strength when severe damage has developed.

For response-history analyses of building systems to be performed

efficiently, simplifications are necessary, even for refined numerical models.
To this end, masonry walls can be modeled with smeared-crack shell
elements to simulate the cracking and crushing of masonry. However, these
elements need to be supplemented with cohesive-crack interface elements to
avoid stress-locking in smeared-crack elements, as explained in Chapter 4.
This is especially important for modeling the behavior of diagonal shear
cracks. The modeling of bond slip is important for capturing the behavior of
reinforcing bars crossing discrete cracks and reducing the sensitivity of
numerical results to the size of the shell elements to which the bar elements
are connected. The dowel action of vertical reinforcing bars contributes to
the lateral strength of a wall after the diagonal cracks have opened or
horizontal cracks have developed. This resistance, even though small, may
contribute a significant portion of the residual strength of a wall as the story
drift increases. For computational efficiency, both the bond-slip behavior
and dowel action can be modeled with double-node interface line elements
using phenomenological interface laws. Normally, the modeling of the
dowel action and the failure behavior of masonry requires different length
scales. A relatively fine mesh is required for the bar elements and dowel-

6-20 6: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations FEMA P-2139-3

interface elements. In this study, a special interface formulation (Kottari et
al., 2017), as discussed in Chapter 4, was used for the bond-slip/dowel-action
elements, which could be connected to larger shell elements.

To model the behavior of a wall system at incipient collapse, the inclusion of

geometric nonlinearity is crucial. This will account for the P-delta effect, as
well as the diagonal tension developed by the vertical reinforcing bars when
the walls undergo large lateral drifts. Finally, for the numerical modeling
scheme recommended here, the removal of elements that have lost their
strength through crushing, cracking, or bar fracture is an important and
necessary feature. This will not only enhance the robustness of the numerical
computation, but also remove undesired restraints that could otherwise be
introduced by the skeletons of the elements or the adjacent elements.

All the aforementioned features recommended for refined finite-element

modeling have been implemented in LS-DYNA to carry out the analytical
studies of reinforced masonry buildings. Only walls in the critical story (or
stories) that develop the diagonal shear mechanism need to be modeled in
detail, and the rest can be modeled with smeared-crack shell elements with
smeared reinforcement alone. These modeling details can be found in
Chapter 4. When other software is used, it is likely that only some of these
modeling capabilities are available, and therefore, alternative but comparable
modeling schemes must be developed to account for the failure mechanisms
discussed above. Because of the large number of material parameters that
need to be calibrated for nonlinear material models and the numerical
artifacts, such as the strain localization and mesh-size sensitivity phenomena,
which are inevitable in any computational model, a new model needs to be
carefully calibrated with wall component tests and fully validated with
experimental data including wall system tests.

Simplified Phenomenological Models. For incremental dynamic analysis

(IDA), computationally efficient simplified numerical models must be
employed. Refined finite-element models demand significant computational
resources, and also require significant effort to develop and calibrate. Hence,
they are not suitable for engineering practice. For simplification, a masonry
wall system can be represented by a frame model, as was done in this study.
Beam-column elements based on fiber-section idealization can simulate the
flexural behavior of a reinforced masonry wall relatively well. However, to
capture the load degradation of a flexure-dominated wall associated with the
buckling and fracture of reinforcing bars, a suitable constitutive model that
can indirectly account for these phenomena has to be used to represent the
behavior of the bars (NIST, 2017), as discussed in Chapter 4. As to the
modeling of the shear-dominated behavior of a masonry (or concrete) wall,

FEMA P-2139-3 6: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations 6-21

no reliable beam-column element is available. Most of the models for
modeling shear are based on phenomenological hysteretic laws that do not
provide any predictive capability or the ability to vary the shear strength as
the axial load varies in an analysis.

When shear-dominated wall behavior is likely, any simplified model for a

reinforced masonry building to be used for IDA or performance assessment
has to be calibrated with a refined finite-element model of the entire building
to capture the system effect, as well as the effect of bi-axial earthquake
ground motions. The simplified model cannot be calibrated with quasi-static
wall test data alone, which may not reflect the effects of the wall flange, wall
loading condition in the structural system, or the history or direction of an
earthquake ground motion. For calibration with a refined model, the use of
three sets of bi-axial ground motion records that have distinct spectral and
acceleration-history profiles is considered as the minimum. As was done in
this study, two of the record sets are to be used to directly calibrate the
model, and the third is to validate the calibration. If the validation is not
satisfactory, then the whole process should be repeated to improve the

In the calibration process, response data on individual walls in the critical

story (or stories) have to be extracted from the refined finite-element model.
The basic data should include the shear force-vs.-story drift hysteresis
curves, as well as the moment at the base of each wall. Because such data do
not distinguish flexure response from shear response, and the response of a
masonry wall can be a combination of both, calibration is a complicated
process if the hysteresis model for shear is to be calibrated separately. For
this reason, as discussed in Chapter 4, the two mechanisms were not
distinguished in the simplified model adopted in this study. A rigid bar with
a rotational spring at each end was used to represent the entire behavior of a
wall, and the hysteresis curves of the springs were calibrated to match the
story shear-vs.-story drift response curves, as well as the maximum moment
developed at the wall base.

Areas for Future Improvement. The following is a list of specific areas for
future improvement of numerical modeling of reinforced masonry.
• Even though the refined finite-element modeling scheme presented in
Chapter 4 has been extensively verified, the numerical models have
many material parameters to calibrate. It would be desirable to perform
a systematic numerical parametric study to evaluate the sensitivity of the
results to the modeling assumptions and material parameters to provide

6-22 6: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations FEMA P-2139-3

insight into simplifying the modeling scheme and improving
computational efficiency.
• The refined models developed for the building archetypes did not
account for the nonlinear behavior and possible failure of the wall-to-
horizontal diaphragm connections, which could affect the behavior of a
wall system. The nonlinear behavior of wall-to-diaphragm connections
should be examined in future studies. In such studies, different wall-to-
diaphragm connection details should be considered and their impact on
wall behavior investigated.
• Efforts should be devoted to the development of physics-based,
computationally efficient beam-column elements to capture both the
shear and flexural behaviors of reinforced masonry flanged walls
subjected to large bi-axial drift levels. Such models should have the
ability to capture the load degradation associated with the buckling and
fracture of reinforcing bars, and the variation of the shear resistance with
the axial load, as well as the influence of wall flanges and bi-axial
loading on displacement capacity.
• The computational efficiency and accuracy of other simplified modeling
approaches discussed in Chapter 4, such as truss models (Moharrami et
al., 2015), should also be investigated. Recommendations for Experimental Studies

Current assessment methodologies and tools for performance-based

engineering, such as FEMA P-58 and ASCE/SEI 41, have relied on fragility
data and pushover curves derived from quasi-static component tests.
Numerical results from refined finite-element models and the shake-table test
data used to validate these models, as presented in Chapter 4, show that these
methodologies are overly conservative for the performance assessment of
reinforced masonry buildings, especially with respect to the assessment of
collapse probability. This can be largely attributed to the fact that the
database was essentially based on planar wall tests without consideration of
the flange effect.

Quasi-Static Tests of Flanged Walls. Since flanged walls are common in

reinforced masonry buildings, and they can develop shear-dominated
behavior in extreme earthquake events, more experimental data on such walls
are needed. There is limited quasi-static test data available on reinforced
masonry flanged walls with shear-dominated web behavior. Uni-axial and
bi-axial (two horizontal directions) quasi-static tests would yield valuable
data to help understand the shear behavior of these walls and for the
calibration of numerical models.

FEMA P-2139-3 6: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations 6-23

Cyclic-Load Testing Protocol. For testing reinforced masonry shear walls
with quasi-static loading, there is no standard loading protocol available. It
has been generally recognized that the loading protocol developed in the
Technical Coordinating Committee on Masonry Research (TCCMAR)
program (Porter, 1987) for testing reinforced masonry shear walls can be
overly demanding in terms of the number of gradually incremented loading
and unloading cycles, compared to what would actually occur in a wall in a
real seismic event. Commonly used loading protocols are typically defined
in terms of displacement ductility levels, where displacement ductility is
defined as the theoretically calculated lateral strength of the specimen
divided by the yield displacement of an equivalent elastic-perfectly plastic
system. The wall specimen is subject to two or three fully reversed
displacement cycles at each ductility level until a significant load degradation
is observed. However, these loading protocols tend to over-test the wall
specimen. Hence, a study should be undertaken to review and update
existing cyclic-load testing protocols to better reflect real earthquake loading
conditions, considering potential differences in the frequency content and
duration of earthquake ground motions and the benefits of defining the
testing protocol in terms of displacement rather than displacement ductility.
Furthermore, a bi-axial loading protocol should be developed for testing
flanged walls. For this purpose, the first-floor response time histories of the
archetype models archived in this project could be mined, and some high-
intensity runs should be selected. It is also recommended that both the
loading protocol and the testing apparatus be designed for testing wall
specimens to a point of severe loading degradation in a safe manner to
provide complete data to calibrate numerical models for collapse simulations.

Shake-Table Testing. Testing building systems to the verge of collapse on a

shake table provides invaluable data to calibrate and validate numerical
models. Such tests have been performed on reinforced masonry wall systems
with uni-axial ground motions (Cheng et al, 2020). As mentioned
previously, the refined finite-element analyses performed in this study have
shown the important effect of bi-axial earthquake ground motions, which can
induce more severe and rapid load degradation in building archetypes
compared to uni-axial ground motion or pushover analysis. Currently, there
are no experimental data available to confirm this observation or validate
numerical models. Hence, it is recommended that bi-axial shake-table tests
be performed to provide such data.

6-24 6: Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations FEMA P-2139-3

Appendix A
Archetype Design Criteria
and Details

A.1 Introduction

Appendix A documents the material design criteria and structural design

details for each of the archetypes in this study. Section A2 documents the
design criteria for all the archetypes, and Section A3 through Section A5
show the designs for each archetype in plans, elevations, and details.

A.2 Design Criteria

A.2.1 Codes

Designs for the reinforced masonry building archetypes were based on

design requirements of TMS 402-13 and construction specifications of TMS

Design loads were based on design requirements of the 2015 IBC and, by
reference, ASCE/SEI 7-10

A.2.2 Materials

Material properties are summarized in Table A-1.

Table A-1 Material Properties used for Design of Reinforced Masonry

Building Archetypes

Material Properties
Hollow Concrete f’m = 2,000 psi—ASTM C652
Masonry Units f’m = 2,500 psi (COM 9 only)
Unit Sizes 8 in x 8 in x 16 in nominal (minimum),
12 in x 8 in x 16 in nominal (COM9 only)
Bond Pattern Running Bond

Grout Average Compressive Strength = 2000 psi—ASTM C476

Mortar Type S
Average Compressive Strength = 2000 psi—ASTM C270
Steel Reinforcing Fy = 60 ksi—ASTM A615

Concrete f’c = 4.0 ksi—ASTM C150

FEMA P-2139-3 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details A-1

A.2.3 Site-Specific Design Criteria

Soil properties were assumed to represent typical West Coast sites. The
assumed site-specific soil properties are summarized in Table A-2. For the
soil-structure interaction (SSI) and foundation flexibility parametric study
only, a soft soil profile was assumed, with a lower bearing pressure. Both
stiff and soft soil sites were characterized as Site Class D.

Table A-2 Site-Specific Design Criteria used for Design of Reinforced

Masonry Building Archetypes
Material Properties
Assumed Site Class D
Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure (stiff soil) 3000 psf
Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure (soft soil) 1500 psf
Modulus of subgrade reaction (stiff soil) 129 kip / cu ft
Modulus of subgrade reaction (soft soil) 60 kip / cu ft
Minimum Footing Depth 12 in

A.2.4 Gravity Loads

Archetype design dead and live loads are summarized in Table A-3. The
weight of all walls, except those of the exterior, was averaged across the
floor plate, and a portion was assigned to the roof for the determination of
seismic loads. The interior wall dead load used was 15 pounds per square
foot (psf) distributed uniformly over each story.

Table A-3 Gravity Loads used for Design of Reinforced Masonry

Building Archetypes
Floor Dead Load Roof Dead Exterior Wall
Building Floor live load (includes partitions) Load Dead Load
Type (psf) (psf) (psf) (psf)
COM 50 80 20 20
RES 40 100 90 10
BOX 100 n/a 20 34

A-2 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details FEMA P-2139-3

A.2.5 Design Periods of Vibration

ASCE/SEI 7-10 allows several methods for calculating the period for
masonry shear wall structures. The value of Ta calculated using ASCE/SEI 7
Equation 12.8-7 is used commonly in practice, whereas FEMA P-695 studies
use T = CuTa for design. The archetypes were designed using Ta, but,
because the periods all fall in or very near the constant acceleration region of
the design spectra, T < Ts, the design was unaffected by this choice. Table A-
4 presents both periods of vibration for all archetypes.

Table A-4 Design Periods of Vibration for Reinforced Masonry

Archetype No. of
ID Stories SDC Ct hn Cu Ta(1) T=CuTa(2) Ts(3)
Commercial Buildings
COM1 1 D 0.02 12 1.4 0.13 0.25 0.6
COM2 2 D 0.02 24 1.4 0.22 0.30 0.6
COM3 4 D 0.02 48 1.4 0.37 0.51 0.6
COM4 1 E 0.02 12 1.4 0.13 0.25 0.6
COM5 2 E 0.02 24 1.4 0.22 0.30 0.6
COM6 4 E 0.02 48 1.4 0.37 0.51 0.6
COM7 1 C 0.02 12 1.5 0.13 0.25 0.4
COM8 2 C 0.02 24 1.5 0.22 0.33 0.4
COM9 4 C 0.02 48 1.5 0.37 0.55 0.4
Residential Buildings
RES1 4 D 0.02 48 1.4 0.37 0.51 0.6
RES2 4 E 0.02 48 1.4 0.37 0.51 0.6
RES3 4 C 0.02 48 1.5 0.37 0.55 0.4
Retail Buildings
BOX1 1 D 0.02 24 1.4 0.22 0.30 0.6
BOX2 1 E 0.02 24 1.4 0.22 0.30 0.6
BOX3 1 C 0.02 24 1.5 0.22 0.33 0.4
Ta = Ct hn x
ASCE/SEI 7-10, Section, Equation 12.8-7
T = CuTa ≥ 0.25 FEMA P-695, Equation 5-5
Ts = SD1 / SDS ASCE/SEI 7-10, Section 11.4.5 upper boundary of plateau region of
design response spectrum

FEMA P-2139-3 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details A-3

A.2.6 Seismic Design Criteria

Archetype designs were developed for three different seismic criteria

summarized in Table A-5. The mapped MCER spectral response acceleration
at a period of 1 second (S1), the short-period site coefficient (Fa), the short-
period design spectral response acceleration (SDS), and the other listed
parameters, all previously defined, were calculated in accordance with
ASCE/SEI 7-10 requirements for the equivalent-lateral-force (ELF) method.
All designs were based on Risk Category II and R = 5 for Special Reinforced
Masonry Shear Walls.

Table A-5 Seismic Criteria used for Design of Reinforced Masonry

Seismic MCER Ground Motions Design Criteria
Building Category S1 SS SMS SDS
Type (SDC) (g) (g) Fa (g) (g) Cs
E 0.90 2.25 1.0 2.25 1.5 0.30
D 0.60 1.50 1.0 1.50 1.0 0.20
and BOX
C 0.13 0.55 1.36 0.75 0.5 0.10

A-4 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details FEMA P-2139-3

A.2.7 Archetype Configurations

Key configuration and design criteria for the reinforced masonry building
archetypes are summarized in Table A-6.

Table A-6 Summary of Short-Period Reinforced Masonry Building and

Key Configuration and Design Criteria
Seismic Design Criteria
Archetype No. of SMS T* Cs
ID Stories SDC (g) (sec) (g)
Commercial Buildings: High Seismic
COM1 1 D 1.5 0.25 0.20
COM2 2 D 1.5 0.30 0.20
COM3 4 D 1.5 0.51 0.20
Commercial Buildings: Very High Seismic
COM4 1 E 2.25 0.25 0.30
COM5 2 E 2.25 0.30 0.30
COM6 4 E 2.25 0.51 0.30
Commercial Buildings: Moderate Seismic
COM7 1 C 0.75 0.25 0.10
COM8 2 C 0.75 0.33 0.10
COM9 4 C 0.75 0.55 0.10
Residential Buildings: High Seismic
RES1 4 D 1.5 0.51 0.20
Residential Buildings: Very High Seismic
RES2 4 E 2.25 0.51 0.30
Residential Buildings: Moderate Seismic
RES3 4 C 0.75 0.55 0.10
Box Retail Buildings: High Seismic
BOX1 1 D 1.5 0.30 0.20
Box Retail Buildings: Very High Seismic
BOX2 1 E 2.25 0.30 0.30
Box Retail Buildings: Moderate Seismic
BOX3 1 C 0.75 0.33 0.10
* T = CuTa ≥ 0.25 seconds, in accordance with the analysis requirements of FEMA P-695,
where the values of the parameters Cu and Ta are specified by ASCE/SEI 7-10.
However, as is described in Section A.2.5, the archetypes were designed using Ta.

FEMA P-2139-3 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details A-5

A.3 Commercial Buildings (COM)

A.3.1 Structural Plans: Commercial Buildings

In the following sections, the structural designs for each of the commercial
archetypes are documented, including plans, elevations, and details. The
floor and roof framing are identical for all COM archetypes and are shown
only once for the COM2 archetypes. The foundation designs are unique, but
similar, and are indicated on a single plan (Figure A-3). Masonry
reinforcement for all unique conditions are shown in wall elevation views.
The structural designs for the baseline archetypes (e.g., COM2B) were
identical to the designs for the variant archetypes (e.g., COM2B-DC), with
the one exception being the foundation design for the COM2 archetype on a
soft soil site for the SSI and foundation flexibility parametric study. Hence,
plans, elevations, and details labeled with COMX should be assumed to
apply to all variants, unless otherwise noted.

Selected design results for the individual walls of the high-seismic and very
high-seismic commercial archetypes are tabulated in Table A-7. Design
results for the moderate seismic archetypes are not provided because these
archetypes were not ultimately included in the study. These results include:
• demand-to-capacity ratios (D/C) for strength,
• governing response (flexure or shear),
• comments indicating triggers for relevant code provisions in TMS 402,
• vertical and horizontal reinforcement, and
• the calculated drift ratio divided by the maximum allowed drift ratio.

The following definitions apply in Table A-7:

“D/C” Demand-to-capacity ratio. In this context, the

“demand” is the code-specified seismic load effect
according to the equivalent-lateral-force procedure in
ASCE/SEI 7, and the “capacity” is the governing limit
state calculated in accordance with the ultimate-
strength provisions of TMS 402.

“EW Straight Wall” Refers to the straight walls oriented to carry shear in
the East-West direction, centered on the North and
South elevations.

“EW Flanged Wall” Refers to the corner flanged wall, specifically the
portion that is oriented to carry shear in the East-West

A-6 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details FEMA P-2139-3

direction, and which appears on the North and South

“NS Flanged Wall” Refers to the corner flanged wall, specifically the
portion that is oriented to carry shear in the North-
South direction, and which appears in the East and
West elevations.

Table A-7 Design Results for COM1, COM2, and COM3 Archetypes

Drift Ratio/
Wall D/C(1) Criteria(2) Comment Reinforcement Max Drift Ratio

COM1: One Story, High Seismic (8" CMU, f′m = 2000 psi)

Vertical: #4 @32"
EW Straight Wall 0.34 Flexure Vn ≥ 2.5Vu(3)
Horizontal: #5 @ 32"

Vertical: #4 @32" < 0.1

EW Flanged Wall 0.28 Flexure Vn ≥ 2.5Vu(3)
Horizontal: #5 @ 32"

Vertical: #5 @ 48"
NS Flanged Wall 0.14 Flexure Vn ≥ 2.5Vu(3)
Horizontal: #5 @ 32"
COM2: Two Story, High Seismic (8" CMU, f′m = 2000 psi)
Vertical: #5 @ 24"
EW Straight Wall 0.67 Flexure Vn ≥ 2.5Vu(3)
Horizontal: #5 @ 32"
Vertical: #5 @ 24"
EW Flanged Wall 0.69 Flexure Vn ≥ 2.5Vu(3) 0.16
Horizontal: #5 @ 32"
Vertical: #5 @ 32"
NS Flanged Wall 0.71 Flexure Vn ≥ 2.5Vu(3)
Horizontal: #5 @ 32"
COM3: Four Story, High Seismic (8" CMU, f′m = 2000 psi)
Vertical: #6 @ 16"
EW Straight Wall Base 1.02(5) Flexure ρ/ρmax=1.0(4)
Horizontal: #4 @ 24"
Vertical: #6 @ 32"
EW Straight Wall Level 3 0.63 Flexure -
Horizontal: #4 @ 24"
Vertical: #5 @ 16"
EW Flanged Wall Base 1.02(5) Flexure ρ/ρmax=1.34(4)
Horizontal: #4 @ 24"
Vertical: #5 @ 32"
EW Flanged Wall Level 3 0.67 Flexure -
Horizontal: #4 @ 24"
Vertical: #5 @ 16"
NS Flanged Wall Base 0.97 Flexure -
Horizontal: #4 @ 24"

Vertical: #5 @ 32"
NS Flanged Wall Level 3 0.75 Flexure ρ/ρmax=1.04(4)
Horizontal: #4 @ 24"
D/C = Demand/Capacity ratio.
Criteria indicates if the maximum demand/capacity ratio (D/C) resulted from combined flexure (with compression) or shear.
TMS 402 § states Vn need not exceed 2.5Vu. When this provision is invoked, shear-dominated behavior may
TMS 402 § was invoked to allow exceedance of ρmax by meeting checks for confinement.
D/C ratio near or slightly > 1 accepted. Load combination including Ev governs.

FEMA P-2139-3 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details A-7

Table A-8 Design Results for COM4, COM5, and COM6 Archetypes
Drift Ratio/
Wall D/C(1) Criteria(2) Comment Reinforcement Max Drift Ratio
COM4: One Story, Very High Seismic (8" CMU, f′m = 2000 psi)

Vertical: #4 @32"
EW Straight Wall 0.52 Flexure Vn ≥ 2.5Vu(3)
Horizontal: #5 @ 32"

Vertical: #4 @32"
EW Flanged Wall 0.44 Flexure Vn ≥ 2.5Vu(3) < 0.01
Horizontal: #5 @ 32"

Vertical: #5 @ 48”
NS Flanged Wall 0.32 Flexure Vn ≥ 2.5Vu(3)
Horizontal: #5 @ 32"

COM5: Two Story, Very High Seismic (8" CMU, f′m = 2000 psi)

Vertical: #5@16"
EW Straight Wall 0.87 Flexure -
Horizontal: #5 @ 32"

Vertical: #5 @ 16"
EW Flanged Wall 0.84 Flexure - 0.25
Horizontal: #5 @ 32"

Vertical: #5 @ 24”
NS Flanged Wall 0.91 Shear -
Horizontal: #5 @ 32"

COM6: Four Story, Very High Seismic (12" CMU, f′m = 2500 psi)

Vertical: #8 @ 16"
EW Straight Wall Base 0.87 Flexure -
Horizontal: #5 @ 24"

EW Straight Wall Level Vertical: #6 @ 32"

0.75 Flexure -
3 Horizontal: #5 @ 24"

Vertical: #5 @ 24"
EW Flanged Wall Base 0.59 Flexure -
Horizontal: #6 @ 16"
EW Flanged Wall Level Vertical: #5 @ 24"
0.24 Flexure -
3 Horizontal: #6 @ 16"

Vertical: (2) #9 @ 48"

NS Flanged Wall Base 0.99 Shear -
Horizontal: #6 @ 16"

NS Flanged Wall Level Vertical: #8 @ 48"

0.67 Shear Vn ≥ 2.5Vu(3)
3 Horizontal: #6 @ 16"
D/C = Demand/Capacity ratio.
Criteria indicates if the maximum demand/capacity ratio (D/C) resulted from combined flexure (with compression) or shear.
TMS 402 § states Vn need not exceed 2.5Vu. When this provision is invoked, shear dominated behavior may
TMS 402 § was invoked to allow exceedance of ρmax by meeting checks for confinement.
D/C ratio near or slightly > 1 accepted. Load combination including Ev governs.

A-8 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details FEMA P-2139-3

A.3.1.1 Single-Story Commercial Building Plans (COM1, COM4,

Figure A-1 Single-story commercial building foundation plan: COM1, COM4, COM7.

Figure A-2 Single-story commercial building roof framing plan: COM1, COM4, COM7.

FEMA P-2139-3 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details A-9

A.3.1.2 Two-Story Commercial Building Plans (COM2, COM5,

Figure A-3 Two-story commercial building foundation plan: COM2, COM5, COM8.

Figure A-4 Two-story commercial building foundation plan: COM2 archetype on soft soil.

A-10 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details FEMA P-2139-3

Figure A-5 Two-story commercial building typical framing plan: COM2, COM5, COM8.

Figure A-6 Two-story commercial building roof framing plan: COM2, COM5, COM8.

FEMA P-2139-3 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details A-11

A.3.1.3 Four-Story Commercial Building Plans (COM3)

Figure A-7 Four-story commercial building foundation plan: COM3.

Figure A-8 Four-story commercial building typical framing plan: COM3.

A-12 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details FEMA P-2139-3

Figure A-9 Four-story commercial building roof framing plan: COM3.

A.3.1.4 Four-Story Commercial Building Plans (COM6)

Figure A-10 Four-story commercial building foundation plan: COM6.

FEMA P-2139-3 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details A-13

Figure A-11 Four-story commercial building typical framing plan: COM6.

Figure A-12 Four-story commercial building roof framing plan: COM 6.

A-14 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details FEMA P-2139-3

A.3.2 Structural Elevations: Commercial Buildings

A.3.2.1 Single-Story Commercial Building Elevations (COM1,


Figure A-13 Single-story commercial building North elevation: COM1,


Figure A-14 Single-story commercial building East elevation: COM1, COM4,


A.3.2.2 Two-Story Commercial Building Elevations (COM2)

Figure A-15 Two-story commercial building North elevation: COM2.

FEMA P-2139-3 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details A-15

Figure A-16 Two-story commercial building East elevation: COM2.

A.3.2.3 Two-Story Commercial Building Elevations (COM5)

Figure A-17 Two-story commercial building North elevation: COM5.

Figure A-18 Two-story commercial building East elevation: COM5.

A-16 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details FEMA P-2139-3

A.3.2.4 Two-Story Commercial Building Elevations (COM8)

Figure A-19 Two-story commercial building North elevation: COM8.

Figure A-20 Two-story commercial building East elevation: COM8.

A.3.2.5 Four-Story Commercial Building Elevations (COM3)

Figure A-21 Four-story commercial building North elevation: COM3.

FEMA P-2139-3 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details A-17

Figure A-22 Four-story commercial building East elevation: COM 3.

A.3.2.6 Four-Story Commercial Building Elevations (COM6)

Figure A-23 Four-story commercial building North elevation: COM6.

A-18 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details FEMA P-2139-3

Figure A-24 Four-story commercial building East elevation: COM6.

A.3.2.7 Four-Story Commercial Building Elevations (COM9)

Figure A-25 Four-story commercial building North elevation: COM9.

FEMA P-2139-3 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details A-19

Figure A-26 Four-story commercial building East elevation: COM9.

A.3.3 Structural Details: Commercial Buildings

A.3.3.1 Foundation Details

Figure A-27 Commercial building foundation detail.

A-20 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details FEMA P-2139-3

Figure A-28 Commercial building foundation detail for COM2 archetype on
soft soil.

Figure A-29 Commercial building foundation detail.

Figure A-30 Commercial building foundation detail at grade beam.

FEMA P-2139-3 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details A-21

A.3.3.2 Framing Details

Figure A-31 Commercial building framing detail.

Figure A-32 Commercial building framing detail.

A-22 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details FEMA P-2139-3

Figure A-33 Commercial building framing detail.

Figure A-34 Commercial building framing detail.

FEMA P-2139-3 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details A-23

Figure A-35 Commercial building framing detail.

Figure A-36 Commercial building framing detail.

A-24 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details FEMA P-2139-3

Figure A-37 Commercial building framing detail.

A.4 Multi-Family Residential and Hotel Buildings (RES)

A.4.1 Structural Plans: Residential Buildings

In the following sections, the structural designs for each of the multi-family
residential and hotel archetypes are documented, including plans, elevations,
and details. The floor and roof framing are identical for all archetypes and
are shown only once for the RES1 archetype. The foundation designs are
unique, but similar, and are tabulated on a single plan. Masonry
reinforcement for all unique conditions are shown in wall elevation views.
A.4.1.1 Four-Story Residential Building Plans (RES1, RES2, RES3)

Figure A-38 Four-story residential building foundation configuration: RES1, RES2, RES3.

FEMA P-2139-3 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details A-25

Figure A-39 Four-story residential building framing configuration: RES1, RES2, RES3.

Figure A-40 Four-story residential building roof configuration: RES1, RES2, RES3.

A-26 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details FEMA P-2139-3

A.4.2 Structural Elevations: Residential Buildings

A.4.2.1 Four-Story Residential Building Elevations (RES1, RES3)

Figure A-41 Four-story residential building corridor elevation: RES1, RES3.

Figure A-42 Four-story residential building East elevation: RES1, RES3.

FEMA P-2139-3 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details A-27

A.4.2.2 Four-Story Residential Building Elevations (RES 2)

Figure A-43 Four-story residential building East elevation: RES2.

Figure A-44 Four-story residential building corridor elevation: RES2.

A-28 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details FEMA P-2139-3

A.4.3 Structural Details: Residential Buildings

A.4.3.1 Foundation Details

Figure A-45 Residential building foundation detail.

Figure A-46 Residential building foundation detail.

FEMA P-2139-3 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details A-29

A.4.3.2 Framing Details

Figure A-47 Residential building framing detail.

Figure A-48 Residential building framing detail.

A-30 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details FEMA P-2139-3

Figure A-49 Residential building framing detail.

Figure A-50 Residential building framing detail.

Figure A-51 Residential building framing detail.

FEMA P-2139-3 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details A-31

A.5 Retail, Industrial, and Warehouse Buildings (BOX)

A.5.1 Structural Plans: Box Buildings

In the following sections, the structural designs for each of the retail,
industrial, and warehouse archetypes are documented, including plans,
elevations, and details. The floor and roof framing are identical for all
archetypes and are shown only once for the BOX1 model. The foundation
designs are unique, but similar, and are tabulated on a single plan. Masonry
reinforcement for all unique conditions are shown in wall elevation views.
A.5.1.1 Building Plans (BOX1, BOX2, BOX3)

Figure A-52 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building foundation configuration: BOX1,


A-32 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details FEMA P-2139-3

Figure A-53 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building roof framing configuration: BOX1,

A.5.2 Structural Elevations: Box Buildings

A.5.2.1 Building Elevations (BOX1)

Figure A-54 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building East elevation:


FEMA P-2139-3 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details A-33

Figure A-55 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building North elevation:

A.5.2.2 Building Elevations (BOX2)

Figure A-56 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building East elevation:

BOX 2.

A-34 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details FEMA P-2139-3

Figure A-57 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building North elevation:

A.5.2.3 Building Elevations (BOX3)

Figure A-58 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building East elevation:


FEMA P-2139-3 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details A-35

Figure A-59 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building North elevation:

A.5.3 Structural Details: Box Buildings

A.5.3.1 Foundation Details

Figure A-60 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building foundation


A-36 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details FEMA P-2139-3

Figure A-61 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building foundation

A.5.3.2 Framing Details

Figure A-62 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building framing detail.

FEMA P-2139-3 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details A-37

Figure A-63 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building framing detail.

Figure A-64 Single-story retail/industrial/warehouse building framing detail.

A-38 A: Archetype Design Criteria and Details FEMA P-2139-3

Appendix B
Response-History Analysis
Results Obtained with Refined
and Simplified Numerical

This appendix presents numerical results generated for the calibration of the
simplified frame models of the six commercial building archetypes, COM1
through COM6, with the refined finite-element models, as discussed in
Chapter 4. The results include the response time histories and base shear-vs.-
first-story drift hysteresis curves obtained with the refined finite-element
models (using LS-DYNA) and simplified frame models (using OpenSees) for
three sets of ground-motion records selected in the calibration process. The
selected motions are Motion 1, Motion 2, and Motion 17 from the FEMA
P-695 database. For these analyses, each record set was scaled to two
intensity levels, the MCER level and a level beyond MCER. Deformed
meshes of the refined finite-element models are also presented to illustrate
the failure mechanisms of the archetypes.

As the following results show, for the multi-story archetypes, the upper-story
drift histories obtained with the refined and the simplified models do not
match well, especially for the four-story archetypes (COM3 and COM6).
This is attributed to the deficiency of the simplified models in capturing the
rigid-body rotation of the upper-story walls, which is the main source of
story drifts occurring in the upper stories. Nevertheless, the good match of
the base-shear time histories, the first-story drift histories, and the base shear-
vs.-first-story drift hysteresis curves obtained with the two modeling
approaches provides assurance that the incremental dynamic analysis results
obtained with the simplified models are reliable. That is because collapse
was always triggered by the story drifts concentrated in the first stories of the

FEMA P-2139-3 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained B-1

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
B.1 Archetype COM1

Figure B-1 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM1 (LS-DYNA) –

Motion 1 (3×MCER).

Figure B-2 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM1 (LS-DYNA) –

Motion 2 (2.7×MCER).

Figure B-3 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM1 (LS-DYNA) –

Motion 17 (3×MCER).

B-2 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained FEMA P-2139-3

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

Force - X (kips)
0 0

-2 OpenSEES

-2 -1 0 1 2

0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

3 400
2 OpenSEES
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Force - Z (kips)
0 0


-3 -400

-4 -2 0 2 4

0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-4 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM1 –
Motion 1 (1.5×MCER).
25 400
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

Force - X (kips)


0 -200
-5 OpenSEES

-10 -400

-10 0 10 20

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

20 400
15 OpenSEES
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Force - Z (kips)



-5 -400

-5 0 5 10 15 20

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-5 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM1 –
Motion 1 (3.0×MCER).

FEMA P-2139-3 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained B-3

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
0.5 400

Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

Force - X (kips)
0 0


-0.5 -400

-0.5 0 0.5

0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

1 400
0.5 200
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Force - Z (kips)
0 0

-0.5 -200

-1 -400

-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1

0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-6 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM1 –
Motion 2 (1.5×MCER).
5 400
0 200
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

Force - X (kips)
-5 0

-10 -200

-15 -400

-15 -10 -5 0 5

0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

4 400

Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Force - Z (kips)



-6 -400

-6 -4 -2 0 2 4

0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-7 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM1 –
Motion 2 (2.7×MCER).

B-4 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained FEMA P-2139-3

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
2 400
1 200
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

Force - X (kips)
0 0

-1 -200

-2 -400

-2 -1 0 1 2

0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

1 400
0.5 200
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Force - Z (kips)
0 0

-0.5 -200

-1 -400

-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1

0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-8 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM1 –
Motion 17 (1.5×MCER).
5 400
0 200
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

Force - X (kips)

-5 0

-10 -200

-15 -400

-15 -10 -5 0 5

0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

4 400
2 200
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Force - Z (kips)

0 0

-2 -200

-4 -400

-4 -2 0 2 4

0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-9 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM1 –
Motion 17 (3×MCER).

FEMA P-2139-3 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained B-5

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
B.2 Archetype COM2

Figure B-10 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM2 (LS-DYNA) –

Motion 1 (2×MCER).

Figure B-11 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM2 (LS-DYNA) –

Motion 2 (2×MCER).

Figure B-12 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM2 (LS-DYNA) –

Motion 17 (2×MCER).

B-6 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained FEMA P-2139-3

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
Figure B-13 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM2 –-
Motion 1 (MCER).

Figure B-14 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM2 –
Motion 1 (2×MCER).

FEMA P-2139-3 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained B-7

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
Figure B-15 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM2 –
Motion 2 (MCER).
10 800

Story Drift Ratio - X (%)


Force - X (kips)

-20 -200



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

10 800
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Force - Z (kips)



-5 0 5 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-16 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM2 –
Motion 2 (2×MCER).

B-8 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained FEMA P-2139-3

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
Figure B-17 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM2 –
Motion 17 (MCER).

Figure B-18 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM2 –
Motion 17 (2×MCER).

FEMA P-2139-3 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained B-9

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models

Story Drift Ratio - X (%)




0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec)

1 OpenSEES
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)



0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec)

Figure B-19 Comparison of story-drift histories for the

second story: COM2 – Motion 2 (MCER).

Story Drift Ratio - X (%)






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
time (sec)

Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
time (sec)

Figure B-20 Comparison of story-drift histories for the

second story: COM2 – Motion 2 (2×MCER).

B-10 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained FEMA P-2139-3

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models

Base Shear - X (kips)




0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec)

Base Shear - X (kips)




0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec)

Figure B-21 Comparison of base-shear histories:

COM2 – Motion 2 (MCER).

Base Shear - X (kips)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
time (sec)


Base Shear - X (kips)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
time (sec)

Figure B-22 Comparison of base-shear histories:

COM2 – Motion 2 (2×MCER).

FEMA P-2139-3 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained B-11

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
B.3 Archetype COM3

Figure B-23 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM3 (LS-DYNA) –

Motion 1 (2×MCER).

Figure B-24 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM3 (LS-DYNA) –

Motion 2 (1.8×MCER).

Figure B-25 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM3 (LS-DYNA) –

Motion 17 (2×MCER).

B-12 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained FEMA P-2139-3

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
8 1000

Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

Force - X (kips)
2 0



-4 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8
0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

6 1200

Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)


Force - Z (kips)


-800 LS-DYNA


-4 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
0 5 10 15 20 25 st
1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)
time (sec)

Figure B-26 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM3 –
Motion 1 (MCER).
20 1000

15 OpenSEES OpenSEES
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

Force - X (kips)



-5 0 5 10 15 20
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

15 1200

Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Force - Z (kips)

5 0

-800 LS-DYNA


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -5 0 5 10 15
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-27 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM3 –
Motion 1 (2×MCER).

FEMA P-2139-3 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained B-13

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
1 1000
0 OpenSEES

Story Drift Ratio - X (%)


Force - X (kips)
-2 0




-5 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

2 1200

Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Force - Z (kips)


-800 LS-DYNA


-2 -2 -1 0 1 2
0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-28 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM3 –
Motion 2 (MCER).
5 1000
0 OpenSEES
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)


Force - X (kips)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

4 1200
OpenSEES 800
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Force - Z (kips)


0 -800 LS-DYNA


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -1 0 1 2 3 4
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-29 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM3 –
Motion 2 (1.8×MCER).

B-14 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained FEMA P-2139-3

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
2 1000
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

Force - X (kips)




0 5 10 15 20 25 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

1 1200
OpenSEES 800 OpenSEES
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)


Force - Z (kips)
0 0



-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-30 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM3 –
Motion 17 (MCER).
10 1200
5 800 OpenSEES
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

0 400
Force - X (kips)

-5 0

-10 -400

-15 LS-DYNA -800



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

6 1200

4 OpenSEES
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Force - Z (kips)


-2 -800 LS-DYNA


-4 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-31 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM3 –
Motion 17 (2×MCER).

The nearly identical drift ratios for the second, third, and fourth stories of the
LS-DYNA model shown in Figure B-32 and Figure B-33 are due to the rigid-
body rotations of the walls above the first story. This was not captured by
the OpenSees model, as previously discussed.

FEMA P-2139-3 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained B-15

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
3 3
2 OpenSEES 2 OpenSEES
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

1 1

0 0

-1 -1


-2 -2

0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) time (sec)
2 3
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)





-2 -2
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) time (sec)
2 3
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)




-2 -2
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) time (sec)

Figure B-32 Comparison of story-drift histories for the upper stories: COM3 – Motion 1 (MCER).

B-16 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained FEMA P-2139-3

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
4 3

Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Story Drift Ratio - X (%)




-2 -2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

4 time (sec) 3 time (sec)


Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Story Drift Ratio - X (%)






-2 -2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
time (sec) time (sec)
4 3
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)





-2 -2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
time (sec) time (sec)

Figure B-33 Comparison of story-drift histories for the upper stories: COM3 – Motion 1 (2×MCER).
Base Shear - X (kips)


0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec)

800 OpenSEES

Base Shear - Z (kips)



0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec)

Figure B-34 Comparison of base-shear histories:

COM3 – Motion 1 (MCER).

FEMA P-2139-3 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained B-17

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models

Base Shear - X (kips)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
time (sec)



Base Shear - Z (kips)


-800 LS-DYNA
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
time (sec)

Figure B-35 Comparison of base-shear histories:

COM3B – Motion 1 (2×MCER).

B.4 Archetype COM4

Figure B-36 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM4 (LS-DYNA) –

Motion 1 (2×MCER).

B-18 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained FEMA P-2139-3

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
Figure B-37 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM4 (LS-DYNA) –
Motion 2 (1.8×MCER).

Figure B-38 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM4 (LS-DYNA) –

Motion 17 (2×MCER).
4 400
2 200
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

Force - X (kips)

0 0

-2 -200

-4 -400

-4 -2 0 2 4

0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

2 400
0 200
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Force - Z (kips)

-2 0

-4 -200

-6 -400

-6 -4 -2 0 2

0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-39 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM4 –
Motion 1 (MCER).

FEMA P-2139-3 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained B-19

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
15 400

10 OpenSEES

Story Drift Ratio - X (%)


Force - X (kips)


-10 -400

-10 -5 0 5 10 15

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

20 500
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%) 10

Force - Z (kips)

-5 -250
-10 OpenSEES

-15 -500

-10 0 10 20

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-40 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM4 –
Motion 1 (2×MCER).
0.6 400
0.4 OpenSEES
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)


Force - X (kips)
0 0


-0.6 -400

-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6


0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

1 400
0.5 200
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Force - Z (kips)

0 0

-0.5 -200

-1 -400

-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1

0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-41 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM4 –
Motion 2 (MCER).

B-20 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained FEMA P-2139-3

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
10 400

Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

Force - X (kips)


-15 -400

-15 -10 -5 0 5 10

0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

5 400
0 200
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Force - Z (kips)
-5 0

-10 -200

-15 -400

-15 -10 -5 0 5

0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-42 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM4 –
Motion 2 (1.8×MCER).
2 400
1 200
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

Force - X (kips)

0 0

-1 -200

-2 -400

-2 -1 0 1 2

0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

1 400

0.5 OpenSEES OpenSEES

Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Force - Z (kips)



-1.5 -400

-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1


0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-43 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM4 –
Motion 17 (MCER).

FEMA P-2139-3 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained B-21

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
5 400

Story Drift Ratio - X (%)


Force - X (kips)


-10 -400

-10 -5 0 5

0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

4 400
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Force - Z (kips)
-2 0


-8 -400

-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4

0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-44 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM4 –
Motion 17 (2×MCER).

B.5 Archetype COM5

Figure B-45 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM5 (LS-DYNA) –

Motion 1 (MCER).

Figure B-46 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM5 (LS-DYNA) –

Motion 2 (1.9×MCER).

B-22 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained FEMA P-2139-3

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
Figure B-47 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM5 (LS-DYNA) –
Motion 17 (2×MCER).
15 800
10 400
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)


Force - X (kips)
5 0


0 -400


-5 0 5 10 15
0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

10 800

6 400
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

4 200
Force - Z (kips)

2 0

0 -200

-2 -400
-4 -600


-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-48 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM5 –
Motion 1 (MCER).

Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

Force - X (kips)


0 -400
-5 -600


-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

15 800
10 OpenSEES
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Force - Z (kips)

0 -200



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-49 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM5 –
Motion 1 (2×MCER).

FEMA P-2139-3 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained B-23

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
4 800

Story Drift Ratio - X (%)


Force - X (kips)

-2 -200



-6 -4 -2 0 2 4
0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

4 800
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Force - Z (kips)

-2 -200



0 5 10 15 20 25 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-50 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM5 –
Motion 2 (MCER).
10 800


0 400
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)


Force - X (kips)
-10 0


-20 -400


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -30 -20 -10 0 10
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

10 800

Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

5 200
Force - Z (kips)



-5 0 5 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-51 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM5 –
Motion 2 (1.9×MCER).

B-24 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained FEMA P-2139-3

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
3 800
2 OpenSEES
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)


Force - X (kips)
0 0

-2 -600


-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

2 800
1 400
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)


Force - Z (kips)
0 0


-1 -400


-2 -1 0 1 2
0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-52 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM5 –
Motion 17 (MCER).
10 800
5 400
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

Force - X (kips)

0 0


-5 -400


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -10 -5 0 5 10
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

5 800
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Force - Z (kips)


-20 -400
-25 -600


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-53 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM5 –
Motion 17 (2×MCER).

FEMA P-2139-3 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained B-25

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models

Story Drift Ratio - X (%)





0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec)

Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)





0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec)

Figure B-54 Comparison of story-drift histories for the

second story: COM5 – Motion 1 (MCER).
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
time (sec)

Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
time (sec)

Figure B-55 Comparison of story-drift histories for the

second story: COM5 – Motion 1 (2×MCER).

B-26 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained FEMA P-2139-3

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models

Base Shear - X (kips)




0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec)


Base Shear - X (kips)




0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec)

Figure B-56 Comparison of base-shear histories:

COM5 – Motion 1 (MCER).

Base Shear - X (kips)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
time (sec)


Base Shear - X (kips)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
time (sec)

Figure B-57 Comparison of base-shear histories:

COM5 – Motion 1 (2×MCER).

FEMA P-2139-3 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained B-27

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
B.6 Archetype COM6

Figure B-58 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM6 (LS-DYNA) –

Motion 1 (2×MCER).

Figure B-59 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM6 (LS-DYNA) –

Motion 2 (2×MCER).

Figure B-60 Deformed meshes from refined model: COM6 (LS-DYNA) –

Motion 17 (2×MCER).

B-28 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained FEMA P-2139-3

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
5 2000
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

Force - X (kips)



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -10 -5 0 5
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

20 2000
15 OpenSEES OpenSEES
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)


Force - Z (kips)



-5 0 5 10 15 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-61 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM6 –
Motion 1 (MCER).
40 2000
30 OpenSEES OpenSEES
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

Force - X (kips)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -10 0 10 20 30 40
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

25 2000
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Force - Z (kips)


0 -1000



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-62 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM6 –
Motion 1 (2×MCER).

FEMA P-2139-3 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained B-29

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
2 2000

Story Drift Ratio - X (%)


Force - X (kips)
-1 0



0 5 10 15 20 25 -4 -2 0 2
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

4 2000
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%) 2 1000

Force - Z (kips)
0 0

-2 -1000


-4 -2 0 2 4
0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-63 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM6 –
Motion 2 (MCER).
10 2000
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)


Force - X (kips)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

15 2000

10 1000
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Force - Z (kips)

5 0

0 -1000


-5 0 5 10 15
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-64 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM6 –
Motion 2 (2×MCER).

B-30 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained FEMA P-2139-3

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
2 2000
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

Force - X (kips)
-1 0



0 5 10 15 20 25 -4 -2 0 2
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

2 2000
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Force - Z (kips)

-0.5 -1000



-2 -1 0 1 2
0 5 10 15 20 25
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-65 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM6 –
Motion 17 (MCER).
5 2500


0 OpenSEES 1500 OpenSEES

Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

-5 500
Force - X (kips)

-10 -500

-15 -1500


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

10 2000

5 1000
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Force - Z (kips)

0 0

-5 -1000


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 -10 -5 0 5 10
time (sec) 1 Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Figure B-66 Comparison of response histories for the first story: COM6 –
Motion 17 (2×MCER).

The nearly identical drift ratios for the second, third, and fourth stories of the
LS-DYNA model shown in Figure B-67 and Figure B-68 are due to the rigid-
body rotations of the walls above the first story. This was not captured by
the OpenSees model, as previously discussed.

FEMA P-2139-3 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained B-31

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
4 2

Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Story Drift Ratio - X (%)





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (sec) 2 time (sec)
2 0

Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

Story Drift Ratio - X (%)





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (sec) time (sec)
4 2

2 0
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (sec) time (sec)

Figure B-67 Comparison of story-drift histories for the upper stories: COM6 – Motion 1 (MCER).

B-32 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained FEMA P-2139-3

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
8 5
6 OpenSEES
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

4 0

0 -5




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

8 time (sec) 5 time (sec)

6 OpenSEES
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)

Story Drift Ratio - Z (%)

4 0

0 -5




-4 -10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (sec) time (sec)
8 6

6 OpenSEES
Story Drift Ratio - Z (%) 2
Story Drift Ratio - X (%)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (sec) time (sec)

Figure B-68 Comparison of story-drift histories for the upper stories: COM6 – Motion 1 (2×MCER).

Base Shear - X (kips)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (sec)


Base Shear - Z (kips)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (sec)

Figure B-69 Comparison of base-shear histories:

COM6 – Motion 1 (MCER).

FEMA P-2139-3 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained B-33

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models

Base Shear - X (kips)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (sec)


Base Shear - Z (kips)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (sec)

Figure B-70 Comparison of base-shear histories:

COM6 – Motion 1 (2×MCER).

B-34 B: Response-History Analysis Results Obtained FEMA P-2139-3

with Refined and Simplified Numerical Models
Appendix C
Development of Soil Springs,
Soil Dampers, and Frequency-
Modified Ground Motion Records
for the SSI Parametric Study

C.1 Introduction

This appendix introduces soil-structure interaction (SSI) theory and

documents the means and methods used to develop soil springs, soil
dampers, and frequency-modified ground motion records that are used in the
SSI and foundation flexibility parametric study. More information about the
implementation of the parameters and the results of the parametric study can
be found in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5, respectively.

C.2 Background and Theory

The coupled response to ground movement of a structure and its foundation

soil is identified here as soil-structure interaction. SSI is a complex
phenomenon with a large body of literature. NIST GCR 12-917-21 (NIST,
2012b) synthesized the current state-of-the-art understanding of SSI effects
and guidance on modeling techniques based on that knowledge. FEMA
P-1050, NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions for New Buildings and
Other Structures (FEMA, 2015b), includes guidance on seismic-design
procedures including the effects of SSI. This appendix briefly introduces the
physical effects of seismic SSI on a building system and summarizes some of
the principal analysis methods as they relate to this study.

C.2.1 Inertial-Interaction Effects

Inertial interaction is caused by the inertia of the structure mass, which,

during dynamic loading, imposes shear and moment loads on the foundation.
These loads must then be supported by the surrounding soil and, due to soil
flexibility, cause foundation translation and rotation.

The default case for the analysis of structural response is the fixed-base
condition, where the foundation and supporting soil are assumed to be
perfectly rigid. The flexible-base condition includes the deformation of the

FEMA P-2139-3 C: Development of Soil Springs, Soil Dampers, and Frequency- C-1
Modified Ground Motion Records for the SSI Parametric Study
soil and foundation. The soil flexibility increases the overall flexibility of the
building, resulting in a lengthening of the fundamental period. As is well
known from spectral acceleration diagrams, the energy content of an
earthquake varies with frequency. Significant period lengthening will impact
the seismic demand on the structure, as spectral acceleration is often used to
estimate base shear for an elastic response of a structure. In general, for
structures with short fundamental periods, period lengthening will cause an
increase in spectral acceleration, whereas for structures with long periods,
spectral acceleration decreases with period lengthening. The change in the
flexibility of the system can also change the load and deformation
distribution within the structure and foundation, the effects of which are
often complicated.

In addition to changing flexibility, inertial interaction also provides two

mechanisms for energy dissipation: (1) radiation damping; and (2) hysteretic
or material damping. Radiation damping is caused by energy being radiated
geometrically away from the foundation, out into the surrounding soil during
vibration cycles. Hysteretic damping is caused by internal energy dissipation
within the soil material. The increase in damping due to inertial-interaction
effects will tend to decrease the response of a flexible-base structure.

Soil stiffness and damping are parameterized as impedance functions, which

are theoretically known to be frequency dependent. Stiffness can be
described as a spring coefficient, k, and damping can be given as a damping
ratio, β. Translational stiffness is relatively constant with frequency, whereas
rotational stiffness decreases and damping increases with increasing

C.2.2 Kinematic-Interaction Effects

In addition to inertial-interaction effects, SSI also changes the ground

motions in the vicinity of the soil-structure system. The ground motions that
would occur without the existence of the structure are known as free-field
ground motions. The presence of the relatively stiff foundation, which
imposes loads on the soil, changes the ground motions near the structure.
Ground motions that include the altering effects of SSI are known as
Foundation Input Motions.

Kinematic-interaction includes the phenomenon known as base-slab

averaging, where the natural spatial variation in the free-field ground motions
throughout the area occupied by the structure must be averaged due to the
stiffness of the foundation. The spatial variation in ground motions includes
both a deterministic component due to wave-passage effects and a stochastic

C-2 C: Development of Soil Springs, Soil Dampers, and Frequency- FEMA P-2139-3
Modified Ground Motion Records for the SSI Parametric Study
component due to natural seismic wave-path complexities. Kinematic
interaction also includes effects due to foundation embedment, which are not
discussed here in detail due to the shallow foundation depths of the building
archetypes selected for this study.

Kinematic-interaction effects are estimated using transfer functions between

the free-field ground motion and the foundation input motion. Semi-
empirical models for the transfer function indicate that the foundation input
motion will be smaller than the free-field motion at high frequencies, and
they are predicted to be the same at low frequencies.

C.3 Representative Field Sites

Two soil sites with differing soil conditions were selected for the SSI study.
The sites vary in terms of site class, which was classified based on the shear-
wave velocity in the upper 30 meters (Vs30), per FEMA P-1050. The soft site
was selected to be near the site class D/E boundary, with a target Vs30 = 180
m/s (591 ft/s). The stiff site was selected to be near the site class C/D
boundary, with a target Vs30 = 360 m/s (1181 ft/s). More information about
the conditions at the selected sites is given below.
C.3.1 Soft Site

The soft site was selected to be near the site class D/E boundary, with a
target Vs30 = 180 m/s (591 ft/s). The Imperial Valley Wildlife Liquefaction
(WLA) site was selected as a representative site. The site consists of
unsaturated soft clay near the soil surface. The shear-wave-velocity profile is
documented in Star et al. (2015). The estimated Vs30 at WLA is 183 m/s (600
ft/s). A simplified assumed shear-wave profile of the site is taken to be Vs
= 100 m/s (328 ft/s) from surface to 3 m (10 ft) below the surface, Vs = 140
m/s (459 ft/s) from 3 m to 5 m (10 ft to 16 ft) below the surface, Vs = 170 m/s
(558 ft/s) from 5 m to 12 m (16 ft to 39 ft) below the surface, and Vs = 230
m/s (755 ft/s) more than 12 m (39 ft) below the surface. Undrained shear
strength of the soil was estimated as 32 kPa (668 lbs/ft2). Poisson’s ratio for
the soil was estimated to be 0.45, and the unit weight was estimated to be
16 kN/m3 (103 lbs/ft3). At large strains, the shear modulus of the soil reduces
from the maximum elastic value. The effective reduction factor for shear
modulus was estimated to be 0.6.
C.3.2 Stiff Site

The stiff soil site was selected to be near the site class C/D boundary, with a
target Vs30 = 360 m/s (1181 ft/s). The Cholame Parkfield 12W site was
selected as a representative site. The site consists of dense sands near the soil
surface. The shear-wave-velocity profile is documented in Thompson et al.

FEMA P-2139-3 C: Development of Soil Springs, Soil Dampers, and Frequency- C-3
Modified Ground Motion Records for the SSI Parametric Study
(2010). Based on shear-wave velocity data, Vs30 is estimated to be 354 m/s
(1161 ft/s). A simplified, assumed shear-wave profile of the site is taken to
be Vs = 295 m/s (968 ft/s) from surface to 1 m (3.3 ft) below the surface,
Vs = 310 m/s (1017 ft/s) from 1 m to 2 m (3.3 ft to 6.6 ft) below the surface,
Vs = 315 m/s (1033 ft/s) from 2 m to 10 m (6.6 ft to 33 ft) below the surface,
Vs = 335 m/s (1099 ft/s) from 10 m to 15 m (33 ft to 49 ft) below the surface,
Vs = 370 m/s (1214 ft/s) from 15 m to 20 m (49 ft to 66 ft) below the surface,
and Vs = 415 m/s (1362 ft/s) more than 20 m (66 ft) below the surface. The
friction angle of the soil was estimated to be 40 degrees, Poisson’s ratio was
estimated to be 0.35, and the unit weight of the soil was estimated to be 19
kN/m3 (122 lbs/ft3). At large strains, the shear modulus of the soil reduces
from the maximum elastic value. The effective reduction factor for shear
modulus was estimated to be 0.8.

C.4 Foundation Springs and Dampers

C.4.1 Development of the Foundation Impedances

This section summarizes the development of the foundation impedance

functions (springs and dampers) for the COM2B design for the soft and stiff

As described in Section 3.2.4, the foundation system consists of shallow,

spread footings with a slab-on-grade. Figure C-1(a) shows the layout of the
footing structures in the COM2B design for soft soil. For the soft site
configuration, springs and dampers were developed for three different
foundation types: under the long exterior strip foundations, under the shorter
exterior strip foundations, and under the interior isolated footings. The soil-
foundation springs and dampers were not included for the slab-on-grade.

Figure C-1(b) shows the layout of the footing structures in the COM2B
design for stiff soil. For the stiff site configuration, springs and dampers
were developed for five different foundation types: under the L-shaped
corner foundations, under the rectangular wall foundations, under the
external-wall isolated footings, under the interior isolated footings, and under
the grade beams connecting the external perimeter foundations. The soil-
foundation springs and dampers were not included for the slab-on-grade.

For all foundations located along the exterior of the structure (i.e., the long
and short exterior strip foundations for the soft site, and the L-shaped corner
foundations, rectangular wall foundations, external isolated footings, and the
grade beams for the stiff site), springs and dampers were developed at nodes
located at a 1-foot spacing along the center line of each foundation. Three
springs and parallel dampers control translation in the two horizontal

C-4 C: Development of Soil Springs, Soil Dampers, and Frequency- FEMA P-2139-3
Modified Ground Motion Records for the SSI Parametric Study
(subscripts x, z) direction and one vertical (subscript y) direction. Rotation
of the foundation in the in-plane direction is controlled by the vertical
springs. Rotational springs (notated with the subscripts xx and zz) control
the out-of-plane rotation. Figure C-2 shows a cross section through a single
node of a foundation, with the vertical and horizontal translations and out-of-
plane rotational springs and dampers shown. The spring controlling
translation along the length of the foundation is not shown.

For each interior footing, the foundation spring stiffness and damping values
were developed as lumped impedance values, located at a single node under
the center of the square foundations. Five springs and parallel dampers
control translation in two horizontal (subscripts x, z) directions and one
vertical (subscript y) direction and rotations about the x and z axes (notated
with the subscripts xx and zz).


Figure C-1 Layout of COM2B modeled footings for SSI study: (a) soft site
and (b) stiff site.

FEMA P-2139-3 C: Development of Soil Springs, Soil Dampers, and Frequency- C-5
Modified Ground Motion Records for the SSI Parametric Study
Figure C-2 Translational and rotational springs and dampers.

Foundation impedance functions are dependent on the foundation

dimensions. Detailed foundation plans for COM2B are provided in Section
A.3.1. The foundation dimensions in the X- and Z-directions used for the
calculation of foundation impedances for each footing type are given in
Table C-1 for the soft site and Table C-2 for the stiff site. These dimensions
are equivalent to 2L and 2B used in NIST (2012b) and FEMA-P-1050.
Determining the foundation dimensions for the square and rectangular
foundations was straightforward. The foundation dimensions for the
L-shaped wall was estimated based on an equivalent foundation with a
moment of inertia matching that of the actual foundation.

Table C-1 X and Z Dimensions for Calculation of Foundation Springs

and Dampers for COM2B Soft Site

Footing Type Soft Site

Long Strip 96’ x 4’

Short Strip 4’ x 48’

Interior Isolated 9’ x 9’

Table C-2 X and Z Dimensions for Calculation of Foundation Springs

and Dampers for COM2B Stiff Site

Footing Type Stiff Site

Wall L-Shaped 12’ x 9’

Wall Rectangular 12’ x 3’

Exterior Isolated 4.5’ x 4.5’

Interior Isolated 6’ x 6’

Under Grade Beam 1.5’ x 14’

The average effective shear-wave velocity of the soil under each foundation
is used, along with the density of the soil, to estimate the small strain shear
modulus, G0. As described in NIST (2012b), the effective depth interval for
calculating the shear-wave velocity depends on the size of the foundation and
the spring orientation. For the translations and vertical springs, the effective

C-6 C: Development of Soil Springs, Soil Dampers, and Frequency- FEMA P-2139-3
Modified Ground Motion Records for the SSI Parametric Study
depth is equal to the half-dimension of an equivalent square foundation with
an area matching the actual foundation. For the rotational springs, it is equal
to the half-dimension of an equivalent square foundation matching the
moment of inertia of the actual foundation. The small-strain shear modulus
is reduced by the strain reduction factors described in appendix Section C.3
to get a modulus appropriate for estimating springs and dampers for each
footing type.

Foundation impedance values in the vertical, translational, and rotational

directions were calculated using equations by Pais and Kausel (1988) for a
rigid surface foundation, as given in Table 2-2a of NIST (2012b) for surface
foundations. The foundation impedance values are divided by the area of the
foundation and multiplied by the tributary area of each node in order to
determine the final spring stiffness values. This approach, when applied to
the vertical stiffness values, tends to underestimate the in-plane rotational
stiffness of the foundation system compared to that predicted using the
lumped impedance value. Using a similar process would tend to
overestimate radiation damping from rocking. As rocking is considered
more important to the behavior of the system compared to vertical
translation, equations by Hardin and Hutchinson (2009) are used to increase
the stiffness of the vertical springs and decrease the damping across the
extent of the foundation, to better match the rotational behavior.

The impedance springs and dampers calculated using Pais and Kausel (1988)
equations, as given in Table 2-2a of NIST (2012b), are frequency dependent.
However due to the limitations of the modeling software, implementing
frequency-dependent springs and dampers was not possible. Following
NIST (2012b), a single frequency value was selected corresponding to the
first-mode, flexible-base period of the system of approximately 0.3 seconds.

The ultimate capacity of the translational stiffness springs, Kx,capacity and

Kz,capacity, are controlled by the strength of the soil. The clay at the soft site
was estimated to have an undrained soil-foundation interface strength of
32 kPa. The sand at the surface of the stiff site generates a friction angle
between the soil and foundation of 40 degrees (friction ratio of 0.83). For all
sites, strain hardening of 15 percent was included to account for additional
sliding resistance due to passive pressure on foundation elements.

The capacity of the vertical springs, Ky,capacity, are controlled by the

unfactored bearing capacity of the foundation. The vertical springs have no
tension capacity and thus zero resistance to foundation uplift. Strain
hardening of 15 percent was included.

FEMA P-2139-3 C: Development of Soil Springs, Soil Dampers, and Frequency- C-7
Modified Ground Motion Records for the SSI Parametric Study
As shown in Figure C-3, the capacity of the foundation in rotation is
controlled primarily by the uplift of the foundation. The out-of-plane
rotational springs capacity, Koop,capacity, can be estimated using static
equilibrium to estimate the maximum moment that the foundation could
support knowing the average static vertical load on each foundation and the
bearing capacity. In order to account for the reduction in vertical loads due
to general rocking of the structure, the rotational capacities were reduced by
50 percent. No strain hardening was included.

Figure C-3 Equilibrium estimation of rotational

capacity of foundation.

Radiation damping is presented in terms of damping ratio percentages, β.

Calculated spring and damper values for the soft and stiff sites are reported in
Table C-3 to Table C-4, respectively.

Table C-3 Spring and Damper Properties Per Node for COM2B Soft Site
Type Translation-X Translation-Z Vertical-Y Rotation-ZZ Rotation-XX
Long Strip Kx = 1.5x102 kips/ft Kz = 2.0x102 kips/ft Ky = 3.0x102 kips/ft - Kxx = 3.3 x103 kip-
Kx,capacity = 2.7 kips Kz,capacity = 2.7 kips Ky,capacity = 16.3 kips ft/rad
βx = 17.0% βz = 12.8% βy = 7.9% Kxx,capacity = 2.6 kip-ft
βxx = 0.03%
Short Strip Kx = 2.5x102 kips/ft Kz = 2.0x102 kips/ft Ky = 4.6x102 kips/ft Kzz = 2.8x103 kip- -
Kx,capacity = 2.7 kips Kz,capacity = 2.7 kips Ky,capacity = 16.3 kips ft/rad
βx = 10.5% βz = 13.0% βy = 2.6% Kzz,capacity = 2.6 kip-ft
βzz = 0.03%
Interior Kx = 5.5x103 kips/ft Kz = 5.5x103 kips/ft Ky = 7.7x103 kips/ft Kzz = 1.3x105 kip- Kxx = 1.3x105 kip-
Isolated Kx,capacity = 54 kips Kz,capacity = 54 kips Ky,capacity = 354 kips ft/rad ft/rad
βx = 9.7% βz = 9.7% βy = 17.2% βzz = 0.3% βxx = 0.3%

C-8 C: Development of Soil Springs, Soil Dampers, and Frequency- FEMA P-2139-3
Modified Ground Motion Records for the SSI Parametric Study
Table C-4 Spring and Damper Properties Per Node for COM2B Stiff Site
Type Translation-X Translation-Z Vertical-Y Rotation-ZZ Rotation-XX
Wall L- Kx = 4.3x103 kips/ft Kz = 4.2x103 kips/ft Ky = 8.2x103 kips/ft - -
Shaped βx = 4.0% βz = 4.1% Ky,capacity = 210 kips
βy = 0.03%
Wall Kx = 4.1x103 kips/ft Kz = 4.6x103 kips/ft Ky = 1.1x104 kips/ft - Kxx = 1.7x104 kips-
Rectangular βx = 2.2% βz = 2.0% Ky,capacity = 118 kips ft/rad
βy = 0.01% Kxx,capacity = 3.7 kip-ft
βxx = 0.00%
Exterior Kx = 8.8x103 kips/ft Kz = 8.8x103 kips/ft Ky = 2.9x104 kips/ft - Kxx = 4.9x104 kips-
Isolated βx = 1.8% βz = 1.8% Ky,capacity = 249 kips ft/rad
(x and z βy = 0.00% Kxx,capacity = 8.8 kip-ft
given for βxx = 0.00%
footings on
long wall.
Reverse for
short wall)
Interior Kx = 4.7x104 kips/ft Kz = 4.7x104 kips/ft Ky = 6.1x104 kips/ft Kzz = 4.7x105 kips- Kxx = 4.7x105 kips-
Isolated βx = 2.3% βz = 2.3% Ky,capacity = 1960 kips ft/rad ft/rad
βy = 3.7% βzz = 0.00% βxx = 0.00%

Under Kx = 2.9x103 kips/ft Kz = 3.5x103 kips/ft Ky = 4.2x103 kips/ft - Kxx = 4.7x105 kips-
Grade βx = 1.6% βz = 1.3% Ky,capacity = 47 kips ft/rad
Beam Kxx,capacity = 0.9 kip-ft
βy = 2.3%
(x and z βxx = 0.0%
given for
footings on
long wall.
Reverse for
short wall)

C.4.2 Spring and Damper Example Calculations

The soil-foundation spring and damper values are calculated individually for
each foundation configuration at each soil site. In the following calculations,
the COM2B stiff site rectangular wall foundation was selected as an example
case, with calculations necessary to compute the stiffness and damping
parameters presented.

1. Determine the Effective Shear Modulus

Where soil profiles are non-uniform, it is necessary to determine an effective

shear modulus to use for impedance calculations. As described in NIST
(2012b), the first step is to calculate the effective depth intervals, zp, based on
the foundation plan area, A, for translations, and based on foundation
moments of inertia, Ix and Iz, for rotation of the foundation following NIST
(2012b) Equation 2-18 (b-c):

FEMA P-2139-3 C: Development of Soil Springs, Soil Dampers, and Frequency- C-9
Modified Ground Motion Records for the SSI Parametric Study
Horizontal (x,z): zpA = A / 4 = 2.98 ft
Rotation (zz): zp,zzI = 4 I z = 4.23 ft

Rotation (xx): zp,xxI = 4 I x = 2.13 ft

The average shear-wave velocity over the effective depths is calculated, as in

NIST (2012b) Equation 2-18 (a):
Vs ,avg =
n  
∑  i

i=1  (Vs ( z ) )i 
Vs, avg, horiz = 968 ft/s
Vs, avg, zz = 968 ft/s
Vs, avg, xx = 968 ft/s
where Δzp and (Vs (z))i are the thickness and the velocity of discretized layers
of the soil profile.

The product of the density, ρ, and the square of the shear-wave velocity gives
the small strain shear modulus. At large strains, the effective shear modulus,
Geff, of the soil reduces from the small strain value. The effective reduction
factor for shear modulus was estimated to be 0.8.
Geff, horiz = 0.8 × ρ × Vs2,avg ,horiz = 2.82 ×106 lb/ft2

Geff, zz = 0.8 × ρ × Vs2,avg ,zz = 2.82 ×106 lb/ft2

Geff, xx = 0.8 × ρ × Vs2,avg ,xx = 2.82 ×106 lb/ft2

2. Calculate the static spring stiffness

Pais and Kausel (1988) equations for a rigid surface foundation, as given in
Table 2-2a of NIST (2012b), were used to estimate the static spring
stiffnesses for the five degrees of freedom described in Section B.4.1. The
inputs to these equations are the foundation length (2L = 12 feet) and width
(2B = 3 feet), Poisson’s ratio of the soil (ν = 0.35), and the shear moduli
determined in Step 1 of these example calculations. The full equations are
not reproduced here for brevity. Calculated static spring stiffnesses are:
Kx,static = 4.9×104 kips/ft
Kz,static = 5.5×104 kips/ft
Kzz,static = 1.5×106 kip-ft/rad
Kxx,static = 2.1×106 kip-ft/rad

C-10 C: Development of Soil Springs, Soil Dampers, and Frequency- FEMA P-2139-3
Modified Ground Motion Records for the SSI Parametric Study
Ky,static = 6.7×104 kips/ft

3. Determine the dynamic modifiers and damper values

Dynamic spring modifiers (α) and damper values (β) are frequency
dependent. First, the dimensionless frequency is calculated following NIST
(2012b) Equation 2-15:

ao ω=
= B 0.03

where ω is angular frequency. In order to be compatible with the time-

domain analysis used by the modeling software, a single value of angular
frequency corresponding to the first-mode period of the undamaged COM2B
soil-structure system (approximately 0.3 seconds) is selected.

A single value of α and β is then calculated for each of the five degrees of
freedom using Pais and Kausel (1988) equations, as given in Table 2-3a of
NIST (2012b). The input parameters for these calculations are the
dimensionless frequency, the foundation dimensions L and B, the static
spring stiffnesses determined in Step 2 of these example calculation, the
shear moduli determined in Step 1 of these example calculations, and
Poisson’s ratio of the soil. The calculated dynamic spring modifiers and
damper values are:
αx = 1.00 βx = 2.24%
αz = 1.00 βz = 1.99%
αzz = 1.00 βzz = 0.007%
αxx = 1.00 βxx = 0%
αy = 1.00 βy = 3.39%

The modifiers are multiplied by the static stiffnesses to get the final stiffness

Kx = αx × Kx,static = 4.9×104 kips/ft

Kz = αz × Kz,static = 5.5×104 kips/ft
Kzz = αzz × Kzz,static = 1.5×106 kip-ft/rad

Kxx = αxx × Kxx,static = 2.1×105 kip-ft/rad

Ky = αy × Ky,static = 6.7×104 kips/ft

FEMA P-2139-3 C: Development of Soil Springs, Soil Dampers, and Frequency- C-11
Modified Ground Motion Records for the SSI Parametric Study
4. Determine the spring capacities

The capacity of the horizontal translation springs is dependent on the friction

angle of the soil (ϕ′= 40 degrees) and varies depending on the vertical
foundation load (V) according to the equation:

Kz,capacity = V × tanϕ′

The vertical spring capacity is calculated using Meyerhoff’s bearing capacity

equation. Vesic’s bearing capacity factors (Nq, Nγ) were used with Hansen’s
shape (Fqs, Fγs) and depth (Fqd, Fγd) factors. See, for example, Coduto et al.
(2015) for bearing capacity equations. The input parameters for these
calculations are the unit weight of the soil (γ), the dimensions of the
foundation, and the friction angle of the soil. In the bearing capacity
equation below, the width of the foundation is parameterized as 2B as in the
NIST (2012b) report and the steps above, although it is more commonly
reported in the literature as B. A factor of safety (FS) of 1 was applied to the
bearing capacity.

K y ,capacity=
Qult 
=  Dγ N q Fqs Fqd +
( 2B ) γ N F F  × L × B / FS = 1.4 ×103 kips
γ γs γd 
FS  2 

where the depth (D) of the foundation is 2 feet.

The rotational spring capacity was estimated using static equilibrium. The
vertical force on the foundation is assumed to be 61 kips. With the
foundation rotated so that the majority of the footing experiencing uplift and
a sliver at the edge of the footing at the bearing capacity, the moment at static
equilibrium can be calculated as the vertical force, V, times the moment arm,
a, between the vertical force assumed to be at the center of the foundation
and the point of rotation at the edge of the foundation. The value is reduced
by 50 percent to account for redistribution of the vertical load.

Kxx,capacity = V × a × 50% = 44.0 kip-ft

5. Determine the distributed spring properties

The nodes are located every 1 foot along the centerline of the foundation.
That means that there are 12 nodes along the 12-foot-long foundation. The
calculated foundation stiffnesses and capacities are divided by the number of
nodes to get the nodal spring value. The damping ratios do not need to be
reduced based on the number of nodes. The rotational stiffness, Kzz, is taken
as null because the distributed vertical spring stiffness, Ky, will provide the
stiffness against rotation. The vertical nodal spring stiffness and damping are
modified by a stiffness factor, Rk,zz, and a damping factor, Rc,zz, to produce

C-12 C: Development of Soil Springs, Soil Dampers, and Frequency- FEMA P-2139-3
Modified Ground Motion Records for the SSI Parametric Study
values equivalent to the rotational impedances. Equation 2-20 and Equation
2-21 from NIST (2012b) are combined to obtain:
3K zz
Rk ,zz = = 1.88
K y L2

Rc ,zz = = 0.0019
c y L2 Rk ,zz

where c is the dashpot coefficient that is related to damping ratio by the

2β k
c= = 0.0019

Per node, the updated spring stiffness and damping properties are:
Kx = Kx/N = 4.1×103 kip/ft
Kz = Kz/N = 4.6×103 kip/ft
Kzz = —
Kxx = Kxx/N = 1.74×104 kip-ft/rad
Ky = Ky × Rk,zz/N = 1.1×104 kip/ft
Kxx,capacity = Kxx,capacity/N = 3.7 kip-ft
Ky,capacity = Ky,capacity/N = 118 kips
βx = 2.24%
βz = 1.99%
βzz = —
βxx = 0%
βy = βy × Rc,zz = 0.01%

C.5 Frequency-Modified Ground Motion Records

Kinematic-interaction effects are modeled using modified ground motions,

known as the foundation input motions (FIM). This section discusses the
modification of the suite of ground motions to account for kinematic-
interaction effects.

The ratio of FIM and free-field ground motion in the frequency domain is
presented as a transfer function, Hu. The period-dependent transfer function,
Hu, is calculated using semi-empirical equations, as in NIST (2012b) Equation
3-3 and Equation 3-4. It is dependent on a parameter κa, the dimensions of the
foundation, and the shear-wave velocity of the soil. The overall dimensions of

FEMA P-2139-3 C: Development of Soil Springs, Soil Dampers, and Frequency- C-13
Modified Ground Motion Records for the SSI Parametric Study
the structure in plan view (96 feet × 48 feet) were selected for calculating Hu,
and the embedment was assumed to be negligible. The foundation parameter
κa is calculated using the semi-empirical model by Kim and Stewart (2003), as
given in NIST (2012b) Equation 3-5, based on the shear-wave velocity of the
soil at the surface of the site, reduced by the effective reduction factor for shear
modulus, which is estimated to be 0.8 for the stiff site and 0.6 for the soft site.
Figure C-4 shows the calculated transfer functions for the soft and stiff sites.

Figure C-4 Transfer function for soft and stiff sites.

The calculation of the FIM is achieved by converting the free-field ground

motion to the Fourier domain. The frequency-dependent transfer function is
then applied, and the ground motions are converted back to the time domain
for use in the SSI modeling. The Matlab Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
function was used for the calculations. Figure C-5 shows a sample ground
motion before and after the application of the transfer function. This process
was applied to all motions in both horizontal directions for the suite of
ground motions used in the SSI modeling.

C-14 C: Development of Soil Springs, Soil Dampers, and Frequency- FEMA P-2139-3
Modified Ground Motion Records for the SSI Parametric Study
Figure C-5 Sample ground motion before (blue) and after (orange)
application of frequency-dependent transfer function.

FEMA P-2139-3 C: Development of Soil Springs, Soil Dampers, and Frequency- C-15
Modified Ground Motion Records for the SSI Parametric Study
Appendix D
Archive of Peak Response

D.1 Peak Response Parameters Archived for Each Model

Response parameters of interest (stripe statistics) were post-processed and

archived at each intensity stripe to determine the peak response for each
archetype. For each archetype, an Excel spreadsheet containing these
response parameters for each IDA and all intensity stripes was generated and
archived. The names of the archive files for each archetype are listed in
Table D-1. See Chapter 4, Table 4-5 for a list of the specific response
parameters that were archived. The archives for all stripe statistics are
available at https://femap2139.atcouncil.org.

Table D-1 Peak Response Archive Files for Short-Period Reinforced Masonry Commercial Building

No. of Seismic Parametric

Archetype ID Stories Region Study Peak Response Archiving Files
COM1B 1 High Baseline Stripe_Statistics_ATC116_COM1B

Displacement Stripe_Statistics_ATC116_COM1B-DC1
COM1B-DC 1 High
Capacity Stripe_Statistics_ATC116_COM1B-DC2
COM2B 2 High Baseline Stripe_Statistics_ATC116_COM2B

Displacement Stripe_Statistics_ATC116_COM2B-DC1
COM2B-DC 2 High
Capacity(1) Stripe_Statistics_ATC116_COM2B-DC2

SSI/Foundation Stripe_Statistics_ATC116_COM2B-SS2-Unfiltered
COM2B-SS 2 High
Flexibility(2) Stripe_Statistics_ATC116_COM2B-SS2-Filtered
COM3B 4 High Baseline Stripe_Statistics_ATC116_COM3B

Displacement Stripe_Statistics_ATC116_COM3B-DC1
COM3B-DC 4 High
Capacity(1) Stripe_Statistics_ATC116_COM3B-DC2
COM4B 1 Very High Baseline Stripe_Statistics_ATC116_COM4B

Displacement Stripe_Statistics_ATC116_COM4B-DC1
COM4B-DC 1 Very High
Capacity(1) Stripe_Statistics_ATC116_COM4B-DC2
COM5B 2 Very High Baseline Stripe_Statistics_ATC116_COM5B

Displacement Stripe_Statistics_ATC116_COM5B-DC1
COM5B-DC 2 Very High
Capacity(1) Stripe_Statistics_ATC116_COM5B-DC2

FEMA P-2139-3 D: Archive of Peak Response Calculations D-1

Table D-1 Peak Response Archive Files for Short-Period Reinforced Masonry Commercial Building
Archetypes (continued)

No. of Seismic Parametric

Archetype ID Stories Region Study Peak Response Archiving Files
COM6B 4 Very High Baseline Stripe_Statistics_ATC116_COM6B

Displacement Stripe_Statistics_ATC116_COM6B-DC1
COM6B-DC 4 Very High
Capacity(1) Stripe_Statistics_ATC116_COM6B-DC2
Two drift capacity levels: 70% and 130% of the drift capacity of the baseline model.
Soft site with unfiltered and filtered ground motions.

D-2 D: Archive of Peak Response Calculations FEMA P-2139-3


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and Lourenco, P., 2011, “Performance of masonry buildings and
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E-2 References FEMA P-2139-3

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FEMA, 2009b, Quantification of Building Seismic Performance Factors,
FEMA P-695, prepared by the Applied Technology Council for the
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FEMA, 2015a, Rapid Visual Screening of Buildings for Potential Seismic
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FEMA, 2015b, NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions for New Buildings
and Other Structures, FEMA P-1050, prepared by the Building
Seismic Safety Council of the National Institute of Building Sciences
for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C.
FEMA, 2018, Seismic Performance Assessment of Buildings, Volume 1 –
Methodology, Second Edition, FEMA P-58-1, prepared by the
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Management Agency, Washington, D.C.
FEMA, 2020a, Short-Period Building Collapse Performance and
Recommendations for Improving Seismic Design, Volume 1 –
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P-2139-1, prepared by the Applied Technology Council for the
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C.
FEMA, 2020b, Short-Period Building Collapse Performance and
Recommendations for Improving Seismic Design, Volume 2 – Study
of One-to-Four Wood Light-Frame Buildings, FEMA P-2139-2,
prepared by the Applied Technology Council for the Federal
Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C.
FEMA, 2020c, Short-Period Building Collapse Performance and
Recommendations for Improving Seismic Design, Volume 4 – Study
of One-to-Four Story Steel Special Concentrically Braced Frame
Buildings, FEMA P-2139-4, prepared by the Applied Technology
Council for the Federal Emergency Management Agency,
Washington, D.C.
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Vol. 106, No. 5, pp. 645-655.

FEMA P-2139-3 References E-5

Mavros, M., 2015, Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Seismic
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University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California.
Mavros, M., Ahmadi, F., Shing, P.B., Klingner, R.E., McLean, D., and
Stavridis, A., 2016, “Shake-table tests of a full-scale two-story shear-
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Moharrami, M., and Koutromanos, I., 2017, “Finite element analysis of
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earthquake loading,” Earthquake Engineering & Structural
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Moharrami, M., Koutromanos, I., and Panagiotou, M., 2015, “Nonlinear truss
modeling method for the analysis of shear failures in reinforced
concrete and masonry structures,” Proceedings of 2nd ATC & SEI
Conference on Improving the Seismic Performance of Existing
Buildings and Other Structures, San Francisco, California.
Murcia-Delso, J., and Shing, P. B., 2014, “Bond-slip model for detailed
finite-element analysis of reinforced concrete structures,” Journal of
Structural Engineering, Vol. 141, No. 4.
NIST, 2010, Evaluation of the FEMA P-695 Methodology for Quantification
of Building Seismic Performance Factors, NIST GCR 10-917-8,
prepared by the NEHRP Consultants Joint Venture, a partnership of
the Applied Technology Council and the Consortium for Universities
for Research in Earthquake Engineering, for the National Institute of
Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland.
NIST, 2012a, Tentative Framework for Development of Advanced Seismic
Design Criteria for New Buildings, NIST GCR 12-917-20, prepared
by the NEHRP Consultants Joint Venture, a partnership of the
Applied Technology Council and the Consortium for Universities for
Research in Earthquake Engineering, for the National Institute of
Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland.
NIST, 2012b, Soil-Structure Interaction for Building Structures, NIST GCR
12-917-21, prepared by NEHRP Consultants Joint Venture, a
partnership of the Applied Technology Council and the Consortium
of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering, for the

E-6 References FEMA P-2139-3

National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg,
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FEMA P-2139-3 References E-9

Project Participants

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Mai (Mike) Tong (Project Officer) Robert D. Hanson (Technical Advisor)
Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Emergency Management Agency
500 C Street, SW, Room 416 5885 Dunabbey Loop
Washington, DC 20472 Dublin, Ohio 43017

Applied Technology Council

Jon A. Heintz (Project Executive) Scott D. Schiff (Associate Project Manager)
Applied Technology Council Applied Technology Council
201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240 201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240
Redwood City, California 94065 Redwood City, California 94065

Justin Moresco (Project Manager)

Applied Technology Council
201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240
Redwood City, California 94065

Project Technical Committee

Charles A. Kircher (Project Technical Director) Andre Filiatrault
Kircher & Associates University at Buffalo
1121 San Antonio Road, Suite D-202 Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental
Palo Alto, California 94303 Engineering
134 Ketter Hall
Jeffrey W. Berman Buffalo, New York 14260
University of Washington
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering James R. Harris
201 More Hall, Box 352700 J. R. Harris & Company
Seattle, Washington 98195 1175 Sherman Street, Suite 2000
Denver, Colorado 80203
Kelly Cobeen
Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. Gregory Kingsley
2000 Powell Street, Suite 1650 KL&A, Inc.
Emeryville, California 94608 1717 Washington Avenue, Suite 100
Golden, Colorado 80401
J. Daniel Dolan
Washington State University Dawn Lehman
Department of Civil and Environmental University of Washington
Engineering Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
P.O. Box 642910 201 More Hall, Box 352700
Pullman, Washington 99164 Seattle, Washington 98195

FEMA P-2139-3 Project Participants F-1

Weichiang Pang P. Benson Shing
Clemson University University of California, San Diego
Glenn Department of Civil Engineering Department of Structural Engineering
312 Lowry Hall 9500 Gilman Drive
Clemson, South Carolina 29634 La Jolla, California 92093

Project Review Panel

Anthony Court (ATC Board Contact) James O. Malley
A.B. Court & Associates Degenkolb Engineers
4340 Hawk Street 375 Beale Street, Suite 500
San Diego, California 92103 San Francisco, California 94105

William T. Holmes Steve Pryor

Structural Engineer Simpson Strong-Tie
2600 La Cuesta Avenue 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard
Oakland, California 94611 Pleasanton, California 94588

Onder Kustu Jason Thompson

OAK Structural (retired) National Concrete Masonry Association
P.O. Box 2074 13750 Sunrise Valley Drive
Danville, California 94526 Herndon, Virginia 20171

Masonry Working Group

Jianyu Cheng Andreas A. Koutras
University of California, San Diego University of California, San Diego
Department of Structural Engineering Department of Structural Engineering
9500 Gilman Drive 9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, California 92093 La Jolla, California 92093

Jeff Corson Linda Peters

KL&A, Inc. KL&A, Inc.
1717 Washington Avenue, Suite 100 1717 Washington Avenue, Suite 100
Golden, Colorado 80401 Golden, Colorado 80401

Soil-Structure Interaction Working Group

Lisa Star Jonathan P. Stewart
California State University, Long Beach University of California, Los Angeles
Department of Civil Engineering and Construction Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering Management Engineering
1250 Bellflower Boulevard 5731 Boelter Hall
Long Beach, California 90840 Los Angeles, California 90095

F-2 Project Participants FEMA P-2139-3

Reinforced Masonry Workshop Participants
David Bonneville Andres Lepage
Degenkolb Engineers University of Kansas
1300 Clay Street, 9th Floor Dept. of Civil, Environmental & Architectural
Oakland, California 94612 Engineering
2150 Learned Hall
C.B. Crouse 1530 West 15th Street
AECOM Lawrence, Kansas 66045
1111 3rd Avenue, Suite 1600
Seattle, Washington 98101 Juan Murcia-Delso
University of Texas at Austin
Chukwuma Ekwueme Dept. of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental
Thornton Tomasetti Engineering
707 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 4450 301 East Dean Keeton Street, Stop C1700
Los Angeles, California 90017 Austin, Texas 78712

Sonny Fite Arturo Schultz

Target Corporation University of Minnesota
50 South 10th Street, Suite 400 Dept. of Civil, Environmental & Geo-Engineering
TP3-1110 500 Pillsbury Drive SE
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455

Tom Gangel Paul Scott

Wallace Engineering Structural Consultants, Inc Caruso Turley Scott, Inc.
200 East Mathew Brady Street 1215 West Rio Salado Pkwy, Suite 200
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 Tempe, Arizona 85281

Steve Harris Kurt Siggard

Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Concrete Masonry Association of California and
100 Pine Street, Suite 1600 Nevada
San Francisco, California 94111 6060 Sunrise Vista Drive, Suite 1990
Citrus Heights, California 95610
John Hochwalt
KPFF Andreas Stavridis
1601 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1600 University at Buffalo
Seattle, Washington 98101 Dept. of Civil, Structural and Environmental
John Hooper 224 Ketter Hall
Magnusson Klemencic Associates Buffalo, New York 14260
1301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3200
Seattle, Washington 98101 Jennifer Tanner Eisenhauer
University of Wyoming
Ed Huston Department of Civil & Architectural Engineering
Huston Structural Engineering 2161 North 16th Street
8618 Roosevelt Way NE Laramie, Wyoming 82072
Seattle, Washington 98115

FEMA P-2139-3 Project Participants F-3

FEMA P-2139-3

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