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Module 2 Lesson 1

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Module 2

Combined blends, Words endings and

blended consonants symbols and Blends
for the sound of ten, den and tain and


This instructional material is particularly created for the purpose of acquiring a

maximum benefit from the time that you invest in shorthand practice. The three
lessons inside this module will further provide new writing techniques that will save
time and effort as a future Office Administration professional. You will know the
combined blends, the words endings and blended consonant most especially you will
learn blends for the sound of ten, den and tain and symbols.


 Learn the symbols of words beginning con-,com-, re-,fur- the second

symbol of th , the word ending –ical, -dit,-ted, ded,-ure,-ual,-ment, -
able, -tial,-ward,-ings, -lity ,rity,-ther and –lty.
 Determine the symbol of ow, oi ,nd, u, nt, rd, ld, sez, dev, div, def, ten,
den, tain, and dif.
 Familiarize the symbol of brief forms, phrases and expressing
 Know how to omit minor vowel in a words.
 Transcribe more words and paragraphs.


Lesson 1: Combined blends

Lesson 2: Words endings and blended consonants symbols and
Lesson 3: Blends for the sound of ten, den and tain and symbols
Lesson 1: Combined Blends

 Determine the words beginning and ending base on its writing description.
 Identify the words containing words beginning and ending base on its writing
 Analyse the shorthand outline of the words in the sentences.
 Discuss the combined blends, brief forms and phrases.
 Learn to transcribe shorthand outline to English words and
 Apply the learning’s through writing the shorthand outline of the words.

Time Frame: 2 Weeks

Hi! I personally welcome you to the first lesson of this module.
Writing is one of the most important skills that you acquire on earlier learning. I know
you have experience memorizing the alphabet from its sounds down to its symbols
during your pre-school days before acquiring the ability to fully write a word. How
was the previous module? Have you already understood what shorthand is and its
principles? I truly hope so.
This is an interesting new set of learning that will improve your writing skills and
speed. Its might not be easy in the beginning but if you practice you will eventually
masters writing it.
God bless! And have a great learning!
In this lesson, you will learn about:

 Words beginning con-, com-, re- and fur-

 Word ending –ure,-ual and -ther
 Second symbol for the sound of th
 Eight brief forms
 Eliminated-word phrases
 Blend symbol for ted, ded and dit
 Symbols for ow and
 Special phrases

Task 1: Choose me! (27 points)

Direction: Match the given word beginning and endings on descriptions inside the
shape. Write down your chosen answers on the blank after the number. (Strictly no

a. are represented by the k symbol.

b. is represented by the r symbol.
c. are represented by a blend of t and d symbols.
d. is represented by both the under th and over th symbols.
e. is written the f symbol.
f. is written with an r.
g. is written with an l.
h. is the mirror image of th.
i. is written with the a and oo symbols.

1.______ con- and com-

2.______ under th


4.______ted,ded and dit





Task 2: Identify me! (30 points)
Direction: Match the provided words with description on the boxes. Write down your
chosen answers on the blank before the number. (Strictly no erasures)

a. are represented by the k symbol.

b. is represented by the r symbol.
c. are represented by a blend of t and d symbols.
d. is represented by both the under th and over th symbols.
e. is written the f symbol.
f. is written with an r.
g. is written with an l.
h. is the mirror image of th.
i. is written with the a and oo symbols.

____1. control ____10. further

____2. complete ____11. how

____3. wealth ____12. procedure

____4. reason ____13. annual

____5. rested ____14.picture

____6.guided ____15.actually

____7. credit


____9. rather
Task 3: Unlocking the secret code! (30 points)
Direction: Choose the right shorthand outline inside the parenthesis to complete the
statement below. Double underline your chosen outline. (Strictly no erasures)

1. The remote is missing.

2. My thesis is now.

3. The of my family is immeasurable.

4. I have an acceptable if you would ask me.

5. I for too long that I don’t know what happen on my surroundings.

6. I was perfectly by my parents.

7. My hard work during our event is being finally.

8. I am so proud of my .

9. I sleep than coming to our alumni homecoming.

10. was you father?

11. My mom told me the on cooking Tinola.

12. I am so excited for the black party of our university.

13. I am a big to my family.

14. I am the one who broke the vase.
15. I that I don’t know what happen that day.

Prefixes Con- and Com- Symbol

but : when n or m is double within words the second n and m

is written.

connection commerce

Second symbol for the sound th Symbol


Prefixes Re- Symbol

repair refer replace

Brief Forms
Doctor, Dr., during was
there, their where
office yesterday
they one, won

Brief Form Derivatives

doctors offices once

Brief Form Phrases

there is They are not it was

there was here is they will be

Eliminated word Phrases
In several common phrases the middle word is eliminated
one of the one of our

one of them up to date

Blend symbol of ted , ded and dit

listed tested accepted

graded deduct deadline


Word beginning fur-

furnish furnace

Symbol of ow
doubt crowd now

Word ending –ure and -ual


Brief forms

company direct ever,every

soon state recommend

work communicate direct

Special Phrases

to us To me

as soon as To make
Task 4: Write me down! (60 points)
Direction: Write down the shorthand outline of the following sentence. Write
your answers on the space provided.

1. Following our conversation, I will sign the contract.

2. Please compile complete data for the committee.
3. Our clothing factory will be closed through May.
4. Please replace me on the research committee.
5. We have a meeting in our office during the afternoon.
6. One of the reference books was not up to date.
7. My credit application has been accepted.
8. Give my bill to either my mother or my father.
9. Kathy is studying home furnishing.
10. I felt like shopping in town even though it is crowded.
11. Every communication worker in the state may go on strike.

12. Please communicate with us as soon as possible.



13. The nature cycles the seasons annually.



14. Change is one of the natural features of the marketplace.



15. There are procedures for getting an accurate picture of the market change.


Task 5: To translate! (30 points)

Direction: Transcribe the given short outline to words or phrases. Write down your
answers on the space provided.

1. __________

2. __________

3. __________
4. __________

5. __________

6. __________

7. __________

8. ____________

9. __________

10. __________

11. __________

12. __________

13. __________

14. __________

15. __________

Part 2
Task 6: Reflective Journal
Direction: Share some learning insights/reflection about the knowledge and skills you
gained from the present lesson. Complete the sentences and answer the questions
on your own understanding (Minimum of 100 words Maximum of 150 words)
1.I realized that

2. I learned from this lesson that

3. I will apply my learning’s to

Content and ideas being presented 8
Construction of words and grammar 3
Justification of the answer and connection 4
to the topic
Total 15


Congratulations! You have successfully

completed the activities being prepared for
this lesson 1. How was the lesson? Do you
have hard time? This is not easy but I
believe that you can nail it till the end. I’m
excited to see you in lesson 2.
Have a great day and blissful learning my

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