Lesson Plan: Teacher Support Programme - Egypt

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Teacher Support Programme | Egypt

Teacher Mohamed Balbaa Lesson focus: Grammar
Class: Elementary

Aims for the lesson (language/skills/other aims)

By the end of the lesson, the Sts will have practiced to:
• Say how they feel about aspects of different jobs.
• Expressing likes and dislikes.
• Practice and correct pronunciation if needed.
Personal aims (base these on your action points from your last observation and discuss them
with your observer in your pre-obs meeting)

 Build a student-centred class

 Give students room to improve their self-reliance by working together.

Power point
Asking student to take a picture for activities that require that.

British Council | Teacher Support Programme | Egypt

Stage & Aim(s) Procedure Interaction Observer’s notes
Warmer To set lesson context and T welcomes the students, introduces lesson aims T/s
engage students
Lead in T asks students to come up with as many jobs as they
5-10 mins can.
Class feedback.
T shows pictures of jobs and instructs student to work
in pairs and see if they know their names,.
Ex: nanny, engineer and miner.
T checks pronunciation errors after monitoring during
the activity.

Input 1 To introduce students to T Tasks students to work in pairs to mention the name T/S
different responsibilities of jobs that they know and use phrases shown on the
15-20 mins
/parts of different jobs. board to describe responsibilities found in each job.
(e.g, paperwork, physical activity)
Are you speaking or writing? Speaking
Are we matching sentences (responsibilities) to
pictures? Yes
Open class feedback.
T/ instructs students to order phrases used for
expressing love/hate on a cline.
After class feedback, learners use the language for
expressing likes / dislikes to discuss how they feel
about doing the responsibilities from the first activity.
Open class feedback.
T checks pronunciation errors after monitoring during
the activity.
Input 2 To introduce students to T gives each student a number. T/S
15 mins adjectives used to describe
different jobs through text Students are instructed to take a picture of a text and
and discussion. two questions; each student has a different short
T explains that each pair need to read their short
paragraph off the picture taken and discuss the
questions with their partner.
After discussion, T conducts class feedback.
T then asks students to think about what they heard
from their partners and to discuss their opinions about
the jobs introduced through their partners.

Controlled To provide context for the T asks the students to T/S

practice target language through a
10 mins text

Controlled Prepare the students to use T asks students to use the text together to create one
Practice the language in a simpler text about his job (teacher).
5-8 mins task before the freer practice.
T explains to students they are allowed to borrow
language from the texts
T corrects mistakes, if there is any and then gives each
group a different job to create a text for and then groups
will share their texts with each other and try to guess
which job is the text referring to.

Freer To provide students with T asks students to choose one of the jobs introduced at T/S
Practice free practice of the target the beginning of the lesson (can’t be done before by
15 mins language them) and write a short text similar to the one from
T explains learner will talk about the job and its
responsibilities without saying the name of the job and
their partner will guess which job is being described.
Feedback To provide feedback on write their mistakes on the white board. T/S
and Error students' production and use
Correction T asks the students to work with their partner, without
of language
5-7 mins correcting the mistakes out loud, to give chance to
weaker students to think and absorb the information.

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