Java Comparator

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Java Comparator
TyAnthoney Morrell Follow
Mar 20, 2019 · 3 min read

Photo by Maximilian Weisbecker on Unsplash

Some of the time in Java it is desirable to sort classes that you have
written yourself. When this is necessary we can use the Java Comparator
Interface to implement our custom sorts.

When implementing the Comparator Interface you must override the

abstract method compare.

public int compare(Object a, Object b);

This is the method that will hold the code you wish to be executed in your
custom sorting.

Let’s assume that we are writing an application that will contain lists of
customers and that you would need to be sorting these customers for
various reasons. We can start out with a Customer class like the one

public class Customer {

private Integer customerID;

private String fName, lName;

// getters and setters omitted

We can write three different classes for sorting this data: the first would
be for the employee ID;

public class CustomerIDSort implements Comparator<Customer> {

public int compare(Customer a, Customer b) {

return a.getCustomerID().compareTo(b.getCustomerID());

the second would be for the last name;

public class LastNameSort implements Comparator<Customer> {

public int compare(Customer a, Customer b) {

return a.getlName().compareTo(b.getlName());

and the third for the first name.

public class FirstNameSort implements Comparator<Customer> {

public int compare(Customer a, Customer b) {

return a.getfName().compareTo(b.getfName());

We can use these classes to sort a list using Collections.sort like in the
main method below

public static void main(String[] args) {

List<Customer> customers = new ArrayList<>();

customers.add(new Customer(4, "Steve", "Pink"));

customers.add(new Customer(3, "Tim", "Orange"));
customers.add(new Customer(1, "Edward", "Blue"));
customers.add(new Customer(9, "Harvey", "White"));
customers.add(new Customer(2, "Quentin", "Brown"));
customers.add(new Customer(12, "Michael", "Blonde"));

System.out.println("Before sorting");

for (Customer customer : customers) {


// sort by cutomer id
Collections.sort(customers, new CustomerIDSort());

System.out.println("\nSorted by CustomerID");

for (Customer customer : customers) {


// sort by last name

Collections.sort(customers, new LastNameSort());

System.out.println("\nSorted by last name");

for (Customer customer : customers) {


// sort by first name

Collections.sort(customers, new FirstNameSort());

System.out.println("\nSorted by first name");

for (Customer customer : customers) {



Before sorting
Customer{customerID=4, fName=Steve, lName=Pink}
Customer{customerID=3, fName=Tim, lName=Orange}
Customer{customerID=1, fName=Edward, lName=Blue}
Customer{customerID=9, fName=Harvey, lName=White}
Customer{customerID=2, fName=Quentin, lName=Brown}
Customer{customerID=12, fName=Michael, lName=Blonde}

Sorted by CustomerID
Customer{customerID=1, fName=Edward, lName=Blue}
Customer{customerID=2, fName=Quentin, lName=Brown}
Customer{customerID=3, fName=Tim, lName=Orange}
Customer{customerID=4, fName=Steve, lName=Pink}
Customer{customerID=9, fName=Harvey, lName=White}
Customer{customerID=12, fName=Michael, lName=Blonde}

Sorted by last name

Customer{customerID=12, fName=Michael, lName=Blonde}
Customer{customerID=1, fName=Edward, lName=Blue}
Customer{customerID=2, fName=Quentin, lName=Brown}
Customer{customerID=3, fName=Tim, lName=Orange}
Customer{customerID=4, fName=Steve, lName=Pink}
Customer{customerID=9, fName=Harvey, lName=White}

Sorted by first name

Customer{customerID=1, fName=Edward, lName=Blue}
Customer{customerID=9, fName=Harvey, lName=White}
Customer{customerID=12, fName=Michael, lName=Blonde}
Customer{customerID=2, fName=Quentin, lName=Brown}
Customer{customerID=4, fName=Steve, lName=Pink}
Customer{customerID=3, fName=Tim, lName=Orange}

If you are using Java 8 you can actually sort the above list or any other
list for that matter using a lambda expression instead of a class. Here is
how our main method would look if we were to use lamda expressions.

public static void main(String[] args) {

List<Customer> customers = new ArrayList<>();

customers.add(new Customer(4, "Steve", "Pink"));

customers.add(new Customer(3, "Tim", "Orange"));
customers.add(new Customer(1, "Edward", "Blue"));
customers.add(new Customer(9, "Harvey", "White"));
customers.add(new Customer(2, "Quentin", "Brown"));
customers.add(new Customer(12, "Michael", "Blonde"));

System.out.println("Before sorting");

for (Customer customer : customers) {


// sort by cutomer id
Collections.sort(customers, (Customer a, Customer b) -> {

return a.getCustomerID().compareTo(b.getCustomerID());


System.out.println("\nSorted by CustomerID");

for (Customer customer : customers) {


// sort by last name

Collections.sort(customers, (Customer a, Customer b) -> {

return a.getlName().compareTo(b.getlName());


System.out.println("\nSorted by last name");

for (Customer customer : customers) {


// sort by first name

Collections.sort(customers, (Customer a, Customer b) -> {

return a.getfName().compareTo(b.getfName());


System.out.println("\nSorted by first name");

for (Customer customer : customers) {


The output is the same

Before sorting
Customer{customerID=4, fName=Steve, lName=Pink}
Customer{customerID=3, fName=Tim, lName=Orange}
Customer{customerID=1, fName=Edward, lName=Blue}
Customer{customerID=9, fName=Harvey, lName=White}
Customer{customerID=2, fName=Quentin, lName=Brown}
Customer{customerID=12, fName=Michael, lName=Blonde}

Sorted by CustomerID
Customer{customerID=1, fName=Edward, lName=Blue}
Customer{customerID=2, fName=Quentin, lName=Brown}
Customer{customerID=3, fName=Tim, lName=Orange}
Customer{customerID=4, fName=Steve, lName=Pink}
Customer{customerID=9, fName=Harvey, lName=White}
Customer{customerID=12, fName=Michael, lName=Blonde}

Sorted by last name

Customer{customerID=12, fName=Michael, lName=Blonde}
Customer{customerID=1, fName=Edward, lName=Blue}
Customer{customerID=2, fName=Quentin, lName=Brown}
Customer{customerID=3, fName=Tim, lName=Orange}
Customer{customerID=4, fName=Steve, lName=Pink}
Customer{customerID=9, fName=Harvey, lName=White}

Sorted by first name

Customer{customerID=1, fName=Edward, lName=Blue}
Customer{customerID=9, fName=Harvey, lName=White}
Customer{customerID=12, fName=Michael, lName=Blonde}
Customer{customerID=2, fName=Quentin, lName=Brown}
Customer{customerID=4, fName=Steve, lName=Pink}
Customer{customerID=3, fName=Tim, lName=Orange}

That is it. We can now use what we have learned to write useful compare
methods to sort any type of class that we can think of. I hope this brief
summary of the Comparator Interface was helpful and should you like to
view the source code for this tutorial it is available on GitHub.

Java Java8

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TyAnthoney Morrell Follow

TyAnthoney Morrell Follow

I am a Java developer, a family man, and an all around easy

going guy.. I have created this blog primarily as a shortcut to
the things I have and will learn in my professional life.

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