Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Design Rules and Implementation Support

2 Outline

Principles to support usability

Golden rules and heuristics
Implementation support

Design Rules 1/29/2017

3 Design rules
 are rules that a designer can follow in order to increase the
usability of the system/product
 the goal of interaction design
 Design rules should be used early in the lifecycle
 Direction for design
 Classified Based on the rule’s authority and generality
 Authority indication of whether or not the rule must be followed in
design or whether it is only suggested
 Generality whether the rule can be applied to many design situations
or whether it is focused on a more limited application situation
 Vary in their level of abstraction,

Design Rules 1/29/2017

4 types of design rules
 Principles
 abstract design rules
 low authority and high generality
e.g. interface should be easy to navigate
 Standards Guide lines

increasing generality
increasing generality
 specific design rules
 high authority and limited application
 measurable
Standar ds
e.g. use color RGB #1010D0 on home links
 Guidelines
 lower authority increasing authority
increasing authority
 more general application
 advice on how to achieve principles
e.g. use color to highlight links
Design Rules 1/29/2017
5 Principles to support usability




Design Rules 1/29/2017

6 Principles to support usability
the ease with which new users can begin effective interaction
and achieve maximal performance
the multiplicity of ways the user and system exchange

Design Rules 1/29/2017

Principles to support usability
 Robustness: the level of support provided the user in determining successful
achievement and assessment of goal-directed behavior.
8 Principles of learnability
 determining effect of future actions based on past interaction history
 operation visibility - user actions should be matched by a response

Synthesizability Assess(v) gamata; qoraxe; gmagama

assessing the effect of past actions

Honesty when an operation changes some aspect of
the internal state, it is important that the change is
seen by the user
immediate vs. eventual honesty

Design Rules 1/29/2017

9 Principles of learnability (ctd)
how prior knowledge applies to new system
guessability; affordance
extending specific interaction knowledge to new situations
likeness in input/output behaviour arising from similar
situations or task objectives

Design Rules 1/29/2017

10 Principles of flexibility
Dialogue initiative Pre-emptive:- bamaqedame yamigagne xeqeme eremega

Who controls dialogue flow

 system vs. user pre-emptiveness
user pre-emptive dialog allows the user to offer any input
action at any time for maximum flexibility.
system-driven interaction hold back flexibility whereas a user-
driven interaction favors it.
modal dialog boxes are system pre-emptive
direct manipulation is user pre-emptive
 minimize system pre-emptive dialogue and maximize user pre-emptive

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11 Principles of flexibility
 ability of system to support user interaction for more than one task at a time

Task migration
 passing responsibility for task execution between user and system
 Example Spell-checking

Design Rules 1/29/2017

12 Principles of flexibility (ctd)
allowing equivalent values of input and output to be
substituted for each other
representation multiplicity; equal opportunity
Example values in input fractions/decimals, values in output
both digital and analog.
modifiability of the user interface by user (adaptability) or
system (adaptivity)

Design Rules 1/29/2017

13 Principles of robustness
ability of user to evaluate the internal state of the system from
its perceivable representation
browsability; defaults; reachability; persistence; operation
ability of user to take corrective action once an error has
been recognized
reachability; forward/backward recovery; commensurate
Design Rules 1/29/2017
14 Principles of robustness (ctd)
how the user perceives the rate of communication with the
Task conformance
degree to which system services support all of the user's tasks
task completeness; task adequacy

Design Rules 1/29/2017

15 Standards

 set by national or international bodies to ensure

compliance by a large community of designers
standards require sound underlying theory and slowly
changing technology

 hardware standards more common than software: high

authority and low level of detail

 Example [of standards] - ISO 9241 "Ergonomic

Requirements for Office Work with Visual Display
Terminals (VDT)

Design Rules 1/29/2017

16 Guidelines

 more suggestive and general

 many textbooks and reports full of guidelines
 abstract guidelines (principles) applicable during early
life cycle activities
 detailed guidelines (style guides) applicable during later
life cycle activities
 understanding justification for guidelines aids in resolving

Design Rules 1/29/2017

17 Golden rules and heuristics
 A number of advocates of user-centered design have presented
sets of ‘golden rules’ or heuristics e.g.
Shneiderman’s 8 Golden Rules
Norman’s 7 Principles
Nielsen’s 10 Heuristics

Design Rules 1/29/2017

18 Shneiderman’s 8 Golden Rules
1. Strive for consistency
 Consistent sequences of actions should be required in similar
2. Enable frequent users to use shortcuts
 Abbreviations, function keys, hidden commands, and macro
3. Offer informative feedback
 For every operator action, there should be some system feedback

Design Rules 1/29/2017

Rules Cont.

4. Design dialogs to yield closure

 gives the operators the satisfaction of accomplishment,
 a sense of relief, and
 an indication that the way is clear to prepare for the next
group of actions.
5. Offer error prevention and simple error handling
 the system should be able to detect the error and offer
simple, comprehensible mechanisms for handling the error.

Design Rules 1/29/2017

Rules Cont.
Reversal:- hulate botawocene malawawate
anxiety:- gugute; segate

6. Permit easy reversal of actions

 relieves anxiety
 encourages exploration of unfamiliar options
7. Support internal locus of control
 Design the system to make users the initiators of actions rather than the
8. Reduce short-term memory load
 short-term memory requires that
 displays be kept simple,
 multiple page displays be consolidated,
 window-motion frequency be reduced, and
 sufficient training time be allotted for codes, mnemonics, and sequences
of actions
Design Rules 1/29/2017
21 Norman’s 7 Principles
1. Use both knowledge in the world and knowledge in the head.
 provide the necessary knowledge within the environment
2. Simplify the structure of tasks.
3. Make things visible: bridge the gulfs of Execution and Evaluation.
 The more visible functions are, the more likely users will be able
to know what to do next

Design Rules 1/29/2017

22 Norman’s 7 Principles Cont.

4. Get the mappings right.

 Mapping relationship between controls and their effects in the world.
5. Exploit the power of constraints, both natural and artificial.
 Determining ways of restricting the kind of user interaction that can take place at a
given moment.
6. Design for error.
 Anticipate the errors the user could make and design recovery into the system
7. When all else fails, standardize.
 If there are no natural mappings then arbitrary mappings should be standardized so
that users only have to learn them once

Design Rules 1/29/2017

23 HCI patterns
 An approach to reusing knowledge about successful design
 A pattern is an invariant solution to a recurrent problem within
a specific context.
 Example HCI pattern ‘go back to a safe place’
 Patterns do not exist in isolation but are linked to other patterns
in languages which enable complete designs to be

Design Rules 1/29/2017

24 HCI patterns Cont.

 Characteristics of patterns
 capture design practice not theory
 capture the essential common properties of good examples
of design
 represent design knowledge at varying levels: social,
organisational, conceptual, detailed
 are not neutral but embody values within their rationale.
 are intuitive and readable and can therefore be used for
communication between all stakeholders
 a pattern language should be generative and assist in the
development of complete designs.

Design Rules 1/29/2017


Implementation support

Design Rules 1/29/2017

Implementation support

• programming tools
– levels of services for programmers
• windowing systems
– core support for separate and simultaneous user-system activity
• programming the application and control of dialogue
• interaction toolkits
– bring programming closer to level of user perception
• user interface management systems
– controls relationship between presentation and functionality

How does HCI affect of the programmer?

Advances in coding have elevated programming

hardware specific
 interaction-technique specific

Layers of development tools

– windowing systems
– interaction toolkits
– user interface management systems
Elements of windowing systems

Device independence
programming the abstract terminal device drivers
image models for output and (partially) input
• pixels
• PostScript (MacOS X, NextStep)
• Graphical Kernel System (GKS)
• Programmers' Hierarchical Interface to Graphics (PHIGS)
Resource sharing
achieving simultaneity of user tasks
window system supports independent processes
isolation of individual applications
roles of a windowing system
Architectures of windowing systems
three possible software architectures
– all assume device driver is separate
– differ in how multiple application management is implemented

1. each application manages all processes

– everyone worries about synchronization
– reduces portability of applications

2. management role within kernel of operating system

– applications tied to operating system

3. management role as separate application

maximum portability
The client-server architecture
X Windows architecture
X Windows architecture (ctd)

• pixel imaging model with some pointing mechanism

• X protocol defines server-client communication

• separate window manager client enforces policies for input/output:

– how to change input focus
– tiled vs. overlapping windows
– inter-client data transfer
Programming the application - 1
read-evaluation loop

case myevent.type
do type_1 processing
do type_2 processing
do type_n processing
end case
end repeat
Programming the application - 1
void main(String[] args) {
Menu menu = new Menu();

int mySave(Event e) {
// save the current file

int myQuit(Event e) {
// close down
going with the grain

• system style affects the interfaces

– modal dialogue box
• easy with event-loop (just have extra read-event loop)
• hard with notification (need lots of mode flags)
– non-modal dialogue box
• hard with event-loop (very complicated main loop)
• easy with notification (just add extra handler)

if you don’t explicitly design it will just happen
implementation should not drive design
Using toolkits

Interaction objects
– input and output
intrinsically linked

move press release move

Toolkits provide level of abstraction

– programming with interaction objects (or techniques, widgets, gadgets)
– promote consistency and generalizability through similar look and feel
– amenable to object-oriented programming
interfaces in Java

• Java toolkit – AWT (abstract windowing toolkit)

• Java classes for buttons, menus, etc.

• Notification based;
– AWT 1.0 – need to subclass basic widgets
– AWT 1.1 and beyond -– callback objects

• Swing toolkit
– built on top of AWT – higher level features
– uses MVC architecture (see later)
User Interface Management Systems
• UIMS add another level above toolkits
– toolkits too difficult for non-programmers

• concerns of UIMS
– conceptual architecture
– implementation techniques
– support infrastructure

• non-UIMS terms:
– UI development system (UIDS)
– UI development environment (UIDE)
• e.g. Visual Basic
UIMS as conceptual architecture

• separation between application semantics and presentation

• improves:
– portability – runs on different systems
– reusability – components reused cutting costs
– multiple interfaces – accessing same functionality
– customizability – by designer and user
UIMS tradition – interface layers / logical

• linguistic: lexical/syntactic/semantic

presentation dialogue application

• Seeheim:

• Arch/Slinky func. core



core physical
Seeheim model

lexical syntactic semantic

USER Presentation (application APPLICATION

conceptual vs. implementation

– arose out of implementation experience
– but principal contribution is conceptual
– concepts part of ‘normal’ UI language

… because of Seeheim …
… we think differently!
e.g. the lower box, the switch
• needed for implementation
presentation dialogue application
• but not conceptual
semantic feedback

• different kinds of feedback:

– lexical – movement of mouse
– syntactic – menu highlights
– semantic – sum of numbers changes

• semantic feedback often slower

– use rapid lexical/syntactic feedback

• but may need rapid semantic feedback

– freehand drawing
– highlight trash can or folder when file dragged
what’s this?
the bypass/switch

direct communication
rapid semantic between application
and presentation
feedback but regulated by
dialogue control
more layers!

func. core
adaptor lexical

core physical

• more layers! – distinguishes lexical/physical

• like a ‘slinky’ spring different layers may be thicker (more important) in
different systems
• or in different components
func. core
adaptor lexical

core physical
monolithic vs. components

• Seeheim has big components

• often easier to use smaller ones

– esp. if using object-oriented toolkits

• Smalltalk used MVC – model–view–controller

– model – internal logical state of component
– view – how it is rendered on screen
– controller – processes user input
model - view - controller



MVC issues

• MVC is largely pipeline model:

input  control  model  view  output
• but in graphical interface
– input only has meaning in relation to output
e.g. mouse click
– need to know what was clicked
– controller has to decide what to do with click
– but view knows what is shown where!
• in practice controller ‘talks’ to view
– separation not complete
PAC model

• PAC model closer to Seeheim

– abstraction – logical state of component
– presentation – manages input and output
– control – mediates between them

• manages hierarchy and multiple views

– control part of PAC objects communicate

• PAC cleaner in many ways …

but MVC used more in practice
(e.g. Java Swing)
presentation - abstraction - control


abstraction presentation


Implementation of UIMS

• Techniques for dialogue controller

• menu networks • state transition diagrams
• grammar notations • event languages
• declarative languages • constraints
• graphical specification

– for most of these see chapter 16

• N.B. constraints
– instead of what happens say what should be true
– used in groupware as well as single user interfaces
(ALV - abstraction–link–view)

see chapter 16 for more details on several of these

graphical specification

• what it is
– draw components on screen
– set actions with script or links to program

• in use
– with raw programming most popular technique
– e.g. Visual Basic, Dreamweaver, Flash

• local vs. global

– hard to ‘see’ the paths through system
– focus on what can be seen on one screen
The drift of dialogue control

• internal control
(e.g., read-evaluation loop)

• external control
(independent of application semantics or presentation)

• presentation control
(e.g., graphical specification)

Levels of programming support tools

• Windowing systems
– device independence
– multiple tasks
• Paradigms for programming the application
– read-evaluation loop
– notification-based
• Toolkits
– programming interaction objects
– conceptual architectures for separation
– techniques for expressing dialogue

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