Basic Concepts of Quran
Basic Concepts of Quran
Basic Concepts of Quran
SOUL: In Islam Al-Ruh primarily implies the animated breath of life blown in a living, which departs his physical
body at the point of death. Allah the Exalted said:
“Then he fashioned him (man) in due proportion and breathed into him his Ruh and gave you
hearing, sight, hearts little is the thanks you give”. (32:9)
In both occasions the Ruh departs the body, although the nature of departing is not of equal degree.
For instance when one fall asleep , his Ruh does not completely separate his physical body rather it wanders
about remains in one way or other as he breaths, such when he is about to wake up, it returns to him as soon as
the blinking of an eye
“Allah is he who takes away the souls at the time of their death, those that die not during their sleep. He keeps
those souls for which he ordained death and sends the rest for the term appointed. Verily there are signs for
people who understand”.
CONSCIENCE: It is a judge having spiritual quality that differentiates between right and wrong. Conscience is
like inspiration when a man does something wrong deep in his heart feels guilty, when a man does something
good he feels pleasure and satisfaction. Human conscience is of two types:
WISDOM: According to Quran, wisdom is of greatest value for human. There is a verse in Al-Baqarah which
states; “whoever is granted wisdom has indeed been granted abundant wealth” (2:269)
LOYALTY: “loyalty is remembering Allah and remaining close to him even after your pain has ceased.”
“Love for all, and hatred for none” is motto of this community and we will follow and believe it with our hearts.
SUBMISSION TO GOD/ISLAM: Submission to God means “submission to the will of God”. It means to
obey God in all matters-to do the things that God asks us to do, and to refrain from doings the things that God
tells us not to do. For example God says to pray five times a day, fast in the month of Ramzan, give alms to the
BROTHERHOOD: we are told in tenth verse of “Al-Hujurat” it refers to equality between individual and lack
of difference in terms of ethnic group, tribe and race
The believing men and women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong, and
establish prayer and give zakat and obey Allah and his messenger. Those –Allah will have mercy upon them.
Indeed, Allah is exalted in might and wise. (Surah Al-Tawbah ayah 71)
MODESTY: Modesty means to feel ashamed to commit a crime, sin, or any other action which is dislikable and
forbidden by Allah and his messenger. A modest person is the one whose personality sums up all the good traits
and sound morals which a true Muslim must have. Modesty brings close to Allah Almighty. A modest person is
provided with Allah’s security, favors and blessings .
Modesty towards Allah: following are the ways in which modesty towards Allah Almighty may be
Muslims must have a strong conviction in the unity and oneness of Allah.
They must have a faith in Allah’s attributes, his powers and his authority.
They should not in any way associate someone else with him, or practice shirk.
Allah Almighty should be worshipped and praised regularly through the performance of prayer,
recitation of Holy Quran, spending in his way etc. he bestows us abundantly with all that we have today
from wealth to health, happiness, love and security. If he wills us not to give, there is none who can
grant anything to us.
Modest believer always pray for forgiveness from Allah Almighty. Man is sinful, and intentionally or
unintentionally he commits numerous sins for all of which he will be held accountable on the day of
Judgment. Indeed Allah Almighty is most forgiving, most merciful.
Modesty in dressing: modesty in dressing means that all kinds of dressing should be avoided which is
indecent, against Islam, and raises a feeling of disgust in a person.
The attire worn by Muslim men and women should conceal their parts.
Cloths which is worn to show off vanity, and pride is disapproved in Islam.
The attire should not be of thin fabric which exposes their parts, nor should be tight enough that
the figure of the body is revealed.
Muslim women are forbidden to display their beauty, jewels, and ornament to men who are
unlawful for them.
Men are restricted from the wearing of silk cloths, gold, as well as the use of saffron.
Modesty towards members of opposite sex: Islamic teachings guide Muslims towards the limits of
their behavior.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) himself always lowered his gaze when communicating with women who were not
permissible to him by Allah Almighty. He never extended his hand towards any such woman.
Following are the ways to be modest towards member of opposite sex.
Female should ensure that their clothing is proper, and conceals all their parts of body. Which
Allah Almighty and his prophet has instructed them to do so.
Both males and females must avoid developing any sort of unlawful relationship with each
Allah Almighty strictly instructs the believers to lower their gaze when they encounter member
of opposite sex.
Men must not discriminate between themselves and females, by considering them weak and
inferior. Instead, females should be treated equally by them.
Modesty towards friends: friendship is a special relationship, which connects people with the treads of
trust, sincerity and mutual consideration.
Prayer: prayer is one of the five pillars in Islam. The most well-known and obligatory act in Islam is the
performance of five daily prayers which in Arabic is known as Salah. In Quran Salah means demonstrate
servitude to God by means of certain actions.
Ascribing partners to God/Shirk: In Islam Shirk means comparing other with God. Shirk is the sin of
idolatry or polytheism i.e. worship of anything or anyone besides Allah. Islam teaches that God does not share
his divine attributes with any partner. According to Tawhid Allah is one and none shares his authority and
power. Holy Quran consider shirk as a sin that will not be forgiven.
Holy Quran was revealed by the angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
The revelation of the Quran began in 610 AD when Hazrat Gabriel appeared Muhammad (SAW)
in cave Hira reciting first verse of surah Al-Alaq.
It is final and universal revelation of Allah revealed upon Holy Prophet (SAW) through different
modes for guidance of mankind.
Revealed in 23 years.
From 610-633 AD
It talks about revelations revealed on different prophets.
29 Haroof-e-muqte’at
85 Makki (revealed before migration to Madina) 29 Madni.
All the surah’s from 610AD TO 623AD before migration for 13 years are Makki
They are generally brief/short and deal with belief in Allah, Day of Judgment and reward or
punishment and moral character.
Revealed to opposition of Quraish.
Previous and messenger are referred.
Prophet Adam and devil are referred to.
Words addressing entire mankind are used like “O people!” And “O mankind”
26 Haroof-e-muqte’at
Revealed after migration from 623 AD until death of Prophet 633 AD for 10 years.
Verses are long and detailed.
Contains: sharia laws (laws that lays down governing principles for spiritual, mental and physical
behavior that must be followed by Muslims), rights, duties and obligations, social, political and
financial principles of how to govern life, zakat etc.
Things that are allowed and things that are not allowed.
Remaining 3 Haroof-e-muqte’at are used.
Speaks of jihad (struggle in the way of ALLAH) and related commandments.
Hypocrites condemned and their conspiracies were exposed.
It is a call for address to the believers.
Words addressing believers are “O you who believe!” And “O people of the book!”
The Messenger has believed in what was revealed to him from his Lord, and [so have] the believers. All of them
have believed in Allah and His angels and His books and His messengers, [saying], "We make no distinction
between any of His messengers." And they say, "We hear and we obey. [We seek] Your forgiveness, our Lord,
and to you is the [final] destination." (Verse: 285)
Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. It will have [the consequence of] what [good]
it has gained, and it will bear [the consequence of] what [evil] it has earned. "Our Lord, do not impose blame
upon us if we have forgotten or erred. Our Lord, and lay not upon us a burden like that which you laid upon
those before us. Our Lord, and burden us not with that which we have no ability to bear. And pardon us; and
forgive us; and have mercy upon us. You are our protector, so give us victory over the disbelieving people."
(Verse: 286)