Badminton Unit Plan: W.A Day Elementary - Physical Education - March - April 2021
Badminton Unit Plan: W.A Day Elementary - Physical Education - March - April 2021
Badminton Unit Plan: W.A Day Elementary - Physical Education - March - April 2021
Formative Assessment
Summative Assessment
12 13 14 15
Gr. 3, 4, 5: Gr. 1 & 2: Gr. 1 & 2: Gr. 1 & 2:
Round Robin Tournament - Game like setting - Game like setting - Game like setting
Gr. 1 & 2: Gr. 3, 4 & 5: Gr. 3, 4 & 5: Gr. 3, 4 & 5:
- Transition - Badminton Game - Badminton Game - Badminton Game
Gr. 3, 4 & 5:
- Badminton Game
Based on Understanding by Design, Wiggins and McTighe (2006) Adapted by Keith Griffioen (2021)
Stage 2: Assessments
Grade 1 & 2 Grip & Contact
Contact Use of Game like
Title Arm from own Do it Daily
Learning from hit terms setting
Swing toss
Outcomes Type (Formative/Summative) S S S S S S
Weighting **ALL GRADED EQUAL ** ** ** ** ** **
Basic Skills - Locomotor
A1-1 - Students will perform locomotor skills through a variety of badminton
activities X X X
A2-1 - Students will select and perform locomotor skills involved in a variety of
badminton activities
Basic Skills - Manipulative
A1-5 – Students will demonstrate ways to receive, retain and send an object
using a variety of body parts and implements, individually and with others
A2-5 - Students will select and perform ways to receive, retain and send an
object using a variety of body parts and implements, individually and with
Application of Basic Skills
A1-7 – Students will demonstrate the basic skills in a variety of environments
(ie. badminton skills) X
A2-7 - Students will select and perform basic skills in a variety of environments
and using various equipment (ie. badminton skills)
C1-1 – Students will develop and demonstrate respectful communication skills
appropriate to context X X
C2-1 - Students will identify demonstrate respectful communication skills
appropriate to context
Fair Play
C1-3 & C2-3 – Students will identify and demonstrate etiquette and fair play
C1- 5 - Students will display a willingness to play cooperatively with others in
large and small groups X
C2- 5 – Students will display a willingness to play cooperatively with others of
various abilities in large or small groups
D1-1 – Students will show a willingness to participate regularly in short periods X
of activity with frequent rest intervals
D2-1 – Students will express a willingness to participate regularly in PE class
D1-3 – Students will show a willingness to listen to directions and simple X
D2-3 - Students will demonstrate the ability to listen to directions, follow rules
Based on Understanding by Design, Wiggins and McTighe (2006) Adapted by Keith Griffioen (2021)
Stage 2: Assessments
Grade 3, 4 & 5 Grip & Service
Use of Game like
Title Arm Serve Test Receptio Do it Daily
terms setting
Learning Outcomes Swing n
Type (Formative/Summative) S S S S S S
Weighting **ALL GRADED EQUAL ** ** ** ** ** **
Basic Skills – Locomotor
A3-1 – Students will respond to a variety of stimuli to create locomotor
A4-1 – Students will select, perform and refine simple locomotor sequences
A5-1 - Students will select, perform and refine more challenging locomotor
Basic Skills – Manipulative
A3-5 - Students will demonstrate ways to receive, retain and send an object
using a variety of body parts and implements and perform manipulative skills
individually and with others while using a variety of pathways
A4-5 – Students will select, perform and refine ways to receive, retain and
send an object with control
A5-5 – Students will select, perform and refine more challenging ways to
receive, retain and send an object with control
Application of Basic Skills
A3-7 & A4-7 - Students will select and perform basic skills in a variety of
environments and using various equipment (ie. badminton skills) X
A5-7 - Students will select, perform and refine more challenging basic skills in
a variety of environments and using various equipment (ie. badminton skills)
C3-1 & C4-1 - Students will describe and demonstrate respectful
communication skills appropriate to context X X
C5-1 - Students will identify and demonstrate respectful communication skills
appropriate to cooperative participation in physical activity
Fair Play
C3-3, C4-3, C5-3 – Students will identify and demonstrate etiquette and fair X
C3- 5 – students will display a willingness to share ideas, space and equipment
when participating cooperatively with others
C4-5 – Students will participate cooperatively in group activities
C5-5 – Students will identify and demonstrate practices that contribute to
D3-1, D4-1, D5-1 – Students will express a willingness to participate regularly X
Based on Understanding by Design, Wiggins and McTighe (2006) Adapted by Keith Griffioen (2021)
in PE class
D3-3 - Students will demonstrate the ability to listen to directions, follow rules X
and routines and stay on task while participating in physical activity
D4-3 – Students will follow rules, routines and procedures for safety in a
variety of activities
D5-3 – Students will identify and follow rules, routines and procedures for
safety in a variety of activities
Based on Understanding by Design, Wiggins and McTighe (2006) Adapted by Keith Griffioen (2021)
Based on Understanding by Design, Wiggins and McTighe (2006) Adapted by Keith Griffioen (2021)
Triangulation Cognitive
Grade 3, 4 & 5 Assessment (Conversation/ Engagement
Brief Description
Observation/ (Taxonomy)
Assessment Tool
Grade 3, 4 & 5
Badminton Terms & Shots Test:
Based on Understanding by Design, Wiggins and McTighe (2006) Adapted by Keith Griffioen (2021)
Assessment Rubric for Do It Daily Evaluation on Effort and Safety– for Grades 1 – 5
E- Excellent P - Proficient B - Basic NY - Not Yet
Effort The student consistently The student frequently The student occasionally The student rarely, if
D1-1 – Students will show demonstrates a superior demonstrates a competent demonstrates a basic level ever, demonstrates a basic
a willingness to participate level of effort. level of effort. of effort. level of effort.
regularly in short periods of
activity with frequent rest
D2-1 – Students will
express a willingness to
participate regularly in PE
Safety The student consistently The student is frequently The student occasionally The student rarely works
D1-3 – Students will show exercises self-control in a in control of their exhibits negative with others or removes
a willingness to listen to safe and caring way. behaviours. behaviours toward themselves from small
directions and simple teacher, self or classmates. groups.
D2-3 - Students will
demonstrate the ability to
listen to directions, follow
rules and routines and stay
on task while participating
in physical activity.
Based on Understanding by Design, Wiggins and McTighe (2006) Adapted by Keith Griffioen (2021)
Assessment Rubric for Cooperation Evaluation on Fair Play & Teamwork – for Grades 1 – 5
E- Excellent P - Proficient B - Basic NY - Not Yet
The student consistently The student frequently The student occasionally The student rarely, if
Fair Play demonstrates a superior demonstrates a competent demonstrates a basic level ever, demonstrates a basic
C1-3, C2-3, C3-3, C4-3, level of fair play. level of fair play. of fair play. level of fair play.
C5-3 – Students will
identify and demonstrate
etiquette and fair play
Teamwork The student consistently The student frequently The student occasionally The student rarely, if
C1 – 5, C2- 5 – Students demonstrates a superior demonstrates a competent demonstrates a basic level ever, demonstrates a basic
will display a willingness to level of teamwork. level of teamwork. of teamwork. level of teamwork.
play cooperatively with
others of various abilities in The student participates The student participates The student participates The student participates
large or small groups. 100% of the time. the majority of the time. most of the time. on a limited basis.