Instructions VORTEX DIAMONDBACK Riflescope - Optics Trade
Instructions VORTEX DIAMONDBACK Riflescope - Optics Trade
Instructions VORTEX DIAMONDBACK Riflescope - Optics Trade
At Vortex, your love for the outdoors is the driving force behind all we do. Our commitment to you, our
customers and dealers, is unmatched in the industry—and is the strength of our success. From impressive
images to durable construction, our carefully designed and field-tested optics are the culmination of
an unwavering dedication to deliver quality, reliability and superior performance to you, our valued
Riflescope Adjustments
1. Reticle Focusing 2. Windage and Elevation Adjustment
Vortex Diamondback series riflescopes use the exclusive Vortex Diamondback riflescopes incorporate adjustable elevation
Fast Focus ring to get a clear and sharp reticle image. and windage dials with audible clicks. Each audible click moves the
To focus the reticle, begin by allowing your eyes to focus on a bullet’s point-of-impact a fraction of a minute of angle (MOA).
distant object for several moments—not looking through the • 1/4 MOA closely corresponds to 1/4 inch at 100 yards, 1/2 inch
scope. Then, hold the scope up to the sky and quickly look at 200 yards, 3/4 inch at 300 yards...taking four (4) clicks to move
through it. Never look directly into the sun! Pay attention to the the bullet’s point-of-impact one inch at 100 yards.
sharpness of the reticle, and adjust the eyepiece focus until it is How to Adjust Windage and Elevation Settings
as sharp as possible. The reticle image should be crisp and sharp Begin adjusting the windage and elevation settings by first
immediately when you look. Since your eyesight may change over removing the covers. Then, move the dials in the direction
time, it’s a good idea to periodically re-check this adjustment. you wish the bullet’s point-of-impact to change. To make the
adjustments, turn the adjustment dial in the appropriate direction
Riflescopes are not intended for looking at the sun or any other intense light (up/down or left/right) as indicated by the arrows.
source. Such use could damage the retina and cornea of your eyes—even to the After sight-in, you can re-align the zero marks on the dials with
point of causing blindness. the reference dots if you wish (see page 15). Replace covers when
3. Variable Magnification Adjustments
When shooting at distances other than 100 yards, simply pay attention to
To change the power, turn the magnification ring to the desired
good shooting form, keeping your eye centered in the scope, and you will
level. Use lower powers (offering a Magnification minimize any problems with parallax.
wider field of view) when you may Ring
Riflescope Installation
To get the best results from your Diamondback riflescope, proper mounting is essential. Although not extremely difficult, the correct steps must
be followed. If you are unsure of your abilities, it would be best to use the services of a qualified gunsmith.
Riflescope Installation continued.
Riflescope Maintenance
Your Diamondback riflescope will require very little routine maintenance other than periodically cleaning the exterior lenses. All components of
Vortex riflescopes are permanently lubricated so no additional lubricant should be applied.
Riflescope Troubleshooting
The VIP Warranty
Please check the following before returning a riflescope for service.
This Vortex riflescope is built with
Many times, problems thought to be with the riflescope are actually with the
our commitment to your absolute
riflescope’s mount.
satisfaction; it is engineered to last and
1. Be sure the mounts are tight to the rifle and that the scope is
secure in the rings; you should not be able to twist or move is unconditionally guaranteed. Vortex
the scope in the rings. pledges this Very Important Promise to
2. Insufficient windage or elevation adjustment range can you, a Very Important Person—and that’s why we call it the
indicate alignment problems with base mount holes drilled in VIP warranty.
the rifle’s receiver or riflescope base; this may also indicate In the event that your Diamondback riflescope requires service,
alignment problems with barrel and receiver. Re-center the reticle no matter the cause*, Vortex Optics will repair or replace
(see page 10) and then check the bore sight. If the reticle is way (at our discretion) the riflescope at no charge to you. What’s
off while centered, base adjustment or shimming may be needed. more, there is no time limit on our promise.
Consult a qualified gunsmith if unsure of correct procedure.
3. If a rifle fails to group well, be sure the rifle’s action is bedded *The VIP warranty does not include loss, theft, deliberate damage, or damage
correctly and that all mounting screws are properly tightened. because of unauthorized repair, modification, or disassembly. Vortex Optics
The rifle’s barrel and action must be clean and free of excessive reserves the right to replace warranted product with a product of similar value
and/or with similar specifications in the event that the original product is no
oil or copper fouling. Be sure the ammunition works well with
longer manufactured or has been discontinued. With no warranty card to fill out,
the rifle—try a type known to have grouped well in the rifle. the VIP warranty is completely transferable.
Vortex Optics
2120 West Greenview Drive
Middleton, WI 53562