Education 2023 01
Education 2023 01
Education 2023 01
There are 27 elementary schools and 19 secondary schools in Mandaue City. The elementary schools
are located in 23 barangays while the secondary schools are located in 16 barangays. There are 57
private schools in the city offering elementary, secondary and tertiary education. These schools are
located in various areas in the city and are accessible by public transportation.
List of Public Elementary Schools and Enrollees per Barangay (Table 8 of CDP 2023-2028)
School Year
Barangay Name of Public Elementary School (ES)
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021
1 Bakilid Bakilid ES 505 519 525 523
2 Banilad Banilad ES 1,070 1,050 989 1,066
3 Basak Basak ES 3,389 3,339 3,184 3,181
Cabancalan I ES 2,117 2,221 2,230 2,267
4 Cabancalan
Cabancalan II ES 964 895 853 914
5 Canduman Canduman ES 3,395 3,307 3,186 3,236
Casili ES 916 941 944 971
6 Casili
Mandaue City School for the Arts ES 218 230 228 232
Mandaue City Central School ES 4,117 4,106 3,909 3,825
7 Centro (Pob.)
Mandaue City Central School – SPED Center ES 283 280 290 307
Source: Department of Education 2021 Data
Barangay Name of Public Elementary School (ES)
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021
8 Cubacub Cubacub ES 713 765 781 844
9 Guizo Mayor A.S. Fortuna Memorial ES 1,065 1,112 979 968
10 Ibabao-Estancia Ibabao-Estancia ES 1,113 1,057 1,052 1,083
11 Jagobiao Leonard Wood ES 848 852 848 878
12 Labogon Labogon ES 1,886 1,814 1,789 1,863
13 Looc Cesar Cabahug ES 1,557 1,458 1,364 1,415
14 Maguikay Maguikay ES 1,893 1,880 1,803 1,740
15 Opao Opao ES 3,166 3,129 2,983 2,988
16 Pagsabungan Pagsabungan ES 1,250 1,276 1,233 1,324
17 Pakna-an Paknaan ES 3,860 3,825 3,646 3,935
18 Subangdaku Subangdaku ES 2,408 2,277 2,219 2,133
Tabok I ES 1,273 1,248 1,212 1,256
19 Tabok
Tabok II ES 578 603 602 609
20 Tawason Don Calixto Yongco ES 577 566 568 548
21 Tingub Tingub ES 678 660 608 594
22 Tipolo Tipolo ES 1,150 1,170 1,109 1,146
23 Umapad Umapad ES 1,069 981 951 999
TOTAL 42,058 41,561 40,085 40,845
Source: Department of Education 2021 Data Source: MANDAUE CITY COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2023-2028
Number of Public Elementary School Classrooms per Barangay (Table 11 of CDP 2023-2028)
Number of Number of
Barangay Name of Public Elementary School Barangay Name of Public Elementary School
Classrooms Classrooms
1 Bakilid Bakilid ES 11 12 Labogon Labogon ES 37
2 Banilad Banilad ES 31 13 Looc Cesar Cabahug ES 35
3 Basak Basak ES 79 14 Maguikay Maguikay ES 56
Cabancalan I ES 39 15 Opao Opao ES 74
4 Cabancalan
Cabancalan II ES 37 16 Pagsabungan Pagsabungan ES 21
5 Canduman Canduman ES 56 17 Pakna-an Paknaan ES 50
Casili ES 29 18 Subangdaku Subangdaku ES 74
6 Casili
Mandaue City School for the Arts ES 8 Tabok I ES 17
19 Tabok
Mandaue City Central School ES 122 Tabok II ES 19
7 Centro (Pob.) Mandaue City Central School –
23 20 Tawason Don Calixto Yongco ES 16
SPED Center ES
21 Tingub Tingub ES 16
8 Cubacub Cubacub ES 15
22 Tipolo Tipolo ES 47
9 Guizo Mayor A.S. Fortuna Memorial ES 28
23 Umapad Umapad ES 22
10 Ibabao-Estancia Ibabao-Estancia ES 20
TOTAL 1,008
11 Jagobiao Leonard Wood ES 26
Source: Department of Education 2021 Data Source: MANDAUE CITY COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2023-2028
List of Public Secondary Schools and Enrollees per Barangay (Table 9 of CDP 2023-2028)
School Year
Barangay Name of Public Secondary School
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021
1 Banilad Banilad HS 438 450 449 485
2 Cabancalan Cabancalan NHS 2,275 2,550 2,535 2,895
3 Canduman Canduman NHS 2,939 3,158 3,337 4,149
Mandaue City School for the Arts HS 175 178 181 186
4 Casili
Casili Night HS 342 372 376 384
Mandaue City Central NHS 401 373 453 454
5 Centro (Pob.) Mandaue City Central School – SPED Center HS 163 177 170 139
Mandaue City Comprehensive NHS 4,464 4,604 4,916 5,637
6 Ibabao-Estancia Mandaue Science HS 403 413 451 454
7 Jagobiao Jagobiao NHS 1,399 1,748 1,732 1,925
8 Labogon Labogon NHS Extension 1,540 1,688 2,019 2,423
9 Maguikay Maguikay NHS 708 744 760 809
10 Opao Don Gerardo Ouano MNHS 2,344 2,793 2,981 3,578
Source: Department of Education 2021 Data
List of Public Secondary Schools and Enrollees per Barangay (Table 9 of CDP 2023-2028)
School Year
Barangay Name of Public Secondary School
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021
Number of Number of
Barangay Name of Public Secondary School Barangay Name of Public Secondary School
Classrooms Classrooms
1 Banilad Banilad HS 12 8 Labogon Labogon NHS Extension 44
2 Cabancalan Cabancalan NHS 55 9 Maguikay Maguikay NHS 24
3 Canduman Canduman NHS 47 10 Opao Don Gerardo Ouano MNHS 33
Mandaue City School for the 11 Pagsabungan Pagsabungan NHS 15
Arts HS
12 Pakna-an Pakna-an NHS 18
Casili Night HS (no buildings)
used by elementary 13 Subangdaku Subangdaku Tech-Voc HS 46
4 Casili
Mandaue City Central School – 14 Tabok Canduman-Tabok NHS 17
SPED Center HS
Mandaue City Comprehensive 15 Tingub Tingub NHS 20
NHS 16 Tipolo Tipolo NHS 18
6 Ibabao-Estancia Mandaue Science HS 20 TOTAL 541
7 Jagobiao Jagobiao NHS 41
School Year
Barangay Name of Private Secondary School
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021
Larmen De Guia Memorial College-Basic Education Department 154 124 118 75
Mount Olives School of the Phils., Inc. 175 116 118 73
Royal Oaks International School 44 52 59 47
1 Alang-Alang St. John Paul II Cognition School Inc. 199 217 244 187
University of the Visyas, Inc. 1,386 506 526 429
Intellisense Institute of Technology, Inc. 3 55 213 170
Mandaue Christian School 546 534 581 399
Holy Child Center for Academe Inc. 34 35 40 26
2 Bakilid
Saint Paul College Foundation, Inc. 347 522 767 697
3 Banilad Little Angels Montessori School 147 148 192 128
Not yet Not yet
AIM-C Bright Gem Learning Center Corp. 7 3
4 Basak operational operational
Maternelle Academy, French-Filipino School 346 388 386 314
Source: Department of Education 2021 Data
List of Private Schools and Enrollees per Barangay (Table 10 of CDP 2023-2028)
School Year
Barangay Name of Private Secondary School
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021
Assembly of God Christian School 42 47 49
5 Cambaro
Grace Community Base Empowerment Inc. 55 35 27
Canduman Christian Academy Inc. 109 143 171 156
6 Canduman Children's Paradise Montessori School 125 92 111 94
Sacred Heart School-Ateneo de Cebu 3,277 3,219 3,782 3,555
Academia de San Jose 1,200 1,202 1,207 916
7 Centro (Pob.) Headstart School of Music and Arts 25 12 12 7
Mandaue City College 88 63 109 217
8 Cubacub Cebu Holy Institute of Mary Inc. 320 314 311 147
Center for Healthcare Professions, Cebu Inc. 35 39 478 546
9 Guizo
Little Dominic Learning Center 24 35 34 16
Source: Department of Education 2021 Data
List of Private Schools and Enrollees per Barangay (Table 10 of CDP 2023-2028)
School Year
Barangay Name of Private Secondary School
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021
Mother Serafina Learning Center Foundation, Inc. 18 26 20 14
School Year
Barangay Name of Private Secondary School
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021
ACLC College of Mandaue Inc. 1,564 1,728 2,295 2,065
School Year
Barangay Name of Private Secondary School
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021
Center for Healthcare Professions, Cebu Inc.- Subangdaku Not yet Not yet Not yet
Branch operational operational operational
18 Subangdaku Christ the King Learning Center 49 35 36 32
Mandaue Technical Institute 63 55 35 19
Not yet Not yet Not yet
19 Tabok Wesley Primrose Academy Inc. 16
operational operational operational
ACA Learning Center, Inc. 43 45 45
Beracha Christian Academy Philippines Inc. 78 71 77 52
20 Tipolo Colegio dela Immaculada Concepcion- Mandaue 804 1962 2157 1766
ACADEM Institure Inc. 198 190 171 90
Benedicto College 2,344 1,693 2,290 1,792
SPM Academy Inc. 497 412 728 712
Source: Department of Education 2021 Data
List of Private Secondary Schools and Enrollees per Barangay (Table 10 of CDP 2023-2028)
School Year
Barangay Name of Private Secondary School
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021
Philippine Technical and Allied Courses Inc. 29 60 119 70
21 Umapad
The School of Mega Cognition 33 19 40 23
Name of Day Care Center 2 years old 3 years old 4 years old
Barangay Total
(DCC) Male Female Male Female Male Female
1 Alang-Alang Alang-Alang DCC - - 12 16 24 17 69
2 Bakilid Bakilid DCC 4 12 20 19 8 7 70
3 Banilad Banilad DCC 1 1 28 27 5 7 69
4 Basak Basak DCC 0 3 13 16 14 23 69
5 Cabancalan Cabancalan DCC 8 10 6 13 21 11 69
6 Cambaro Cambaro DCC 7 5 20 21 8 9 70
Canduman DCC 1 6 6 11 16 14 16 69
7 Canduman
Canduman DCC 2 7 1 13 11 22 15 69
8 Casili Casili DCC 3 3 19 22 13 9 69
Casuntingan DCC 1 9 3 25 19 10 3 69
9 Casuntingan
Casuntingan DCC 2 5 2 16 24 12 10 69
10 Centro (Pob.) Centro DCC 7 5 13 18 9 22 74
Cubacub DCC 1 7 5 13 19 10 15 69
11 Cubacub
Cubacub DCC 2 10 8 24 13 7 7 69
Guizo DCC 1 6 7 15 15 5 21 69
12 Guizo
Guizo JCI DCC 7 15 16 9 10 12 69
13 Ibabao-Estancia Ibabao-Estancia DCC 12 9 9 18 11 10 69
Jagobiao DCC 1 4 11 12 18 14 10 69
14 Jagobiao
Jagobiao DCC 2 - - 15 19 21 15 70
(TABLE 13 OF THE CDP 2023-2028)
Name of Day Care Center 2 years old 3 years old 4 years old
Barangay Total
(DCC) Male Female Male Female Male Female
15 Labogon Labogon DCC 10 10 10 10 18 12 70
16 Looc Looc DCC 3 8 26 12 7 13 69
Maguikay DCC 1 9 5 20 20 13 2 69
17 Maguikay Maguikay DCC 2A 7 11 22 14 7 8 69
Maguikay DCC 2B 11 12 23 15 5 3 69
Mantuyong DCC 1 2 2 22 12 12 19 69
18 Mantuyong
Mantuyong DCC 2 8 1 20 18 13 9 69
19 Opao Opao DCC 13 6 17 15 9 10 70
Pagsabungan DCC 1 3 3 16 21 17 9 69
20 Pagsabungan
Pagsabungan DCC 2 2 1 16 15 18 17 69
Pakna-an DCC 1 3 2 19 15 16 14 69
Pakna-an DCC 2 3 2 17 20 19 8 69
21 Pakna-an Pakna-an DCC 3 6 6 12 16 13 16 69
Pakna-an DCC 4 12 15 15 16 4 7 69
Pakna-an DCC 5 11 18 10 7 12 11 69
(TABLE 13 OF THE CDP 2023-2028)
Name of Day Care Center 2 years old 3 years old 4 years old
Barangay Total
(DCC) Male Female Male Female Male Female
Subangdaku DCC 1 7 1 13 11 18 19 69
Subangdaku DCC 2 - - 23 19 14 13 69
22 Subangdaku
Subangdaku DCC 3 5 4 17 18 11 14 69
Subangdaku DCC 4 6 10 11 14 13 15 69
23 Tabok
Tabok DCC 2 3 7 27 19 4 9 69
Tawason DCC 1 4 3 11 14 21 16 69
24 Tawason
Tawason DCC 2 - - 8 16 24 21 69
Tingub DCC 1 14 19 15 14 4 3 69
25 Tingub
Tingub DCC 2 11 6 15 17 10 10 69
26 Tipolo Tipolo DCC 1 3 - 21 22 10 13 69
Umapad DCC 1 2 2 18 21 14 12 69
Umapad DCC 2 7 2 8 18 22 12 69
27 Umapad
Umapad DCC 3 3 1 12 6 28 19 69
Umapad DCC 4 9 12 16 12 9 11 69
TOTAL 280 277 800 793 635 606 3,391
For the school year 2012-2013, there were 47,391 enrollees in the elementary level, with 85% of the enrollees in
public schools. In the secondary level, there were 25,807 enrollees with 72% in public schools. The average
teacher-pupil ratio in the elementary level in the public schools is 1:49, and 1:16 in private schools. In the
secondary level, the teacher-pupil ratio in public schools is 1:40, and 1:13 in private schools. The classroom-pupil
ratio in public elementary is 1:56, and 1:71 in the secondary; that of the private schools, is 1:17 and 1:35 in
elementary and secondary levels, respectively.
*Please See Table 15 of CLUP 2019-2029.
Private Schools
Elementary 3,720 3,444 7,164 452 426 1:16 1:17
Secondary 3,895 3,417 7,312 236 212 1:31 1:35
Public Schools
Elementary 20,867 19,360 40,227 821 721 1:49 1:56
*Table 15 shows that in school year 2012-2013, there were 821 teachers and 721 classrooms in the public elementary schools;
while in the secondary schools, there were 466 teachers and 262 classrooms.
4 Cebu Doctor's College New Mandaue City 27,863 P 1,725 3,545 5,270
Annex 6, Standards and Guidelines for Education sets the following space standards for elementary schools in
urban areas: One-half hectare (½ ha.) for a Central School which has six classes, for a non-central school with
7-10 classes; Three-fourth of a hectare (¾ ha.) for eleven to twenty classes; One hectare (1 ha.) for twenty-one
or more classes.
For secondary schools, space standards is for a twenty-one classroom with a minimum area of 3,735.5 square
meters per school site.
There are 32 post-secondary educational institutions in Mandaue City. Twenty of these institutions are offering
vocational-technical education, while twelve are offering tertiary education with bachelor degrees. For school
year 2013-2014, there were a total 51,640 enrollees in the post-secondary level. Table 16 shows the details of
tertiary and voc-tech schools by type and total enrolment.
Elementary 35,943 38,259 2,316 39,625 1,366 40,227 602 40,608 381
Secondary 16,664 17,489 845 17,834 345 18,495 661 18,834 339
*Table 17 shows the historical enrolment in public schools by level for the last three school years. Between school year 2011-
2012 and 2013-2014, the elementary level increased by 2,349 while the secondary level increased by 1,345.
LEVEL 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2019 2019-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024
Kindergarten 5,841 6,091 6,254 6,418 6,581 6,745 6,908 7,072 7,235 7,398 7,562
Elementary 40,608 42,347 43,483 44,619 45,755 46,891 48,027 49,163 50,299 57,435 52,571
Secondary 18,834 19,476 20,015 20,554 26,232 31,370 32,172 32,954 33,736 34,518 35,301
Kindergarten 167 174 179 183 188 193 197 202 207 211 216
Elementary 1,160 1,210 1,242 1,275 1,307 1,340 1,372 1,405 1,437 1,470 1,502
Secondary 471 487 500 514 656 784 804 824 834 863 882
Kindergarten 167 174 179 183 188 193 197 202 207 211 216
Elementary 1,160 1,210 1,242 1,275 1,307 1,340 1,372 1,405 1,437 1,470 1,502
Secondary 471 487 500 514 656 784 804 824 834 863 882
*Table 18 shows that school year 2015-2016 requires 1,242 both teachers and classrooms in the public elementary schools, or additional 421 teachers and 521 classrooms,
respectively. In the secondary level, the school year 2015-2016 requires an additional 34 teacher and 238 classrooms. Between SY 2015-2016 and SY 2023-2024, a period
of ten years, an additional 681 teachers and 912 classrooms are needed in the elementary level and 416 teachers and 603 classrooms in the secondary level.
Source: CLUP 2019-2029
2008-2009 62.3%
2009-2010 64.9%
2010-2011 66.8%
2011-2012 66.8%
2012-2013 66.1%
*Table 19 shows the historical enrolment participation rate for the last five school years. This participation rate is the percentage of Mandaue City’s
enrolment relative to that of Cebu Province. On the average Mandaue City’s enrolment participation rate is 6.54%.
Mandaue City Central School 4,444 84 22,059.67 2.21 127 43 1.00 0.00