Sample Obe Syllabus - Fundamentals of Abm 1
Sample Obe Syllabus - Fundamentals of Abm 1
Sample Obe Syllabus - Fundamentals of Abm 1
GENERAL OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, the learners are expected to:
1. Manifest understanding and appreciation of the nature and basic purpose of accounting
and how it is applied in businesses.
2. Identify and differentiate the different forms of business organizations and their
3. Demonstrate knowledge of the concepts and principles of accounting.
4. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in recording basic transactions and in making basic
accounting calculations.
5. Identify and differentiate the Journal and the Ledger.
6. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in completing the processes in an accounting cycle.
Learning Goals Content Topic Learning Outcomes OBE Methodologies Time Allotment Evaluative
The learners shall INTRODUCTION The learners are 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 6 hrs. 1. Seat works
be able to cite TO ACCOUNTING expected to be able to: presentation 2. Recitation
specific examples in 1. Definition of 1. Define accounting. 2. Application of 3. Assignments
which accounting is accounting 2. Describe the concepts 4. Quizzes
used in making 2. Nature of nature of 3. Classroom Q&A
business decisions accounting accounting.
3. Functions of 3. Explain the
Accounting in functions of
Business accounting in
4. Brief history of business.
accounting 4. Narrate the
history/origin of
The learners shall BRANCHES OF The learners are 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 4 hrs. 1. Seat works
be able to: ACCOUNTING expected to be able to: presentation 2. Recitation
1. make a list of AND USERS OF 1. Differentiate the 2. Application of 3. Assignments
businesses ACCOUNTING branches of concepts 4. Quizzes
within the INFORMATION accounting. 3. Classroom Q&A
community 1. Common 2. Explain the kind or
classified branches of type of services
according to the accounting rendered in each of
types of 2. Users of the branches of
accounting accounting accounting.
services they information 3. Define external
require users and give
2. solve exercises examples.
in the 4. Define internal
identification of users and give
the branches of examples.
through the
types of
The learners shall BUSINESS The learners are 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 4 hrs. 1. Seat works
be able to ORGANIZATIONS expected to be able to: presentation 2. Recitation
1. solve exercises 1. Forms of 1. Differentiate the 2. Application of 3. Assignments
and problems business forms of business concepts 4. Quizzes
on the organizations organization. 3. Classroom Q&A
identification of 2. Advantages and 2. Identify the
users of disadvantages advantages and
information, of the different disadvantages of
type of forms of each form of
decisions to be business business
made, and type organizations organization.
of information 3. Types of 3. Compare and
needed by the businesses contrast the types
users according to of business
2. cite users of activities according to
financial 4. Advantages and activities.
information and disadvantages 4. Identify the
identify whether of the different advantages,
they are types of disadvantages, and
external or business business
internal users requirements of
each type of
The learners shall ACCOUNTING The learners are 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 4 hrs. 1. Seat works
be able to identify CONCEPTS AND expected to be able to: presentation 2. Recitation
generally accepted PRINCIPLES 1. Explain the varied 2. Application of 3. Assignments
accounting 1. Basic accounting concepts 4. Quizzes
principles accounting concepts and 3. Classroom Q&A
concepts principles.
2. Accounting 2. Solve exercises on
standards accounting
3. The Conceptual principles as
Framework for applied in various
Financial cases.
The learners shall TYPES OF MAJOR The learners are 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 10 hrs. 1. Seat works
be able to define, ACCOUNTS expected to be able to: presentation 2. Recitation
identify, and 1. The Account 1. Discuss the five 2. Application of 3. Assignments
classify accounts 2. The Five Major major accounts. concepts 4. Quizzes
according to the Accounts 2. Cite examples of 3. Classroom Q&A
five major types 3. Chart of each type of
accounts account.
4. Common 3. Prepare a Chart of
account titles Accounts.
5. Drills on account
The learners shall BUSINESS The learners are 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 10 hrs. 1. Seat works
be able to identify TRANSACTIONS expected to be able to: presentation 2. Recitation
business and non- AND THEIR 1. Describe the nature 2. Application of 3. Assignments
business ANALYSIS and give examples concepts 4. Quizzes
transactions, 1. The accounting of business 3. Classroom Q&A
enumerate the cycle transactions.
types of business 2. Identifying and 2. Identify the different
documents, recite analyzing types of business
the rules of debit transactions and documents.
and credit, and events 3. Analyze common
apply these to 3. Journalizing business
simple cases 4. Recording drills transactions using
the rules of debit
and credit.
The learners shall ACCOUNTING The learners are 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 14 hrs. 1. Seat works
be able to prepare CYCLE OF A expected to be able to: presentation 2. Recitation
journal entries, SERVICE 1. Describe the nature 2. Application of 3. Assignments
post to the ledger, BUSINESS of transactions in a concepts 4. Quizzes
prepare the trial 1. Posting service business. 3. Classroom Q&A
balance, 2. Preparing the 2. Record transactions
worksheet, unadjusted trial of a service business
adjusting entries balance in the general
and complete the 3. Adjusting journal.
accounting cycle of entries 3. Post transactions in
a service business. 4. The worksheet the ledger.
5. Financial 4. Prepare a trial
statements balance.
6. Closing entries 5. Prepare adjusting
7. Post-closing trial entries.
balance 6. Complete the
8. Reversing accounting cycle.
The learners shall ACCOUNTING The learners are 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 4 hrs. 1. Seat works
be able to prepare CYCLE OF A expected to be able to: presentation 2. Recitation
journal entries, MERCHANDISING 1. Describe the nature 2. Application of 3. Assignments
post to the ledger, BUSINESS of transactions in a concepts 4. Quizzes
prepare the trial 1. Inventory merchandising 3. Classroom Q&A
balance, 2. Inventory business.
worksheet, systems 2. Record transactions
adjusting entries 3. Gross profit of a merchandising
and complete the 4. Recording in the business in the
accounting cycle of General and general and special
a merchandising Special journals journals.
business. 5. Posting to the 3. Post transactions in
General and the general and
Subsidiary subsidiary ledgers.
ledgers 4. Prepare a trial
6. The accounting balance.
cycle of a 5. Prepare adjusting
merchandising entries.
business 6. Complete the
accounting cycle of
a merchandising
7. Prepare the
Statement of Cost of
Goods Sold and
Gross Profit.
Millan and Ferrer, Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business & Management 1 (2019), Philippines:
Bandolin Enterprise
Prepared by:
Noted by:
You may change the allotted hours as you see fit. The last two chapters
require more discussion hours. However, the total number of hours
should remain 80 hours, as prescribed by DepEd.
If your school only have two (2) grading examinations, please combine
the accompanying first and second exams for your first grading
examination and the third and fourth exams for your final grading
If you have comments on how we can further improve our work, please
do not hesitate to contact us. You can reach us at (0917) 870 6962 or
[email protected].
“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is
prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is
teaching, then teach;” (Romans 12:6-7)