IB Masters QIP 2021 22
IB Masters QIP 2021 22
IB Masters QIP 2021 22
Your interest in the Quality Improvement Programme (QIP) sponsored by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) is appreciated. The principle
objective of this programme is to enhance and upgrade the expertise and capabilities of faculty members of the AICTE approved degree-level engineering
institutions. The programme, launched by the Government of India in the year 1970, is now being implemented and monitored by the National QIP
Coordination Committee (NQCC) funded through AICTE.
There are three main activities under QIP scheme for the faculty of degree-level engineering institutions:
• Providing opportunities to teachers of the degree-level engineering institutions to improve their qualifications by offering admissions to Master
degree and Ph.D. programme.
• Organizing Short Term Courses at the QIP Centres for serving teachers in various emerging areas of technology and research.
• Curriculum Development Cell activities which helps to improve the classroom teaching and learning.
These activities are undertaken by eleven major QIP centres at IITs and IISc. Admission to Master degree and Ph.D. programme is also offered (in selected
areas) in institutions recognized as Minor QIP centres. A large number of teachers from engineering institutions from all over the country have pursued
Master degree and Ph.D. programme under this scheme. These activities are aimed at improving the standard and quality of technical education through
improvement in the qualification of the faculty members of the various engineering institutions.
In the past, a Curriculum Development Cell was also set up at major QIP Centres for improving the effectiveness of technical education in the country. Its
activities included curriculum development and revision or preparation of monographs, textbooks, teachers’ manuals, teaching aids and other resource
materials, examination reforms, organizing inter institutional programs, seminars, workshops and panel discussions, development of educational technology,
creation of methodologies for formal and informal trainings, technical education of the handicaps, etc. A number of short term courses have also been
organized by major QIP centres for the benefit of the faculty members of Engineering Institutions across the country.
The following QIP websites will give you necessary information about the programme as well as about the requirements and procedure to apply for admission
in Master degree/Ph.D. programme: www.aicte-India.org, http://cce.iisc.ernet.in, www.qip.iitb.ac.in, http://cepqip.iitd.ac.in, www.iitg.ac.in/cet/qip.html,
www.iitk.ac.in/qip, www.cep.iitkgp.ac.in/cep, www.iitm.ac.in/qip, www.iitr.ac.in/qip, www.iitbhu.ac.in/qip. The details of the disciplines and
specializations available at various centres are listed on the website and are also available in the admission brochure to enable you to make appropriate
choices. M.Tech. degree programmes are no more supported under QIP.
Access to the online portal for submission of application opens on February 12, 2021 (Friday). The last date for the online submission of the application is
March 10, 2021 (Wednesday). Please note that the last date for submission of the hard copy of the application (only one original copy is to be submitted)
is March 18, 2021 (Thursday). Submission of online as well as hard copy of the application is mandatory. The hard copy should be sent to: The Principal
Coordinator QIP, Head, Centre for Educational Technology, IIT Guwahati, Guwahati-781039, Assam.
The schedule of ONLINE interview at various QIP Centres will be announced in due course of time. For further information about the QIP, the application
form or any associated item, you may contact the Principal Coordinator QIP or any of the Coordinators of the QIP Centres listed in the QIP websites and the
For further information about a particular institution or a particular department therein, you may directly write to the Head of concerned department or the
QIP Coordinator of the institution.
The website www.iitg.ac.in/cet/qip.html will be updated periodically at each of the timelines. Please visit this website periodically to check for updates in
the application and selection process.
1. The major QIP Centres at IITs and IISc offer admission to Master degree programme in specific disciplines. In addition, institutions recognized
as the minor QIP Centres also offer admission to Master degree programme under QIP in some specific departments. M.Tech. degree programmes
are no more supported under QIP.
3. Candidate should visit the website www.iitg.ac.in/cet/qip.html for submitting on-line application and to check for updated information related
to receipt of completed application, list of candidates called for interview, selected list of candidates and all other information pertaining to QIP
4. Candidate should read the brochure thoroughly before i) filling the fields in the online application and ii) sending the final print-out of the
Principal Coordinator’s Copy (duly forwarded by the Head of Institution). Please note that the candidates are required to send only one
original copy to the Principal Coordinator. It is mandatory for the candidates to upload scanned copies of all the relevant
certificates/documents while submitting the online application.
5. Candidates must first submit their application form (along with all the relevant certificates/documents) online through
www.iitg.ac.in/cet/qip.html (applications without online submission of application as well as certificates/documents will not be
considered). Candidate should make sure that proper Institute/ Discipline codes are entered and all relevant details are duly filled in the
respective fields. Access to the link for online submission of application opens on February 12, 2021 (Friday). Last date for the online
submission of application is March 10, 2021 (Wednesday), 17:00 hrs., and last date for receipt of duly forwarded application along with
enclosures (only one Principal Coordinator’s copy) is March 18, 2021 (Thursday).
6. After filling the application online, candidates should send the print out of the Principal Coordinator’s Copy (only one copy is required to be
sent), duly forwarded by the Principal/ Head of the Institution, as instructed, along with all relevant enclosures and the Online Payment receipt
for Rs.1000/- (Rs.500/- for SC/ST/PD/Female Candidate) to: The Principal Coordinator QIP, Head, Centre for Educational Technology,
IIT Guwahati, Guwahati-781039, Assam.
7. The candidate and the Principal/Head of the Institution forwarding the application should ensure that the application is to be sent to The
Principal Coordinator QIP, Head, Centre for Educational Technology, IIT Guwahati, Guwahati-781039, Assam, so as to reach on or
before March 18, 2021 (Thursday). Applications received after this date will not be considered. Acknowledgement of the receipt of the
application will be sent by email.
8. Information given by the candidate in the application for all the options chosen, must be uniform and correct. In case of any difference observed
in the data related to experience, marks, designation, addresses, age, etc., his/her candidature is liable to be cancelled at any stage even
after the selection/ admission.
9. Application submitted without the full support and recommendation by the appropriate authorities (Head/Principal of the Institution)
with seal, and/or without the required enclosures will automatically be rejected. Please note that no corrections/ additions/deletions to
the recommendation format is permitted. Changes to the format of the forwarding/ recommendation note will not be accepted.
10. The application number allotted during online registration should be quoted in all correspondences, and such correspondences should be
routed through the Principal/ Head of the candidate’s parent institution. If the application number changes due to some unavoidable
circumstances, this change will be intimated through email to the candidate. The changed application number may then be quoted in all cases.
11. Short-listed candidates will receive Interview Call/ Admission letter from the respective QIP Coordinator of the Institute, where they have
applied to seek admission. The Principal Coordinator QIP will not send any Call letter to the candidates directly.
12. Schedule of Online Interview will be announced in due course of time. Candidates are required to appear in interview through virtual mode
13. Concessions, relaxation, and reservations for candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/Physically Disabled/Female Candidates are as per rules. The
reservation rules of GOI will be applied to overall admissions by the NQCC. The selection of a candidate is considered only after the
recommendation of the major/minor QIP center.
Institutions that are Major QIP Centres: The following institutions have QIP Centres which offer admission to Master degree (2- years).
Other Institutions that are Minor QIP Centres: The following recognized institutions also offer admission to Master Degree (2 years) Programme under
QIP in some specific departments as given below:
Design ID DL
* Specializations have to be indicated while opting for the particular department. Code for the specializations is given along with the details corresponding
to the particular institution (Depts. & Field of Specialization).
2. Please note that according to the AICTE notification F.No:37-3/Legal/2010 dated 22 January, 2010 and subsequent publication in Gazette
of India dated 5th March, 2010, the appointment of a permanent (regular) faculty as Assistant Professor at degree level, requires a
minimum qualification of Master's degree in the relevant branch. Thus, applications of those candidates, who have been appointed to
permanent teaching position after 2010 without a Master's degree, will be declined.
3. The candidate should satisfy the minimum eligibility criteria prescribed by the individual Department (and/or the Institution) to which admission
is sought.
4. Computer Programmers, Systems Programmers, Workshop Staffs, Guest Lecturers, Visiting Lecturers, Teaching Assistants, Ad-hoc/Contract or
Part-time Teachers, Technical Assistants, Research Engineers, Scientific Officers and other such categories of staff are not eligible.
6. Teachers of the Minor QIP centres are eligible to apply to Major QIP Centres.
7. Teachers of the minor QIP centres are permitted to apply for a field of specialization available in another minor QIP centres, which is not
available in their parent department on the specific recommendations of the Department’s and Institute’s Head stating that a faculty in the
particular specialization is required for their Institution.
2. The final admission of the candidate will be subject to the clearance and approval by the Admission Wing (Section) of the concerned
institution as per its rules and regulations in force at the time of admission. Applicant’s candidature is liable to be cancelled at any stage
even after the selection/ admission.
3. The candidate, if selected, should be relieved from the parent institution to join the programme in time for the session to which he/she is admitted.
4. The candidate joining the Master degree programme under QIP on deputation would be entitled to receive his/her salary and allowances, which
must be paid by the parent institution sponsoring him/her.
6. The Principal/Head of the Institution of a candidate who is selected for admission should ensure that the sponsorship certificate is
produced by the candidate at the time he/she joins the course.
7. If a QIP scholar discontinues the Master degree programme, the scholar has to refund the scholarship and contingency received to the
AICTE through the QIP Centre, and the parent institution may seek refund of the salary and allowances paid to him for the period
he/she attended the programme.
General Instructions
1. The website link for application is: www.iitg.ac.in/cet/qip.html Click on “QIP Admission 2021-22”.
2. The candidate should first register by clicking “New Registration”. An email confirming the registration will be sent by assigning the Application
Number and a Password. The application number and the password are required for subsequent operations. Hence the candidate should remember
both of them or keep them at a safe place.
3. Candidate can start filling up the online application by logging in through “View/Edit Application”.
4. Online application can be completed in one or more sessions by revisiting the website using the assigned application number and password.
5. The candidate should enter all required information correctly in all fields of the online application.
6. After filling the fields, the candidate can save the information in between by using the SAVE button.
7. It is now required that the candidates upload soft copy (scanned copy) of their stamp size photo, signature and all relevant
certificates/documents on the online portal.
8. The candidate can edit data in any field till the final submission and printout is taken. The last date for the online submission of application is
March 10, 2021 (Wednesday), 17:00 hrs.
Personal Information
9. Provide all the personal information carefully: Name, Designation, Department and Address fields (using the pull-down menu), Date of Birth,
Gender, Category, Physically Disabled Category (Yes/No), and Married (Yes/No).
10. During the process of entering the application details, additional sub-links are provided in appropriate places. For example, while entering the
overall performance of the candidate under “Educational Qualifications”, there will be a link through which the candidate can furnish the
semester wise / year wise particulars.
11. For filling academic data and additional qualification, if the absolute marks are awarded, then fill, e.g. 650/800 where the total marks obtained
is 650 out of a total of 800. If the Grade Point Average (GPA) is awarded, fill, e.g. 6.7/10 where 6.7 is GPA obtained on a scale of 10. If the
candidate has failed in any subject during any semester examination and cleared that subject in a later semester, the marks obtained in that subject
should be added back to the semester in which it was supposed to have been cleared and then the total marks is to be calculated. Candidate
should take the marks of all the semesters for Calculating the overall percentage or CGPA (irrespective of the methodology adopted by
the university/college in awarding final class/division).
12. During the entry of details like detailed semester wise / year wise information, detailed teaching experience, etc., the candidate has to enter the
details for which documents of proof are to be uploaded.
13. A candidate can apply to a maximum of three institutions and a maximum of two departments in each of the chosen Institutes (i.e., maximum of
total six options only).
14. Select the Institution by using the pull-down-menu as per the order of your preference. Then enter the programme code desired as per preferred
choices with valid code.
15. Appropriate list of ‘valid codes’ can be viewed using links provided. The code contains 6 characters; the first 2 alphabets identify the Institute,
the next 2 alphabets identify the department within the Institute and the last 2 digits identify the field of specialization. For example, a code
‘RRME01’ represents the Specialization of Machine Design Engineering in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at IIT
Preview of Application
16. Once the complete details about the candidate are entered and saved, and all the relevant certificates/documents along with the photo and signature
are uploaded, the online application can be printed. To preview the completed application, the candidate can print a draft copy of the application.
He/she should check the completeness and correctness of the information; if needed, corrections can also be made before the final submission.
18. The candidate should affix his/her recent stamp-size photograph in the space provided.
19. The candidate should thoroughly verify the contents of the printed documents and sign at the appropriate places.
20. In the “Forwarding Note” of the Application Form, the space provided for the Name of the Candidate and Teaching experience must be
duly filled in and signed by the Principal / Head of the Institution along with full contact details Name, Designation, Contact No., E-mail
and AICTE affiliation No., etc., and Office Seal.
21. Applications submitted without signatures of the candidate and the appropriate authorities with seal, and/or without the required enclosures will
automatically be deemed invalid.
Online Payment Receipt of Rs 1000/-for General/OBC Category and Rs. 500/-for SC/ST/PD/ Female Candidate should be attached with the form
marked as, Copy for Principal Coordinator on top of the form. Candidate should write their application number, name, address and courses applied
on back side of the receipt. Candidate should note that the fee paid by other means, i.e., by DD, IPO, cheques, etc. are not acceptable. Application
fees once paid cannot be refunded.
• In Forwarding Note, the candidate should check his/her Name, years and months of experience, signature (Head of Institution),
date, and office seal with full contact details Name, Designation, Contact No., E-mail and AICTE affiliation No. of the parent institute.
• Photographs: Affix recent stamp size photographs at the space provided on the Principal Coordinator’s Copy.
• Signatures of the Applicant: The candidate should sign in all the printouts at relevant places.
• Candidate should ensure that all information are properly filled in, and the print out of the Principal Coordinator’s Copy along with all
relevant enclosures are sent to the following address: The Principal Coordinator QIP, Head, Centre for Educational Technology, IIT
Guwahati, Guwahati–781039, Assam.
All the certificates/documents along with photo and signature are required to be uploaded on the online portal. Attested hardcopies of all these
certificates/documents are also required to be sent along with the application form to the Principal Coordinator (only one copy is required to be
1. Application Fee: Receipt of Online Payment of Rs.1,000/- for General/OBC Category and Rs.500/- for SC/ST/PD/Female candidates.
2. Candidates belonging to SC, ST or OBC category, must attach an attested copy of the caste certificate issued by a competent authority as per the
Government of India rules.
3. Physically Disabled candidates must attach a copy of the certificate issued by a competent authority as per Government of India rules.
4. Checklist: Enclose attested copies of all the relevant certificates
• Certificates of the Qualifying Examination and other Degrees
• Proof of age
• Mark Lists of all years/semesters of qualifying examination (mark sheets clearly showing total marks obtained out of maximum marks
according to semester or year)
• Teaching Experience arranged in chronological order with currently held position as first (Experience certificate from current institute must be
• Industrial/Research Experience Certificates
• Certificates of Short Term Courses attended
• All Research Publications
• Any other Academic Qualifications/Awards, etc.
Please note that the candidates must upload soft copy (scanned) of all these certificates on the online portal during the registration.
1. For the convenience of the candidate, a check list is also provided under point No. IX. One can use this list and ensure the completeness of application.
Once completed, the entire bunch is to be dispatched ONLY to The Principal Coordinator QIP, Head, Centre for Educational Technology, IIT
Guwahati, Guwahati– 781039, Assam along with the copy of Online Payment receipt. The envelop containing the Principal Coordinator’s Copy
and enclosures should preferably be sent by Speed Post or a Courier Service so as to reach on or before March 18, 2021 (Thursday). Applications
received after this date will not be considered. For any clarification contact us: Phone: 0361-2583007, 0361-2583008; Fax: 0361-2690762; Email:
[email protected]
Candidates are required to post only one copy of the printed copy of the application form along with the relevant documents/certificates to
the Principal Coordinator.
2. Before mailing the completed form, please ensure that the application form and all the enclosures are properly fastened with a tag separately
at the left-hand top corner.
3. In case, your applications are submitted by your sponsor, it is your responsibility to ensure that the application is forwarded to the above
mentioned address so as to reach on or before March 18, 2021 (Thursday). Applications received after this date will not be considered.
4. In case, the candidate has forgotten the password, the candidate should send an email (using the email ID mentioned in the online application) to
[email protected] furnishing the following details: Application Number, Name of the Candidate, Date of Birth, and Address for correspondence, Gender
and Category. After verification, the candidate will be informed the password through email only.
2. ONLINE Interviews will be conducted in the Departments at the individual Institutions where the admission is sought by the candidate. Schedule
of online interviews will be declared in due course of time.
3. Selections will be made by the National QIP Coordination Committee (NQCC) based on the recommendations of various concerned institutions.
5. Admission letters will be issued to the selected candidates by the respective QIP Centres or Academic section of the institutions offering the admission.
His/her candidature is liable to be cancelled at any stage even after the selection/ admission.
Interview will be conducted in ONLINE mode only. The final schedule will be announced in due course of time.
Specializations mentioned indicate only areas of interest and are not exhaustive. There may not be admissions open to all the areas indicated, and candidates,
if found suitable, may be admitted to related areas also.
The details given are subject to variation and change from time-to-time and only those operating in the respective institutions at the time of actual admissions
are applicable. Candidates desirous of more information such as for accommodation, fee structure etc. may write/contact to the QIP Coordinator of the
individual institution or visit their website.
1. Indian Institute of Science Bangalore - BG
In all cases, the minimum eligibility is second class or equivalent grade point in the qualifying examination or Bachelor’s degree in Science with Physics
and Mathematics in the curriculum followed by the professional diploma as relevant to individual departments.
In all cases the minimum eligibility is 55% in Bachelor Degree and 50% for SC/ST
Industrial Design (ID)
1. Bachelor’s Degree in Design/Engineering/Architecture/ Interior Design: 10+2+4 years
(minimum four year Bachelor’s course).
Note: B.Plan. considered equivalent to B.Arch. Four year B.Sc (Engg) course after HSC
considered equivalent to BE/B.Tech.
2. Professional Diploma in Design: 10+2+4 years (minimum four year diploma program).
Communication Design (CD)
1. Bachelor’s Degree in Design/Engineering/Architecture/ Interior Design: 10+2+4 years
(minimum four year Bachelor’s course).
Note: B.Plan. considered equivalent to B.Arch. Four year B.Sc (Engg) course after HSC
considered equivalent to BE/B.Tech.
2. Professional Diploma in Design: 10+2+4 years (minimum four year diploma program).
3. BFA (4 Year professional program with entry after 10+2)
4. GD Art (4 year program after 1 year foundation. Minimum entry requirement 10th pass).
Note: B.Plan. considered equivalent to B.Arch. Four year B.Sc (Engg) course after HSC
considered equivalent to BE/B.Tech.
Animation Design (AN)
M Des: 1. Bachelor’s Degree in Design/Engineering/Architecture/ Interior Design: 10+2+4 years
Industrial Design (minimum four year Bachelor’s course).
IDC School of
Note: B.Plan. considered equivalent to B.Arch. Four year B.Sc (Engg) course after HSC
Design • Communication Design
BMID01 considered equivalent to BE/B.Tech.
• Animation
2. Professional Diploma in Design: 10+2+4 years (minimum four year diploma program).
• Interaction Design 3. BFA (4 Year professional program with entry after 10+2)
Mobility and Vehicle Design 4. GD Art (4 year program after 1 year foundation. Minimum entry requirement 10th pass).
Interaction Design (IN)
1. Bachelor’s Degree in Design/ Engineering/ Architecture/ Interior Design: 10+2+4 years
(minimum four year Bachelor’s course).
Note: B.Plan. considered equivalent to B.Arch. Four year B.Sc (Engg) course after HSC
considered equivalent to BE/B.Tech.
2. Professional Diploma in Design: 10+2+4 years (minimum four year diploma program).
3. BFA (4 year professional program with entry after 10+2)
4. Master’s Degree in Arts, Science (3+2 year program with entry after 10+2).
5. Master’s Degree in Computer Application (3 year or 2 year in case of lateral entry to
second year after BCA program with entry after 10+2+3 years for graduation).
6. GD Art (4 year program after 1 year foundation. Minimum entry requirement 10th pass).
Mobility and Vehicle Design (MD)
1. Bachelor’s Degree in Design/ Engineering/ Architecture/ Interior Design: 10+2+4 years
(minimum four year Bachelor’s course).
Note: B.Plan. considered equivalent to B.Arch. Four year B.Sc (Engg) course after HSC
considered equivalent to BE/B.Tech.
2. Professional Diploma in Design: 10+2+4 years (minimum four year diploma program).
3. BFA Sculpture (4 year professional program with entry after 10+2).
3. Indian Institute of Technology Delhi – DL
In all cases, the minimum eligibility is a graduate degree in Engineering/ Technology in the specified field with a minimum of 60% marks (6.00 CGPA) in
aggregate (of all the year/semesters of the qualifying examination) or equivalent grade point average (as determined by IIT Delhi). For SC/ST/PD category
candidates the minimum performance in the qualifying degree is relaxed from 60% to 55% (6.00 to 5.50 CGPA).
Minimum qualification for candidates of general category seeking admission to the PG programme must have at least 60% marks or 6.00 CGPA on
a 10 point scale at qualifying degree level. For SC/ST/PD category candidates this percentage is 55% or 5.50 CGPA on a 10 point scale. The percentage of
marks will be considered as aggregate awarded in qualifying degree examination.
(a) Candidates must have a minimum of two years of full-time work experience till the last date submission of application form. For a candidate employed
in an educational Institution, it should be recognized by AICTE.
Candidates having AMIE/AMIS/AMIIChE/AMIIM/Grad IETE, who possess B.Sc. or Diploma in engineering and have at least 3 years teaching
experience at the submission of last date of application acquired in relevant field, are also eligible to apply for admission to M.Tech courses.
(b) Candidates should submit the sponsorship certificate and copy of appointment letter with a proof of regular/permanent teacher along with the
application, duly signed by the Head of the Institution/Organization.
6. Anna University, Chennai- AU
PSTX01 Textile Technology Textile Technology BE/B.Tech – Textile Technology / Textile Chemistry/Apparel
Technology/Fashion Technology (Textile Technology)
Application for Master Degree Programme 2021-22
Copy of Principal Coordinator QIP
1. Application Number :
2. Name :
3. Designation :
4. Department :
5. College Address :
6. Contact Address :
16. UG Degree :
Year : University :
17. PG Degree :
Year : University :
22. Institutions and Departments to which Admissions are sought
Choice of Specialization
Name of the Institute
First Choice Second Choice
Preference 1
Preference 2
Preference 3
Semester/Year University Year Specialization Class Percentage GPA
Semester/Year University Year Specialization Class Percentage GPA
Degree University Year Specialization Class Percentage GPA
a. I declare that all the information given by me in this application form is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and I understand
that false or incomplete information would cause invalidation of the application.
b. I have uploaded my stamp size photo, signature, and soft copy of all the relevant certificates/documents on the online registration portal.
c. I shall abide by the decision of the National QIP Coordination Committee (NQCC) in all matters pertaining to admissions. The decision
of the Committee shall be final and binding on me.
d. I shall abide by the rules and regulations of the Institutions to which I will be offered admission, if selected.
e. For all legal actions, suits and proceedings, the jurisdiction of a court of law shall be deemed to lie exclusively at the place at which the
Institution considering me for admission is situated or the place where the office of the Principal Coordinator QIP is located and at no
other court of place.
f. I understand the contents of this form and, particularly, this declaration being made here.
b) The applicant is a full-time regular / permanent faculty member of our Institution and is not on deputation to any other Institution.
c) The applicant has __________________years and ________________months of teaching experience as on September 30, 2020 at the
graduate level (Certificates enclosed)
c) The applicant will be relieved full-time for the programme on deputation and will be paid full salary and allowances during the tenure of
his/her sponsorship, if selected for admission.
(With full contact details Name, Designation, Contact No., E-mail & AICTE affiliation No.)
• Conditional Recommendation will not be accepted.
• This Forwarding Note should be signed only by the Principal or the Head of the Institution.
• Any alteration made in the text of this Forwarding Note leads to automatic rejection of the application.
• Please attach separate experience certificate.