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1 Summative Test: Core Subjects

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Republic of the Philippines

Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of Zamboanga del Norte
Lingasad, Polanco, Zamboanga del Norte



Quarter 2 – Modules 1 & 2

(A) Introduction to the Philosophy of the
Human Person
(B) Understanding Culture, Society and
(C) Physical Education and Health 3

1st Semester, S.Y. 2020 – 2021

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Introduction to the Philosophy
of the Human Person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Understanding Culture, Society
and Politics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Physical Education and Health 3 ......... 15


(25 ITEMS)
Instructions: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of your choice on the answer sheet

______ 1. The word Philos is a Greek word means_________.

a) Love
b) Wisdom
c) Philosophy
d) Philosopher

______ 2. Sophia is a Greek word for ___________.

a) Love
b) Wisdom
c) Philosopher
d) Philosophy

______ 3. The people who engage in philosophy are called________.

a) Love
b) Wisdom
c) Philosophy
d) Philosopher

______ 4. He was considered the foremost philosophers of ancient times. He was credited with
formulating the Socratic method___________.
a) Plato
b) Aristotle
c) Socrates
d) Democritus

______ 5. A student of Socrates, he wrote down his mentor’s teaching and incorporated some of
his own ideas into them included his Theory of Forms________.
a) Plato
b) Aristotle
c) Socrates
d) Democritus

______ 6. It refers to a perspective that considers large-scale patterns in systems______.

a) Doubt
b) Academy
c) Holistic Thinking
d) Partial Thinking
______ 7. It focuses on specific aspects of a situation, as an individual focuses on certain
areas or aspects of a problem in order to understand it.
a) Doubt
b) Academy
c) Partial Thinking
d) Holistic Thinking
______ 8. It is the process by which specific statements are analysed to reach a conclusion
or generalization.
a) Academy
b) Deductive reasoning
c) Holistic Thinking
d) Partial Thinking

______ 9. It requires a person to be willing to examine one’s thoughts, feelings, and action
and to learn more about one’s life and experiences.
a) Reflection
b) Observation
c) Knowledge
d) Doubt

______ 10. The Greek term for philosophy, philosophia, means ___.
a) Love of freedom
b) Love of faith
c) Love of wisdom
d) Love of knowledge

______ 11. It is the branch of Philosophy which deals with beauty and what makes things
a) Epistemology
b) Logic
c) Ethics
d) Aesthetics

______ 12. It is the branch which deals with moral questions and dilemmas.
a) Epistemology
b) Logic
c) Ethics
d) Aesthetics

______ 13. Philosophy began through -
a) Epistemology
b) Logic
c) Ethics
d) Aesthetics

______ 14. Philosophy began through -

a) Wonder
b) Experimentation
c) Observation
d) Trial and Error

______ 15. Philosophy began through -Air

a) Fire
b) Water
c) Wind
d) hiuhi

______ 16. How do you define the first ways of philosophy?

a) It is all about knowing the truth.
b) It is a non-mythological way without the aid of instruments.
c) It is based on facts and principles.
d) It is about what you believe.

______ 17. Who is the philosopher that claims about the existence of apeiron?
a) Thales
b) Anaximander
c) Anaximenes
d) Anaxagoras

______ 18. Their philosophy is always inclined to religious practices and beliefs.
a) Western Philosophy
b) Eastern Philosophy
c) Philosophy of Religion
d) Philosophy of Science

______ 19. Who are the so-called “Milesians”?

a) Socrates, Plato and Aristotle
b) Thales, Anaximander and Anaximenes
c) St. Thomas, St. Bonaventure and St. Anselm
d) Martin Heidegger, Friedrich Nietzche and Soren Kierkegaard

______ 20. Who says the famous quotation: “The unexamined life is not worth living”?
a) Thales
b) Aristotle
c) Plato
d) Socrates

______21. These are philosophers who believe in one element.

a) Pluralists
b) Monists
c) Hylozoist
d) Triumvirate

______ 22. “Noli cedere cognoscere” is a Latin maxim which means

a) United we stand, divided we fall.
b) The truth will set you free.
c) Never stop learning.
d) They shall all come to pass.
______ 23. “Change is the only permanent in this world.” Who is the philosopher that
claimed this?
a) Parmenides
b) Heraclitus
c) Zeno of Elea
d) Empedocles

______ 24. What do you call a doctrine that all matters have life?
a) Sophists’ doctrine
b) Mythological doctrine
c) Biological perspective
d) Hylozoist perspective

______ 25. This philosophy is all about the never-ending quest for truth.
a) Western Philosophy
b) Eastern Philosophy
c) Philosophy of Religion
d) Philosophy of Science



(25 ITEMS)

Instructions: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of your choice on the answer sheet

______ 1. It describes human, human behaviour and human societies around the world.
a) Sociology
b) Anthropology
c) Political Science
d) Culture

______ 2. It is the study of human social relationships and institutions.

a) Politics
b) Anthropology
c) Culture
d) Sociology

______ 3. It defines how people relate to nature and their physical environment.
a) Politics
b) Anthropology
c) Culture
d) Sociology

______ 4. This term means scientific study of man or human beings.

a) Politics
b) Anthropology
c) Culture
d) Sociology

______ 5. It attempts to explain how the social world operates.

a) Political Theory
b) Sociological Theory
c) Anthropological Theory
d) Cultural Theory

______ 6. It is a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing.
a) Beliefs
b) Customs
c) Traditions
d) Norms

______ 7. It is a social science that deals with humans and their interactions.
a) Sociology
b) Anthropology
c) Political Science

d) Culture
______ 8. It sees etical foundation of contemporary anthropology.
a) Nature of politics
b) Nature of anthropology
c) Nature of culture
d) Nature of sociology

______ 9. It sees social life as a competition, and focuses on the distribution of resources, power,
and inequality.
a) Theoretical perspective
b) Conflict perspective
c) Cultural perspective
d) Functionalist perspective

______ 10. It is used to analyse and explain objects of social study, and facilitate organizing
sociological knowledge.
a) Theoretical perspective
b) Conflict perspective
c) Cultural perspective
d) Functionalist of knowledge

______ 11. Which of the following statements shows the goal of Anthropology?
a) It describes how various political systems function, and to find more effective
political systems.
b) It shows the meaning and consequences of modernity, postmodernity and the
new globalization.
c) It explains how membership in one's social group affects individual behavior.
d) It understands how we adapt to different environmental conditions and how
we vary as a species.

______ 12. It views individual and group behaviour and social interactions as defining features of
a) Cultural relativism
b) Structural functionalism
c) Symbolic interactionism
d) Cultural sensitivity

______13. It is the distinctive characteristic that defines an individual or is shared by those belonging
to a particular group.
a) Identity
b) Culture
c) Opinion
d) Beliefs

______ 14. It refers else.
a) Symbols
b) Norms
c) Artifacts
d) Language

______ 15. It refers to all alterations affecting new traits or trait complexes and changes in a cultures
content and structure.
a) Cultural change
b) Social change
c) Political change
d) Sociological change

______ 16. Cultural relativism can be used to evaluate other cultures based on ideas that one’s
believe in.
a) True
b) False
c) Maybe
d) None of the above

______ 17. It refers to a group or community which shares common experiences that shapes the
way its members understand the world.
a) Community
b) Society
c) Humanity
d) Company

______ 18. It is the ability to understand a culture on its own terms and not to make judgments
using the standards of one's own culture.
a) Western Philosophy
b) Eastern Philosophy
c) Cultural relativism
d) Philosophy of Science

______ 19. It refers to a system of words and symbols used to communicate with other people.
a) Symbols
b) Norms
c) Artifacts
d) Language

______ 20. It refers to valuable tools for exploring the past and using them to understand the past.
a) Values
b) Norms
c) Artifacts
d) Language

______21. Cultural relativism teaches us that, marriage patterns are__________, not objective truth.
a) Social option
b) Political option
c) Cultural option
d) Socio-cultural option

______ 22. These are rules or expectations of behaviour and thoughts based on shared beliefs within
a specific cultural or social group.
a) Values
b) Norms
c) Artifacts
d) Language

______ 23. The following are the major elements of culture except
a) Artifacts
b) Symbols
c) Minerals
d) Values

______ 24. It is one of the five major types of societies wherein knowledge is a commodity and
technological innovation is the key to long-lasting growth and development.
a) Post-industrial societies
b) Industrial societies
c) Horticultural and pastoral societies
d) Agricultural societies

______ 25. These are norms with moral connotations.

a) Values
b) Folkways
c) Laws
d) Mores


(H.O.P.E. 3)

(25 ITEMS)

Instructions: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of your choice on the answer
sheet provided.

______ 1. There are three basic energy systems, except one

a) Anerobic a-lactic System
b) Anaerobic Lactic System
c) Aerobic System
d) Adrenaline System

______ 2. It is an energy system that requires high amount of energy in short duration.
a) Anerobic a-lactic System
b) Anaerobic Lactic System
c) Aerobic System
d) Adrenaline System

______ 3. The ATP-CP stands for

a) Adenosine Triphosphate-Creatine Phosphate
b) Adrenalin Triphosphate-Creatine Phosphate
c) Aerobic Triphosphate-Creatine Phosphate
d) None of the above

______ 4. Glycolytic system is also known as

b) Anaerobic Lactic System
c) Adrenaline System
d) Aerobic System

______ 5. What kind of energy system that uses oxygen?

a) Lactic Acid System
b) Aerobic System
d) Glycolytic System

______ 6. It is an energy system that is considered to be as the immediate system.

b) Glycolytic System
c) Lactic acid System
d) Aerobic System

______ 7. It is the primary source of ATP during aerobic activities.

a) Lactic Acid System

c) Oxidative System
d) Glycolytic System
______ 8. What kind of energy system is being used when doing a slow but powerful movement in a
b) Anaerobic Lactic System
c) Aerobic System
d) Adrenaline System

______ 9. The body stores ATP in muscle in a form of

a) Oxygen
b) Water
c) Glycogen
d) None of the above

______ 10. Mostly, what kind of energy system is being used in dancing?
b) Lactic Acid System
c) Aerobic System
d) Glycolytic System

______ 11. The following are nutrients needed by the body to produce energy, except
a) Carbohydrates
b) Fats
c) Proteins
d) It under

______ 12. It is the ability to do work.

a) Energy
b) Force
c) Velocity
d) Speed

______13. _________ training in _________ distance can help build an aerobic base.
a) Slow; short
b) Slow; long
c) Moderate; long
d) Fast; short

______ 14. It plays a vital role for self-expression and has been part of rituals and religious
a) Aerobic activity
b) Dance
c) Fitness

d) Sports

______ 15. These are chemicals within the brain that helps communicate messages throughout the
a) Endorphin
b) Dopamine
c) Norepinephrine
d) Neurotransmitters

______ 16. Which of the following statements defines dancing as stress management?
a) Dance can be used in many ways and one function is to relieve stress.
b) Through dancing, we lead to an unhealthy lifestyle.
c) To avoid chronic illness or disease, we opted to seek activities to have a healthy
d) In dancing, it avoids stress and can make our life easy and much more fun.

______ 17. Dancing is enjoyable because __________?

a) It has physical and mental benefits.
b) It helps you to connect to who you really are.
c) It plays a vital role for self-expression.
d) All of the above

______ 18. It is the body’s natural pain killers to reduce stress and improve the mind’s perception of
the world.
a) Endorphin
b) Dopamine
c) Norepinephrine
d) Neurotransmitters

______ 19. The following are the physical benefits of dancing except one:
a) Improved condition of heart and lungs
b) Increased muscular strength and endurance
c) Improved physical confidence
d) Improved general and psychological well-being

______ 20. Why is dancing beneficial to the brain?

a) Dancing increases depression symptoms.
b) Dancing supports motor, emotional and intellectual brain functions.
c) Dancing never stimulates nerve growth factor.
d) Dancing declines memory.

______21. The following are the causes and effects of stress except one.
a) Anxiety
b) Panic
c) Joy
d) Misery

______ 22. Which of the following is a mental benefit of dancing?
a) Improved muscle tone and strength
b) Refined self-confidence and self-esteem
c) Improved physical confidence
d) Stronger bones

______ 23. How can dancing improve one’s life and health?
a) Dancing decreases the chance of developing heart disease.
b) Dancing improves positive feelings, behaviour and communication.
c) Dancing provides social and emotional health.
d) All of the above

______ 24. The following are some ways on how to keep one’s exercise successful except
a) Consult with your doctor
b) Schedule your work out
c) Find a friend
d) Do what you love

______ 25. One of the most basic motives of dance is the expression and communication of
a) True
b) False
c) Maybe
d) None of the above


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