Quezon City University: Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

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COURSE TITLE : Economic Development



The course deals with the principal issues of economic development. Emphasis will be on
economy-wide aspects of economic development, with special references to international
dimensions of national development policy making. The aim of the course is to provide students
with an understanding of the immense and varied economic challenges facing the world’s
impoverished and developing economies in general, and what practical and effective policies can
be implemented to address these challenges. Topics include key development economic growth
theories, international trade development theories, and related economic development theories.

After successful completion of this course, the student is expected to:

1. Manifest understanding of the nature and value of Economic Development in the increasing
integration of national and international Markets
2. Appraise the value of the development of policy-making towards national progress
3. Appreciate human values which is part of the societal values that determine economic
progress of a nation
4. Recognize the challenges of local as well as global economies towards making an economic
5. Determine and explain the factors which drives the financial markets of local as well as
global economies through economic and market models

Textbooks and references:

1. Economic Development – Twelfth Edition; 2015; Michael P. Todaro, Stephen C. Smith;
GM Miranda & Sons
2. Financial Markets and Institutions – 2020 Edition, Ma. Elenita B. Cabrera & Gilbert
Anthony B. Cabrera, GIC Enterprises & Co., Inc.

1. Class Participation
2. Quiz/Recitation/Assignments/Seatwork/Output
3. Major Examination

Week Hours Topic Learning Outcomes

1-2 6 I. Introduction to Economic Development: A Global ⮚ Define Economic Development

● Economics and Development Studies ⮚ Explain the increasing integratio
i. The Nature of Development Economics of national economies into
ii. Why Study Development Economics expanding international markets
iii. The Important Role of Values in ⮚ Distinguish the factors
Development Economics
contributing to the improvement
iv. Economies as Social Systems
of the quality of human lives,
● What do we mean by development?
levels of living, self-esteem, and
i. Traditional Economic Measures
ii. The New Economic View of
Development ⮚ Discuss the organizational and
iii. Amartya Sen’s “Capability” Approach institutional structure of a society
iv. Development and Happiness including values, attitudes, powe
v. Three Core Values of Development structures, and traditions
vi. The Central Role of Women
⮚ Juxtapose the traditional with the
vii. The Three Objectives of Development
● The Future of the Millennium Development New Economic View of
Goals Development
⮚ Recognize the Central Role of
Women in Economic
⮚ Project an overview of the
Millennium Development Goals

3-4 6 II. Comparative Economic Development ⮚ Define the meaning of the

● Defining the Developing World
Developing World
● Basic Indicators of Development: Real Income,
Health, and Education ⮚ Understand the basic indicators o
i. Purchasing Power Parity development
ii. Indicators of Health and Education ⮚ Identify Gross National Income
● Holistic Measures of Living Levels and
(GNI), Gross Domestic Product
(GDP), Gross National Product
o The New Human Development Index
● Characteristics of the Developing World:
Diversity with Commonality ⮚ Contrast and compare the basic
i. Lower levels of Living and Productivity indicators of development
ii. Lower levels of Human Capital ⮚ Describe the Purchasing Power
iii. Higher population of Growth Rates
Parity (PPP)
iv. Greater Social Fractionalization
v. Larger Rural Populations but rapid Rural ⮚ Compare and contrast PPP with
to Urban Migration exchange rates
vi. Lower Levels of Industrialization and
Manufactured Exports
vii.Adverse Geography ⮚ Gain understanding on the
viii.Underdeveloped Markets
measurement of Human
ix.Lingering Colonial Impacts and Unequal
Development Index
International Relations
● How Low-Income Countries Today differ from ⮚ Identify the factors involved in
Developed Countries in their Early Stages Diversity and Commonality
i. Physical and Human Resource ⮚ Gain understanding of the levels
of Human Capital
ii. Relative levels of Per Capita Income and
GDP ⮚ Discern characteristics such as
iii. Population Size, Distribution, and underdeveloped markets, advers
Growth geography, higher population
iv. The Growth Stimulus of International growth rates, and greater social
Trade fractionalization
⮚ Identify the Growth Stimulus of
International Trade
⮚ Distinguish Divergence and
⮚ Enumerate and identify the facto
affecting low-income countries
such as:
i. Physical and human
resource endowments
ii. Relative levels of Per
Capita Income and GDP
iii. Climatic Differences
iv. Population Size
v. Historical Role of
international migration
vi. International trade benefi
vii. Basic scientific and
technological R&D

⮚ Efficacy of Domestic Institution

5-6 6 III. Classic Theories of Economic Growth and ⮚ Identify the Classic Theories of
Economic Development and its
● Classic Theories of Economic Development:
four approaches
Four Approaches
● Development as Growth and the Linear-Stages ⮚ Know the steps in the
Theories Development as Growth and the
i. Rostow’s Stages of Growth Linear-Stages Theories
ii. The Harrod-Domar Growth Model ⮚ Gain an understanding of the
iii. Obstacles and Constraints
Structural Change Models
● The International-Dependence Revolution
i. The Neocolonial Dependence Model ⮚ Enumerate the concepts of the
ii. The False-Paradigm Model International-Dependence
iii. The Dualistic-Development Thesis Revolution
iv. Conclusions and Implications

7-8 6 IV. Population Growth and Economic Development: ⮚ Be able to integrate the Causes,
Causes, Consequence, and Controversies
Consequence, and Controversies
● The Basic Issue: Population Growth and the
on Population Growth and
Quality of Life
Economic Development
● Population Growth: Past, Present, and Future
i. World Population Growth throughout ⮚ Identify the connection between
History Population Growth and the
ii. Structure of the World’s Population Quality of Life
iii. The Hidden Momentum of Population ⮚ Be able to see the connection
between Population Growth as it
● The Demographic Transition
affects the Economic
● The Causes of High Fertility in Developing
Development of a Country and t
a Global Scale
i. The Maltusian Population Trap
ii. Criticisms of the Malthusian Model ⮚ Understand the significance of
Demographic Transition in
The Microeconomic Household Theory of Fertility
Economic Development

9 3 Mid-term examination

10-11 6 V. Human Capital: Education and Health in ⮚ Understand the significance of

Economic Development
Education and Health in Econom
● The Central Roles of Education and Health
i. Education and Health as joint
investments for Development ⮚ Distinguish the central roles of
ii. Improving Health and Education: Why Education and Health
increasing income is not sufficient ⮚ Know the importance of Investin
● Investing in Education and Health: The Human
in Education and Health as a way
Capital Approach
towards Economic Development
● Child Labor
● The Gender Gap: Discrimination in Education ⮚ Identify the Gender Gap Issue an
and Health the discrimination on women in
i. Education and Gender education
ii. Health and Gender
⮚ Recognize the root causes and
iii. Consequences of Gender Bias in Health
and Education consequences of Child Labor
● Educational Systems and Development ⮚ Understand the consequences of
i. The Political Economy of Educational the Gender Bias in Health and
Supply and Demand: The Relationship Education
between Employment Opportunities and
⮚ Recognize the Educational
Educational Demands
ii. Social versus Private Benefits and Costs Systems and Development and it
iii. Distribution of Education relation to Political Economy an
● Health, Productivity, and Policy the relationship between
i. Productivity Employment Opportunities and
ii. Health Systems Policy Educational Demands
Identify the Health, Productivity, and
Policy Systems towards Nation
12-13 6 VI. Agricultural Transformation and Rural ⮚ State and discuss the Importance
of Agricultural Transformation
● The Imperative of Agricultural Progress and
and Rural Development towards
Rural Development
Economic Development
● The Structure of Agrarian Systems in the
Developing World ⮚ Identify the Structural reforms o
● The Important Role of Women Agrarian Systems in the
VII. The Environment and Development Developing World
● Environment and Development: The Basic ⮚ State the Importance of the Role
of Women in Economic
i. Economics and Environment
ii. Sustainable Development and
Environmental Accounting ⮚ Enumerate the Basic Issues in
iii. The Global Environment and Environment and Development
⮚ State the effects of the
● Global Warming and Climate Change: Scope,
Mitigation, and Adaptation Environmental Change and Glob
● Urban Development and the Environment Warming in the Economy
⮚ Distinguish the significance of
Policy Options in Developing and Developed
Countries Urban Development and the
State the Importance of Policy
Options in Developed Countries

14-15 6 VIII. Development Policymaking and the Roles of ⮚ Recognize how Policymaking
Market, State, and Civil Society
plays a role in the development o
● A Question of Balance
State and Civil Society
● Development Planning: Concepts and Rationale
i. The Planning Mystique ⮚ Enumerate and state the Concept
ii. The Nature of Development and Rationale of the Developme
Planning Planning which include the
iii. Planning in Mixed Developing following
Economies i. The Planning Mystique
iv. The Rationale for Development ii. The Nature of
Planning Development Planning
● The Development Planning Process: Some iii. Planning in Mixed
Basic Models Developing Economies
i. Three Stages of Planning and
ii. Aggregate Growth Models: iv. The Rationale for
Projecting Macro Variables Development Process
iii. Project Appraisal and Social ⮚ State the importance of Some
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Basic Models such as the Three
● The Market Economy
Stages of Planning, Aggregate
● Trends in Governance and Reform
Growth Models, Macro Variable
i. Tackling the Problem of Corruption
and Project Appraisal and Social
ii. Decentralization
Cost-Benefit Analysis
iii. Development Participation ⮚ Understand the importance of th
Market Economy and its factors
that affect the environment

State and enumerate the trends

Governance and Reform in Tackli
the Problem of Corruptio
Decentralization and Developme
16-17 6 IX. International Trade Theory and Development ⮚ State the importance of
International Trade in Economic
● Economic Globalization: An Introduction
● International Trade: Some Key Issues
i. Five Basic Questions about Trade and ⮚ Determine the significance of
Development Exportation of Goods
ii. Importance of Exports to Different ⮚ Compare and Contrast some of t
Developing Nations
key issues surrounding
iii. Demand Elasticities and Export Earnings
International Trade
● Traditional Trade Strategies and Policy ⮚ Appreciate the significance of
Mechanisms for Development Local Companies going Global
● The Industrialization Strategy Approach to
⮚ Recognize the significance
Export Policy
● Trade Policies of Developed Countries: The Demand Elasticities and Export
Need for Reform Earnings Instability
X. Finance and Fiscal Policy for Development ⮚ Learn traditional Trade Strategie
● The Role of Financial System in Economic and the process involve in Policy
Development Mechanisms for Development
● The Role of Central Banks and Alternative
⮚ Appreciate how Local Companie
● Informal Finance and the Rise of Microfinance can break through the Global
i. Traditional Informal Finance barrier and gain Competitive
ii. Microfinance Institutions Advantage
● Fiscal Policy and Development ⮚ State the importance of a Fiscal
i. Macro-stability and Resource Policy and how it affects the
Mobilization Economy of a Country
Taxation: Direct and Indirect ⮚ Learn how the Central Banks
regulate financial transactions
governing a country
⮚ Identify other unconventional
sources of financing and the
importance of Microfinance
Institutions and distinguish it fro
Traditional Informal Finance
State the significance of Fiscal Polic
and Development through
Macro-Stability and Resource
Mobilization and Direct as well as
Indirect Taxation

18 3 Final Examination
1. The student is responsible to come to each class prepared.
2. The student is expected to take all examinations on the date scheduled.
3. The student is expected to read the assigned chapter and solve exercises/problems prior to
4. The student is expected to attend each class and participate actively in the discussions.
5. The student is expected to do the seatwork/exercises that will be assigned by the instructor
inside the classroom.

Academic dishonesty is subject to University’s rules and regulations.

1. Missed Classes: Students who miss class are responsible for content. Any student who
misses a class has the responsibility for obtaining copies of notes, handouts, assignments,
etc. If additional assistance is still necessary, an appointment should be scheduled with
the instructor. Class time is not to be used to go over material with students who have
missed class.
2. Incurrence of three tardiness is equal to one absence.
3. Incurrence of three consecutive absences is considered unauthorized dropped.
4. Incurrence of four absences is considered unauthorized dropped.

Midterm Grade (MG) Pre-Final Grade (PFG)
Midterm Exam Final Exam 40%
Class Standing 40% Class Standing 60%
60% Assignment 10%
Assignment 10% Recitation 10%
Recitation 10% Test/Quiz 20%
Test/Quiz 20% Output/Seatwork 20%
Output/Seatwork 20% 100%

Final Grade (FG)= (MG + PFG) / 2

Equivalent Equivalent

98-100 1.00 Excellent 77-79 2.75 Satisfactory

95-97 1.25 Excellent 75-76 3.00 Passed

92-94 1.50 Very Good Below 75 5.00 Fail

89-91 1.75 Very Good INC Incomplete

86-88 2.00 Good OD Officially Dropped

83-85 2.25 Good UD Unofficially Dropped

80-82 2.50 Satisfactory

Prepared by: Approved by: Noted by:

Alfred Cesar C. Quinsay, CPA, Dr. Gerardo T. Bautista, CPA Dr.Glenda A. Rebucas
Faculty Member Acting Dean Acting VP for Academics

I have read the course syllabus and I understand that I have to comply with the requirements of
the course and the expectations from me as a student of ______________ during the __
Semester of _________. I am fully aware of the consequences of non-compliance with the
above-mentioned requirements and expectations.

Printed name and signature of student


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