Wireless Communication and Newtworks: Introduction To Wi-Fi Mesh Networks
Wireless Communication and Newtworks: Introduction To Wi-Fi Mesh Networks
Wireless Communication and Newtworks: Introduction To Wi-Fi Mesh Networks
Introduction to Wi-Fi
Mesh Networks
Over the past few years,
the popularity of Wi-Fi In its simplest form, a
networking has grown wireless mesh network
Spectacularly. “Going is a collection of
wireless” is becoming wireless device
mainstream and the maintaining RF
costs of connectivity to create a
implementing Wi-Fi has seamless path for data
dropped dramatically. packets to travel. In
But just as the many ways, a wireless
popularity mesh network
of Wi-Fi is growing, so resembles an idealized
are the well- version of a top-level
documented security Internet backbone in
concerns of which physical location
wireless networks. Wi- is less important than
Fi’s native security capacity and network
mechanism, WEP, topology (Figure 1). At
while still least one wireless
useful for home device (or node) is con
networking and other
light security needs, was nected to a wired
proven Internet backbone and
insufficient for each data packet is
enterprise class bound for the same
networking. destination but not
This paper explores the necessary using the
problems encountered same sequential path of
in Wi-Fi such as nodes.
interoperability and
proving solution’s for it The internet router
determines a path
between the user and
the physical backbone.
In the wireless mesh
environment, a network peer-to-multipoint
can be envisioned as a communication between
collection of access two wireless devices.
points, routers, or end The purpose is forming
users (equipped with a collection of wireless
wireless devices that maintain
receiver/transmitters) connectivity with each
that are free to move other while transferring
arbitrarily but maintain or routing data in a
a reliable random manner. In
communication that peer-to-peer (P-to-P)
sends and receive configuration, each
messages. wireless link replaces a
single communication
cable and can converse
reliably as long as the
two end points are close
enough to escape the
effects of Radio
Frequency (RF)
interference or signal
loss (Figure 2a).
A peer-to-multipoint (P-
to-Mp) system has one
administrator (or hub)
that associates with
multiple nodes instead
of peer-to-peer
Figure 1
collaboration (Figure
2b). In general, a
reliable connection is
Each data packet
dependent upon the
traveling on the Internet
distance between the
backbone has a different
wireless devices; thus,
sequential path of nodes
forming a wireless
even though the source
circle (or cell) that one
and destination are the
must stay within to
communication with
others. No different than
The fundamental
saying, “can you here
structure of a (WLAN)
me now?” as one roams
is the peer-to-peer or
about a home with a
PDA, laptop, or stand in the way or the
tabletop. Although number of nodes
multipoint based transcends the RF
wireless networks are transmitter’s relatively
often inexpensive and limit data throughput.
not complicated to
install, they quickly
exceed their maximum
output potential when
line-of-sight obstacles
P-to-P or P-to-Mp
wireless cells create a
roaming effect and thus
is the start of a Wi-Fi
Mesh Network.
WLAN Peer-to-Peer Roaming is the ability
connection | WLAN to maintain network
Peer-to-Multipoint connectivity while
moving from one
(i.e., wireless laptop to access points to
wireless laptop) | (i.e., another. The basic
access point (Hub) to service set (BSS) is the
multiple wireless area of RF coverage
devices) provided by an access
point, also referred to as
Makings of a Wi-Fi a wireless cell. The AP
Mesh Network: is the master for the
Wireless Roaming wireless cell and
Cells controls traffic flow to
and from the network
for its given RF circle.
Combining at least two The RF coverage of a
wireless cell is limited ranges from PDAs,
and each county has its Laptops, tabletops, PCs,
own set of rules of cell these wireless
coverage. accessible devices are
called Wireless Clients
To extend the BSS or to (WC) by most
simply add wireless manufactures.
device and increase the
range of an existing
wired system, an Access
Point can be added,
hints this unit is the Figure 3
point at which wireless
end users can access the
network. Because the
wireless end users
reliability of these
networks is set by the
quality of the RF
linkage between the
Normally, (Wireless central AP and the end
LANs) are configured points.
using a peer-to-
multipoint network, In a real-world
which has one access application, it can be
point (AP) that controls problematical to find
communications with an ideal location for an
other wireless devices access point that
accessing the network. provides dependable
Signals in peer-to- communication with
multipoint networks each end point,
converge at a single especially if two or
access point. The more floors exist or due
to a home’s physical constitute an access
structure. Moving an point to Access Point
access point to improve (AP-to-AP) signal,
communications with Access Point-to-
one node will often Wireless Client (AP-to-
degrade WC) linkage, or
communications with Wireless Client-to-
other end points. The Wireless Client (WC-to-
status of a WC) association. In a
communication link typical WLAN
between wireless topology, the WC does
devices, at any given not communicate
time, is a function of directly with each other;
their positions, they communicate with
transmission power the access point. If a
levels, antenna patterns, single BSS does not
interference levels, and provide enough
many other minor coverage, a number of
phenomena. wireless cells can be
added to extend the
range. This is known as
an extended service set
(ESS). The BSS cells
should overlap by 5-
Typical WLAN 25% to allow remote
Roaming users to roam without
losing RF connection
The topology of while roaming a facility.
roaming cells may take Also, bordering cells
on many forms but the should be set to
essential building block different non-
is a collection of overlapping channels
wireless devices with for best performance.
overlapping BSS. The
overlapping wireless
roaming cells mainly
network, users can roam
from one area (or
wireless cell) of a
Figure 4 facility to another cell
without losing their
connection to the
One form of Wi-Fi network in a large
Mesh comprise of a facility (Figure 3). As
collection Root-AP users move out of range
overlapping to create of one AP, they
wireless roaming cells automatically connect to
the network through
another AP;
An AP attached directly consequently, the
to a wired network
provides a centralized roaming process is
point for wireless end seamless and
users to remain attached transparent to the user.
to a wired Internet. If
more than one AP is
connected to the wired
indirection association
to the wired AP. Similar
to a teacher leading a
Figure 5 group of children, by
the hand, across a street
intersection. The AP
Another Wi-Fi Mesh wired to the backbone
comprise of a Root-AP network is designated as
and a collection of a Root Access Point
adjacent Repeater- (Root-AP) and the
APs wireless APs not
attached to the wired
network are called
Repeater Access Points
Another wireless (Repeater-APs).
roaming configuration
is attaching a principal The BSS should overlap
AP to a wired network by 50% to allow proper
and arranging other RF linkage between
access points as a APs. When you
repeater or central configure an AP as a
router for mobile end repeater, the access
users. The WLAN Point’s wired LAN port
repeater-roaming (i.e., USB, RJ45) does
configuration is a chain not forward traffic but
of repeaters overlapping data is sent through the
be neighboring wireless wireless route that
cells and maintain an provides the greatest
performance for the telephone number. A
client – path of least protocol is the language
resistance. In the a computer uses to
WLAN repeater communicate over a
topology, the data rates network. Computers
will decrease must use the same
tremendously due to the protocol to talk among
numerous hand-shaking each other because they
communication have a mutual set of
involved. A well- rules regardless of node
designed AP can arrival and departures,
accommodate up to five analogous to regulations
repeaters being governing drivers
configured to provide between a given county,
adjacent BSS roaming contiguous states, or
coverage. provinces.
Practical Application
of Mesh Networks
Current Wi-Fi and
wired Internet protocols
do not support mobile
The success of a Wi- users seamlessly as they
Fi™ Mesh network or were designed with
any general network moving hosts obtaining
relies heavily upon the the lowest priority. To
Internet Protocol (IP) support Wi-Fi Mesh
address routine. Current with current methods,
IP addressing routines reconfiguration is
were designed for static necessary any time a
deployment in that users mobile user moves;
remaining in one however, this is an
physical location; unacceptable solution as
however, the Wi-Fi™ it is time consuming and
mesh involves a semi- error prone. Thus, the
mobile IP layer. Before rise for Mobile IP is
an end user’s wireless necessary – Ad hoc
device can join an routing protocol to
existing network, an IP ensure connectivity
address must be among wireless routers.
assigned to the device.
The protocol has to
ensure the assigned
address is unique in the
networks; identical to a
A Wireless Mesh vital administration
Network has two primarily form the
practical applications in Dynamic Wireless
the Wi-Fi community: Mesh. Each node is free
Static Wireless Mesh to enter or leave the
and Dynamic Wireless network area at any
Mesh. With a Static time; however, a very
Wireless Mesh, the complex IP layer is
permanent IP address is required to assign or de-
assigned to a centralized assign IP addresses
or specific wireless because of an every
device, like a wireless changing mobile
router, as it rarely environment. Due to the
change in physical limited range of various
location. Adjacent wireless modalities (i.e.,
wireless routers can Bluetooth, 802.11,
overlap in RF coverage UWB), a purely
to produce a roaming dynamic mesh network
effect or extend the is far from deployment
range via a repeater on a large scale but
configuration as well as ideal for a small group
several pockets of of gamers assembled in
mobile wireless end a college cafeteria,
users. conference room,
courtroom environment,
Users or wireless or small office/home
devices wishing to office.
communicate without
any infrastructure or
home having the ability
to access the wireless
Internet with any IP
Figure 7: Static based wireless device
Wireless Mesh: (Figure 7). The
Wireless Bridge overlaying wired
delivers internet access backbone is eventually
to Homes and roaming linked to an end-node;
can occur between thus, granting wireless
neighboring homes access to the wireless
users and can be
assigned a static IP
On the other hand, a
static wireless Nodes that support the
deployment is more transition from the
feasible for large-scale wired infrastructure to a
wireless networking wireless network are
because the wireless configured as a wireless
devices are physically bridge. The end-user
linked to a wired can in turn construct a
backbone infrastructure. mobile mesh, wireless
Image placing a roaming, or peer-to-peer
wireless transceiver on connections between
several telephone posts neighboring wireless
within a small cells. A realistic
neighborhood and each example would be
going to a neighbor’s surfing the
house from your home Internet. 802.11a
and maintaining your can deliver data
wireless broadband rates up to
connection the entire 54Mbps and
time. Although fixed there's enough
mesh networks provide room in the
support for many 5GHz spectrum
interesting applications, to support up to
the combination of 12 access points
wireless ad-hoc operating in the
networks with same area
overlapping wired without causing
networks is very interference
attractive, because it between access
allows usage of even points. This
wider range of services. equates to
432Mbps (12 X
54Mbps) total
data rate
NETWORK performance.
• Higher 802.11g
performance. standard, which
By far the top will deliver
reason for 54Mbps data
choosing rates in the
802.11a is the 2.4GHz band
need to support doesn't come
higher end close to the
applications performance of
involving video, 802.11a. With
voice, and the 802.11g, the
transmission of same problem
large images and exists as with
files. In addition, 802.11b: You
802.11a does a have only three
superior job of non-overlapping
supporting channels for
densely setting access
populated areas point
of users having frequencies,
lower bandwidth which severely
needs, such as limits capacity.
• Less RF The following are
interferance. drawbacks of 802.11a:
The growing use
of 2.4GHz • Less range. The
cordless phones superior
and Bluetooth performance of
devices is 802.11a offers
crowding the excellent
radio spectrum support for
within many bandwidth
facilities. This hungry
significantly applications, but
decreases the the higher
performance of operating
802.11b wireless frequency
LANs. Cordless equates to
phones wreak relatively shorter
enough havoc to range. Even with
cause companies this limitation,
to either ban the however,
use of the 802.11a can
phones or not sometimes
install wireless deliver better
LANs. The use performance
of 802.11a than 802.11b at
operating in the similar ranges
relatively un- from the access
crowded 5GHz point. For
band avoids this example at
interference. Of ranges of 100
course non- feet, 802.11a
802.11 devices may deliver
will eventually 24Mbps, but
occupy the 802.11b devices
5GHz band as at the same
well; however, range are
there's much operating at
more room with 5.5Mbps.
12 non-
overlapping If you're
channels to limit planning to
interference with deploy 802.11b
the other networks for
devices. 11Mbps
throughout the
facility, it's very For example, an
likely that you end user
can install equipped with
802.11 access an 802.11a NIC
points at the will not be able
same locations to connect with
and still achieve an 802.11b
6 to 12Mbps access point.
data rates. As a The 802.11
result, you can standard offers
install no provisions for
approximately interoperability
the same number between the
of 802.11a different
access points as physical layers.
802.11b and The solution to
likely have this problem is
similar multimode radio
performance. cards that
When needs for support multiple
higher 802.11 PHYs,
performance such as
occur in the 802.11a/b,
future, you can 802.11a/g, etc.
add more access These cards
points to should be
increase the available on the
coverage to market by the
54Mbps end of 2002. As
throughout the a result, an
facility. This 802.11a/b radio
approach within an end
enables you to user device will
grow into a automatically
longer term, sense whether
higher the access point
performing is 802.11a or
solution while 802.11b and
spreading the then
costs over time. communicate
• Limited
interoperability Likewise, an
. 802.11a doesn't access point can
talk to 802.11b. also deploy a
dual 802.11a/b OPERABILITY
with end user
equipped with
either an
802.11a or
802.11b radio.
In the meantime,
however, you
can still install
802.11a wireless
LANs. This
however, that
you're able to
802.11a radios Conclusion:
in the user Thus the
devices. Some paper deals with the
devices today, basic details of a Wi-Fi
such as bar code network with its
scanners, come operating principles and
equipped with its types along with the
802.11b cards network constrains
that you can't practically faced with
easily change. the existing networks
and also a feasible
SOLUTION TO solution to the problem
INTER of interoperability.