Organization Development Case Analysis and Blind Spots
Organization Development Case Analysis and Blind Spots
Organization Development Case Analysis and Blind Spots
Organization Development
Case Analysis and Blind Spots
I. Case Analysis
1.) Since Cruz applied for the company and thus currently working in it, what he
should do is, follow the rules and regulations of the work place. As much as the
company respects the safety and welfare of its workers, you must follow through
its regulations, in the assumption that you as a worker is aware of the company
rules before you apply. With regards to the discriminations I would suggest MR
Cruz to report incidents of discriminations against him to the higher ups.
The problem with blind spots regarding diversity is that it is being sort of inherent in the
minds of all to see the differences between individuals, which enables them to create
barriers and rifts. What happens is that people tend to be unconsciously judging other
people negatively based on the diversity that exist between them, in which we perceive
these individuals as incapable persons in a particular field. What happens is that if
individuals keep on being blinded by these misconceptions and judgment, as time goes by
this will only build up judgments and misconceptions that form structures, which
eventually become a norm. By accepting these blind spots, we become more open
minded with regards to the different set of skills each individual possess, disregarding
differences. It would promote a better inclusive relationship between individuals. In
which we encourage different perspectives among other people, diverse networks, which
leads to a better outcomes. We see people who they really are and their unlimited
potentials which is why we should accept our blind spots