Week: Subject: Stage:: One English One
Week: Subject: Stage:: One English One
Week: Subject: Stage:: One English One
Week beginning: Monday 22 - Friday 26 October, 2018 Unit 1A: Stories with familiar settings Class: Stage 1
Timing Framework Learning objectives Success criteria Activities Resources Evidence of
ref. (see notes below re. differentiation details, etc.) achievement
W: whole class; G: group; I: Individual
Description W/G/I
90 mins 1Ro11 Know how to predict the Can I tell the content of Display different books with different titles, front G Simple story books. Q&A
1Ri 1 contents of a book. the book using its title? cover picture and blurb. D
1Rv1 Can I tell the content of Learners will predict the contents of the different
a book by its front cover books without reading them first.
1Rv2 picture?
Can I tell the content of
a book by its blurb?
90 mins 1Ro7 Developing a sense of Sharing the large print books with learners and W Q&A
1Ro8 themselves as readers. Can I identify the talking about the stories. Print out of stories with D
1Ri1 characters of a story? Learners will be able to say if they like the book or familiar settings.
Can I identify the setting not and say why,or why not?
of the story? Learners will also describe their favourite bit of the
1Rw2 story.
Can I describe the
1SL4 sequense of events in
1SL5 the story? Beginning,
1SL6 middle and end.
1SL8 Can I tell the mood of
the author?
45 mins 1Ro11 Increase familiarity with Can I follow the content Learners will listen to audios of the picture stories as G Audios of picture O
favourite books. of the story by pictures? they follow. stories. Q&A
Organisation: details of differentiation / groups / adults’ role (linked to activities) Notes / extension opportunities / homework
I will group my learners depending on their abilities, and I will work closer to Q&A: question and
those who require more assistance as I observe the other learners too. answer
D: discussion
O: observation
M: marked work
Stage 1: Lesson plan 2
Week beginning: Unit 1C: Simple rhymes Class: Stage 1
Timing Framework Learning objectives Success criteria Activities Resources Evidence of
ref. (see notes below re. differentiation details, etc.) achievement
W: whole class; G: group; I: Individual
Description W/G/I
15 mins 1Ro3 Identify separate sounds Can I say and write the Revise the phonic work done in the previous W/I Objects and pictures O/M
within words, which may sounds ‘sh’, ‘ch’ and session. beginning with sh-, ch-
be represented by more ‘th’? Introduce sheet: ‘sh’, ‘ch’, ‘th’. and th-
than one letter. Worksheet ‘sh’, ‘ch’,
Learners complete independently (some with
support). ‘th’ in resource pack
20 mins 1Rw1 Talk about significant Can I find words that Remind learners of rhymes form previous session. W/G One set of rhyming O + self-
1Ws3 aspects of a story’s rhyme? Introduce rhyming cards. cards per pair (or assessment
language (rhyme). group for more
Working with a partner, sort them into pairs. support)
Use rhyme and relate
this to spelling patterns. Discuss how they will know if they have succeeded. Card/wooden cut-out
15 mins Circle time: W Rhyming circle starter O
Rhyming circle activity – teacher starts and learners words (could be made
take it in turns to say a rhyming word that matches; into cards which are
start new word when no more thought of. turned over as each
new sound needed)
10 mins Read a rhyming poem and talk about rhymes. W Rhyming poem, e.g. a D
counting poem such
as ‘Five little bears’.
Organisation: details of differentiation / groups / adults’ role (linked to activities) Notes / extension opportunities / homework
‘Sh’, ‘ch’, ‘th’ activity: give as little support as possible. By the end of the session, have an accurate view of which learners are struggling with Q&A: question and
Talk partners for rhymes: mixed-ability pairs. hearing rhymes. answer
For learners who require more support: classroom assistant to ask learners to Next lesson will involve reading more simple poems and detecting rhymes so learners D: discussion
identify pictures; take one and use cut-out letters to spell it so learners can see can discuss favourites, etc.
O: observation
rhyming pattern as they work orally to find its pair. Begin to discuss rhymes that ‘work’ and rhymes that don’t, looking at good examples
and not so good examples (as a whole class) before learners are ready to plan their M: marked work
Teacher acts as observer if possible.
own poems, which can be assessed with their partners.
Rhyming circle game can be starter for next time.