Mikrostruktur 2205

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Arabian Journal of Chemistry (2017) 10, S90–S94

King Saud University

Arabian Journal of Chemistry



Effect of solution treatment on pitting behavior

of 2205 duplex stainless steel
H. Luo, X.G. Li 1, C.F. Dong *, K. Xiao 2

Corrosion and Protection Center, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China

Received 13 February 2012; accepted 12 June 2012

Available online 4 August 2012

KEYWORDS Abstract The effect of solution heat treatment on pitting behavior of 2205 duplex stainless steel
Heat treatments; was investigated by EDS, potentiodynamic polarization and SECM. The contrast experiments were
Duplex stainless steel; carried out on the original steel. The results demonstrate that for the original sample, when the
SECM; potential was at the open circuit potential, there were many pitting precursor areas, due to the local
Pitting breakdown of passive film on the surface, the pitting current fluctuations on the scale of pA. On the
contrary, after 1100 C solution treatment, the passive film was more stable than the original one.
Therefore, the solution treatment can markedly improve the pitting resistance of 2205 duplex stain-
less steel due to the reduction of pitting precursor areas.
ª 2012 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).

1. Introduction obtained with approximately equal amounts of austenite and

ferrite and the absence of the third phase, which can be formed
2205 duplex stainless steel (DSS) with a ferrite/austenite has from ferrite after hot rolling without quick cooling.
been increasingly used for its attractive combination of There are many reports about the pitting corrosion resis-
mechanical properties and corrosion resistance (Tsai and tance of DSS (Moura et al., 2008; do Nascimento et al.,
Chen, 2000; Ezuber et al., 2007). The high corrosion resistance 2008) and also pointed out that the solution heat treatment
of DSS is due to not only alloying elements such as Cr, Mo and could improve the pitting corrosion. However, seldom expla-
N, but also the microstructure. The best general properties are nations focus on why the pitting resistance is improved after
the change of microstructure. Also there is not enough direct
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 10 62333931x518; fax: +86 10 evidence because of the limitation of experimental methods.
62334005. Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) represents a
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (H. Luo), [email protected] powerful scanning probe technique in that it can be used for
(X.G. Li), [email protected] (C.F. Dong), [email protected] (K. high-resolution topographic imaging, mapping microscopic
1 variations in the conductivity, and chemical reactivity of so-
Tel.: +86 10 62333931x502; fax: +86 10 62334005.
Tel.: +86 10 62333931x522; fax: +86 10 62334005.
lid/liquid interfaces (Bard et al., 1989; Fushimi and Seo,
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.
2001). In the field of corrosion, dissolution of iron, passivity
of iron and localized corrosion of stainless steels (Fushimi
et al., 1999; Williams et al., 1998; Paik et al., 2000), have been
investigated by SECM. Therefore, the local corrosion process
Production and hosting by Elsevier due to the solution treatment could be detected by SECM.

1878-5352 ª 2012 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).
Effect of solution treatment on pitting behavior of 2205 duplex stainless steel S91

In this paper, the effects of 1100 C solution heat treatment on

Table 1 The corresponding composite data of the single phase
pitting behavior of 2205 DSS in chloride solution environments
of 2205 DSS.
were investigated by potentiodynamic anodic polarization, en-
ergy disperse spectroscopy (EDS), and scanning electron micros- Status Microstructure Cr Ni Mo N PREN
copy (SEM). At the same time, the stability of passive film of 2205 Original a 23.84 5.52 3.45 0.05 36.03
DSS was studied by SECM by detecting the dissolved Fe2+ ions c 21.08 7.19 2.27 0.37 34.49
emanating from propagating metastable pits. Solution a 24.93 6.19 3.62 0.05 37.67
c 22.26 7.31 2.29 0.38 35.89
2. Experimental

The material used in this work was cut from a sheet of 2205
DSS supplied by Avesta Inc., with the chemical composition
(wt.%): C 0.014, Cr 22.39, Ni 5.68, N 0.17, Mo 3.13, Si 0.39, solution treatment
Mn 1.38, S 0.001, P 0.023 and Fe balance. The material’s solu- 1.5 original statement
tion heat treatments were held at 1100 C for 2 h under atmo-

Potential (V/SCE)
sphere and then cooled quickly in water. 1.0
The test solutions employed for the test were 0.1 mol/L EF-pit
NaCl. All the solutions were prepared from reagent grade Pitting of Ferrite
chemicals and Millipore-Q water. Before each measurement, 0.5 EA-pit
the solutions were purged with nitrogen gas for 1 h. All the
experiments were conducted at the room temperature. Each
0.0 Ecorr Passive
type of measurement was repeated at least three times.
Electrochemical measurements were performed with a
PAR VMP3 potentiostat. All potentials were referred to -0.5
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
log current density (mA/cm )

Figure 2 Potentiodynamic polarization curves for 2205 duplex

stainless steel.

the saturated calomel electrode (SCE). Before electrochemi-

cal tests, the specimens were cathodically cleaned for
20 min at 800 mVSCE to remove the primary oxide film.
Specimens were immersed in the test solution 1 h prior to
each measurement in order to stabilize the open-circuit po-
tential. The potentiodynamic anodic polarization tests were
conducted, at a scanning rate of 1.5 mV/s, starting from
800 mVSCE and finally moved to the anodic direction.
The pitting potentials of austenite and ferrite were defined
as EA-pit and EF-pit.
SECM experiments were carried out on a M370 electro-
chemical workstation, including a scanning microprobe with
a tip, a 370 scanning control unit, a M236A potentiostat, a
M5210 lock-in amplifier and a video camera system. SECM
image was performed in a conventional four-electrode elec-
trochemical cell with a Pt microelectrode (10 lm) and a
modified glassy carbon (GC) plate as the working electrodes
(probe and substrate, respectively), a saturated calomel elec-
trode as reference electrode and a Pt wire as counter elec-
trode. The application of potential and the record of
current were done by a M236A potentiostat controlled via
Before SECM measurements, the approach curves were
measured over the chosen scan area, and the tip was ap-
proached to the sample surface (z-approach curve). Then the
tip potential was kept at 0.6 VSCE in order to detect the
Fe2+ ions generating from the sample surface. The scan area
Figure 1 The microstructure of 2205 duplex stainless steel: (a)
is 1000 · 1000 lm. After tests the pitting morphology of the
original; (b) solution treated. (A: austenitic phase; F: ferritic
samples was observed by SEM.
S92 H. Luo et al.

(a) 16 16.00 (c) 10 10.00

12 8.000
Current /pA

Current /pA
8 1.000
6 4.000

0 4
1000 1000
800 800


600 2 600


200 0


200 400


X dista 600 600


nce/µm 800 X dista

1000 0 nce/µm 800 1000 0

(b) 16 16.00
(d) 10
Current /pA

6.000 8

Current / pA
8 5.250

6 2.875
4 -4.000

0 4
800 1000

-4 600 800
0 200


400 2 600

400 0

600 200 200 400


800 400
X dista 600


nce/µm 1000 0

X dista 800
nce/µm 1000 0

Figure 3 SECM images of 2205 duplex stainless steel surface after immersion in NaCl at the open circuit potential. (a) original state
(immediately); (b) after solution treatment (immediately); (c) original state (after 1 h immersion); (d) after solution treatment (after 1 h

3. Results and discussion of the second phase particles. This demonstrated that the solu-
tion treatment can also influence the distribution of Cr, Mo, N
3.1. The effect of microstructure and chemical composition and Ni in the phases of 2205 DSS.
The pitting behavior of 2205 DSS is closely related to the
composition of ferrite phase and austenite phase. Nitrogen
Fig. 1(a) and (b) represents metallographic images of the origi-
can significantly affect the distribution coefficients of Cr and
nal state (without solution heat treatments) and solution heat
Mo in the two phases, making these elements transfer from
treated samples. The etching solution was concentrated aqua
austenite to ferrite phase (Bliznuk et al., 2005). Nitrogen in
regia solution.
the two phases is calculated by means of the ThermoCalc com-
The austenitic phase (A) and ferritic phase (F) are shown in
puter program. A common way to define the pitting resistance
Fig. 1. It clearly shows that the strips of austenitic phase and
of stainless steel is the pitting resistance equivalent number
ferritic phase are distributed alternately, and there is a small
(PREN). The higher the PREN, the better the pitting resis-
amount of other phase particles in the original sample
tance is. This parameter strongly depends on the content of
(Fig. 1a). After 1100 C solution heat treatment, the austenitic
three most important elements Cr, Mo and N, according to
phase changed from strips to equiaxed blocks and the amount
their influence on pitting:
of other phase particles decreased (Fig. 1b). These results indi-
cate that the solution treatment can influence the distribution PREN ¼ %Cr þ 3:3%Mo þ 16%N½11:
of the two phases and the amount of phase particles. It is clear that the PREN for each phase could be calcu-
The corresponding composite data of the original samples lated. The content of important elements, such as Cr, Ni,
and solution treated samples are summarized in Table 1. As Mo, and N, in austenite and ferrite phases for the two alloys
can be seen from Table 1, for the original sample, Cr, Mo is shown in Table 1 together with the PREN for the two
and Si are higher in the ferrite, while Mn and Ni are higher phases. The results show that the solution treatment markedly
in the austenite. After solution treatment, the contents of Cr, improved the value of PREN, indicating that the pitting resis-
Mo and Ni increased in both the phases due to the decrease tance of the sample enhanced by solution treatment.
Effect of solution treatment on pitting behavior of 2205 duplex stainless steel S93

3.2. The effect of polarization curves are related to such nucleation of pits occurring on the samples.
The peaks (González-Garcı́a et al., 2004) in the images are the
Fig. 2 shows the potentiodynamic polarization curves of 2205 areas, where the oxide film is broken. There can be no tip reac-
DSS in the original state and after 1100 C solution treatment. tion of the simultaneously dissolving Cr3+or Ni2+. The only
As can be seen, on the cathodic branch of the curve, hydrogen possible reaction at the tip is therefore the oxidation of Fe2+to
evolution reaction appears due to water electrolysis. On the Fe3+ on the SECM tip. Fe2+ was released from the dissolving
anodic part, an important feature of the polarization behavior point on surface, where it may be a pit precursor.
is the existence of two discrete pitting potentials. The sample is As is shown in the Fig. 3(a) and (b), the amount of the cur-
passive when the potential was under 450 mVSCE. When the rent peaks on the original sample is more than that after solu-
potential is higher than 450 mVSCE, pitting occurred in the tion treated. This indicated that the protective property of the
austenite phase, while the ferrite remained passive. However, passive film on the original sample is weaker than that after the
when the potential reached to 1050 mVSCE, pitting occurred solution treated sample.
in both austenite and ferrite phases. Fig. 3(c) and (d) provide images obtained after immersing
The EA-pit for original state and after solution treatment is for 1 h in test solution. Obviously, the background currents
nearly the same. Therefore, the pitting resistance of 2205 DSS tend to be flat. The current peaks in Fig. 3(d) is less than that
mainly depends on the pitting resistance of ferrite. Hussain (do in Fig. 3(c), indicating that the solution treatment markedly
Nascimento et al., 2008; Hussain and Robinson, 2007; Symni- enhanced the pitting resistance of the sample, this also indi-
otis, 1990) also confirmed the differences in the stability of the cated that with the immersion time being prolonged, the
passive films on the two phases of 2205 DSS, and the pits are destruction of chloride and the reparation of the passive film
preferentially nucleated in the c/d boundaries. These conclu- constantly happened and reach a new state.
sions are all corresponding with the PREN results. The deleterious tertiary phases, such as sigma, chromium
carbides and nitrides, exist as a chromium depleted zone,
which inclines to be corroded first. When deleterious phases
3.3. The stability of the passive film and pitting precursor area

The stability of the passive film is measured by the SECM.

Based on the voltammogram characterization of the Pt ultra
microelectrode in the testing solution, the probe potential is
set at about 600 mVSCE for maximal collection of the local
electrochemical current. I =I
3 is used as the redox mediator
and the tip-interface distance is determined by moving the Pt
ultramicroelectrode slowly to the sample surface. In the KI
solution, iodide ions in the oxidation reaction occur on the
probe. The reaction is as follows:
3I ! I
3 þ 2e ð3:1Þ
Reactions that occurred on the sample surface are:
Fe  2e ! Fe2þ ð3:2Þ

Fe2þ þ I 
3 ! I þ Fe

According to feedback and generation/collection mode of
SECM, the reduced iodide ions will be oxidized again on the
probe. When the Pt microelectrode closes to the conductor sur-
face, positive feedback occurs. As the distance increases, the
current signal begins to fluctuate. Therefore, the distance be-
tween the substrate and the probe is ultimately determined
within 10 lm.
Fig. 3 displays the SECM three-dimension images of the
original and solution treated samples in 0.1 M NaCl solution
at the open-circuit potential. The images show clearly different
current levels in different active areas. The topography seems
somehow rough and a number of peaks projecting into the
anodic direction of spatial extent a few micrometers, died
down in a short time. And most of them lasted less than the
time in which they can complete a line scan.
In the test solution, chloride ions will be adsorbed on sur-
face film, undermining the integrity of passive film and leading
to the nucleation of pits. Nucleation of pits can hardly be de-
tected by conventional electrochemical measurements, but it
can be easily detected by SECM. The current peaks in Fig. 3 Figure 4 The SEM of 2205 duplex stainless steel after polari-
zation (a) Original sample (b) Solution treatment sample.
S94 H. Luo et al.

are worn away, the passive film on the metal surface has not Acknowledgements
yet dissolved, leading to the even deeper corrosion at the chro-
mium depleted zone (Kajimura et al., 1995). But, after the This work is supported by The Fundamental Research Funds
solution treatment, the deleterious phase dissolved and also for the Central Universities (No. FRF-TP-11-006B) and The
the chromium depleted zone disappeared. National Natural Science Foundation of China
Generally speaking, at the open-circuit potential, the pas- (No.51131005).
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