Failure Behavior of Heat-Affected Zones Within HSLA-100 and HY-100 Steel Weldments
Failure Behavior of Heat-Affected Zones Within HSLA-100 and HY-100 Steel Weldments
Failure Behavior of Heat-Affected Zones Within HSLA-100 and HY-100 Steel Weldments
The deformation and fracture behavior of simulated heat-affected zones (HAZ) within HSLA-100
and HY-100 steel weldments has been studied as a function of stress state using notched and unnotched
axisymmetric tensile specimens. For the case of the HSLA-100 steel, the results for fine-grained, as
well as coarse-grain HAZ (CGHAZ) material, show that, despite large differences in the deformation
behavior when compared to base plate or weld metal, the failure strains are only weakly dependent
on the thermal history or microstructure. Ductile microvoid fracture dominates the failure of the
HSLA-100 steel with small losses of ductility occurring in the HAZ conditions only at high stress
triaxialities. In contrast, the HY-100 steel is susceptible to a large loss of ductility over all of the
stress states when subjected to a severe, single-pass simulation of a CGHAZ. The ductility loss is
greatest at the high stress triaxiality ratio in which case failure initiation occurs by a combination of
localized cleavage and ductile microvoid fracture.
The Mil-100S weld metal microstructure in the as-depos- that the HY-100 steel is chemically banded such that the
ited multipass weld of a HSLA-100 base plate consists pri- inclusions are concentrated in bands roughly 26 m wide
marily of acicular ferrites with an inclusion volume fraction and spaced 54 m apart.[26] A detailed description of the
of the weld metal (Vf ⬇0.00072 ⫾ 0.00010). Although this density and size/spatial distributions of MnS inclusions
inclusion content is similar to that of the HSLA base plate within the HY-100 steel used in this study may also be
(Vf ⬇0.00065 ⫾ 0.00010), the size distribution of the inclu- found elsewhere.[27]
sions was quite different between the weld metal and the
base plate. In the case of the base plate, while most of the
inclusions have an average size of ⬇1 m in diameter, the B. Deformation Response
volume fraction of these small inclusions (⬇1 m) is less
than 10 pct of the total volume fraction. In fact, the dominant Given the significant differences in the thermal treatments
contribution to the volume fraction of inclusions in the base imposed on these two steels, we compare in Figures 5 and
plate is from inclusions greater than 10 m in size. In the 6 the stress-strain responses of the HSLA-100 and HY-100
case of the weld metal, the small inclusions (⬇1 m) domi- steels over the range of microstructural conditions induced
nate the total volume fraction such that a large population by the simulated HAZ treatments. For the case of the HSLA-
of small inclusions (⬇1 m) constitute 70 pct of the total 100, Figure 5 indicates that the undermatched 100S weld
volume fraction. Inclusions greater than 5 m in size were metal is much softer than the base metal (about 30 pct lower
not detected on either the metallographic sections or the yield strength), while the HAZ materials have significantly
fracture surfaces of failed 100S weld metal specimens. higher yield and flow stresses. As expected from previous
There is also a significant difference in inclusion micro- research[21] (and also as indicated by the hardness measure-
structures in the two base-plate materials. The inclusion ments), the FGHAZ condition of the HSLA-100 shows the
volume fraction of the HSLA-100 base plate was ⬵0.00065 highest yield strength. For example, the FGHAZ condition
and consisted of predominantly spherical inclusions with a has a yield stress 30 pct greater than that of the base plate
“bull’s-eye” type[25] microstructure due to the presence of and 85 pct greater than that of the weld metal. While the
elements, such as Ca. In contrast, despite its higher level of 100S weld metal has the lowest yield stress, it also exhibits
sulfur, the HY-100 steel has a lower volume fraction of the highest strain-hardening exponent (n ⫽ d ln /d ln ⫽
inclusions (⬵0.00015), but these were dominated by large, 0.12), which compares to n ⫽ 0.077 for the base plate and
lath-shaped MnS elongated in the rolling direction. We note the low value of n ⫽ 0.035 for the FGHAZ. Thus, based
C. Failure Behavior
Material failure in this study is defined as that condition
in which the material damage is sufficiently severe such that
the stress-carrying capacity is measurably degraded. Thus,
using the procedure described elsewhere,[19,20,26] failure initi-
ation was determined experimentally as that point at which
the load-diametric contraction curve showed an abrupt drop
during the tensile test. This test procedure had the sensitivity
to detect roughly a 2 pct load loss due to damage accumula-
tion, which is consistent with a 3 pct area fraction of micro-
voids present on the fracture surfaces of specimens that were
strained to failure and subsequently fractured by cleavage
at liquid nitrogen temperatures.[20] In addition to the above
determination of failure strains, specimen fracture strains,
f , were also calculated for the HY-100 steel using initial
d0, and final diameter, df , measurements taken from the
broken tensile specimens and using the expression: f ⫽ 2
ln (d0/df).
The failure limit diagrams of base-plate materials, as well
Fig. 5—Compressive stress-strain responses of HSLA-100 steel base plate, as simulated HAZ materials (a CGHAZ and a FGHAZ), are
simulated CGHAZ and FGHAZ materials, and 100S weld metal. presented in Figure 7 for HSLA-100 and in Figure 8 for
HY-100. The base-plate data are a combination of results
from both high Ni and low Ni base-plate materials; within
on these simulated heat treatments, a wide range of stress- experimental error, these two versions of HSLA-100 have
strain responses are anticipated within a HSLA-100 steel identical failure limits, which is consistent with their similar
weldment. inclusion contents. As shown in Figure 7, both HSLA-100
As shown in Figure 6, the simulated CGHAZ of the HY- HAZ materials exhibit failure behavior comparable to each
100 steel has a much higher yield stress than the base plate, other over the entire range of imposed stress triaxialities
approximately 1250 MPa as opposed to the 700 MPa yield investigated. Furthermore, both HAZ materials exhibit
HY-100 steel in which two ductile failure mechanisms are of HSLA-100 and HY-100 steels that show significantly
present: a void coalescence process in which relatively equi- higher notch toughnesses at elevated temperatures in the
axed voids grow to impingement and a void-sheet process HSLA-100.[3,4] Also, previous results indicate improved
that links elongated inclusion-initiated voids by a shear resistance to hydrogen cracking of HSLA-100 weldments
instability.[19,20,26] compared to HY-100.[5,6,8] Thus, while a principal objective
At the highest stress triaxiality ratio (m/eq ⬇ 1.2), failure in developing HSLA-100 steel was a reduction in hull fabri-
of the CGHAZ HY-100 steel shows a pronounced departure cation costs,[5,6,8] HSLA-100 weldments should also perform
from the fracture mechanism observed in the lower stress better than their HY-100 counterparts under conditions lim-
triaxiality conditions. As shown in Figure 10(c), along with ited by tensile failure under multiaxial stress states.
microvoid coalscence, cleavage fracture is now clearly visi-
ble in regions spanning several grain diameters. Thus, frac-
ture initiation in this case occurs as a result of a mixture of IV. SUMMARY
cleavage and ductile fracture with the fraction of cleavage
fracture in the failure initiation region being approximately For the case of the HSLA-100 steel, when the failure
13 pct. This level of cleavage appears to be large enough behavior of the two simulated HAZ conditions is contrasted
to interfere with the void-sheet process normally seen in with those of the base plate, as well as the Mil-100s weld
HY-100 at high stress triaxialities; rather, the ductile fracture metal, our results indicate small losses of failure strains in
present occurs by coalescence of equiaxed voids, similar to the simulated HAZ conditions only at high stress triaxialities.
that in low stress triaxiality conditions. Since a significant The similarity in ductility behavior occurs despite the pres-
level of cleavage occurs in the failure initiation region, ence of pronounced differences in deformation behavior
clearly perturbing the fracture process, we conclude that (yield stresses ranging from 585 to 1080 MPa), as well as
localized cleavage is responsible for the low ductility exhib- microstructures (untempered martensite to acicular ferrite)
ited by the CGHAZ HY-100 steel at the highest stress among these four conditions. Importantly, fractography con-
triaxiality. firms that failure always occurs by a ductile fracture process
Finally, a comparison of the failure limit diagrams involving the coalescence of equiaxed microvoids. These
between the simulated HAZ conditions of these two steels results are thus consistent with the ductile failure of this
(Figures 7 and 8), as well as the associated fractography type of steel being dominated by the volume fraction of
(Figures 9 and 10), indicates the the HSLA-100 steel weld- inclusions, at least for the present case where void nucleation
ment should exhibit a superior fracture resistance when com- is easy. Thus, given the similar inclusion shape and content,
pared to a HY-100 weldment. Such a result is consistent the HAZ materials, as well as the weld metal, exhibit failure
with the Charpy V-notch transition curves of the CGHAZs strains comparable to those of the base plate, despite the
The authors are very grateful to J. Blackburn, D. Meldrom,
and R. DeNale in performing the Gleeble heat treatments.
Comments and discussions with E. Czyryca and J. McKirgan
are very much appreciated. We also appreciate very much
the encouragement of George Yoder and financial support
of the Office of Naval Research. One of the authors (DC)
acknowledges the support of the POSCO Scholarship So-
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