Thailand NDID ENG

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Agenda NDID Background

Country Pain Points

This presentation will highlight how Thailand's
National Digital Identity (NDID) model works
and why the project can attract volunteers
from government and private sectors. It is
also important to discuss some of the key
NDID Model
challenging problems, being faced with its
implementation. Looking to the future it is
clear the project has not reached its end, and
there are more challenges to come.

Sample Use Cases

Private and confidential only for NDID clients. Distribution or Reprint is not allowed.
NDID Background



White Paper: Digital ID Digital ID Act 9 Banks use e-Open Accountas National Digital ID co., Ltd.
Platform Spec use case for testing
Requirement - Waiting for Grand
Opening in July 2019
Private and confidential only for NDID clients. Distribution or Reprint is not allowed.
Morethan60 companiesfrom5 keyindustrybecomesbothshareholdersandusersatthesametime

Shareholders by Industry Shareholders by public/private

Money Market Capital Market Insurance Private Sector

Logistic Market eMoney Public Sector

Country Pain Points

Dreaming Reality
Almost every transaction
Any Transactions - Require copies of paper
document(although we have smart card
Loan Insurance applying VISA requesting
citizen ID for years)
Opening account E-Commerce Dating app Personal - Need to go to the office (face 2 face)
Fund account opening Hospital Transfer Fingerprint,

Can be done no matter…

Risk & Inefficiency is everywhere
High Fraud
Lost of document
Low data privacy
What you are doing Where you are Whenever High paper usage
RP, IdPs, As
RP, IdPs, As IdPs

RP, IdPs, As
RP, IdPs, As
NDID Model

Recap NDID Model and Crucial Points : How it works
NDID platform is not a storage system.
#6 Privacy of customers is secured. NDID do
not see or store any customers’

NDID platform is Distributed
No Personal Data Only Ledger (Blockchain - BC).
Request ID + TimeStamp #5
NDID platform is a platform to
connect members to send/
receive requests of
authentication and information.
Data in Blockchain is Timestamp
Log e.g time, date, receiver id ,
sender id , etc. No Sensitive
A customer
data at all, as shown in the
applies Personal #3 picture #2, #3, and #5.
Sensitive information only sends
between two parities concerns
outside the platform in #6.
Therefore, NDID is data privacy
and security by design.

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Level of Assurance
IdP – Onboard Digital ID
Identify Proofing IAL 2.3 Authenticator (AAL)

Sth You Have+

Sth You Know+
Sth You Are

Dip Chip

Status Checking
Dopa Online
Standard Reference


Main Objectives of National Digital ID
As a result :
 Financial transactions required KYC can be done 100% Online
 Such as Bank Account Opening, Securities Account Opening any time anywhere soon
 Transactions required eConsent, eSignature can be executed 100% Online e.g. NCB,
Lending Agreement with Signature – Accelerating True Digital Economy
 The only platform to have 100 %
 ETDA issues Identity Guidelines eConsent matching with
based on NIST framework owner’s approval
 Regulator : LOA Annoucement for  Complying Personal Privacy
eOpenning Account Use Case Data Act (GDPR)
- BOT : IAL 2.3/AAL2.2
- SEC : IAL 2.1+/ AAL2.1

To build data sharing ecosystem by

To building standard of
connecting among members (no data
identity proofing and identity To provide e-KYC for digital
stored on a centralized system and
authentication for better services
to share information owners must
online secured transaction
give consent

Private and confidential only for NDID clients. Distribution or Reprint is not allowed.
Benefit from NDID Platform

Copy of paper Less paper

documents is
reduced usage and
substantially maintenance cost

Trusted Source online

Shared transactions
Infrastructure of Information more secure
Sharing and

Less IT Resources are

investment used wisely and
Duplication more sustainable

Private and confidential only for NDID clients. Distribution or Reprint is not allowed.
NDID Roadmap

Phase: 1 Phase: 2 Phase: 3

Individual Juristic Foreigner
BOT Regulatory
Ongoing Future Plan

6 Feb 2020 May 2020

New Bank Account Kick off Meeting – Juristic
Opening Development Committee
appointed by Government
Q3 2020 June 2020
• Securities • NDID Platform
• Asset Management connects to DBD
• Insurance System (Government
• Personal Loan Portal for Juristic)

Regulations & Compliance

Identity Proofing and Authentication – Anti Money Laundering Office - KYC

Electronic Transaction Laws (4th)

The Bank of Thailand - KYC Securities and Exchange Commissions


Electronic Transactions Development Electronic Transactions Development

Agency – 3 Identity Guidelines Agency – Digital Signature Guidelines

Sample Use Cases

Sample Use Case Case 1: Open Account In RP’s Application

Bank ABC Bank ABC Bank ABC Bank ABC Bank ABC
Term and Conditions
Please choose IdP Bank ABC is sending
Term and Request For from the list below the request to the IdP
Conditions + eOpen Account to verify yourself you chose.
Consent Form With ABC Bank
Register Please verify
Consent for (1) Please click ‘Next’ yourself with your
Consent for (2)
chosen IdP within24
Consent for (3)
Consent for (4) hours to start the
Next Next

Open account Accept Choose your Bank IdP

with Bank ABC Terms and Conditions
Click 'Next' User selects its preferred
 Download eOpen  ABC Products Terms RP (Bank ABC) sends request to
IdP and then RP requests Bank IDP thru NDID Platform
Application  NDID Terms authentication as per and write time stamp (log) on
 Fill in – Private Data  Consent Conditions agreed Level of the blockchain.
 Click “Register”
Assurance (LoA) as per
Industry standard

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

Private and confidential only for NDID clients. Distribution or Reprint is not allowed.
Sample Use Case Case 1: Open Account In IdP’s Application

Identity Identity
Notification: verification Verification from
Identity Verification Term and Condition
icon Bank ABC of Bank ABC

Ref code Ref code: xxxxxxx

NDID Ref NDID Ref Code

Start Accept

Check your terms and

SCB sends an alert to its mobile Click on ‘Verification icon’ Click on ‘Start’ conditions that Bank ABC sends
banking to SCB
Request Summary Information
is displayed from Bank ABC

Click on ‘Accept’


Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9

Private and confidential only for NDID clients. Distribution or Reprint is not allowed.
Sample Use Case Case 1: Open Account In IdP’s Application

The process is

You are ready for

next step.


SCB leads you to the step of Authentication

After Pin Code, Selfie of mobile owner
SCB confirms back to Bank ABC that
is required to compare (Facial
authentication is completed. SCB also writes
AAL 2.2 is required by Bank ABC Recognition) with original data.
timestamp on blockchain
Pin code (sth you know)
Registered mobile (sth you have) Waiting for Facial Recognition…
Facial Recognition (sth you are)

Step 10 Step11 Step12

Private and confidential only for NDID clients. Distribution or Reprint is not allowed.
Sample Use Case Case 1: Open Account In RP’s Application

Depends on
the design
Bank ABC is Registration
willing to Bank ABC Confirmation
Please fill in the form
Registration Confirmation
The account is
1. ไดร ้ ◌ับขอ ม

้ ูลประกอบการพสิ ◌ูจนแ◌์ ละยนื ยันตัวตน ชอื
Username already opened and
น เดอื น ปีาตัเกดวประชาชน / หนังสอื เดนิ ทาง
ทอี่ ย่◌ูตามเอกสารสาคัญ
ready to be used.
สถานะ Test
7. สัญชาต
8. ทอี่ ยู่ทตี่ ดิต่อไดในปั จจุบัน

Password You may use other

9. เบอรโ◌์ ทรศัพทท์ ตี่ ดิ ต่อได
10. อาชพี
11. ชอื่ สถานทที่ างาน

services of BankABC
12. ทอี่ ยู่ทที่ างาน
13. รายได◌ ้
14. รูปภาพลูกคาท ้ ผ ี่ ◌่านการท าBiometric Comparison กับรูปใน
Chip เฉพาะ RP ทขี่ อท าธุ รกรรมระดับ IAL2.3 และ AAL2.2
Range ของการสรางขอ ้ ◌ ้ มูลลูกคา◌ ้ ไดแ◌ ้ ก่ < 3 เดอื น, 3-12
เดอื น, > 12 เดอื น
i.g saving,
withdrawing, etc.
Confirm Confirm
Thanks you.

Bank ABC receives user’s information ABC Bank creates user and password for next The process is completed.
use in its application
User’s information is automatically filled in
Register form
Click on ‘Confirm’
SCB sends data to Bank ABC outside platform

Step 13 Step14 Step15

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% Total RP Request Completed (per week)

160,000 Total Transactions > 1 million

(Since 6 Feb 2020)
No. Of Banks 8



20,000 Lockdown

Total RP Request

Sample Use Case Case 2: Motocycle Loan – Digital ID Model

Private and confidential only for NDID clients. Distribution or Reprint is not allowed.
Khob Khun Krub
Thank You


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