Vinyl Chloride and Ethyl Chloride
Vinyl Chloride and Ethyl Chloride
Vinyl Chloride and Ethyl Chloride
1. Obtained as both isomers in mole ratio of approximately 3.4 moles of 1,1 dichloroethane
to one mole of 1,2 dichloroethane.
2 Total conversion of ethane is somewhat higher, some of the ethane being converted to
ethylene. Cillorine conversion is essentially quantitative, approximately 50 mole percent going
to chlorinated hydrocarbons and 50 percent going to hydrogen chloride.
The scrubbing section consists of two 4 in. by 48 in. What is claimed is:
tubes fitted at the bottom with gas inlet and drain. Each 25 1. The process for producing vinyl chloride which com
scrubbing tower is filled to a depth of 6 in. with 4 in. prises dispersing a vapor feed mixture comprising chlo
ceramic Berle saddles. Each Srubber contains 5 liters of rine and ethane in mole ratios of about 0.9 to 2.2:1 in a
water. These scrubbing towers are connected in series with relatively inert liquid and exposing the dispersed vapor
a third scrubber of similar design but made of 36 in. of feed mixture to actinic light to produce a vapor reaction
1% in. Pyrex tubing and holding 750 cc. of water. This 30 mixture, and maintaining said vapor reaction mixture at
scrubbing prevents carry-over of aqueous HCl spray to a temperature in the range of from 250 C. to 400 C.
the drying tower which is connected in series with the and at a contact time from 2 to 20 seconds.
scrubbers. The drying tower consists of a tower of sim 2. The process according to claim 1 wherein the method
ilar design as the small scrubber but completely filled with is carried out under continuous gas flow conditions.
10-20 mesh anhydrous CaSO4. The entire scrubbing and 35 3. The process according to claim 1 wherein the mole
drying section is interconnected with Black Tygon tub ratio of chlorine to ethane is between 1.0-1.7:1, the in
ing and the towers themselves painted black to prevent tensity of light incident upon said vapor feed mixture and
light from initiating reactions between unreacted ethane vapor reaction mixture is between 80-200 foot candles,
and chlorine which might be carried over from the re 40 whereby substantial amounts of vinyl chloride, ethyl chlo
actor. The drying tower is connected to a trap system ride, hydrogen chloride and dichloroethanes are produced.
held at Dry Ice temperatures to catch any unreacted chlo 4. The process according to claim 4 wherein the vapor
rine and small amounts of volatile chloroethanes which feed mixture is continuously dispersed through said rela
might carry through the system. tively inert liquid thereby to form a vapor-liquid disper
The trap system consists of three coil-type bulb traps. sion and a vapor reaction mixture continuously emanat
Two are in parallel and the third in series. The parallel ing therefrom.
traps are connected to the drying tower through a three 5. The process according to claim 4 wherein the vapor
way stopcock which permits operation of one or the feed mixture is flowed at a space velocity of from 150 to
other or both traps simultaneously. The third trap is 800 liters/liter of liquid phase/hr.
connected to a gas washing bottle containing 500 cc. of 6. The process of claim 5 wherein the relatively inert
10% NaOH solution and this is connected to a gas wash 50 liquid is hydrochloric acid.
ing bottle containing 500 cc. of distilled water. This, in 7. The process of claim 6 wherein the mole ratio of
turn, is connected to a 1 liter/rev. wet test meter which chlorine to ethane is from 1.2-1.4:1, and the temperature
is used to measure the volume of any off-gas. of the vapor reaction mixture of the vapor phase is be
The reactor section is positioned between two conven tween 300° C. and 375 C.
tional 48 in. 40 watt fluorescent tubes in such a manner 55 8. The process according to claim 4 for producing vinyl
that the tubes and the reactor form an isosceles triangle chloride wherein the mole ratio of chlorine:ethane is
having 5 in. base and 3 in. sides with the reactor at the from 1.2-1.4:1, the temperature of the vapor reaction
apex. mixture is between 300-375 C., the contact time at said
One liter of concentrated hydrochloric acid is placed in temperature is between 8-12 seconds, and the intensity
the reactor tube, the acid filling about 15 in. of the tube. 60 of incident light is from 80-200 foot candles.
The entire system is then purged for 5 minutes with 9. The process according to claim 8 wherein the rela
nitrogen. Thereafter, the product collection system is tively inert liquid is hydrochloric acid.
cooled to -10° C. Ethane is then started through the
hydrochloric acid at a rate of 100 liters/hr. After 5 References Cited
minutes chlorine is started at 50 liters/hr. The rates are UNITED STATES PATENTS
then gradually adjusted to supply a total of 350 liters per
hour of chlorine-ethane mixture in the mole ratio of 1,520,506 12/1924 Payne et al. -------- 204-163
1.33 moles chlorine per mole ethane. During this time, 2,393,509 1/1946 Archibald ----------- 204-163
the temperature in the reactor rises to 35-38 C. Cooling 2,453,691 11/1948 Hill ---------------- 204 -163
water is then turned on at a flow of 180–220 cc./min. 70 2,589,689 3/1952 Governale et al. 204-163
After 15-20 min., the gas flows and reactor temperatures 3,287,240 1 1/1966 Tsutsumi ----------- 204-163
reach steady state conditions. All scrubbers and traps BENJAMEN R. PADGETT, Primary Examiner
are on and sampling is begun. The product receiver is
drained hourly into a bottle pre-cooled to -78 C. to U.S. C. X.R.
provide samples for analysis. The samples are analyzed 75 204-162
Patent No. 3,506,552 Dated April 14, 197O
Edward M. Fletchere WA. E. SCUYER, JR
Attesting Officer Cormissioner of attents