A Constant Dependent Upon Fiber VF The Volume Percent of Fibers
A Constant Dependent Upon Fiber VF The Volume Percent of Fibers
A Constant Dependent Upon Fiber VF The Volume Percent of Fibers
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 42.,- 1985 Materials Research Society
centered around attempts to use the area under the flexural load-deflection
curve as an index or indicator of the energy required to fail the SFRC( ).
Inasmuch as the steel fibers carry all the load, once the concrete itself has
cracked, a "toughness index" measured in this manner is really a measure of
the amount of work involved in stripping fibers contained in the crack plane
from the concrete.
In preparing conventional SFRC, the steel fibers are mixed along with
the other concrete constituents (cement, aggregates, water, and admixtures)
using conventional mixing equipment. As the fiber concentration is increased
along with fiber aspect ratio, it becomes difficult to mix and place these
materials. It has been found that a practical upper limit for Vf is around
2.0 volume percent and for L/D around 100. In fact, for existing commercial
applications for SFRC, Vf typically does not exceed 1.0 volume percent with
aspect ratios less than 75. Thus, the ultimate properties promised by equa-
tion (1) cannot be achieved in the field for practical reasons.
In the main, the steel fiber content achieved (Vf) is dictated by the
packing density of the fiber involved which, in turn, is controlled by fiber
aspect ratio and length. For a given fiber, somewhat higher loadings are
achieved if the mold or form is lightly vibrated during the fiber filling
step. Using commercially available steel fibers, fiber loadings of 5 to 20
volume percent have been achieved.
Grain sizing of the aggregate phases in the slurry must be such that a
minimum of particles exceed the smallest opening in the packed fiber bed.
Obviously, if this condition is not met, the fiber bed becomes clogged with
aggregate particles and further infiltration is impossible. Both cement
pastes (cement, flyash, water) and mortars (cement, flyash, fine sand, water)
have been successfully infiltrated. Water-reducing admixtures have been used
in all cases.
The unit weight of the slurries used in SIFOlN varies fran 120 to 135
lb/ft 3 . The unit weight of the SIFOtN composites varies from 135 to 150
lb/ft' for steel fiber loadings around 5 volume percent to 195 to 210 lb/ft'
for a steel fiber loading of 20 volume percent.
The cement/flyash slurry used in much of the SIFCCN work to date develops
a one day compressive strength of 4000 to 5000 psi and a 28 day compressive
strength of 12,000 to 13,000 psi.
The slurries used in SIFCON work to date develop 28 day flexural strengths
of 1500 to 1700 psi. For a variety of steel fiber types, one day SIFCON flex-
ural strengths have typically ranged from 3000 to 7000 psi. Twenty-eight day
flexural strength values of SIFCON have ranged from 4000 to 10,000 psi.
Drying Shrinkage
Actual ultimate shrinkage strains for SIFCCN have been in the range of
0.02 to 0.04 percent which is on the low end of the range for conventional PCC.
Interestingly, the ultimate shrinkage strain of SIFCON is achieved quite
rapidly with shrinkage strains ceasing between 14 and 28 days of drying,
despite continued loss of evaporable water from the composite.
Modulus of Elasticity
Secant modulus of elasticity values for SIFCCN have ranged from 1.5 x
106 psi when latex-modified slurries are used, to 2.5 to 3.5 x 106 psi when
no latex-modifier is used. It is difficult to establish the range of elas-
tic behavior for these composites.
Impact Resistance
Attempts have been made to measure the impact resistance of SIFCON using
the technique recommended by ACI Committee 544 on Fiber Reinforced Concrete(3)
The procedure involves dropping a 10 lb. soil compaction hammer 18 inches onto
./° W/.00-,.n
I 210.000
S 16.000
" 002 0.04
0.02 0.4
0060.08 0.10 0.12
1.00.08 0.10 0.12
0.14 0.15
0.14 0.16
0.10 U.2U
0.18 0.20
0 12 4
a hardened steel ball placed in the center of the concrete specimen which
measures 6 in. in diameter and 2.5 in. thick. The number of blows required
to crack the material is measured as well as the number of: blows required to
fully separate the cracked pieces. Using this test procedure, it is not
possible to cause any cracking in most SIFCOt composites.
Testing Considerations
.Coring . Sites for
Pavement Overlay
Thin (1 to 2 in.) precast SIFCCN slabs have been constructed and used as
an impact and wear-resistant surfacing over conventional PCC. Slabs as large
as 8 ft. x 10 ft. have been prepared which contain anchors cast into the bot-
tom surface. Figure 14 shows the placement (in October 1983) of one of four
8 ft. x 10 ft. x 2 in. thick SIFCON slabs into an excavated area containing
fresh PCC (at Port Columbus International Airport). The slabs are located
within existing AC overlay area at a gate area supporting the main air-
craft wheel carriages.
SIFCON was used recently by the New Mexico Engineering Research Institute
to repair spalled areas on the decks of three Interstate highway bridges near
Albuquerque, New Mexico. The slurry infiltration step was accomplished by
gravity flow alone (no external vibration). Aggregate was applied to the
surface of the still fresh SIFCON as a dry shake and trowelled in to form
the wearing surface (as shown in Figure 15). Traffic was allowed on the
repaired area within 36 hours.
Refractory Applications
Precast SIFCON shapes (prepared with stainless steel fibers) have been
used in a number of refractory application areas including,
1. Seal plates for soaking pit covers
2. Tubes used in the pressure casting of metals
3. Furnace lintels
4. Furnace saddle piers.
In practice, the inner steel liner was ccmpletely erected and the outer
liner installed in 5 ft. long sections. SIFCON placement was done within the
liners in 5 ft. lifts with slurry infiltration aided by external vibration.
3. Improvements in constructionmethodology
4. Evaluation in new application areas such as seismic resistant
structures, precast railroad crossties and thin plate construction.
Hoff, G.C., et. al., U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station,
Misc. Paper C-76-6, pp. 1-64, June, 1976 (Supplement No. 1, pp. 1-20,
September, 1977; Supplement No. 2, pp. 1-57, July, 1979; Supplement No. 3,
pp. 1-27, September, 1980).
Hannant, D.J., John Wiley & Sons, Somerset, NJ, pp. 1-219, 1978. "Fibre
Cements and Fibre Concretes".
ACI Committee 544 Report, Journ. Amer. Concrete Inst., Title No. 75-30,
pp. 283-289, July, 1978.
4Lankard, D.R. and Lease, D.H., Bull. Amer. Cer. Soc., Vol. 61, No. 7, 1982,
pp. 728-732.
Lankard, D.R. and Newell, J.K., Amer. Concrete Inst. Special Publication
SP-81,. Proc. from the 1982 Fall Conv., Amer. Concrete Inst., Detroit,
Michigan, September 19-24, 1982, pp. 286-306.
Schneider, B., Mondragon, R., and Kirst, J., New Mexico Eng. Res. Inst.
Task Report NMERI, TA8-69 (8.36/01), pp. 1-83, June 1984.