New Allied LPG Appliances: Date: 01 May 2019 Sunil Kumar Singh

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Date: 01st May 2019

Sunil Kumar Singh

S/O Sh. Satyendra Singh
C-1/14, Muskan Appartment
Rohini Sector-17
Delhi- 110085


Dear Sunil Kumar Singh,

This is with reference to application and subsequent interview held, a detailed letter of appointment is
as follows on the following terms and conditions: -

DATE OF JOINING : 1st May 2019

DESIGNATION : Sr Sales Officer

BASIC SALARY : Rs 33000/- PM

OTHER ALLOWANCES : As per the Annexure Attached


1. REPORTING You will be reporting to Head Marketing or to such person as intimated to you
from time to time.

2. PROBATION: You will be on probation for a period of six months from the date of joining of
your duties, but if management is not satisfied with your work and conduct,
your services shall be liable to terminate without notice at any time during or/on
completion of the probationary period. This period of probation will be liable to
such extensions as the management may deem fit in its sole discretion and
unless any order in writing confirming you is given, you will not be deemed to
have been made permanent.

3. SEPARATION OF SERVICES: The management has the right to seek separation by giving you a
notice of one month or basic pay of one month in lieu thereof. Similarly, you
shall be at liberty to resign from services after giving one months Notice or
basic pay of one month in lieu thereof.

4. SECRECY: You will be just and faithful employee of the Company in all matters and shall
not at any time except under the legal process divulge the same to any person
and shall use your best endeavor to prevent the publication Or disclosure of
any trade secret or manufacturing process or any other information concerning
or in respect of the items as manufactured or
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New Allied LPG Appliances
320,1st & 2nd Floor FIE,Patparganj Industrial Area, Delhi-1092
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marketed by the Company or dealing transactions of affairs which may come to

your knowledge. You will not engage in or seek employment, or join directly or
indirectly any competing person or a proposed venture whether as a principle,
agent, partner or employee or in any other capacity, either full-time or part-time
for a period of at least one years after leaving the Company irrespective of
whether termination of association with the Company was voluntary or

5. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: If the Company suffers any loss on account of violation of clause 4
above or any other clause of this letter of appointment or due to non
performance due to any reasons, or by reason of gross negligence, fraud, or
any gross misconduct in the discharge of your duties or by reason of any of the
acts of omission, the Company shall be entitled to recover from you, the
liquidated damages equivalent to 12 months Basic Salary.

6. TOURING AND TRAVELLING: During the course of your employment you are also liable to travel as
required by the company from time to time.

7. COMPANY’S PROPERTY: You shall always maintain in good condition company’s property which
may be given to you for official use during the course of your employment and
shall return the same to the company immediately on relinquishment of your
services failing which the cost of same will be recovered from you by the

8. TRANSFER: You are liable to the transfer to any place of business of the company, as
existing/operating presently or acquired later in any part of India or abroad at
any time. You are also liable to be deputed to any work or assigned the work of
any office Associate/Sister concerns/Organizations/Firms with whom the
company may make such arrangement or agreement at any time at the sole
discretion of the management.

9. INCREMENT: Our annual increment will be based on your annual performance and will also
depend upon the financial position of the company. The management will be
within its right to withhold your annual increment in case the company’s
financial position is not viable.


a) During the course of your employment you will discharge your duties efficiently and diligently to the
best of your ability and shall devote your whole time and attention to the interest of the company and
generally carry out duties and work as assigned to you and shall obey and comply with all the lawful
orders and directions given to you by the Directors/Superiors of the Company. You shall honestly,
diligently and faithfully serve the organization and use your utmost endeavor to promote the interest of
the company.

b) That during the period of your employment, you will not work directly or indirectly for any other
person, firm or company, either with or without remuneration, nor will you engage yourself or be
interested directly or indirectly in any trade or business either as employer or employee or partner or
advisor or in any other capacity.
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c) You shall upon relinquishment of your services/employment for any reasons; return all such records,
documents and other information to the company immediately if they are in your possession in any
manner and shall not attempt to retain copies of any data, record know-how or any other information
regarding the Company.

d) You shall bear your own taxation, which shall be deducted, from your salary and/other dues. You
shall be eligible to become a member of the Company’s Provident Fund as per rules.

e) In addition to oral/written, General Service Conditions which will be applicable in your case; you will
also be governed by other rules, regulation, practices, systems, procedures and policy as in force or
may be added, altered, modified or omitted/deleted by the Company from time to time.

11. RETIREMENT: You will automatically retire on attaining the age of 60 years. An extension may
however, be given at the discretion of the management. You may be retired earlier if found medically

Please return the duplicate copy of the letter of appointment duly signed in token of you having
accepted the terms and conditions of appointment.

Yours truly,
For New Allied LPG Appliances

Authorized Signatory

I have read and understood the above terms and conditions, governing my services/employment with
the organization and the same are acceptable to me in totality.

Date & Place Signature of Employee

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Annexure to the letter of appointment dated 1st May 2019

01. Name : Mr. Sunil Kumar Singh

02. Designation : Sr Sales Officer

03. Date of Joining : 1st May 2019

04. Basic Salary : Rs 33000/- PM

05. Other Allowance : Rs.700/- PM

In addition to above other benefits will be covered as per Company’s Policy as applicable to your
category of employees.

For New Allied LPG Appliances

Authorized Signatory

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