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UNIT EXPECTED OUTCOMES (UEOs) At the end of this unit, you should be able to: 1. Formulate solution strategies by applying concepts to solve problems involving heat flow and heat transfer; and 2. Examine the physical, practical and technological significance of heat transfer. REQUIRED READINGS This course module. STUDY GUIDE 10.1 INTRODUCTION TO MECHANISMS OF HEAT TRANSFER 10.1.1 Heat Current, H To begin the study of mechanisms of heat transfer, we need to know how fast heat is moves from one body to another or the rate of, Insulator heat transfer from one body to another. This (wood) property of heat transfer is called heat current. Heat current I! is defined as the amount of heat, flow per unit time. Conductor (steel) ? ty ‘The figure below shows two rooms with walls of different materials one is an insulator (let say wood) and the other is a conductor (for example steel), occupied by two persons. If they are located on the same location, we can assume that both rooms receive the same amount of heat (100). The only difference in the time the heat flows inside the room. Heat flows much faster in a conductor that in an insulator. where Q—heat transferred in cal, Btu oJ t-time elapsed in s, min, or hr heat current in cal/s, Btu/min, or watts 10.1.2. Mechanisms of Heat Transfer Heat may be transferred in several ways: by conduction, convection, and radiation. Heat transfer by conduction is due to contact between two bodies, while heat transfer by convection is due to mass motion of fluid and radiation is due to the electromagnetic wave emitted by a body that travels in space. These mechanisms will be discussed separately in subsequent sections.10.2 CONDUCTION 10.2.1. Principle of Conduction The kinetic energies of all molecules of a body play an important role in transferring heat specially when the kinetic energy is not properly distributed in molecules (absence of thermal equilibrium condition). The more energized molecule will give some of its energy to less energized molecules. This transferred energy is the heat due to conduction. Conduction is the transmission of vibrational energy by direct molecular communication without appreciable displacement of molecules. The molecules of a body near the flame has more kinetic energy than those located farther. A boy holding a metal spoon for a while at the end will eventually feel the heat flowing from the other end. 10.2.2. Fourier’s Law of Conduction ‘The magnitude of heat current due to conduction through a wall can be computed using the Fourier’s law of conduction. It states that the heat current of conduction H is proportional to the cross-sectional area, A of the body and to the temperature difference, (thor ~ teow) between two sides of the body and inversely proportional to the length or thickness of the body, H Aue“) vier: xe > ioe ne k~Thermal conductivity, W/mC” (1768 - 1830) H A ‘A~ Surface area perpendicular to heat, m* thar= Hot side temperature, °C tesa Cold side temperature, °C a = Thickness of the material, m Hot Side, ty Cold Side, te H—Heat current of conduction, J/s or watt ’ The proportionality constant k is called thermal conductivity. This constant describes the material as. being conductor or insulator. Higher value of thermal conductivity means that the material is a good conductor while lower value means an insulating material. Table 6.1 shows the thermal conductivities of some materials.Table 6.1 Thermal Conductivities Substance kW/m) ‘Substance Metals Various solids ‘Aluminum, 205 Brick, insulat Brass 109 Brick, red Copper 385 Concrete Lead 347 Cork Mercury 83 Felt Silver 406 Fiberglass Steel 50.2 Glass lee Rock woo! ‘Styrofoam Wood k(W/mc") Substance k (W/m) Gases os Air 0.024 06 ‘Argon 0.016 08 Helium 0.14 0.04 Hydrogen 0.14 0.04 Oxygen 0.023 0.04 08 16 0.04 oor 0.12-0.04 ‘Sample Problem ~ Conduction ‘PROBLEM NO. 1 ‘A Styrofoam box used to keep drinks cold at a picnic has a total wall area (including the lid) of 0.80 m? and wall thickness 3.0 cm. Its filled with ice, water, and cans of Coca-Cola at 0°C. (a) What is the rate of heat flow into the box if the temperature of the outside wall is 30°C? (b) How much ice melts in one day? (The latent heat of fusion of ice is 334,000 J/kg.) Given A= 0.80 m2 3.0 cm or 0.03 m te =0°C ty = 30°C k= 0.01 W/m: C° (for styrofoam) t= 1 day or 86,400 s Ly = 334,000 J/kg (heat of fusion of ice) Required: a) Heat current, H b) melted ice, m -9°C) Solution: a) Heat current, H From KACty — te) _ (0.01 W/m- C)(0.80 m?)(30°C " T 0.03 m H=80W b) melted ice, m From Qy = mly% equation® ly From Q t Q = Ht substitute to equation @ mae _ @0/8)(86,400 5) #H ly 334,000 J/kg m= 2.07 kg Exercise no. 1 Course/Year/Section: Seatno.__ Date submitted: Due date: Name: Teacher: You are designing a cooler made from fiberglass plates (5 cm thick) that could maintain its cold side at 0°C by ice in a surrounding temperature of 27° C. If2 kg of ice melts in one day, what is the total wall area of the ‘cooler? The thermal conductivity of fiberglass is 0.04 W/m-C".10.3. RADIATION 10.3.1. Principle of Radiant Heat All bodies emit heat in the form of electromagnetic waves. Since these waves travels in space heat can be transferred without direct contact between two objects. This mechanism of heat transfer is called radiation and defined as the transmission of heat energy by rays or waves such as radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma radiation. SONGS a THE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM WE agg GAFIERHEUF. «SFE saan eS ae ue soe 36° "oge ee ieee perewierath f Fteeneys= C anot often Awol) ZIV Stain O EX 10.3.2 Distribution of Radiant Heat Depending on the properties of a body, radiant heat can be reflected, transmitted, and absorbed upon striking the body's surface. Mathematically, H= Hp+Hy+H, Where: Ha radiant heat reflected, watts Hr radiant heat transmitted, watts H,~radiant heat absorbed, watts H~ total radiant heat, wattsClassification of materials to radiant heat are as follows: 1. Brightly polished metals are best reflectors known. It is assumed that radiant heat is completely reflected (H = Hr). 2. Radiant heat is either absorbed or reflected on a body which is opaque to light ( 3. Gases and clear glass are materials that transmit nearly all the radiant heat (H = Hy). 4. Black Body is a body which absorbs all striking radiant heat (H = Ha) fn + Ha). Blackbody Opaque substance Brightly polished metal 10.3.3. Stefan-Boltzmann Law The Stefan-Boltzmann law describes the power radiated from a black body in terms of its temperature. Specifically, this law states that the rate of radiation H froma source is directly proportional to the radiating surface area, A and to the 4th power of the absolute temperature, T and to the emissivity, e Josef Stefan Ludwig Boltzmann, (1835-1893) (1844-1906) 10Where: Radiant heat, watts (0 = 5.67 x 10"* W/m*k* (Stefan-Boltemann constant) ‘A= Radiating surface area, m? T~ Absolute temperature, K Sample Problem — Stefan-Boltzmann Law ‘PROBLEM NO. 2 A thin square steel plate, 10 cm on a side, is heated in a blacksmith’s forge to a temperature of 700°C. If the ‘emissivity is 0.60, (a) what s the total heat of radiation liberated? (b) If 3.0-kg aluminum bar at 20°Cis placed near the plate, what is its temperature after 1 min? Assume no heat loss. Given: s = 10cm = 0.1m (steel plate) t= 700°C; T = 973.15 K (steel plate) = 0.60 m = 3.0 kg (aluminum bar) ty = 20°C t=1min = 60s € = 9107 es opecifie heat of alum.) Required: a) Heat current, H +b) Final temperature, t; Solution: aHeat current, H From H= oAeT* and A= 28? H = o(2S*)er* H = (8.67 x 10-°W /m?K*)(2(0.1 m)2)(0.6)(973.15 K)* H= 610.22W b) Final temperature, ty From n=% and Q = me(t; ~t) Solving for ty = teeg a aett (610.22 W)(60 s) J (0 kg) (9107s t, = 73.41°C + 20°CPROBLEM NO. 3 ‘A metal sphere at 400°C radiates 200 W of heat. (a) What is the radius of the metal sphere? (b) Ifa piece of copper at 20°C absorbs 80% of the radiant heat, what is the mass of the metal when at t= 1 minute its temperature is raised to 35°C. Area of the sphere, A= 4 nR? Given t = 400°C; T = 673.15 K (steel plate) H=200W t; = 20°C (copper) Q = 80% of radiation (heat absorbed by copper) t= 1min = 60s ty = 35°C (copper) J 39075 ga (opecific heat of copper.) e = 1.0 (not stated) Required: a) Radius of sphere,r From I aAeT* and A= 4nr?(area of sphere) Solving for aCtmeT® — | G.67 x 10-°W /m?K*\ (A) (0.6)(673.15 K* r=0,037m b) mass of copper, m From Q=me(y—t) and oan =% __08Ht _ 0.8 (200 W)(60s) "= -t) IT men 20% 4) (39052 ¢e) csc 20°C) m=164kg 10.3.4 Net Radiant Heat, Hnet Surroundings Since that all bodies radiate heat, the actual heat or net radiant heat from a body is ‘equal tothe difference between the radiant heats from the body and from its surroundings. When the body's temperature is greater than the surroundings average temperature, the body will release radiant heat (Hp is positive). Otherwise, the body absorbs radiant heat from the surrounding (Hp is negative). 12Hyet = 7Ae(Ta' —Ts*) Where: Hoge — Net radiant heat, watts (0 = 5.67 x 10-* W/m*k* (Stefan-Boltemann constant) ‘A~Radiating surface area, m? Ta Absolute temperature of the body, K T.— Absolute temperature of the surroundings, K ~ Emissivity of the body Exercise no. 2 Course/Year/Section: Seatno.__ Date submitted: Due date: Name: Teacher: ‘A doctor finds out that the total surface area of the human body is 1.20 m? and the surface temperature is 30°C. If the surroundings are at a temperature of 20°C, what is the net rate heat loss from the body by ion? Assume human body's emissivity to be 1.0. 1310.4 CONVECTION 10.4.1. Principle of Convection Convection is the transfer of heat by mass motion of a fluid from one region of space to another due to difference in densities tess of portion of fluid. dense When a portion of a fluid is heated, the molecules ‘on that portion will become less dense. This decrease in density of molecules causes the molecules to rise and being replaced by other neighboring molecules, 10.4.2. Types of Convection Convection occurs either naturally or forcibly. The flow of fluid caused by difference in density due to thermal expansion is called natural convection, such as hot air rising, sea breeze, and land breeze. Sea breeze isa type of wind that comes up in the middle of forenoon and blows towards the land from the sea until late evening. This wind is created because the air which is above the land heated first and becomes less dense. The air above the sea blows to replace the less dense air from land. (On the other hand, land breeze isa type of wind that blows towards the ocean, usually beginning shortly before midnight. This wind is created because the air from the land cools down and pushes the air above the sea, wotair Sua @ a! ‘i land = Sea breeze a ai Nhe Land breeze 14fluid is circulated by a blower or pump. Examples of such Hot air type are ventilation of a building using air-conditioning R systems, and blood circulation in our body made possible by our heart which serves as a pump. Forced convection is a type of convection if the => i Cold Lace pgs A Fan FURTHER READINGS/EXPLORATION Related PhET Simulations UNIT TASK KWL chart (see appendix A) Problem Set no. 5 (see appendix B) Unit Test no. 6 REFERENCES Bauer and Westfall (2011), University Physics with Modern Physics, McGraw-Hill CCBY 26, httos:// Serway and Vuille (2012), College Physics, 9th Edition, Cengage Learning Serway and Jewett (2014), Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Sth Edition, Brooks/ Cole Cengage Learning Microsoft Student with Encarta Premium 2009 DVD PhET Simulations Photo Credits © 41984- 64. jpg?size=338&ext=[pg © https://i,¢3278fd954abfb37200acccc2d6f06. © Fourier2.ipg © can-600w-468423767.ipg © isolated jpg © https://i.ytimg. com/vi/SegP6j5kIXA/maxresdefault, _ Wideband-Ambient-Backscatter-via-Commercial-Broadcast-Systems-Image.png 15
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