1 Describe Your Town. Use The Prompts Below

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Name: _________________________________________________ Date: __________________

1 Describe your town. Use the prompts below.

Paragraph 1 My city is called... It is... (describe it)

Paragraph 2 In my city, there is/are... In my city, there isn't/aren't any... (name places in a town)

Paragraph 3 I think my city is... The people in my town are... (opinion, people)

Izvršenje zadatka /4 Pravopis /4

Vokabular /4 Gramatika /4

Ocjene: 8-9 bodova – dovoljan (2); 10-12 bodova – dobar (3); 13-14 bodova – vrlo dobar (4);
15-16 bodova – odličan (5)

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