3 Ms Annual Syllabus Distribution Roaissat M 2020-2021

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School: Annual Syllabus Distribution School Year: 2020/2021

Teacher: MS3
Linguistic Resources Communicative
Month Week Sequence Learning Objectives
Lexis Grammar Pronunciation Tasks / Projects

02 Sequence *Expressing abilities and * Topical * “Can” for ability *Pronunciation of - Interview
03 I inabilities lexis * “Can’t” for inability *Questions about “s”ending: /iz/,/s/ - Role play
04 One *Describing personal abilities and inabilities ( with positive and and /z/ - Chat
interests negative answers) - email
01 Me, my *Describing personality *Asking questions about interests and - personal letter
02 Abilities, my features personality - Short video segments
Interests and *Frequency adverbs: “always”/ “never”

my Personality *Asking about frequency: “How often …?”
*Formation of adjectives
Pre-requisites - Pronunciation of final “ s”

01 *Narrating past events, * Topical *The past simple tense with regular and Pronunciation of - Interview
02 Sequence experiences and childhood lexis irregular verbs (consider that it is a new the final ‘ed’:/t/, - Role play

03 II memories language form) /d/, /id/ (New) - Chat

04 Two *Describing life and lifestyles *The past simple tense with ago. - email
(past and present) *Asking questions using ‘how long ago..?’ - personal letter
- Short video segments
Me and my - Poster
01 lifestyle Winter Holiday 28/01/2021 - 06/02/2021

02 *The semi- modal : ‘used to’

*Comparing life and
03 *Frequency adverbs
lifestyles (past and present)
04 *’ made of’ – ‘ made in’

01 First Term Examination Period

(Feb 28 → March 04)

02 Spring Holiday 11/03/2021 - 20/03/2021
03 *Describing * Topical *The past continuous tense *Pronunciation of
04 *Narrating lexis *Contracted/short forms of “be” in the past the consonant -Diary/ journal
01 Sequence *The past continuous and simultaneous sounds /f/ in “of” : - Survey
02 III actions /f/ and /v/ - Posters
03 Three *Sentence connector: “while” *Pronunciation of - Charters
*Spelling rules: “V-ing” the final ‘ed’ - Formal letters
Me and the *Requests with: “can” and “may” (review - Newspaper article

Scientific *Relative clauses: who/which Project:

World Innovations/
discoveries/ Inventions
Pre-requisites -Past simple tense
-Pronunciation of the final ‘ed’
04 *Describing environmental * Topical *must” (strong obligation)(Review) *Silent letters: - Pictionary
sites and places of interest ( lexis *“mustn’t” (prohibition (Review) “k” , “w”, “h”, “t” - Id cards
01 Sequence MS2 /Sequence 4 learning *“should” (mild obligation)(Review) - diagrams /charts
02 IV objective: to be integrated) *The imperative (Review) - Table completion
03 Four *Expressing obligation * “be going to” for planning future
04 (Review) activities related to the environment ( action
Me and my *Expressing prohibition plans on how to protect the environment Project:
Environment *Making recommendations and places of interest) My School
(Review) *The present perfect tense Environment Litter
*Expressing cause and effect *The present perfect tense with: “for” and Survey

*Asking questions with “How long …?”
*The comparative of superiority ( short and
long adjectives)
*Discourse connectors: “as”, “because”,
“so”, “therefore
Pre-requisites - “ must “ for obligation -“ mustn’t “ for prohibition
- Should / shouldn’t for advice dealt with during 2019/2020 ( Level 2/sequence 3)
- Imperative - Discourse connector “ because “
- Pronunciation of “k” , “w”, “h”, “t”

02 Second Term Examination Period

Prepared by: Teacher. Roaissat M. Email: [email protected]

Teacher Headmaster Inspector


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