Blessing of The Third Advent Candle
Blessing of The Third Advent Candle
Blessing of The Third Advent Candle
Reader 1(Ms. Priscila): The joyful Sunday in Advent (known as “Gaudete”) is represented
by rose (or pink) instead of the penitential purple color. Each night during the third week the
mother of the family lights the pink, as well as the two previously burned purple candles,
after the following prayer has been said.
O Lord, we beg Thee, incline Thy ear to our prayers and enlighten the darkness of our minds
by the grace of Thy visitation. Through Christ our Lord.
All (Annie Laoshi): AMEN
Leader (Ms. Vicky) : Let sing our opening song.
On Jordan’s Bank
Opening Prayer
Leader (Ms. Vicky) : + In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
But the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said.” I bring you good news that will
bring great joy to all people.
Leader (Ms. Vicky) : The angels made a big announcement on the first Christmas, calling
Jesus’ birth ‘good news’ that would bring ‘great joy’. Everything we do to get ready for
Christmas can fill us with joy about Jesus. When we’re joyful, we, like the angels, can help
spread that good news.
Reflection (Annie Laoshi): Let share the joy to other people especially to those feeling
depressed, the oppressed, the imprisoned and the abandoned. Let’s share the joyful birth of
Jesus especially in this season of Christmas.
Concluding Prayer:
Leader (Ms. Vicky) Dear God,
All (Annie Laoshi): we pray for the joy that is found in Jesus, that those who seek it may
truly find it. May we celebrate in the joy found in You. Amen
Leader (Ms. Vicky) + In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.