Chapter 1 - Application and Administration

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ICC A117.1-2009 Chapter 1.

Application and Administration

Chapter 1. Application and Administration

101 Purpose 104 Conventions

The technical criteria in Chapters 3 through 9, Sections 104.1 General. Where specific criteria of this standard
1002, 1003 and 1006 and Chapter 11 of this standard differ from the general criteria of this standard, the spe-
make sites, facilities, buildings and elements accessible cific criteria shall apply.
to and usable by people with such physical disabilities 104.2 Dimensions. Dimensions that are not stated as
as the inability to walk, difficulty walking, reliance on “maximum” or “minimum” are absolute. All dimensions
walking aids, blindness and visual impairment, deaf- are subject to conventional industry tolerances.
ness and hearing impairment, incoordination, reaching
and manipulation disabilities, lack of stamina, difficulty 104.3 Figures. Unless specifically stated, figures
interpreting and reacting to sensory information, and included herein are provided for informational purposes
extremes of physical size. The intent of these sections only and are not considered part of the standard.
is to allow a person with a physical disability to indepen- 104.4 Floor or Floor Surface. The terms floor or floor
dently get to, enter, and use a site, facility, building, or surface refer to the finish floor surface or ground sur-
element. face, as applicable.
Section 1004 of this standard provides criteria for Type 104.5 Referenced Sections. Unless specifically stated
B units. These criteria are intended to be consistent with otherwise, a reference to another section or subsection
the intent of the criteria of the U.S. Department of Hous- within this standard includes all subsections of the refer-
ing and Urban Development (HUD) Fair Housing enced section or subsection.
Accessibility Guidelines. The Type B units are intended
to supplement, not replace, Accessible units or Type A 105 Referenced Documents
units as specified in this standard.
105.1 General. The documents listed in Section 105.2
Section 1005 of this standard provides criteria for mini- shall be considered part of this standard to the pre-
mal accessibility features for one and two family dwell- scribed extent of each such reference. Where criteria in
ing units and townhouses which are not covered by the this standard differ from those of these referenced doc-
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development uments, the criteria of this standard shall apply.
(HUD) Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines.
This standard is intended for adoption by government 105.2 Documents.
agencies and by organizations setting model codes to 105.2.1 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control
achieve uniformity in the technical design criteria in Devices: MUTCD-2003 (The Federal Highway
building codes and other regulations. Administration, Office of Transportation Operations,
101.1 Applicability. Sites, facilities, buildings, and ele- Room 3408, 400 7th Street, S.W., Washington, DC
ments required to be accessible shall comply with the 20590).
applicable provisions of Chapters 3 through 9 and 105.2.2 National Fire Alarm Code: NFPA 72-2007
Chapter 11. Dwelling units and sleeping units shall (National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch
comply with the applicable provisions of Chapter 10. Park, Quincy, MA 02269-9101).
102 Anthropometric Provisions 105.2.3 Power Assist and Low Energy Power
Operated Doors: ANSI/BHMA A156.19-2007.
The technical criteria in this standard are based on adult (Builders Hardware Manufacturers’ Association, 355
dimensions and anthropometrics. This standard also Lexington Avenue, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10017).
contains technical criteria based on children’s dimen-
105.2.4 Power Operated Pedestrian Doors: ANSI/
sions and anthropometrics for drinking fountains, water
closets, toilet compartments, lavatories and sinks, din- BHMA A156.10-2005 (Builders Hardware Manufac-
ing surfaces, work surfaces and benches. turers’ Association, 355 Lexington Avenue, 15th
Floor, New York, NY 10017).
103 Compliance Alternatives 105.2.5 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators:
ASME A17.1-2007/CSA B44-07 (American Society
Nothing in this standard is intended to prevent the use
of Mechanical Engineers International, Three Park
of designs, products, or technologies as alternatives to
Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990).
those prescribed by this standard, provided they result
in equivalent or greater accessibility and such equiva-
lency is approved by the administrative authority adopt-
ing this standard.

Chapter 1. Application and Administration ICC A117.1-2009

FIG. 104.3

105.2.6 Safety Standard for Platform Lifts and International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700,
Stairway Chairlifts: ASME A18.1-2005 (American West Conshohocken, PA, 19428-2959).
Society of Mechanical Engineers International, Three 105.2.9 Standard Specification for Impact Attenu-
Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990). ation of Surfacing Materials Within the Use Zone
105.2.7 Performance Criteria for Accessible Com- of Playground Equipment ASTM F 1292-04 (ASTM
munications Entry Systems. ANSI/DASMA 303- International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700,
2006. (Door and Access Systems Manufacturers West Conshohocken, PA, 19428-2959).
Association, 1300 Sumner Avenue, Cleveland, OH 105.2.10 Standard Consumer Safety Performance
44115-2851). Specification for Playground Equipment for Pub-
105.2.8 Standard Specification for Impact Attenu- lic Use ASTM F 1487-01 (ASTM International, 100
ation of Surface Systems Under and Around Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Con-
Playground Equipment ASTM F 1292-99. (ASTM shohocken, PA, 19428-2959).

ICC A117.1-2009 Chapter 1. Application and Administration

105.2.11 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) characters: Letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and
Accessibility Guidelines for Transportation Vehi- typographic symbols.
cles 36 CFR 1192 published in 56 Federal Register
children’s use: Spaces and elements specifically
45558, September 6, 1991 (United States Access designed for use primarily by people 12 years old and
Board, 1331 F Street, NW, Suite 1000, Washington,
DC 20004-1111).
circulation path: An exterior or interior way of passage
106 Definitions from one place to another for pedestrians.
106.1 General. For the purpose of this standard, the counter slope: Any slope opposing the running slope
terms listed in Section 106.5 have the indicated mean- of a curb ramp.
ing. cross slope: The slope that is perpendicular to the
106.2 Terms Defined in Referenced Documents. direction of travel (see running slope).
Terms specifically defined in a referenced document, curb ramp: A short ramp cutting through a curb or built
and not defined in this section, shall have the specified up to it.
meaning from the referenced document.
destination-oriented elevator system: An elevator
106.3 Undefined Terms. The meaning of terms not
system that provides lobby controls for the selection of
specifically defined in this standard or in a referenced
destination floors, lobby indicators designating which
document shall be as defined by collegiate dictionaries
elevator to board, and a car indicator designating the
in the sense that the context implies.
floors at which the car will stop.
106.4 Interchangeability. Words, terms, and phrases
detectable warning: A standardized surface feature
used in the singular include the plural, and those used
built in or applied to floor surfaces to warn of hazards on
in the plural include the singular.
a circulation path.
106.5 Defined Terms. dwelling unit: A single unit providing complete, inde-
pendent living facilities for one or more persons includ-
accessible: Describes a site, building, facility, or por-
ing permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating,
tion thereof that complies with this standard.
cooking and sanitation.
administrative authority: A jurisdictional body that
element: An architectural or mechanical component of
adopts or enforces regulations and standards for the
a building, facility, space, or site.
design, construction, or operation of buildings and facili-
ties. elevated play component: A play component that is
amusement attraction: Any facility, or portion of a approached above or below grade and that is part of a
facility, located within an amusement park or theme composite play structure consisting of two or more play
park which provides amusement without the use of an components attached or functionally linked to create an
amusement device. Amusement attractions include, but integrated unit providing more than one play activity.
are not limited to, fun houses, barrels, and other attrac- elevator car call sequential step scanning: A tech-
tions without seats. nology used to enter a car call by means of an up or
amusement ride: A system that moves persons down floor selection button.
through a fixed course within a defined area for the pur- facility: All or any portion of a building, structure, site
pose of amusement. improvements, elements, and pedestrian routes or
amusement ride seat: A seat that is built-in or vehicular ways located on a site.
mechanically fastened to an amusement ride intended gangway: A variable-sloped pedestrian walkway that
to be occupied by one or more passengers. links a fixed structure or land with a floating structure.
area of sport activity: That portion of a room or space Gangways that connect to vessels are not addressed
where the play or practice of a sport occurs. by this document.
boarding pier: A portion of a pier where a boat is tem- golf car passage: A continuous passage on which a
porarily secured for the purpose of embarking or disem- motorized golf car can operate.
barking. ground level play component: A play component that
boat launch ramp: A sloped surface designed for is approached and exited at the ground level.
launching and retrieving trailered boats and other water habitable: A space in a building for living, sleeping, eat-
craft to and from a body of water. ing or cooking. Bathrooms, toilet rooms, closets, halls,
boat slip: That portion of a pier, main pier, finger pier, storage or utility spaces and similar areas are not con-
or float where a boat is moored for the purpose of berth- sidered habitable spaces.
ing, embarking, or disembarking. key surface: The surface or plane of any key or button
catch pool: A pool or designated section of a pool used that must be touched to activate or deactivate an opera-
as a terminus for water slide flumes. ble part or a machine function or enter data.

Chapter 1. Application and Administration ICC A117.1-2009

marked crossing: A crosswalk or other identified path vehicular way: A route provided for vehicular traffic.
intended for pedestrian use in crossing a vehicular way. walk: An exterior pathway with a prepared surface for
operable part: A component of an element used to pedestrian use.
insert or withdraw objects, or to activate, deactivate, or wheelchair space: A space for a single wheelchair and
adjust the element. its occupant.
pictogram: A pictorial symbol that represents activities, wheelchair space locations: A space for a minimum
facilities, or concepts. of a single wheelchair and the associated companion
play area: A portion of a site containing play compo- seating. Wheelchair space locations can contain multi-
nents designed and constructed for children. ple wheelchair spaces and associated companion seat-
play component: An element intended to generate ing.
specific opportunities for play, socialization, or learning.
Play components are manufactured or natural; and are
stand-alone or part of a composite play structure.
ramp: A walking surface that has a running slope
steeper than 1:20.
running slope: The slope that is parallel to the direc-
tion of travel (see cross slope).
sign: An architectural element composed of displayed
textual, symbolic, tactile, or pictorial information.
site: A parcel of land bounded by a property line or a
designated portion of a public right-of-way.
sleeping unit: A room or space in which people sleep
that can also include permanent provisions for living,
sleeping, eating, and either sanitation or kitchen facili-
ties but not both. Such rooms and spaces that are also
part of a dwelling unit are not sleeping units.
soft contained play structure: A play structure made
up of one or more play components where the user
enters a fully enclosed play environment that utilizes pli-
able materials, such as plastic, netting, or fabric.
teeing ground: In golf, the starting place for the hole to
be played.
transfer device: Equipment designed to facilitate the
transfer of a person from a wheelchair or other mobility
aide to and from an amusement ride seat.
TTY: An abbreviation for teletypewriter. Equipment that
employs interactive, text-based communications
through the transmission of coded signals across the
standard telephone network. The term TTY also refers
to devices known as text telephones and TDDs.
use zone: The ground level area beneath and immedi-
ately adjacent to a play structure or play equipment that
is designated by ASTM F 1487 listed in Section
105.2.10, for unrestricted circulation around the play
equipment and where it is predicted that a user would
land when falling from or exiting the play equipment.
variable message signs (VMS): Electronic signs that
have a message with the capacity to change by means
of scrolling, streaming, or paging across a background.
variable message sign (VMS) characters: Characters
of an electronic sign are composed of pixels in an array.
High resolution VMS characters have vertical pixel
counts of 16 rows or greater. Low resolution VMS char-
acters have vertical pixel counts of 7 to 15 rows.

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