Pathophysiology of Alzheimer's Disease: Neuroimaging Clinics of North America December 2005
Pathophysiology of Alzheimer's Disease: Neuroimaging Clinics of North America December 2005
Pathophysiology of Alzheimer's Disease: Neuroimaging Clinics of North America December 2005
47 16,836
3 authors:
Nunzio Pomara
Nathan Kline Institute-NYU School of Medicine
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728 imbimbo et al
people over age 85. The prevalence of AD in the processes, including misprocessing of the t protein.
United States in 2000 was estimated to be 4.5 million This cascade ultimately causes neuronal dysfunction
[2]. By 2050, this number will increase by almost and death and leads to the clinical and pathologic
threefold, to 13.2 million. In the United States, AD features of AD.
currently is the eighth leading cause of death, with
approximately 63,000 deaths per year and a death rate Amyloid precursor protein
of 21.8 deaths per 100,000 population [3]. The death APP is a type I transmembrane glycoprotein
rate of AD is increasing by approximately 6% per produced in many cells and processed through the
year. The median survival from initial diagnosis secretory or endosomal-lysosomal pathways. Alter-
recently was estimated to be 4.2 years for men and native splicing of APP provides a total of 10 iso-
5.7 years for women [4]. forms, with lengths of 304, 639, 677, 695, 696, 714,
733, 751, 752, and 770 amino acids [10]. The major
APP isoforms are those with 695, 751, and 770 amino
Genetics of Alzheimer’s disease acids. The 695 amino-acid form is expressed prefer-
entially in neuronal tissue. Although the physiologic
The presence in some families of AD individuals functions of APP remain unclear, its ubiquitous
who have an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern expression during development and in several
has allowed for the discovery of disease genes. adult tissues suggests a fundamental role in cellular
Mutations on three genes, known as causative genes, physiology. APP seems to be involved in the static
are fully penetrant and cause aggressive forms of cell-substrate adhesion or neurite outgrowth synap-
early-onset AD. The causative genes are those encod- togenesis, synaptic plasticity, and promotion of neu-
ing amyloid precursor protein on chromosome 21q21 ronal cell survival [11]. APP also is involved in the
(APP), presenilin 1 on chromosome 14q24 (PSEN1), regulation of cell movement [12]. Exposure of cor-
and presenilin 2 on chromosome 1q42 (PSEN2). tical neurons to APP monoclonal antibodies leads to
Mutations in these genes account for approximately neurite degeneration followed by caspase-dependent
5% of the total number of AD cases [5]. There also apoptosis [13]. The soluble secreted form of APP
are other genes, known as susceptibility genes, (sAPPa) shows similarities with growth factors and
believed to be involved in the pathogenesis of AD increases the proliferation of embryonic neural stem
through complex interactions with environmental cells [14].
factors. Allele polymorphism of one of these sus- Mutations of APP are connected to a limited
ceptibility genes, that encoding apolipoprotein E on number of early-onset familial AD cases [15]. To
chromosome 19q13 (APOE), is associated definitely date, 22 single – amino-acid and 1 two – amino-acid
with increased risk for late-onset AD in many studies. (the Swedish mutation K670N/M671L) mutations
It is suspected that several other AD-susceptibility of APP are identified (see Fig. 1). Four of these
genes exist, and their identification is the subject of mutations are not pathogenic. Most of the mutations
ongoing research [5]. Ultimately, a variety of genes are located adjacent or in proximity to the cleavage
probably will be determined to confer risk, each one site of g-secretase. The most frequent APP mutation
responsible for only a small fraction of all cases. is V717I (the London mutation) [16]. Carriers of
Overall, the four genes linked to AD (APP, PSEN1, the so-called ‘‘Arctic’’ mutation (E693G), found
PSEN2, and APOE) account for approximately half in a Swedish family, show decreased Ab42 and
of the total genetic risk [6]. Ab40 levels in plasma but increased protofibril
formation [17]. This APP mutation is highly amy-
Causative genes loidogenic in vivo [18]. The most recently discovered
APP mutations are one found in a Japanese family
Historically, the first identified gene causing within the Ab sequence (D678N) [19] and a novel mu-
AD was that encoding the substrate (APP), from tation at the b-secretase (BACE1) cleavage site [20].
which the Ab peptide is generated [7]. The other
two AD causative genes discovered encode the en- Presenilins
zymes (presenilins) that produce Ab from APP [8,9]. Presenilin 1 (PS-1) and presenilin 2 (PS-2) are
Mutations in genes encoding APP or presenilins two similar 8-domain transmembrane proteins that,
cause dysregulation of APP processing with an in- within the g-secretase complex, catalyze the last
crease of the amount of Ab produced (Fig. 1). The step of the APP cleavage generating the Ab40 and
accumulation of Ab seems to be an early and ini- Ab42 peptides. Six alternative splicing forms of
tiating event that triggers a series of downstream PS-1 are known with 184, 374, 378, 409, 463, and
pathophysiology of alzheimer’s disease 729
Fig. 1. Amino-acid sequence of PS-1 (blue circles) and of the C-terminal portion of APP (green circles) generating Ab.
Mutations in PS-1 and APP known to cause familial AD are depicted in red. The b, a, g, and e cleavage sites are indicated by
small scissors. The two amino acids involved in the endoproteolytic cleavage of PS-1 are shown in dark blue. The two aspartate
residues of the catalytic site of PS-1 are highlighted in yellow. Exon junctions also are shown. CTF, C-terminal fragment of PS-1;
NTF, N-terminal fragment of PS-1. (From Hardy J, Selkoe DJ. The amyloid hypothesis of Alzherimer’s disease: progress and
problems on the road to therapeutics. Science 2002;297:355; with permission.)
467 amino acids. Two isoforms of PS-2 are se- including spastic paraparesis, language deficits and
quenced with 414 and 448 amino acids. To date, frontal behavioral disturbances [23]. A PS-1 mutation
144 missense mutations of PS-1 are identified, two (G183V) was found to cause clinically frontotempo-
of which are not pathogenic (see Fig. 1). Eleven mu- ral dementia (FTD) and histologically neurofibrillary
tations of PS-2 are known, one of which is not tangle pathology without amyloidosis [24]. Cultured
pathogenic. PS-1 mutations are the cause of the most cells transfected with this mutated presenilin pro-
severe form of dominant familial AD, with complete duced normal amounts of Ab42, an observation that
penetrance and an onset occurring as early as 30 years raised questions as to the presumption that all auto-
of age [5]. Studies in cell lines expressing human somal dominant forms of AD could be linked to the
mutated presenilins, transgenic mice bearing mutated accumulation of Ab in the brain.
human presenilins, and plasma samples and brain The last described presenilin mutations include
sections of patients who have presenilin mutations one (L174R) in two members of a Bavarian family
show that PS-1 and PS-2 missense mutations increase [25] and one (V97L) in members of a Chinese
the production of Ab42, the highly selfaggregating family [26].
and neurotoxic form of Ab [21]. These mutations
alter the conformation of presenilins, apparently
enhancing coordination between the two catalytic Susceptibility genes
aspartates of presenilins (respectively, in position 257
and 385) and the peptide bond between amino acids Although mutations in the APP, PS-1, and PS-2
alanine and threonine of APP [22]. Certain PS-1 genes cause less than 5% of cases of AD, 25% of
mutations are associated with atypical phenotypes, persons who have late-onset forms of the disease
730 imbimbo et al
have had a close relative who has had dementia [5]. are of the e4 type [33]. Conversely, the APOE*E2
Indeed, there are many families that have a heavy seems to protect from AD [32]. Interestingly, there
load of late-onset AD but do not have mutations in are few individuals who have mutated APP who also
APP, PS-1, or PS-2 genes. Thus, intense research carry the APOE*E2 who fail to develop dementia
efforts are dedicated to identifying additional genetic [34]. Nevertheless, the putative protective effect of
factors in the more common late-onset form of the APOE*E2 remains debated [35]. Many genetic
disease. Genetic linkage studies involving hundreds epidemiologic studies robustly confirm an enhanced
of families have produced evidence for several risk for developing AD in subjects who have one or
chromosomal regions suspected of harboring genes two APOE*E4s who are in their sixth or seventh
related to AD. These include regions on chromo- decade of life. The effect is modified by gender,
somes 6, 9, 10, 12, and 19 [27]. So far, careful however, and is age specific, with its peak effect
scrutiny of these regions has resulted in the identi- observed at approximately age 70 [36]. There are
fication of APOE as an unequivocal gene associated octogenarians carrying two APOE*E4s who seem
with late-onset AD. More than 100 additional to have escaped the APOE*E4 effect. The purified
genes have been investigated as susceptibility genes apoE4 isoform is reported to have higher affinity
through genetic-association studies, but none of them for Ab than apoE3 [37], suggesting it may act as a
are confirmed fully [28]. It is estimated that there pathologic chaperone stabilizing the b-sheet structure
are at least six additional susceptibility genes influ- of Ab fibrils [38] and impairing Ab clearance [39].
encing the age at onset and the risk for sporadic AD Elegant experiments in APOE knockout and trans-
[29]. The hunt continues and additional loci are ex- genic mouse models show that the presence of apoE4
pected to be discovered as the result of genomewide increases the amount of fibrillar Ab deposits mark-
screening [16]. edly in the brain compared with the effects of apoE3
[40]. The APOE*E3 genotype, however, is neither
Apolipoprotein E necessary nor sufficient for the occurrence of AD.
Apoliprotein E (apoE) is a 299 – amino-acid pro- Thus, there are other genetic or environmental factors
tein involved in transport and metabolism of lipids that alone or in conjunction with APOE*E4 can
[30]. Ninety percent of circulating apoE derives from modify the risk for AD [27].
the liver. apoE also is synthesized in other organs
(lung, ovary, muscle, spleen, and kidneys), including Susceptibility loci on chromosome 10
the central nervous system, where it is made by glia, Genome screenings aimed at identifying genetic
macrophages, and neurons. Three major isoforms susceptibility risk factors for late-onset AD find a
of apoE are known (apoE2, apoE3, and apoE4) locus on chromosome 10 that modifies risk for AD by
and these are encoded by three natural allelic apoE elevating Ab42 plasma levels independently from the
variants (e2 [APOE*E2], e3 [APOE*E3], and e4 APOE genotype [41,42]. Several strong candidate
[APOE*E4]). The structural differences of different genes (VR22, PLAU, and IDE) support the linkage.
apoE isoforms are small. apoE3 has cysteine in posi- The VR22 gene encodes a-T catenin, which is a
tion 112 and arginine in positions 158. In apoE4, ar- binding partner of b catenin, known to interact with
ginine replaces the cysteine in position 112. In apoE2, PS-1. VR22 has variants that influence high plasma
the arginine in position 158 is replaced by cysteine. Ab42 levels [43].
The most common APOE allele is APOE*E3, present The IDE gene encodes insulin-degrading en-
in 40% to 90% of the population. The APOE*E3 is zyme, which has a central role in the degradation
present in 10% to 15% of the general population with and clearance of Ab by microglial cells and neurons
frequency higher in northern than in southern Euro- [44]. Recently, the existence of pathologic variants in
pean regions [31]. APOE*E2 is the least frequent the region harboring IDE that influences late-onset
allele (approximately 10%). AD with high plasma Ab42 levels has been sug-
The polymorphism of the APOE gene is con- gested [45].
sidered the most important, best-documented, genetic The PLAU gene encodes urokinase-type plas-
susceptibility risk factor for late-onset AD [5]. Indi- minogen activator, which converts plasminogen to
viduals who carry the APOE*E4 have an increased plasmin. Ab aggregates induce PLAU expression,
risk for developing AD compared with noncarriers, thereby increasing plasmin, which degrades aggre-
with a threefold to fourfold higher risk for het- gated and nonaggregated forms of Ab. Single
erozygotes and a ninefold to tenfold higher risk for missense mutation (P141L) in urokinase-type plas-
homozygotes [32]. In the population of patients minogen activator recently was suggested to increase
who have AD, approximately 45% of APOE alleles Ab42 in late-onset AD [46].
pathophysiology of alzheimer’s disease 731
Susceptibility loci on chromosome 12 (409 amino acids), t-D (382 amino acids), t-E
A genomic screen of families who have late-onset (411 amino acids), and t-F (440 amino acid). Isoform
AD reveals a susceptibility locus on chromosome 12 PNS-t is expressed in the peripheral nervous system
not linked to the presence of the APOE*E4 [47]. (PNS), whereas the others are expressed in the central
The genes encoding a2-macroglobulin (a2M) nervous system. Protein t is a major component of
and low-density lipoprotein receptor-related pro- the intracellular filamentous deposits (neurofibrillar
tein (LRP) present on this chromosome initially tangles) that histologically define not only AD but
were considered suspects. Later, it was proposed also other neurodegenerative diseases, including pro-
that a genetic variation in a transcriptional factor, gressive supranuclear palsy, corticobasal degenera-
LBP-1c/CP2/LSF, is the susceptibility factor for late- tion, Pick’s disease, and argyrophilic grain disease.
onset AD [48]. a2M is a serum protease inhibitor, Neurofibrillar tangles consist mostly of paired helical
also expressed in the brain implicated in AD on the filaments of protein t in the hyperphosphorylated,
basis of its ability to mediate the clearance and deg- insoluble form [58]. For a long time, it was unclear
radation of Ab [49]. a2M polymorphisms resulting if the dysfunction of protein t follows disease or if
from a deletion allele or an amino-acid substitution disease follows t dysfunction. This was resolved
(V1000I) are hypothesized to explain its association when mutations in gene encoding t on chromosome
with AD. More recently, new population-based stud- 17q21 (MAPT) were found to cause the inherited
ies are published in which a2M deletion/insertion FTD and parkinsonism (FTDP-17), historically also
polymorphisms are not associated with risk for devel- termed Pick’s disease [59]. Currently, 32 different
oping AD [50,51] . Thus, it may be possible that the mutations are identified in more than 100 families
locus on chromosome 12 responsible for AD sus- [60]. Approximately half of the known mutations
ceptibility does not correspond to a2M but to an ad- reduce the ability of protein t to interact with mi-
jacent gene. crotubules and increase its propensity to assemble
The low-density LRP is a multifunctional recep- into abnormal filaments. The other mutations perturb
tor that is highly expressed in the brain. LRP is the the normal ratio of protein t isoforms [61]. Although
main apoE receptor expressed in neurons, mediates no mutations in protein t are yet associated with AD,
neurite outgrowth, is responsible for the endocytosis the abundance of neurofibrillar tangles correlates with
of secreted APP, and is detected in senile plaques, the degree of neurodegeneration. The presence of
dystrophic neuritis, and reactive astrocytes in AD neurofibrillar tangles in AD may manifest a ‘‘down-
brain [52]. Recently, it was shown that LRP interacts stream’’ response to the pathologic events initiated
with b-secretase on the cell surface and acts as a by this disease [6]. In a triple transgenic mouse model
b-secretase substrate [53]. Genetic association be- of AD harboring mutant genes for APP (K670N/
tween two different LRP polymorphisms (a TTTC M671L), PS-1 (M146V), and protein t (P301L), Ab
repeat and a cytosine to thymine silent substitution) deposition develops before the tangle pathology [62].
and AD is reported. These associations, however, are Similarly, studies in double transgenic mouse express-
not confirmed in other studies and the link remains ing the Swedish mutation of APP and the t protein
controversial [54]. containing three of the mutations present in FTDP-17
Several members of the glyceraldehyde-3-phos- show that Ab facilitates the phosphorylation of t and
phate dehydrogenase (GAPD) gene family are found, its aberrant aggregation [63].
including one within the 12p candidate region
associated with late-onset AD [55]. GAPD is a key
enzyme in cellular energy production and also plays Other susceptibility genes
an important role in several other cellular processes, Many other genes emerging from studies on
including neuronal apoptosis and neurodegenerative cohorts of sporadic AD cases and age- and sex-
diseases, including AD. It is known to bind APP [56] matched controls are hypothesized as associated to
and Ab [57]. sporadic AD.
Neprilysin is a zinc metalloproteinase reported
Microtubule-associated protein s as a major Ab-degrading enzyme expressed in the
Microtubule-associated protein t promotes micro- brain [64]. The decreased expression and activity of
tubule assembly and stability and is involved in the neprilysin may contribute to the development of AD
establishment and maintenance of neuronal polar- by promoting the accumulation of Ab. The gene
ity. Eight isoforms of protein t are known: PNS-t encoding neprilysin (NEP) is located on chromosome
(757 amino acids), fetal-t (315 amino acids), t-A 3q25. At least 10 single nucleotide polymorphisms
(351 amino acids), t-B (380 amino acid), t-C in the NEP are found to be associated to sporadic
732 imbimbo et al
AD, suggesting that genetic variations within or ex- Nongenetic risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease
tremely close to the NEP might influence the sus-
ceptibility to AD [65,66]. AD is caused by a combination of genetic and
Ubiquilin 1 (UBQLN1) is a highly expressed environmental factors, and the role of environment
protein that promotes the accumulation of uncleaved cannot be ignored. A lot of effort has been devoted
PS-1 and PS-2 by stimulating their biosynthesis. The to identifying those specific genetic and environ-
gene encoding UBQLN1 is one of several candidate mental factors, determining their relative importance,
genes for AD located near a well-established linkage understanding their interactions, and capitalizing on
peak on chromosome 9q22. Variants in UBQLN1 this knowledge to treat and prevent the disease.
substantially increase the risk for AD, possibly by
influencing alternative splicing of this gene in the
Traumatic head injury
brain [67].
b-secretase is the enzyme the starts the first
Several studies suggest a link between risk for
cleavage of APP to generate Ab. The gene encoding
developing AD and traumatic head injury, but the
b-secretase (BACE1) is located on chromosome
association is controversial [75]. Human postmortem
11q23 near a region with increased lod scores for
and experimental studies show Ab deposition and
AD. The biologic functional and genetic associa-
t pathology after head injury. A pig model of brain
tion studies indicate that the BACE1 gene may be a
injury shows that even a mild trauma with full re-
genetic risk factor for late-onset AD. BACE1 gene
covery leads to the accumulation of Ab and formation
polymorphism C786G may act as an APOE*E4-
of neurofilament inclusions [76]. An overexpression
dependent risk factor for developing late-onset AD in
of APP is observed in the brains of gunshot survivors
Chinese populations [68].
[77] and in head-injured sheep [78]. Ab levels in
Tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) is a potent im-
the cerebrospinal fluid also are increased in patients
munomodulator that may mediate neurotoxicity [69],
who have traumatic head injury and in animal models
which makes it an appropriate AD candidate gene.
of brain trauma. Studies involving large groups of par-
The gene encoding TNF-a is located near a chro-
ticipants, however, such as the Multi-Institutional Re-
mosomal region, 6p21, which shows genetic linkage
search in Alzheimer Genetic Epidemiology (MIRAGE)
association with AD in several of the full-genome
study [79] and Rotterdam [80] studies, provide con-
screens in AD [28]. Recent studies, however, suggest
tradictory results. A recent analysis of 15 case-control
that TNF-a may act as a risk factor only for vascular
studies supports an association between a history of
dementia [70] and that 308 adenine/guanine (A/G) poly-
previous head injury and the risk for developing AD,
morphism is not associated with late-onset AD [51].
but this association was restricted to male patients
a1-antichymotrypsin (ACT) is a serine protease
[81]. The presence of APOE*E4 is associated with
inhibitor and an acute phase protein. ACT is
worse neurologic impairment in head injury [82] but
synthesized predominantly in the liver and other
the influence of the APOE genotype on the prognosis
tissues, including the brain. ACT is a major compo-
of traumatic brain injury is under discussion [75].
nent of the senile plaques and may act as a pathologic
chaperone, promoting Ab assembly into neurotoxic
fibrils. Increased levels of ACT are found in the brain Hypercholesterolemia and high-density lipoprotein
and peripheral blood of patients who have AD [71]. cholesterol
ACT gene is located on chromosome 14q32. It con-
tains common bi-allelic polymorphisms, adenine/ The relationship between total serum cholesterol,
thymine (A/T) transversion, resulting in either an ala- its high- and low-density lipoprotein fractions, and
nine or a threonine at codon 15 in the signal peptide AD is the subject of several epidemiologic studies.
sequence. The alanine allele is associated with an The results of these studies sometimes are contrast-
increased risk for AD only in APOE*E4 carriers [72]. ing. A small Finnish study of 444 elderly men sug-
Other studies, however, do not confirm these findings gests that regardless of genetic status, high serum
[73]. More recently, reports suggest that the T allele of cholesterol represents an independent risk factor
a guanine/thymine (G/T) polymorphism at position [83]. Similarly, another small French study involving
51 of ACT is associated with an increased risk for 334 elderly subjects suggests that regardless of APOE
early-onset of AD independent of the presence of the status and other potential confounding variables,
APOE*E4. After manifestation of the disease the ACT elevated high-density lipoprotein cholesterol reduces
TT genotype also is associated with faster cognitive the risk for AD significantly [84]. Alternatively,
decline in patients who have the APOE*E4 [74]. other epidemiologic studies show that lipid levels
pathophysiology of alzheimer’s disease 733
are lower in persons who develop AD, not higher. For Homocysteine, folate, and vitamin B12
example, a study of 987 elderly subjects, most of
them of Caribbean Hispanic origin, concludes that Elevated serum homocysteine levels are consid-
total cholesterol has a weak but significant inverse ered a risk factor for cognitive decline and AD, but
association with incident AD, regardless of APOE data from prospective studies are controversial.
genotype [85]. A recent study of 392 subjects shows Serum concentration of homocysteine increases with
that high cholesterol in late life is associated with age. In healthy elderly subjects, plasma total homo-
decreased dementia risk [86]. The conflicting results cysteine concentrations are correlated negatively with
may be explained by the timing of the cholesterol cognitive performance [101,102] and high plasma
measurements in relationship to age and clinical onset homocysteine levels are associated with brain atrophy
of dementia. Studies in patients taking cholesterol- [103]. High homocysteine levels are associated with
lowering drugs, such as 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl low vitamin B12 and folate levels but it is unknown if
coenzyme A reductase inhibitors (statins), also are it is homocysteine toxicity or vitamin insufficiency
contradictory. Some studies conclude that statin use that is responsible for the observed cognitive dys-
lowers the risk for dementia [87], whereas others function. In healthy elderly subjects, low folate levels
conclude that this association is artifactual [88]. appear to be a risk factor for cognitive decline [104].
Results of epidemiologic studies prompted many Vitamin B12 and folic acid supplementation normalize
laboratory studies. In vitro, APP751-transfected cells plasma total homocysteine concentrations but do not
with elevated cholesterol levels show a dramatic affect cognitive performance [105]. In patients who
reduction in secretion of sAPPa, the nonamyloido- have AD, plasma homocysteine levels are described
genic metabolite of APP [89]. In cultured neurons, as significantly higher than in controls [106] but
cholesterol depletion obtained by combination of this observation is not confirmed in other studies
lovastatin treatment and methyl-b-cyclodextrin [107,108]. No correlations between homocysteine
extraction, reduces production of Ab below detect- levels and cognitive functioning are found [109] and
able levels [90] by shifting the APP processing high homocysteine levels are not found associated
to a-secretase [91]. At least some of the actions with a decrease in memory scores over time [107].
of statins on a-secretase seem to occur via the Hence, there is little evidence to justify treating cog-
rho/ROCK pathway, which can modulate sAPPa nitive impairment with vitamin B12 or folate supple-
generation [92]. In contrast, recently it was shown mentation. This is consistent with the findings from
that statins may determine an accumulation of intra- recent systematic reviews of randomized double-blind
cellular amyloidogenic metabolite of APP (sAPPb) trials, which have not found any evidence of poten-
and Ab via an isoprenoid-dependent mechanism tial benefit of vitamin supplementation. A systematic
[93]. Adding complexity to the picture, recently it review of the literature establishes that folic acid plus
was shown that in human neuroblastoma cells, treat- vitamin B12 is effective in reducing the serum homo-
ment with statins decreased the association of the cysteine concentrations, but there is no beneficial
g-secretase complex significantly with lipid rafts effect of folic acid on cognition in older healthy
[94]. In vivo, rabbits on a 2% cholesterol diet devel- women and in patients who have mild to moderate
oped increased Ab levels within the neurons of their cognitive decline and different forms of dementia
brains [95]. Studies in transgenic animal models of [109]. A recent study shows that homocysteic acid, an
AD show that fat feeding increases brain plaque oxidized metabolite of homocysteine, induces intra-
load and that hypocholesterolemic agents, such as neuronal accumulation of Ab42 that is associated with
statins, lower plaque burden [96,97]. cytotoxicity [110]. But further research is required to
Definitive answers on the role of cholesterol in AD establish if raised serum total homocysteine is a cause
can be obtained only from clinical studies. Indeed, or consequence of disease [111].
quite a few prospective clinical trials of cholesterol-
lowering statins in AD patients are available. Most Alcohol
of these studies are negative. In addition, two large
randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials fail to Light to moderate alcohol, in particular wine, in-
show any effect of statins (simvastatin and prava- take may be related to a low risk for AD [112]. This is
statin) on cognitive performance or on dementia de- apparent in two major studies. A French population-
velopment [98,99]. Perhaps the only encouraging based prospective study involving 3777 subjects
evidence, albeit preliminary, is the apparent ability finds a protective effect of wine consumption on AD
of atorvastatin to slow progression of dementia in with adjusted odds ratios of 0.55 and 0.28 for sub-
AD [100]. jects consuming 1 to 2 and 3 to 4 glasses of wine per
734 imbimbo et al
day, respectively [113]. These results are confirmed Prevalent pathophysiologic hypothesis:
from the analysis of the Rotterdam Study involving the B-amyloid cascade
5395 subjects. Light to moderate drinking (one to
three drinks per day) is associated significantly with a Neuritic plaques, the characteristic lesions found
lower risk for any dementia, with a hazard ratio of in the brain of patients who have AD, are composed
0.58 [114]. A third, smaller study involving 402 sub- mainly of aggregates of a peptide with 40 or
jects again finds that light to moderate drinking is 42 amino-acid residues, known as Ab. The Ab pep-
associated significantly with a decreased risk for AD tide is the result of the metabolic processing of a
compared with nondrinking, with an adjusted relative complex transmembrane glycoprotein, known as
risk 0.50 [115]. A further study involving 980 sub- APP. APP may be processed metabolically according
jects reveals that the association between wine to two pathways (Fig. 2). In the so-called ‘‘nonamy-
consumption and lower risk for AD is confined to loidogenic pathway,’’ the a-secretase enzyme cleaves
individuals who do not have the APOE*E4 [116]. APP within the Ab sequence and releases its trans-
Intake of liquor, beer, and total alcohol is not membrane fragment, sAPPa, which seems to exert
associated with a lower risk for AD. Other studies neuroprotective activity. In the amyloidogenic path-
find a modest, although significant, protective effect way, the b-secretase enzyme releases sAPPb plus a
of alcohol intake, with an odds ratio of 0.83 [117]. 12-kd protein fragment (C99), which in turn is
cleaved by the g-secretase complex giving way to
Ab. The g-secretase complex consists in a catalytic
Other dietary risk factors component, presenilin, and three cofactors, nicastrin,
anterior pharynx defective 1 (Aph-1), and presenilin
Several other dietary elements and foods are enhancer 2 (Pen-2) (Fig. 3). Presenilin is activated
reported to be either risk or protective factors for the biologically by endoproteolysis that generates
development of AD [118]. Antioxidant vitamins E two heterodimers that each present the key aspar-
and C have received particular attention, because tate residue.
animal and in vitro studies suggest that oxidative The correlation among Ab histopathologic le-
stress has a role in the pathogenesis of AD. Analysis sions, brain cell death, and cognitive deficiency in AD
of the Rotterdam Study finds that high intake of represents the so-called ‘‘Ab hypothesis’’ of the dis-
vitamin C and vitamin E is associated with lower ease. This hypothesis was conceptualized in 1991 by
risk for AD with rate ratios of 0.82 and 0.82, respec- Hardy and Allsop [125] and updated in 2002 by
tively [119]. Another prospective study conducted in Hardy and Selkoe [126] (Fig. 4).
815 individuals suggests that vitamin E from food,
but not other antioxidants, may be associated with The generation of the b-amyloid hypothesis
a reduced risk for AD [120]. This association was
observed only among individuals who did not have The Ab peptide first was sequenced from the
the APOE*E4. A major 2-year, double-blind, placebo- meningeal blood vessels of patients who had AD in
controlled study of 341 patients who had moderate 1984 [127]. A year later, Ab was recognized as the
AD detected a significant delay in clinical worsening primary component of the senile plaques of AD brain
for patients treated with vitamin E (2000 IU/day), [128]. In 1987, it was realized that the gene encoding
although statistical analysis applied to this study APP is located on chromosome 21 [129], the same
is questioned [121]. A recent 3-year, double-blind, gene found in Down syndrome (trisomy 21) that de-
placebo-controlled trial in 769 subjects who had velops the same Ab neuropathology as AD. In 1990,
mild cognitive impairment shows that vitamin E it was found that a mutation in the APP gene causes
supplementation (2000 IU/day) does not reduce the Ab deposition in the cerebral vessel walls of Dutch
progression to AD [122]. Thus, a recent review patients who had hereditary cerebral hemorrhage and
concludes that there are no clear-cut answers as to amyloidosis [130]. These findings provided a genetic
whether or not vitamin E is worth prescribing for framework for the Ab hypothesis (see Fig. 4) [125].
AD [123].
Reports on other dietary factors are inconsis- The development of the b-amyloid hypothesis
tent and there are few large epidemiologic studies
exploring the associations between nutrients and AD. Soon after the generation of the Ab hypothesis, a
Available data do not permit definitive conclusions series of studies supported it. The 28 residue synthetic
regarding diet and AD or specific recommendations peptide homologous to the Dutch APP variant was
for diet modification for the prevention of AD [124]. found to accelerate fibril formation in vitro [131].
pathophysiology of alzheimer’s disease 735
Fig. 2. Schematic representation of APP processing and Ab accumulation. Mature APP (center, inside dashed box) is
metabolized by two competing pathways, the a-secretase pathway that generates sAPPa and C83 (also known as CTFa) (left)
and the b-secretase pathway that generates sAPPb and C99 (right). The carboxyterminal fragment C99 is cleaved by g-secretase
to generate Ab and the APP intracellular domain (AICD). The carboxyterminal fragment C83 also is cleaved by g-secretase
for the secreted peptides p3 (not shown). Ab aggregates into small multimers (dimers, trimers, and so forth), known as oligomers.
Oligomers seem to be the most potent neurotoxins, whereas the end-stage senile plaque is relatively inert. (From Gandy S. The
role of cerebral amyloid b accumulation in common forms of Alzheimer disease. J Clin Invest 2005;115:1122; with permission.)
Several APP mutations causing familial AD were components of the g-secretase complex) causing
discovered, most of them concentrated at the cleavage familial AD also enhance the processing of APP
sites of APP [132 – 134]. These mutations promote to form amyloidogenic Ab strongly reinforced the
generation of Ab by favoring proteolytic processing hypothesis [21]. The finding that APP transgenic
of APP by b- or g-secretase. The subsequent dem- mice with APOE knocked out show a marked
onstration that mutations in PS-1 and PS-2 (the major reduction in cerebral Ab deposition suggested a role
Fig. 3. Schematic representation of the four components of the g-secretase complex. The g-secretase complex consists of a
catalytic component, presenilin, and three cofactors, nicastrin, Aph-1, and PEN-2. Presenilin is activated biologically by
endoproteolysis that generates two heterodimers that each present the key aspartate residue. (From Gandy S. The role of cerebral
amyloid b accumulation in common forms of Alzheimer disease. J Clin Invest 2005;115:1124; with permission.)
736 imbimbo et al
Missense mutations in APP, PS1, or PS2 genes specific association between this chromosome 10 lo-
cus and the gene encoding insulin-degrading enzyme,
the enzyme responsible for Ab degradation in neu-
Increased Aβ42 production and accumulation rons [138], suggests that impaired Ab catabolism and
clearance may contribute to the risk for late-onset
AD. Recently, it was found that Ab deposition de-
Aβ42 oligomerization and deposition
as diffuse plaques
velops before the tangle pathology in triple transgenic
mice expressing simultaneous mutant genes for hu-
man APP, PS-1 and t protein [139].
In addition to this genetic evidence, there are
Subtle effects of Aβ oligomers on synapses
several biochemical studies that reinforce the Ab hy-
pothesis. Brain deposition of Ab42 plaques pre-
cedes the formation of neurofibrillary tangles or
Microglial and astrocytic activation
(complement factors, cytokines, etc.) overt neuronal loss and the appearance of clinical
symptoms in familial AD with PS-1 mutation [140].
Brain levels of Ab40 and Ab42 are elevated early in
Progressive synaptic and neuritic injury
patients who have AD, and levels of both peptides,
especially Ab42, were correlated strongly with cog-
nitive decline. In the frontal cortex, Ab was elevated
before the occurrence of significant t pathology
Altered neuronal ionic homeostasis;
oxidative injury [141]. Cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of Ab42
were significantly lower in patients who had AD
compared with controls, suggesting a diminished
Altered kinase/phosphatase activities ➤ tangles clearance of the toxic peptide from central nervous
system [142]. Patient who have incipient AD [143]
and patients who have mild cognitive impairment
Widespread neuronal/neuritic dysfunction [144] have higher plasma levels of Ab42 than
and cell death with transmitter deficits matched controls. Finally, expression and activity of
b-secretase, the enzyme that initiates the amyloido-
genic metabolic pathway, seem to be increased in the
Dementia brain of sporadic AD [145,146]. Taken together, these
findings are consistent with the notion that cerebral
Fig. 4. The sequence of pathogenic events leading to AD Ab accumulation is the primary influence in AD and
proposed by the amyloid cascade hypothesis. The curved that the rest of the disease process, including t tangle
violet arrow indicates that Ab oligomers may injure the formation, results from an imbalance between
synapses and neurites of brain neurons directly, in addition
Ab production and Ab clearance.
to activating microglia and astrocytes. (From Hardy J,
Selkoe DJ. The amyloid hypothesis of Alzherimer’s disease:
progress and problems on the road to therapeutics. Science
2002;297:354; with permission.) The role of b-amyloid oligomers
structural disruption of synapses and neurite breakage cinoma cell line [157]. Ab peptides seem to be
in transgenic mouse models of AD [153]. generated at different subcellular sites with Ab40
solely in the trans-Golgi network [158] and Ab42 in
The role of cholesterol the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi compart-
ments [159]. Intracellular Ab seems to be mainly in
Cholesterol is shown to alter APP processing and oligomeric form, mainly dimeric [160].
Ab deposition in vitro and in vivo. The addition of Autoptic studies on brain tissue of patients who
exogenous cholesterol to APP-transfected cells leads have AD show that Ab42 accumulates in pyramidal
to an increase of Ab40 and Ab42 secretion [154]. neurons of hippocampus and entorhinal cortex [161].
Introduction of high cholesterol diet induces Ab With increasing cognitive dysfunction and plaque de-
deposition in rabbits [94] and mice [95]. Other position, intraneuronal Ab42 immunoreactivity seems
studies find, however, that increased dietary cho- to be attenuated [161]. Intracellular Ab deposition
lesterol reduces brain APP metabolism [155]. High is evident before the appearance of paired helical
cholesterol may affect Ab production through the sta- filaments-positive structures, indicating that it is
bilization of APP, b- secretase, or g-secretase within one of the first neurodegenerative alterations in the
the lipid rafts on the cell membrane of neurons. In- AD brain [162].
creased cholesterol also may change the fluidity of Human neuroblastoma cells stably expressing the
the membrane in a way that maintains APP in close Swedish mutation of APP show increased intra-
proximity with b- and g-secretase (Fig. 5). cellular Ab levels [163]. Several PS-2 and few PS-1
mutations lead to enhanced intracellular Ab42-levels
Intraneuronal b-amyloid accumulation with a concomitant decrease in intracellular Ab40
[164]. The ratio of intracellular Ab42:Ab40 also
In addition to the deposition of Ab into extra- increases markedly in cells coexpressing APP and
cellular plaques, there is increasing evidence that Ab either mutant PS-1 or PS-2 [163].
also accumulates intracellularly as monomeric and Studies in transgenic mouse models of AD also
oligomeric species and that this process may be an support the pathophysiologic role of intraneuronal
early event in AD pathophysiology [156]. Studies in Ab. Transgenic mice expressing mutant human APP
cell cultures, postmortem brain tissue of patients who in combination with mutant PS-1 show intracellular
have AD, and transgenic AD mouse models suggest Ab accumulation in hippocampal and cortical neu-
that intracellular Ab may be neurotoxic by stimulat- rons before extracellular plaque deposition [165,166].
ing oxidative stress and apoptotic cell death. As observed in postmortem brain tissue of pa-
First evidenceof intracellular generation of Ab was tients who have AD, the intraneuronal Ab immuno-
reported in human neurons derived from a teratocar- reactivity declines with increased extracellular plaque
Fig. 5. Schematic representation describing the possible role of cholesterol in the APP processing. Nonamyloidogenic
cleavage of APP by a-secretases (ADAM) requires a membrane domain that is poor in cholesterol and rich in phospholipids.
Amyloidogenic cleavage of APP by the b-secretase (BACE) and g-secretases (PS) requires a membrane domain that is cho-
lesterol rich, such as a lipid raft. (From Casserly I, Topol E. Convergence of atherosclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease: in-
flammation, cholesterol, and misfolded proteins. Lancet 2004;363:1140; with permission.)
738 imbimbo et al
accumulation [167]. The intraneuronal Ab deposition neurotoxic effect and stimulates an increase in
in hippocampus seems to be increased fourfold by voltage-dependent C2+ channel current activity, sug-
high fat and cholesterol diet in transgenic mice gesting that Ab may act as a physiologic regulator of
expressing APP with the Swedish mutation [168]. ion channel function in neurons [178]. In vitro studies
Triple-transgenic mice expressing mutant APP in show that spontaneous neuronal activity stimulates
combination with mutant PS-1 and mutant pro- b-secretase, leading to an enhanced secretion of the
tein t show early intraneuronal Ab immunoreactivity Ab peptide in normal neurons and in neurons
together with synaptic dysfunction before plaque or overexpressing the Swedish mutated APP [179]. In
tangle deposition was evident [139]. turn, secreted Ab depresses neuronal activity via
Besides intraneuronal Ab production, cellular inhibition of the NMDA excitatory pathway. This
uptake of Ab from the environment is a second negative feedback loop, in which neuronal activity
mechanism that contributes to intracellular Ab ac- promotes Ab production and Ab secretion decreases
cumulation. Selective intracellular accumulation of synaptic activity, could maintain the physiologic ho-
Ab42 is reported in cells treated with synthetic meostasis of neurons. In AD, neurons might fail to
Ab-peptides and occurs via endocytosis [169]. This be depressed by Ab, leading to a gradual build-up of
accumulation seemd specific for Ab42 that seems neuronal activity and further Ab secretion. Alterna-
resistant to degradation. Ab40 and shorter pep- tively, the production of Ab might become indepen-
tides are eliminated with a half-life of approximately dent from neuronal activity [176]. Other in vitro
1 hour [170]. studies suggest that physiologic production of Ab is
The mechanisms with which intracellular Ab important for neuronal viability [180]. Incubation
may be neurotoxic are not understood completely. with b- or g-secretase inhibitors induces death in
It is reported that intracellular Ab42 correlates neuronal cells but not in non-neuronal cells. The ad-
with apoptotic cell death in brains of patients who dition of Ab40 prevents the toxicity of secretase
have AD [171]. Transgenic mice expressing Ab42 inhibitors in neuronal cells. The protective effect of
in neurons show extensive neurodegeneration with Ab40 is concentration dependent with significant
morphologic and biochemical evidence that neuro- effects at concentrations as low as 10 ppm. More
nal death occurred via apoptosis [172]. Rat cortical recently, it is proposed that Ab, at physiologic
neurons expressing human APP underwent apoptosis concentrations, may stimulate postsynaptically the
as soon as they accumulated intracellularly Ab42 expression of proteins related to synaptic plasticity
[173]. Treatment of cell cultures with apoptosis- via cyclic adenosine monophosphate – responsive,
inducing substances, such as etoposide or melphalan, element-regulated gene expression [181].
led to an increase in cellular Ab42 in damaged
neurons [174]. In addition to apoptotic mechanisms, Evidence against the b-amyloid hypothesis
it seems that stimulation of oxidative stress may
mediate toxicity of intracellular Ab. Human neuro- The Ab hypothesis of AD also is criticized
blastoma cells treated with hydrogen peroxide shows strongly. The most frequent objection is that the
a significant increase of intracellular Ab levels [175]. number of amyloid deposits in the brain does not
There is accumulating evidence suggesting that correlate well with the degree of cognitive impair-
intraneuronal Ab42 is a major risk factor for neuron ment experienced by patients in life [182]. In ad-
loss and a trigger for the Ab cascade of pathologic dition, the histopathologic work of Braak and Braak
events. Thus, Ab pathology may be seen in AD as shows that the distribution pattern and packing
a continuous process from an initial abnormal Ab density of amyloid deposits are of limited signifi-
intracellular accumulation to the well-established ex- cance for differentiation of neuropathologic stages
tracellular Ab aggregation, culminating in the for- [183]. The disease severity correlates much better
mation of amyloid plaques and dystrophic neuritis. with Ab assayed biochemically than with histologi-
cally determined plaque counts, and the concentra-
Physiologic functions of b-amyloid tion of soluble Ab species seems to correlate with
cognitive impairment [184 – 186]. Recently, it was
It is still unclear if Ab has any normal physiologic shown that soluble oligomers of Ab, but not mono-
role in the brain [176]. Ab peptide is present in the mers or insoluble amyloid fibrils, may be responsible
cerebrospinal fluid and in plasma of healthy indi- for synaptic dysfunction in the brains of patients who
viduals throughout life [177]. Studies in cultured rat have AD and in AD animal models. The so-called
cortical neurons incubated with exogenously added ‘‘AD diffusible ligands’’ [147] or protofibrils [148]
Ab peptides indicate that unaggregated Ab40 has no cause subtle injury to cultured neurons. Injection in
pathophysiology of alzheimer’s disease 739
rats of Ab oligomers can inhibit long-term potentia- then is internalized to be delivered to lysosomes for
tion in the hippocampus, which is required for subsequent degradation or transported for trans-
memory formation [152]. Thus, it is hypothesized cytosis across the blood-brain barrier into plasma
that large polymeric aggregates (such as the amyloid [191]. Recently it was shown that Ab can be trans-
plaques) represent inactive reservoirs of species that ported across the blood-brain barrier and be cleared
are in equilibrium with smaller, putatively neurotoxic from the brain after directly binding LRP [192]. LRP
assemblies (Ab oligomers). favors clearance of Ab40 over Ab42. Specific anti-
Another concern arises from the fact that some LRP antibodies are shown to reduce efflux of Ab40
presenilin mutations that increase Ab production from mice brain by up to 90% [190]. Cerebral amy-
strongly seem to be associated with atypical symp- loid load is doubled in human APP transgenic mice
toms, such as spastic paraparesis (weakness affecting engineered to possess low levels of LRP at the blood-
the lower extremities), rather than cognitive symp- brain barrier and no expression of the critical LRP
toms typical of AD [187]. chaperone, the receptor-associated protein [193].
compelling [198]. Ab also can be internalized and the metabolic suppression of the endogenous Ab
degraded by activated microglia in the brain. levels in a gene dose-dependent manner [206]. Con-
Neprilysin-converting enzyme and ECE are versely, transgenic overexpression of neprilysin in
homologous membrane proteins of the M13 pep- neurons significantly reduced brain Ab and amyloid
tidase family, which normally play roles in the plaque formation [202]. Neuronal upregulation of
biosynthesis or metabolism of regulatory peptides. neprilysin in young transgenic mice expressing the
Insulin-degrading enzyme is distinct structurally and Swedish mutated form of APP led to reduction of
mechanistically. The regional, cellular, and subcellu- brain Ab levels and delayed Ab plaque deposition in
lar localizations of these enzymes differ, providing young but not in aged animals with pre-existing
an efficient and diverse mechanism for protecting plaque pathology [207]. Unilateral intracerebral injec-
the brain against the normal accumulation of Ab. tion of a lentiviral vector expressing human nepri-
Reduction in expression levels of some of these lysin reduced Ab deposits by half with respect
proteases after insults (eg, hypoxia and ischemia) or to the untreated side in transgenic mouse models
aging might predispose to the development of AD. of amyloidosis [208]. Finally, the recent findings
Conversely, enhancement of their levels by gene that neprilysin immunoreactivity is decreased in AD
delivery or pharmacologic means could be neuro- brains [209] and that single nucleotide polymor-
protective. Even a small enhancement of Ab metabo- phisms of the gene encoding neprilysin is associated
lism could slow the progression of the disease. with patients who have sporadic AD [66] reinforce
the role of neprilysin in the pathogenesis of AD.
Insulin-degrading enzyme
Endothelin-converting enzyme
Insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) is a 110-kd pro-
ECE, a member of the M13 family, is a key
tein that, in addition to Ab, hydrolyzes several regu-
component in the regulation of blood pressure and
latory peptides, including insulin, glucagons, atrial
electrolyte balance. ECE-1 also is proposed as Ab-
natriuretic factor, transforming growth factor-a,
degrading enzyme. It is shown that treatment of
b-endorphin, amylin, and APP intracellular domain
endogenous ECE-expressing cell lines with the
[199]. Several studies support the role of IDE in
metalloprotease inhibitor phosphoramidon causes a
Ab degradation [200], the most convincing being
twofold to threefold elevation in extracellular Ab
those in transgenic animals. IDE knockout mice
concentration that is believed the result of inhibi-
show increased cerebral accumulation of endogenous
tion of intracellular Ab degradation [210]. Mice defi-
Ab [201]. Double transgenic mice overexpressing
cient for ECE-1 and a closely related enzyme, ECE-2,
IDE and human mutated APP show a 50% decrease
show increased Ab40 and Ab42 brain levels [211].
in cerebral Ab40 and Ab42 levels and Ab load [202].
Further support of a potential role of ECE in the
Further support for the role of IDE in AD patho-
pathophysiology of AD derives from a large case-
genesis derives from recent reports of its genetic
control study that finds that a functional genetic
association with late-onset AD [45]. Hippocampal
variant (A allele) of the gene encoding ECE reduces
IDE mRNA levels are found lower in subjects who
risk for late-onset AD [212].
have an APOE*E4, suggesting that the genetic risk
conferred by APOE*E4 may be mediated in part by
its effect on IDE expression [203].
Mechanisms of B-amyloid toxicity
abnormally high amounts of oxidatively modified radical (OH*), a highly reactive oxyradical and potent
proteins, lipids, and DNA, especially in the areas in inducer of membrane-associated oxidative stress that
which Ab is abundant [214]. Ab aggregation is contributes to the dysfunction of the endoplasmatic
triggered by the presence of the redox-active ions, reticulum (see Fig. 6) [215].
Fe2+ and Cu+, and this interaction generates hydrogen Attack of DNA by ROS, particularly OH*, leads
peroxide. The formation of hydrogen peroxide leads to the formation of approximately 20 major products.
to lipid peroxidation with the consequent production Of the possible base adducts resulting from oxidative
of 4-hydroxynonenal, a neurotoxic aldehyde that stress, one of the most prominent appears to be
covalently modifies proteins on cysteine, lysine, and the result of the hydroxylation of guanine at the
histidine residues (Fig. 6). Some of the proteins C8 position, leading to the formation of 8-oxoguanine
modified oxidatively by this Ab-induced oxidative and the corresponding formamido-pyridine [216].
stress include membrane transporters, guanosine tri- These markers of oxidative stress are localized to
phosphate (GTP)-binding proteins, and ion channels. neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques in AD
Oxidative modifications of t by 4-hydroxynonenal brains [217]. DNA damage is a feature of neuron
and other ROS can promote its aggregation and cell death that has been detected in AD and in
thereby may induce the formation of neurofibrillar experimental models of AD. Studies demonstrate an
tangles. Ab also can cause mitochondrial oxidative increased oxidative DNA damage in AD brain. DNA
stress and dysregulation of calcium ion (Ca2+) ho- damage induced by free radicals or enzymatic
meostasis, resulting in impairment of the electron modifications can be a trigger that initiates the cell
transport chain, increased production of superoxide death program.
anion radical (O2 ), and decreased production of ATP.
O2 is converted to hydrogen peroxide by the activity
of superoxide dismutase (SOD). O2 also can interact The role of nitric oxide
with nitric oxide (NO) via NO synthase (NOS) to pro-
duce peroxynitrite (ONOO*). Interaction of hydrogen NO is synthesized from L-arginine by NOS. In
peroxide with Fe2+ or Cu+ generates the hydroxyl tissues, NOS occurs in three isoforms: endothelial
Fig. 6. Schematic overview of the neuronal oxidative stress induced by Ab. The neurotoxic action of Ab involves generation of
ROS and disruption of cellular calcium homeostasis. (From Mattson MP. Pathways towards and away from Alzheimer’s disease.
Nature 2004;430:633; with permission).
742 imbimbo et al
(eNOS), neuronal (nNOS), and inducible (iNOS). In Finally, there also is evidence that Ab can bind
the brain, all three isoforms of NOS are present and and activate the classical complement cytolytic path-
iNOS and eNOS are expressed aberrantly in AD, way [226].
especially in association with Ab deposits [218].
Dysregulation of vascular NO production can occur The role of intracellular calcium
from chronic cerebral hypoperfusion during aging
[219]. Increased deposition of Ab results in increased Ca2+ plays a fundamental role in learning and
mRNA and protein expression of iNOS and genera- memory and also is involved in neuron survival
tion of NO [220]. NO can interact rapidly with and death. The inability of neurons to regulate cal-
superoxide anion O2 forming more reactive peroxy- cium homeostasis is an aspect of AD pathogenesis
nitrite (ONOO ). ONOO can induce lipid peroxi- that seems intimately involved in the dysfunction
dation and functional alterations in proteins and and death of neurons [227]. Several studies in cul-
DNA, eventually leading to neuronal death [216]. tured neurons from patients who have AD and from
transgenic mice bearing AD-causing mutations of
PS-1, PS-2, or APP show alterations of cellular cal-
The role of inflammatory mediators cium homeostasis [228]. These alterations include
increased amount of calcium released by the en-
Several studies indicate that Ab deposition acti- doplasmic reticulum, defect in capacitative calcium
vates a series of inflammatory reactions that may entry, and calcium influx pathway activated by
mediate neuronal death. In the AD brain there are depletion of intracellular stores [229]. These effects
elevated levels of a diverse range of proinflammatory seems linked to the increased production of Ab42 and
molecules. These inflammatory molecules are pro- the decreased levels of sAPPa [215]. Ab may perturb
duced principally by activated microglia and astro- calcium regulation by inducing oxidative stress, which
cytes, which are found clustered within and adjacent impairs membrane calcium pumps and enhances cal-
to the senile plaque. cium influx through voltage-dependent channels
The inflammatory products released by Ab- and ionotropic glutamate receptors (see Fig. 6). Ab
activated microglia include cytokines, such as in- can promote calcium influx by forming channels in
terleukin 1 (IL-1), interleukin 6 (IL-6), TNF-a, and membranes or by activating cell surface receptors
transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b, [221]. Al- coupled to calcium influx. Presenilin and APP mu-
though their expression is induced by the presence tations are a rare cause of AD, however, and there
of Ab, these cytokines also are able to promote the is no evidence that a calcium-regulating action
accumulation of Ab in a vicious circle that fuels the of presenilin is involved in sporadic forms of AD.
progression of the disease [222]. Activated microglia Recent studies suggest, however, that wild-type PS-1
also secrete chemokines, a diverse group of small normally may serve a calcium-regulating function
proteins that controls the recruitment of cytotoxic in the endoplasmic reticulum [230].
and helper T lymphocyte to the sites of inflam- Disturbances of calcium regulation in AD may not
mation. These chemokines include interleukin 8 be limited to neurons. Studies in lymphocytes from
(IL-8), interferon-g – inducible protein, macrophage patients who have familial or sporadic AD demon-
inflammatory protein-1a, macrophage inflammatory strate abnormalities in calcium signaling similar to
protein-1b, and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 those in neurons [231]. Thus, perturbed cellular cal-
(MCP-1) [223]. Additionally, studies in glial cultures cium homeostasis seems to be a widespread abnor-
show that Ab activated nuclear factor-kB, a tran- mality in familial and sporadic forms of AD that may
scription factor for several inflammatory mediators, contribute to the disease process.
including IL-1b and IL-6 [224].
In AD, the number of reactive astrocytes is Disturbed energy metabolism
increased and the expression of phospholipase A2
in these cells is upregulated, leading to increased Neurons are highly dependent on glucose for ATP
arachidonic acid/prostaglandin inflammatory path- generation necessary for ATP’s various functions, in-
way activity. It is shown that Ab deposition is cluding synaptic transmission. ATP production de-
accompanied by activation of astrocyte to secrete pends on a well-preserved mitochondrial structure
chemokines, in particular MCP-1 and regulated and function. When mitochondria fail to provide ade-
on activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted quate energy, partial neuronal depolarization and loss
(RANTES), which serve as potent macrophage che- of calcium homeostasis occur and may lead to neu-
moattractants [225]. ronal apoptosis. Biochemical studies show that the
pathophysiology of alzheimer’s disease 743
mitochondrial electron transport chain is defective in deposition may contribute to the cerebral hypo-
sporadic AD [232]. Mitochondrial dysfunction is perfusion observed early in the AD process.
linked to oxidatively damaged mitochondrial DNA
and eventually may lead to cell death. How exactly
Dysfunction of the axonal transport
this translates into loss of specific neuronal popula-
tions, including cholinergic forebrain, hippocampal
Many of the neurons affected in AD are relatively
pyramidal and cortical neurons, is unclear.
large and have long axons. Damage to axons of
Brain imaging studies demonstrate deficits in glu-
such neurons with alterations in axonal transport is
cose use in living patients who have AD, an abnor-
observed in the early stages of patients who have AD
mality that may occur before the onset of clinical
and also in young AD transgenic mice [243]. Axonal
symptoms [233]. The activities of key enzymes in-
defects consist of swellings that accumulated abnor-
volved in energy metabolism (cytochrome c oxidase,
mal amounts of microtubule-associated and molecu-
pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, and a-ketoglutarate
lar motor proteins, organelles, and vesicles. APP
dehydrogenase complex) are decreased in brain cells
and its proteolytic enzymes, PS-1 and b-secretase,
of patients who have AD. It is proven that altered
are transported axonally to synaptic terminals in
proteolytic processing of APP may contribute to im-
brain regions affected in AD [244]. Reductions in
paired energy metabolism. Transgenic human APP
microtubule-dependent transport of APP may stimu-
mice show age-dependent decrease in glucose me-
late its proteolytic processing with the consequent
tabolism in brain regions involved in cognitive
accumulation of Ab [245]. Ab can have many adverse
processes [234]. Moreover, hypoxic tolerance is
effects on the functions and integrity of pre- and
decreased significantly in young human APP mutant
postsynaptic terminals, including inducing oxidative
mice, suggesting an early role for perturbed energy
stress, impairing calcium homeostasis and perturbing
metabolism [235]. Insulin resistance, a sign of sys-
the functions of mitochondria and the endoplas-
temic abnormality in glucose regulation, is consid-
mic reticulum.
ered a risk factor for AD [236]. Caloric restriction,
which enhances insulin sensitivity, attenuates Ab de-
position in transgenic mouse models of AD [237]. All Activation of apoptotic death
these findings support a role for perturbed glucose
metabolism in AD pathogenesis, although this re- Apoptosis is a form of programmed cell death that
mains to be established in humans. involves changes in the cytoplasm, endoplasmic
reticulum, mitochondria, and nucleus. Typically it
includes the production or activation of proteins, such
Cerebral hypoperfusion as p53, Bax, Bad, and Par-4. These proteins increase
the membrane permeability of mitochondria with the
Cerebral blood flow is impaired abnormally release in cytoplasm of cytochrome c and apoptosis-
in AD. Neuroimaging detection of cerebral hypo- inducing factor. The membrane permeability of
perfusion in selected brain regions seems to predict endoplasmic reticulum also is increased with the
AD at the mild cognitive impairment stage, and pos- consequent release of calcium. The latter events then
sibly even earlier, with consistent accuracy. Brain activate cysteine aspartyl proteases, called caspases,
hypoperfusion initiates oxidative stress and cogni- which cleave various protein substrates. Caspase-
tive decline and neurodegeneration is reinforced fur- mediated cleavage of cytoskeletal proteins and ion
ther [238]. channel proteins causes cell shrinkage and may
Rodent models of ischemic brain show that brain prevent necrosis, whereas cleavage of DNA de-
hypoperfusion enhances APP mRNA expression grades chromosomes.
[239] and increased APP accumulation in surviving Presenilin mutations causing familial AD render
neurons [240]. In vitro experiments show that freshly neurons vulnerable to apoptosis induced by Ab and
solubilized Ab enhances constriction of cerebral other stimuli, apparently by altering calcium regu-
and peripheral vessels. In vivo, intra-arterially infused lation of endoplasmic reticulum [246]. APP mu-
freshly solubilized Ab40 in rats results in decreased tations also are sufficient to trigger apoptosis in
blood flow and increased vascular resistance specifi- cultured cells [247]. Different studies show that
cally in cerebral cortex [241]. A decreased cerebral extracellular amyloid deposits and intracellular Ab
hemodynamic response to electrical stimulation is may activate caspases, leading to cleavage of cyto-
documented in a human APP transgenic mouse skeletal proteins, including protein t [248]. In addi-
model of AD [242]. These data suggest that Ab tion to Ab, C-terminal proteolytic products of APP
744 imbimbo et al
are implicated in neuronal apoptosis [247]. Increased campus of AD brains, suggesting that reduction of
expression of p53, a DNA damage indicator, is ob- this enzyme may be a critical factor in the hyper-
served in neurons exposed to Ab [249]. Indeed, neu- phosphylation of t in AD [258].
rons treated with inhibitors of p53, agents that Several studies correlate the severity of AD with
stabilize mitochondrial and endoplasmic reticulum the accumulation of neurofibrillary tangles rather than
membranes or caspase inhibitors, are resistant to Ab [259]. Coexistence of t and Ab in the majority of
being killed by Ab [250]. Other studies suggest AD brains, however, suggests a pathologic inter-
that Ab increases the expression of the death effector action between these two proteins. This hypothesis
Bax and simultaneously downregulates the antiapo- is supported by a transgenic mouse model in which
ptotic bcl2 [251]. animals are crossbred to express mutant t and APP.
In these mice, neurofibrillary tangle pathology is
enhanced substantially in the limbic cortex [137], sug-
gesting a synergistic neurodegenerative effect be-
Minor pathophysiologic hypothesis: the T-protein tween these two proteins.
cascade Conversely, there are several neurodegenerative
disorders in which t is regarded as the primary
Neurofibrillary tangles consist of paired helical pathologic hallmark feature. These taupathies in-
filaments found in the cytoplasm of neurons primarily clude frontotemporal dementia (FTD), Pick’s disease,
in the hippocampus [252]. The formation of neuro- corticobasal degeneration, and progressive supra-
fibrillary tangles in AD is related directly to abnormal nuclear palsy. FTD, although less common than AD,
function of protein t. t is a microtubule-associated accounts for a significant percentage of patients who
phosphoprotein that plays a critical role in supporting have dementia, especially those who present with
axonal transport and promotion of cell stability. The earlier onset and primary psychiatric symptoms. FTD
major polypeptides of paired helical filaments is linked to mutations in the t gene with subsequent
are microtubule-associated protein t. The level of t aggregation of t and neurodegeneration. In compari-
in AD neocortex is sevenfold higher than in aged son, mutations in t are not implicated in AD.
control brain and this increase is in the form of
abnormally phosphylated protein [253]. The hyper-
phosphorylation of t results in reduced binding of
t to microtubules and subsequent disruption of Summary
axonal transport [254]. It is proposed that abnormal
hyperphosphorylation of t results in neurodegenerate In the past 2 decades, huge progress has been
effects via inhibition of microtubule function and made in understanding the cellular and molecular
impairments of neuronal axonal transportand a toxic processes that initiate and feed the AD cascade. The
gain of function in which hyperphosphorylated enhanced knowledge of the pathophysiology of AD
t forms inert polymers, which become neuro- lays the groundwork for significant improvements in
fibrillary tangles. the diagnosis and pharmacologic treatment of the
Several protein kinases are implicated in the disease. Fundamental advancement has been made in
pathologic hyperphosphylation of t in AD, including understanding the genetic basis of the disease with
glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) and cyclin- the identification of causative genes (APP, PS-1, and
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plasticity, and modulation of microtubule dynamics. polymorphism of the APOE gene consistently is
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AD compared with normal controls and is found to the disease. The recognition that causative genes of
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