Technical Readiness of OTEC - NOAA
Technical Readiness of OTEC - NOAA
Technical Readiness of OTEC - NOAA
November 3 – 5, 2009
The first workshop, held in November, 2009 at the University of New Hampshire
in Durham, NH, aimed to assess the technical readiness of key components of OTEC
technology. This report provides a qualitative analysis of the technical readiness of
seven key components of OTEC technology: cold water pipe, platform/pipe interface,
heat exchangers, platform, pumps and turbines, power cable, and platform mooring.
The report is designed to serve as a resource for NOAA OCRM and governmental
decision makers, as well as the OTEC community to summarize the current state of
technical readiness and identify key research needs.
I hope you find the report interesting and exploring the discussion insightful. If
you have any comments, please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.
The Coastal Response Research Center gratefully acknowledges the CRRC authors of this
report: Joseph J. Cunningham, Zachary E. Magdol, and Nancy E. Kinner. The Center
acknowledges the time and effort provided by the participants in the workshop, whose
contributions have been synthesized into this report. In addition, the Center acknowledges the
thoughtful input and comments received from the reviewers of the draft report: Whitney
Blanchard (NOAA), Kerry Kehoe (NOAA), Peter Pandolfini (John Hopkins University), and
Avram Bar-Cohen (University of Maryland).
The following individuals helped plan this workshop: Roger Bagbey (Inspired Systems); Hoyt
Battey (US DOE); Whitney Blanchard (NOAA-OCRM); Brian Cable (NAVFAC); Kerry Kehoe
(NOAA-OCRM); Andrew Knox (NAVFAC); Dallas Meggitt (Sound and Sea Technology);
Mike Reed (US DOE); Susan Skemp (FAU Center for Ocean Energy Technology); William
Tayler (NAVFAC); and Iris Ioffreda (OLA Consulting). The Center staff for this meeting
consisted of: Nancy Kinner, Kathy Mandsager, Joseph Cunningham, Zachary Magdol, Michael
Curry, Chris Wood, Nate Little, Adria Fichter, Marcel Kozlowski, Heather Ballestero, and
Michaela Bogosh. The Center also gratefully acknowledges Roger Bagbey, Whitney Blanchard,
Rick Driscoll, Matt Gove, Dallas Meggitt, Mike Reed, and Andy Knox for serving as group
leaders. Cover images courtesy Natural Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) and Joseph
Coastal Response Research Center. 2010. Technical Readiness of Ocean Thermal Energy
Conversion (OTEC). University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 27 pp and appendices.
Table of Contents
Foreword……………………………… ……………………..…..……………………... 1
Acknowledgements……………………………………………….….……………......... 2
I. Executive Summary………………………………………...…………………... 4
II. Introduction……………………………………………..…………………….... 5
A. Platforms..…….………………..……………………….………………. 9
B. Platform Mooring…………………………………………….……….. 10
C. Platform/Pipe Interface........................................................................... 12
D. Heat Exchangers..................................................................................... 15
F. Power Cable……………………….…………………….……….……. 20
VII. Conclusions……………………………………………………………………. 25
A. Workshop Agenda
B. Participant List
C. Breakout Questions
D. Breakout Groups
E. Breakout Group Notes and Report Outs
F. Powerpoint Presentations
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) is a technology that dates back to the
late 1800’s and makes use of temperature differences between surface and deep ocean
waters to drive a heat engine, and extract energy via the Rankine cycle. While pilot scale
plants (< 1 MWe) have successfully generated energy, a combination of technical and
economic feasibility limitations tempered investment and interest in OTEC. However, the
decreasing supply, and increasing costs, of fossil fuels, advancements in OTEC
technology, renewable energy mandates, and energy security concerns have resulted in a
resurgence in interest in OTEC for tropical locations.
As the lead licensing agency for OTEC, NOAA’s Office of Ocean and Coastal
Resource Management (OCRM), in cooperation with the Coastal Response Research
Center (CRRC), held the first in a series of workshops to determine the technical
readiness of seven major components of OTEC: 1) cold water pipe; (2) heat exchangers;
(3) platform/pipe interface; (4) platform; (5) power cable; (6) platform mooring system;
and (7) pumps and turbines. The first workshop, discussed in this report, sought to gather
information on the technical readiness of OTEC and evaluate advancements to the
technology since the last major attempt, OTEC-1 in 1980.
The decreasing supply, and increasing cost, of fossil-fuel based energy has
intensified the search for renewable alternatives. Although traditionally more expensive,
renewable energy sources have many incentives, including increased national energy
security, decreased carbon emissions, and compliance with renewable energy mandates
and air quality regulations. In remote islands where increased shipping costs and
economies of scale result in some of the most expensive fossil-fuel based energy in the
world, renewable energy sources are particularly attractive. Many islands, including
Guam and Hawaii, contain strategic military bases with high energy demands that would
greatly benefit from an inexpensive, reliable source of energy independent of the fossil-
fuel based economy.
The oceans are natural collectors of solar energy and absorb billions of watts of
energy from the sun in the form of solar radiation daily. In the tropical latitudes, intense
sunlight and longer days result in significant heating of the upper 35 to 100 m of the
oceans, yielding comparatively warm (27 - 29°C) oceanic surface waters. Below this
warm layer the temperature gradually decreases to an average of about 4.4°C. When the
second law of thermodynamics is considered, this temperature differential represents a
significant amount of potential energy which, if extracted, would be a completely
renewable source of energy.
In a closed-cycle facility, a working fluid with a low boiling point (i.e., ammonia)
is used in place of seawater. Both the warm and cold water are passed through heat
exchangers which transfer the heat to the working fluid, which then vaporizes and
condenses as in the open-cycle facility, driving a turbine and converting thermal energy
into mechanical energy (Figure 2). While closed-cycle facilities are more complex, they
are significantly more efficient and result in greater output due to the greater efficiency of
the working fluid.
Development of OTEC dates back to the late 1800s, however the first attempt at
constructing an operational OTEC facility did not occur until 1930 off the coast of Cuba,
and produced a net 22 kilowatts (kWe)1 for 11 days before it was destroyed in a storm.
The next major milestone came in 1979 when a project dubbed “mini-OTEC” was
launched, and marked the first successful operation of a closed-cycled OTEC facility.
Mini-OTEC produced a net 15 kWe for 3 months before the planned shutdown, and was
widely considered a success. The next major advancement in OTEC came in 1980 – 1981
with the experimental OTEC-1 facility. This facility was not designed to generate
electricity, rather, it was designed as a platform to test various OTEC-related
technologies. OTEC-1 reached several milestones, including successful deployment of a
670 m long cold water pipe, and mooring in 1,370 m of water. Subsequently, numerous
small-scale (< 1 megawatts (MWe)2) experimental facilities have been constructed by
Japan and India, and a land-based OTEC facility on the island of Hawai’i, with mixed
success. The land-based facility on the island of Hawai’i successfully operated from 1993
to 1998, and produced a net 103 kW, and still holds the world record for OTEC output
(Vega L. A., 2002/2003).
OTEC facilities are complex and house many components working together to
produce energy. The quantity and magnitude of these components will vary with the size
of the facility, however, will typically consist of: a platform, used as a base for all OTEC
operations; a cold water pipe, used to draw cold water from below the thermocline; a
warm water pipe, used to draw warm water from near the surface; warm and cold water
discharge pipes, which are used to return the cold and warm water after heat has been
extracted; working fluid, used as a heat transfer medium; heat exchangers (closed-cycle
only), evaporators and condensers, used to transfer heat between cold and warm waters
and the working fluid; a platform/pipe interface, which couples the cold and warm water
pipes and platform; a power cable, which transfers electricity back to a shore-based
electrical grid; a platform mooring system, which ensures that the OTEC facility remains
stable and in the same location; pumps, which draw water through the cold and warm
water pipes; and turbines and generators, which are used to convert thermal energy into
Expectations for OTEC were high following the passage of the Ocean Thermal
Energy Conversion Act of 1980 (OTECA), and OTEC was forecast to generate > 10,000
MWe of energy by 1999. A combination of economic and technical feasibility factors
brought development of the technology to a near standstill by the mid-1980s, and the
technology has never proceeded past the pilot plant stage. Recently, decreasing
availability and increased cost of fossil fuels, advancements in OTEC technology, and
interest in renewable alternatives have once again led to a resurgence in interest in OTEC
as a potential solution to the energy needs of many island and equatorial nations.
Due, in part, to increased interest by the U.S. Navy and the issuance of several
recent contracts to industry to increase research and development on OTEC components,
NOAA’s Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM), in cooperation
with the Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC), held the first in a series of
workshops focused on OTEC. The first workshop, discussed in this report, sought to
gather information on the technical readiness of OTEC and evaluate advancements to the
technology since the last major attempt, OTEC-1 in 1980.
In order to provide the workshop participants with common assumptions for the
design of an OTEC facility, the Organizing Committee (OC) limited discussion to a
floating, closed-cycle, moored OTEC facility producing electricity transmitted to shore
via an undersea cable. The OC acknowledged that the first OTEC facility constructed was
likely to be ≤ 10 MWe, however, commercially successful OTEC facilities would likely
be ≥ 100 MWe, and are the expressed goal of the OTEC industry. The OC selected
closed-cycled for evaluation at this workshop, as they believed the first ≥ 100 MWe
OTEC facilities will use a closed-cycle design due to its greater efficiency. The
discussions at the workshop were limited to electrical generation. The technical
feasibility of additional applications for OTEC (i.e., potable water, seawater air
conditioning) were not discussed. While an operational OTEC facility will contain many
components, the OC decided to limit discussion to seven components: (1) platforms; (2)
platform mooring system; (3) platform/pipe interface; (4) heat exchangers; (5) pumps and
turbines; (6) power cable; and (7) cold water pipe. Discussion was limited to these
components because they were viewed as critical and a potentially limiting technical
factor to the success of OTEC.
It should be made clear that this report is a qualitative analysis of the state of the
technology, and is meant to inform NOAA OCRM. This report is not an exhaustive
engineering analysis, nor is it an independent appraisal of the technology. This report
does not take into account economic, environmental and social impacts and/or
constraints, and is not part of the decision and permitting process for OTEC by OCRM in
the United States.
The workshop participants were divided into the seven groups based upon their
expertise. Each breakout group identified: the state of the art technology; changes to the
technology since 1980; the component life cycle of the technology (design, fabrication
and construction; deployment and installation; operation and maintenance;
decommissioning, excluding environmental implications), scalability to ≥ 100 MWe,
challenges; risks and cost drivers; and research and development needs for their
respective OTEC component. This report summarizes the group discussions for each
OTEC component, research recommendations, and general conclusions on the technical
readiness of OTEC.
A. Platforms
The Platforms group examined the technical readiness of existing platform technology
for an OTEC application. The group members were:
State-of-the-Art Technologies:
Operation and maintenance (O&M) procedures for these platforms are well
established, and typically include maintenance of machinery and removal of biological
growth on the submerged sections. Relocating platforms can present some difficulties
especially with the spar configuration. Spar platforms need to be disassembled and
reassembled for relocation. However, the spar configuration is most favorable for the
cold water pipe attachment because there is less motion at the joint. Decommissioning of
platforms is regularly performed in other industries and should not cause significant
challenges for OTEC facilities. Overall, the life cycle of a platform for an OTEC facility
is straightforward and has well-established procedures.
Challenges, Risks, and Cost Drivers:
There are few challenges associated with using currently available platform
technology for OTEC application. The following table compares risks associated with the
three platform configurations.
Table 1.
Motion/ Arrangement Cost Technical
Platform Type survivability difficulty Readiness
Semi- Small Medium Medium High
Spar Small High Medium-High Medium
Ship Medium Low Low High
The major cost driver for platforms is size and adaptability to OTEC application.
Platforms need to house a significant amount of equipment for an OTEC application, and
larger platforms significantly increase the cost and difficulty of fabrication and
Because platforms are well established, the majority of research and development
goals are efficiency and cost related. Development of simpler, lower cost manufacturing
and deployment techniques will reduce overall OTEC costs and improve the economic
feasibility of the plant. Because OTEC platform technology is transferred from other
industries, standards must be developed for platforms specific to OTEC facilities.
B. Platform Mooring
The Platform Mooring group examined the technical readiness of existing platform
mooring technology for an OTEC facility. The group members were:
Rick Driscoll, Florida Atlantic University Center for Ocean Energy Technology
Fred Arnold, NAVFAC Engineering Service Center
Helen Farr, NOAA Ocean Coastal Resource Management
Mark Greise, Sound & Sea Technology
Kunho Kim, American Bureau of Shipping, Energy Project Development
Gerritt Lang, NAVFAC Engineering Service Center
Pete Lunde, SBM Offshore, NV
State-of-the-Art Technologies:
The most important advancement from 1980 to the present is the significant
progress made in deep water moorings in sand and rock bottoms. In 1980, the depth limit
was ~305 m, but within the past 10 years advancements in synthetic materials has
allowed numerous moorings at depths up to 3,000 m. Advancements in software have
allowed precise models to be created that facilitate optimization of platform mooring
systems, and the widespread use of GPS and underwater acoustic systems (e.g., SONAR)
allows precise placement of mooring components.
Operation of the platform mooring is not complex and very reliable; existing
technology is suitable. Maintenance of the platform mooring system is technically
simple, with the primary focus on mitigating the impact of marine fouling on equipment
and periodic replacement/repair of integrity monitoring instrumentation.
Challenges, Risks, and Cost Drivers:
One of the most important challenges with the platform mooring is preventing
marine fouling of the mooring line and hardware. Excessive fouling may impact the
integrity of the mooring lines, and increase drag resulting in higher loading. Most
platform moorings are near shore, while OTEC platforms are likely to be in very deep
water and are exposed to high sea conditions, which may present design challenges.
Another significant challenge will be the requirement to disconnect and recover the
moorings in case of extreme storms.
Mobilization and deployment were identified as the riskiest part of the platform
mooring life cycle. Potential issues include: inability to deploy effectively and safely,
significant delay in startup, additional costs, or complete system failure.
Cost drivers include need for spare components, site conditions, weather, water
depth, installation complexity, material costs, performance requirements, installation risk
and insurance, labor costs, permitting and regulations, removal and decommissioning
costs and requirements. Cost savings could be realized through mooring optimization
(single point vs. multipoint), coordination and optimization of platform design, less
stringent motion and survivability requirements, citing, mitigating high cost factors, and
the ability to self-install.
C. Platform/Pipe Interface
State-of-the-Art Technologies:
One of the most significant advances since 1980 is experience working in open
ocean deep water environments and advanced modeling technology. Sensor and
modeling technology has matured and now gives a better understanding of sustained
loading, allowing optimized designs. Advances in materials science have produced
lighter, stronger, and more durable materials that can be incorporated into the
platform/pipe interface, allowing larger pipes to be used. Several experimental OTEC
plants have been constructed since 1980, and while most either failed or were shut down
for various reasons, numerous lessons have been learned from those experiences,
including important design considerations and failure points related to the pipe/platform
The fixed interface has the highest scalability followed by the gimbaled. The flex
interface is probably not feasible for ≥ 100 MWe facilities due to the size of the cold
water pipe. Current design and deployment technologies are likely scalable to ≥ 100
MWe, however the group noted that a interface for a ≤ 10 MWe facility should be
successfully fabricated and deployed prior to attempting anything larger, as unforeseen
difficulties may arise with increasing pipe size.
Challenges, Risks, and Cost Drivers:
There are numerous challenges with the platform/pipe interface. The most
significant is the lack of experience with interfaces holding pipes larger than 1 m
diameter. A significant amount of design, fabrication, and modeling will be required to
develop an interface for a ≥ 100 MWe OTEC facility. The biggest challenge will be to
design an interface that is able to couple and decouple the CWP, and withstand the forces
of an open ocean environment and storm events.
Cost drivers include: choice of materials, and the design and fabrication process
for not only the interface, but also the cold water pipe and the platform. Local climate,
currents and wave patterns will dictate the design loading and will have a significant
impact on cost. Tradeoffs between relative motion of the CWP vs. the platform and
complexity of the system will also impact costs, as well the ability to couple/decouple the
The CWP and pipe/platform interface groups are closely linked and present some
difficulties in design and installation. Because the platform/pipe interface for a hanging
CWP has only been demonstrated for ≤ 1 m diameter pipes, the scalability is unclear and
there are significant unknowns. Research should focus on increasing the size of the
platform/pipe interface to accommodate pipes used in ≥ 100 MWe facilities. The
conditions of the open ocean and deep-sea currents cause numerous stresses on the CWP
and interface, and until significantly larger sizes of these components are built and used
successfully, they will remain the biggest hurdle to successful ≥ 100 MWe OTEC
D. Heat Exchangers:
The Heat Exchangers group examined the technical readiness of existing heat exchanger
technology for an OTEC facility. The group members were:
State-of-the-Art Technologies:
Heat exchangers (HX) have improved in many ways since the 1980s driven primarily
by other industries (e.g., aerospace, power plant, petroleum, cryogenic, liquefied natural
gas (LNG), geothermal). Typical 1980 HX designs were plain tube, shell and tube, and
plate and frame. Stainless steel was typically used. The open cycle and hybrid cycle
OTEC facility concepts were developed in the 1980s, but HXs for these applications were
not designed or validated. Today HX have an improved heat transfer coefficients mainly
due to the use of new and modified materials. Titanium is more cost effective today,
plastics have been developed for HX use, and aluminum-alloying techniques have
improved. Surface enhancements have been developed (e.g., roughing). Fabrication
practices have also improved: extrusion, aluminum brazing, welding techniques, quality
control, instrumentation, and coating processes. More of the HX fabrication process is
automated and, therefore, has improved capacity for large HXs.
HXs have been validated for closed cycle applications and designed for hybrid cycle
application. Direct contact condensers are currently operational for geothermal
applications. Flash evaporators have been demonstrated and mixed working fluid cycle
HXs have been developed. This discussion focuses on heat exchangers for a closed cycle
OTEC facility. The most appropriate working fluids for OTEC are propylene and
ammonia, with an emphasis on the latter due to its thermodynamic properties and
extensive experience with similar applications. Shell and tube, plate and frame, and
aluminum plate-fin are the three HX types most suited and ready for OTEC.
The group discussed the life cycle of three different types of HXs that could be used
for an OTEC facility: shell and tube, plate and frame and aluminum plate-fin. The time
frame for commercial manufacturing for OTEC use for all three of these HX types is two
to three years.
Shell and tube HXs are typically constructed of titanium, carbon steel, stainless steel,
copper-nickel, or aluminum. Complexity and cost of HX installation would vary with
platform design; an HX integrated into the platform would likely need to be done while
the platform is being constructed. The size of these HXs is important because of the
limited space on an OTEC platform. The manifold design for shell and tube HXs depends
on the platform configuration. The largest shell and tube HX currently available would
result in 5 MWe (net OTEC power), however, they can be installed in modules, creating
greater net power output. Manufacturing of shell and tube HXs is relatively labor
intensive, but integrating them into the OTEC facility is low cost compared to the
alternatives. The HX is constructed on shore and then floated to the OTEC facility. There
are some issues with transportation due to the large size of shell and tube HXs; special
equipment is needed.
O&M of shell and tube HX is easy and there are performance data to validate
performance. These HXs degrade slowly and need few repairs. They are replaced once
they surpass their service life, usually limited by material degradation (e.g., corrosion,
pitting). It is necessary to monitor the HX for leaks. Some of this monitoring is visual,
and therefore, there needs to be space for personnel to inspect HXs. There are detectors in
the exhaust water to detect ammonia (i.e., the working fluid). Chlorination is necessary to
decrease biofouling in the “warm” (i.e. evaporators) water portion of the HX. There are
well-established guidelines for personnel safety when handling shell and tube HXs. These
O&M processes and guidelines/codes come from other industries using shell and tube
HXs (e.g., process industry, refrigeration industry, power plants). American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (ASME) developed most of these codes.
Shell and tube HXs can be easily scaled to ≥100 MWe facilities with a modular
design. Decommissioning these HXs is labor intensive and there are environmental risks
associated with the release of the working fluid. However, there are existing industry
standards for decommissioning. There is salvage value in the metals and ammonia as
both can be recycled.
Plate and frame HXs are constructed of stainless steel or titanium. Manufacturing is
easy because it consists of a completely automated welding process. One complicating
factors is there the large plate size of plate and frame HXs needed for OTEC facilities.
Installation of the HXs into the OTEC facility is difficult because of the complex piping
system and expensive valving required. Each individual plate and frame HX is
transported to the OTEC site. Plate and frame HXs are less flexible than shell and tube
for OTEC because they require more ventilation. However, the plate and frame HXs are
less expensive than the shell and tube. With the necessary piping and manifolding
system, the costs of the two types of HXs are equivalent.
Many of the O&M processes for plate and frame HXs are the same as the shell and
tube HX. However, there are some added difficulties. Plate and frame HXs cannot be
submerged because gaskets are not fully welded and have to be dry. The HXs can be
repaired by replacing the individual plates. Personnel safety is similar to that of shell and
tube HXs, but also includes confined space entry. Plate and frame HXs have limited
scalability. To scale up to a ≥ 100 MWe, the number and size of plates required would
greatly increase. Decommissioning plate and frame HXs has the same procedures and
issues as shell and tube.
Aluminum plate fin HXs are fabricated with brazed aluminum and mostly used in the
cryogenic and LNG industries. They have a modular design similar to shell and tube, but
with lower power output per module. Due, in part, to surface area to volume ratio
constraints, each module has an effective upper thermodynamic limit of approximately 2
MWe, requiring the use of multiple modules for plants ≥ 2 MWe. Aluminum plate fin
have a lower integration cost because the brazed aluminum units can be assembled on
site. The units can fit inside a standard shipping container, presenting fewer
transportation issues.
O&M for aluminum plate fin HXs is similar to that of shell and tube and plate and
frame. O&M practices unique to plate fin HXs include: monitoring for aluminum
corrosion and the need for offsite repair. Plate fin HXs are scalable because of their
modular design. There is data validating performance for aluminum plate fin HXs; the
Department of Energy (DOE) has test data for these HXs. Decommissioning practices for
plate fin are the same as the other two HXs.
There are risks associated with working fluids leaking from the HXs because of
potential environmental damage, and the negative impact on turbine efficiency. There
needs to be more data collected on biofouling of HXs. The biggest challenge is the
limited economic incentive for HX manufacturers to optimize HX design/fabrication for
OTEC facilities. The temperature difference between the “warm” and “cold” water (T)
is relatively small compared to other applications for HXs. The challenge is to design an
HX that can handle large flows, have a high heat transfer coefficient, and be easily
integrated into an OTEC facility.
Research and development on HXs for OTEC application aims to improve heat
transfer without incurring a large pressure drop. Improvements to HX design will
increase the cost effectiveness of the entire OTEC plant. Research areas include:
materials, enhanced surface, and fabrication techniques. Many of these areas have already
been the subject of much research but OTEC requires further improvements and
validation. Surface enhancements will increase surface area, turbulence and mixing,
thereby increasing the heat transfer capacity. Research into materials includes greater
extraction processes, qualification of aluminum alloys for the lifetime of an OTEC plant,
and the use of plastics.
E. Pumps and Turbines
The Pumps and Turbines group examined the technical readiness of existing pump and
turbine technology for an OTEC facility. The group members were:
State-of-the-Art Technologies:
Compared to other components of the OTEC facility, pump and turbine technology is
the most advanced with respect to technical readiness. There have not been any
revolutionary breakthroughs in the design of pumps and turbines in the past 30 years,
however, there have been some changes since the 1980s that have improved performance
including use of lightweight and lower friction materials. Electronic monitoring is now
available that can examine the health and status of pumps and turbines, helping to
decrease O&M costs.
The petroleum industry has more than 30 years of experience with pumps and
turbines in harsh environments, such as offshore facilities. Axial flow turbines are able to
support large MWe production and these units are commercially available. Toshiba
(Tokyo, Japan), GE Rotoflow (Fairfield, CT), Mitsubishi (Cypress, California), Elliott
Turbomachinery (Jeannette, PA) and Hitachi (Tokyo, Japan) manufacture suitable
turbines. For a 10 MWe facility, two radial flow turbines each rated at 7-8 MW gross
power could be used. Increasing the number of turbines improves reliability and net
power production. This is relatively easy to do because of the modular design used in
OTEC facilities.
Cold and warm water pumps for an OTEC facility would be axial flow impeller
design mounted on the platform. These pumps are highly efficient (87-92%), and are
commercially available from numerous vendors. A 100 MWe facility would require
pumps capable of moving approximately 200 m3/s of cold water and 400 m3/s of cold
water (Vega L. , 1995). Multiple-pump solutions of this size are available off-the-shelf,
and could integrate into a ≥100 MWe OTEC facility. The OTEC working fluid pumping
system would require feed pumps and recycle pumps. For the ≥ 100 MWe facility, 8
working fluid pumps and 8 recycle pumps would be required. These pumps are
commercially available and have a relatively low cost, however, they require significant
maintenance. There is a large design database available for these pumps.
Turbines for OTEC applications are commercially available. Materials suitable for
these turbines include steel, carbon steel and chromium. Large turbines are a challenge,
however, this can be mitigated by using a modular design. There are well-established
manufacturing practices for 5-10 MWe turbines (e.g., forging, machining, and casting).
Turbines are very adaptable to a platform environment and could easily be integrated into
an OTEC system. Ammonia turbines are reliable, but there is little data in their use at this
scale. There are some manufacturers of ammonia turbines; mainly for the refrigeration
industry. There is an 18-24 month lead-time for delivery of these turbines.
O&M procedures for turbines of this sort are well established and do not to present
any extra difficulties. Routine inspection is required along with periodic repair. There are
few unique safety concerns for personnel working on turbines on OTEC facilities;
however, it is important to note that a leak of the working fluid (e.g., ammonia) may
present safety issues. Some of the monitoring can be done using electronic sensors
without disrupting plant performance and avoiding potential risk to personnel. The pumps
and turbines would likely last the life of the OTEC plant (30 years).
Turbines would likely be installed in modular fashion for a ≥ 100 MWe OTEC
facility. They should be reliable because they are a very well established technology that
is already in use in similar conditions and because it is relatively easy to provide
redundancy. Typically twice the number of turbines needed are installed. This
redundancy allows for regular maintenance without compromising the plant performance.
Decommissioning the turbines is straightforward and protocols and procedures exist. 85-
90% of the materials can be recycled.
Pumps for OTEC application are also available with a 12-18 month lead-time. The
maximum impeller diameter for a pump is ~2.1 m. There is a range of design
configurations available from multiple vendors. Similar to OTEC turbines, the pumping
system would use n+1 redundancy. The main materials used in pump fabrication are
carbon steel, stainless steel, copper, and insulating material.
Access to pumps on an OTEC platform can complicate and increase the cost of O&M
because in some designs they are submerged. It is critical to have spare working fluid
pumps available at the facility. The overall performance of the plant relies heavily on
proper operation of pumps and turbines. Pumps are scalable to a ≥ 100 MWe OTEC
facility because they can be installed modularly. Pumps are also highly reliable.
Turbines have very low operational risks, however, if they do fail OTEC performance
is greatly hindered. It is important to have spare parts readily available to maintain
turbines and pumps. There is a risk of foreign objects damaging the turbine blades.
Electronic monitoring must be able to detect any potential internal damage. Cost drivers
are turbine and pump efficiency. Currently, turbines and pumps are ~ 80-90% efficient.
Improving efficiency will result in higher net power output of the OTEC facility.
Research and Development Needs:
There are few R&D needs for pumps and turbines for OTEC application because they
are commercially available. Any improvements will decrease the cost and allow the plant
to operate more efficiently. The main research area is condition-based maintenance:
remote sensing for turbine and pump performance. Other research areas are associated
with open cycle OTEC facilities that operate at much lower pressure than closed cycle
systems. This presents unique challenges for pump and turbine design. R&D is needed to
improve lower pressure turbine and pumps.
F. Power Cable
The power cable group was asked to examine the technical readiness of the power cable
technology for an OTEC facility. The group members were:
State-of-the-Art Technologies:
One of the biggest advances since 1980 in power cables is associated with
production and installation of high voltage undersea cables. There are currently 10 sea
crossing alternating current (AC) cables ranging from 90 kV – 500 kV, and 20 direct
current (DC) cables up to 500 kV in use; the majority has been installed within the last 10
years. The increase in offshore wind farms has led to a better understanding of cable
dynamics, and connections up to 50 kV are common. Significant progress has been made
in understanding cable dynamics, primarily driven by needs of the offshore oil drilling
and wind farm community, which use similar sized cables. Platform-cable connections
are now standard and routine up to 50 kV.
The group concluded that the technology to create power cables systems (cable,
splicing, terminations) suitable for use with OTEC facilities exists, however there are
several limitations. The most notable is that while cables are available up to 500 kV,
there is a larger selection at lower voltages (< 100 kV) and OTEC plants design may be
limited by power cable availability. Cables under 20 miles long are likely to be AC and
use single phase > 69 kV, or three phase < 69 kV. Cables longer than 20 miles are likely
to be DC in order to reduce transmission losses. DC cables are currently available up to
500 kV, however have the disadvantage of requiring conversion between AC and DC on
both ends, resulting in significant energy loss. Codes and standards exist for cable
construction, including Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE),
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and American Petroleum Institute
(API). To protect the cable during installation and throughout its 30 year expected
lifespan, it will likely have steel armoring, adding a significant amount of weight and
For cables less than 500 kV, design and fabrication were identified as either
commercially available off the shelf, or requiring minimal customization. For cables
greater than 500 kV, no commercial product exists and significant effort would be
required to design and manufacture an appropriate cable. For OTEC facilities larger than
10 MWe, design and fabrication of the cable termination on the platform side will require
a custom design and be the most technically challenging part of the power cable system.
Mobilization and deployment of the cable is difficult, but well understood. The depth,
seafloor characteristics, weight of cable, and required route will affect the difficulty and
cost of mobilization and deployment.
The power cable system will be difficult to scale to a 100 MWe OTEC facility
due to capacity limitations and ability to design and fabricate a platform-side termination
interface. A 10 MWe plant is unlikely to use the same cable type and design as a 100
MWe plant, and a completely new design will likely be required. Power cable design is
also affected by the mooring system; individual mooring types may require significantly
different power cable systems.
One area identified by the group as a challenge is the cable termination interface
on the platform side. While standard for ≤ 10 MWe plants, the larger and heavier power
cables required by ≥ 100 MWe OTEC plants will increase fatigue, bending and the stress
and strain on the cable and the cable-platform interface and pose significant technological
and engineering challenges. Further analysis and modeling is needed, however, the group
noted that software already exists to complete this analysis. In addition, the extreme
depths at which the cables will be located may present challenges with respect to
hydrostatic pressure, and additional testing and modeling may be required. Cost drivers
include size and type of cable required, design sea conditions, seafloor characteristics,
cost of materials, exchange rate, and required cable routing.
The primary research need identified by the group was development of a dynamic
cable for an OTEC facility > 10 MWe that can withstand repetitive bending and have
more dielectric capabilities. Lighter armoring and conductor materials are needed to
reduce weight, which will also reduce the stress and strains on the cable.
G. Cold Water Pipe
The Cold Water Pipe group examined the technical readiness of existing cold water pipe
(CWP) technology for an OTEC facility. The group members were:
State-of-the-Art Technologies:
Studies have shown that biofouling on the interior and exterior of the CWP will
not significantly impact the performance of the OTEC plant (C.B. Panchal, 1984).
Smooth interior surfaces of the CWP achieved by coatings and additives mitigate
biofouling. The CWP is designed to last the lifetime of the facility, and with current
engineering knowledge and methods may approach 30 years. Fiber optics will be used to
monitor CWP performance and detect any damage. Fiber optics is a well-understood
technology that is regularly used in the offshore oil industry. The offshore oil industry
also has experience in repairing structures at depth. There are existing monitoring
methods to analyze ageing, saturation, and fatigue.
Emergency preparedness is a key issue for the CWP of an OTEC facility. The
design may include the ability to detach the CWP from the platform prior to a large storm
event in order to prevent damage and/or loss. This significantly complicates the design of
the platform/pipe interface and is likely to increase complexity and cost. The CWP from
OTEC-1 was successfully recovered and re-used from a depth of 1,371 m in 1982, and
suggests that recovery and decommissioning (i.e., disposal or recycling) of the CWP will
use established procedures used previously in OTEC, as well as the oil industry, and
should not present any significant technological challenges.
The challenges and risks associated with a ≤ 10 MWe CWP are fairly well
understood. Transportation, deployment, and decoupling of a single piece pipe is
difficult, and would require towing it from shore. Conversely, segmented pipes, while
easier to deploy, risk failure at the many joints required. The CWP is vulnerable to severe
storm events that may exceed design limits, cause damage and/or failure. The increased
CWP size required for a ≥ 100 MWe facility introduces some challenges, primarily due
to lack of experience with pipes in that size class. While previous OTEC pilot and
experimental plants have successfully constructed and deployed CWPs, there is little
experience with a CWP larger than 2 m.
The major cost drivers for the CWP are the materials used in fabrication and the
deployment techniques. Deployment of the CWP is equipment and labor intensive, and
will be greatly affected by labor, fuel and equipment costs.
CWP research and development on CWPs for both ≤ 10 MWe and ≥ 100 MWe
facilities should address material and equipment cost effectiveness. Research on
alternative designs (e.g. flexible CWP) should be conducted. A full demonstration of
large CWP (i.e., suitable for ≥ 100 MWe) production, delivery, and installation is needed.
In addition, there must be a minimum of a one year operational record of CWP at a ≤ 10
MWe facility prior to scaling up to a ≥ 100 MWe facility.
The CWP and its interface with the platform are the most complex components on
the OTEC plant. The CWP is unique to OTEC facilities, and nothing on the same size
scale has been attempted in oceanic environments. There are numerous risks associated
with these technologies. Many of these risks should be studied further with the goal of
validating the CWP and interface design.
At the conclusion of the workshop, the groups reconvened and developed the following
general list of research and development needs to improve the technical readiness of
Heat Exchanger
Enhanced heat transfer through an increase in surface area, turbulence, mixing
without pressure drop validated performance
Advancement in materials (aluminum alloys, plastics, low cost titanium)
Improved fabrication techniques (bonding, brazing, welding, extrusion, etc.)
Power Cable
Development of dynamic cable greater than 30 MWe
Development of a platform-cable interface that can withstand repetitive bending and
have better dielectric capabilities.
Lightweight armoring and conductor
Platform Moorings
Investigate/be flexible to new paradigms and designs relevant to OTEC needs
Optimization of platform moorings for OTEC needs
Investigate effective anchoring systems in volcanic rock
Investigate techniques that require minimal equipment for mooring & power cable
Investigate effective mooring systems on high slope bottoms
Adapt codes and standards to reflect OTEC systems
Platform/Pipe Interface
Develop low cost buoyancy
Analytical simulation specific to OTEC
Find and adapt existing technologies and analysis tools to structural analysis and
Better modeling of failure modes
Low cost manufacturing techniques (i.e., innovation, quality control)
Developing OTEC standards based on cost/risk
Large scale testing of subsystems
Trade off studies need to be performed relative to the location of water production
(onshore vs. offshore, water production)
Compile standards from other industries and adapt to OTEC
It should be made clear that this report is a qualitative analysis of the state of the
technology, and is meant to inform NOAA OCRM. This report is not an exhaustive
engineering analysis, nor is it an independent appraisal of the technology. This report
does not take into account economic, environmental and social impacts and/or
constraints, and is not part of the decision and permitting process for OTEC by OCRM in
the United States.
1. C.B. Panchal, H. S. (1984). Biofouling and Corrision studies at the Seacoast Test Facility
in Hawaii. DE84-014643; CONF-840930-1, (pp. 364-369).
4. W. H. Avery, W. C. (1994). Renewable Energy from the Ocean: A Guide to OTEC. New
York: Oxford University Press.
Appendix A
Meeting Agenda
10:30 Break
12:00 Lunch
17:00 Adjourn
12:15 Lunch
Thursday, November 5
10:30 Break
12:00 Lunch
15:30 Adjourn
Appendix B
Participant List
Workshop Participants
Susan Skemp**
FAU Ctr for Ocn Energy Technology
[email protected]
Appendix C
Breakout Questions
Breakout Discussion Topics
Breakout Session 1:
1) What are the state-of-the-art technologies for the technical component?
System Questions:
(These questions will be addressed in the Panel Sessions.)
What are the performance metrics that must be demonstrated prior to commercial
development? What is the development time frame (e.g., today, 1-2 yr, 5-10 yr) for a
commercial OTEC system?
What are the potential failures that could lead to the shutdown of an OTEC system?
What processes/diagnostics are needed to detect, monitor and reduce these risks?
What are the flexibilities in the OTEC system’s components that could minimize
environmental impacts?
Appendix D
Breakout Groups
Discussion Groups
Appendix E
Breakout Session I:
Tuesday, November 3: 13:00-15:30
What are the state-of-the-art technologies for the technical component?
Very important to discern between land-based and sea-based OTEC plants.
*CWP very likely to be a sandwich pipe, possibility of fiberglass, how do we construct it may be the larger problem?
Failure usually at the joints of large composite materials, need ONE piece
Cross currents and platform rocking cause stress
Is the CWP design for a 100 year storm?
Can we realistically temporarily remove the pipe in an emergency? What happens if a storm approaches?
BIG issues
Breakout Discussion Topics
Four main materials to look at. (not steel and reinforced concrete)
Fiberglass, carbon fiber composite (possible price update), steel, HDPE
Steel: AH36 shipbuilding steel
Possibility of new steel, but FATIGUE problems
HDPE pipe worked in principal, but low cost manufacturing didn’t
Moored platform was what is generally looked at, but there’s a thought of TLPs with membrane CWP.
*CWP Design
Double wall hollow core composite sandwich
Continuous face sheets
Modern fiberglass with excellent fatigue resistance and seawater resistance
*CWP Deployment
In-situ stepwise fabrication and deployment (about 80 39’ steps)
Continuous fabric to produce one piece CWP
Breakout Discussion Topics
*CWP Fabrication
Most off the shelf fabrication techniques have a major issue
Liquid resin infusion seems to be an acceptable process, ordinary RTM vs. VARTM (used for production of large
wind turbine blades), pilot step-wise VARTM CWP work piece completed in Dec. 2008
Available technologies are out there, rough quotations and specs are available.
Materials identified
Engineering methodology available
Issues of concern don’t include wind in a floating platform, but heave may concern
Carbon fiber may soon be a viable option with new cost considerations
Do we have a design today for a 5-10 MW CWP? Yes. But not for 400 km off shore.
Weather is a large concern for CWP depending upon location. De-coupling the pipe when a storm comes through is a
possible solution.
Three state of the art viable designs should be put on a timetable. If the most simple design is set in motion, others will
be helped.
Capital cost for a 5-10 MW OTEC plant expected $150 million or less.
Breakout Discussion Topics
1) What processes (e.g., equipment, personnel) of the technology are associated with:
i. Fabrication, deployment, construction, and installation;
ii. Operation (including monitoring) and maintenance (including cleaning, repair, and replacement);
iii. Monitoring component performance;
iv. Personnel safety and emergency preparedness; and
v. Decommissioning?
Assume floating offshore, 5-10 MW scalable to 100MW, moored, power cable to shore, potential relocation for todays breakout
Scalability issues work in both directions when thinking about CWP
Challenges involved in relocation issues for the CWP
Breakout Discussion Topics
1) Are the technologies associated with this component viable? What are the economic factors associated with these
technologies? What are the hurdles/limiting factors associated with these technologies?
2) What is the development time frame for the tecnologies associated with this component?
Several analyses indicate no excitation
of CWP in sheared currents
Tensile failure from clump weight and CWP + clump weight; Bending and tension strain
1500 psi
Venting of hollow core eliminates net
pressure on core
pressure at 1000m depth
CWP wet density is same as
Wet weight must be positive but not excessive CWP & clump weight Yes Yes
fiberglass/vinyl ester laminate
30-year immersion in
What are the state of the art technologies? Corrosion seawater at depths to Yes Yes
Industry experience with fiberglass/
vinyl ester composites
Behavior in service CWP is single point of One-piece CWP eliminates
failure for OTEC plant Yes Yes
maintenance / repair / failure of joints
must be very reliable
Very large consideration -
Fabrication directly from the platform
Previous OTEC failures
Deployment must be low-risk have been dominated by Yes Yes eliminates large risks associated with
transport, assembly, upending, etc.
CWP deployment
Minimum-cost design through
Cost must fit within OTEC Electricity cost <= optimization. Materials costs from
$0.25/kwh for 100 MW Yes Yes supplier quotes; recurring fabrication
plant budget profile OTEC plant in Hawaii costs from large wind turbine blade
Manufacturability Manufacturability
1. Fabrication: Variety of methods currently 3 Installation: attachment to platform
available to fabricate up to 12 m I.D. pipes 3.1 Scalable Method which was demonstrated
1.1: Some methods commercially available in OTEC 1 (Gimbal required)
1 2: Some methods under validation
1.2: 3 2 Aerospace technologies applied to
conceptual method to create a strong and
2. Deployment: Variety of methods available
robust termination
2.1:On shore manufacture of CWP tow to 3.3 Oil field technologies can be applied
platform for installation
2.2: In-situ manufacture of entire CWP
Manufacturability Operability
Monitoring component performance
4O&M • Existing well understood technologies
• Bio-fouling is not a concern on the interior will be applied such as fiber optics
• Smooth surfaces on exterior address most • Repair at depth is a proven capability for
like materials and structures based on oil
concerns with
ith bi
f li field experience
• Existing technologies in coatings and
additives to inhibit exterior bio fouling Decommissioning
• Within understanding based on offshore
industry experience-no technological
Reliability Logistics
• See manufacturability
• Within the technological capability to
design a pipe that matches the design life
of the plant
• There are known testing methods to
address the combined effects of ageing,
saturation, and fatigue
• Able to scale to 10-12 m I.D. pipe using
physics based, well understood
engineering practices Why OTEC? Why now?
Question 4 and 5
Heat Exchangers
Breakout Discussion Topics
Breakout Session I:
Tuesday, November 3: 13:00-15:30
What are the state-of-the-art technologies for the technical component?
Heat Exchangers
Based on: Performance, Cost, Environmental issues ammonia is best. propylene as replacement/alternative
Ammonia leaks can be problematic (parking lot issue)
Low delta T
Pressure drop important
COP ratio of heat transferred to amount invested
Parameters: gross power to net power ratio (similar to COP)
1.3-1.4 for gross power to net power ratio, not to exceed 1.5. this is an overall system ratio, how do we figure out a parameter for HX only
Breakout Discussion Topics
Use system metric and apply to HX (gross power to net power ratio)
No one has accepted challenge to design/construct a highly productive, low cost, HX with low delta T because there hasn’t been a need
In sea water
HX does not necessarily add significant weight to platform
Can sometimes be treated as neutrally buoyant
Weight is important but not critical
Evaporator materials:
Defined; aluminum alloys,
Codes for NH3 systems and codes for HX they need to be merged for whole system
Design basis/considerations:
Working fluid
Low deltaT, low pressure drop: performance parameter, gross to net power ratio
Material compatibility
System Integration
1) Are the technologies associated with this component viable? What are the economic factors associated with these
technologies? What are the hurdles/limiting factors associated with these technologies?
2) What is the development time frame for the technologies associated with this component?
Breakout Discussion Topics
Need to come up with good spec but the materials, manufacturing processes, test capabilities, are out there to construct
Technology for OTEC HX exists, need investment for R&D to optimize HX for OTEC
5-10 MWe plant could use existing state-of-the-art (custom design) HX but for commercial scale need a more optimized HX
Pilot plant will use customized HX
No real hurdles for 5-10 MWe
Economic factors/drivers:
Materials, manufacturing, assembly/integration, logistics, O&M
Technical hurdles:
Time to test and evaluate different designs
Qualifying aluminum manufacturing processes
Chlorination is accepted process for coastal power plants will it be acceptable for OTEC?
recognition that it will continue to be acceptable (5 years time)
Parking lot:
Chlorination/ biofouling
Breakout Discussion Topics
concentration is lower than coastal power plants, however total amount per kW-hr is higher for OTEC (due to higher flow rates)
plume study, local biology,
recognize impact (need go-ahead from EPA)
open water vs. coastal waters very different
(part of cost)
What is the development time frame for the technologies associated with HXs?
5 MWe- 10 month delivery time
Spec development- 2 month
12-18 months assuming design exists and processes established (for 5-10 MWe plant)
Commercial Design: 1 year
Commercial Manufacturing: 2-3 years
What are the cost drivers? What are possible cost-savings? What research could be done on cost reduction?
Design configurations
Enhanced surfaces
Life, u-value, cost
Risk factors:
Water leak into ammonia reduces power, affects turbine efficiency
Chloride into ammonia may affect turbine
If pump fails
LUV factor
Would you be able to get quote from manufacturer for HX design for OTEC
Breakout Discussion Topics
1980s Today
Materials stainless steel Titanium cost effectiveness (aerospace and
low volume/high cost of titanium automobile industries)
Titanium: developing improved processes
(power plant condenser)
Thermally enhanced plastics
Aluminum: alloying improved (aerospace
Aluminum: more choices
Materials, Installation, Scalabilty,
HX Type Shell and tube Plate frame Aluminum Plate
Material Aluminum, Stainless steel, Brazed aluminum
Heat Exchangers Titanium, Stainless
steel, Copper-nickel
I t ll ti /
Installation/ Simple;
Si l size
i Diffi lt complex
Difficult; l E
Easy to
t manifold
if ld in
Deployment important in terms piping system, modular system,
of expensive valving, easy handling
Reportout II configuration/manif less flexible for
old OTEC
Scalability Easy; Modular Limited; Size and Easy to scale up
design- 100 MWe -- number of plates
10 MWe modules
Performance data Lots of Lots of data Lots of data
and design performance data; High pressure drop DOE test data
need enhanced tube HX
What risks are associated with failure? What are the cost drivers?
• Ammonia safety‐ leaks • Low deltaT drives cost (large size required)
– Codes and standards for refrig. industry are applicable to
OTEC – Materials
– Leak in piping system‐ need sensors (refrig. Standards) – Assembly/integration
– Sensors needed for air and water leakage
– Ammonia pump could fail – need standby (redundancy) – Manufacturing
– No clear codes for water‐NH3 systems – Logistics
– Periodically change/calibrate sensors
– O&M
• Low temp and pressure make for safer system than
other industries
• Risk of failure: lower performance ‐ cost issue
– Biofouling
– Corrosion
What are possible cost‐savings? What are the hurdles?
• Performance enhancements (reduce size of • HX industry not motivated to provide
HX) optimized units to meet OTEC needs
– Surfaces (increasing SA, turbulence, mixing) • Time to test and evaluate different designs
– Configuration • Qualifying aluminum manufacturing processes
Q lif i l i f i
– Surface treatments
• Chlorination acceptable
– Optimization
• Cost Reduction
– Materials (e.g. plastics, different alloys)
What is the development time frame for the
technologies associated with HXs?
• 5 MWe (12‐18 month)
• Commercial Design: 1 year
• Commercial Manufacturing: 2‐3 years
Platform Mooring
Breakout Session I:
Tuesday, November 3: 13:00-15:30
What are the state-of-the-art technologies for the technical component?
o Anchor technology exists but very site specific.
o Well developed technology for a variety of conditions (vessel size, loads,
bottom types) installation costs and methods may need to be changed to meet
the costs drivers of OTEC as well as local and environmental conditions that
may be new.
o New anchors or piles do not need to be designed, current technologies may be
o Anchors may be leased for demonstration projects
Mooring Lines
o All of the components exist, for up to 10,000 ft.
o For plants within the next decade the current mooring technologies are
probably efficient in terms of materials, supplies, size, etc.
o If the conductor is embedded into the mooring line there may be new issues
o Method of attaching power cable if a single point mooring systems is used, it
can likely be done but there would be new design challenges taking a combined
mooring power cable system.
o Tropical conditions promote more marine growth
o Fatigue of the chain for long life,
o operation to periodically adjust the mooring lines may be required to be
Breakout Discussion Topics
Breakout Discussion Topics
Mooring technology is mature and has been demonstrated in more challenging and demanding environments, it’s a
matter of detailing and optimization to make it economic and viable in the environment for which it’s deployed.
Assuming that the OTEC platform is not significantly different than systems that exist today.
We are assuming a compliant mooring system which will not affect the surface motion and wave frequency response of
the platform.
Breakout Discussion Topics
1) Are the technologies associated with this component viable? What are the economic factors associated with these
technologies? What are the hurdles/limiting factors associated with these technologies?
2) What is the development time frame for the tecnologies associated with this component?
Session 2
• Key driver that will affect the evolution of
OTEC mooring systems is cost.
Question 1 Question 1
• Manufacturability • Operability
– Achievable with COTS or custom products – No special technology required
– Low to no risk – Existing techniques sufficient, slight
• Mobilization
M bili ti & DDeployment
l t modification may be required
– Achievable with COTS or custom products • Reliability
– Highest risk, high cost, most opportunity for – No major issues
cost savings
Question 3:
What are the cost drivers for this • Cost Drivers:
component? What are possible • Spares;
• Site conditions; location; water depth
cost-savings? What research • installation, vessel time
could be done on cost reduction? • material costs
• required performance
• installation risk & insurance
• labor cost
• permitting & regulations
• removal and decommissioning costs & requirements
• Cost Savings:
• Mooring optimization (single point vs. multi point
• Coordination of Optimization of design of platform
• Less stringent motion and survivability requirements
• Citing
• Identifying the high cost factors and mitigate them
• Optimize the cost of vessel & transportation
• Self installing
Session 1
• Key driver that will affect the evolution of
OTEC mooring systems is cost.
Assumptions Questions
• What are the differences between conventional oil platform
• The OTEC platform is not significantly requirements and those of OTEC plants?
different than systems that exist today. • Can a single point mooring be considered?
• Anchors/Piles • Test requirements
• Mooring Lines • Met ocean data and site
• Hardware/terminations survey
• Integrity monitoring • Geotechnical site survey
instrumentation • Staging area/facilities and
• S i and
Service d iinspection
ti support facilities and
• Installation proximity
equipment/vessels • Mooring design
• Codes and standards • Single point mooring
• Demobilization/recovery/r • What is the life
estoration requirement for the
• Analysis modeling tools demonstration system?
• Permitting
Positioning Materials
Synthetic Mooring lines have increased
• In 1980 positioning of surface and subsurface mooring depths to greater than 10k feet
assets was inadequate for deep water, far from
shores for placements. Present technology is
sufficient to meet OTEC requirements. – High strength to weight ratio,
– Satellite positioning and shipboard dynamic neutrally buoyant materials
positioning allows positioning of surface assets within such as polyester, kevlar,
1 meter anywhere on the planet, efficiently installed spectra, etc
anchor systems – High strength steel for use in
– Underwater acoustic system has advanced accuracy mooring wire and chain
of placement of underwater assets
Platform Mooring
Day 3
Research Needs
Research Needs
• Investigate
g and be flexible to new p paradigms
g and
designs relevant to OTEC needs
• Investigate effective anchoring systems in volcanic rock
• Investigate techniques that require minimal equipment
for mooring & power cable installation
• Investigate effective mooring systems on high slope
b tt
• Increase the fidelity of tools to improve capability to allow
overall system optimization
• Advance codes and standards to reflect OTEC systems
Platform/Pipe Interface
Breakout Session II: GROUP D
Wednesday, November 4: 10:15-12:15
Discuss the entire life cycle that needs to be considered for each component.
Address the following:
1) manufacturability,
2) operability,
3) reliability,
4) logistics,
5) scalability
with respect to:
fabrication, deployment, construction, and installation;
operation and maintenance (including cleaning, repair, and
monitoring component performance;
personnel safety and emergency preparedness; and
• What risks are associated with failure with these processes?
• What are the cost limiting factors for this component? What are possible
costs-savings? What research could be done on cost reduction?
Comments or Questions
- Decommissioning
o pipe/platform interface may need be detachable and able to be reattached
o What do you do with the pipe?
- Initial pilot off Oahu
o Can it be moved?
- Need to attach pipe to platform
o Rigid or Gimbal? (Design Decision)
- CWP needs to be detachable at least one time
- CWP Optionally able to be reattached – dependent on relocation area
- Need to have some level of pipe recovery
- Survivable for duration of plant life
o Corrosion, etc
- Must be able to attach 4m pipe
- Interface may need angle of motion (Design Consideration)
- Interface Sealant
- Compatible with CWP construction
- Design issue but not a factor of “can we build it?”
- Gimbal
- Performance
- Are there issues with making this work?
- Reliable over the design life (20 yrs)?
- Which is most likely to be accommodating to an extreme event?
- Not solely longevity
- Makes relocation more realistic
- Depends on fabricating on vs. off
- Personnel Safety and Emergency preparedness
o Fixed = safer?
- Fixed
o Vertical
Oil industry uses existing technologies (for 1m pipe)
o Horizontal
- Gimbal
o Horizontal
- Fixed
- Gimbal
o Lubrication
o Materials
- Flex
o Involves hose
o Hose wears out two reconnections
- 4 to 10m
- Install/Deinstall vs. Operation
o Deinstallation easier with self-supporting pipe
o Likelihood of self-supporting buoyant pipe?
- Probability of Failure
o Loss of Pipe
o Leakage
- Fixed
- Gimbal
o Moving parts
- Large driver
- Self-supporting pipe better
- Can you attach flotation on to a hanging pipe?
- Will the handling system be able to raise and lower the pipe?
- Interface must be detachable
- Can we detach dead weight?
- if we build heavy pipe, then new pipe must be built
- if we build self supporting vertical or horizontal pipe, then save those costs
Breakout Session III:GROUP D
Wednesday, November 4: 12:45-15:00
• What are the cost limiting factors for this component? What are possible costs-
savings? What research could be done on cost reduction?
• Are the technologies associated with this component viable? What are the
economic factors associated with these technologies? What are the
hurdles/limiting factors associated with these technologies?
• What is the development time frame for the technologies associated with this
Off-Shore Industry
- A lot of technology has already been developed
- A lot of knowledge exists that should be tapped into
Manufacturing Orientation
- Implies self-supporting and manufactured on land
- Implies configured on platform
Cost Drivers
- Gimbal vs. Fixed
- Relative motion of pipe vs. platform
- Complexity of handling system
- Buoyancy costs
- Trade-off between land fabrication vs. platform fabrication
Technologies viable
- Dimensions and material are issues
Group D: Baseline Parameters for
Platform/Pipe Interface Workshop OTEC Discussions
Where it all comes together
it all comes together” M
•Moored d
•Cable to shore
•5‐10 MWe scalable to commercial
•Potentially relocatable
Interface Requirements CWP Manufacturing Orientations
• Need to attach pipe to platform
– Rigid or Gimbal? (Design Decision)
• CWP needs to be detachable at least one time
• CWP Optionally able to be reattached – dependent on
relocation area
• Need to have some level of pipe recovery
pp y
• Survivable for duration of plant life
– Corrosion, etc
• Must be able to attach 4m pipe
• Interface may need angle of motion (Design Consideration)
• Interface Sealant
• Compatible with CWP construction
CWP Configurations Life Cycle Considerations
Fixed Gimbal Flex
Manufacturability G G Y
Operability G G G
Reliability Y1 G G
Vertical Build Y G Y
Horizontal Build R R G
Maintainability G Y R
Scalability G Y R
Dependent on platform but also imposes risk on to CWP
Hanging Self-supported
Risks What are the cost drivers for the
• If interface detaches with hanging pipe, then the
pipe sinks • Gimbal vs. Fixed (Flex not scalable)
• If interface detaches with self‐supporting pipe, then • Decommissioning
the pipe is available to be reconnected • Relative motion of pipe vs. platform, especially
• If interface leaks, then performance degradation during fabrication
• If interface leaks, then repair is difficult • Complexity of handling system
• If horizontal build, then installation and • Buoyancy costs
deinstallation logistics are more complicated • Trade‐off between land fabrication vs. platform
• If vertical build, then handling system failure could fabrication
result in loss of pipe • Coupling/Decoupling
What research could be done on cost
What are possible costs‐savings? reduction?
• Refined analysis and model tests
• Utilize existing technologies • Find and adapt existing technologies and
– Scalable technologies analysis tools
• Material choices • Material selection
– More robust
More rob st • Buoyancy
– Corrosion
• Manufacturing process selection
• Relocatable pipe
• Economy of scale
Are the technologies viable? What are
What is the development time frame?
the economic factors? What are the
• 1 to 2 years for requirements development to
• Technologies are viable and have been include analysis and model tests
demonstrated at various scales • 1 to 2 years to delivery
– Dimensions and material are issues
Dimensions and material are issues
• Cost
• Limitations are manageable with current
together” •
Development of underwater tools
Underwater construction techniques
Deep dynamic cables
• Survey Technology
• Improved engineering process
– Configuration management
GROUP D Fixed Gimbal Flex
Manufacturability G G Y
Operability G G G
Reliability Y1 G G
Vertical Build Y G Y
Horizontal Build R R G
Maintainability G Y R
Scalability G Y R
Dependent on platform but also imposes risk on to CWP
Pumps and Turbines
Day III/Session IV: Changes since 1980: Pumps and Turbines
Pumps and Turbines have been ready for 30 years
No revolutionary breakthrough in pump/turbine; all advances evolutionary
Electronics starting to be introduced into pumps/turbines to monitor health and status; most
advances will be in outage management/condition based management
Ammonia is probably the most practical working fluid
Move toward a desire to create a sustainable system where system can function without
external hydrocarbon inputs making it less susceptible to shifts in hydrocarbon availability and
Pumps exist today for a 10 mW; for a 100 mW commercial scale pumps would need to be
ganged together
Seaborne environment (roll, pitch, yaw) has proven out turbine machinery over worse or
equivalent situations.
Petroleum industry has 30 years of additional experience working in increasingly harsh
environments (due to less conveniently available oil) and much has been learned about
operations, methods and materials.
OTEC‐style plant in India that produces Freshwater – more expensive than traditional
desalinization methods, however operational and works.
Many attempts since 1980; 250 kW open cycle at NELHA, 1996‐2000 50 kW Hx Testing (NEHLA),
2005 Diego Garcia Feasibility Study, 2006 0TEC Study Makai SBIR, 2007‐2008 10 MW Pilot Plant
Design by Lockheed Martin.
Breakout Discussion Topics
Breakout Discussion Topics
Breakout Discussion Topics
1) What processes (e.g., equipment, personnel) of the technology are associated with:
i. Fabrication, deployment, construction, and installation;
ii. Operation (including monitoring) and maintenance (including cleaning, repair, and replacement);
iii. Monitoring component performance;
iv. Personnel safety and emergency preparedness; and
v. Decommissioning?
Turbine rotor (7-8MW) single piece forging, not changeable, no erosion or foreign object damage
Open die-press forging
Not too difficult to forge, limits would be tip speed goes up, centrifugal stress goes up, adds cost
Okay for 5-10MW, lots of experience, forging capability exists, manufacturing exists
Oil getting into the system through seals of the rotating equipment
Need to minimize seal leakage (should be a state-of-the art technology)
Breakout Discussion Topics
Capital cost for 10MW prototype huge compared to the cost for the 100MW
There are other issues for multiple turbines: all the piping, valving, shafts etc.
Assessment needs to be completed
The blades on the roto-flow turbine, machined and non-removable
Axial, blades are replaceable individually
Can be: Forged, machined, or cut out of plate with wire EDM and machined
Reliability and manufacturability: Depend on the process
What limits the size and speed is the blade tip speed, need to be subsonic
Axial Flow turbine, can add stages, but get more energy taken out on the last few stages
Maintenance aspect: have redundancy, in a small plant have at least 3 turbines, maybe 4, assume there are 2 operating
At these sizes the turbines shouldn’t be too expensive, might pay to have an extra turbine or inventory parts
Manufacturers have repair services
Breakout Discussion Topics
However with ammonia, might have to have inventory of parts for 1 turbine set
Can always get the parts but there is a lead time, would want back up
What is the periodic shut-down, 1 annual inspection, 1st inspection is ~5 years
We are not sure whether liquid droplet erosion will occur against a steel substrate in an ammonia environment at high speeds.
Need to set-up a whole materials list for what you are going to need in inventory
When you have an outage for some other reason, what do we go and do for the turbines?
Turbine is not going to be driving the shutdown
Need a set of critical parts for the turbines, not a full turbine as extra
Need to have multiple turbines so you can shut down part of the plant (Allows modularity)
If you shut down one turbine you are shutting down two heat exchangers
Do not want stagnant water in your heat exchangers
Breakout Discussion Topics
Expect turbine to be the most reliable component
Environment is inert and the machine design practices are good
Foreign object damage off the pump that could damage the turbine
Failure of a valve or pump or strainer, weld icicles could break off which might not come off in the flush
Radiography will be done, ultra-sonics as well, surface inspection from the outside
Mitigation to this risk is training welders and having automated machinery
Oil leak into the ammonia side would: impact the performance, might get cavitation or erosion
Would change out the working fluid
Platform motion probably will not have additional stress on the turbines
Most ships powered by steam turbines, motion not a problem
Cost Drivers:
Operational mode, spare part inventory
Life cycle: 30 years, so why skimp on capital cost?
Changing types of stainless steel might not save that much money
Lead times for large turbines could be on the order of a year – 18months
Axial flow for large water pumps
Structure, motor, shaft, impeller, substation
Maximum size limit on some of these pumps for the larger plant, driving towards multiple pumps
Might want to have two oversized pumps each would be able to the whole flow-rate
Breakout Discussion Topics
Problem with submersible pump, if something goes wrong have to pull it out. Need to be able to do that easily
Non-submersible can fix
Pump manufacturer will have a design that is almost what you need and it will just be a tweak
Breakout Discussion Topics
Spare parts inventory for non-submersible pumps
For submersibles would need a spare pump
If something happens to the submersible pump would ship back to the manufacturer
If they are using air-cooled generators could get corrosion and shorting out
Casings – carbon steel (may have epoxy coating or other corrosion protection)
Impeller- stainless steel
Motor- combination of copper, solder, insulation material; non-metallic material,
Shaft casing- carbon steel
Breakout Discussion Topics
Breakout Discussion Topics
Life Cycle-
manufacturability Not difficult at 5-10 MW and larger outputs up to 100 MW. Standard manufacturing practices
in existence (forging, machining & casting).
operability Fully adaptable to platform environment
reliability Most reliable component in the system. Long periods between routine inspections.
logistics Stock critical spares (rotors, seals, bearings, etc.)
Periodic inspections opportunities during downtimes caused by other components.
18-24 month lead time to delivery.
scalability 5-10 MW Turbine (radial flow) has size limit.
Larger size axial turbines, add blade length or number of blade stages to achieve greater
output or efficiency.
Water Pumps
manufacturability Max impeller diameter 7ft. Wide range of design base configurations available from multiple
operability Warm water pump issue with organisms.
reliability Pumps have proven high reliability. Multiple or oversize pumps to sustain operation.
logistics Depot repair for submersible pumps; organic partial repair potential for non-submersible.
12-18 month lead time.
scalability Maximum size limit on some of these pumps for the larger plant, driving towards multiple
-Closed cycle operating system
Breakout Discussion Topics
Turbines shaft/rotor- carbon steel or low alloy steel
Turbine blades- 12% chromium stainless steel or higher alloy steel
Turbine casing- carbon steel
Misc. parts- bearings (babbit) – can be re-melted, valves and seals – stainless steel
Casings – carbon steel (may have epoxy coating or other corrosion protection)
Impeller- stainless steel
Motor- combination of copper, solder, insulation material; non-metallic material,
Shaft casing- carbon steel
Viability of technologies:
All commercially available technology that can be altered to fit these requirements.
Economic factors:
All components are technologically mature. All pumps and turbines 80-90% efficient.
Limiting factors:
Breakout Discussion Topics
Breakout Discussion Topics
1) Are the technologies associated with this component viable? What are the economic factors associated with these
technologies? What are the hurdles/limiting factors associated with these technologies?
2) What is the development time frame for the tecnologies associated with this component?
Viability of technologies:
All commercially available technology that can be altered to fit these requirements.
Economic factors:
All components are technologically mature. All pumps and turbines 80-90% efficient.
Limiting factors:
Breakout Discussion Topics
If not adequately addressed, severe damage to turbines and pumps will result.
Roll, pitch and yaw of the platform and how it affects alignment of turbine and pumps:
Efficiency vs. allowable movement?
Ships & platforms already deployed at sea with turbines (30 year design life)– operational design for 0.06G with max of 0.15
Survival design 0.5G (kinematic and gravitational effects)
Bearings overdesigned to handle the shock loads.
Breakout Discussion Topics
Breakout Session I:
Tuesday, November 3: 13:00-15:30
What are the state-of-the-art technologies for the technical component?
Cold water pump
Warm water pump
Working Fluid pump
Vacuum pump for open cycle
Les- concern with open cycle, turbines subject to salt water corrosion from material standpoint
Open cycle - forces you to use more expensive materials and processes
Radial flow turbines, less available from manufacturers for higher MW
Smaller turbines commercially available
Practical limit on the physical size of the turbine for ammonia applications
Operation trade-off in terms of size
Have to stage the start-up of the turbines
Breakout Discussion Topics
State of the art for radial flow turbines: machined from one piece of metal, has to do with the size of metal you can get
Reasonable limit, to make these turbines
Vendors make a lot of smaller turbines and the development cost for larger turbines would be big
100MW options:
Add modules, not going any larger in terms of turbine size
Breakout Discussion Topics
Market need: turbines in this size range need to be designed specifically for ammonia
Control valves to designed to ensure less pressure loss upstream of the turbine
Easier design, but fewer bidders
1st product engineering
Ammonia turbines are specialty items and require development
8 coldwater and 8 warm water pumps 200,000gpm each (OTC Design) for 100MW
460,000 kg/sec coldwater
209,000gpm (Makai, OTEC)
560,000 kg/sec for warm water
255,000gpm warm water
Efficiencies: 87 – 92%
Submersible, axial flow impeller design
Breakout Discussion Topics
2 cold water pumps would be available as state of the art today
Available from 2 vendors ~9month to a year lead time
8 working fluid feed pumps (1operating, 1 standby)
2 per heat exchanger
8 recycle pumps
Total: 16 pumps
Breakout Discussion Topics
State – of –
the Art
Closed Cycle Operating Parameters: Technologies
100 MW (135MW)
Inlet ammonia temp is 21 C = 69.8 F
Outlet ammonia temp is 9.7 C = 49.46 F
Pressure in: 890 kPa = 129.1 psi
Pressure out: 609 kPa = 88.3psi
Flow rate: 3566 kg/s
Efficiency not listed
(Guam OTEC Makai study)
20 MW
Inlet temp: 69.6 F
Pressure inlet: 127.9 psia
Exit Pressure: 90.8 psia
Exit temp: 50.9 F
(Baseline Designs of Moored and Grazing 40-MW OTEC Pilot
Plants George and Richards June 1980 JHU/ APL SR – 80-1A
Flow rate:
Operation efficiency:
Cold Water Motor efficiency:
Pump Head:
Warm Water
Breakout Discussion Topics
Working Fluid
Breakout Discussion Topics
Safe Operating
Breakout Discussion Topics
Breakout Discussion Topics
1) What processes (e.g., equipment, personnel) of the technology are associated with:
i. Fabrication, deployment, construction, and installation;
ii. Operation (including monitoring) and maintenance (including cleaning, repair, and replacement);
iii. Monitoring component performance;
iv. Personnel safety and emergency preparedness; and
v. Decommissioning?
Breakout Discussion Topics
Environmental Monitoring
Safe Operating
Risks Associated with
Process Failure
Component Viability
Economic Factors
Hurdles/Limiting Factors
Development Time Frame
Breakout Discussion Topics
1) Are the technologies associated with this component viable? What are the economic factors associated with these
technologies? What are the hurdles/limiting factors associated with these technologies?
2) What is the development time frame for the tecnologies associated with this component?
Pumps & Turbines Pumps & Turbines
Turbines Water Pumps
manufacturability Not difficult at 5-10 MW and larger outputs up to 100 manufacturability Max impeller diameter 7ft. Wide range of design base
MW. Standard manufacturing practices in existence configurations available from multiple vendors.
(forging, machining & casting).
operability Fully adaptable to platform environment operability Warm water pump issue with organisms.
reliability Most reliable component in the system. Long periods reliability Pumps have proven high reliability. Multiple or oversize
between routine inspections.
inspections pumps to sustain operation
logistics Stock critical spares (rotors, seals, bearings, etc.) logistics Depot repair for submersible pumps; organic partial repair
Periodic inspections opportunities during downtimes potential for non-submersible.
caused by other components. 12-18 month lead time.
18-24 month lead time to delivery.
scalability 5-10 MW Turbine (radial flow) has size limit. scalability Maximum size limit on some of these pumps for the larger
Larger size axial turbines, add blade length or number of plant, driving towards multiple pumps.
blade stages to achieve greater output or efficiency.
Assumptions: Assumptions:
-Closed cycle operating system -Closed cycle operating system
Pumps & Turbines Decommissioning
Working Fluid Pumps Turbines‐
• Turbines shaft/rotor‐ carbon steel or low alloy steel
manufacturability Wide range of design base configurations available from
multiple vendors.
• Turbine blades‐ 12% chromium stainless steel or higher alloy steel
• Turbine casing‐ carbon steel
operability Ammonia pumps are self lubricating. • Misc. parts‐ bearings (babbit) – can be re‐melted, valves and seals – stainless steel
Viability of technologies
All commercially available technology that can be altered to fit these requirements.
Economic factors:
• All components are technologically mature. All pumps and turbines 80‐90%
Limiting factors:
• None
Development time frame:
• Required custom modifications:
• 18‐24 months for turbine
• 6 ‐12 months for pumps
• Dependent on size of unit.
• Closed cycle leading contender for near
term commercialization
Pumps and Turbines References:
• Guam
G OTEC F Feasibility
ibilit Assessment
A t
Breakout Session 1: State-of-the- • Baseline Designs of Moored and Grazing
Art Technologies 40-MW OTEC Pilot Plants
• Renewable Energy From the Ocean
• OTC Study
Components Addressed:
• Reviewed Operating Parameters for 30 year period and
remained consistent
• Turbines
• Ammonia turbines are specialty items and require additional
• Pumps development time
• Optimization for ammonia working fluid is desirable
– Cold Water Pump
• Radial Flow for 10MW
– Warm
W Water
W t Pump
P – 2 per plant
– Working Fluid Feed Pumps – 7 - 8 MW gross each turbine
– Commercially Available, multiple vendors
– Vacuum Pump (Open/Hybrid Cycles) • Axial Flow for 100MW
– Trade study recommended to optimize size for NH3
• For all power levels multiple turbines are required for
modularity, reliability, redundancy, operation and
Vacuum Pumps
• Needed for Hybrid Cycle
• Commercially adaptable database
• Currently used in conventional sea water
l d nuclear
l and
d ffossilil plants
l t ffor start-
t t
• Trade off studies need to be performed
relative to the location of water production
(onshore vs. offshore)
Pumps and Turbines
Day III/Session IV: Changes since 1980: Pumps and Turbines
Pumps and Turbines have been ready for 30 years
No revolutionary breakthrough in pump/turbine; all advances evolutionary
Electronics starting to be introduced into pumps/turbines to monitor health and status; most
advances will be in outage management/condition based management
Ammonia is probably the most practical working fluid
Move toward a desire to create a sustainable system where system can function without
external hydrocarbon inputs making it less susceptible to shifts in hydrocarbon availability and
Pumps exist today for a 10 mW; for a 100 mW commercial scale pumps would need to be
ganged together
Seaborne environment (roll, pitch, yaw) has proven out turbine machinery over worse or
equivalent situations.
Petroleum industry has 30 years of additional experience working in increasingly harsh
environments (due to less conveniently available oil) and much has been learned about
operations, methods and materials.
OTEC‐style plant in India that produces Freshwater – more expensive than traditional
desalinization methods, however operational and works.
Many attempts since 1980; 250 kW open cycle at NELHA, 1996‐2000 50 kW Hx Testing (NEHLA),
2005 Diego Garcia Feasibility Study, 2006 0TEC Study Makai SBIR, 2007‐2008 10 MW Pilot Plant
Design by Lockheed Martin.
Breakout Discussion Topics
Breakout Discussion Topics
Breakout Discussion Topics
1) What processes (e.g., equipment, personnel) of the technology are associated with:
i. Fabrication, deployment, construction, and installation;
ii. Operation (including monitoring) and maintenance (including cleaning, repair, and replacement);
iii. Monitoring component performance;
iv. Personnel safety and emergency preparedness; and
v. Decommissioning?
Turbine rotor (7-8MW) single piece forging, not changeable, no erosion or foreign object damage
Open die-press forging
Not too difficult to forge, limits would be tip speed goes up, centrifugal stress goes up, adds cost
Okay for 5-10MW, lots of experience, forging capability exists, manufacturing exists
Oil getting into the system through seals of the rotating equipment
Need to minimize seal leakage (should be a state-of-the art technology)
Breakout Discussion Topics
Capital cost for 10MW prototype huge compared to the cost for the 100MW
There are other issues for multiple turbines: all the piping, valving, shafts etc.
Assessment needs to be completed
The blades on the roto-flow turbine, machined and non-removable
Axial, blades are replaceable individually
Can be: Forged, machined, or cut out of plate with wire EDM and machined
Reliability and manufacturability: Depend on the process
What limits the size and speed is the blade tip speed, need to be subsonic
Axial Flow turbine, can add stages, but get more energy taken out on the last few stages
Maintenance aspect: have redundancy, in a small plant have at least 3 turbines, maybe 4, assume there are 2 operating
At these sizes the turbines shouldn’t be too expensive, might pay to have an extra turbine or inventory parts
Manufacturers have repair services
Breakout Discussion Topics
However with ammonia, might have to have inventory of parts for 1 turbine set
Can always get the parts but there is a lead time, would want back up
What is the periodic shut-down, 1 annual inspection, 1st inspection is ~5 years
We are not sure whether liquid droplet erosion will occur against a steel substrate in an ammonia environment at high speeds.
Need to set-up a whole materials list for what you are going to need in inventory
When you have an outage for some other reason, what do we go and do for the turbines?
Turbine is not going to be driving the shutdown
Need a set of critical parts for the turbines, not a full turbine as extra
Need to have multiple turbines so you can shut down part of the plant (Allows modularity)
If you shut down one turbine you are shutting down two heat exchangers
Do not want stagnant water in your heat exchangers
Breakout Discussion Topics
Expect turbine to be the most reliable component
Environment is inert and the machine design practices are good
Foreign object damage off the pump that could damage the turbine
Failure of a valve or pump or strainer, weld icicles could break off which might not come off in the flush
Radiography will be done, ultra-sonics as well, surface inspection from the outside
Mitigation to this risk is training welders and having automated machinery
Oil leak into the ammonia side would: impact the performance, might get cavitation or erosion
Would change out the working fluid
Platform motion probably will not have additional stress on the turbines
Most ships powered by steam turbines, motion not a problem
Cost Drivers:
Operational mode, spare part inventory
Life cycle: 30 years, so why skimp on capital cost?
Changing types of stainless steel might not save that much money
Lead times for large turbines could be on the order of a year – 18months
Axial flow for large water pumps
Structure, motor, shaft, impeller, substation
Maximum size limit on some of these pumps for the larger plant, driving towards multiple pumps
Might want to have two oversized pumps each would be able to the whole flow-rate
Breakout Discussion Topics
Problem with submersible pump, if something goes wrong have to pull it out. Need to be able to do that easily
Non-submersible can fix
Pump manufacturer will have a design that is almost what you need and it will just be a tweak
Breakout Discussion Topics
Spare parts inventory for non-submersible pumps
For submersibles would need a spare pump
If something happens to the submersible pump would ship back to the manufacturer
If they are using air-cooled generators could get corrosion and shorting out
Casings – carbon steel (may have epoxy coating or other corrosion protection)
Impeller- stainless steel
Motor- combination of copper, solder, insulation material; non-metallic material,
Shaft casing- carbon steel
Breakout Discussion Topics
Breakout Discussion Topics
Life Cycle-
manufacturability Not difficult at 5-10 MW and larger outputs up to 100 MW. Standard manufacturing practices
in existence (forging, machining & casting).
operability Fully adaptable to platform environment
reliability Most reliable component in the system. Long periods between routine inspections.
logistics Stock critical spares (rotors, seals, bearings, etc.)
Periodic inspections opportunities during downtimes caused by other components.
18-24 month lead time to delivery.
scalability 5-10 MW Turbine (radial flow) has size limit.
Larger size axial turbines, add blade length or number of blade stages to achieve greater
output or efficiency.
Water Pumps
manufacturability Max impeller diameter 7ft. Wide range of design base configurations available from multiple
operability Warm water pump issue with organisms.
reliability Pumps have proven high reliability. Multiple or oversize pumps to sustain operation.
logistics Depot repair for submersible pumps; organic partial repair potential for non-submersible.
12-18 month lead time.
scalability Maximum size limit on some of these pumps for the larger plant, driving towards multiple
-Closed cycle operating system
Breakout Discussion Topics
Turbines shaft/rotor- carbon steel or low alloy steel
Turbine blades- 12% chromium stainless steel or higher alloy steel
Turbine casing- carbon steel
Misc. parts- bearings (babbit) – can be re-melted, valves and seals – stainless steel
Casings – carbon steel (may have epoxy coating or other corrosion protection)
Impeller- stainless steel
Motor- combination of copper, solder, insulation material; non-metallic material,
Shaft casing- carbon steel
Viability of technologies:
All commercially available technology that can be altered to fit these requirements.
Economic factors:
All components are technologically mature. All pumps and turbines 80-90% efficient.
Limiting factors:
Breakout Discussion Topics
Breakout Discussion Topics
1) Are the technologies associated with this component viable? What are the economic factors associated with these
technologies? What are the hurdles/limiting factors associated with these technologies?
2) What is the development time frame for the tecnologies associated with this component?
Viability of technologies:
All commercially available technology that can be altered to fit these requirements.
Economic factors:
All components are technologically mature. All pumps and turbines 80-90% efficient.
Limiting factors:
Breakout Discussion Topics
If not adequately addressed, severe damage to turbines and pumps will result.
Roll, pitch and yaw of the platform and how it affects alignment of turbine and pumps:
Efficiency vs. allowable movement?
Ships & platforms already deployed at sea with turbines (30 year design life)– operational design for 0.06G with max of 0.15
Survival design 0.5G (kinematic and gravitational effects)
Bearings overdesigned to handle the shock loads.
Breakout Discussion Topics
Breakout Session I:
Tuesday, November 3: 13:00-15:30
What are the state-of-the-art technologies for the technical component?
Cold water pump
Warm water pump
Working Fluid pump
Vacuum pump for open cycle
Les- concern with open cycle, turbines subject to salt water corrosion from material standpoint
Open cycle - forces you to use more expensive materials and processes
Radial flow turbines, less available from manufacturers for higher MW
Smaller turbines commercially available
Practical limit on the physical size of the turbine for ammonia applications
Operation trade-off in terms of size
Have to stage the start-up of the turbines
Breakout Discussion Topics
State of the art for radial flow turbines: machined from one piece of metal, has to do with the size of metal you can get
Reasonable limit, to make these turbines
Vendors make a lot of smaller turbines and the development cost for larger turbines would be big
100MW options:
Add modules, not going any larger in terms of turbine size
Breakout Discussion Topics
Market need: turbines in this size range need to be designed specifically for ammonia
Control valves to designed to ensure less pressure loss upstream of the turbine
Easier design, but fewer bidders
1st product engineering
Ammonia turbines are specialty items and require development
8 coldwater and 8 warm water pumps 200,000gpm each (OTC Design) for 100MW
460,000 kg/sec coldwater
209,000gpm (Makai, OTEC)
560,000 kg/sec for warm water
255,000gpm warm water
Efficiencies: 87 – 92%
Submersible, axial flow impeller design
Breakout Discussion Topics
2 cold water pumps would be available as state of the art today
Available from 2 vendors ~9month to a year lead time
8 working fluid feed pumps (1operating, 1 standby)
2 per heat exchanger
8 recycle pumps
Total: 16 pumps
Breakout Discussion Topics
State – of –
the Art
Closed Cycle Operating Parameters: Technologies
100 MW (135MW)
Inlet ammonia temp is 21 C = 69.8 F
Outlet ammonia temp is 9.7 C = 49.46 F
Pressure in: 890 kPa = 129.1 psi
Pressure out: 609 kPa = 88.3psi
Flow rate: 3566 kg/s
Efficiency not listed
(Guam OTEC Makai study)
20 MW
Inlet temp: 69.6 F
Pressure inlet: 127.9 psia
Exit Pressure: 90.8 psia
Exit temp: 50.9 F
(Baseline Designs of Moored and Grazing 40-MW OTEC Pilot
Plants George and Richards June 1980 JHU/ APL SR – 80-1A
Flow rate:
Operation efficiency:
Cold Water Motor efficiency:
Pump Head:
Warm Water
Breakout Discussion Topics
Working Fluid
Breakout Discussion Topics
Safe Operating
Breakout Discussion Topics
Breakout Discussion Topics
1) What processes (e.g., equipment, personnel) of the technology are associated with:
i. Fabrication, deployment, construction, and installation;
ii. Operation (including monitoring) and maintenance (including cleaning, repair, and replacement);
iii. Monitoring component performance;
iv. Personnel safety and emergency preparedness; and
v. Decommissioning?
Breakout Discussion Topics
Environmental Monitoring
Safe Operating
Risks Associated with
Process Failure
Component Viability
Economic Factors
Hurdles/Limiting Factors
Development Time Frame
Breakout Discussion Topics
1) Are the technologies associated with this component viable? What are the economic factors associated with these
technologies? What are the hurdles/limiting factors associated with these technologies?
2) What is the development time frame for the tecnologies associated with this component?
Pumps & Turbines Pumps & Turbines
Turbines Water Pumps
manufacturability Not difficult at 5-10 MW and larger outputs up to 100 manufacturability Max impeller diameter 7ft. Wide range of design base
MW. Standard manufacturing practices in existence configurations available from multiple vendors.
(forging, machining & casting).
operability Fully adaptable to platform environment operability Warm water pump issue with organisms.
reliability Most reliable component in the system. Long periods reliability Pumps have proven high reliability. Multiple or oversize
between routine inspections.
inspections pumps to sustain operation
logistics Stock critical spares (rotors, seals, bearings, etc.) logistics Depot repair for submersible pumps; organic partial repair
Periodic inspections opportunities during downtimes potential for non-submersible.
caused by other components. 12-18 month lead time.
18-24 month lead time to delivery.
scalability 5-10 MW Turbine (radial flow) has size limit. scalability Maximum size limit on some of these pumps for the larger
Larger size axial turbines, add blade length or number of plant, driving towards multiple pumps.
blade stages to achieve greater output or efficiency.
Assumptions: Assumptions:
-Closed cycle operating system -Closed cycle operating system
Pumps & Turbines Decommissioning
Working Fluid Pumps Turbines‐
• Turbines shaft/rotor‐ carbon steel or low alloy steel
manufacturability Wide range of design base configurations available from
multiple vendors.
• Turbine blades‐ 12% chromium stainless steel or higher alloy steel
• Turbine casing‐ carbon steel
operability Ammonia pumps are self lubricating. • Misc. parts‐ bearings (babbit) – can be re‐melted, valves and seals – stainless steel
Viability of technologies
All commercially available technology that can be altered to fit these requirements.
Economic factors:
• All components are technologically mature. All pumps and turbines 80‐90%
Limiting factors:
• None
Development time frame:
• Required custom modifications:
• 18‐24 months for turbine
• 6 ‐12 months for pumps
• Dependent on size of unit.
• Closed cycle leading contender for near
term commercialization
Pumps and Turbines References:
• Guam
G OTEC F Feasibility
ibilit Assessment
A t
Breakout Session 1: State-of-the- • Baseline Designs of Moored and Grazing
Art Technologies 40-MW OTEC Pilot Plants
• Renewable Energy From the Ocean
• OTC Study
Components Addressed:
• Reviewed Operating Parameters for 30 year period and
remained consistent
• Turbines
• Ammonia turbines are specialty items and require additional
• Pumps development time
• Optimization for ammonia working fluid is desirable
– Cold Water Pump
• Radial Flow for 10MW
– Warm
W Water
W t Pump
P – 2 per plant
– Working Fluid Feed Pumps – 7 - 8 MW gross each turbine
– Commercially Available, multiple vendors
– Vacuum Pump (Open/Hybrid Cycles) • Axial Flow for 100MW
– Trade study recommended to optimize size for NH3
• For all power levels multiple turbines are required for
modularity, reliability, redundancy, operation and
Vacuum Pumps
• Needed for Hybrid Cycle
• Commercially adaptable database
• Currently used in conventional sea water
l d nuclear
l and
d ffossilil plants
l t ffor start-
t t
• Trade off studies need to be performed
relative to the location of water production
(onshore vs. offshore)
Breakout Discussion Topics
-Location, size, and volume of the system components on the platform are the driving issues of platform design
-The design of the platform depends on the entire system
-There most likely will not be one standard design for OTEC platforms due to location, ocean conditions, size of the
OTEC system, what kind of system (open vs. closed), etc.
-Options for platform shapes are:
-Semi-submersible platform
-Ship shape
Breakout Discussion Topics
-Platform TRL = 9
-Mission Condition TRL = ? (hasn’t been done before on the scale we’re interested in)
-For similar situations (floating platforms/oil rigs) = 9
-Offshore oil rig requirements far exceed the requirements for OTEC
Breakout Discussion Topics
Breakout Discussion Topics
1) What processes (e.g., equipment, personnel) of the technology are associated with:
i. Fabrication, deployment, construction, and installation;
ii. Operation (including monitoring) and maintenance (including cleaning, repair, and replacement);
iii. Monitoring component performance;
iv. Personnel safety and emergency preparedness; and
v. Decommissioning?
-Relocatability is an issue depending on the type of platform (difficult with a spar platform)
-Strive for maximum versatility with minimum costs
-Standardize OTEC design so that it is more or less repeatable
Fabrication State-of-the-art
Deployment State-of-the-art
Construction N/A
Installation (integration -Deck equipment modules sized for lifting capability at integration site
and commissioning) -Floating draft less than depth at integration site
OMR&R State-of-the-art
Monitoring State-of-the-art
Safe Operating State-of-the-art
Decommissioning State-of-the-art
Component Viability Little or no risk of component failure under standard operating conditions
Economic Factors
Hurdles/Limiting Factors
Development Time Frame
Breakout Discussion Topics
-Consistent with normal marine practice
-Bulk steel plus labor
-Making the hull the simplest it can be (minimal equipment within) will keep costs down
-Design to manufacture
-work with the shipyard
-FEED design (front-end engineering design)
-Suppose a 100 Million dollar project, steel would be about 2,000 $/ton (for just materials, no labor)
-Standardization of design will significantly lower costs from the first to the second design
-learning curve and non-recurring costs
-The pound per facility for OTEC will be less than the pound per facility for other platform type rigs (oil industry)
-Since OTEC is a fundamentally different system than normal oil rig platforms, can we go about designing and building a platform a
different way to reduce costs significantly?
4 Key Factors:
-Mass Production
-Progressive Innovation
Standards for offshore oil requirements for semisubs and spars currently exist; standards for OTEC would need to be
Breakout Discussion Topics
Session III:
Spar is most favorable for attachment of CWP due to less motion on attachment point relative to
Cost Limiting Labor
Factors/cost drivers? rates/productivity
Outfitting (equipment
in hull)
Steel costs
Possible Cost Savings? Design for
Minimize internal
equipment; optimize
What Research can be Low cost
done on Cost manufacturing
Reduction techniques, materials;
developing OTEC
standards based on
Breakout Discussion Topics
1) Are the technologies associated with this component viable? What are the economic factors associated with these
technologies? What are the hurdles/limiting factors associated with these technologies?
2) What is the development time frame for the tecnologies associated with this component?
Changes In Platform Technology
Since 1980
• 1980 • Today
1 R
1. Required
i d offshore
ff h OTEC 1 Fl
1. Floating
ti production
d ti platforms
l tf
depth of 3000ft is considered at 3000ft considered routine
technically challenging for from a technical standpoint
offshore oil industry 2. There are about 200 floating
2 Floating production systems
2. production systems
were at infant technology 3. Computer software and
3. Limited software was experimental facilities for
available and data was not design are in use and have
validated been validated
4. Limited ability to predict 4. Meteorological/
impact of extreme weather oceanographic data gathering
5. Platforms were designed to capability is more
very conservative standards sophisticated
due to uncertainties in 5. Improved tools and
extreme storm conditions and oceanographic data allows
calculation accuracy design of more cost effective
Processes Processes
Topic: Semi-submersible Manufacturability Operabil Reliability Logistics Scalability Topic: Semi-submersible Manufacturability Operability Reliability Logistics Scalability
Installation (Integration and Quayside deck Local lift High (if the Wet-tow to Standard oil rig
Fabrication Semi-Submersible: Standard -- High Less than No issues commissioning) commissioning capacity for equipment is final site (short techniques
offshore rig fabrication established Spar: Requires integration may available) distance) or
Spar: Fewer qualified offshore deepwater for deck be an issue (eg. dry-tow (long
manufacturing facilities industry installation and heavy pacific islands) distance)
M h ll Acceptable
Monohull: A t bl lift or float
fl t over
FPSO Construction
OMR&R Routine/ Close to shore
Deployment N/A N/A High Standard Adequate for Standard
heavy-lift ships 20,000 ton total maintenance
sufficient up to weight (hull and (simpler than
20,000 tons equipment) typical oil rig)
Spar: ~165 m Spar: More
length Difficult to
limitation access
Construction (Assumed same as -- -- -- --
response to sea
Spar: Outfitting with OTEC
equip is more complicated
Monohull: Ship is more Monitoring Performance Monohull:
amenable to installation of monitoring Instrumentation
internal OTEC equip advised to
monitor fatigue
Power Cable
Breakout Discussion Topics
Breakout Session I:
Tuesday, November 3: 13:00-15:30
What are the state-of-the-art technologies for the technical component?
Ocean cable technology known, manufactures have the necessary cables
Armoring the cable (steel) –
trench closer to shore, water jets, plowing
directional drilling, shore landings
Pressure is a problem b/c of the depth
AC cable within 20 miles – copper conductor, polyethylene insulation
Cables must survive for 30 plus years
Termination technology on platform side is a challenge
Problem with motion of suspended cable from bottom of the ocean to the platform, fatigue, bending stress/strain
Need modeling for connection of the cable and for the dynamics of the cable
Cable length > 20 Km solution is DC
Potential corrosion issue with steel armor on cable
Larger availability in lower voltage
Cables available up to 500 kV
Splicing technology is known
Breakout Discussion Topics
Parker Scancorp
Prysmian Cables and Systems: long cable up to 500 kV (NY, NJ)
Breakout Discussion Topics
Breakout Discussion Topics
1) What processes (e.g., equipment, personnel) of the technology are associated with:
i. Fabrication, deployment, construction, and installation;
ii. Operation (including monitoring) and maintenance (including cleaning, repair, and replacement);
iii. Monitoring component performance;
iv. Personnel safety and emergency preparedness; and
v. Decommissioning?
Breakout Discussion Topics
Environmental Monitoring
Safe Operating
Risks Associated with
Process Failure
Component Viability
Economic Factors
Hurdles/Limiting Factors
Development Time Frame
Breakout Discussion Topics
1) Are the technologies associated with this component viable? What are the economic factors associated with these
technologies? What are the hurdles/limiting factors associated with these technologies?
2) What is the development time frame for the tecnologies associated with this component?
Day 3 – GROUP G
What changes have occurred in materials, designs, practices, fabrication, manufacturing,
and technology between 1980 and today to make OTEC feasible to pursue on a
commercial scale?
Today: 10 sea crossing AC cables from 90 kV-to500 kV
20 DC cables up to 500 kV
Majority have occurred in last 10 years
Availability of remote resources and interconnection of grids
o US: east coast NY/NJ
o From Canada to NJ
Dynamics cables: technology driven by offshore wind farming
o Off shore oil drilling
o Common connection by 13.6kV up to 50 kV
o Connection at platform are standard and routine, sock rigid connection run
through tube, secured at top
o Length, width, diameter are function of cable
o Swivel joint done on top side like fixed connection
Offshore wind floating platforms
o Individual cables to shore
R and D
High power dynamic cable greater than 30 MW
State of the Art
•Available Technologies
C d and
d standards
t d d ffor cable
bl construction
t ti
DNV, and API
–Many manufactures
•Larger availability with lower voltage
–Armoring: Steel
–In water cable transition (platform to ocean
b tt )
•Can be computer modeled
Software readily available
State of the Art cont.
• Cable Voltage rating up to 500 kV
– AC
• Single Phase is 69 kV and up
• Three phase cable below 69 kV
• AC within 20 miles of shore
– DC
• Available up to 400 kV today
• Has to be converted on both ends
• Standard Splicing Technology
• Typ. done in factory
• Standard Shore Landing
• Directional drilling
• Trenching
• Proven Durability
• Corrosion
• JDR Cable Systems
• Nexans
• Sumitomo
• Siemens
• South bay
• General Cables
• Falmat
• Parker Scancorp
g Specific
p to OTEC
• Offshore
– Less than 20 miles
– Water depth 1,200 m or less
• Floating
• Moored
– Cable and termination design depends on dynamics and azimuth
POWER CABLE constraints on platform and mooring configuration
– Potential requirement to disconnect for weather drives complexity
• P
i ll RRelocatable
l bl ((platform)
l f )
– Not applicable for cable
– Interconnect design depends on location
DAY 2 – Breakouts II and III • 5-10 MW to commercial scale (100 MW)
– Three phase AC cable, up to 10 MW
– Three single phase AC cables, 100 MW
– Cable includes power and communication controls
– Cable includes own diagnostic system, fiber optic for temperature
Breakout III
Appendix F
Powerpoint Presentations
• Fire Exits
• Restrooms on this level
• Map of conference center in packets – location of breakout rooms
• Dining – breakfasts & snacks (outside meeting rooms)
• Lunch:
− Hot/Cold Buffet
− Dining Room (on this level)
Dining Room (on this level)
− Reserved seating
• Evening Dinner:
− Shuttle – pick up outside New England Center at 6:30 pm
− Mahalos Catering at The Pearl in downtown Portsmouth
− Cash bar available (beer and wine)
− If you have any questions – check with staff at registration table
Outreach Efforts
• Workshops on hot topics to identify research priorities and
– Dispersed Oil: Efficacy and Effects
Submerged Oil: State of the Practice
Human Dimensions of Spills Background/
– Dispersed Oil Research Forum
Integrated Modeling
PAH Toxicity
– Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA™)
– Environmental Response Data Standards
– HEA Metrics Workshop
– Opening the Arctic Seas: Envisioning Disasters & Framing Solutions
• NOAA’s Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource • CRRC hosting two OTEC workshops for OCRM
Management (OCRM) licensing of OTEC – November, 2009: Technical Aspects
• OCRM Director David Kennedy on CRRC – 2010: Environmental Impacts and Risks
Advisory Board
Advisory Board • Format:
Format: Plenary Sessions and Breakout Groups
Plenary Sessions and Breakout Groups
• OCRM Senior Policy Analyst David Kaiser • Participants representing a spectrum of industry,
affiliated with CRRC at UNH public sector, academia, and NGOs
– OTEC experts
• CRRC experience hosting workshops
– Related experts
• e.g., platforms, power cable, mooring
• Bring diverse expertise and perspectives to
To Understand Technical Readiness of
the table
Commercial Scale OTEC System
• Dialogue on:
– Where we are?
– Where do we want to be?
– How do we get there?
• State‐of‐the‐art of OTEC Technology • Cold Water Pipe
• Technical feasibility • Heat Exchangers
• Time frame for commercial development • Platform
• Platform Mooring
• Platform/Pipe Interface
• Pumps and Turbines
• Power Cable
Agenda Agenda
Tuesday PM Wednesday AM
13:00 Breakout Session I Breakout Discussion Groups 09:00 Overview and Review/Recalibrate: Iris Ioffreda
Agenda Agenda
Wednesday PM Thursday
09:00 Overview/Review Iris Ioffreda
12:45 Breakout Session III Breakout Discussion Groups
09:15 Panel Discussion on OTEC as a System
15:00 Plenary Session: Group Reports (10 minutes each)
10:30 Break
17:00 Adjourn (Dinner on your own)
10:45 Discussion of OTEC as a System
Discussion of OTEC as a System
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Plenary Session: Synthesis and Next Steps: Iris Ioffreda
14:30 Closing Remarks: Iris Ioffreda & Organizing Committee
15:30 Adjourn
Breakout Questions for Each Component Breakout Questions for Each Component
Session I: Session II:
• What processes (e.g., equipment, personnel) of
• What are the state‐of‐the‐art technologies for the technology are associated with:
the technical component? • fabrication, deployment, construction, and installation;
• operation and maintenance (including cleaning repair and
operation and maintenance (including cleaning, repair, and
• monitoring component performance;
• personnel safety and emergency preparedness; and
• decommissioning?
• What risks are associated with failure with these
Panel Discussion Questions:
Breakout Questions for Each Component OTEC as a System
• What are the performance metrics that must be
Session III: demonstrated prior to commercial development? What is
• Are the technologies associated with this component the development time frame (e.g., today, 1‐2 yr, 5‐10 yr) for
viable? What are the economic factors associated with a commercial OTEC system?
these technologies? What are the hurdles/limiting factors
associated with these technologies?
i t d ith th t h l i ? • What are the potential failures that could lead to the
What are the potential failures that could lead to the
shutdown of an OTEC system?
• What is the development time frame for the technologies • What processes/diagnostics are needed to detect, monitor
associated with this component? and reduce these risks?
• What are the flexibilities in the OTEC system’s components
that could minimize environmental impacts?
Workshop Outcomes CRRC’s Role as Workshop Host
• Report compiling information gathered at workshops • CRRC is a Neutral Party
(NOT recommendations)
– No oil or OTEC in NH waters
• Report Contents:
– Introduction • Expertise ‐ engineering and scientific based
– Workshop organization and structure
p g discussion
– Information gathered
• By component
• Academy is safe place to have frank and open
• As system discussion
– Synthesis of workshop results
– Possible research topics
• Academia approach garners public trust
– Appendices – (e.g., participants, slides, relevent – Peer review approach
• CRRC brings all parties to table
Participant Introductions
Coastal Response Research Center • Name
• Affiliation • Technical Expertise
Intended Outcomes
To understand technical readiness of
commercial scale OTEC system
This Workshop is NOT: Workshop Structure
• Mostly in small groups. Three breakout sessions per topic.
• A decision making meeting Reports to large group on Monday and Tuesday afternoons.
• Looking to define one “best” technology • Small group facilitators will manage the discussion and help
• Asking for disclosure of proprietary information the group develop report outs.
or design specs • Each small group has an assigned note‐taker.
• Focused on environmental impacts
F d i li • Success in the small groups will come from active
S i th ll ill f ti
• Focused on regulatory challenges participation by all, and allowing all to have a voice.
• Issues that are relevant but not within scope of this workshop
• About the process to get a license for commercial
will be captured on a “Parking Lot.”
• Nancy Kinner and Iris Ioffreda will be floaters.
• It IS focused on technical, engineering issues!
What Do You See?
Your Role
• What will I take away?
• What will I contribute?
• What do I need to and not do to
What do I need to and not do to
make both those things happen?
Ground Rules
• Be fully present (which includes turn off
ringtones for cell phones and blackberries)
• Honor time schedules
• Speak openly and honestly and only for
p p y y y
• Allow everyone an opportunity to express
their views
• Ask questions and listen for understanding
This Workshop is NOT:
• A decision making meeting
g g
• Looking to define one “best” technology
• Asking for disclosure of proprietary information
or design specs
• Focused on environmental impacts
• Focused on regulatory challenges
F d l t h ll
• About the process to get a license for commercial
• It IS focused on technical, engineering issues!
, g g
Intended Outcomes
To understand technical readiness of
commercial scale OTEC system
This Workshop is NOT: Workshop Structure
• Mostly in small groups. Three breakout sessions per topic.
• A decision making meeting Reports to large group on Monday and Tuesday afternoons.
• Looking to define one “best” technology • Small group facilitators will manage the discussion and help
• Asking for disclosure of proprietary information the group develop report outs.
or design specs • Each small group has an assigned note‐taker.
• Focused on environmental impacts
F d i li • Success in the small groups will come from active
S i th ll ill f ti
• Focused on regulatory challenges participation by all, and allowing all to have a voice.
• Issues that are relevant but not within scope of this workshop
• About the process to get a license for commercial
will be captured on a “Parking Lot.”
• Nancy Kinner and Iris Ioffreda will be floaters.
• It IS focused on technical, engineering issues!
What Do You See?
Your Role
• What will I take away?
• What will I contribute?
• What do I need to and not do to
What do I need to and not do to
make both those things happen?
Ground Rules
• Be fully present (which includes turn off
ringtones for cell phones and blackberries)
• Honor time schedules
• Speak openly and honestly and only for
p p y y y
• Allow everyone an opportunity to express
their views
• Ask questions and listen for understanding
Workshop Objectives
Luis A. Vega, Ph.D.
National Marine Renewable Energy Center
at University of Hawai’i
1 2
COE, c/
50 10th Plant
20,000 40
10,000 20
y= 36525x-0.365
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
1.35 5 10 50 100
For 10th Plant OTEC PLANT SCHEDULE Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
8% 15-Years (Bank Loan)
40 Long-Lead Items
1.35 5 10 50 100
Nominal Size, MW-net
9 10
11 12
Things that Keep Us Up at Night
On October 14, 2009, the Secretary of the Navy established five Department of the
Navy (DoN) Energy Targets:
The lifecycle energy cost of platforms, What do we want? “Operational Independence”
weapons systems, and buildings, the fully-
burdened cost of fuel in powering these, and Long term goal: For island locations obtain reliable & affordable
contractor energy footprint will be mandatory power, water and cooling from ocean resources – power purchase
evaluation factors used when awarding
contracts. agreement
The Navy will demonstrate a Green strike
group of nuclear vessels and ships using Short term goal: Partner with industry to expedite commercialization
biofuel in local operations by 2012. By 2016, of ocean power with emphasis on OTEC
the Navy will sail a “Great
Great Green Fleet”
composed of nuclear ships, surface
combatants with hybrid electric power
systems using biofuel, and aircraft flying only
on biofuels. What do we bring?
F-18 By 2015, the Department of the Navy (DoN) funding
will reduce petroleum use in the commercial
Green fleet of 50,000 vehicles by 50 percent by
sponsor for SBIR and Congressional Adds
phasing in a composite fleet of flex fuel,
hybrid electric, and neighborhood electric long term contracts (stability)
By 2020, at least half of the DoN’s shore- land, infrastructure support, security
based energy requirements will come from
alternative sources. we pay our bills favorable financing terms
By 2020, half of total DoN energy assistance expediting permitting
consumption will come from alternative
sources. with DOE & NOAA, help to bring industry together
page number 3 page number 4
OTEC Opportunities Island Requirements
Diego Garcia
page number 9
OTEC Power Cycles
OTEC Power Cycles and Auxiliary Uses Closed Cycle: leading power cycle; ammonia or hydrocarbon working
fluid; single stage or multi-stage
C.B. Panchal by Westinghouse (large scale plants) and Argonne National Lab (small
land-based plants)
E3Tec Service, LLC
Ammonia-Water Absorption Power Cycle: Pursued for Geothermal
Phone: 443-812-5930
power and being considered for OTEC
[email protected]
Mist-lift Cycle: Prototype unit tested; no significant development work
30 30
Temperature-Entropy Diagram
Temperature-Entropy Diagram
15 15
Area C
Cold Water 10 Area C 10
Cold Water 5 Absoprion Cycle Area A
Area A Absoprion Cycle
Cold Water
Cold Water 5
Open Cycle Hybrid Cycles for Coproduction of Power and
Desalinated Water
Large scale low-pressure turbine is a key component to be developed for
Integrated Hybrid Cycle
commercial viability of OC-OTEC plants Combined (Parallel or in-Series) Hybrid Cycle
Vacuum Pumps for
Flash Chamber Flash Chamber
Warm Water
Supply Ammonia
Evaporator Ammonia
Cold Water
island sites
Technology Status Technology Status
1st Generation of Commercial OTEC plants will most likely be designed
based on closed cycle with ammonia as the working fluid Ammonia-water absorption cycles have potentials in 2nd or 3rd
Hybrid cycle would be considered for sites with critical water generation of OTEC plants with the development of high-performance
requirements of heat/mass transfer exchangers
Towards the end of federal funding in 1980s, aluminum was qualified There are critical technical issues to demonstrate the viability of the
for OTEC heat exchangers and biofouling became manageable; mist-lift
mist lift cycle for large OTEC plants due to the uncertainty of the two
however, further development work could not be continued to develop phase flow in large riser pipe
OTEC-optimized modular aluminum heat exchangers Haber-Bosch is commercial ammonia synthesis process hydrocarbon
Multi-stage Rankine cycle requires the development of modular high- as feedstock
performance heat exchangers that can be easily integrated with out Innovative solid-state ammonia synthesis process has been proposed
to be evaluated
E3Tec Service, LLC 9 E3Tec Service, LLC 10
Path Forward
Five--Step Commercialization Goals
OTEC’s biggest challenge: A very large
NOAA OTEC Technology workshop single* Cold Water Pipe is required
Nov. 3-5, 2009
Issues and path forward
There is no available “off the shelf” CWP solution that meets all of the
requirements at the required size scale.
Careful judgment and quantitative optimization are necessary to choose the best
ingredients and integrate them into the new solution.
Thorough development, prove-out, and scale-up are necessary to retire the risks.
Within Lockheed Martin’s OTEC program, the ingredients for our baseline CWP
have been chosen, the selected fabrication process has been proven out in the
laboratory, and scale-up validation is now underway with the help of DoE funding
(under their AWPP program) and US Navy funding (under NavFac’s OTEC
These activities (now ongoing) will bring the OTEC CWP to a state of
technological readiness for commercial deployment.
Horton Deepwater Development Systems Horton Deepwater Development Systems
Nov 2009 Horton DDS 2009 All Rights Reserved Nov 2009 Horton DDS 2009 All Rights Reserved
Deepwater Platforms
The OTEC Industry can have confidence that the we can provide a
Floating System to Support their needs.
Horton Deepwater Development Systems Horton Deepwater Development Systems
Nov 2009 Horton DDS 2009 All Rights Reserved Nov 2009 Horton DDS 2009 All Rights Reserved
Deepwater Platforms
The OTEC Industry can have confidence that the we can provide a
Floating System to Support their needs.
Moorings: Passive Mechanical Station
Keeping and Motion Mitigation Systems
Platform Moorings
Frederick R. Driscoll
Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
and S
Source: Shell
Sh ll
Designs are Site Specific and Mission Driven One Last Consideration
A Few Design Considerations
The components are big, really really really big!
• Site and Metocean Characteristics
• Design and Analysis Tools
• Performance, Dynamics and Stability
• Line Weight, Strength, Fatigue, Creep, Torque, Bend,
Vibration, Fouling, Availability, Cost, Durability/Longevity
• Line
Li L LoaddHHandling,
dli T
i i and
dT Termination
i ti
• Deployment, Inspection, Maintenance and recovery
• Available and Capability of Deployment Assets
• Safety, Standards and Best Practices
• And of Course … Permitting, Rules and
Regulations They want us to recover what????
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Humanity’s Top Ten Problems for next 50 years*
Presented at:
The OTEC Workshop OTEC is poised to offer
UNH Durham
UNH, solutions !
5. POVERTY In dramatic ways
Dr. Mark L. Swinson,
Chief Scientist, SMDC;
Edward B. Kiker, 8. EDUCATION
General Engineer, SMDC
Desikan Bharathan, Principal Engineer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO 80401
*from R.E.Smalley’s presentations
November 4, 2009 1 November 4, 2009 2
Cut-away y
Power Cables
OTEC Technology Workshop
Power Cables • Factors
– Generation nameplate capacity
– Cable length -Distance from shore and to grid connection
– AC or DC
Power Cables
OTEC Technology Workshop
Transformer unit (33 kV/132 kV) for the aggregation of the 72 wind turbines
of the park, 165 MW
Power Cables
OTEC Technology Workshop Power Cables
OTEC Technology Workshop
• The most powerful HVDC
• cables to date are rated
700 to 800 MW
• at 450 to 500 kV.
kV The
longest of these Source: Statkraft
• are the the 580 km
HVDC Light™ Superconducting cable NorNed link between
400-kV XLPE cable. extruded 132 kV
The copper conductor submarine cable, • Norway and The
is divided into five Submarine cable for the
with double
600 MW, 450kV Baltic
segments to reduce armoring (80 kV
skin effect losses. rating)
Cable HVDC link • in service in 2008. Flat submarine cable
between Germany
Source: ABB Review and Sweden (Nexans) Source: ABB
Power Cables
OTEC Technology Workshop
Power Cables • Factors
– Generation nameplate capacity
– Cable length -Distance from shore and to grid connection
– AC or DC
Power Cables
OTEC Technology Workshop
Transformer unit (33 kV/132 kV) for the aggregation of the 72 wind turbines
of the park, 165 MW
Power Cables
OTEC Technology Workshop Power Cables
OTEC Technology Workshop
• The most powerful HVDC
• cables to date are rated
700 to 800 MW
• at 450 to 500 kV.
kV The
longest of these Source: Statkraft
• are the the 580 km
HVDC Light™ Superconducting cable NorNed link between
400-kV XLPE cable. extruded 132 kV
The copper conductor submarine cable, • Norway and The
is divided into five Submarine cable for the
with double
600 MW, 450kV Baltic
segments to reduce armoring (80 kV
skin effect losses. rating)
Cable HVDC link • in service in 2008. Flat submarine cable
between Germany
Source: ABB Review and Sweden (Nexans) Source: ABB
L U 2 Biofouling
q = UA Tlm p f K L ,entry K L ,exit
Thermal Conductivity
Dh 2
1 Density
1 t
1 f = f (Re, l/D, /D) Material Cost
no At ,m hm k Ab no At , w hw Manufacturability; Manufacturing Cost
h = h (Re, Pr, l/d, k)
Nov '09 ABC OTEC HX 3 Nov '09 ABC OTEC HX 4
V l Li
Vel Liq = 1 m/s,
Vel Gas:<
Nov '09‘09
March ABC
OTEC HX 5 Nov '09‘09
March ABC
Least-Material Nominal
Summary of Improvements
Session IV:
Since 1980s
What changes have occurred in Materials:
materials, designs, practices, • New materials
fabrication, manufacturing, and e.g., composites, synthetics
technology between 1980 and today • Higher Strength
to make OTEC feasible to pursue on • More reliable
a commercial scale? • Lower cost
• Improved extrusion methods Sensor Development:
• Welding advances • In situ health and Status Monitoring
• Aluminum brazing advances
• Coatings improvements
• Advances in QC
Practices Off
Off--shore industry Lower cost and
experience better reliability,
more design
Heavy Lift
Spar Spar