Parth Seminar 2018
Parth Seminar 2018
Parth Seminar 2018
F. H. Southworth
P. E. MacDonald
D. J. Harrell
E. L. Shaber
C. V. Park
M. R. Holbrook
D. A. Petti
Global 2003
The Next Generation Nuclear Power (NGNP) Project will demonstrate emissions-free nuclear-
assisted electricity and hydrogen production by 2015. The NGNP reactor will be a helium-cooled,
graphite moderated, thermal neutron spectrum reactor with a design goal outlet temperature of
1000 qC or higher. The reactor thermal power and core configuration will be designed to assure
passive decay heat removal without fuel damage during hypothetical accidents. The fuel cycle will
be a once-through very high burnup low-enriched uranium fuel cycle.
This paper provides a description of the project to build the NGNP at the Idaho National
Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL). The NGNP Project includes an overall
reactor design activity and four major supporting activities: materials selection and qualification,
NRC licensing and regulatory support, fuel development and qualification, and the hydrogen
production plant. Each of these activities is discussed in the paper.
All the reactor design and construction activities will be managed under the DOE’s project
management system as outlined in DOE Order 413.3. The key elements of the overall project
management system discussed in this paper include the client and project management organization
relationship, critical decisions (CDs), acquisition strategy, and the project logic and timeline. The major
activities associated with the materials program include development of a plan for managing the
selection and qualification of all component materials required for the NGNP; identification of
specific materials alternatives for each system component; evaluation of the needed testing, code
work, and analysis required to qualify each identified material; preliminary selection of component
materials; irradiation of needed sample materials; physical, mechanical, and chemical testing of un-
irradiated and irradiated materials; and documentation of final materials selections.
The NGNP will be licensed by the NRC under 10 CFR 50 or 10 CFR 52, for the purpose of
demonstrating the suitability of high-temperature gas-cooled reactors for commercial electric
power and hydrogen production. Products that will support the licensing of the NGNP include the
environmental impact statement, the preliminary safety analysis report, the NRC construction
permit, the final safety analysis report, and the NRC operating license. The fuel development and
qualification program consists of five elements: development of improved fuel manufacturing
technologies, fuel and materials irradiations, safety testing and post-irradiation examinations, fuel
performance modeling, and fission product transport and source term modeling.
Two basic approaches will be explored for using the heat from the high-temperature helium coolant
to produce hydrogen. The first technology of interest is the thermochemical splitting of water into
hydrogen and oxygen. The most promising processes for thermochemical splitting of water are
sulfur-based and include the sulfur-iodine, hybrid sulfur-electrolysis, and sulfur-bromine processes.
The second technology of interest is thermally assisted electrolysis of water. The efficiency of this
process can be substantially improved by heating the water to high-temperature steam before
applying electrolysis.
1. Introduction
In the coming decades, the United States, the other industrialized countries, and the entire world
will need energy supplies and an upgraded energy infrastructure to meet growing demands for
electric power and transportation fuels. The Generation IV project identified reactor system
concepts for producing electricity that excelled at meeting the goals of superior economics, safety,
sustainability, proliferation resistance, and physical security. 1 One of these reactor system
concepts, the Very High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor System (VHTR), is also uniquely suited
for producing hydrogen without the consumption of fossil fuels or the emission of greenhouse
gases. DOE has selected this system for the Next Generation Nuclear Power (NGNP) Project, a
project to demonstrate emissions-free nuclear-assisted electricity and hydrogen production by
“Hydrogen holds the potential to provide a clean, reliable, and affordable energy supply that can
enhance America’s economy, environment, and security.” 2 The U.S. hydrogen industry currently
produces nine million tons of hydrogen per year a for use in chemicals production, petroleum
refining, metals treating, and electrical applications, and the current use is experiencing rapid
growth as more and more hydrogen is used to convert the lower-cost Western hemisphere heavy
crude oils to gasoline. With a larger supply of hydrogen, the production of liquid fuels per barrel
of oil could be increased by up to 15%, which would significantly reduce our imported crude oil.
Although hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, it does not naturally exist in large
quantities or high concentrations on Earth. Steam reforming of methane accounts for more than
95% of the current hydrogen production in the U.S. Unfortunately, steam methane reforming
diverts valuable natural gas from home heating uses b and releases large quantities of carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere. A much more environmentally friendly method of producing
hydrogen would be to crack water at high temperatures using nuclear heat, and the current growth
in hydrogen demand is already sufficient to justify the development of such methods. As efficient
fuel cells are developed and the transportation sector is revolutionized, c the worldwide demand for
hydrogen will eventually rival that for electricity. Given these additional needs, it is appropriate to
start the development of nuclear energy systems designed for large-scale production of hydrogen.
Nine million tons of hydrogen per year is enough to fuel 20 to 30 million fuel cell cars, or enough to power
5 to 8 million homes.
Hydrogen production currently uses 5% of the natural gas consumed in the United States.
The first production fuel cell vehicles may be sold within a decade, and a hydrogen economy will be a
significant enterprise within several decades.
The NGNP reference concept will be a helium-cooled, graphite moderated, thermal neutron
spectrum reactor with a design goal outlet temperature of 1000 qC or higher. 3 The reactor core
could be either a prismatic graphite block type core or a pebble bed core; the final selection of a
reference core concept will be made following completion of the preconceptual designs for each.
The NGNP will produce both electricity and hydrogen. The process heat for hydrogen production
will be transferred to the hydrogen plant through an intermediate heat exchanger (IHX). The
reactor thermal power (about 600 MWt) and core configuration will be designed to assure passive
decay heat removal without fuel damage during hypothetical accidents. The fuel cycle will be a
once-through very high burnup low-enriched uranium fuel cycle.
The basic technology for the NGNP has been established in former high-temperature gas-cooled
reactor plants (DRAGON, Peach Bottom, AVR, THTR, Fort St. Vrain). In addition, the
technologies for the NGNP are being advanced in the Gas Turbine-Modular Helium Reactor (GT-
MHR) Project 4, and the South African state utility ESKOM sponsored project to develop the
Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR). Furthermore, the Japanese HTTR and Chinese HTR-10
projects are demonstrating the feasibility of some of the planned NGNP components and materials.
(The HTTR is expected to reach a maximum coolant outlet temperature of 950 qC in 2003.)
Therefore, the NGNP project is focused on building a demonstration reactor, rather than simply
confirming the basic feasibility of the concept. Table 1 lists the operating conditions and other
important features of the
demonstration NGNP and Table 1. Comparison of example VHTR operating conditions and
provides direct comparisons features with GT-MHR and Fort St. Vrain (from Reference 3).
with the GT-MHR and the
Fort St. Vrain reactor Condition or Feature Fort St. Vrain GT-MHR NGNP
designs. 3,4 Note that the HTGR
Power Output [MW(t)] 841 600 600/700/800
higher outlet temperature is (depends on core height)
achieved through thermal- Average power density 6.3 6.5 6.5
hydraulic optimization of (w/cm3 )
Coolant @ Pressure Helium Helium Helium
the core, not by means of (MPa / psia) @ 4.83 / 700 @ 7.12 / @ 7.12 / 1032
increases in the fuel 1032
operational and accident Moderator Graphite Graphite Graphite
temperature limits. Core Geometry Cylindrical Annular Annular
Safety Design Philosophy Active Safety Sys Passive Passive
Plant Design Life (Years) 30 60 60
One or more technologies Core outlet temperature (qC) 785 850 1000
will use heat from the high- Core inlet temperature (qC) 406 488 490
temperature helium coolant Fuel – Coated Particle HEU-PyC/SiC LEU- a) LEU-PyC/SiC
Th/ 235U (93% PyC/SiC b) LEU-PyC/ZrC
to produce hydrogen. The enriched)
first technology of interest Fuel Max Temp – Normal 1260 1250 a) ~1250 (SiC coated)
is the thermochemical Operation (qC) b) ~ 1400 (ZrC coated)
splitting of water into Fuel Max Temp – Emergency Active safety 1600 a) 1600
Conditions (qC) system cools fuel. b) TBD
hydrogen and oxygen.
There are a large number of
thermochemical processes that could produce hydrogen, the most promising of which are sulfur-
based and include the sulfur-iodine, hybrid sulfur-electrolysis, and sulfur-bromine processes
(which operate in the 750 to 1000 qC range). The second technology of interest is thermally
assisted electrolysis of water. The high efficiency Brayton cycle enabled by the NGNP may be
used to generate the hydrogen from water by electrolysis. The efficiency of this process can be
substantially improved by heating the water to high-temperature steam before applying electrolysis.
The NGNP is the nearest term of the six reference Generation IV Roadmap reactor concepts.1 It is
envisioned that a deliberate and focused program of research and development in support of a
disciplined design and construction project could make a demonstration NGNP, with a small-scale
hydrogen production system, operational by 2015. The significant advantages of high fuel burnup,
passive safety, low operating and maintenance cost, and potential modular construction were
evident in the Generation IV submitted concepts. The final design of the demonstration NGNP
will be constrained to maintain these advantages.
This paper provides a description of the project at the Idaho National Engineering and
Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) to build the NGNP. The NGNP Project includes an overall
facility design and construction project and four major supporting activities:
The key elements required in Order 413.3 are also found in commercial project management systems and are
consistent with the Project Management Institute’s system of project management. Several of the elements are
discussed below:
The INEEL’s Management and Operations (M&O) Contractor project team will provide technical
and project management support to the DOE NGNP Project Director during the various project
phases. The INEEL will complete and integrate specifically assigned technology development and
system confirmatory and verification tasks, conduct design reviews, and test and operate the
NGNP. The NGNP will be sited at the INEEL. Research and development support in the areas of
system design and evaluation, materials development and testing, and energy conversion will also
be provided from other DOE laboratories. A “notional” pre-conceptual functional breakdown
structure is shown in Figure 1 below.
Advanced Nuclear
Research Senior Advisory
NE-20 Group
Systems Analysis
Generation IV Advanced Fuel
Program Cycle Initiative
W/Product Teams
Integration DOE
Project Team
Fuel/ Cladding
Energy NGNP Product
System Design
Conversion Materials Manager Cross Cut
& Evaluation
Systems Support As
Integration &
Project Management
The relationship and communication between the client and project management organization is extremely
important for a project to be successful. Timely critical decisions require that the client is involved and aware of
the project status and path forward even before an actual major decision gate briefing.
Critical Decisions (CDs). Critical decisions (also called quality gates, phase exits, stage gates, or kill points in
commercial projects)
should continue into its Operation funds/ Operation funds/ PED funds PED funds Project funds
Program funds Program funds
next phase. Figure 2 Performance Measurement
illustrates project phases Earned Value (for projects over $20M)
Acquisition Strategy. In the case of Order 413.3, the formal overall strategy for procurement and delivery of
the physical products of the project is not required until CD-1. The acquisition strategy has not yet been
developed for the NGNP, but it will be determined near the end of FY-05. It is envisioned that acquisition will
be through some configuration of design and build competitive sub-contracts and may include teams made up
of international public and /or private partners.
Project Logic and Timeline. As mentioned above, the NGNP project includes five major
A high-level project logic diagram is shown in Figure 3 below to illustrate the interdependencies
and interfaces between these major activities. These interfaces demand that the research and
development for materials selection, fuel development, and the hydrogen plant along with the NRC
licensing activities be project driven and closely managed to meet the aggressive schedule for the
project. The current goal is to complete the NGNP by 2015. This puts the research and
development and NRC licensing work on a very critical path. Although final decisions have not
been made as to whether some of the major components of the project will be broken out as
separate projects, the interdependencies dictate that all the work should be managed as one project
in order to control and coordinate a timely completion.
(Pre-Conceptual) FY03-04 FY05 FY06-07 FY07-09 CONSTRUCTION FY10-15 TESTING FY-16ON
Materials Documentation
Materials Documentation
Reactor Vessels
Vessels and and
Long Lead
Long Lead Equipment
Final Materials
Final Materials Selection
Selection Procurement
Facility Acceptance
Facility Acceptance
NRC Licensing and Environmental Impact
Environmental Impact Statement
Statement and Startup
and Startup
Preliminary Safety
Preliminary Safety Analysis
Operations and Research
Fuel Development NRC Construction
NRC Construction Permit
Permit and Research
And Qualification Fuel Supply
Fuel Supply Development
Development Modeling
Modeling Final Safety
Final Safety Analysis
Fuel Supply
Fuel Supply Pilot
Pilot Fabrication
Fabrication Line Line
NRC Operating
NRC Operating License
Fuel Irradiation
Fuel Irradiation Testing
Hydrogen Production
Demonstration Plant Hydrogen Process
Hydrogen Process Development
Development Fuel – Initial
Fuel InitialCore
Core Load
Hydrogen Pilot Plant
Pilot Plant
NOTE; Hydrogen Demonstration
Hydrogen Demonstration Design / Construction
Location of activities with respect to time line at the top
Is only approximate and may vary from as shown location. VHTR / Hydrogen
Process Demonstration
As design inputs are obtained from the technology development activities, these are factored into
the conceptual design and related trade-off studies. Similarly, early system level trade-off studies
in the pre-conceptual and conceptual design activities will refine and narrow the scope of
development activities.
The Reactor and Balance of Plant activities are broken down by the project phases and major
products necessary to complete the project. The Pre-conceptual Project Initiation phase provides
time for mission definition, planning, and budget development. Alternatives are investigated, a
conceptual design is developed, and the technical and functional requirements are developed during
the Conceptual Design Phase. Materials selection and qualification, other research and
development, NRC construction permit reviews, and NEPA activities are also initiated and
developed during the Conceptual Design. This is followed by preliminary design, final design,
construction, and then operation.
The materials program is being initiated prior to the formal design effort to ensure that materials
test irradiations, long term testing (e.g. creep), and materials codification activities are initiated
early enough to support the design process. An additional early objective of the materials program
is to provide the preliminary materials information required to support initial reactor design trade
studies that will be used to set reactor system requirements. As an integral part of the reactor
project, the NGNP materials program must interface directly with the reactor design and
component specification efforts in an iterative process of component requirements refinement and
materials applicability considerations leading to final selection of needed materials.
The major activities associated with the materials program are listed below:
x Development of a plan for managing the selection and qualification of all component
materials required for the NGNP
x Identification of specific materials alternatives for each system component
x Evaluation of the needed testing, code work, and analysis required to qualify each
identified material
x Preliminary selection of component materials
x Performing irradiation of needed sample materials
x Physical, mechanical, and chemical testing of irradiated and un-irradiated materials
x Documentation of final materials selections in support of the design function.
The selection process is shown graphically in Figure 4. Narrowing the scope of the materials
program to those materials that need to be carried through a testing and qualification program is
essential. Therefore, the preliminary selection activity involves a documented process of
comparing known materials properties of candidate materials to component requirements to
determine if there is sufficient justification for expenditure of project funds on qualification testing.
In some cases, the requirements may be such that appropriate materials cannot be identified. In
those situations the tradeoff
between the expected design START
Technical Adjust F&R
requirements and boundary Requirements Document
conditions for the component Re-define
and the potential for a Existing Component No Problem
Data Inputs Candidates
successful material selection Exist Design New
must be analyzed. The Yes
preliminary selection criteria Materials
Yes No
x Technical acceptability – Analysis of Preliminary
In accordance with the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, the NGNP will be licensed by the NRC
under 10 CFR 50 or 10 CFR 52, for the purpose of demonstrating the suitability of high-
temperature gas-cooled reactors for commercial electric power and hydrogen production. The
licensing of the NGNP by NRC will demonstrate the efficacy of licensing future advanced gas-
cooled reactor concepts for commercial applications. In particular, it is anticipated that many of
the current issues associated with NRC licensing of a gas-cooled reactor and the use of nuclear
power for hydrogen production will be resolved during the licensing of the NGNP at the INEEL.
The licensing of the NGNP by NRC should also contribute to the stabilization of future non-LWR
licensing activities by identifying any weaknesses or gaps in the licensing data needs and
eliminating uncertainties in the cost and schedule associated with obtaining construction and
operating licenses for gas cooled reactors.
It is likely that the NGNP will be licensed under the 10 CFR 50 regulations. Part 50 of 10 CFR
prescribes a two-step process involving issuance of a construction permit and an operating license.
After the NRC reviews and is satisfied with the safety of the preliminary NGNP plant design and
the suitability of the prospective site, the agency issues a construction permit that allows the NGNP
project to begin building a plant. During construction, the NGNP project submits an application
for an operating license, which the NRC issues only if all safety and environmental requirements
are met. Based on the 10 CFR Part 50 regulatory processes, the NGNP licensing and regulatory
support group will develop necessary products and support the following activities:
x Environmental Impact Statement – This document includes impacts on air, water, animal
life, vegetation, natural resources, and property of historic, archaeological, or architectural
significance. Other items evaluated include economic, social, and cultural impacts. The NRC
conducts a review of this document, in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA), to evaluate the potential environmental impacts and benefits of the NGNP. After
completion of this review, the NRC issues a final environmental impact statement (FEIS),
which addresses all public comments that the agency received.
x Preliminary Safety Analysis Report – The Preliminary Safety Analysis report is used to
describe the NGNP plant site, reactor design, principal design safety features, design-basis and
severe accidents, accident mitigation capabilities, and seismic safety. This document forms the
basis for initial reviews of the NGNP design by the NRC.
x NRC Construction Permit – The application for a Construction Permit is required to include
the Preliminary Safety Analyses report, the environmental review, and financial/anti-trust
statements. In addition, the application must include an assessment of the need for the NGNP.
The NRC issues the permit after completion of all reviews and public comment. The NRC
may authorize an applicant to do some work at a site before a Construction Permit is issued.
This “limited work authorization” can only be granted after the Atomic Safety and Licensing
Board has made all of the environmental findings required for a construction permit and
determined that the proposed site is a suitable location for the NGNP.
x Final Safety Analysis Report – The Final Safety Analysis report describes the plant’s final
design, safety evaluation, operational limits, anticipated response of the plant to postulated
accidents, and plans for coping with emergencies.
x NRC Operating License - Final NGNP design information and plans for operation will be
developed during the construction of the plant. The application for an NGNP Operating
License will include the Final Safety Analysis report, and an updated environmental report.
The NRC will review the NGNP’s emergency plans in consultation with the Federal
Emergency Management Agency to determine whether the plans are adequate and whether
there is reasonable assurance that they can be implemented. The NRC will issue the NGNP
Operating License after completion of all reviews and resolution of public comments.
The integrated safety testing planned for the NGNP will provide the basis for future commercial
high-temperature gas-cooled reactor design certifications under 10 CFR 52. The NRC’s
requirements for reactor safety are grouped under four “Cornerstones of Safety: Initiating Events,
Mitigation, Functional Barriers to Radionuclide Release, and Emergency Preparedness”. The
NGNP integrated test program of loss-of flow, loss-of-coolant, and control rod withdraw (transient
overpower) tests will provide the necessary information that will quantify the safety margins
intrinsic to the high-temperature gas reactor designs and will identify any areas that may require
engineered safety features to provide additional defense in depth. A key NGNP project goal is to
verify and to validate the design of passive systems on a commercial-scale prototype basis.
5. The Fuel Development and Qualification Program
The fuel for the NGNP builds upon the potential of the TRISO coated particle fuel design, as
demonstrated in Germany and elsewhere. The TRISO coated particle is a spherical layered
composite about 1 mm in diameter. It consists of a kernel of uranium oxycarbide (UCO)
surrounded by a porous graphite buffer layer that absorbs radiation damage, allows space for
fission gases produced during irradiation, and resists kernel migration at high temperatures.
Surrounding the buffer layer are a layer of dense pyrolytic carbon, a SiC layer, and a dense outer
pyrolytic carbon layer. The pyrolytic carbon layers shrink under irradiation and provide
compressive forces that act to protect the SiC layer, which is the primary pressure boundary for the
micro-sphere. The inner pyrolytic carbon layer also protects the kernel from corrosive gases that
are present during the deposition of the SiC layer. The SiC layer is the primary containment of
fission products generated during irradiation and under accident conditions. Each micro-sphere
acts as a mini pressure vessel, a feature that is intended to impart robustness to the gas reactor fuel
The baseline fuel kernel for the NGNP is low-enriched uranium oxycarbide (UCO). UCO was
selected because the mixture of carbide and oxide components results in no free oxygen being
released due to fission. As a result, no carbon monoxide is generated during irradiation and little
kernel migration (i.e., amoeba effect) is expected. The oxycarbide fuel also ties up the lanthanide
fission products as immobile oxides in the kernel, which gives the fuel added resiliency under
accident conditions.
For the pebble bed version of a NGNP, the coated particles are overcoated with a graphitic powder
and binders. These overcoated particles are then mixed with additional graphitic powder and
binders and then molded into a 5 cm sphere. An additional 0.5 cm fuel free zone is added to the
sphere prior to isostatic pressing, machining, carbonization and heat-treating.
For the prismatic version of the NGNP, a similar process is envisioned where the overcoated
particles are mixed with
graphitic powder and
binders to form a Pyrolytic Carbon
cylindrical compact Silicon Carbide
Porous Carbon Buffer
approximately 5 cm
Uranium Oxycarbide
long and 1.25 cm in
diameter. After final
TRISO Coated fuel particles (left) are formed into fuel
heat treatment, these rods (center) and inserted into graphite fuel elements
compacts are inserted (right).
into specified holes in
the graphite blocks.
Figure 5 shows a
cutaway schematic of a
TRISO coated fuel
particle and pictures of
fuel particles, compacts, PARTICLES COMPACTS FUEL ELEMENTS
and fuel elements used
in a high-temperature Figure 5. Cutaway schematic of a TRISO coated fuel particle and
gas reactor with pictures of prismatic fueled high-temperature gas reactor fuel particles,
prismatic fuel (Fort St. compacts, and fuel elements.
The Advanced Gas Reactor Fuel Development and Qualification Program consists of five
elements: 7
x Fuel manufacture – This element addresses the work necessary to produce coated-particle
fuel that meets fuel performance specifications and includes process development for
kernels, coatings, and compacting; quality control (QC) methods development; scale-up
analyses; and process documentation needed for technology transfer. This effort will
produce fuel and material samples for characterization, irradiation, and accident testing as
necessary to meet the overall goals. There will also eventually be work to develop
automated fuel fabrication technology suitable for mass production of coated-particle fuel
at an acceptable cost; that work will be conducted during the later stages of the program in
conjunction with cosponsoring industrial partners.
x Fuel and materials irradiations – The fuel and materials irradiation activities will
provide data on fuel performance under irradiation as necessary to support fuel process
development, to qualify fuel for normal operation conditions, and to support development
and validation of fuel performance and fission product transport models and codes. The
irradiations will also provide irradiated fuel and materials as necessary for post irradiation
examination (PIE) and ex-core high-temperature furnace safety testing. A total of eight
irradiation capsules will be used to provide the necessary data and sample materials.
x Safety testing and PIE – Data from PIE and safety testing will supplement the in-reactor
measurements [primarily fission gas release-to-birth ratio (R/B) measurements] as
necessary to demonstrate compliance with fuel performance requirements and support the
development and validation of computer codes. This work will also support the fuel
manufacture effort by providing feedback on the performance of kernels, coatings, and
x Fuel performance modeling – Computer codes and models will be further developed and
validated as necessary to support fuel fabrication process development and plant design
and licensing. The fuel performance modeling will address the structural, thermal, and
chemical processes that can lead to coated-particle failures. The models will not address
the release of fission products from the fuel particle, although they will model the effects
of fission product chemical interactions with the coatings, which can lead to degradation of
the coated-particle properties.
x Fission product transport and source term –The transport of fission products produced
within the coated particles will be modeled to provide a technical basis for source terms for
advanced gas reactors under normal and accident conditions. The design methods
(computer models) will be validated by experimental data, as necessary to support plant
design and licensing.
An underlying theme for the fuel development work is the need to develop a fundamental
understanding of the relationship between the fuel fabrication process, key fuel properties, the
irradiation performance of the fuel, and the release and transport of fission products in the NGNP
primary coolant system, although progress has been made recently in this area. 8 Fuel performance
modeling and analysis of the fission product behavior in the primary circuit are important aspects
of this work. The performance models are considered essential for several reasons, including
guidance for the plant designer in establishing the core design and operating limits, and
demonstration to the licensing authority that the applicant has a thorough understanding of the in-
service behavior of the fuel system. The fission product behavior task will also provide primary
source term data needed for licensing. Early program activities are centered on the fuel
manufacturing technologies because the production of fuel and materials for irradiation, safety
testing, and PIE is the early critical path activity.
High temperature electrolysis can be accomplished using the same materials and technology used
in solid-oxide fuel cells. Large-scale applications would be composed of many electrolyzer
modules, and the cost effectiveness of modular scaling for electrolysis in comparison with the
scaling of thermochemical methods is one of the issues to be evaluated. High temperature
electrolysis technology is being developed by the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable
Energy (EE). Therefore, the assessment of the nuclear application will use those EE results and
focus on 1) developing a conceptual design for a high-temperature electrolysis system coupled to
an advanced high-temperature reactor, 2) evaluating the cell and module options being developed
and 3) demonstrate the most promising technology for conditions that optimize the use of the
nuclear heat source characteristics.
Thermochemical cycles for hydrogen production were widely investigated in the late 1960’s
through the mid-1980’s. The advantages of thermochemical cycles are generally considered to be
high projected efficiencies and attractive scaling characteristics for large-scale applications. The
efficiency of hydrogen production is potentially greater with thermochemical processes because
production of hydrogen by electrolysis is a three-step process (heat to electricity to hydrogen)
whereas thermochemical hydrogen production is a two step process (heat to hydrogen).
Several hundred cycles have been identified and discussed in the literature (References 9 and 10
provide a good review of the various thermochemical cycles). Many of the cycles were found to be
unworkable, have low efficiency, or require excessive temperatures. However, 15 processes were
demonstrated to be chemically viable, four processes were tested in the laboratory with production
of one to hundreds of liters per hour of hydrogen, and a conceptual engineering design and costs
were developed for one process. Relatively complete process flow sheets exist for the four
processes tested in the various laboratories. At the current time, only one laboratory pilot plant is
in operation. That plant, built of glassware, is operating in Japan.
From this information, several “families” of thermochemical cycles emerged as promising options.
The various cycles within these families have been evaluated and prioritized based on factors such
as theoretical achievable efficiencies, technical risk, and technical maturity. From this evaluation a
set of key R&D needs have been developed, along with preliminary recommendations regarding
decision points in their cycle development.
The highest priority family of cycles was judged to be the sulfur based cycles. The second priority
primary cycles are Ca-Br cycles. The three most promising sulfur cycles, hybrid sulfur, sulfur-
iodine, and sulfur-bromine, are described in Figure 6. The expected efficiencies of these cycles are
~50%. The sulfur thermochemical High-Temperature Low-Temperature
processes have a common oxygen- Reactions Reactions
generating, high-temperature step:
dissociation of sulfur trioxide into Oxygen Hydrogen
sulfur dioxide and oxygen. This O2 SO
2 ,H2 O I2
the decomposition reaction and 2 ,H2 O
Shown in Figure 6 on the left is the H2
option of either using very high SO ,H
2 2O I2
temperatures or inorganic
Chemical Electrolysis 77°C
membranes to crack the sulfur Reaction
trioxide. SO 4 HI
H2 Heat
plant in operation in Japan and one planned for the United States. Unique technical issues
associated with this specific cycle include efficient separation of the hydrogen iodide, minimizing
the recycle rates of chemicals within the process per unit of hydrogen produced and reducing the
inventories of iodine, which, although not consumed, are expensive and somewhat toxic. Multiple
alternative technical solutions (primarily using membranes) have been proposed to address these
The hybrid sulfur (also called Westinghouse, GA-22, and Ispra Mark 11) cycle is an all-liquids-
and-gases cycle with a single thermochemical and a single electrolytic step. 13,14 Westinghouse
Electric Corporation demonstrated it on a scale of 150 l/h and a conceptual plant design has been
developed. As a two-step process, it is the simplest process that has been demonstrated, involving
only sulfur compounds, water, hydrogen, and oxygen. The unique technical issues associated with
this specific cycle include reducing the electrical consumption of the electrolysis step and scaleup
of the electrochemical cells. The energy consumption of these electrochemical cells is a small
fraction of traditional water electrolysis. The high-temperature step is the decomposition of
sulfuric acid in common with the other sulfur family cycles.
The sulfur-bromide process should be considered as a backup contingency option. This all-liquids-
and-gases cycle involves two thermochemical steps and one electrolysis step. It is the best
developed thermochemical process (laboratory pilot plant operated for 1.5 years producing 100
l/h.) However, the projected efficiencies are slightly lower than the hybrid sulfur cycle. The
hybrid-sulfur cycle is chosen relative to this hybrid cycle because 1) the process is more efficient
(primarily because the electrolytic cell power consumption is less (0.6 vs. 0.8 V)), and 2) it is a
simpler two step process.
7. References
1. A Technology Roadmap for Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems, GIF–002-00, Generation
IV International Form, (Dec. 2002).
2. Toward a More Secure and Cleaner Energy Future for America, National Hydrogen Energy
Roadmap, U.S. Department of Energy, November 2002.
3. P. E. MacDonald et al. NGNP preliminary Point Design – Results of the Initial Neutronics and
Thermal-Hydraulic Assessments, INEEL/EXT-03-00870, July 2003.
4. General Atomics, Gas Turbine-Modular Helium Reactor (GT-MHR) Conceptual Design
Description Report, 910720, revision 1, July 1996.
5. “Program and Project Management Policy for the Acquisition of Capital Assets”, DOE O
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