Jacobson 2012
Jacobson 2012
Jacobson 2012
Mark E. Jacobson, M.D., Michael Riggenbach, M.D., Adam N. Wooldridge, B.A., B.S., and
Julie Y. Bishop, M.D.
Purpose: To compare the results of open inferior capsular shift with arthroscopic capsular plication
for multidirectional instability in patients without a Bankart lesion. We hypothesized that there is no
difference with regard to the specific clinical outcomes evaluated, including recurrent instability,
range of motion, return to sport, and complications. Methods: We conducted a comprehensive
literature search. Databases searched included PubMed from 1966 to 2010, the Cochrane Database
of Systematic Reviews and Controlled Trials, CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied
Health Literature) from 1982 to 2010, and SPORTDiscus from 1975 to 2010. Limits included English
language, human subjects, and title. Results: We found 7 articles with a total of 197 patients (219
shoulders) that met our inclusion criteria. The data did not clearly show open treatment to be superior
to arthroscopic treatment. No study reported a consistent loss of greater than 40° of external rotation.
No technique showed significantly less external rotation loss over the other. Whereas there was a
slight trend toward increased return to sport for patients treated arthroscopically, no clear conclusion
can be drawn given the variability of reporting in the reviewed studies. Analysis of complications
shows that both procedures are reliably safe with minimal complications. Conclusions: When one is
evaluating patients with traumatic or atraumatic onset of shoulder instability in 2 directions and no
structural lesions, arthroscopic capsular plication yields comparable results to open capsular shift
with regard to recurrent instability, return to sport, loss of external rotation, and overall complica-
tions. Level of Evidence: Level IV, systematic review of Level IV studies.
1010 Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Vol 28, No 7 (July), 2012: pp 1010-1017
able to expect that surgical management of MDI articles, articles reporting results of patients with Ban-
will increase. kart lesions, and articles including patients in whom
The definition of MDI has been somewhat conflict- dislocation occurred voluntarily.
ing over the years, making interpretation of surgical After thorough review of each article, the following
outcomes articles somewhat difficult. Several ar- data were extracted: patient demographics, definition
throscopic outcomes articles6-11 and a recent review of of MDI, surgical technique, failure rate, change in
treatment options12 have not differentiated patients range of motion from preoperatively to postopera-
with and without focal structural pathology, such as tively, return to sport, and complications. Patient de-
the Bankart lesion. mographics included gender, age, and arm dominance.
The purpose of this study is to review the literature Surgical technique was classified as open or ar-
systematically and compare the results of open infe- throscopic, with an anterior or posterior approach,
rior capsular shift with arthroscopic capsular plication with a medial- or lateral-based capsular shift. Treat-
for MDI in patients without a Bankart lesion; thus ment failure was determined in those patients who did
surgical intervention was purely aimed at capsular not achieve satisfactory results as defined by the Neer
plication. We hypothesize that there is no difference criteria: no recurrence of dislocation or subluxation,
with regard to the specific clinical outcomes evalu- no significant pain, full activities, normal strength, and
ated, including recurrent instability, range of motion, within 10° of full elevation and 40° of rotation com-
return to sport, and complications. pared with the contralateral shoulder.1 Range of mo-
tion was determined as the mean postoperative change
METHODS in external rotation with the arm in 90° of abduction.
In October 2010, a comprehensive literature search
was conducted. Databases searched included PubMed
from 1966 to 2010, the Cochrane Database of Sys- RESULTS
tematic Reviews and Controlled Trials, CINAHL (Cu-
mulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Litera- Search Results
ture) from 1982 to 2010, and SPORTDiscus from
1975 to 2010. Limits to this search included English The number of hits for each search term for a given
language, human subjects, and title. Each database database is shown in Table 1. After reviewing the
was searched for the terms “multidirectional instabil- abstracts of all search results, we identified 33 articles
ity,” “inferior instability,” “capsular shift,” “capsular with relevance to this review. After application of our
plication,” and “capsulorrhaphy.” Abstracts from each inclusion and exclusion criteria, 7 articles remained
search “hit” relevant to this systematic review were (Fig 1). Two of these studies included patient popu-
identified, and these articles were reviewed in their lations with and without Bankart lesions; however, the
entirety by a senior attending fellowship trained in results of these groups could be interpreted indepen-
shoulder surgery and assisted by a resident. Inclusion dently and therefore met our inclusion criteria.30,31 In
criteria consisted of the following: MDI defined as these 2 articles we were able to cleanly dissect the
instability in at least 2 directions, results with a min- failure data for patients who did not have Bankart
imum of 2-year follow up, and surgical treatment lesions and thus had purely capsular-based surgery.
consisting of either open inferior capsular shift or We did not include articles in which we could not
arthroscopic capsular plication. We excluded review clearly differentiate this population.
NOTE. The number of articles for each search term relevant to this review is shown in parentheses.
Four of seven studies used open capsular shift pro-
cedures.32,34-36 Bak et al.34 and Choi and Ogilvie-
FIGURE 1. Article exclusion flowchart. Exclusion criteria in- Harris35 preferred the method described by Neer. An-
cluded review articles,13-16 less than 2 years’ follow-up,1-3,17-24 terior or posterior capsular shift was performed
inclusion of Bankart or bony lesions,6-11 wrong procedures,25-27 depending on the predominant direction of instability
and inclusion of voluntary dislocators.28,29
as determined by the history and examination of the
patient in the office and under anesthesia. Whereas
Characteristics of Included Studies Bak et al. performed all anterior inferior shift proce-
dures (N ⫽ 26), Choi and Ogilvie-Harris included 37
No study with a level of evidence higher than Level anterior and 16 posterior procedures. A standard del-
IV was identified, and all studies consisted of case topectoral approach was used in the anterior approach.
series, 5 of which were retrospective. There were 197 Whereas Bak et al. preserved the insertion of the
patients included in all studies, of whom 22 underwent subscapularis tendon, Choi and Ogilvie-Harris split it
bilateral procedures. Of the shoulders, 137 were obliquely. The subscapularis was dissected from the
treated with open capsular shift whereas 92 were capsule, and a T capsulotomy was performed with the
treated arthroscopically. All patients were included in short arm of the T based laterally and longitudinally.
analysis of patient demographics, range of motion, With the arm in 45° of abduction and neutral rotation,
complication, and return to sport. A total of 37 pa- the inferior flap was rotated anteriorly and superiorly
tients from 2 studies30,31 in the arthroscopic group and sutured in a position such that the inferior pouch
were excluded from the failure analysis because of the was obliterated. With the arm in adduction, the supe-
presence of a Bankart lesion. The mean age was 25.6 rior flap was rotated anteriorly and inferiorly. When
years in the open treatment group and 23.2 years in the the posterior shift was used, the infraspinatus was split
arthroscopic group. Whereas all patients were fol- obliquely and the capsular shift was performed in an
lowed up for a minimum of 2 years, mean follow-up identical manner as the anterior shift. Although the
of the open treatment group was longer (57 months v subscapularis tendon was not shortened in the anterior
44 months). approach, the infraspinatus was shortened in the pos-
terior approach because of the relative thinness of the labrum. A similar technique was used for posterior
posterior capsule. Marquardt et al.36 (N ⫽ 38) and predominant instability shoulders starting at the 6:30
Steinbeck and Jerosch32 (N ⫽ 20) modified the ante- clock position. Suture anchors were used where the
rior inferior shift in that the short arm of the T was labrum was deficient (but not torn or detached). For
medially based. The inferior flap shift was performed open and arthroscopic procedures, closure of the ro-
first with the arm in 20° of abduction and 20° of tator interval was variable and not clearly docu-
external rotation. The inferior capsular flap was se- mented.
cured to the decorticated rim of the glenoid by use of
2 suture anchors. Recurrent Instability
There was slight variation in technique for perform-
The procedure-specific recurrent instability results
ing arthroscopic capsular plication. Wichman and
are summarized in Table 3. A lower rate of recurrent
Snyder33 (N ⫽ 24) used an anterior inferior capsular
instability in the studies using an open technique as
pinch stitch that was then passed through the labrum
compared with an arthroscopic technique was repor-
to create a 1-cm capsular fold in a horizontal mattress
ted: 11.7% (16 of 137) versus 20% (11 of 55). This
fashion. Additional sutures were placed anterior, pos-
difference was not statistically significant. Failure in
terior, or inferior as deemed necessary by the history,
patients treated by open means was equally associated
examination, and arthroscopic findings. They did note
with spontaneous (5 patients) and traumatic (5 pa-
that after plication, the humeral head sat concentri-
tients) recurrent instability.32,34,36 A history of prior
cally within the glenoid as opposed to the anterior
surgery was associated with half of the cases of re-
inferior position seen on diagnostic arthroscopy.
current instability after arthroscopic repair.30,31 The
Treacy et al.31 preferred a capsular plication using a
cohort of arthroscopically treated patients reported by
transglenoid approach. Three O polydioxanone su-
Wichman and Snyder33 had the highest failure rate
tures were placed into the inferior glenohumeral lig-
(21%). Patient involvement with Workers’ Compen-
ament at the anterior band, at the posterior band, and
sation claims or litigation accounted for 4 of 5 of their
centrally 1 cm from the glenoid rim. After abrasion of
reported failures.
the inferior glenoid rim, these sutures were then
passed through the glenoid neck in an anterior-to- Return to Sport
posterior direction with a Beath pin. As multiple
sutures in the capsule were tightened and sutured There was a trend toward increased return to pre-
posteriorly, the capsule tightened and advanced operative level of sports participation for patients
superiorly. Baker et al.30 used 4 nonabsorbable cap- treated arthroscopically versus those treated with open
sular-labral plication stitches starting at the 5:30 clock capsular shift (86% v 80%) (Table 4). No study re-
positioning in the capsule 1 cm off the glenoid and ported the preoperative level of play or specific sport
advancing this to the 4:30 clock position of the for all patients; thus no clear conclusions can be drawn
Open capsular shift Bak et al.34 19% (5/26) 3 traumatic, 2 spontaneous 11.7% (16/137)
Choi and Ogilvie-Harris35 9% (5/53) Mechanism not reported
Marquardt et al.36 11% (4/38) 2 traumatic, 1 who had prior
surgery, 1 spontaneous
Steinbeck and Jerosch32 10% (2/20) 2 spontaneous
Arthroscopic capsular Baker et al.30 20% (4/20) 1 traumatic, 1 spontaneous, 2 with 20% (11/55)
plication history of thermal capsulorrhaphy
Treacy et al.31 18% (2/11) 1 spontaneous, 1 prior surgery
Wichman and Snyder33 21% (5/24) Mechanism not reported (3 involved
in BWC claims, 1 involved in
litigation for MVA)
from these data. In addition, patients with Bankart ies, making interpretation of this outcome difficult.
lesions in the cohorts of Baker et al.30 and Treacy et Postoperative external rotation with the arm in abduc-
al.31 could not be excluded from these results. tion is shown in Table 5. In no study was a failure of
Both Choi and Ogilvie-Harris35 and Bak et al.34 either open or arthroscopic repair attributed to limited
specifically focused on open capsular shift in athletes. range of motion according to the Neer criteria. With
Choi and Ogilvie-Harris noted that of the 6 patients respect to the open capsular shift procedure, Choi and
who underwent bilateral procedures in their cohort, Ogilvie-Harris35 did note a greater loss of external
only 1 returned to sport. The authors concluded that rotation after anterior capsular shift as opposed to a
the outcome for patients with bilateral instability is posterior shift (71° v 82°). Wichman and Snyder33
poor. The overall rate of return to sport in the patient reported mean postoperative external rotation of
population of Bak et al. was 84%; however, this was 80.4°; however, no preoperative data were reported. In
reduced (76%) in overhead athletes. In the cohort addition, they noted that the largest loss of external
reported by Marquardt et al.,36 the 72% rate of return rotation was found in patients involved in Workers’
to sport decreased to 50% (3 of 6) when only “elite” Compensation claims or litigation.
athletes were included.
The rate of return to sport after arthroscopic capsu-
lar plication in the cohorts of Baker et al.30 and Treacy Complications
et al.31 was 86%. Of these athletes, swimmers were Complications from MDI repair (outside of recur-
least likely to return to the level of prior participa- rent instability) were infrequent in the included stud-
tion.30 ies. Choi and Ogilvie-Harris35 had 2 superficial wound
Loss of External Rotation infections and 1 musculocutaneous nerve injury that
resolved with observation. Marquardt et al.36 had 1
Reporting of preoperative and postoperative range superficial wound infection in a patient who was lost
of motion was highly variable among included stud- to follow-up. Treacy et al.31 reported 2 patients in
TABLE 5. Range of Motion After Open Capsular Shift and Arthroscopic Plication
Procedure Author Range of Motion Reported
NOTE. Mean range of motion and loss of motion represent external rotation with the arm in 90° of abduction.
Abbreviations: ER, external rotation; ROM, range of motion.
whom persistent pain developed over the posterior definition of MDI as the traumatic or atraumatic onset
suture knot, requiring removal. of involuntary symptomatic shoulder instability in
more than 1 direction without a structural lesion such
as a Bankart lesion.
DISCUSSION The procedures pertinent to this review were de-
signed to address the patulous capsule present in pa-
MDI presents a complex problem to manage for the tients with MDI rather than the labrum. Whereas both
treating surgeon. Previously reported success rates of labral pathology and ligamentous laxity may be seen
nonoperative management have recently been chal- in concert in a patient with MDI, we elected to elim-
lenged as patient expectations increase.5,37 Frequently, inate patients with labral pathology in an effort to
patients present with long-term disability and have not reduce confounding factors. Our goal was to evaluate
uncommonly undergone a prior surgical procedure on the surgical outcomes of procedures aimed at elimi-
the symptomatic shoulder. Prior surgical dissection nating shoulder instability that were purely capsular
and capsular manipulation such as thermal capsu- based. To our knowledge, this is the first comparison
lorrhaphy may compromise the soft tissues and of procedures to address MDI as a distinct entity from
complicate a revision stabilization procedure.38,39 labral pathology.
Patients are typically young and involved in sport- A patulous inferior capsule and laxity of the inferior
ing activities, which increase the demand on any glenohumeral ligaments are agreed on in the literature
planned procedure. as the responsible pathologies in MDI.1,2,11,44 Since
Further complicating matters is the inconsistent def- Neer and Foster1 proposed the open capsular shift,
inition of MDI, which has led to difficulty interpreting multiple procedures have been developed to both
the available literature. McFarland et al.40 showed that tighten the inferior capsule and reduce total joint vol-
variability in the definition of MDI led to a statistically ume. In an in vitro study comparing volume reduction
significant difference in the number of patients as- of the glenohumeral joint using 2 techniques, Cohen et
signed this diagnosis. Thomas and Matsen41 classified al.45 found that arthroscopic capsular plication using
the etiology of recurrent shoulder instability as trau- three 1-cm capsulolabral plication sutures resulted in a
matic in origin, resulting in unidirectional instability, volume reduction of 22% whereas open capsular shift
or atraumatic in origin, resulting in MDI. Neer and as described by Neer and Foster reduced joint volume
Foster1 and other authors42 have cautioned against a by nearly 50%. Ponce et al.46 noted that the addition of
strictly atraumatic definition of MDI because this may five 1-cm capsular plication stitches was shown to
lead to misdiagnosis and failure to address the offend- reduce capsular volume by 49% with a suture-only
ing pathology. More recently, a classification system technique and by 52% with suture anchors. Flanigan
incorporating frequency, etiology, direction, and se- et al.47 found that volume reduction increased from
verity (FEDS) was introduced.43 Interestingly, the au- 16% to 34% when the arthroscopic capsulolabral pli-
thors purposefully avoided the concept of MDI, opting cation was increased from 5 to 10 mm. Miller et
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