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Event-Driven Programming Ch-3 Object-Oriented Fundamentals in VB.NET 2012 E.C.

Table of Contents
Chapter Three: Object-Oriented Fundamentals in VB.NET .......................................................................... 2
3.1. Language Fundamentals ............................................................................................................... 2
3.1.1. Controls ................................................................................................................................. 2
3.1.2. Reserved Words .................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.3. Variables and Data Types ...................................................................................................... 6
3.1.4. Operators ............................................................................................................................ 11
3.1.5. Flow Control ........................................................................................................................ 16
3.1.6. Arrays .................................................................................................................................. 25
3.1.7. Strings.................................................................................................................................. 32
3.1.8. Methods and their Types .................................................................................................... 40
3.1.9. Events .................................................................................................................................. 52
3.1.10. Regular Expressions ............................................................................................................ 55
3.2. Classes ......................................................................................................................................... 58
3.2.1. Class Definition.................................................................................................................... 59
3.2.2. Member Functions and Encapsulation ............................................................................... 60
3.2.3. Constructors and Destructors ............................................................................................. 62
3.2.4. Shared Members of a VB.Net Class .................................................................................... 65
3.3. Inheritance .................................................................................................................................. 66
3.3.1. Base & Derived Classes ....................................................................................................... 66
3.3.2. Base Class Initialization ....................................................................................................... 67

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Event-Driven Programming Ch-3 Object-Oriented Fundamentals in VB.NET 2012 E.C.

Chapter Three: Object-Oriented Fundamentals in VB.NET

3.1. Language Fundamentals
A statement in Visual Basic is like a command given to the computer. Functions and subroutines
are made out of statements. A statement generally consists of the name of a subroutine followed
by a list of arguments:
Debug.Print "Hello World"
The first word (Debug) is the name of a built in object in Visual Basic. The second word (Print)
is the name of a method of that object. "Hello World" is the argument to the method. The result
Hello World
A. Forms
A form is a window where controls are placed for use by the user of the program. The .Caption
property changes the text on the title bar of the window, and the .MinButton and .MaxButton
properties show or hide the minimize and maximize buttons. Different window styles such as
Dialog boxes, Tool Windows, and standard Forms; as well as some allowed user actions such as
resizing and minimizing; are controlled by the form's .BorderStyle property. It is a common
practice to name a form with frm<FormName> (ex: frmMain, or frmAlert).
B. Components
A component is an executable module stored either as a .VBX file (Visual Basic eXtension for
the 16-bit versions of VB), .OCX (OLE Control eXtension for 32-bit versions) file or as a .DLL
(Dynamic Link Library) file. Components are pre-compiled code modules used by other program
writers with/without knowledge and understanding of the details of its inner workings. Pre-
compiled components provide reusable code that has already been written and debugged.
Components can be code only (.DLL) or have a visual component that can be placed on a form
(.VBX and .OCX). VB supplies many commonly used components (Button, Textbox, Listbox,
etc.) as controls in the Toolbox.
C. Events
An event is an activity that occurs during a program's execution usually in response to the user's
actions, such as a mouse click or a keypress. An event causes a procedure to execute.
3.1.1. Controls
A. Control Properties
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To display the Control Properties window, select View\Properties Window or press the F4 key.
The Properties window initially appears on the right edge of the main window and contains all
the names of the editable properties as well as their current values. Some control properties are
only editable while the program is running; some are only editable while in design mode.
B. Buttons
A button will be your best friend in Visual Basic. Each button should contain code, which is
added by you, the programmer. Upon clicking the button, the user will be instructing the
program to execute that portion of code. For example, you could set it so when pressed; the
program will make a message box that says "HELLO!” Good programming styles generally
use cmd<ButtonName> when naming a button.
C. Text Boxes
Text boxes allow the users to add text areas to their programs. This text does not have to be
typed in directly by the programmer, but could come from other sources such as database fields,
text files or data the user will type in while the program is running. Although the default value
for this is the name of the control, it can be set to anything including "" (or nothing). Text box
names are prefixed with txt, eg; txt<BoxName>.
D. Labels
Labels are one of the most used Visual Basic objects. They are often used to label other controls
(textboxes, images, etc.) or provide feedback to the user. They are usually named like
E. Timers
Timers are interesting and easy to learn. If you want the program to perform a certain task after a
certain amount of time, the Timer is there to help you out. Their only event procedure is _timer,
which will be executed every time after a certain amount of time is passed. The most common
steps to use Timers are as simple as follows:
1. Add a timer to the form and give it a name.
2. Set the time interval in the Properties window to some value above 0.
3. Double click the timer and add the code you want executed at the set intervals.
Timers have very few properties too. This is a possible use of timer: (To see it in action add a
Command button, Shape control, and Timer to a new form. Then set the Timer.Interval property

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using the Properties window. Copy the code below into the form's code module and press F5 to
run the program.)
Private Sub Command1_Click ()
Timer1.Enabled = Not Timer1.Enabled
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer ()
Shape1.Visible = Not Shape1.Visible
End Sub
This would make the command button stop and start the cashing (repeatedly disappear and
reappear) of the Shape control. The cash interval is determined by the Timer's Interval property.
Timer.Interval is measured in milliseconds.
Here is another timer example of a counter:
'***************************************************************** *
'***************************************************************** *
'Project Name : Timer * * Project Description : Using Timer and
'Counter * * Project Type : Visual Basic * * Author : Ronny André
'Reierstad * * Web Page : www.morrowland.com * * E-Mail :
'[email protected] * * Version : English (UK) * * Date :
'27.06.2002 *
'Timers are the backbone in any good application, you will be able to decide when things will
happen in milliseconds by using timers and counters you gain control declare counter as integer
Dim counter As Integer
Private Sub Form_Load()
Timer1.Enabled = False 'disable timer at startup
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Timer1.Enabled = True 'starts the timer by enabling it
End Sub

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Private Sub Command2_Click ()

Timer1.Enabled = False 'stops the timer by disabling it
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click ()
Counter = 0 'reset the counter
End Sub
'The timer procedure the timer procedure will loop in the interval of the timer
'I have set the timer interval in the "properties" menu to 1000 ms (1 sec)
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Counter = counter + 1 'we set the counter to count here
Text1.Text = counter 'write the counter value out as text
End Sub
VB Timers are given low priority on the processing. If any other code needs to execute when the
timed interval has elapsed, that other code is allowed to execute before the timer's procedure is
called. Other code can yield some of their processing time to Windows by using the DoEvents
command. That is the only VB command that will allow code you write to yield time to any
pending timer events in the program. Without the use of DoEvents, each subroutine or function
is executed start to finish, in serial fashion. In other words, only one command or statement
can be executed at a time. Each subroutine or function must list the proper commands to execute,
in their proper order.
F. Picture Boxes
These objects are not just a heavyweight version of image boxes: picture boxes almost have the
same properties and function as Form objects. It can do far more than just displaying pictures.
Probably the best way to describe picture boxes is that they are containers that can group other
objects together, kind of similar to frame objects. E.g. several command buttons can be drawn
"inside" of it.
G. General properties
VB extends some common properties to all controls placed on a form. Name, Top, Left, and Tag,
are a few of the extended property names. When you select and highlight several controls on a
form, you can change the general property values of all the highlighted controls using the

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Properties window. Making a change there will change the property of the same name for all of
the highlighted controls.
3.1.2. Reserved Words
Visual Basic contains several reserved words. These words are "reserved" because they are
specific functions and commands in Visual Basic. For example, a variable may not be named
"Print" because it is a feature in VB to print. This can be avoided however, by naming your
variables "prnt" or "print1". As long as it is not the exact word, it should work. A list of
frequently used reserved words/keywords:
And Close End False GoTo Let Name On Private Resume
As Command Error For If Load Next Option Public Set
Beep Date Event Function Input Loop Not Or Put Step
Call Do Exit Get Kill Me Nothing Print Reset
3.1.3. Variables and Data Types
The built in types are:
Byte: - 8 bit, unsigned
Integer: - 16 bit, signed
Long: - 32 bit signed
Single: - 32 bit floating point, range about ±1038
Double: - 64 bit IEEE floating point, range about ±10308
Currency: - exact representation of decimal numbers of up to four decimal places
String: - dynamically allocated UniCode strings, theoretical capacity about 29 characters.
Collection: - an associative array of Variants.
Date: - 8 byte date/time value range January 1, 100 to December 31, 9999.
Object: - a holder for any type of Object.
Variant: - a holder for any type of value or object.
Type Storage Range of Values
Byte 1 byte 0 to 255
Integer 2 bytes -32,768 to 32,767
Long 4 bytes -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Single 4 bytes -3.402823E+38 to -1.401298E-45 for negative values1.401298E-45 to

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3.402823E+38 for positive values.

-1.79769313486232e+308 to -4.94065645841247E-324 for negative
Double 8 bytes
values4.94065645841247E-324 to 1.79769313486232e+308 for positive values.

Dim a as Byte
Dim i as Integer
Dim x, y as Long 'Define two variables. Note that only the last variable will be a long integer.
Dim i as Integer
I = Int(3.9)
Print i 'Prints 3
Dim pi as Double
pi=Round(pi,2) 'Rounds off 3.141592653589 to only two decimal digits
Print pi 'Prints 3.14
Dim a As String
a = "This is a string"
General Guidelines for declaring Variables
These suggestions will be described in greater detail further below. None of these can be
called rules and some are controversial, you have to make up your own mind based on the
costs and benefits.
 Write comments that explain why you do what you do. If the code or the problem being
solved is especially complex you should also explain why you chose the method you did
instead of some other more obvious method.
 Indent your code. This can make reading the code for others easier and makes it easy to
spot where statements have not been closed off properly. This is especially important in
multiply nested statements.
 Declare all variables; enforce this by placing Option Explicit at the top of every code

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 Use meaningful variable and sub routine names. The variable FileHandle means a lot
more to us humans than X. Also avoid the tendency of abbreviating names as this can
also make it hard to read code. Don't use FilHan where FileHandle would be clearer.
 In the argument list of functions and subs declare all arguments as ByRef. This forces
the compiler to check the datatypes of the variables you pass in.
 Declare variables, subs, and functions in the smallest possible scope: prefer Private over
Friend and Friend over Public.
 Have as few variables as possible declared Public in .bas modules; such variables are
public to the whole component or program.
 Group related functions and subs together in a module create a new module for unrelated
 If a group of variables and procedures are closely related consider creating a class to
encapsulate them together.
 Include assertions in the code to ensure that routines are given correct data and return
correct data.
 Write and execute tests.
 Make the program work first hand work fast afterwards.
 Where a variable can hold a limited range of discrete values that are known at compile
time use an 'enumerated type.
 Break large programs into separate components (DLLs or class libraries) so that you can
reduce the visibility of data and routines, to just those other pieces of code that need to
use them,
 Use a simple prefix notation to show the type of variables and the scope of routines.
A. Declaring variables
Like most programming languages, Visual Basic is able to use and process named variables and
their contents. Variables are most simply described as names by which we refer to some location
in memory - a location that holds a value with which we are working. It often helps to think of
variables as a 'pigeonhole', or a placeholder for a value. You can think of a variable as being
equivalent to its value. So, if you have a variable i that is initialized to 4, i+1 will equal 5.

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In Visual Basic variables can be declared before using them or the programmer can let the
compiler allocate space for them. For any but the simplest programs it is better to declare all
variables. This has several benefits:
 you get the datatype you want instead of Variant,
 The compiler can sometimes check that you have used the correct type.
All variables in Visual Basic are typed, even those declared as Variant. If you don't specify the
type then the compiler will use Variant. A Variant variable is one that can hold data of any type.
Naming Variables
Variable names in Visual Basic are made up of letters (upper and lower case) and digits. The
underscore character, "_", is also permitted. Names must not begin with a digit. Names can be as
long as you like. Some examples of valid (but not very descriptive) Visual Basic variable names:
foo BAZ a_foo42_
Bar foo_bar QuUx
Some examples of invalid Visual Basic variable names:
must not begin with a digit: - 2foo
spaces not allowed in names: - my foo
$ not allowed -- only letters, digits, and : - $foo
language keywords cannot be used as names: - while
Leading underscore not allowed: - ffxxx
Certain words are reserved as keywords in the language, and these cannot be used as variable
names, or indeed as names of anything else. In addition there are certain sets of names that, while
not language keywords, are reserved for one reason or another. The naming rules for variables
also apply to other language constructs such as function names and module names.
The module (open to all forms), individual forms, and the sub programs themselves. If you
declare a variable in your module, the variable will retain its value through all forms. A dim
statement will work, but it is tradition to use "Public" in its place. For example:
Public X as Integer
Declaring something at the top of your form code will make it private to that form, therefore, if
you have X=10 in one form, and X=20 in another, they will not interfere. If the variable was
declared public, then there would be interactions between the values. To declare something in
your form, it is traditional to use "Private".
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Private X as Integer
And finally, there are the subprograms. Dimensioning variables only to a subprogram is highly
effective, this way you can use default variables (such as sum for sums) in all subs without the
need to worry about one value changing because of another section of code. There is, however, a
twist. Dim, what you are accustomed to, will not retain the value of the variable after the sub is
done. So after rerunning the sub, all the local variables in the sub will be reset. To get around
this, a "Static" may be used.
Static X as Integer
Some of you may want to take the easy way out, and just use Public on everything. However, it
is best to declare something on the smallest level possible. Generally arguments are the best way
to send variables from one sub to the other. This is because arguments make it far easier to track
exactly where variables are being changed in case of a logic error, and almost limits the amount
of damage a bad section of code can do. Declaring variables is, again, useful when using default
variables. Common default variables are:
I for loops
J for loops
Sum (self-explanatory)
X for anything
So, rather than making variables I and II or Sum1, Sum2, you can see why keeping variables
local is a useful skill.
B. Comments
Good comments can be critical to the longevity of a program; if a maintenance programmer can't
understand how your code was supposed to work he might have to rewrite it. If he does that he
will also have to write more comments and more tests. He will almost certainly introduce more
bugs and it will be your fault because you didn't have the courtesy to explain why your program
was written the way it was. Maintenance programmers are often not part of the original team so
they don't have any shared background to help them understand, they just have a bug report, the
code and a deadline. If you don't write the comments you can be sure that no one will add them
later. Comments need to be written with the same care and attention as the code itself. Sloppily
written comments that simply repeat what the code says are a waste of time, better to say nothing
at all. The same goes for comments that contradict the code; what is the reader meant to believe,

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the code or the comment. If the comment contradicts the code someone might 'fix' the code only
to find that it was actually the comment that was broken. Here are some example comments:
Public WithEvents MenuHandler As CommandBarEvents 'command bar event handler
Public Sub Remove(vntIndexKey As Variant)
'used when removing an element from the collection
'vntIndexKey contains either the Index or Key, which is why
'it is declared as a Variant
'Syntax: x.Remove (xyz)
mCol.Remove vntIndexKey
End Sub
The first comment line simply repeats the information contained in the name, the last comment
line tells us only what we can easily glean from the declaration. The middle two lines say
something useful; they explain the otherwise puzzling use of the Variant data type. My
recommendation is to delete the first and last comment lines, not because they are incorrect but
because they are pointless and make it harder to see the comment that actually matters.
3.1.4. Operators
A. Arithmetic Operators
The operators are index and take two arguments: arg1 operator arg2 except for unary plus and
Numeric Operators
Operator Comments
+ Adds two numbers. Also concatenates strings but avoid this use because Visual Basic will
try to convert the string to a number first and
the results might not be what you expect.
- Subtract the second number from the first.
- unary Negate the operand.
* Multiply two numbers. The result will be promoted to whatever data type is needed to
represent the size of the number if one of the numbers is already that type (see note below
about odd behavior).
/ Normal division. Treats both operands as real numbers and returns a real result.

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\ Integer division. Be careful with this because the arguments are converted to integers before
the division is performed so use this with integer operands unless you comment your code
carefully. Also note that "/" and "*" are evaluated before "\", so (1000 \ 13 * 3) is not equal
to ( (1000 \ 13) * 3)
Mod Produces the remainder after integer division. Be careful with this as the interpretation of the
modulus operator in mathematics is ambiguous. a Mod b gives the same answer as this
expression: a - (a \ b) * b
ˆ Raises the first operand to the power of the second. In Visual Basic either or both operands
may be negative. If all you want is a square or

Boolean Arithmetic
Boolean operators use Boolean variables or integer variables where each individual bit is
treated as a Boolean. There are six operators:
Operator: Meaning:
Not Negation
And Conjunction
Or Disjunction (logical addition)
Xor Exclusive Or
Eqv Equivalence
Imp Implication

When you construct logical expressions with these operators you get the following results:
A B A And B A Or B A Xor B A Eqv B A Imp B
B. Comparison Operators
These operators, composed of <, > and =, are used to decide whether one value is smaller than,
larger than, or equal to another. For example:

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Dim i
i = 50
If i < 0 Then
MsgBox "i is less than 0"
ElseIf i <= 100 And i >= 0 Then
MsgBox "i is less than or equal to one hundred and greater than or equal to 0"
ElseIf i > 100 And i < 200 Then
MsgBox "i is greater than one hundred less than 200"
MsgBox "i is greater than or equal to 200"
End if
Caution! Due to the internal structure of floating-point numbers (Single and Double), do
not use = or <> to compare them. Instead, use a small value (usually called Epsilon) as a
"maximum difference". For example:
' This returns False:
Debug.Print (Sqr (1.234) * Sqr (1.234)) = 1.234
' This returns True:
E = 0.000001
Debug.Print Abs ((Sqr (1.234) * Sqr (1.234)) - 1.234) < E
Operator Meaning
= Equality
<> Inequality
< Less than
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to. Or put another way: not less than
<= Less than or equal to. Or put another way: not greater than
C. Built in Arithmetic Functions
There are not many native mathematical functions in Visual basic but this doesn't mean that you
can't do significant calculations with it.
Affis(x): - returns the absolute value of x, that is, it removes a minus sign if there is one.
Examples: Abs (3) = 3; Abs (-3)=3
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Exp(x): - returns the value ex. e is Euler's constant, the base of natural logarithms.
Log(x): -the Neperian ('Natural', e base) logarithm of x.
Randomize(x): - not really a mathematical function because it is actually a subroutine. This
initializes the random number generator.
Rnd(x): - produces the next random number in the series. Please read that sentence again! The
random numbers aren't really random, they are instead pseudo-random. If you initialize the
random number generator with the same number each time you start a program then you will get
the same series of values from Rnd()
Round(x,n): - returns a real number rounded to n decimal places (uses Banker's rounding).
Sgn(x): - returns plus one if x is positive, minus one if it is negative, zero if x is identically zero.
Sgn(-5)=-1 ; Sgn(5)=1 ; Sgn(0)=0
Sqr(x): - square root of x. Example: Sqr(25)=5. x must be non-negative. Thus Sqr(-25) will
generate an error.
Derived Functions
If you want logarithms to some other base you can use this expression:
Log(x, base) = Log(x) / Log(base) And to calculate the nth root of a number (cube root, ...)
RootN(x, n) = x ^ (1.0 / n)
D. Trigonometrically Functions
Visual Basic has the usual simple trigonometric functions, sin, cos, tan, but if you want some of
the more unusual ones or inverses you will need to write some simple functions. Remember that
the angles must be supplied as radians
Radians = degrees * π / 180
ArcSin(x) = Atn(x / Sqr (-x * x + 1))
ArcCos(x) = Atn(-x / Sqr (-x * x + 1)) + 2 * Atn(1)
Notice that the range of applicability of these expressions is limited to the range -1<=x<=1.
Here are some more:
Secant Sec(x) = 1 / Cos(x)
Cosecant Cosec(x) = 1 / Sin(x)
Cotangent Cotan(x) = 1 / Tan(x)
Inverse Sine Arcsin(x) = Atn(x / Sqr(-x * x + 1))

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Inverse Cosine Arccos(x) = Atn(-x / Sqr(-x * x + 1)) + 2 * Atn(1)

Inverse Secant Arcsec(x) = Atn(x / Sqr(x * x - 1)) + Sgn((x) - 1) * (2 * Atn(1))
Inverse Cosecant Arccosec(x) = Atn(x / Sqr(x * x - 1)) + (Sgn(x) - 1) * (2 * Atn(1))
Inverse Cotangent Arccotan(x) = -Atn(x) + 2 * Atn(1)
Hyperbolic Sine HSin(x) = (Exp(x) - Exp(-x)) / 2
Hyperbolic Cosine HCos(x) = (Exp(x) + Exp(-x)) / 2
Hyperbolic Tangent HTan(x) = (Exp(x) - Exp(-x)) / (Exp(x) + Exp(-x))
Hyperbolic Secant HSec(x) = 2 / (Exp(x) + Exp(-x))
Hyperbolic Cosecant HCosec(x) = 2 / (Exp(x) - Exp(-x))
Hyperbolic Cotangent HCotan(x) = (Exp(x) + Exp(-x)) / (Exp(x) - Exp(- x))
Inverse Hyperbolic Sine HArcsin(x) = Log(x + Sqr(x * x + 1))
Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine HArccos(x) = Log(x + Sqr(x * x - 1))
Inverse Hyperbolic Tangent HArctan(x) = Log((1 + x) / (1 - x)) / 2
Inverse Hyperbolic Secant HArcsec(x) = Log((Sqr(-x * x + 1) + 1) / x)
Inverse Hyperbolic Cosecant HArccosec(x) = Log((Sgn(x) * Sqr(x * x + 1) + 1) /x)
Inverse Hyperbolic Cotangent HArccotan(x) = Log((x + 1) / (x - 1)) / 2
The very useful atan2 function (calculate the angle in all four quadrants of a vector) can
be simulated like this:
Public Const Pi As Double = 3.14159265358979
Public Function Atan2(ByVal y As Double, ByVal x As Double) As Double
If y > 0 Then
If x >= y Then
Atan2 = Atn(y / x)
ElseIf x <= -y Then
Atan2 = Atn(y / x) + Pi
Atan2 = Pi / 2 - Atn(x / y)
End If
If x >= -y Then

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Atan2 = Atn(y / x)
ElseIf x <= y Then
Atan2 = Atn(y / x) - Pi
Atan2 = -Atn(x / y) - Pi / 2
End If
End If
End Function
Other functions:
ASin(x) = Atan2(x, Sqr (1 - x * x))
ACos(x) = Atan2 (Sqr (1 - x * x), x)
3.1.5. Flow Control
A. If...Then Statement
If...Then statements are some of the most basic statements in all of programming. Every
language has them, in some form or another. In Visual Basic, the syntax for an If...Then
statement is as follows:
If (condition) Then
End If
Condition - a set of test(s) that the program executes.
Reaction - the instructions that the program follows when the condition returns true.
The condition returns true if it passes the test and returns false if it fails the test.
The condition can be anything from
If X = 1 Then
MsgBox "X = 1"
End If
If InStr(1, sName, " ") > 0 Then
sName = """" & sName & """"
End If
If there is only one reaction to the condition, the statement can also be expressed without the End

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If Y + 3 = 7 Then MsgBox "Y + 3 DOES = 7"
There are also other parts to these statements to make them more complex. Two other terms that
can be used are Else, and ElseIf.
Else will, if the condition is false, do whatever comes between the Else statement and the End If
ElseIf will, if the condition directly preceding it is false, check for another condition and go from
B. If..Then..Else Statement
The If..Then..Else statement is the simplest of the conditional statements. They are also called
branches, as when the program arrives at an "If" statement during its execution, control will
"branch" off into one of two or more "directions". An If-Else statement is generally in the
following form:
If condition Then
other statement
End If
If the original condition is met, then all the code within the first statement is executed. The
optional Else section species an alternative statement that will be executed if the condition is
false. The If-Else statement can be extended to the following form:
If condition Then
ElseIf condition Then
other statement
ElseIf condition Then
other statement
another statement
End If

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Only one statement in the entire block will be executed. This statement will be the first one with
a condition which evaluates to be true. The concept of an If-Else-If structure is easier to
understand with the aid of an example:
Dim Temperature As Double
If Temperature >= 40.0 Then
Debug.Print "It's extremely hot"
ElseIf 30.0 <= Temperature And Temperature<=39.0 Then
Debug.Print "It's hot"
ElseIf 20.0 <= Temperature And Temperature <= 29.0 Then
Debug.Print "It's warm"
ElseIf 10.0 <= Temperature And temperature <= 19.0 Then
Debug.Print "It's cool"
ElseIf 0.0 <= Temperature And Temperature <= 9.0 Then
Debug.Print "It's cold"
Debug.Print "It's freezing"
End If
C. Select Case
Often it is necessary to compare one specific variable against several constant expressions.
For this kind of conditional expression the Select Case is used. The above example is such
a case and could also be written like this:
Select Case Temperature
Case Is >= 40#
Debug.Print "It's extremely hot"
Case 30# To 39#
Debug.Print "It's hot"
Case 20# To 29#
Debug.Print "It's warm"
Case 10# To 19#
Debug.Print "It's cool"

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Case 0# To 9#
Debug.Print "It's cold"
Case Else
Debug.Print "It's freezing"
End Select
D. Unconditionals
Unconditionals let you change the flow of your program without a condition. You should
be careful when using unconditionals. Often they make programs difficult to understand.
Exit: - End a function, subroutine or property and return to the calling procedure or function.
Note that in Visual Basic returning from a function and assigning a return value requires two
separate statements.
For procedures: Exit Sub
For functions: Exit Function
For properties: Exit Property
End: - This simple command ends the execution of the program For example:
Private Sub cmd1_Click ()
End Sub
In this example, when the button cmd1 is clicked, the program will terminate. The End
command is provided for backward compatibility and is rarely (if ever) needed to end a VB
program. The proper way to end a VB program is to release all object references, stop any
running timers, and exit out of any executing procedures. In a small program this could mean to
simply unload all the forms. When there are no active object references and no code running, VB
will terminate the program in a graceful manner. Using End to end the program will terminate
the program in an ungraceful manner (some things may not get shut down properly).
Goto: - Transfer control to the statement after the label (or line number).
Goto Label
In Visual Basic the target of a Goto statement must be in the same procedure; this prevents

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abuse of the feature by making it impossible to jump into the middle of another subroutine.
Therefore if you have functions and procedures with more than one exit statement you can just as
well use goto. When it comes down to readability the following two samples are almost the
Sub Use_Exit
If Test Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Sub Use_Goto is
If Test Then
Goto Exit_Use_Goto
End If
End Sub
In the pure structured approach, neither goto nor multiple exit statements are needed:
Sub Use_If is
If Not Test Then
End If
End Sub
A couple of notes:
Return is a reserved keyword and can only be used with a matching Gosub and that the
Gosub must reside in the same function, sub or property. It cannot be used to return from
a function, sub or property - maybe it should read Exit Sub.
Error handling in Visual Basic does need the use of Goto, but with a different syntax.

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Visual Basic, believe it or not, supports line numbering, so for example Goto 20 is
perfectly acceptable if line 20 exists!
Using Exit instead of Goto as shown above has some side effects. Calling Exit Sub clears
a current error state, i.e. it is the equivalent of an Err.Clear.
Sub Use_PseudoLoop
Do 'Start the pseudo loop. Exists only so that you can use Exit Do
If Test Then
Exit Do
End If
If Test Then
Exit Do
End If
Loop While False ' will never loop
End Sub
Of course this example can be recast using If..Then..Else..End If without the need for any
Exit statements at all so it is a little artificial:
Sub Use_IfThen
If Not Test Then
If Not Test Then
End If
End If
End Sub
E. For...Next Loops

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The syntax of a For...Next loop has three components: a counter, a range, and a step. A basic
for..next loop appears as follows:
For X = 1 To 100 Step 2
Debug.Print X
Next X
In this example, X is the counter, "1 to 100" is the range, and "2" is the step. The variable
reference in the Next part of the statement is optional and it is common practice to leave this out.
There is no ambiguity in doing this if code is correctly indented. When a For..Next loop is
initialized, the counter is set to the first number in the range; in this case, X is set to 1. The
program then executes any code between the for and next statements normally. Upon reaching
the next statement, the program returns to the for statement and increases the value of the counter
by the step. In this instance, X will be increased to 3 on the second iteration, 5 on the third, etc.
To change the amount by which the counter variable increases on each iteration, simply change
the value of the step. For example, if you use a step 3, X will increase from 1 to 4, then to 7, 10,
13, and so on. When the step is not explicitly stated, 1 is used by default. (Note that the step can
be a negative value. For instance, for X = 100 to 1 step -1 would decrease the value of X from
100 to 99 to 98, etc.). When X reaches the end of the range in the range (100 in the example
above), the loop will cease to execute, and the program will continue to the code beyond the next
statement. It is possible to edit the value of the counter variable within a for..next loop, although
this is generally considered bad programming practice:
For X = 1 To 100 Step 1
Debug.Print X
While you may on rare occasions find good reasons to edit the counter in this manner, the
example above illustrates one potential pitfall: Because X is set to 7 at the end of every iteration;
this code creates an infinite loop. To avoid this and other unexpected behavior, use extreme
caution when editing the counter variable! It is not required by the compiler that you specify the
name of the loop variable in the Next statement but it will be checked by the compiler if you do,
so it is a small help in writing correct programs.

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Another very common situation is the need for a loop which enumerates every element of a
list. The following sample code shows you how to do this:
Dim v As Variant
For Each v In list
Debug.Print v
The list is commonly a Collection or Array, but can be any other object that implements an
enumerator. Note that the iterating variable has to be either a Variant, Object or class that
matches the type of elements in the list.
F. Do Loops
Do loops are a bit more flexible than For loops, but should generally only be used when
necessary. Do loops come in the following formats:
 Do while  Do until  Loop while  Loop until
While loops (both do while and loop while) will continue to execute as long as a certain
conditional is true. An Until loop will loop as long as a certain condition is false, on the other
hand. The only difference between putting either While or Until in the Do section or the Loop
section, is that Do checks when the loop starts, and Loop checks when the loop ends. An
example of a basic loop is as follows:
Debug.Print "hello"
Loop Until x = 10
This loop will print hello several times, depending on the initial value of x. As you may have
noticed, Do loops have no built in counters. However, they may be made manually as shown
above. In this case, I chose x as my counter variable, and every time the loop execute, x increase
itself by one. When X reaches 10, the loop will cease to execute. The advantage of Do loops is
that you may exit at any time whenever any certain conditional is met. You may have it loop as
long as a certain variable is false, or true, or as long as a variable remains in a certain range.
Endless loop: Do..Loop

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The endless loop is a loop which never ends and the statements inside are repeated forever.
Never is meant as a relative term here - if the computer is switched off then even endless
loops will end very abruptly.
Loop with condition at the beginning: Do While..Loop
This loop has a condition at the beginning. The statements are repeated as long as the condition
is met. If the condition is not met at the very beginning then the statements inside the loop are
never executed.
Do While X <= 5
X = Calculate_Something
Loop with condition at the end: Do..Loop Until
This loop has a condition at the end and the statements are repeated until the condition is met.
Since the check is at the end the statements are at least executed once.
X = Calculate_Something
Loop Until X > 5
Loop with condition in the middle: Do..Exit Do..Loop
Sometimes you need to first make a calculation and exit the loop when a certain criterion is met.
However when the criterion is not met there is something else to be done. Hence you need a loop
where the exit condition is in the middle.
X = Calculate_Something
If X > 10 then
Exit Do
End If
Do_Something (X)

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G. While Loops
While loops are similar to Do loops except that the tested condition always appears at the top of
the loop. If the first entry of the loop block condition is false, the contents of the loop are never
executed. The condition is retested before every loop iteration. An example of a While loop is as
price = 2
While price < 64
Debug.Print "Price = " & price
price = price ^ 2
Debug.Print "Price = " & price & ": Too much for the market to bear!"
The While loop will run until the condition tests false - or until an "Exit While" statement is
H. Nested Loops
A nested loop is any type of loop inside an already existing loop. They can involve any type of
loop. For this, we will use For loops. It is important to remember that the inner loop will execute
its normal amount multiplied by how many times the outer loop runs. For example:
For i = 1 To 10
For j = 1 To 2
Debug.Print "hi"
This will print the word 'hi' twenty times. Upon the first pass of the i loop, it will run the j loop
twice. Then on the second pass of the i loop, it will run the j loop another two times, and so on.
3.1.6. Arrays
Arrays are extremely useful in Visual Basic, and are present in many other programming
languages. Arrays are used to group similar data together, to make it easier to search and sort
through this data. Arrays consist of the variable name and a subscript, which is put in parentheses
for computer use. So, if you want to make a phone book of say, 100 people, rather than make a
bunch of variables named 'person1, person2, person3....person100', you may use an array. All
you have to do is dimension the array (see above). So now those 100 variables turn into person(1

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to 100) in a dim statement. Now you may be asking, what do I do now? Each object stored in an
array is called an element. What you have done is created an array which can hold 100 elements.
If you want to print the 32nd person in your phone book, you simply would type:
Debug.Print Person (32)
A. Use of Arrays
Arrays have far more uses other than just making phone books. Filling an array with random
numbers is a popular technique for starting off programs, and testing other techniques such as
sorting. To fill an array, a simple For Loop may be used.
Option Explicit
Dim lngIndex as Long
Dim strArray(0 to 9) as String ' Create an array with 10 values
Dim intCounter as Integer
intCounter = 1
For lngIndex = LBound(strArray) to UBound(strArray)
intCounter = intCounter + 1
strArray(lngIndex) = intCounter
Next lngIndex
The above shows an example of read-write iteration over an array. For Each loop can be
used for read-only iteration over an array:
Dim MyArray(9)
For i = 0 To 9
MyArray(i) = i
For Each Item In MyArray
Debug.Print Item
B. Indices
Per default, array indices start at 0, unless "Option Base 1" declaration is used. Without the
declaration used, an array declared as "Dim MyArray(5)" has 6 elements: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The
index range of an array has to be a continuous sequence of integers, including negative
numbers. Thus, the following is possible:

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Dim MyArray1(-5 to 5)
Dim MyArray2(-10 to -5)
For i = LBound(MyArray1) to UBound(MyArray1)
MyArray1(i) = i + 5
Debug.Print i, MyArray1(i)
For i = LBound(MyArray2) to UBound(MyArray2)
MyArray2(i) = i + 5
Debug.Print i, MyArray2(i)
C. Size
The size of an array can be obtained using LBound and UBound as follows:
Dim MyArray1(-5 to 5)
Dim MyArray2(10-1)
Size1 = UBound(MyArray2) - LBound(MyArray2) + 1
Size2 = UBound(MyArray2) + 1 'For a same array with indexing starting at zero
Debug.Print Size1, Size2
Keywords: length, item count, element count.
D. Dynamic Arrays
An array with the number of elements specified upon its declaration, as in Dim Names(0 to 9), is
a static one: the number of its elements cannot be changed in runtime. By contrast, an array
declared without the number of elements, as in Dim Names(), is a dynamic array, and its number
of elements can be changed using ReDim. To preserve the element content of the array when
using ReDim, Preserve keyword has to be used after ReDim. Say you have a phone book
program running and it has an array of your friends' names, like this:
Option Explicit
Dim StrNames(0 to 2) As String
StrNames(0) = "Alec"
StrNames(1) = "Jack"
StrNames(2) = "Pie"

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But say you want to add more friends to your phone book, when a button is clicked, for example.
What do you do? You can define a dynamic array instead:
Dim Names() As String
This array initially has no elements. You can add more elements, by using the ReDim keyword:
ReDim Names(0 to 1) As String
This would create two new elements. You can assign names to these elements in the same way as
Names(0) = "Alec"
Names(1) = "Jack"
If you want to add more entries then use, for example:
ReDim Names(0 to 2) As String
But you'll end up losing all the old records! If you want to keep them, you must also use
the Preserve keyword:
ReDim Preserve Names(0 To 3) As String
Names(1) = "Eugene H / Orage" 'Whoa this person's name is too long to remember
To iterate AKA loop over the elements of a dynamic array, you have to use LBound and
UBound functions or For Each loop, as described at #Use of Arrays1.
To add an element to an initialized dynamic array, you can proceed as follows, using UBound
ReDim Preserve Names(0 To UBound(Names) + 1) As String
Names(UBound(Names)) = "my new friend"
However, UBound does not work with an un-initialized dynamic array, so the following would
cause a run-time error:
Dim MyArray() As String
Debug.Print UBound(MyArray)
One way to avoid this run-time error is to keep a flag:
Dim ArrayIsEmpty As Boolean
Dim MyArray() As String
ArrayIsEmpty = True
If Not ArrayIsEmpty Then

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ReDim Preserve MyArray(0 To UBound(MyArray) + 1) As String

ReDim Preserve Names(0 To 0) As String
ArrayIsEmpty = False
End If
Names(UBound(Names)) = "my new friend"
Another way to avoid the run-time error is to catch the error created by the use of "UBound" on
an uninitialized array:
Dim MyArray() As String
NumberOfElements = 0
On Error Resume Next
NumberOfElements = UBound(MyArray) + 1
On Error GoTo 0
ReDim Preserve MyArray(0 To NumberOfElements) As String
MyArray(UBound(MyArray)) = "my new friend"
Finally, you can use the following hack to check if a dynamic array has been initialized:
Dim MyArray() As String
If (Not MyArray) = -1 Then
NumberOfElements = 0 'The array is uninitialized
NumberOfElements = UBound(MyArray) + 1
End If
ReDim Preserve MyArray(0 To NumberOfElements) As String
MyArray(UBound(MyArray)) = "my new friend"
E. Variant Arrays
Variant arrays are dynamic arrays declared using the Variant type, and initialized using "=
Array()". Their advantage is that, after they are initialized using "= Array()", LBound and
UBound functions work with them even when they have no elements, as follows:
Dim VariantArray As Variant
VariantArray = Array()
Debug.Print LBound(VariantArray) 'Prints 0

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Debug.Print UBound(VariantArray) 'Prints -1

As a consequence, adding an element is straightforward, with no need to check for UBound
ReDim Preserve VariantArray(0 To UBound(VariantArray) + 1) As Variant
VariantArray(UBound(VariantArray)) = "Jennifer"
Variant arrays can be initialized to a set of values:
Dim VariantArray As Variant
VariantArray = Array(1, 2.3, "Hey")
For very large arrays, the overhead of using variant arrays, which have the element type of
Variant rather than String or other narrower type, may well be restrictive, in which case
conventional dynamic arrays should be used. What seems also much faster than variant arrays
for adding items one at a time are ../Collections/2.
F. Multi-Dimensional Arrays
Arrays can be defined to have any number of dimensions (or indices), by listing the sizes of each
Dim FunkyArray(2,3,1,4) As String
An element can be referenced like this:
FunkyArray(1,2,0,3) = 24
Dynamic arrays can also be re-dimensioned to have any number of dimensions:
Dim VeryFunkyArray() as String
ReDim VeryFunkyArray(2,2,2) As String
The LBound and UBound functions can be used to find the bounds of a particular dimension:
Debug.Print UBound(FunkyArray, 4)
Would give 4.
Using UBound without the second parameter gives the first dimension
Debug.Print UBound(FunkyArray)
' Displays 2
Debug.Print UBound(VeryFunkyArray)
' Displays 2
G. Erasing Arrays
Any type of array can be re-set to empty by using:

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Erase SomeArray
H. Mixing Arrays
The real power of arrays comes when defining arrays of arrays. What does this mean? Declare an
Dim VariantArray() As Variant
VariantArray = Array()
ReDim VariantArray(1) As Variant
VariantArray(0) = Array(1,2,3)
VariantArray(1) = Array(4,5,6)
What do we have here? Essentially two arrays inside another. They can be referenced like this:
Debug.Print VariantArray(0)(2)
Would show 3.
You can nest arrays like this to any depth and in any order and they can be of any size. A note of
caution must be taken when using the ReDim statement. You cannot specifically re-dimension a
particular dimension of an array; instead you need to temporarily copy to a variant.
Dim vtemp As Variant
vtemp = VariantArray(0)
ReDim vtemp(1+UBound(vtemp)) As Variant
vtemp(UBound(vtemp)) = 7
VariantArray(0) = vtemp
I. Use of Matrices
Matrices are not as commonly used as arrays, but are an important element of programming.
Rather than just one dimension, a matrix may have 2 or more. So, to make a matrix, the Dim
statement would be:
Dim Matrix(0 To 9, 0 To 9) as Integer
This will create a matrix that is 10 by 10 and comprised of integers. In reality, a matrix is much
like an array of arrays. The first thing you'll want to do is know how to create a loop for reading
and filling a matrix. But before that, even, you should know how matrices are structured. An
example matrix would be: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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This is a 4 by 9 matrix. When talking about matrices, rows are always stated before columns.
You will also notice column numbers travel from left to right, while row numbers travel from top
to bottom. This is very important. And of course, matrices need not consist of merely 1s. So, now
you want to fill a matrix? Its very similar to an array.
For Row = 0 To 3
For Column = 0 To 8
Matrix(Row, Column)=1
This will of course fill the matrix with nothing but ones, but random numbers may be used. As
you may notice, this involves nested loops. The loop fills left to right, top to bottom.
3.1.7. Strings
A string is an array of characters. As an example:
Dim a As String
a = "This is a string"
Strings can be concatenated (connected together to form a new string) using the "&" operator.
For example,
dim b as String
b = "Wiki" & "book" & "s"
Print b 'Prints "Wikibooks"
A normal string variable occupies 10 bytes of RAM, plus the string's size, and can hold up to 2
billion characters!
Some frequently used built-in string constants: vbTab, vbCrLf
VbTab contains a string that does the same thing as the Tab key on your keyboard, while vbCrLf
creates a character return and a line feed(similar to the Enter key):
Print "Jack:" & vbTab & "1 pie" & vbCrLf & "me:" & vbTab & "10 pies"
Will print: Jack: 1 pie
me: 10 pies
To include special characters and quotation marks in the strings, the Chr() function may be used:

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Dim a As String
Print "A quotation mark: [" & Chr(34) & "]"
a = "Replace 'apostrophes' for quotation marks"
Replace( a, "'", Chr(34) )
Print a
Some string functions: Str(),Val(), inStr(),Mid(), Replace(), Trim()
In fact there are tons of built-in string manipulation functions available. But right now, I'll just
introduce two: Str() and Val(). Str() converts any numerical value into a string value while Val()
converts a string value into a numerical value(only when it's convertible).
Dim MyString As String
Dim MyNumber As Single
MyString=Str(300) 'converts a number into a string
MyNumber=Val("300") 'converts a string into a number
Even if you don't do the conversion, you will not end up getting Type Mismatch Errors.
However, it is considered better to use explicit type conversions, because it is easier to debug.
A. Comparison
Two strings are equal by value if they have the same content:
 If "Hello" = "Hello" Then MsgBox "A"
The statement Option Compare Text can be placed at the top of a module to make the
comparison case-insensitive, impacting =, <, >, <=, >=, <>:
Option Compare Text
Sub Test()
If "Hello" = "hello" Then MsgBox "A"
If "aaa" < "BBB" Then MsgBox "B"
End Sub
To test whether two strings are equal by reference, that is, whether they start at the same
address, you can use StrPtr function. To test whether a string is greater than or less than another
using lexicographical order, you can use <, >, <=, >=, <>. To decide whether a string is less than
another, the two are compared character by character and as soon as a character from one string
is found to have a lower ASCII code than the corresponding (same position) character in the
other string, the first is declared to be less than the second. The converse test also works.

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Another way of testing whether strings are equal or greater than one another is the StrComp
function. Unlike =, <, >, etc., the StrComp function has an optional argument that controls
whether the comparison is case-sensitive. Example:
strHello = "hello": strHello2 = "Hello"
If StrComp(strHello, strHello2, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Debug.Print "The strings are the same."
End If
B. Concatenation
The operator intended to perform string concatenation is &. The operator + can sometimes be
used to the same effect, but not always:
a = "123"
b = "456"
c = a & b 'Yields 123456
d = a + b 'Yields 123456: applied to two strings
Debug.Print c, d
a = 123 'A number, not a string
b = "456" 'A string
c = a & b 'Yields 123456
d = a + b 'Yields 579: applied to a number and to a string
Debug.Print c, d
C. Containment
To find out if one string is a substring of another, use the InStr function as follows:
If InStr("Hello", "He") > 0 Then
MsgBox "The second string is contained in the first string."
End If
If InStr("He", "Hello") > 0 Then
MsgBox "This never gets printed; wrong argument order."
End If
InStr function returns the position of the substring if it is found or zero otherwise. The two-
argument use of InStr function is case-sensitive. A case-insensitive containment test can be done
as follows:

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If InStr(UCase("Hello"), UCase("he")) > 0 Then

MsgBox "The second string is contained in the first string when we " & _
"disregard the case."
End If
D. Replacing
To replace a string with another string inside a third string, use the built-in function Replace as
Result = Replace("Teh Beatles", "Teh", "The") 'results into "The Beatles"
E. Indexing and Substrings
Strings can be used almost as if they were lists of characters. The nth character in a string can
be returned by subscripting:
Mid$(String1, n, 1)
The values of n start from 1 rather than from 0.
It is also possible to return a substring of a string. The same function is used but instead of
specifying 1, you specify the length of the substring:
Offset = 2: Length = 3
Debug.Print Mid$("abcdef", Offset , Length) 'Prints bcd
If you ask for more characters than are available, you get just what there is, no error is raised:
Debug.Print Mid$("abcdef", 2, 33) 'Prints bcdef
You can also use Mid$ on the left-hand side of an assignment:
String1 = "aaaaaa"
Debug.Print String1 'Prints aaaaaa
Mid$(String1, 2, 3) = "bbb"
Debug.Print String1 'Prints abbbaa
Mid$(String1, 3, 1) = "cccccc"
Debug.Print String1 'Prints abcbaa
Mid$(String1, 2, 3) = "d"
Debug.Print String1 'Prints adcbaa
When Mid$ is on the left, it doesn't change the total length of the string: it just replaces the
specified number of characters. If the right-hand side specifies fewer characters than are asked

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for, only that number of characters is replaced; if it specifies more, only the number asked for is
F. String constants
String constants can be declared like any other constant:
Const s As String = "abcdef"
G. String Functions
Strings are not objects so they do not have methods but there are a number of functions that
manipulate strings. Note that none of the functions modify the original string, except for Mid$
when it is on the left hand side of an assignment statement:
Asc: - Returns the integer code of the first character of the string. The inverse function would be
Len: - Returns the length of the string.
InStr: - Returns the character index of the first occurrence of the substring in a string or zero if
the substring is not found.
InstrB: - Like InStr except that it returns the byte position. It has to be remembered, that Visual
Basic 6 strings are Unicode strings.
InstrRev: - Like InStr except that it returns the character position of the last occurrence of the
Left$: - returns the specified number of characters from the beginning of the string. If there are
fewer characters in the string Left$ returns the whole string, no error is raised.
Mid$: - Returns a number of characters starting at the given position, on the left hand side it
replaces those characters.
Right$: - Returns the specified number of characters from the end of the string, if there are not
that many characters, then Right$ returns the whole string.
IsNumeric: - Returns true if the string looks like a number.
LTrim$, RTrim$, Trim$: - Returns a copy of the string with leading, trailing or leading and
trailing spaces removed respectively. Note that only ASCII spaces (character code 32) are
removed, other whites-pace characters such as tabs are treated as non-spaces.
LCflse$, UCflse: - Converts the whole string to lower case or upper case respectively.
Val: - Returns a number corresponding to the number found at the start of the string. Note that
Val is not locale aware, which means that it always expects decimal points regardless of the

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regional settings of your computer; if you are reading from a comma delimited file this is
probably the function you want to use.
Str: - Returns a string corresponding to the given number. Like Val this is not locale aware.
This is the function you should use if you are creating a text file containing numbers to be read
on someone else's computer.
CStr: - Converts the expression to a string. This procedure is locale aware and the correct
function to use if converting numbers and differently typed values to strings for user-display.
Usually it is unnecessary because Visual Basic automatically converts when necessary and uses
Regional Settings to do so.
Format$: - Converts a number to a string using a specific format. The format is provided as a
string of characters, that shows how many digits should be given before and after the decimal
point. Like CStr, Format$ is locale aware so the decimal separator will be whatever is specified
in the user's Regional Settings. Format$ also provides for conversion of dates to various built-in
and custom string formats.
CBool, CByte, CCur, CInt, CLng, CSng, CDbl, CDec: - Locale aware conversions to
Boolean, Byte, Currency, Integer, Long, Single, Double, Decimal.
Split: - Chops a string into pieces and returns a Variant Array. If no delimiter is specified then
spaces will be used. Delimiters may be any string of any length. Two adjacent delimiters delimit
an empty string.
Hex$: - Returns a string of Hex characters representing a number.
Oct$: - Returns a string of Octal characters representing a number.
Replace$: - Returns a string with occurrences of a specified substring replaced with a new
string. Note that the substring and the new string do not have to be the same size.
StrComp: -Returns -1 if the first sting is less than the second, 0 if they are identical, +1 if the
first is greater than the second. Takes an optional argument that determines the comparison
algorithm: vbBinary for exact comparisons using the character codes, vbTextCompare for case
insensitive comparisons.
H. Quotes in strings
Because the double quote (") is used to delimit strings, you can't use it directly to specify a quote
within a string. For example

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' Does not work - syntax error

Debug.Print "Fred says "Hi" to you"
One way is to use that Chr() function to specify the character code (34)
' Works fine
Debug.Print "Fred says " & Chr$(34) & "Hi" & Chr$(34) & " to you"
Another is to double the double-quotes. You might find this more or less readable than the
above way.
' Works fine too
Debug.Print "Fred says ""Hi"" to you"
I. Startswith and Endswith
Visual Basic does not have functions "startsWith" (or "BeginsWith") and "endsWith" found in
some other programming languages. But it has "Like" comparison operator used for simple
pattern matching that does the job when used with "*" to stand for "any string of characters":
If "Hello World" Like "Hello*" Then MsgBox "It starts."
If "Hello World" Like "*World" Then MsgBox "It ends."
If LCase("Hello World") Like "hello*" Then MsgBox "It starts, case insensitive."
If LCase("Hello World") Like "*world" Then MsgBox "It ends, case insensitive."
Ending = "World"
If "Hello World" Like "*" & Ending Then MsgBox "It ends."
Furthermore, you can write these functions yourself using "Left" function:
Function StartsWith(Str1 As String, Str2 As String, Optional CaseIns As Boolean)
As Boolean
StartsWith = False
If CaseIns Then 'Case insensitive
If Left(LCase(Str1), Len(Str2)) = LCase(Str2) Then
StartsWith = True
End If
If Left(Str1, Len(Str2)) = Str2 Then
StartsWith = True
End If

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End If
End Function
Function EndsWith(Str1 As String, Str2 As String, Optional CaseIns As Boolean)
As Boolean
EndsWith = False
If CaseIns Then 'Case insensitive
If Right(LCase(Str1), Len(Str2)) = LCase(Str2) Then
EndsWith = True
End If
If Right(Str1, Len(Str2)) = Str2 Then
EndsWith = True
End If
End If
End Function
For a one-off comparison to a constant string, a function call may be an overkill:
If Left(String1, 9) = "Beginning" Then
'Starts with, case-sensitive
End If
If Right(String1, 3) = "end" Then
'Ends with, case-sensitive
End If
J. Pattern Matching
You can do simple pattern matching with Like keyword; for complex pattern matching. The
special characters in the patterns of Like include for a single char, * for any number of chars, #

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for a single decimal digit, [...] for a single char in the list, and [!...] for a single char not in the
list. Examples:
If "Hello World" Like "Hello*" Then MsgBox "A"
If "Hello World" Like "*World" Then MsgBox "B"
If "Itam" Like "It?m" Then MsgBox "G"
If "AB345" Like "[A-Z][A-Z]###" Then MsgBox "C"
If "Ab345" Like "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]###" Then MsgBox "D"
If "Item" Like "[!;][!;][!;][!;]" Then MsgBox "E"
If Not "It;m" Like "[!;][!;][!;][!;]" Then MsgBox "F"
3.1.8. Methods and their Types
1. Procedures
Procedures turn a complicated process into a series of simpler steps. A procedure is called with a
simple command. Control is transferred to that section of code where the statements in the
procedure are executed. When completed, control returns to the line that called the procedure.
Use procedures to break a complicated problem into simpler steps or to avoid redundant code.
You’ve already broken a program into input, processing, and output sections. That’s called
modularization and it simplifies a program.
All procedures are either functions that return a result as the value of the function, or subroutines
that are called for their side effects. To return a value, you can use both, but with subroutine, you
need to do it via an argument:
Private Function FunctionHalf (ByRef y as Double) as Double
FunctionHalf = y / 2
End Function
Private Sub SubroutineHalf (ByRef y As Double, ByRef Result As Double)
Result = y / 2
End Sub
The two procedures do essentially the same thing, that is, divide a number by two. The Function
version does it by assigning the new value to the name of the function while the Sub version
assigns it to the name of one of the arguments. This affects how you use them. The function
version can be used in an expression as follows:
Debug.Print FunctionHalf (10) 'Prints 5

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To use the subroutine to return value, you need to store the value in a variable, like this:
Dim nHalf as Double
SubroutineHalf 10, nHalf
Debug.Print nHalf
Generally, you use a Function when the result is a single thing (number, string, object) and a Sub
when you either want to return several distinct things or nothing at all.
A. Creating Procedures
Procedures provide a way to group a set of related statements to perform a task Visual Basic
includes two primary types of procedures:
Function procedures are called by name from event procedures or other procedures often
used for calculations, function procedures can receive arguments and always return a
value in the function name.
Sub procedures are called by name from event procedures or other procedures. They can
receive arguments and also pass back modified values in an argument list Unlike
functions, however, Sub procedures don’t return values associated with their particular
Sub procedure names Sub procedures are typically used to receive or process input,
display output, or set properties.
Function procedures and Sub procedures can be defined in a form’s program code, but for many
users, creating procedures in a module is more useful because then the procedures have scope
throughout the entire project This is especially true for procedures that might be called general-
purpose procedures—blocks of code that are flexible and useful enough to serve in a variety of
programming contexts.
Advantages of General-Purpose Procedures
General-purpose procedures provide the following benefits:
 They enable you to associate a frequently used group of program statements with a
familiar name.
 They eliminate repeated lines you can define a procedure once and have your program
execute it any number of times.
 They make programs easier to read A program divided into a collection of small parts is
easier to take apart and understand than a program made up of one large part.

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 They simplify program development Programs separated into logical units are easier to
design, write, and debug Plus, if you’re writing a program in a group setting, you can
exchange procedures and modules instead of entire programs.
 They can be reused in other projects and solutions you can easily incorporate standard-
module procedures into other programming projects.
 They extend the Visual Basic language Procedures often can perform tasks that can’t be
accomplished by individual Visual Basic keywords or Microsoft .NET Framework
Every click event is a procedure. The computer creates these and, so far, all you’ve had to do is
add code to them. However, you can write your own procedures just as easily. A procedure
cannot be inside another procedure so just find some clear space between existing procedures in
the code window. The general form is
Private/Public Sub ProcedureName (arguments)
End Sub
Every procedure is a series of statements tucked between the start and end lines of the procedure.
End Sub ends a procedure. The top line identifies a procedure by name, defines its scope, and
provides an optional list of values for it. Let’s break it down. Every procedure has a scope, just
like variables. Public procedures can be used anywhere in a program. Private procedures can
only be used on that form. The distinction won’t matter much for now so just use Private. Every
procedure needs the word Sub to identify it as a procedure. ProcedureName is the name you
provide for the procedure. It should describe what the procedure does – PrintHeading, for
example. Capitalize the first letter of each word and follow the naming conventions for variables.
The arguments in parentheses are for optional values that you might want to send along to the
procedure. A simple procedure might look like this:
Private Sub PrintHeading ()
rtbOut.Clear ()
rtbOutput.AppendText ("Dusty Lenzkapp’s Camerarama" & vbNewLine)
rtbOutput.AppendText ("Daily Sales Totals" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine)
rtbOutput.AppendText ("Employee Sales Rate Commission" & vbNewLine)
End Sub

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Use this code in the Load event and it will display in the RichTextBox when the program starts.
Use it in the Clear Button and it will display the header again after the RichTextBox clears. It’s
handy because the code must only be written once. That’s great if there’s a bug in it or if you
want to make a change.
B. Calling a Procedure
Call a procedure with a Call statement. It looks like this:
Call PrintHeading (arguments)
The keyword Call isn’t required. You could simply use the name of the procedure and it would
work just fine. Arguments are for an optional list of values to send to the procedure.
Typically, programs are based on input, processing, and output. That’s a good way to learn
procedures. Each part of the program is broken into small, manageable parts and a procedure
handles each part. Each procedure is called, in order, as needed. Procedures are written
separately and one procedure can call another.
Public Class frmDivideAndConquer
Dim msngDivisor As Single
Dim msngDividend As Single
Dim msngQuotient As Single
Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles btnExit.Click
End Sub
Private Sub btnDivide_Click (ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles btnDivide.Click
'Call Procedures
Call Input()
Call Processing()
Call Output()
End Sub
Private Sub Input ()

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msngDivisor = txtDivisor.Text
msngDividend = txtDividend.Text
End Sub
Private Sub Processing()
msngQuotient = msngDivisor / msngDividend
End Sub
Private Sub Output()
lblQuotient.Text = msngQuotient.ToString("n1")
End Sub
End Class
C. Passing Arguments
The set of parentheses following the procedure name supplies an optional list of arguments for
the procedure. The Call statement and the first line of the procedure each need a matching list of
arguments for the statements to work. A procedure doesn’t need an argument list to work, but
when they’re used, both the procedure and its call statement must agree. There are two ways to
pass arguments to a procedure: one is ByVal and the other is ByRef. You can also pass multiple
arguments. Just make sure that the data type and the order of the arguments between them match
The purpose of arguments is to customize a procedure. Here’s a simple example. A company
might generate reports three times a day: the morning report, the midday report, and the final
report. The only difference in the heading would be the type of report. Instead of three report
headers that are all essentially the same, the procedure could accept an argument that customizes
the report. Its Call statement might look like this:
strType = "Morning"
And, the procedure could look like this:
Private Sub PrintHeading(ByVal strTime as String)
rtbOutput.AppendText ("Dusty Lenzkapp’s Camerarama" & vbNewLine)
rtbOutput.AppendText ("" & strTime & " Sales Totals"& vbNewLine & vbNewLine)

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rtbOutput.AppendText ("Employee Sales Rate Commission" & vbNewLine)

End Sub
The Call statement passes a value (in this case, the word “Morning”) to the procedure. The
procedure is set up to accept that value and plugs it in where needed. Then, later in the day, the
other reports are generated, with their customized heading, by using
strType = "Midday"
PrintHeading (strType)
strType = "Final"
Each one calls the PrintHeading procedure and customizes it as needed. The argument list in the
first line of the PrintHeading procedure accepts the value and uses it in the procedure. Note that
the value was passed as a string and the procedure accepted a string. Any data type can be
passed, but the Call statement and procedure must match.
This example passed the argument ByVal, which means that data are passed by value. VB makes
a copy of the data and sends the copy along when the procedure is called. The original variable
remains unchanged. However, you’re free to change the value of strTime inside the procedure.
strType won’t be affected by it. Think of the data as one-way. It’s sent to the procedure, but the
value won’t get sent back.
The procedure needs a variable to accept this value. That’s handled by this part of the statement:
ByVal strTime as String
This declares a string variable called strTime. ByVal tells it to accept the value that’s passed and
store it in strTime. So, in this example, strTime contains “Morning”. Of course, if the other
procedure calls were used, it could contain “Midday” or “Final”.
The other way to pass an argument is ByRef. That’s short for “by reference.” It’s a two-way
street. Not only can values be passed to a procedure, the procedure can modify them and assign
the value to the original variable. Here’s an example:
Private Sub btnByRef_Click (ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles btnByRef.Click
Dim strPassed As String = "Passed"

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'Display the value passed

lblStart.Text = strPassed
'Pass the value
Call PassByRef (strPassed)
'Display the value returned
lblReturned.Text = strPassed
End Sub
Private Sub PassByRef(ByRef strReceived As String)
'Display the value received
lblPassed.Text = strReceived
'Change the value
strReceived = "Returned"
End Sub
The variable strPassed is assigned the word “Passed”. It’s then displayed in a Label as proof. The
PassByRef procedure is called and strPassed forwards the value to the procedure. The PassByRef
procedure receives it and stores the word “Passed” in its own variable called strReceived. As
proof, it displays it in a Label. The last line of the procedure changes the value of strReceived to
the word “Returned”. The procedure is finished so control returns to the line that called the
procedure. As proof that strPassed was updated by the procedure, the last line of the click event
displays strPassed. Sure enough, it displays the word “Returned”.
Technically, when ByRef is used, it passes the location of the variable in memory, not the value.
So, if that value gets changed, it’s changing the original value in its original location.
2. Functions
A function supplies an answer in a program. Sometimes a function is a simple calculation that’s
used over and over. Sometimes, it’s a complicated formula or one that changes frequently. In the
first instance, it’s easier to write it once and use it many times. In the other, it’s better to write it
once, use it when needed, and only have one calculation to worry about.
A Function procedure is a group of statements located between a Function statement and an End
Function statement. The statements in the function do the meaningful work typically processing
text, handling input, or calculating a numeric value. You execute, or call, a function in a program
by placing the function name in a program statement along with any required arguments.

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Arguments are the data used to make functions work, and they must be included between
parentheses and be separated by commas. Basically, using a Function procedure is exactly like
using a built-in function or method such as Int, Rnd, or FromFile.
A. Creating a Function
A function takes its own space in the code, just like procedures. The format for a function is
Private/Public Function FunctionName (arguments) As
End Function
The function can be Private or Public, depending on where it’s shared. Function declares it as a
function. FunctionName is the name of the function. It should follow the naming conventions for
variables and should be an action word or phrase that describes what the function does. The
arguments are a list of values passed to the function. It might be one value or several, depending
on what the function does. The data type is a variable and the type of answer generated by the
function. Often this is a numeric data type, but others can also be used. A function has one or
more statements that perform a calculation. When the calculation is complete, the function
returns a value, that is, it sends an answer back to the line that called the function. For example:
Private Function CalcArea (ByVal sngWidth as Single, ByVal sngLength As Single) As Single
CalcArea = sngWidth * sngLength
End Function
The function is named CalcArea because it calculates the area of a rectangle. Two values
arguments are passed to it, the length and the width. The first is stored in sngWidth and the other
is stored in sngLength. Both are declared as singles and accept the argument ByVal. The answer
is stored in a variable declared as a single and named CalcArea. The function calculates the area,
stores it in CalcArea, and returns that value. That line could also be written like this:
Return sngWidth * sngLength
B. Calling a Function
Functions are called with a single statement. The function call must include all the values needed
by the function and they must be in order. The general form for a function call is

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var = FunctionName(arguments)
Here’s an example:
sngArea = CalcArea(sngRoomWidth, sngRoomLength)
CalcArea is the function being called. It needs two arguments. sngRoomWidth and
sngRoomLength are passed to the function. When the function returns the answer, it’s assigned
to sngArea.
C. Arguments
Functions have at least one argument, that is, they have at least one value that’s passed to them.
When you think about it, the values passed to a function are really what make the function
useful. The number and type of the arguments must agree between the function and the statement
that calls it. The arguments must also be in order. That is, you can pass a single and then a
decimal to a function; just as long as the function is set up to accept a single and then a decimal.
Just like procedures, the variable names between them can be different as long as the data types
D. Return
Functions return one value. That’s a major difference between functions and procedures. There
are two ways to return a value:
CalcArea = sngWidth * sngLength
Return sngWidth * sngLength
Both return the answer. You can either assign the answer to a variable named for the function (in
this example, CalcArea) or you can use the keyword Return.
E. Passing Arguments
Values can be passed to a function in two ways, ByVal and BeRef. The rules and results are the
same for functions as they are for procedures. Passing ByVal is a one-way pass. The statement
that calls the function sends along the value, and the function accepts the value but cannot
modify the original value. When passed ByRef, it’s a two-way street. The original value gets
passed to the function and the function can modify it and update the original value. The function
determines the order of the arguments and whether they’re passed ByVal or ByRef. The
statement that calls the function must abide by these settings.
3. Sub Procedure

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A Sub procedure is similar to a Function procedure, except that a Sub procedure doesn’t return a
value associated with its name. Sub procedures are typically used to get input from the user,
display or print information, or manipulate several properties associated with a condition. Sub
procedures can also be used to process and update variables received in an argument list during a
procedure call and pass back one or more of these values to the calling program.
A. Sub Procedure Syntax
The basic syntax for a Sub procedure is:
Sub ProcedureName ([arguments])
procedure statements
End Sub
The following syntax items are important:
ProcedureName is the name of the Sub procedure you’re creating.
arguments is a list of optional arguments (separated by commas if there’s more than one)
to be used in the Sub procedure Each argument should also be declared as a specific type
(Visual Studio adds the ByVal keyword by default to each argument, indicating that a
copy of the data is passed to the function through this argument but that any changes to
the arguments won’t be returned to the calling routine).
A procedure statement is a block of statements that accomplishes the work of the
In the Sub procedure call, the number and type of arguments sent to the procedure must match
the number and type of arguments in the Sub procedure declaration, and the entire group must be
enclosed in parentheses If variables passed to a Sub procedure are modified during the
procedure, the updated variables aren’t passed back to the program unless the procedure defined
the arguments by using the ByRef keyword Sub procedures declared in a module are public by
default, so they can be called by any event procedure in a project.
Sub BirthdayGreeting (ByVal Person As String)
Dim Msg As String
If Person <> "" Then
Msg = "Happy birthday " & Person & "!"
Msg = "Name not specified."

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End If
MsgBox (Msg, "Best Wishes")
End Sub
The BirthdayGreeting procedure receives the name to be greeted by using the Person argument,
a string variable received by value during the procedure call If the value of Person isn’t empty,
or null, the specified name is used to build a message string that will be displayed with a MsgBox
function If the argument is null, the procedure displays the message “Name not specified”.
B. Calling a Sub Procedure
To call a Sub procedure in a program, you specify the name of the procedure, and then list the
arguments required by the Sub procedure. For example, to call the BirthdayGreeting procedure,
you could type the following statement:
BirthdayGreeting ("Robert")
In this example, the BirthdayGreeting procedure would insert the name “Robert” into a message
string, and the routine would display the message box.
The space-saving advantages of a procedure become clear when you call the procedure many
times using a variable, as shown in the example below:
Dim NewName As String
NewName = InputBox ("Enter a name for greeting.", "Birthday List")
Loop Until NewName = ""
Here the user can enter as many names for birthday greetings as he or she likes the next exercise
gives you a chance to practice using a Sub procedure to handle another type of input in a
C. Passing Arguments by Value and by Reference
Using the ByVal keyword indicates that variables should be passed to a procedure by value (the
default). Any changes made to a variable passed in by value aren’t passed back to the calling
procedure. However using the ByRef keyword indicates that variables should be passed to a
procedure by reference, meaning that any changes made to the variable in the procedure are
passed back to the calling routine passing by reference can have significant advantages, so long
as you’re careful not to change a variable unintentionally in a procedure.

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Sub CostPlusInterest (ByRef Cost As Single, ByRef Total As Single)

Cost = Cost * 1.05 'add 5% to cost...
Total = Int (Cost) 'then make integer and return
End Sub
Dim Price, TotalPrice As Single
Price = 100
TotalPrice = 0
CostPlusInterest (Price, TotalPrice)
MsgBox (Price & " at 5% interest is " & TotalPrice)
In this example, the programmer passes two single-precision variables by reference to the
CostPlusInterest procedure: Price and TotalPrice The programmer plans to use the updated
TotalPrice variable in the subsequent MsgBox call but has unfortunately forgotten that the Price
variable was also updated in an intermediate step in the CostPlusInterest procedure (Because
Price was passed by reference, changes to Cost automatically result in the same changes to
So how the CostPlusInterest procedure should be fixed to produce the desired result? The easiest
way is to declare the Cost argument by using the ByVal keyword, as shown in the following
program statement:
Sub CostPlusInterest (ByVal Cost As Single, ByRef Total As Single)
By declaring Cost using ByVal, you can safely modify Cost in the CostPlusInterest procedure
without sending the changes back to the calling procedure By keeping Total declared using
ByRef, you can modify the variable that’s being passed, and only those changes will be passed
back to the calling procedure In general, if you use ByRef only when it’s needed, your programs
will be freer of defects.
Here are some guidelines on when to use ByVal and when to use ByRef:
Use ByVal when you don’t want a procedure to modify a variable that’s passed to the
procedure through an argument.
Use ByRef when you want to allow a procedure to modify a variable that’s passed to the
procedure through an argument.
When in doubt, use the ByVal keyword.

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3.1.9. Events
Developers must keep two things in mind: getting the program to do what it should and making
it useable – the two go hand-in-hand. A cool interface means nothing if the software doesn’t
1. New Events
You’re familiar with several events such as Click, Load, and Scroll, but there are more, many
more. Every event can trigger code and every user action raises an event, that is, every time the
user does something, from a click of the mouse to a peck of a key, a program can respond. How
it responds and what it does are key to good software.
A. KeyPress
When a key is pressed, it generates a KeyPress event and also several other key events. These
keystrokes can be trapped in various ways and the input can be used to determine what the user
wants. The program is checking every keystroke and deciding what to do with it.
B. Modifier Keys
A KeyDown event determines if one or more of the modifier keys are used. The KeyDown event
is triggered when any key is pressed down.
C. TextChanged
A TextChanged event is generated for every keystroke in a TextBox. It’s also triggered whenever
the text in a TextBox changes. The TextChanged event gives a developer the ability to examine
every change to a TextBox. The user types a character for the TextBox, triggering a
TextChanged event. It finds and checks the last character entered.
D. LostFocus
The LostFocus event for a control is triggered when that control loses the focus. It loses focus
when a user sets the focus to another control by using the tab or clicking on another control. It’s
also triggered when the Focus method sets the focus to another control. LostFocus is usually
used to clean up or validate entry.
E. Activated
The Activated event is triggered when a form becomes active and occurs when the Show method
is used on a form or the user clicks on a form to make it active. It’s similar to the Load event;
however, the Load event only occurs when the form is first loaded. Use the Activated event to
update the contents of a form or to set the focus to a particular control.

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2. Mouse Events
There are a handful of mouse events, each one waiting to do the bidding of a
A. MouseEnter
The MouseEnter event is triggered when the mouse moves over a control. MouseEnter is usually
used to highlight or draw attention to the control that’s selected.
B. MouseHover
The MouseHover event is triggered when the mouse pauses over a control.
C. MouseLeave
The MouseLeave enter is triggered when the mouse leaves a control. It can be
used to reset the control to what it was before the mouse entered it.
D. MouseDown
MouseDown is the first part of what users usually think of a click. However, there are several
events to a “click” event and the first is the MouseDown. It’s triggered when the mouse button is
pressed down. It’s completed before the Click or MouseUp events.
E. MouseUp
MouseUp is the last part of the click. It’s triggered when the mouse button is released. Of course
the MouseUp and MouseDown events must occur over the same control for it to be a click.
However, MouseUp occurs regardless of where the mouse is when the button is released.
F. MouseMove
MouseMove events occur when the mouse moves over a control. The location of the mouse is
tracked using X, Y coordinates. The top left of the control is point 0, 0 and is tracked for every
control, even the form.
G. DoubleClick
In addition to the Click event, controls also have a DoubleClick event. The Click event is
triggered when the first click is completed and the DoubleClick is raised if two clicks on the
same control happen in quick succession.
3. New Controls
It’s time to learn a few more controls from the Toolbox. Each one has its own strengths and
weaknesses and each serves a useful purpose in the developer’s repertoire.
A. ColorDialog

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The ColorDialog lets a developer give the user the power to set the color of almost anything.
Name the control dlgColor. The ForeColor property controls the font color for most controls.
The BackColor property determines the background color. The ColorDialog works in much the
same way as other dialogs. The control sits in the component tray when added to a form.
B. FontDialog
The FontDialog lets a developer give the user the power to set the font properties of almost
anything. Name the control dlgFont. The FontDialog controls the font, size, and style properties
of text. The FontDialog works in much the same way as other dialogs. The control sits in the
component tray when added to a form.
C. LinkLabel
A LinkLabel is very similar to a hyperlink on a webpage, but it can do more than just link to a
webpage. A LinkLabel can be used to send email or start another application. Use llb for its
prefix. The LinkClicked event triggers a process that can start your browser, open your email, or
start a program. Of course, regular VB commands work as well, which is handy if your
application is designed to look and feel like a web application.
D. ProgressBar
The ProgressBar is often used to indicate the status of a process. Sometimes the user has to wait
for a file to load or for a series of calculations to complete. It’s unfair to make the user wait
without any feedback on the process. In a worst-case scenario, the user might think the computer
has frozen and try to restart it in the middle of a process.
E. MonthCalendar
The MonthCalendar is a quick and easy way to select a date. MonthCalendar displays the current
month and can easily navigate to months in the past or future. Click on a date to select it – a fast
and easy way for a user to select a date. Once selected, there are a number of methods to extract
and work with the date.
F. DateTimePicker
When space is limited, the DateTimePicker is handy. It’s similar to the MonthCalendar, but it
takes up less space. Use dtp for the prefix. The calendar starts as a dropdown box and expands
when selected. From there, the user navigates through it like a MonthCalendar. There is one
difference, however; the date is stored in the Value property and assigns values accordingly.
G. Predefined Forms

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Visual Basic has several predefined forms. Until now you’ve ignored them and stuck to a
Windows Form when adding a form to a project.
H. Splash Screen
A splash screen can also be called a startup screen. It’s the first screen a user sees. It usually
contains the name of the application and some other important information. This screen pops up
as the rest of the application loads.
4. Potential Problems
Key events won’t work when there are Buttons around. Don’t use key events and Buttons on the
same form. Always check to see which events will trigger the code. When code is added to other
events, there’s the potential for lots of things to happen. It might slow your program to a crawl
and many unexpected things could happen.
A. DragEnter
The DragEnter event is raised when the mouse moves onto a control. It differs from the
MouseEnter event because the mouse button is down for the DragEnter event.
B. DragOver
The DragOver event is raised as the mouse moves over a control. It differs from the
MouseHover event because the mouse button is down for a DragOver event.
C. DragLeave
The DragLeave event is raised as the mouse leaves a control. It differs from the MouseLeave
event because the mouse button is down for a DragLeave event.
D. DragDrop
Several things must happen for a DragDrop event to happen. There must be a MouseDown on a
control that’s draggable, the mouse must move over another control that will allow an item to be
dropped, and there must be a MouseUp on that control. It sounds complicated, but the program
does most of the work. It simply means the user grabbed something and dropped it somewhere
3.1.10. Regular Expressions
Sometimes, the built in string functions are not the most convenient or elegant solution to the
problem at hand. If the task involves manipulating complicated patterns of characters, regular
expressions can be a more effective tool than sequences of simple string functions. Visual Basic
has no built-in support for regular expressions. It can use regular expressions via VBScript

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Regular Expression Library. To use it, you must add a reference to the project; on the Project
menu choose References and scroll down to Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions. There
might be more than one version; if so, choose the one with the highest version number, unless
you have some particular reason to choose an old version, such as compatibility with that version
on another machine.
A. Class outline
Class outline of VBScript RegExp class:
 RegExp.Pattern  RegExp.IgnoreCase
 RegExp.Global  RegExp.MultiLine
 RegExp.Test  RegExp.Replace  RegExp.Execute
B. Constructing a RegExp
A method of constructing a regular expression object:
Set Regexp = CreateObject ("VBScript.RegExp")
Regexp.Pattern = "[0-9][0-9]*"
A method of constructing a regular expression object that requires that, in Excel, you set a
reference to Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions:
Set Regexp = new RegExp
Regexp.Pattern = "[0-9][0-9]*"
C. Testing for match
An example of testing for match of a regular expression
Set RegExp = CreateObject ("VBScript.RegExp")
RegExp.Pattern = "[0-9][0-9]*"
If RegExp.Test("354647") Then
MsgBox "Test 1 passed."
End If
If RegExp.Test ("a354647") Then
MsgBox "Test 2 passed." 'This one passes, as the matching is not a whole-string one
End If

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If RegExp.Test ("abc") Then

MsgBox "Test 3 passed." 'This one does not pass
End If
An example of testing for match in which the whole string has to match:
Set RegExp = CreateObject ("VBScript.RegExp")
RegExp.Pattern = "^[0-9][0-9]*$"
If RegExp.Test("354647") Then
MsgBox "Test 1 passed."
End If
If RegExp.Test ("a354647") Then
MsgBox "Test 2 passed." 'This one does not pass
End If
D. Finding matches
An example of iterating through the collection of all the matches of a regular expression in a
Set Regexp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
Regexp.Pattern = "a.*?z"
Regexp.Global = True 'Without global, only the first match is found
Set Matches = Regex.Execute("aaz abz acz ad1z")
For Each Match In Matches
MsgBox "A match: " & Match
E. Finding groups
An example of accessing matched groups:
Set Regexp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
Regexp.Pattern = "(a*) *(b*)"
Regexp.Global = True
Set Matches = Regexp.Execute("aaa bbb")
For Each Match In Matches
FirstGroup = Match.SubMatches(0) '=aaa

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SecondGroup = Match.SubMatches(1) '=bbb

F. Replacing
An example of replacing all sequences of dashes with a single dash:
Set Regexp = CreateObject ("VBScript.RegExp")
Regexp.Pattern = "--*"
Regexp.Global = True
Result = Regexp.Replace("A-B--C----D", "-") '="A-B-C-D"
An example of replacing doubled strings with their single version with the use of two sorts of
back reference:
Set Regexp = CreateObject ("VBScript.RegExp")
Regexp.Pattern = "(.*)\1"
Regexp.Global = True
Result = Regexp.Replace("hellohello", "$1") '="hello"
G. Splitting
There is no direct support for splitting by a regular expression, but there is a workaround. If you
can assume that the split string does not contain Chr(1), you can first replace the separator
regular expression with Chr(1), and then use the non-RegExp split function on Chr(1). An
example of splitting by a non-zero number of spaces:
SplitString = "a b c d"
Set Regexp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
Regexp.Pattern = " *"
Regexp.Global = True
Result = Regexp.Replace (SplitString , Chr(1))
SplitArray = Split(Result, Chr(1))
For Each Element In SplitArray
MsgBox Element
3.2. Classes
When you define a class, you define a blueprint for a data type. This doesn't actually define any
data, but it does define what the class name means, that is, what an object of the class will consist
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of and what operations can be performed on such an object. Objects are instances of a class. The
methods and variables that constitute a class are called members of the class.
3.2.1. Class Definition
A class definition starts with the keyword Class followed by the class name; and the class body,
ended by the End Class statement. Following is the general form of a class definition:
[<Attributelist>] [Accessmodifier] [Shadows] [MustInherit |NotInheritable] [Partial] _Class
name [ ( Of typelist ) ]
[ Inherits classname ]
[ Implements interfacenames ]
[ statements ]
End Class
Attributelist is a list of attributes that apply to the class. Optional.
Accessmodifier defines the access levels of the class; it has values as - Public, Protected,
Friend, Protected Friend and Private. Optional.
Shadows indicate that the variable re-declares and hides an identically named element, or
set of overloaded elements, in a base class. Optional.
MustInherit specifies that the class can be used only as a base class and that you cannot
create an object directly from it, i.e., an abstract class. Optional.
NotInheritable specifies that the class cannot be used as a base class.
Partial indicates a partial definition of the class.
Inherits specifies the base class it is inheriting from.
Implements specify the interfaces the class is inheriting from.
The following example demonstrates a Box class, with three data members, length, breadth, and
Module mybox
Class Box
Public length As Double ' Length of a box
Public breadth As Double ' Breadth of a box
Public height As Double ' Height of a box

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End Class
Sub Main()
Dim Box1 As Box = New Box() ' Declare Box1 of type Box
Dim Box2 As Box = New Box() ' Declare Box2 of type Box
Dim volume As Double = 0.0 ' Store the volume of a box here
' box 1 specification
Box1.height = 5.0
Box1.length = 6.0
Box1.breadth = 7.0
' box 2 specification
Box2.height = 10.0
Box2.length = 12.0
Box2.breadth = 13.0
'volume of box 1
volume = Box1.height * Box1.length * Box1.breadth
Console.WriteLine("Volume of Box1 : {0}", volume)
'volume of box 2
volume = Box2.height * Box2.length * Box2.breadth
Console.WriteLine("Volume of Box2 : {0}", volume)
End Sub
End Module
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:
Volume of Box1: 210
Volume of Box2: 1560
3.2.2. Member Functions and Encapsulation
A member function of a class is a function that has its definition or its prototype within the class
definition like any other variable. It operates on any object of the class of which it is a member
and has access to all the members of a class for that object. Member variables are attributes of an
object (from design perspective) and they are kept private to implement encapsulation. These
variables can only be accessed using the public member functions.

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Let us put above concepts to set and get the value of different class members in a class:
Module mybox
Class Box
Public length As Double ' Length of a box
Public breadth As Double ' Breadth of a box
Public height As Double ' Height of a box
Public Sub setLength(ByVal len As Double)
length = len
End Sub
Public Sub setBreadth(ByVal bre As Double)
breadth = bre
End Sub
Public Sub setHeight(ByVal hei As Double)
height = hei
End Sub
Public Function getVolume() As Double
Return length * breadth * height
End Function
End Class
Sub Main()
Dim Box1 As Box = New Box() ' Declare Box1 of type Box
Dim Box2 As Box = New Box() ' Declare Box2 of type Box
Dim volume As Double = 0.0 ' Store the volume of a box here
' box 1 specification
'box 2 specification

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' volume of box 1

volume = Box1.getVolume()
Console.WriteLine("Volume of Box1 : {0}", volume)
'volume of box 2
volume = Box2.getVolume()
Console.WriteLine("Volume of Box2 : {0}", volume)
End Sub
End Module
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:
Volume of Box1 : 210
Volume of Box2 : 1560
3.2.3. Constructors and Destructors
A class constructor is a special member Sub of a class that is executed whenever we create new
objects of that class. A constructor has the name New and it does not have any return type.
Following program explains the concept of constructor:
Class Line
Private length As Double ' Length of a line
Public Sub New () 'constructor
Console.WriteLine("Object is being created")
End Sub
Public Sub setLength(ByVal len As Double)
length = len
End Sub
Public Function getLength() As Double
Return length
End Function
Shared Sub Main()
Dim line As Line = New Line()
'set line length

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Console.WriteLine("Length of line : {0}", line.getLength())

End Sub
End Class
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:
Object is being created
Length of line : 6
A default constructor does not have any parameter, but if you need, a constructor can have
parameters. Such constructors are called parameterized constructors. This technique helps you
to assign initial value to an object at the time of its creation as shown in the following example:
Class Line
Private length As Double ' Length of a line
Public Sub New(ByVal len As Double) 'parameterised constructor
Console.WriteLine("Object is being created, length = {0}", len)
length = len
End Sub
Public Sub setLength(ByVal len As Double)
length = len
End Sub
Public Function getLength() As Double
Return length
End Function
Shared Sub Main()
Dim line As Line = New Line(10.0)
Console.WriteLine("Length of line set by constructor : {0}",
'set line length
Console.WriteLine("Length of line set by setLength : {0}",

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End Sub
End Class
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:
Object is being created, length = 10
Length of line set by constructor : 10
Length of line set by setLength : 6
A destructor is a special member Sub of a class that is executed whenever an object of its class
goes out of scope. A destructor has the name Finalize and it can neither return a value nor can it
take any parameters. Destructor can be very useful for releasing resources before coming out of
the program like closing files, releasing memories, etc. Destructors cannot be inherited or
overloaded. Following example demonstrates the concept of destructor:
Class Line
Private length As Double ' Length of a line
Public Sub New() 'parameterised constructor
Console.WriteLine("Object is being created")
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize() ' destructor
Console.WriteLine("Object is being deleted")
End Sub
Public Sub setLength(ByVal len As Double)
length = len
End Sub
Public Function getLength() As Double
Return length
End Function
Shared Sub Main()
Dim line As Line = New Line()
'set line length
Console.WriteLine("Length of line : {0}", line.getLength())

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End Sub
End Class
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:
Object is being created
Length of line : 6
Object is being deleted
3.2.4. Shared Members of a VB.Net Class
We can define class members as static using the Shared keyword. When we declare a member of
a class as Shared, it means no matter how many objects of the class are created, there is only one
copy of the member.
The keyword Shared implies that only one instance of the member exists for a class. Shared
variables are used for defining constants because their values can be retrieved by invoking the
class without creating an instance of it. Shared variables can be initialized outside the member
function or class definition. You can also initialize Shared variables inside the class definition.
You can also declare a member function as Shared. Such functions can access only Shared
variables. The Shared functions exist even before the object is created.
The following example demonstrates the use of shared members:
Class StaticVar
Public Shared num As Integer
Public Sub count()
num = num + 1
End Sub
Public Shared Function getNum() As Integer
Return num
End Function
Shared Sub Main()
Dim s As StaticVar = New StaticVar()
Console.WriteLine("Value of variable num: {0}",

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End Sub
End Class
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:
Value of variable num: 3
3.3. Inheritance
One of the most important concepts in object-oriented programming is that of inheritance.
Inheritance allows us to define a class in terms of another class which makes it easier to create
and maintain an application. This also provides an opportunity to reuse the code functionality
and fast implementation time. When creating a class, instead of writing completely new data
members and member functions, the programmer can designate that the new class should inherit
the members of an existing class. This existing class is called the base class, and the new class is
referred to as the derived class.
3.3.1. Base & Derived Classes
A class can be derived from more than one class or interface, which means that it
can inherit data and functions from multiple base classes or interfaces.
The syntax used in VB.Net for creating derived classes is as follows:
<access-specifier> Class <base_class>
End Class
Class <derived_class>: Inherits <base_class>
End Class
Consider a base class Shape and its derived class Rectangle:
' Base class
Class Shape
Protected width As Integer
Protected height As Integer
Public Sub setWidth(ByVal w As Integer)
width = w
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End Sub
Public Sub setHeight(ByVal h As Integer)
height = h
End Sub
End Class
' Derived class
Class Rectangle : Inherits Shape
Public Function getArea() As Integer
Return (width * height)
End Function
End Class
Class RectangleTester
Shared Sub Main()
Dim rect As Rectangle = New Rectangle()
' Print the area of the object.
Console.WriteLine ("Total area: {0}", rect.getArea())
End Sub
End Class
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:
Total area: 35
3.3.2. Base Class Initialization
The derived class inherits the base class member variables and member methods. Therefore, the
super class object should be created before the subclass is created. The super class or the base
class is implicitly known as MyBase in VB.Net. The following program demonstrates this:
' Base class
Class Rectangle
Protected width As Double
Protected length As Double

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Public Sub New(ByVal l As Double, ByVal w As Double)

length = l
width = w
End Sub
Public Function GetArea() As Double
Return (width * length)
End Function
Public Overridable Sub Display()
Console.WriteLine("Length: {0}", length)
Console.WriteLine("Width: {0}", width)
Console.WriteLine("Area: {0}", GetArea())
End Sub
'end class Rectangle
End Class
'Derived class
Class Tabletop : Inherits Rectangle
Private cost As Double
Public Sub New(ByVal l As Double, ByVal w As Double)
MyBase.New(l, w)
End Sub
Public Function GetCost() As Double
Dim cost As Double
cost = GetArea() * 70
Return cost
End Function
Public Overrides Sub Display()
Console.WriteLine("Cost: {0}", GetCost())
End Sub
'end class Tabletop
End Class

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Class RectangleTester
Shared Sub Main()
Dim t As Tabletop = New Tabletop(4.5, 7.5)
End Sub
End Class
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:
Length: 4.5
Width: 7.5
Area: 33.75
Cost: 2362.5
VB.Net supports multiple inheritance.

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