Augmented Reality Eyeglass With Thermal Vision Bui

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Augmented Reality Eyeglass With Thermal Vision: Build Your Own Low-cost
Raspberry Pi EyeTap

by SteveMann

(The above metavision photograph accurately records the sightfield of the EyeTap Digital Eye Glass).

Build your own low-cost open-source EyeTap eyeglass: the OpenEyeTap project.

Recognize faces, overlay augmented reality content, etc., using the visible light camera, and, optionally, add also a
thermal camera... Now you can walk around your house and see where the insulation is failing, see where heat's
leaking out, see how the furnace airflow is going through the ductwork and into the house, see which pipes are
going to freeze and burst first, and you can even go to a public place and see who's packing heat.

The EyeTap was invented by Steve Mann, and made better by a team of really smart superstar students.

First let's acknowledge the great students that made this work what it is.

Left-to-right: Alex Papanicolaou, Bryan Leung, Cindy Park, Francisco Cendana; Jackson Banbury; Ken Yang; Hao
Lu; Sen Yang. Not pictured: Audrey Hu; Sarang Nerkar; Jack Xie; Kyle Simmons.

The EyeTap has the following functions:

Live streaming (lifeglogging);

VMP (Visual Memory Prosthetic);
PSD (Personal Safety Device), like an automobile "dashcam" or a department store's surveillance
Thermal vision: see in complete darkness and find suspects... see who has a concealed weapon;
Machine learning to sense emotions (e.g. is the person hiding the gun angry);
Many more functions will be added shortly;
We hope to build a community of users who can also add to the OpenEye project.

Historical notes: The EyeTap wearable computing project dates back to the 1970s and early 1980s and was
brought to MIT to found the MIT wearable computing project in the early 1990s (

Here my team of students and we present an opensource eyetap you can easily make at home using a 3d printer.

There have been a number of "copycats" making commercial variations of the device, but with significant design
flaws (not to mention the lack of an open ethos that would allow the community to correct those design flaws).

Augmented Reality Eyeglass With Thermal Vision: Build Your Own Low-cost Raspberry Pi EyeTap: Page 1
There are 3 fundamental principles that an augmented reality glass needs to uphold:

Space: the visual content needs to be able to be spatially aligned. This is done by satisfying the
collinearity criterion;
Time: the visual content needs to be able to be temporally aligned; feedback delayed is feedback
Tonality: the visual content needs to be tonally aligned (photoquantigraphic alignment). This is what
led to the invention of HDR as a way of helping people see. [Quantigraphic camera provides HDR
eyesight from Father of AR, Chris Davies, Slashgear, 2012sep12]

Step 1: The 3 Fundamental Principals of AR: Why the Market Has Failed to Deliver!

(Above picture: the eye itself is the camera. The Pi camera is mounted to the nosebridge pointing toward starboard
side (my right, or your left, as you face me. You can see the reflection of the camera in the diverter, so it looks like
I have a glass eye. The reflected virtual camera is exactly inside the eye, lined up perfectly with the center of the
iris of the eye.)

There are 3 fundamental principles that an augmented reality glass needs to uphold:

1. Space: the visual content needs to be able to be spatially aligned. This is done by satisfying the
collinearity criterion;
2. Time: the visual content needs to be able to be temporally aligned; feedback delayed is feedback
3. Tonality: the visual content needs to be tonally aligned (photoquantigraphic alignment). This is what
led to the invention of HDR as a way of helping people see. [Quantigraphic camera provides HDR
eyesight from Father of AR, Chris Davies, Slashgear, 2012sep12],

The EyeTap is based on a need to satisfy these 3 principles.

For example, the camera should capture PoE ("Point of Eye") images.

That's why it kind of looks like the wearer has a glass eye when you look at someone wearing the EyeTap. What
you're seeing is a reflection of the camera in their eye. That's why people used to call this the "eye glass" or the
"glass eye" or just "glass" for short, back in the 1980s and 1990s.

So when aligning everything, we try to make sure these criteria are followed.

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Augmented Reality Eyeglass With Thermal Vision: Build Your Own Low-cost Raspberry Pi EyeTap: Page 3
Step 2: List of Components

3D printed components:

Main frame x 1
Display holder assembly x 1
Nose piece x 1
Computer housing x 1
Optics holders x 1
Sensor housing x 1 or more

Off-the-shelf components:

The following components can be individually purchased from their official website, or they can be purchased as a
bundle from our or other suppliers' website:

Micro display x 1;
Beamsplitter ("one-way" or "two-way") mirror x 1 (from which to cut the diverter optics below);
Raspberry Pi Zero W x 1(link);
Raspberry Pi Spy Camera x 1 (link);
Camera cable conversion board x1
28 gauge wires x 1 (link)
M2 screws (various length) (link)

Laser Cut components:

Diverter, beam splitter optics x 1. DXF file can be downloaded using the above link, or you can also
purchase pre-cut optics from

Augmented Reality Eyeglass With Thermal Vision: Build Your Own Low-cost Raspberry Pi EyeTap: Page 4
Step 3: 3D Print and Assemble the EyeTap Design

If you like our design as it is, you can simply use the STL models provided in this section, and then assemble the
components according to the 3D model (see link below).

Also, if you want to make some changes to the design, this 3D model will also be useful for that purpose:

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Augmented Reality Eyeglass With Thermal Vision: Build Your Own Low-cost Raspberry Pi EyeTap: Page 5
Step 4: The Code for Thermal Camera ... Lifeglogging

The OpenEyeTap project includes thermal camera through the standard camera port. Once connected to
code for Raspberry Pi. a WiFi connection with internet access, Open Eyetap
Livestream can then seamlessly stream video to the
We're a large community also developing other code live streaming site of the user's choice.
for things like lifeglogging, wearable face recognizer,
Visual Memory Prosthetic (VMP), etc.. Technically, Open Eyetap Livestream uses a video
source - either Raspivid, or a Python app using
The Livestream module for Open Eyetap enables the PiCamera - that is then piped to FFmpeg, which
streaming of video from the camera attached to the performs the conversions necessary for live
Eyetap to the internet, triggered when the button is streaming. FFmpeg is used instead of the more
pressed. recent avconv due to difficulties experienced in using
the avconv stream for live streaming to websites. The
Open Eyetap Livestream makes use of the FFmpeg demonstration case makes use of a Python script as
video converter to obtain an input video stream from a wrapper for the video source that obtains video from
the camera, obtained using the PiCamera module for the Pi Camera, allowing us to trigger the video stream
Python, and convert it into a stream that is compatible on demand by pressing the button attached to the
with a number of popular video live streaming sites, Raspberry Pi.
such as Youtube, Facebook, and Twitch. The camera
is a standard Pi Camera, connected to a Pi or Pi Zero

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Augmented Reality Eyeglass With Thermal Vision: Build Your Own Low-cost Raspberry Pi EyeTap: Page 6
Step 5: Other Applications

(Concealed weapon is visible hidden under a t-shirt. The long strip of flat metal being concealed from regular
vision is clearly visible in the infrared because it doesn't emit heat to the same degree that the human body does.
Hot meals are visible and we can see the spectrum of thermal variations at the buffet counter...)

Another useful variation is the thermal EyeTap. Use a "hot mirror" for the diverter. A hot mirror reflects heat and
transmits visible light.

In this variation, heat is reflected off the front of the diverter into an infrared thermal camera, and the rays of heat
are resynthesized into rays of visible light.

The above examples show:

Seeing concealed weapons;

Selecting foods from a buffet;
Supervising kitchen staff;
Selecting a heater from a store that sells heaters (seeing which heater is best);
Plumbing repairs: seeing where the pipes are hot and cold, seeing hot and cold water, seeing where
pipes might be close to freezing and bursting, etc..

Although handheld cameras exist for this, wearing the camera is much better. The "WearCam" concept leaves
both hands free to fix the plumbing while working on it and seeing everything well.

Augmented Reality Eyeglass With Thermal Vision: Build Your Own Low-cost Raspberry Pi EyeTap: Page 7
Step 6: Have Fun and Share Your Work With Others...

The most important thing is to have fun and share your work with others.

Add some brain-sensing headwear, or maybe a SWIM (Sequential Wave Imprinting Machine) as per previous

Help us build a better future of HuMachine Learning and HI (Humanistic Intelligence).

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