Educ 130 Activity 1

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Vicmar L. Trinidad BSEDMATH 3 SEPT.

18, 2020

In your own observation, what are the changes of the attributes of Education
from the past 10 years and in the 21st century? Write your answer in the table



Educational in terms of Educational in terms of

quality in terms of giving quality now a day’s teacher
knowledge the teacher now need to be flexible,
share knowledge with lifelong learners, facilitators,
students on a particular and must know their
subject, through lessons students. Teachers know the
that build on their prior subjects they teach and how
knowledge and moves to teach those subjects to
them toward a deeper students. Teachers have to
understanding of the be able to develop and
subject. As the teacher enhance student’s
expectation on individual competences that will allow
are become unrealistic them to cope with their
and unsustainable. future professional duties.

Educational in terms of
Educational in communication students
communication in terms have a multiple channels of
of social learning the communication with the
student’s support system teachers. Instead of waiting
that not only helps in to speak with the teacher
COMMUNICATION learning but also shapes after class the online student
the character of the can clear his doubts by chat
students as they learn to the teacher on the messaging
share and respect boards, access to teachers,
others. experts, and student guides
increases their confidence in
the subject. This is also
especially suitable for
introverted students who are
too shy to ask questions in

Educational in terms of Educational in terms of

accessibility is all about accessibility of this
how to access classroom generation or shall we say
resources and facilities nowadays is better than early
they have. Even if school generation. We have now a
ACCESSIBILITY is lack of facilities and lot of learning resources and
equipment like electric facilities to access like new
fan, arm chairs updated updated textbook, electric
textbooks and etc. fan, solid chairs, classrooms
Sometimes the learners and etc.
bring their own chair.
Sometimes they have no
class if the climate is a
little bit bad because of
lack of solid classroom.

Educational in terms of Educational in terms of

STANDARDS standard standard the teacher need to
be flexible, lifelong learners,
facilitators, and must know
their students.
Educational in terms of
technology Educational in terms of
technology used is helps
make teaching and learning
more meaningful and fun.
TEACHNOLOGY Students are also able to
collaborate with their own
classmates through
technological applications.

Educational in terms of Educational in terms of

resources used is not resources used is updated
really accurate for and effective. They used
individual learner's projector and other modern
RESOURCES effectiveness in learning. technology as their source of
They have not enough instruction.
resources in terms of

Educational of a teacher Education of a teacher in

toward their student in terms of teaching strategies
terms of teaching now day. Teachers are
strategies. The teacher is lecturing, discussing,
more on lecture and reporting, disseminating,
discussion.  Teachers discovery, experimental, and
asked questions and more. Students today are
students answered them. actively become engaged in
STUDENTS In traditional education, the content to understand
students should listen to how things work because in
their teachers. 21st century the student
Sometimes the students know actively engage to their
do not make an effort to learning and innovation
listen to the teachers. skills critical thinking, and
They lack interest in the problem solving.
lectures and become
passive listeners.

 Are there really changes you observed on the attributes or characteristics

of Education from the past ten years to the recent years?

 Yes because as I observed mostly in past ten years in terms of

teaching method. The teacher is more on lecture and discussion.
Teachers asked questions and students answered them. In traditional
education, students should listen to their teachers. Sometimes the
students do not make an effort to listen to the teachers. They lack
interest in the lectures and become passive listeners. On the other hand
in 21st century in terms of teaching method Teachers are lecturing,
discussing, reporting, disseminating, discovery, experimental, and more.
Students today are actively become engaged in the content to understand
how things work because in 21 st century the student know actively
engage to their learning and innovation skills critical thinking, and
problem solving. So we conclude that in past ten years they really
changes happen.
 Why do you think Education has to change?

 We all know that we have left 20 th century where the students

sat passively at their desk listening to the teacher and lecture all
day. They learned how to read, write, and effectively communicate
ideas. In fact these are important still today, but the way in which
students learn has changed because of all the technological
advances that have occurred. Students no longer are required to
just read a book and accept and memorize what it says. Today,
students are to actively become engaged in the content to
understand how things work because in 21st century the student
know actively engage to their learning and innovation skills
through digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem solving and
they are grasping skills through collaboration and inquiry-based
learning using technology that will encourage children to learn.

 Do you think that the changes are useful or advantageous to teachers

and students?

 Yes, because it help to the teacher to become more effective

teachers that will incorporate their student about what they know
in formal instruction and also allow to the teacher bridge these
learning experiences more naturally and also Teachers share
knowledge with students on a particular subject, through lessons
that build on their prior knowledge and moves them toward a
deeper understanding of the subject.

After having read the facts given above, answer the following questions:

1. Do you think that the changes of the attributes of education is


 Yes it necessary because we cannot give a good quality of

education if there is no change happening. In terms of teaching
strategies we need to develop it more to our student in order to
have good result of our performance. We need a new method of
teaching so that our student more actively engage to their learning
critical thinking, and problem solving and they are grasping skills
through collaboration and inquiry-based learning using technology
that will encourage children to learn.

2. Interpret the sentence, “Teachers are no longer a sage on the stage but
are now a guide on the side.”

 The teacher can be a “sage on the stage” in their classroom

using their expertise to share knowledge with their students
through lectures and presentations. On the other side the teacher
can be a “guide on the side,” by using their skills to engage their
students in first-hand learning through projects and experiences.
‘Sage on the stage’ sometimes called ‘teacher-centered’ education
or ‘traditional’ education. In this view of learning the teacher is the
expert who has owns all the knowledge and transmits it to the
students. The ‘sage on the stage’ also has implications that the
teacher is a performer who likes to the ‘stage’ of the classroom,
entertaining their audience. The teacher are able to use their
personalities and communication skills to engage and motivate
their students, those who treat teaching as an opportunity to
perform are less likely to have planned effective sessions which use
a variety of teaching and learning methods. In the case of internet
use I think teachers really need to serve as “sages on the side.”
because it is important to them to ask their students to develop a
research skill and turn to the internet for answers in many

3. How does technology play a vital role in the 21st century education?

 The technology in the 21st century will allow the effective

teachers to bridge these learning experiences more naturally.
Technology in the 21st century maximizes the additional
opportunities through online teacher networks such as
the teacher leaders and any number of teacher groups and
forums on the Internet. Technology provides teachers and
students with access to a variety of educational resources that
inspire creativity, critical thinking, communication, and
collaboration that will promotes inclusion and development of
digital literacy skills. We all know that there have been different
levels of students in our classrooms and with unique important
learning needs. Through the use of instructional technology the
different instruction can be made much easier. It can become
more of a reality with different instruction, students are provided
an education that is personalized and that meets them where
they are develop. More students are able to benefit from this type
of instruction. Technology has the ability to enhance
relationships between teachers and students. When teachers
effectively integrate technology into subject areas, teachers grow
into roles of adviser, content expert, and coach. Technology helps
make teaching and learning more meaningful and fun. Students
are also able to collaborate with their own classmates through
technological applications. The use of technology also provides
students access to very rich learning materials outside of the

4. How do you think Project-Based and Research-Driven classroom

encourage students for active learning?

 In project based teacher make learning to come alive their

students. Students work on a project over an extended period of
time that engages them in solving a real-world problem. They
demonstrate their knowledge and skills by creating a public
product and students develop deep content knowledge as well as
critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication
skills. Part of this teamwork building helps introduce students to
the specialization and delegation that are extremely prominent in
the real world. Some students will naturally be more adopt at
some problem-solving methods than others, so students will
figure out how to allocate resources optimally by having part of
the group work on one subset of tasks while another part works
on another subset. We need a project based and research driven
of teaching so that our student more actively engage to their
learning and innovation skills through digital literacy, critical
thinking, and problem solving and they are grasping skills
through collaboration and inquiry-based learning using
technology that will encourage children to learn.

5. Does Traditional Literacy still contribute to the 21st century education?


 Yes, For example, if we are committed to the students and

their learning, we incorporate the "formal and informal" learning
opportunities to our students in have beyond school. We know
that students learn informally outside school either through their
"real world" and online experiences. We know that they like to do
on the computer, whether it is games, social networking, or
watching instructional online videos on how to use technology on
YouTube. Teachers did in the traditional learning. Teachers in
the 21st century will incorporate what they know about student’s
Traditional learning in their formal instruction. The technology in
the 21st century will allow the effective teachers to bridge these
learning experiences more naturally. Just as effective teachers in
the traditional learning maximized the available resources for
their classroom while in 21st century teachers will continue
seeking additional tools and avenues to improve student
learning. So in other words the traditional learning can
contribute in 21st century education because it will help to the
student more learning and experiencing. In terms of their
resources teacher can maximize the resources that available in
the classroom. In 21st century the teacher will continue to seek
the additional resources in their student.

Today I learned that…

 I learned that 21st Century learning is about preparing

teachers to actively engage students to use their learning and
innovation skills through digital literacy, critical thinking, and
problem solving. Students are grasping these skills through
collaboration and inquiry-based learning using technology that
will encourage children to learn. The purpose of using technology
is to prepare students for what lies ahead after graduation in our
technological driven society. Teachers are no longer the main
source for information but only the filter.  Teachers now are
leading students to learn how to understand and validate the
information that they are being bombarded on the internet with
Facebook, Twitter, Skype, cell phones, You Tube, newspaper,
television, etc. Students are encouraged to ask questions and
then shown how to find the solutions to their queries by actively
participating in activities that incorporate technology.

I want to become more…

 I want to become more acquire engage my skills to possess and

develop my own strategies and I want to develop my communication
skills in a way that I can adjust to make communication skill better. I
want to possess my collaborative learning in order to develop more my
communication skills. Beside that I want to become more leadership so
that I will make my self-adjustment with regards to those factors who
affect my attitude which is not flexible towards such thing.
I realized that…

 I realized that being a student it is important to us acquire

and develop our skills and we need also to possess skills like
initiative, leadership, collaborative and information literacy
under life skills and we need to develop our literacy skills,
flexibility, communication skill and global cultural awareness.
And the last we need to acquire in 21st century I need to develop
through engaging and studying an effective and efficient
utilization of technologies. I need also to acquire to develop my
self-adjustment with regards to those factors who affect my
attitude which is not flexible towards such thing. I want to
acquire in 21st century skill to develop through considering those
factor that affect my communication skill. In this way, I can
adjust so that it will lead my communication skill better.

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