Teachers of Yesteryear
Teachers of Yesteryear
Teachers of Yesteryear
Teachers of Yesteryear
Disseminate information through lectures.
Require students to memorize contents from textbooks.
Make use of textbooks and workbooks as their reference.
Give assessments through written examinations.
Focus on their responsibility and relationship with the students as recipients of knowledge.
Followers of policies prescribed by the school.
Use lecture as teaching method.
Deliver the same lessons every year.
Too focused on self achievement.
Target to finish the lesson within thee period.
Autocratic in which teachers are in control of everything in all events of the classroom.
Holder of knowledge/Gatekeeper of information.
Technology illiterate.
Further, teachers of the 21 century are believed to be more immersed in the use of
technologies and would get away from being digital immigrant teachers.
Teachers of the 21" century do not merely transfer knowledge to the students More
than teaching the subject matter they teach students how to lean to live life.
Teachers of 21st century are:
Teachers serve as channels In connecting the curriculum, software, hardware and dynamic of teaching in
their instruction.
This does not only refer to having a good language in communicating knowledge to the students but being
a teacher who can communicate with their students anytime and anywhere with the use of the tools and
Teachers never cease in learning new knowledge. When teachers want their students to learn beyond the
usual and learn to face the challenges of education, they themselves should be lifelong learners for them
to be able to extend their knowledge and skills to their students Learning the technologies of today will
give the teachers a big leap in the advances of today and tomorrow's teaching and learning.
Teachers are futurists not only on what they want their students to achieve at the
end of the lesson, but on how they will deliver the lesson with the use of the emerging
tools and other web technologies that will help the learners understand the lessons better
Teachers are leaders in their own way by leading their students to the proper and appropriate use of
learning materials including technologies.
Teachers are models when it comes to behavior, language dealing with colleagues
and students, use of facilities, and others. They are likewise models not only in what they
teach but according to what they practice, even with the use of technologies-social media
networks and blogs by avoiding the use and misuse of technologies in education.
Collaborators not only inside the classroom, but also in space. Teachers
therefore, must pull up their collaborative tools to be able to continue to share and
contribute their knowledge to the learners.
Venture Player
Teachers are venture players in taking chances to apply new knowledge, skills,
practices, and technologies especially if these will level up the student's understanding
and learning Students could be more advanced than teachers when it comes to new
technologies and applications. This is where teachers would take the risk in learning these
new technologies and become technology savvies that would contribute much in their
teaching and students' learning.
One of the biggest challenges of teachers in the 21" century is not only to utilize
technologies to support teaching and learning but to use technology to extend quality and
authentic learning opportunities.
To prepare the students for the demands of the tomorrow’s world, the roles of
teachers must be redefined and teachers themselves must first possess the 21" century
skills and have the power to influence their students to learn the knowledge and skills of
the 21 century.
Can you Imagine the relationship of digital immigrant teachers when faced with
native digital students? It might appear that students would be less participative and
the class might be boring if the teachers would remain traditional in their ways of
teaching and in the materials they are using. Therefore, teachers are highly encouraged to
make themselves involve with the use of technologies and keep themselves updated with
Before, students depend so much from the teacher when it comes to learning They
listen passively to the discussion, they only speak or answer when they are asked, they
learn theories through memorization of text, and many others in which we can tell that is
not entirely authentic. Thank to technologies especially to the period that it began to
enter the field of education.
Students of Yesteryears
1. Receiver of facts and information
2. Learning is based on repetition
3. Textbook users
4. Passive recipients of information
5. Competitive learners
6. Factual thinkers
7. Unilateral thinkers
8. Inactive process of learning
9. Dependent learners
10. Single Taskers
11. Single sensory input provider
Having technologies in the lives of the youth make them much more digi-centric than the
previous generations. Many believe that students today spend more time with
their computers and other gadgets in watching and treating videos, listening to music,
playing digital games, accessing social media networks to chat and read the in's and out's
in today's generation Their language is even influenced digitally or technologically.
Today’s students can communicate with their classmates even to their teachers,
friends, family, and relatives through a variety of resources: computers, laptops, notebooks,
smartphones, and tablets. They can even access information about anything, anytime
anywhere at their fingertips. Their generation has been called as the digital generation.
The advent of technology in education is truly a blessing for students where they can
access information, make their projects and other requirements in school faster and easier.
It's just that, students have to be reminded of being responsible using these technologies
appropriately, They should avoid the misuse and overuse of technologies. Generally, they
have to be techno-smart not techno-addict.
With the existence of technology, there is much that s expected from the students
They have to get away with being passive learners They have to:
1 learn to generate their own ideas and construct their own understanding of the lesson
2. create works that are original;
3. communicate clearly with other students and with their teachers
4 collaborate with one another to achieve higher standard of learning and
5. innovate learning and their outputs
In the previous lessons, we have learned that in the early generations, teachers
make use of lecture and traditional class discussion in teaching lessons This appears to
be teachers are in control of information dissemination. That is everything is being fed
to the students. Teachers instruct students and give step-by-step procedure on how to do
such task. Students on the other hand would simply follow the instructions given to them
without having the freedom to discover learning on their own. The students hands are tied
with what the teacher has to say in the class.
Lecture is an effective mode of instruction but may not be as effective as other
pedagogies which would make teaching and learning more interesting engaging and
would absolutely give students quality education and authentic learning Below are some
of the useful and effective teaching methods and strategies:
Interactive lecture
Case-based learning
Problem-based learning
Inquiry-based learning
Project-based learning
Role play
Experiential learning
Laboratory work
Peer tutoring
PISER (Peer Instruction and Student Electronic Response)
The traditional educational practices have been effective during the old times but they are no longer
effective In the 21 century These traditional educational practices would no longer provide the 21 century
skills needed by the students for them to be at par and productive with the learning of students globally
and for them to be able to live life in the real world to answer the needs of the society and of the
Below are the characteristics of traditional learning environments and new learning environments. As
teachers and students continue to Integrate technologies in education, they will find themselves
transitioning from traditional teaching and learning to technologically and digitally-enriched teaching and
learning environment.
Traditional Learning Environment - New Learning Environment
Teacher-centered instruction Student-centered learning
Single-sense stimulation. Multisensory simulation
Single-path progression. Multipath progression
Single medium. Multimedia
Isolated work. Collaborative work
Information delivery. Information exchange
Passive learning. Active/ exploratory / Inquiry-based learnig
Factual, knowledge-based learning. Critical thinking and informed decision making
Reactive response. Proactive/ planned action
Isolated, artificial context. Authentic, real-word context
Making education of quality does not focus alone on the cognitive aspect of learning. Incorporating the
non-academic skills Is likewise vital in the teaching-learning process. These skills are described as the
'transversal skills which encompass the 21st century skills, soft-skills, generic skills and no cognitive
skills values and attitudes: Including collaboration, self discipline, resourcefulness and respect for the
environment (UNESCO's Asia Pacific Education Research Institutes Network (ERI-Net), 2013)
According to ERI-Net (2013), these are the competencies required for learners holistic development and
for learners to become capable of adapting to change.
In today's worlds. companies and industries are looking for employees who are not just cognitive achiever
but more so who are skillfully competent in making the economy stronger and better. This would be
achievable if schools and teachers will improve their education and teaching the 21" century skills.
According to Partnership for 21" Century Skills Organization, the, following 21st century skills are
relevant to the student's professional growth to be effective professionals, citizens, and leaders of the
1. Learning and Innovation Skills; Communication and collaboration, critical
thinking and problem solving. creativity and innovation
2. Life and Career Skills; Leadership and responsibility, productivity and
accountability, social and cross-cultural skills, Initiative and self-direction, flexibility
and adaptability
3. information, Media, and Technology Skills: Media, Literacy; Information literacy:
information and communication technology (ICT) literacy.
The partnership for 21st Century Skills has suggested six (6) key elements for
fostering 21st century learning
1.Emphasize core subjects. The focus of core subjects is beyond basic competency
(reading writing arithmetic); this is more on understanding the core academic
content to a higher level (English, Reading or language Arts, World Languages
Arts, Mathematics, Economics, science, Geography, History, Government and Civics
2. Emphasize learning skills. Learning skills are not limited to what is being learned
In schools but also learning persistently throughout their lives, most especially
in learning information and communication skills, thinking and problem-solving
skills, and interpersonal and self-directional skills.
3. Use 21 century tools to develop learning skills. Students need to learn and
be proficient in the use of Information and communication technology (ICT)
tools to accents, relate, manage, evaluate, and construct new knowledge or
information: and likewise with the 21st century tools, the learners should be able
to communicate and participate not only in the classroom but more so in the
community and society.
4. Teach and learn in a 21 century context. When students are more engaged in
the lesson and the lessons are more relevant In their daily living, students then will
understand better the lesson and can truly say that they learn
5. Teach and learn 21 century content. Including in the curriculum and
teaching extensively the significant content areas like in global awareness, financial
economic and business literacy: and civic literacy would help the students to be
more competitive not only locally but also globally.
6. Use 21 century assessments that measure 21 century skills. Improving and
going beyond the standardized tests will give students quality learning Teachers
must give assessments that would measure students creativity and skills that
could be applied In real-life situations.
Setting standards help us achieve quality output may it be in house, office, and
school. This In turn will give us fulfillment in our activities for our family, friends, staf
heads. people in the society and the community
In education, administrators and teachers with the support of the national
educational departments and organizations define their standards that would guide and
help the students in possessing tie knowledge and skills that are required of them to make
them successful learners and professionals in the future
The use of technology in education is likewise guided by standards to develop
among learners the sills that they need to passes for the 21st century for them to be able
to serve not only themselves but the world. This is where the International Society for
Technology in Education (iSTE) comes in. 1STE is a nonprofit organization that promotes
the use of technology to support and enhance teaching and learning
There are three standards that have been developed by 1STE for better connection
and empowerment among administrators, teachers and students:
•Standards for Administrators
•Standards for Teachers
•Standards for Students
To better understand these standards set by ISTE let us first define the term standard.
According to Merrlam-Webister's Learners Dictionary, standard is an idea or thing
used as a measure, norm, or model in comparative evaluations It can also be defined
as a level of quality, achievement that is considered acceptable or desirable; something
that is very good and that is used to make judgment about the quality of other things: or
something stablished by authority, custom, or general consent as a model or example.
According to Dietionary.com, "standard is a rule or principle that is used an a basis for Judgment"
From the freedictionary.com, "standard ls a degree or level of requirement, excel-
lence, or attainment In other words, "standard" in incorporating the use. of technology in education
would mean something that would serve as a guide to assist the administrators, teachers.
and learners in achieving quality and excellence in teaching and learning.
Below are the following IST standards for administrators, teachers, and students
For more information on IST standards, visit http://www.lste.org/standards
ISTE Standards for Administrators
Administrators are the lead supporters of digital and technology-rich teaching
and learning environment. They lead in the transformation of educational ystem
with the affirmation that these technologies make teaching and learning more
engaging Interesting Inspiring, reflecting, and empowering
Visionary leadership. Being visionary leaders, they inspire and engage
stakeholders In the development, communication, and Implementation of
educational transformation with the use of digital and technological resources
which are aligned with the shared vision
Digital age learning culture. Educational administrators lead in creating.
promoting, and upholding digital age educational environment culture. They
ensure the effective use of digital tools and technological resources in meeting
the diverse needs of learners and help 1hem to be more innovative, creative,
and efficient in learning
Excellence in professional practice. Educational administrators ensure
healthy and professional growth in technology fluency and Integration
among educators to help enhance students' learning, Further, educational
administrators keep themselves informed with the changes and updates in
technology that are beneficial in teaching and learning
Systematic Improvement. Educational administrators also extend leadership
in the Improvement of the department, organization, and school through the
promotion and effective use of information and technology resources which
make the daily operations easy and efficient.
Digital citizenship. Educational administrators ensure, promote, and model
ethical use of information and communication technology following policies and
legalities of technology.
ISTE Standards for Teachers
ISTE standards for teachers state that effective teachers not only support
technologies in education, they design, create, Implement, promote, and model
the use of technologies to enable them to teach the lessons and its contents with quality
Model digital age work and learning. Teachers demonstrate and exhibit their
knowledge and proficiency in the use of technologies that would support their
teaching and students learning.
The set standards would be futile if these are not demonstrated by the people
involved in the implementation. The administrators, teachers: and learners must
be compliant with this standards to achieve high quality service, teaching and learning
Moreover, being compliant or noncompliant associated with consequences. This is the
question of what will be done to those who have complied and failed to comply with the
standards-(compliant) giving of incentives and positive remarks; and (noncompliant)
giving of remedial instructions and delays or limited opportunities.
Teaching can be associated with soldiers who go to war Soldiers are being trained
and they make a lot of preparations. Before going to war, they plan for the tactics and
strategies to be done, they make sure that they are complete with their stockpile of
ammunition and protection. No soldier will go to a war without enough bullets in his
pockets Same with teaching, teachers are trained on how-to teach and manage a class.
Before stepping inside the classroom, they have made their lesson plans on what to
teach and how to teach, they make sure that they have all the materials needed for
the lesson. The use of technology is one of the materials that teachers make use to
deliver the lesson successfully to their learners. However, sometimes the use of
technology becomes ineffective because of insufficient knowledge on the true purp05e
and proper use of such technology, This is why the Technological Pedagogical Content
Knowledge (TPACK) by Mishra, P & Koehler, M. and Technology Integration Planning
(TIP) by Roblyer, M.D. & Doering A.H came into existence, to guide teachers on how to
integrate technology into teaching.
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (Tech-PACK)
Tech-PACK, previously known as TPCK, later TPACK, is a framework that integrates technology
in education to help encapsulate the complex interactions among content, pedagogy,
and technology Tech-PACK provides 3 picture of the entire process of technology integration
that helps identify what is essential and what is not in any discussions of teacher using
technology for teaching subject matter.
According to Mishra & Koehler (2006), the TPACK Framework which is shown in Figure 2.2,
"emphasizes” he connections, interactions, affordances, and constraints between and among content,
pedagogy, and technology In this model, It showed that content (C) pedagogy (P'), and technology (T) are
he three main components of teacher's knowledge Looking at the model closely, it shows the Interactions
between and among the bodies of knowledge: PCK (pedagogical content knowledge). TCK
(technological content knowledge), TPK [(technological pedagogical knowledge). and TPACK
(technological pedagogical content knowledge) which are significant it making teaching and learning
with the use of technology a success.