For Rolling Element Bearings - Aircraft Engine, Engine Gearbox, and Accessory Applications - Surface Temper Etch
For Rolling Element Bearings - Aircraft Engine, Engine Gearbox, and Accessory Applications - Surface Temper Etch
For Rolling Element Bearings - Aircraft Engine, Engine Gearbox, and Accessory Applications - Surface Temper Etch
Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association, Inc.
Published by
Foreword ..................................................................................................ii
1 Scope ................................................................................................1
2 Normative references .........................................................................1
3 Definitions .........................................................................................1
4 Requirements ....................................................................................2
5 Test methods .....................................................................................3
6 Acceptance limits ...............................................................................7
7 Records .............................................................................................7
Foreword (This foreword is not part of American National Standard B3.3-1992.)
This American National Standard was prepared by a task force consisting
of representatives of companies which manufacture rolling element bear-
ings and aircraft, or aircraft engines, or both, in the United States. This
standard is issued by the Accredited Standards Committee B3 of the
American National Standards Institute as an industrial standard that is
intended to be used by aircraft manufacturers, or aircraft engine manufac-
turers, or both, for the procurement of rolling element bearings for aircraft
engine and accessory applications. (This document parallels MIL-STD-
867A (USAF), Military standard temper etch inspection. )
This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by the
Accredited Standards Committee on Ball and Roller Bearings, B3.
Committee approval of this standard does not necessarily imply that all com-
mittee members voted for its approval. At the time it approved this standard,
the B3 Committee had the following members:
Individual Members
W.J. Anderson
G.W. Argadine
Arthur L. Butterworth
J.C. Clark
W.J. Derner
Joseph W. Lenski, Jr.
Quoc Nguyen
William E. Poole
John E. Sague
E. Zaretsky
1) Available from the Naval Publications and Forms Center, Attention NPFC-3064, 5801 Tabor Avenue,
Philadelphia, PA 19120.
ANSI B3.3-1992
and corrosion shall not be considered true ing from overstress of the material during
temper indications. solidification.
3.6 Kodak paper gray scale: Photographic 3.18 inclusion: An entrapped foreign mat-
gray scale #906GS171 calibrated. Used to erial particle retained in the metal during solidi-
compare to etched parts for setting immersion fication, irregular in shape and dark-colored in
times or to determine acceptable etching. contrast to the normal metallic shiny surface.
3.7 nital etch: A process that makes possi- 3.19 tool marks: Recurring undulations or
ble the study of steel grain structures, soft irregularities.
spots, and grinding damage by dipping the
3.20 grinding tears: A deep narrow
parts into nitric acid, alcohol, and water.
scratch, parallel to the lay of the surface,
3.8 nicks, dents, or indentations: Depres- sometimes with a hole at one end, resulting
sions or hollows on a surface made by from material being pulled during a grinding or
mechanical injuries to the surface, such as honing operation. The scratch and the hole
from pressure or blows by hard objects are commonly known as a comet tail and
against the finished surface. These generally comet head, respectively.
appear the same as the unmarred surface
around, and are visible only by virtue of light
reflection caused by the change in uniformity
of the surface. Typically these defects are
bright-bottomed. 4 Requirements
3.9 wheel chatter: Recurring undulations or
4.1 General requirements
irregularities on the finished surface normally
resulting from grinding wheel skips or external Temper etch inspection is performed on
vibration. ground surfaces of various steel alloys. All
parts shall be 100% inspected. Alloys applica-
3.10 scratch: A linear depression with a
ble to this inspection are from the following
sharp bottom caused by movement of a sharp
object or particle across the surface.
4.1.1 52100 type alloys
3.11 cracks: A separation, fissure, or rup-
ture of material surface characterized by These alloys are as follows: SAE 52100; SAE
sharp edges or sharp changes in direction, or 4140; SAE 4330; SAE 4340, 300M, D6AC;
both, usually narrow and linear. SAE 4620, 9310, AMS 6260, 8620, etc.
3.12 lap: Folding of metal onto itself during 4.1.2 M-50 type alloys
mechanical deformation, entrapping oxides or
These alloys are: through-hardened J-11,
M-50, M-2, H-13, etc., and case-carburized
3.13 seam: A linear imperfection caused by M-50 NIL, etc.
folding over of metal edges during rolling or
4.1.3 Visual inspection areas
forging operations, discontinuities in material
(see also lap ). The visual inspection areas shall be illumi-
nated by a minimum of 200 ft -candles (2000
3.14 microshrinkage: Linear or nonlinear
lux) at inspection level. The white light
discontinuities of varying forms caused by
intensity shall be checked at minimum on a
decrease in volume during solidification.
semi-annual basis, and a calibration sticker
3.15 porosity: A series of holes or pits placed on the fixture.
caused by air or gas trapped in the metal dur-
4.1.4 Surface temper inspection
ing solidification.
Surface temper inspection shall be done
3.16 cold shut: Intermittent or continuous
before any plating, shot peening, sandblast-
lines caused by unfused material.
ing, or other surface process such as black
3.17 hot tears: Linear fractures in the form oxide coating and manganese phosphate
of ragged, wavy lines of variable width result- coating.
ANSI B3.3-1992
4.1.5 Nonvisual inspection activity applies if an alcohol acid solution is used for
etching; alternatively, an alcohol rinse may be
The inspector shall have 15 min of nonvisual
inspection activity after 2 hours of continuous
high visual concentration. 5.1.4 Nitric acid etch
4.1.6 Post-etch grinding Parts shall be immersed in a solution of nitric
acid and water or alcohol for approximately 15
Post-etch grinding of faces and external ring
to 60 s, or until a uniform gray color is
corners of rolling element bearings is permit-
obtained. Immersion time can be adjusted to
ted without reinspection, provided each grind-
obtain a gray level equivalent to the range
ing pass is limited to 0.001 in (0.025 mm)
between 0.67 to 1.35 inclusive using a Kodak
maximum stock removal.
paper gray scale #906GS171, or equivalent,
4.1.7 Magnetic particle inspection as a reference. The total range of the etchant
shall be 1.0 to 4.0% by volume and controlled
Magnetic particle inspection, if specified, shall
to an operating range of 1.0% at room temper-
be done prior to temper etch inspection.
ature, 60 to 90°F (15.5 to 32.2°C).
4.2 Inspection personnel requirements
NOTE – Water-based solution will etch much
4.2.1 All surface temper inspection person- more quickly; therefore, the gray color will be the
time determining function.
nel (operators and inspectors) shall be certi-
fied by the customer in accordance with the 5.1.5 Rinse
requirements outlined in ANSI/SAE ARP 1923.
The recertification period may be altered to Use cold overflowing water, 10 s minimum.
that permitted by MIL-STD-867A by agreement 5.1.6 Dry
between customer and bearing manufacturer.
Air blow to remove excess water that may
4.2.2 All applicants shall have a minimum of affect the concentration of the etch bath. (This
4 hours of formal classroom training. applies if an alcohol acid solution is used for
etching; alternatively, an alcohol rinse may be
4.2.3 All applicants shall have at least one
month of on-the-job training in the temper etch
process prior to certification. 5.1.7 Muriatic acid etch
Parts shall be immersed in a solution of con-
centrated muriatic acid and water or alcohol
5 Test methods
(five parts muriatic acid to 95 parts mix) for 1
to 1-1/2 min. The operating range of the
The choice of method described below is left to
etchant shall be 4 to 6% by volume at room
the bearing manufacturer, with the exception of
temperature, 60 to 90°F (15.5 to 32.2°C).
the material restrictions noted. All etchants are
to be technical grade acids. 5.1.8 Rinse
5.1 Etch method (52100 type) Use cold overflowing water, 10 s minimum.
5.1.1 Cleaning 5.1.9 Neutralize
Parts shall be cleaned preferably by immer- Parts shall be immersed in a solution with a
sion in a hot detergent solution. Alternative pH of 10 minimum for at least 15 s. A blue
cleaning may be used as long as acceptably response on pH paper will meet this require-
clean parts are obtained. ment.
5.1.2 Rinse 5.1.10 Rinse
One, preferably two, tanks of cold overflowing Use cold overflowing water, 10 s minimum.
water 10 s minimum.
5.1.11 Dry
5.1.3 Dry
Air blow to remove excess water, or place
Air blow to remove excess water that may parts in a controlled, water-displacing, rust-
affect the concentration of the etch bath. (This preventative oil bath, agitate, and then allow
ANSI B3.3-1992
to dwell 1 min minimum. The oil bath alterna- gray scale #906GS171, or equivalent, as a
tive satisfies the requirements of 5.1.12. reference. The operating range of the etchant
shall be 1.0 to 4.0% by volume and controlled
5.1.12 Corrosion protection to an operating range of 1.0% at room temper-
Parts shall be immersed in a light, rust-preventa- ature, 60 to 90°F (15.5 to 32.2°C).
tive oil to protect components during inspection. 5.2.8 Rinse
Use cold overflowing water, 10 s minimum.
5.2 Etch method (M-50 type)
5.2.9 Dry
5.2.1 Cleaning Air blow to remove excess water that may
Parts shall be cleaned preferably by immer- affect the concentration of the etch bath. (This
sion in a hot detergent solution. Alternative applies if an alcohol acid solution is used for
cleaning may be used as long as acceptably etching; alternatively, an alcohol rinse may be
clean parts are obtained. used.)
5.2.10 Second muriatic acid etch
5.2.2 Rinse
Parts shall be immersed in a solution of con-
One, preferably two, tanks of cold overflowing
centrated muriatic acid and alcohol or water (5
water, 10 s minimum.
parts concentrated, muriatic acid to 95 parts
5.2.3 Dry mix) for 2-1/2 to 3 min. The operating range of
the etchant shall be 4 to 6% at room tempera-
Air blow to remove excess water that may ture, 60 to 90°F (15.5 to 32.2°C).
affect the concentration of the etch bath. (This
applies if an alcohol acid solution is used for 5.2.11 Rinse
etching; alternatively, an alcohol rinse may be Use cold overflowing water, 10 s minimum.
5.2.12 Neutralize
5.2.4 First muriatic acid etch Parts shall be immersed in a solution with a pH
Parts shall be immersed in a solution of con- of 10 minimum for at least 15 s. A blue response
centrated muriatic acid and alcohol or water (5 on pH paper will meet this requirement.
parts muriatic acid to 95 parts mix) for 3 min 5.2.13 Rinse
± 30 s. The operating range of the etchant
shall be 4 to 6% by volume at room tempera- Use cold overflowing water, 10 s minimum.
ture, 60 to 90°F (15.5 to 32.2°C). 5.2.14 Dry
5.2.5 Rinse Air blow to remove excess water, or place
parts in a controlled, water-displacing, rust-
Use cold overflowing water, 10 s minimum.
preventative oil bath, agitate, and then allow
5.2.6 Dry to dwell 1 min minimum. The oil bath alterna-
tive also satisfies the requirement of 5.2.15.
Air blow to remove excess water that may
affect the concentration of the etch bath. (This 5.2.15 Corrosion protection
applies if an alcohol acid solution is used for Parts shall be immersed in a light, rust-preventa-
etching; alternatively, an alcohol rinse may be tive oil to protect components during inspection.
ANSI B3.3-1992
cleaning may be used as long as acceptably lent to the range between 0.67 to 1.35 inclu-
clean parts are obtained. sive using a Kodak paper gray scale
#906GS171, or equivalent, as a reference.
5.3.2 Rinse
NOTE – Water-based solution will etch much
One, preferably two, tanks of cold overflowing more quickly; therefore, the gray color will be the
water, 10 s minimum. time determining function.
ANSI B3.3-1992
ANSI B3.3-1992
essary to control excessive contamination. In 6.3.2 Noncritical surfaces shall not exhibit
any event, all new solutions shall be checked d iscon tin u o u s su rface tem p e r ind ications
for concentration limits before usage. exceeding 20% of the total etched area.
CAUTION – When mixing solutions, always 6.3.3 Noncritical surfaces shall not exhibit
add acid to alcohol or water, never alcohol continuous surface temper indications
or water to acid.
exceeding 10% of the total etched areas.
5.5.4 The etching solution tanks and neu- 6.3.4 Noncritical areas with limited patterns
tralizer tank should be covered when not in
of abnormal tempering are acceptable, only if
use to retard evaporation losses and to pre- the hardness tests in the pattern areas conform
vent contamination. to purchaser’s engineering print standards.
5.5.5 Timer shall be calibrated, at minimum, 6.4 Questionable parts
on a yearly basis and have an unexpired sticker.
6.4.1 Visible imperfections such as nicks,
5.5.6 All cold water rinse tanks shall be dents, wheel chatter, scratches, or tool marks
equipped with constant overflow to prevent shall be noted, tagged, or marked and evalu-
surface film build-up. ated to visual standards for acceptance or
6 Acceptance limits 6.4.2 After processing, should any areas
appear unetched due to air entrapment,
6.1 Any surface incomplete cleaning, etc. that interfere with
acceptable inspection, parts exhibiting this
Material defects such as cracks, laps, seams, condition shall have the etch removed, be
microshrinkage, porosity, cold shuts, hot cleaned, and reprocessed.
tears, inclusions, etc. shall be cause for rejec-
tion, and so noted by the inspector. 6.5 Nonconformances
6.2 Critical surfaces Parts not meeting the requirements of this
standard shall be rejected. If rework or repair
Raceways, sidewalls (also called guide is performed, reinspection is required.
flanges or ribs), balls, and rolls (also called
rollers) shall not exhibit any overetching out-
side the gray scale limits, or overtempering,
rehardening, or decarburization. 7 Records
6.3 Noncritical surfaces (remaining sur-
Records shall be kept of inspection and appli-
cable test results. (The quality department shall
6.3.1 Noncritical surfaces shall not exhibit be responsible for maintaining the records on
any rehardened or decarburized areas. file for 15 years.)