J Jallcom 2019 06 358
J Jallcom 2019 06 358
J Jallcom 2019 06 358
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper presents the study of surface integrity of CoeCr alloy in Photochemical machining (PCM). The
Received 13 March 2019 surfaces were selected from different manufacturing processes such as forged, machined and, rolled. The
Received in revised form responses such as surface roughness (Ra) and depth of etch were studied in correlation with PCM process
26 June 2019
parameters like etching temperature for a constant time and concentration. Further, characterization
Accepted 27 June 2019
techniques viz. XRD, EBSD, hardness test and SEM were employed to evaluate residual stresses, grain
Available online 28 June 2019
size, grain orientation, hardness, local intergranular misorientation, and surface topography of the CoeCr
L605 alloy. These metallurgical parameters were corroborated with experimental results. The order of Ra
and depth of etch for three conditions are: forged > machined > rolled.
CoeCr L605 © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Metallurgical aspects
Surface roughness
Depth of etch
0925-8388/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Thorat, M. Sadaiah / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 804 (2019) 84e92 85
Table 1
Material characterization of CoeCr L605 alloy.
Elements Co Cr W Ni Fe Si Mn Mo P Se
% wt 52.10 18.46 13.38 8.61 1.32 3.66 2.02 0.007 0.8 0.25
Fig. 4. Surface roughness of the CoeCr L605 for before etching: (a) rolling, (b) milling, (c) forging and after etching: (d) rolling, (e) milling, and (f) forging.
The input parameters viz. etchant concentration, etchant tem- grain orientation, hardness [19], and etched surface topography of
perature and time of etching have been studied for the influence of the CoeCr L605 alloy to corroborate the surface quality.
surface roughness, and depth of etching. Whereas, the post process
comprises the measurement of depth of etch, etch rate, and surface 3. Results and discussion
roughness and inspection of the surface. The optical 3D surface
profilometer: Alicona and Veeco were used to measure the depth of 3.1. Effect of manufacturing processes on surface roughness
etch and surface roughness. However, etch rate is calculated from
the ratio of the depth of etch to the time required to etch. The three manufacturing processes viz. forging, milling, and
Furthermore, characterization techniques viz. XRD, EBSD, hardness rolling were employed to prepare the workpiece of the required
test and SEM were used to evaluate residual stresses, grain size, dimensions (thickness 0.5 mm). The optimum parameters were
selected for each process [20]. These processes change the micro- 3.2. Effect of residual stresses
structure and surface topography of the CoeCr L605 due to their
influential parameters. Fig. 3 showed that the effect of different Figs. 5e7 illustrates XRD analysis of etched microchannel of
manufacturing processes on Ra using PCM. The primary Ra values samples, which are prepared by three different manufacturing
(before etching) were obtained 5.07, 2.16, and 0.952 mm for forging, processes such as forging, milling, and, rolling to reduce the
milling, and rolling, respectively. The Ra values (after etching) were thickness to 0.5 mm. The XRD analysis of the forged sample is
found to be 1.69, 1.01, and 0.582 mm for the order mentioned above, shown in Fig. 5. The result shows maximum stress is 912.7 MPa in
and it is shown in Fig. 4. The obtained values are improved than X-direction. The residual stress generated is a positive magnitude
primary values. The heat generation and applied forces alter the which indicates that tensile residual stress. Whereas, the initial
surface properties by imparting the residual stresses, hardness, and value of the residual stress is 813.6 MPa present in the sample
different grain growth rate, which causes variation in Ra value for which was rolled. In comparison with other manufacturing pro-
the different manufacturing processes. cesses, the forging induces maximum tensile residual stresses
which were corroborated by Fig. 5. The depth of etch is obtained for
the forged sample is 55.01 mm. It is the maximum depth of etch
Fig. 7 depicts the XRD analysis of the rolled sample. Fig. 6 clearly
shows the negative slope of the graph; it indicates that the induced
residual stresses are compressive along the X direction. The
magnitude is 813.6 MPa. In this condition, the depth of etch rate is
found to be 18.25 mm. In first both cases, tensile residual stresses
were induced. The samples were elongated along X-direction. The
d spacing, i.e. interplanar distance for forged and machined sam-
ples were 1.2630 Å, and 1.2635 Å obtained respectively. But, the
rolled sample induced by compressive residual stress along X-di-
rection, in this d spacing increased to 1.26667 Å. In tensile stresses,
etch rate is maximum due to an occurrence of three phenomenon;
i) reduced interplanar distance, ii) increase in atomic distance and
iii) decreased grain size [21].
However, residual stresses affect the crystal structure, inter-
Fig. 8. Effect of manufacturing processes on the hardness. planar distance, and interatomic distance. According to Bragg's law
[22], as predicted in equation (1),
Fig. 9. EBSD images of rolled (annealed) specimen: (a) Grain size (b) grain orientation (c) Grain area fraction.
S. Thorat, M. Sadaiah / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 804 (2019) 84e92 89
Fig. 10. EBSD images of milled specimen: (a) Grain size (b) grain orientation (c) Grain area fraction.
of these planes is larger than in the unstressed state, because of the Whereas TS is tensile stress, H is the hardness, and n is the
Poisson's effect. On tilting the sample, new grains diffract, and strain-hardening exponent. From equation (3), it is clear that
orientation of the diffraction planes is more nearly perpendicular to hardness significantly affects the tensile stress. Also, the increase in
stress direction. the hardness increases the strain hardening rate. Hence, the infla-
In contrast, for tensile residual stresses, the ‘d’ spacing of these tion in strain-hardening rate and hardness increases the tensile
planes are smaller than unstressed state. Because of this, it de- stress in the material. In addition to this, hardness was the conse-
creases the distance between the atomic planes; it increases the quence of lowered grain size. This increases the total interface
linear atomic density. And simultaneously, increases the distance volume, which is the volume of grain boundaries and triple junc-
between atoms which leads to in weakening of the atomic bonds. tion. The triple junction is the weakest region of the surface. The
Consequently, it increases the etch rate. triple junction was comprised with lower density, uneven and
different coordination atoms (atomic defects), segregation of the
3.3. Effect of hardness impurities, and different charge of atoms. Due to this, mass diffu-
sion was uncontrollable which increases the etch rate.
The hardness of the samples was determined according to IS
1501 test using Vickers hardness tester (VM-50PC, FIE). Each sam-
ple was measured under the micro Vickers hardness test, Hv 0.5 3.4. Effect of grain size and grain orientation
loading condition of 0.1961 test force (N) with three trials. The
average hardness of three trials such as H1, H2, and H3 for rolled, Contextual to the metallurgy of CoeCr L605 in PCM, the grain
milled, and forged sample was found to be 264, 424, and 506 Hv size and their orientation largely affect the PCM process. EBSD
respectively, as shown in Fig. 8. Substantially, the hardness of the (Electron Back Scatter Diffraction) microscopy provides informa-
material influences the etches rate in PCM. Because, according to tion about grain size, grain orientation, and local intergranular
the Hall-Petch relationship, the hardness was a relation with stress- misorientation. The effects of grain size and grain orientation on
induced, elastic modulus, grain size, and interatomic spacing [23]. corrosion behaviour of CoeCr L605 alloy were analyzed. The output
According to Cahoon et al. [24], as shown in equation (2), such as surface quality and etch rate were affected.
Substantially, it affects the PCM process regarding depth of
H n n etching, etches rate, and surface quality. Fig. 9. 10, and 11illustrate
TS ¼ (2) the grain size and grain orientation were from EBSD plot for rolled,
2:9 0:217
milled, and forged respectively. The maximum grain size was found
90 S. Thorat, M. Sadaiah / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 804 (2019) 84e92
Fig. 11. EBSD images of forged specimen: (a) Grain size (b) grain orientation (c) Grain area fraction.
to be 122 mm for rolling whereas it was obtained 97.6 mm and 27 mm the more dislocations were present at grain and the greater the
for milling, and forging, respectively. The etch rate was obtained stress-field transpired at grain boundaries. The cumulative effect of
0.37, 0.85, and 1.1 mm/min for rolled, milled, and forged, respec- these factors susceptible the material to increase the etch rate.
tively. The results showed that the grain size has an inverse relation Fundamentally, grain boundaries are the interface of the grains.
with etch rate. According to the Hall-Petch equation (3), It is a region, where maximum atomic disarray occurs at which
faults and dislocations congregate. This disarray brings out ener-
k getically at ease for impurities to concentrate at grain boundaries in
sy ¼ so þ pyffiffiffi (3)
contrast with grain interior due to more regular arrangements. The
areas at which these defects emerged over the surface constituent
Where sy is yield stress, so is material constant for starting stress with high activation energy, it prone the material in increasing
(resistance of the lattice to the dislocation movement), ky is chemical affinity [1]. The stability or variation in Ra is mainly
strengthening coefficient, and d is the grain diameter. The equation dependent upon the diffusion reaction of CoeCr L605 and etchant.
(3) corroborates the obtained etch rate. Simultaneously, grain However, the diffusion rate is directly proportional to the grain size
orientation decides the direction of the stress-field vector. From of the material. In case of larger grain size, the Ra is low compared
Fig. 9 (rolled), the orientation of grain was uniform. Where in the to smaller grain size at the same time [13]. Whereas, the rolled
forged sample (Fig. 11) the highly random orientation of the grains sample has a larger grain size than machined which was greater
are present. This varies the direction of stress-vector at every grain than forged.
boundaries, which weaken the surface of the material.
The presence of stress imparts dislocations in the crystal
3.5. Effect of local grain misorientation
structure. The dislocations create stress-field around it, and is given
by Ref. [25], as predicted in equation (4),
In this context, effect of local inter-granular misorientation was
studied in the PCM of CoeCr L605 to explore the surface topog-
s¼ (4) raphy. Fig. 12(a), (b), and (c) showed the influence of different
r manufacturing processes on the orientation of grains with respect
Where s is stress, G is shear modulus, b is the Burger vector to each other, whereas, it is found to be 25.83 , 38.06 , and 48.54
(magnitude and direction of lattice direction), and r is the stress- average misorientation for angles for rolling, milling, forging,
field distance from dislocations. The dislocations movement were respectively. From Fig. 12(a), it is seen that the maximum grains are
occurred along the grain and across the grain boundaries. Hence, laid at 2.5 , whereas more than 60% grains area is found to be below
S. Thorat, M. Sadaiah / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 804 (2019) 84e92 91
4. Conclusions
The Ra and etch rates were found to be 1.69 mm, 1.01 mm, and
0.582 mm, of 0.37 mm/min, 0.85 mm/min, and 1.1 mm/min for
rolling, milling, and forging, respectively.
The results were obtained for residual stresses of 912.7, 278,
and 813.6 MPa in the X-direction for forged, milled, and rolled
workpieces, respectively. Furthermore, tensile residual stresses
enhance the etching rate; whereas, the compressive residual
stresses lower the etch rate. However, it increases surface finish.
It was observed that grain size is inversely proportional to the
surface roughness, due to the difference in grain boundaries.
Substantially, the grain orientation is influences the depth of
Fig. 12. Fractions of grain area with grain misorientation in parent metal for the etched etching and Ra. The grains of the rolled surface has maximum
sample. (a) Grain misorientation of the rolled sample, (b) Grain misorientation of and uniform orientation along (001) plane i. e. the atoms were
milled sample, and (c) Grain misorientation of forged sample.
present over the surface have a similar energy level, whereas, in
case of milling and forged surface grains were arbitrarily
The local intergranular misorientation angle influences the PCM
process, and the average misorientation angles were found to be
25.83 , 38.05 , and 48.54 for rolling, milling and forging,
92 S. Thorat, M. Sadaiah / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 804 (2019) 84e92
Fig. 13. SEM image of microchannel etched: (a) forged, (b) milled, and (c) rolled sample.
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