Telecom Notes
Telecom Notes
Telecom Notes
Free-space loss:
Radiowave Transmission :
The radio waves have frequency range from 3 KHz and 1 GHz.
These waves are easy to generate and these can travel along
long distances. These waves are omni directional in nature which
means that they can travel in all the directions. They are widely
used for the communication between both indoor and outdoor
because they have the property that they can penetrate through
the walls very easily. These waves are usually used for AM and
FM radio, television, cellular phones and wireless LAN.
3. Infrared Waves :
Infrared Waves are the electromagnetic waves which have
frequency range between 300 GHz to 400 GHz. These cannot
travel along long distances. These waves are used for short
range communication and they also use line-of-sight of
propagation. These waves cannot pass through solid objects like
walls etc. These also not penetrate through walls. The most
common application of the IR waves is remote controls that are
used for TV, DVD players and stereo system.
Figure: Infrared Transmission