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Biological Psychology 54 (2000) 241 – 257

Structural and functional brain development

and its relation to cognitive development
B.J. Casey a,*, Jay N. Giedd b, Kathleen M. Thomas a
Department of Psychiatry, The Sackler Institute for De6elopmental Psychobiology,
Weill Medical College of Cornell Uni6ersity, 525 East 68th Street, Box 171, New York,
NY10021, USA
Child Psychiatry Branch, National Institute for Mental Health, New York, NY10021, USA


Despite significant gains in the fields of pediatric neuroimaging and developmental

neurobiology, surprisingly little is known about the developing human brain or the neural
bases of cognitive development. This paper addresses MRI studies of structural and
functional changes in the developing human brain and their relation to changes in cognitive
processes over the first few decades of human life. Based on post-mortem and pediatric
neuroimaging studies published to date, the prefrontal cortex appears to be one of the last
brain regions to mature. Given the prolonged physiological development and organization of
the prefrontal cortex during childhood, tasks believed to involve this region are ideal for
investigating the neural bases of cognitive development. A number of normative pediatric
fMRI studies examining prefrontal cortical activity in children during memory and attention
tasks are reported. These studies, while largely limited to the domain of prefrontal function-
ing and its development, lend support for continued development of attention and memory
both behaviorally and physiologically throughout childhood and adolescence. Specifically,
the magnitude of activity observed in these studies was greater and more diffuse in children
relative to adults. These findings are consistent with the view that increasing cognitive
capacity during childhood may coincide with a gradual loss rather than formation of new
synapses and presumably a strengthening of remaining synaptic connections. It is clear that
innovative methods like fMRI together with MRI-based morphometry and nonhuman
primate studies will transform our current understanding of human brain development and
its relation to behavioral development. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Brain development; Neuroimaging; Prefrontal functioning; Magnetic resonance imaging

* Corresponding author. Fax: + 1-212-7465755.

E-mail address: [email protected] (B.J. Casey).

0301-0511/00/$ - see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 0 1 - 0 5 1 1 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 5 8 - 2
242 B.J. Casey et al. / Biological Psychology 54 (2000) 241–257

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with its lack of ionizing radiation and
capacity to provide exquisite anatomical detail, has revolutionized the study of
human brain development. Other imaging modalities such as conventional radiog-
raphy, computerized tomography, positron emission tomography (PET), and single
photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) use ionizing radiation. While
these latter techniques may be used with pediatric patient populations when
clinically warranted, the ethics of exposing children to radioactive isotopes for the
advancement of science are less clear (Casey and Cohen, 1996; Morton, 1996;
Zametkin et al., 1996). The advent of functional MRI has now further extended the
utility of MRI to explore the developing human brain as never before. This paper
addresses MRI studies of structural and functional changes in the developing
human brain and their relation to changes in cognitive processes over the first few
decades of human life.

1. Brain development: What do we know?

Despite the significant gains in the fields of pediatric neuroirnaging and develop-
mental neurobiology, surprisingly little is known about the developing human
brain. This is particularly the case during early and late childhood — a time when
significant leaps in social and cognitive learning take place. In part, this is due to
low mortality rates across this age range in addition to the rare occurrence of
autopsies on this population. For example, the Yakovlev brain collection in
Washington, DC, contains only a dozen or so normal brains from roughly 500 that
are from subjects between the ages of 4 and 18 (Haleem, 1990). Nonetheless,
pioneering work in both developmental neurobiology and pediatric brain imaging
has begun to paint a picture of how the developing human brain unfolds through-
out childhood.
Most of the dynamic activity of brain development occurs in utero but changes
continue for the first two postnatal years. By this point, the brain has reached close
to 80% of its adult weight (Kretschmann et al., 1986). This is also a period of rapid
synapse formation that begins well before birth in primates (Rakic, 1972, 1974;
Rakic et al., 1988) and results in overproduction of synapses relative to its adult
state. This process of synaptogenesis appears to occur concurrently across diverse
regions of the non-human primate cerebral cortex (Rakic et al., 1986). However, in
humans postmortem data indicates that synaptogenesis does not occur concurrently
with synaptic density peaking earlier in the auditory cortex, at three months, and
later in the middle frontal gyrus, at 15 months (Huttenlocher, 1997). In both human
and non-human primate studies the early synaptic density peaks are followed by a
plateau phase that decreases during childhood and into adulthood. The plateau and
pruning phases of some cortical regions (e.g. prefrontal cortex) in primates are
relatively protracted compared to others (e.g. visual cortex) (Bourgeois et al., 1989,
1994; Huttenlocher, 1990, 1997). These regions of prolonged development are
perhaps most interesting when considering the developing child throughout adoles-
cence and into adulthood.
B.J. Casey et al. / Biological Psychology 54 (2000) 241–257 243

PET studies of glucose metabolism suggest that maturation of local metabolic

rates closely parallel the time course of overproduction and subsequent pruning of
synapses (Chugani et al., 1987) with the prefrontal cortex showing a prolonged
maturation relative to visual cortex. PET studies, although informative, are typi-
cally performed with clinical populations thus justifying their use with developmen-
tal populations. The use of PET with pediatric patient populations to understand
normal brain development raises questions about the generalization of the results to
truly healthy children. With the recent advances in MRI comes a whole new era in
the study of the normally developing human brain in vivo.
To date, MRI-based anatomical studies have revealed some interesting matura-
tional changes in brain structure. The most informative studies to date are those
based on carefully quantified volumetric measures and large sample sizes of 50 or
more subjects (e.g. Giedd et al., 1996a,b; Reiss et al., 1996). The most consistent
findings across these studies include: (1) a lack of any significant change in cerebral
volume after five years of age (Giedd et al., 1996a; Giedd, et al., 1996b; Reiss, et al.,
1996); (2) a significant decrease in cortical gray matter after 12 years (Giedd et al.,
1999); and (3) an increase in cerebral white matter throughout childhood and young
adulthood (Jernigan et al., 1991; Pfefferbaum et al., 1994; Caviness et al., 1996;
Rajapakse et al., 1996; Reiss et al., 1996). Specifically, subcortical gray regions (e.g.
basal ganglia) decrease during childhood, particularly in males (Giedd et al., 1996a;
Rajapakse et al., 1996; Reiss et al., 1996) while cortical gray matter in the frontal
and parietal cortices does not appear to decrease until roughly puberty (Giedd et
al., 1999). White matter volume appears to increase throughout childhood and well
into adulthood (Caviness et al., 1996; Rajapakse et al., 1996). These increases
appear to be regional in nature. For example, there appears to be an increase in
white matter in dorsal prefrontal cortex, but not in more ventral prefrontal regions
(i.e. orbitofrontal cortex) (Reiss et al., 1996). Total temporal lobe volume appears
relatively stable across the age range of 4 to 18 years, while hippocampal formation
volume increases with age for females and amygdala volume increases with age for
males (Giedd et al., 1996b). This latter finding may be consistent with the
distribution of sex hormone receptors for these structures, with the amygdala
having a predominance of androgen receptors (Clark et al., 1988; Sholl and Kim,
1989) and the hippocampus having a predominance of estrogen receptors (Morse et
al., 1986).
Taken as a whole, these neuroimaging and post-mortern studies seem to suggest
that some age-related changes are regional. One such brain region is the prefrontal
cortex. Based on the nonhuman and human primate post-mortern studies and
pediatric neuroimaging studies published to date, the prefrontal cortex appears to
be one of the last brain regions to mature, particularly the dorsolateral prefrontal
Are the last brain regions to mature the first ‘to go’? If so, is the prefrontal cortex
region more susceptible to the aging process than other cortical regions? There is
neuropsychological evidence to suggest that prefrontal function is sensitive to
changes with age (Daigneault et al., 1992; Daigneault and Braun, 1993). This
impairment is paralleled by a disproportionate degeneration of the prefrontal cortex
244 B.J. Casey et al. / Biological Psychology 54 (2000) 241–257

relative to temporal cortex or sensorimotor cortex (Coffey et al., 1992; Cowell et al.,
1994; Raz et al., 1997). It appears that prefrontal white matter rather than gray
matter may be most susceptible to normal aging as measured with MRI (Svenner-
holm et al., 1994; Peters et al., 1996; Salat et al., 1999). This pattern of degeneration
is different from that observed in individuals with Alzheimer disease (Stout et al.,
1996; Salat et al., 1999). If this is indeed the case, then why might the last area to
mature be the first to go? One possibility is that brain regions that are most plastic
over prolonged periods of development are more sensitive or susceptible to environ-
mental factors (e.g. stressors, toxins) and thus more prone to insult or injury from
such environmental influences. Related issues are addressed in Grady’s paper in this

2. What is the relation of brain development to cognitive development?

To date, little is known regarding the neural bases of cognition in normally

developing children. In order to address the neural circuits underlying cognitive
development, a means of assessing, in vivo, the developmental physiological course
of the behavior is needed. With the advent of blood oxygenation level dependent
(BOLD) imaging (Kwong et al., 1992; Ogawa et al., 1990; Turner et al., 1991), the
field of magnetic resonance imaging has been opened to address developmentally
driven questions of brain and behavior. This methodology capitalizes on the fact
that hemoglobin becomes strongly paramagnetic in its deoxygenated state. Deoxy-
genated hemoglobin can therefore be used as a naturally occurring contrast agent,
with highly oxygenated brain regions producing a larger magnetic resonance (MR)
signal than less oxygenated areas. This method eliminates the need for exogenous
contrast agents, including radioactive isotopes.
Given the prolonged physiological development and organization of the prefron-
tal cortex during childhood, tasks believed to involve this region are ideal for
investigating development with this methodology. Cognitive processes that have
been attributed to the prefrontal cortex include working memory, response inhibi-
tion and attention allocation (Goldman-Rakic, 1987; Diamond, 1988; Fuster,
1989). Memory, inhibition, and attention are often treated as three distinct psycho-
logical constructs. However, aspects of these cognitive processes may be part of a
single construct or common underlying circuitry. For example, memory and
inhibition are both involved in maintenance of information in that when relevant
information is represented and maintained in memory, competing representations
or memories are subsequently suppressed or inhibited. Likewise, selective attention
and inhibition are part of a similar construct in that when we attend to a relevant
event, other salient and competing, but nonetheless irrelevant events are suppressed
or inhibited in favor of the relevant event. Similarly, selective attention and memory
may represent a single construct in that the classic description of working memory
(Baddeley, 1986) includes a component referred to as a central executive that
allocates attentional resources to relevant events. Therefore, memory can be defined
in part as the selective allocation of attention to relevant events or representations.
B.J. Casey et al. / Biological Psychology 54 (2000) 241–257 245

This component of working memory does not significantly differ from selective
Perhaps the common component of overlap in the three previous examples of the
psychological constructs of attention, memory, and inhibition, is the presumed
presence of interfering or competing information. In the case of attention, the
interference may be from simultaneous input or output. In the case of memory,
interference may be due to competing memories/representations. If there is no
interference, then inhibitory processes are seemingly not necessary and the con-
structs of attention and memory may be more easily distinguished. One distinguish-
ing component is within the temporal domain with attention predominantly
involving present information and memory involving past information. When there
is interference from competing sources then the definitions of attention and memory
are less discrete in that they can be defined as the ability to represent relevant events
in the presence of salient, competing, and compelling, yet otherwise irrelevant
events. How do we ignore and select from competing sources of information
(stimulus selection), or from competing response alternatives (response selection),
or for that matter, ignore or inhibit a behavior or response altogether (response
execution)? This question suggests that inhibition can occur at different stages of
attentional processing (i.e. during stimulus selection, during response selection, or
during response execution) and likewise during memory of different types of
information (e.g. stimulus sets, behavioral sets). So, both attention and memory
appear to involve inhibitory processes when there is interference from competing
Developmentally, inhibitory processes of this nature are of interest because they
appear to be involved in both cognitive and social learning throughout childhood
and adolescence. Often, the terms ‘inhibitory control’ and ‘behavioral regulation’
are used to describe inhibitory processes in cognitive and social development
(Posner and Rothbart, 1998; Casey, in press). Clinically, inhibitory processes are
important because they appear to be disrupted in a number of developmental
disorders that have as a core deficit a problem inhibiting inappropriate behaviors
and thoughts (e.g. Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder, and Tourette syndrome). Interestingly, the prefrontal cortex and related
circuitry have been implicated in these developmental disorders.
How does prefrontal circuitry relate to the normal development of inhibitory
processes? Here, emphasis may well be placed on the role of the prefrontal cortex
in supporting different types of information (e.g. verbal, spatial, motor, emotional)
against interference over time and/or from competing sources (Goldman-Rakic,
1987; Cohen and Servan-Schreiber, 1992). A number of classic developmental
studies have demonstrated that these memory and attention related processes
develop throughout childhood and adolescence (Flavell et al., 1966; Pascual-Leone,
1970; Case, 1972; Keating and Bobbitt, 1978). Further, the converging evidence of
prolonged development and organization of prefrontal cortex throughout child-
hood and adolescence (Huttenlocher, 1979; Chugani et al., 1987; Diamond, 1988,
1991, 1996; Bourgeois et al., 1994; Rakic et al., 1994) may suggest an important
parallel between brain development and cognitive development. The most impor-
246 B.J. Casey et al. / Biological Psychology 54 (2000) 241–257

tant difference between the development of the prefrontal cortex relative to other
cortical regions (e.g. visual cortex) is in the plateau and gradual decrease in
synapses into young adulthood (Bourgeois et al., 1994). This decrease in synaptic
density is gradual during late childhood and adolescence and coincides with the
continued development of cognitive capacities. Accordingly, increasing cognitive
capacity during childhood may coincide with a gradual loss rather than formation
of new synapses and presumably a strengthening of remaining synaptic connections.
These processes may represent the behavioral, and ultimately, the physiological
suppression of competing, irrelevant behaviors. One can imagine that a response to
a particular event in the environment will be speeded with repeated exposure and
subsequent strengthening of the relation between that event and response. At a
physiological level, this may be reflected in the observation that ‘neurons that fire
together wire together’. Simultaneously, competing, but less frequent behaviors are
presumably weakened. With concurrent myelination of connecting fibers, one can
begin to understand factors that may contribute to the change in speed of
information processing that is observed throughout childhood and adolescence.
How does knowing where a function (e.g. attention or memory) resides in the
brain better our understanding of behavior? One contribution of knowing where in
the brain a particular function ‘resides’ is that it helps constrain our theories and
models of behavior. What we know about the anatomy, physiology and connective
circuitry of a particular region can provide insight into the behavior or construct of
interest. To what extent psychological constructs are unique or overlapping (e.g.
memory and inhibition) may in part be determined by whether these functions have
overlapping or unique regions of brain activity.
A number of normative pediatric fMRI studies have examined prefrontal cortical
activity in children during memory and attention tasks (Casey et al., 1995, 1997). In
fact, the first published pediatric fMRI study examined prefrontal cortical activa-
tion in children performing a working memory task (Casey et al., 1995). One of the
central themes of this paper is the importance of examining the functional develop-
ment of the prefrontal cortex and related circuitry in the context of cognitive
development, particularly with regard to memory and attention. This is important
for a number of reasons. First, as stated earlier, there is considerable development
and organization of the prefrontal cortex throughout childhood and adolescence.
Second, cognitive processes such as memory and attention that have been attributed
to the prefrontal cortex appear to develop during this period. Third, the prefrontal
cortex and related circuitry have been implicated in a number of developmental
disorders that involve disruption of attention and memory in the context of
interference (e.g. Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism).

2.1. Memory and inhibition

As mentioned previously, the first published pediatric fMRI study examined

prefrontal activation in children performing a working memory task (Casey et al.,
1995). The purpose of this study, at the time, was to determine the feasibility of
using fMRI with children to examine higher level cognitive processing in children.
B.J. Casey et al. / Biological Psychology 54 (2000) 241–257 247

Six children between the ages of 9 and 11 years were scanned while performing a
working memory task used previously in adults with fMRI (Cohen et al., 1994).
The study included two task conditions: a memory condition and a comparison/
control condition. The memory condition required children to observe sequentially
presented letters and to respond whenever the current letter was the same as the
letter occurring two trials back (‘2-back memory task’). In other words, children
responded to repeats of letters with a single intervening (interfering) letter. In the
comparison condition, subjects monitored similar sequences of letters for any
occurrence of a single, pre-specified letter. Both the memory and comparison
conditions required subjects to monitor sequences of letters presented visually one
at a time, encode each letter, evaluate its identity, and respond to a target by
pressing a button. The conditions differed in that the memory task required the
subject to keep in mind the two previous letters rather than just a single target
letter, and to continuously update this mental record over time. These latter
cognitive operations are central to the concept of working memory (Baddeley,
1986) and consistent with our view of prefrontal involvement in the representation
of information over time against interference from competing sources.
Echo planar images were acquired on a 1.5 T GE scanner using 5 inch surface
coils while the children performed the memory and comparison conditions. Eight 5
mm coronal slices covering the frontal poles were acquired. Images were registered
to a reference image to correct for movement using a modified version of Woods et
al., 1992 3-D automated image registration (AIR) algorithm. Movement did not
correlate with the experimental manipulation, but rather appeared to increase as a
function of time on task and was minimal. The average movement across the entire
study was less than .5 mm with .34 mm of movement in the x-direction, and 0.47
mm in the y-direction. Areas of significant activation were identified, by performing
pixel-wise t-tests, comparing the memory and comparison conditions.

Fig. 1. Location of activation in the middle and inferior frontal gyri for a representative subject and the
corresponding change in MR signal intensity as a function of task manipulation averaged across
248 B.J. Casey et al. / Biological Psychology 54 (2000) 241–257

Fig. 2. Illustration of the n-back task with memory load varying from 0 to 3.

The results demonstrated reliable activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in

children. Fig. 1 depicts the location of activation and the change in MR signal
intensity as a function of scans across time. The increases in activity nicely map
onto the experimental manipulation. Reliable activity was observed also in the
anterior cingulate cortex. These results replicate an earlier fMRI study with adults
showing dorsolateral prefrontal activity using the same paradigm (Cohen et al.,
1994) and a more recent event-related fMRI study of working memory (Cohen et
al., 1997) showing dorsolateral activation during active maintenance of stimulus
information with interference from intervening trials. The similar distribution of
activity across frontal gyri for children and adults taken from the Casey et al.
(1995) and Cohen et al. (1994) studies are striking. Taken together, these two initial
studies suggest a similar distribution of prefrontal cortical activity in children and
adults during performance of a working memory task. However, the percent change
in signal observed for the children was on average two to three times that observed
for the adults in the Cohen et al. study. Based on the behavioral data available, the
children had more difficulty with the task. On average, children performed at
70– 75% accuracy in the Casey et al. study while adults performed at or above 90%
accuracy in the Cohen et al. experiment. This demonstrates the importance of
collecting behavioral responses in the scanner, but also raises concerns with regard
to the interpretation of the findings given the behavioral differences. Are the
differences maturational or strategic in nature or both?
A study that may help address this question is one presented by Braver et al.,
1997, and others (Jonides et al., 1997; Rypma et al., 1999), which examined
prefrontal cortical activity as a function of increasing memory load in adults. They
performed the same sort of memory task as described previously, but varied the
memory load from 0 to 3 as can be seen in Fig. 2. The subject monitored a
sequential display of single letters and responded only when the current letter was
the same as the letter n trials before it (e.g. if n= 2, then A-F-A or G-B-G, but not
A-F-G-A or A-A). Subjects practiced until they reached 90% accuracy on the
highest memory load of n =3. The results revealed monotonic increases in percent
change in MR signal intensity in prefrontal cortex as depicted in Fig. 3. We
B.J. Casey et al. / Biological Psychology 54 (2000) 241–257 249

mention this study because it is an elegant example of a task that may be especially
well suited for developmental populations. This paradigm allows for the manipula-
tion of memory load (number of trials back the subject must remember) by age
and/or ability.
Although the Casey et al. (1995) study demonstrated the use of fMRI in pediatric
populations, there was no direct comparison between children and adults since
these studies (Cohen et al., 1994; Casey et al. 1995) were performed at different sites
and with different scanning parameters. A similar working memory task as de-
scribed by Braver et al. (1997) was used to perform a more direct comparison of
brain activation for children and adults. This study was an extension of a multi-site
collaboration whose primary goals were (1) to demonstrate the reproducibility of
fMRI results across several US sites; and (2) to determine the feasibility of using
fMRI with pediatric populations.
Each participating group examined brain activity in both adults and children
during performance of a spatial working memory task designed as an analog of the
verbal working memory task just described. In this task, subjects monitored a linear
array of four boxes for the location of a dot. The dot appeared in a new location
every two seconds for 500 ms. Participants maintained fixation on a central
crossbar, and received instructions for three different response conditions. In the
visual condition, participants made no response. In the motor condition, partici-
pants were required to indicate the current spatial location of the dot by pressing
the corresponding key on a four-button box. In the memory condition, participants
were asked to indicate the location at which the dot had appeared a given number
of trials previously. For example, in a 2-back paradigm, subjects responded by
indicating the location at which the dot had appeared two trials previously.
Therefore, the motor and memory conditions are identical except in the memory
demands and extent of interference from preceding trials. Further, the number of
intervening stimuli to be remembered could be manipulated, so as to vary memory
load. Participants were pre-tested outside of the scanner to assess which memory
load was appropriate for each individual. Performance of 75–95% accuracy was
required, with the intent of equating task performance across age groups. For some
participants this level of performance required a 2-back condition, while others

Fig. 3. Monotonic increases in percent change in MR signal in prefrontal cortex as a function of memory
250 B.J. Casey et al. / Biological Psychology 54 (2000) 241–257

Fig. 4. Coronal, sagittal, and axial views of brain activity for children and adults during performance of
a spatial working memory task.

could achieve this level only in a 1-back condition. A voxelwise multifactorial

analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted pooling data across subjects. A
contiguity threshold of three contiguous pixels and PB 0.005 were used as criteria
for significant activity.
As reported in Casey et al. (1998), the results for adults were reproducible and
reliable across all participating sites. The results, from six children and six adults at
the Pittsburgh site (Thomas et al., in press) demonstrated reliable activity in the
right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, right superior parietal cortex, and bilaterally in
the inferior parietal cortex during the memory condition, relative to the motor
condition (refer to Fig. 4). The activity in prefrontal cortex was lateralized to the
right hemisphere, predominantly, and was more anterior and superior than ob-
served in the previously described studies.
In part, these results suggest that spatial working memory tasks activate very
similar cortical regions for school-age children and adults. However, despite an
attempt to equate performance between age groups by varying memory load as a
function of age, children performed worse than adults on both the memory and
motor tasks. Adults performed at near ceiling (99%) on the motor and memory
tasks compared to the children who performed significantly worse (93% and 69%,
respectively). Although children were performing close to ceiling at the beginning of
the scan session, by the end of the scan session their performance had significantly
deteriorated. Performance by adults continued to improve as a function of time on
task. The few regional differences in brain activation (e.g. insular cortex) observed
between groups might reflect these performance differences.
B.J. Casey et al. / Biological Psychology 54 (2000) 241–257 251

2.2. Attention and inhibition

Which prefrontal systems are involved in selective attention when there is

interference from competing sources, either during input or output? Two examples
of developmental fMRI studies addressing this question are described below.
One classic paradigm for examining selective attention when there is interference
during output is the go no-go paradigm. At least one fMRI study using a version
of the go no-go paradigm with healthy children and adults has been published to
date (Casey et al., 1997). Nine children (7–12 years) and nine young adults (21–24
years) were scanned while performing a version of the task. The task required that
the subject simply press a button to all sequentially presented letters except the
letter ‘X’. Stimulus duration was 500 ms and the interstimulus interval was 1500 ms.
The percentage of targets (non-Xs) was maintained at 75% to increase the degree of
interference in the output by building a prepotent tendency to respond. Gradient-
echo, echo planar images TR=6000, TE= 40, 128× 64 acquisition matrix) were
acquired in eight 5 mm contiguous coronal slice locations during three task
conditions: (1) inhibitory trials defined by the presence of 50% nontargets (i.e. Xs);
(2) control trials consisting of 100% targets (i.e. non Xs); and (3) control trials
consisting of 100% targets, but with interstimulus intervals of 3500 ms, resulting in
an equal number of motor responses as the inhibitory condition. The two compari-
son conditions thus controlled for stimulus parameters (number of stimuli and
interstimulus interval) and response parameters (number of responses and inter-re-
sponse interval), respectively.
An analysis of variance with a Bonferroni adjustment showed reliable activation
in the anterior cingulate, inferior and middle frontal gyri, and orbitofrontal gyri for
both the children and adults. In this investigation, the general location of activation
in prefrontal cortex did not differ for children as compared to adults, but overall
volume of prefrontal activation, particularly in dorsolateral prefrontal regions, was
greater for children than adults (refer to Fig. 5). This difference in volume of
dorsolateral prefrontal activity was due to a lack of robust activity in this area for

Fig. 5. Volume of brain activation in the superior and middle frontal gyri for children and adults during
the performance of a go no-go task.
252 B.J. Casey et al. / Biological Psychology 54 (2000) 241–257

the adults. Adults showed the most robust activity in more ventral regions of
prefrontal cortex. This pattern of greater brain activity in children relative to adults
is suggestive of a gradual decrease in the brain tissue required to perform the task.
This decrease may parallel the loss rather than formation of new synapses observed
in post mortern studies.
Only activity in the orbitofrontal and anterior cingulate cortex in children and
adults correlated with behavioral performance on this task such that the greater
activity in the orbitofrontal cortex, the better the performance and the greater the
activity in the anterior cingulate cortex, the worse the performance. It should be
noted that those children with the best performance and the most orbitofrontal
activity also had the most dorsolateral prefrontal activity. This observation suggests
that children may be less selective in the portions of prefrontal cortex recruited in
performance of the task and/or are relying on different strategies to perform the
task compared to adults. An event-related design may provide a clearer understand-
ing of the neural mechanisms underlying the performance of this task. In a recent
fMRI study by Konishi et al., 1997 using a go no-go paradigm with a mixed trial
design, right ventral prefrontal activation discriminated no-go from go trials in
healthy adults. This finding is particularly interesting, given that when we grouped
our subjects (children and adults) by performance, using a median split on the
number of false alarms (i.e. responses to nontarget stimuli), we observed significant
differences between groups only in ventral prefrontal cortex (Casey et al., 1996).
A second developmental fMRI study (Casey et al., 1998) using a variation of the
go no-go task just described involved manipulating the degree of interference at
both input and output (i.e. stimulus selection and response execution). In the
former task, emphasis was placed on interference during response execution. In this
task, the probability of a nontarget (i.e. X) oscillated between 10 and 60% rather
than simply using 50 and 100% target probabilities. Each trial was 1 s in duration
and the repetition time of the scan was 5 s (i.e. five behavioral trials). In other
words, five behavioral trials occurred during a single acquisition. MR signal change
was examined scan by scan for sets of five trials that consisted of 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4
nontargets (i.e. X). We hypothesized that increasing the number of responses
relative to nonresponses would result in increased interference in response informa-
tion and an increase in ventral prefrontal activity. Further, we hypothesized that
increasing the number of nontargets relative to targets would increase interference
in stimulus information (i.e. between the target stimuli and the salient nontarget
stimulus) and result in increased dorsolateral prefrontal activity.
As with our previous study, we observed increased dorsolateral prefrontal
activity in children and adults when nontarget probability was high (e.g. scans with
three or more nontarget Xs). During low nontarget probability (e.g. scans with only
two or less Xs) we observed increased ventral prefrontal activity. Anterior cingulate
activity increased during both low and high nontarget probability suggesting that
interference, regardless of type (input/stimulus or output/response), activates this
region. Developmentally, the pattern of activity in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex for
children appeared to be different from adults. First, activity was observed in the
dorsal prefrontal cortex for both high and low nontarget probability scans for
B.J. Casey et al. / Biological Psychology 54 (2000) 241–257 253

children and not adults. Second, with adults, increases in dorsal prefrontal cortex
occurred only for scans with at least four out of five nontargets (X), whereas with
children, increases in dorsal prefrontal cortex occurred for scans with as few as
three Xs. These findings suggest perhaps that dorsal prefrontal cortex in children is
less specific to type of information and less efficient in representing information
relative to adults.
In sum, the two previous sets of memory and attention studies show both
common and discrete regions of brain activity. Both sets of studies activated
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. During the go no-go task, this was observed when
nontarget probabilities increased (presumably greater interference during input or
in stimulus information). For the memory tasks, this was observed when the
memory load or number of intervening trials increased. Both of these tasks are
examples of situations where the subject has to represent the relevant target
stimulus in the face of interfering nontarget stimuli. The results suggest that the
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex supports stimulus information from interfering
sources regardless of task (attention or memory). A region of nonoverlap was the
orbitofrontal cortex. This region was predominantly activated during the go no-go
task when target probability was high, in turn making the response compelling and
salient. Accordingly, this compelling tendency to respond could interfere with the
representation of when not to make a response. Thus the results suggest that
ventral prefrontal cortex supports response information (e.g. conditions during
which a response should be withheld). Unfortunately, there was no interference in
output/response information during the memory tasks to determine whether ventral
prefrontal cortex supports response information regardless of task. Finally, it was
the case that both versions of the go no-go tasks and the memory tasks activated
the anterior cingulate cortex. What the tasks had in common was presumably
interference. During the go no-go task, this was observed when nontarget probabil-
ities increased (i.e. greater interference during input or in stimulus information) and
when target probabilities increased (i.e. making the response more salient). Accord-
ingly, the anterior cingulate cortex is activated regardless of type of information or
stage of attentional processing (stimulus selection versus response selection). In
contrast, the areas of prefrontal cortex that are active when there is interference
during attention and memory appear to be information specific (stimulus informa-
tion in dorsal prefrontal and response information in ventral prefrontal cortex).

3. Conclusions

In this paper, MRI-based morphometric and functional neuroimaging studies of

human brain development have been described. These studies, while largely limited
to the domain of prefrontal functioning and its development lend support for
continued development of attention and memory both behaviorally and physiolog-
ically throughout childhood and adolescence. Differences were observed in the
magnitude of the patterns of activity, both in volume (Casey et al., 1997) and
percent signal change (Casey et al., 1995; Cohen et al., 1994).
254 B.J. Casey et al. / Biological Psychology 54 (2000) 241–257

This paper illustrated how the techniques of MRI and fMRI can be used to map
changes in the human brain as a function of development. However, we can push
the methodology a step further and investigate changes in the human brain to
pharmacologic probes. A number of recent studies with both humans and animals
have shown the detection of neurotransmitter activity using pharmacologic MRI
(phMRI) that correlates with PET, microdialysis, and behavioral data (e.g. Chen et
al., 1997). These studies have focused largely on animal work, but more recent
studies illustrate the utility of the method with humans (e.g. Vaidya et al., 1998).
Ultimately, pharmacologic MRI studies may be sensitive probes in elucidating
brain regions involved in developmental disorders and may prove extremely useful
in addressing developmental neurochemical questions. It is clear that innovative
methods like fMRI together with MRI-based morphometry and pharmocologic
probes will transform our current understanding of human brain development.


This work was supported in part by an NIMH K01 award ( c 1K01MH01297-

01A2) to the first author and funding support from the John D. and Catherine T.
MacArthur Foundation, Charles A. Dana Foundation, and John Merck Fund.
Reprint requests should be forwarded to the first author at The Sackler Institute for
Developmental Psychobiology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, 1300
York Avenue, Box 140, New York, NY 10021.


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