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Myelination, the elaboration of myelin surrounding neuronal axons, is essential for normal brain function. The development of the
myelin sheath enables rapid synchronized communication across the neural systems responsible for higher order cognitive functioning.
Despite this critical role, quantitative visualization of myelination in vivo is not possible with current neuroimaging techniques including
diffusion tensor and structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Although these techniques offer insight into structural maturation,
they reflect several different facets of development, e.g., changes in axonal size, density, coherence, and membrane structure; lipid,
protein, and macromolecule content; and water compartmentalization. Consequently, observed signal changes are ambiguous, hinder-
ing meaningful inferences between imaging findings and metrics of learning, behavior or cognition. Here we present the first quantitative
study of myelination in healthy human infants, from 3 to 11 months of age. Using a new myelin-specific MRI technique, we report a
spatiotemporal pattern beginning in the cerebellum, pons, and internal capsule; proceeding caudocranially from the splenium of the
corpus callosum and optic radiations (at 3– 4 months); to the occipital and parietal lobes (at 4 – 6 months); and then to the genu of the
corpus callosum and frontal and temporal lobes (at 6 – 8 months). Our results also offer preliminary evidence of hemispheric myelination
rate differences. This work represents a significant step forward in our ability to appreciate the fundamental process of myelination, and
provides the first ever in vivo visualization of myelin maturation in healthy human infancy.
Introduction tion have only been assessed indirectly; and the associations with
The establishment of the lipid myelin bilayer around neuronal learning, social interaction, and other environmental cues re-
axons (myelination) is essential for normal brain function and is main to be established (Johnson and Munakata, 2005). Further,
a cornerstone of human neurodevelopment. The myelin sheath histological analysis is ill-suited to investigating the hypothesized
enables the rapid and synchronized information transfer re- role of abnormal myelination in neurodevelopmental disorders,
quired for coordinated movement, decision-making, and other including autism (Courchesne, 2004), as many of these condi-
higher order cognitive, behavioral, and emotive functions. De- tions are not conclusively diagnosed until later in childhood.
tailed postmortem studies have revealed a pattern of myelination As an adjunct to histology, magnetic resonance imaging
that proceeds from deep to superficial brain regions (Yakovlev (MRI) provides noninvasive visualization of brain maturation
and Leours, 1967; Kinney et al., 1988), in a manner believed to be (Dietrich et al., 1987; Ballesteros et al., 1993; Paus et al., 2001;
consistent with evolving neural systems (Casey et al., 2000). Un- Huang et al., 2006; Leppert et al., 2009), through the gradual
fortunately, postmortem studies do not permit longitudinal in- onset of “adult-like” gray and white matter contrast on T1 and T2
vestigations of healthy neurodevelopment, or provide insight relaxation time-weighted images throughout the first postnatal
into underlying structure–function associations. Consequently, year. This contrast evolution broadly parallels the biophysical
the relationship(s) between myelination and behavioral matura- tissue alterations associated with brain maturation, including
the arrival of myelin precursory macromolecules and proteins; the
appearance of lipids, cholesterol, and other constituents of the
Received April 23, 2010; revised Sept. 8, 2010; accepted Oct. 30, 2010. myelin sheath; and the compartmentalization of free water (Paus
The Wellcome Trust and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council for their ongoing support of the et al., 2001). Further, progressive increases in diffusion anisot-
Centre for Neuroimaging Sciences. Funding was provided by the Medical Research Council (MRC, UK) and the MRC, ropy (the degree to which water diffusion is oriented along a
UK Autism Imaging Study (AIMS) network (G0400061/69344; D.G.M.M., principal investigator), the National Insti-
tute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre for Mental Health at King’s College London, Institute of Psy-
single dominant orientation), as measured by diffusion tensor
chiatry and South London and Maudsley National Health Service Foundation Trust. We also acknowledge the (DT)-MRI, offers additional insight into white matter develop-
generous backing of Autism Speaks and Autistica. S.C.L.D. receives salary support from a Medical Research Council ment, reflecting changes in axonal fiber size, density, tract coher-
Career Development Award (G0800298). ence, as well as membrane structure and permeability (Zhang et
Correspondence should be addressed to Sean C. L. Deoni, Centre for Neuroimaging Sciences, Institute of Psychi-
atry, PO89, De Crespigny Park, Denmark Hill, London SE5 8AF, UK. E-mail: [email protected].
al., 2005; Provenzale et al., 2007). Unfortunately, changes in these
DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2106-10.2011 measures may not be specific to myelin content alteration (Fa-
Copyright © 2011 the authors 0270-6474/11/310784-08$15.00/0 touros et al., 1991; Beaulieu, 2002).
Deoni et al. • Mapping Infant Myelination with MRI J. Neurosci., January 12, 2011 • 31(2):784 –791 • 785
Visualization and quantification of myelination during neu- imaging session, the infant’s heart rate and blood oxygen saturation were
rodevelopment in human infants with MRI, therefore, remains constantly monitored. Only infants delivered after 36 weeks were re-
unapproached, and remains a significant void in our apprecia- cruited for the study. Other recruitment criteria included uncomplicated
tion of neurodevelopment. vaginal birth; no abnormalities on fetal ultrasound; no exposure to alco-
hol or illicit drugs during pregnancy; no familial history of learning,
Here we present a preliminary first in vivo report of myelina-
psychiatric, or depressive illness; and no preexisting neurological condi-
tion in healthy human infancy. Using a new, myelin-specific, tions (i.e., stroke at birth) or major head trauma.
MRI technique, we noninvasively measure myelin content Informed parental consent was obtained in accordance with ethics
throughout the brains of healthy infants between 3 and 11 approval from the local Institutional Review Board.
months of age; reconstructing average myelination trajectories A constant 17.3 ⫻ 17.3 ⫻ 13 cm 3 sagittally oriented field of view with
across different brain regions. Analysis of these data reveals a 96 ⫻ 96 ⫻ 72 imaging matrix was used, providing a voxel volume of
spatiotemporal sequence of myelination that closely mirrors 1.8 ⫻ 1.8 ⫻ 1.8 mm 3. The SPGR and SSFP data were acquired with the
prior postmortem reports. Further, comparison of these trajec- following sequence-specific parameters: SPGR, echo time (TE)/repeti-
tories in bilateral brain regions provides preliminary evidence for tion time (TR)/flip angles ⫽ 4.1 ms/11.2 ms/{3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11 and 14}°;
hemispheric myelination rate differences in the temporal, occip- receiver bandwidth ⫽ 93 Hz/voxel; and SSFP, TE/TR/flip angles ⫽ 5.6
ms/11.2 ms/{14, 20, 25, 30, 37, 46, 58 and 80}°; receiver bandwidth ⫽ 244
ital, and parietal white matter regions. The described data and
Hz/voxel. Two sets of SSFP data were acquired with phase-cycling incre-
imaging technique, therefore, provide a crucial first step toward ments 0° and 180° to allow for correction of main magnetic field (off-
relating structural maturation with functional, cognitive, and be- resonance) artifacts (Deoni, 2009a).
havioral evolution. To minimize acquisition time, half k-space (with 16 overscan lines)
and parallel acquisition (reduction factor of 2) were used. Scan time for
Materials and Methods each SPGR and SSFP image was 26 s, for a total imaging time of 10 min.
To minimize acoustic noise, the scanner bore was insulated with
Currently, the most direct means of quantifying myelin content in vivo
sound attenuating foam (Ultra Barrier, American Micro Industries).
using MRI is through multicomponent relaxation (MCR) analysis (Me-
Minimuff ear pads (Natus Medical) and pediatric ear protectors (MR
non et al., 1991; Whittall et al., 1997; Beaulieu et al., 1998). Briefly, MCR
Confon) were placed on the infant. A Med-Vac Infant Immobilization
analysis aims to decompose the measured MRI signal into contributions
bag (CFI Medical Solutions) provided neck support and restricted head
from distinct microanatomic water compartments. Due to differing bio-
movement. The gradient switching rate and maximum gradient ampli-
physical and biochemical environments, water protons in each compart-
tude were reduced to 35% (53 mT/m/s) and 75% (30 mT/m) of maxi-
ment exhibit unique T1 and T2 relaxation properties and provide distinct
mum, respectively. Sound levels at the center of the scanner bore were
signal signatures. The measured MRI signal, therefore, is a volume-
measured at 52 dB for SPGR and 68 dB for SSFP, well below established
weighted summation of the individual compartment signals. Through
FDA guidelines of 99 dB.
multicomponent curve fitting and analysis, these individual signals can
be separated, allowing each compartment’s relaxation times and water
volume fractions to be estimated. Image analysis
Within brain parenchyma, MCR analysis has reliably revealed the Preprocessing and myelin map calculation. Following acquisition, the 8
presence of two water subdomains: a slow relaxing species attributed to SPGR and 16 SSFP images comprising each infant’s dataset were linearly
the free intra- and extracellular water, and a faster relaxing species asso- coregistered to account for subtle intrasession head movement (Jen-
ciated with water protons trapped between the lipid bilayers of the myelin kinson et al., 2002). Nonbrain parenchyma signal was removed from
sheath. These assignments are based on histological correlation studies each image using an automated deformable model approach (Smith,
(Webb et al., 2003; Stanisz et al., 2004), and investigations of the myelin 2002) refined with manual editing. Voxelwise maps of T1, T2, and
water volume fraction (MWF) in de- and dysmyelination animal models, MWF were derived from the data using DESPOT (Deoni et al., 2005)
as well as in human demyelinating disorders such as multiple sclerosis and mcDESPOT (Deoni et al., 2008) processing.
(MS) (Beaulieu et al., 1998; Gareau et al., 2000; Laule et al., 2006). The Data coregistration and visualization. To compare the cross-sectional
MWF has been shown to correlate strongly with histological estimates of data and reconstruct regional and voxelwise myelination trajectories,
myelin content (Webb et al., 2003; Laule et al., 2006, 2008) and has been each infant’s MWF map was first nonlinearly coregistered to a custom
shown to be a more apt marker of myelin content compared with frac- study template. To create this template, each infant’s high flip angle
tional anisotropy (Mädler et al. 2008) or magnetization transfer imaging T1-weighted SPGR image was nonlinearly registered to the 184 d-old
estimates (Gareau et al., 2000), since it is insensitive to confounding infant. All registered images were then averaged and the result was
processes, including complex tissue microarchitecture or crossing fibers, smoothed with a 3 mm full-width-at-half-maximum Gaussian kernel.
as well as inflammation or edema. Registration was performed using an automated three-dimensional (3D)
In the present work, we made use a new time-efficient MCR technique, multiscale approach based on mutual information (Collins et al., 1994)
termed multicomponent driven equilibrium single pulse observation and using each infant’s high flip angle SPGR image. The estimated trans-
of T1 and T2 (mcDESPOT) (Deoni et al., 2008), to measure the MWF formation matrix between each infant’s T1-weighted data and the study
throughout the brains of healthy human infants. template was subsequently applied to the associated T1, T2, and MWF
mcDESPOT involves the combined acquisition of T1-weighted spoiled maps. An adult reference dataset (Mazziotta et al., 2001) was also non-
gradient echo (SPGR) and T2/T1-weighted balanced steady-state free linearly registered to the infant template to provide brain region tissue
precession (SSFP) data. These data are then modeled as the summation masks.
of the exchanging myelin and intra/extra cellular water pools, yielding Three-dimensional segmentations of myelinated white matter were
estimates of each pool’s T1, T2, water volume fractions and water resi- calculated by low-pass filtering each infant’s MWF map to remove voxels
dence times (i.e., the average time a proton remains in each pool before with ⬍3.5% MWF. This threshold was arbitrarily chosen as it provided
exchanging to the other). the best visualization of white matter development across the age spec-
trum (i.e. a higher threshold provided no data within the younger in-
Data acquisition fants). An iso-surface was fitted to the remaining voxels using a marching
All scanning was performed during natural sleep (i.e., without sedation) cubes algorithm, and the resulting image was displayed superimposed on
on a clinical 1.5T General Electric Signa Excite MR scanner, equipped the study template.
with an 8-channel head radiofrequency (RF) coil array. Whole-brain, Reconstruction of myelin development trajectories. Using the regis-
isotropically resolved, mcDESPOT data were acquired in 14 healthy in- tered brain region masks, the genu, body, and splenium of the corpus
fants (6 female; 107, 117, 130, 153, 157, 184, 184, 185, 203, 217, 232, 282, callosum; right and left hemisphere internal capsule; and right and
301, and 329 d of age, corrected to a 40 week gestation). Throughout the left hemisphere frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital white matter
786 • J. Neurosci., January 12, 2011 • 31(2):784 –791 Deoni et al. • Mapping Infant Myelination with MRI
Representative coronal and axially reformat-
ted images from the spatially normalized
whole-brain T1 weighted, and quantitative
T1, T2, and MWF maps of the 14 healthy
infants are shown in Figures 1 and 2.
As noted in prior studies (Dietrich et
al., 1987; Ballesteros et al., 1993; Paus et
al., 2001; Huang et al., 2006), the T1-
weighted images reveal a progressive shift
in the gray/white matter contrast across
the age-range, with the images appearing
adult-like by ⬃9 months. However, this
progression of contrast is obstructed by
inconsistent signal intensity variations
across the images. This spatial heteroge-
neity results from the differing placement
of each infant within the multichannel RF
coil array and produces variable gray and
white matter appearance across the im-
ages unrelated to brain development. This
highlights an important challenge in as-
sessing brain maturation solely from con-
ventional T1- or T2-weighted images,
particularly from data acquired with Figure 1. Representative coronal T1-weighted; quantitative T1, quantitative T2, and quantitative MWF images of each imaged
modern multichannel RF coil arrays. infant. The increase in myelin content across the developmental period is readily appreciated in the MWF maps. Images are shown
in radiological convention (viewing left ⫽ anatomical right). The sex of the infant is denoted across the bottom of each panel.
Quantitative calculation of T1 and T2
cleanly removes this RF hardware-related
gions. Our data show myelination beginning in the cerebellum,
heterogeneity, revealing a continuous reduction of T1 and T2 with
pons, and internal capsule. It then proceeds caudocranially to the
age within the gray and, more markedly, white matter. These reduc-
splenium of the corpus callosum and optic radiations (with
tions reflect not only the increased presence of myelin-associated myelin appearing by 150 d); the occipital and parietal lobes
lipids, cholesterol and compositional macromolecules, but are also (myelin appearing by 150 –180 d); to the genu of the corpus
driven by an overall reduction in free water content, increased water callosum and frontal and temporal lobes after 250 d. This
compartmentalization, and increasing paramagnetic iron content spatiotemporal pattern visually mirrors that established in
(Paus et al., 2001; Huang et al., 2006; Leppert et al., 2009; Saito et al., previous histological studies (Yakovlev and Leours, 1967; Kin-
2009). Thus, these progressive changes provide insight into several ney et al., 1988), which have shown myelination of the occip-
concomitant processes of brain maturation. Unfortunately, how- ital and parietal lobes beginning in the fourth to sixth month;
ever, they are not specific indicators of myelin establishment. the corpus callosum in the seventh month; and the frontal lobe
Specific estimates of myelin content are provided by the MWF being among the last regions to mature.
maps, which detail a myelination pattern that spreads from the In comparison with T1 and T2, we note that significant reduc-
primary white matter pathways (i.e., the internal capsule and tions in peripheral gray matter T1, as well as frontal white matter T1,
optic radiations) to superficial white matter and gray matter re- precede myelin content increases in these regions. Changes in T2,
Deoni et al. • Mapping Infant Myelination with MRI J. Neurosci., January 12, 2011 • 31(2):784 –791 • 787
Figure 3. Three-dimensional segmentations of myelinated white matter across the age spectrum superimposed on the study template. Images are shown from a coronal (top) and sagittal
(bottom) perspective with color corresponding to age. 3D segmentations show voxels with at least 3.5% MWF. The spatiotemporal progression from deep white matter (cerebellar, internal capsules)
to superficial regions (optic radiations, corpus callosum and frontal white matter) corresponds with the histologically established sequence of myelination. Data are shown in radiological convention
(viewing left ⫽ anatomical right).
conventional multiple spin-echo MCR approach (Whittall et al., developing areas appear to be mostly in association neocortex,
1997). Although results obtained using mcDESPOT agree rapid myelin development in these areas may provide the biolog-
strongly with spin-echo data in brain and spinal cord (Deoni et ical basis for improved function of these regions, and/or their
al., 2008; Kolind and Deoni, 2010), showing expected reductions responsiveness to external stimuli. Further investigation, incor-
in MWF in MS (Deoni et al., 2008; Deoni, 2009b) and showing porating data from infants at later stages of development, in as-
reductions correlated with disease severity (Kitzler et al., 2010), sociation with metrics of cognitive performance and behavior,
only a single histological study has been performed (Hurley et al., are required to determine the precise relationships between re-
2010). However, results presented herein offer support for the gional variation in brain myelination and cognitive development.
validity of the technique. The temporal similarity of the imaging Regardless of the underlying mechanism for these maturational
results and prior postmortem trends, as well as the absence of differences, hemispheric asymmetry was observed; with the left
MWF in areas known to be devoid of myelin in the youngest hemisphere displaying earlier myelination than the right, but with
infants, suggest a strong specificity of mcDESPOT to myelin. opposing differences in the cerebellum (i.e., the right cerebellum and
However, further investigations using animal demyelination left cerebral white matter exhibit slower myelination relative to the
models will strengthen our conclusions. left cerebellum/right cerebrum). How this structural and develop-
Of the various maturational processes that occur during neu- mental asymmetry corresponds with functional lateralization re-
rodevelopment, the formation of the myelin sheath is of particu- mains a topic for future investigations. However, it is tempting to
lar relevance to studies investigating structural associations with speculate that the observed temporal lobe asymmetry is associated
cognitive and behavioral evolution. Myelinating regions are be- with the increased auditory brain activity in this region reported by
lieved to temporally and spatially correspond with the developing functional MRI and electroencephalography (EEG) studies (De-
neuronal systems underlying neurological and behavioral func- haene et al., 1997). It should be stressed, however, that this is obser-
tions (Yakovlev and Leours, 1967; Casey et al., 2000; Johnson and vation stems from a single set of cross-section data. Data from
Munakata, 2005). To this end, our work represents a crucial step additional infants is required before any conclusive statements re-
toward enabling future studies which, for example, examine the garding hemispheric differences may be made.
development of these discrete neuronal systems; and, further, Quantitative myelin imaging with mcDESPOT represents a
how abnormalities in myelination may result in observed clinical substantive new avenue for investigating brain maturation and
symptoms or deficits. Abnormalities in brain myelination likely will enable more sensitive and specific examinations of white
also result in aberrant brain “connectivity,” which is increasingly matter maturation than are presently possible. The noninvasive
hypothesized to underlie numerous neurological and psychiatric nature of the technique readily facilitates future longitudinal
disorders, including autism and schizophrenia (Hughes, 2007; studies of individual developmental differences and will enable
Bassett and Bullmore, 2009). Despite the cross-sectional nature predictive studies (e.g., how early myelin content and cognitive
of our study, and the relatively small sample size, the study serves performance predicts later development), as well as behavioral,
to illustrate the potential for comparing myelination trajectories functional and epigenetic association studies.
in typically developing and at-risk individuals. This represents an
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