Compare and Contrast

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Spending money on education and spending money on

fun are both beneficial but they are different. First is
spending money on education helps us to increase our
knowledge to be educated. It is a weapon to improve
everyone’s life. Additional to that, education forms our
character, strengthens our skills, and make us independent. A
good education is a foundation for a better future. On the
other hand spending money on fun makes you feel happy
because going out shopping or travelling will make you
forget your struggles in your life. You will also feel good for
treating yourself although spending money on fun can also be
bad if you can’t control on how much you spend. Always
remember that It’s not how much money you make, but how
much money you keep. Nevertheless spend your money
wisely and use it on what matters the most. 


Procrastination is one of the biggest challenge that
every students are facing right now. It is  when you choose to
do something else instead of the important task that you
should doing. As a student, one of the reasons of
procrastinations is distractions. We tend to focus on browsing
in social media, playing videogames, watching netflix or
korean drama, hanging out with friends that lead us to
postponing our school works. Second reason is when students
are lack of motivation, we choose to do something else
because we lose interest and we became lazy. In
consequence, students may not submit their requirements on
time, they will skip their food just to finished the activities
that were assigned or they will stay late at night because of
the overload unfinished tasks.Due to this students can feel
frustrated and stress. There is also a possibility that they will
get sick. Overall, manage your time well.


Corona virus disease (covid19) pandemic is one of

the current issues that our society is facing right now.
According to wikipedia, The virus that causes COVID-19 is
mainly transmitted through droplets generated when an
infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales. These droplets
are too heavy to hang in the air, and quickly fall on floors or
surfaces. In solution to reduce it spread, preventive measures
and safety protocols are  implemented because vaccinations
is not yet ready for distributions. One of the safety protocols
is to always wear facemask and faceshield whenever you’re
going out and always bring alcohol. Second is to stay away
atleast 6 feet from others who don’t live with you. Third is to
always check your temperature and monitor your health. It is
important to follow these protocols so that we can prevent the
spread of the covid 19. Keep in mind that prevention is
always better than cure.

Life is an amazing roller coaster ride. Everyone may

experiencing stress, sadness or disappointments right now
due to different reasons like family problems, academic
problems, failure, anxiety, depression and the like but I
believe that this is not the end. No matter what life throws us
you must keep going. There is something more that awaits
from you. Maybe we need to experience these challenges to
learned a lesson and to know how far can we go. It’s alright
if you’re not happy and positive right now, you need to feel
your emotions and let it pass naturally. Take your time to
breathe. You’ve survived all the hardships before, I believe in
you. I know that it may be diffucult right now and things can
easily go wrong in a snap but always  think about what can
go right. Failure is part of our growth and it’s gives us a
lesson. It’s fine if you feel that way, we are all different and
your feelings are valid I understand you. This may be a tough
time but always remember that you are not alone.


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