DCW - Cogen Power Plant - Consent To Operate (Air)

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Proceedings No.T10/TNPCB/F-1383/TKD/RL/A/2010 Dated 17.05.2010

Consent for Existing operation of the plant under Section 21 of the Air (Prevention and
Control of Pollution) Act, 1981.


CONSENT – M/s. DCW LIMITED (Co-generation Power Plant),
S.No.136, part of 123, 132, 133 & 135, Kayalpattinam Village,
Tiruchendur Taluk, Thoothukudi District - for the Existing operation of
the plant under Section 21 of the Air (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act, 1981.

Ref: 1. Proc. No.T10/TNPCB/F-1383/TKD/RL/A/09 Dated 24.06.2009.

2. R.I.R. No.TTN-0042/RL/DEE/TTN/2010 Dated 06.04.2010.

CONSENT is hereby granted under Section 21 of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution)
Act, 1981 (Central Act, 14 of 1981) (herein after to as ‘The Act’) and the rules and orders
made there under to

The Vice President (Works),

M/s. DCW Limited,
(Co-generation Power Plant),
S.No.136, part of 123, 132, 133 & 135,
Kayalpattinam Village,
Tiruchendur Taluk,
Thoothukudi District.

(herein after referred to as “The Applicant”) authorising him to operate his industrial plant in
the Air Pollution Control area as notified by the Government and to continue to make existing
discharge of emissions from the stacks / chimneys.

This is subject to the provisions of the Act and the rules and order made there under
and further subject to the terms and conditions incorporated under the Special and General
conditions stipulated in the Consent Order issued in this office Proceedings cited above and
subject to the following conditions.

1. The unit shall remit the balance arrear Consent Fees.

2. The unit shall operate and maintain the Air Pollution Control measures continuously
and efficiently to satisfy the revised Ambient Air Quality standards prescribed in the
MOEF Notification dated 16.11.2009 and the emission standards prescribed by the
Board (copy enclosed).

The CONSENT is valid for the period ending 31.03.2011

(Thirty First March Two Thousand and Eleven)

Sd./- xxxxx


The Vice President (Works),

M/s. DCW Limited,
(Co-generation Power Plant),
Sahupuram – 628 229,
Thoothukudi District.

Copy to:

1. The District Environmental Engineer,

Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board,
Thoothukudi District.

2. The Executive Officer,

Kayalpattinam III Grade Municipality,
Thoothukudi District.

3. BMS.

4. Technical File.

/Forwarded by Order/

for Chairman.


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