Subject: English For Academic and Professional Purposes Grade Level: Grade 11 Prepared By: Teacher Joseph Ryann J. Jalagat
Subject: English For Academic and Professional Purposes Grade Level: Grade 11 Prepared By: Teacher Joseph Ryann J. Jalagat
Subject: English For Academic and Professional Purposes Grade Level: Grade 11 Prepared By: Teacher Joseph Ryann J. Jalagat
ESSENTIAL The learner The learner 1. forms opinions U Analyzing Answer Communica Outcomes
TOPIC #2 understands produces an based on facts. Worksh tion from the
the principles objective eet material
Writing the and uses of a assessment of an viewed
Reaction reaction paper/ event, a person, a (Game)
Paper/Review/ review/ critique place or a thing.
Critique Foundation
writes a 2. cites specific U Analyzing Researc Communica Building
comprehensive sources to h tion (Game)/
review /reaction support claims. Activity Tsismis
paper Time
Performance (Gossip
Arts, Play, Dance, Time)
Sports, etc.
Film Lecture –
Participation in 3. present ideas U Analyzing Writin Communica Discussion
a religious or convincingly. g tion
community Prom Graphic
festival 4. uses the U Analyzing Compar pts Communica Organizer/
Art Exhibit appropriate e and tion Lecture –
language for a Contrast Discussion
critiques designs specific discipline Martix
such as industrial Logical
design objects or 5. raises U Evaluating Plead Reasoning Debate
craft objects, legitimate, Discu and Proof
furniture, fashion contrary views in ssion
designs based on an appropriate
a set criteria manner
critiques graphic 6. uses U Analyzing Answer Communica Analysis/
design appropriate Worksh tion Quescussio
communication critical eet n
materials such as approaches* in
posters, writing a critique
billboards, such as
commercials, formalism,
digital and other feminism, etc.
media. Writing
7. applies the D Creating In- Problem Prompts/
principles of conte Solving Peer Review
writing effective xt
reviews and Writin
critiques. g
se Writing
8. writes an D Creating In- Problem Peer Review
objective/balance conte Solving
d review or xt
critique of a work Writin
of art, an event or g
a program. Activit
ESSENTIAL The learner The learner 1. defines what a U Analyzing Answer Obje Communica Approach
TOPIC #3 understands produces a well- concept paper is. Worksh ctive tion
the principles balanced concept eet Type Research
Writing Concept and uses of a paper in a / Reading/
Paper concept paper. specific discipline. Ope Discussion
2. determines the U Applying n- Brains Connection
ways a writer can ende tormin
elucidate on a d g/
concept by Que Rese
definition, stion arch
explication and s Readi Situational
clarification. ng Analysis/
3. identifies U Applying Constru LEAD Connection Time
situations in cted paper (Activity)
which a concept Respon (writin
paper may be se g
effectively used to activit
improve our y) Silent
society. Reading